CEPR Discussion Papers
From C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers Centre for Economic Policy Research, 33 Great Sutton Street, London EC1V 0DX. Bibliographic data for series maintained by (repec@cepr.org). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 2513: The Demand for Private Medical Insurance in the UK: A Cohort Analysis
- Carol Propper and Hedley Rees
- 2512: Measuring Income Risk
- Simon Burgess, Stephen Jenkins, Carol Propper and Karin Gardiner
- 2511: The Transfer Problem Revisited: Net Foreign Assets and Real Exchange Rates
- Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti and Philip Lane
- 2510: The Euro as an International Currency: Explaining Puzzling First Evidence
- Michael Moore, Harald Hau and William Killeen
- 2509: The Generalized Dynamic Factor Model: Representation Theory
- Marco Lippi and Mario Forni
- 2508: The Monetary Transmission Mechanism: Evidence from the Industries of Five OECD Countries
- Francesco Lippi and Luca Dedola
- 2507: An Interest Rate Defence of a Fixed Exchange Rate?
- Robert Flood and Olivier Jeanne
- 2506: Gender, Salary and Promotion in the Academic Profession
- Melanie Ward-Warmedinger
- 2505: Public Trading and Private Incentives
- Denis Gromb and Antoine Faure-Grimaud
- 2504: Excessive continuation and Dynamic Agency Costs of Debt
- Antoine Faure-Grimaud and Décamps, Jean Paul
- 2503: Subjective Discount Factors
- Thomas Mariotti and Erzo Luttmer
- 2502: Hit Twice? Danish Evidence on the Double-Negative Effect on the Wages of Immigrant Women
- Nina Smith, Michael Rosholm and Helena Nielsen
- 2501: Law Enforcement and Transition
- Gérard Roland and Thierry Verdier
- 2500: Unemployment Duration and Exit States in Britain
- Mark Taylor and Böheim, René
- 2499: Inflation Forecast Uncertainty
- Söderlind, Paul
- 2498: Productivity Differences
- Daron Acemoglu and Fabrizio Zilibotti
- 2497: Inequality and Mobility
- Joseph Zeira, John Hassler and RodrÃguez Mora, José V
- 2496: Games for Central Bankers: Markets vs. Politics in Public Policy Decisions
- Alessandra Casella
- 2495: Centralized versus Decentralized Provision of Local Public Goods: a Political Economy Analysis
- Timothy Besley and Stephen Coate
- 2494: Combining Micro and Macro Unemployment Duration Data
- Gerard van den Berg and Bas van der Klaauw
- 2493: Earnings Inequality, Returns to Education and Immigration into Ireland
- Brian Nolan, John Fitz Gerald and Alan Barrett
- 2492: Does the Recent Success of some OECD Countries in Lowering their Unemployment Rates lie in the Clever Design of their Labour Ma
- Jan van Ours and Michèle Belot
- 2491: Public and Private Provision of Health Care
- Xavier Martinez-Giralt and Pedro Barros
- 2490: Unemployment Dynamics, Duration and Equilibrium: Evidence from Britain
- Simon Burgess and Hélène Turon
- 2489: Waiting Times for Hospital Admissions: the Impact of GP Fundholding
- Carol Propper, Bronwyn Croxson and Arran Shearer
- 2488: Capture of Bankruptcy: Theory and Evidence from Russia
- Ekaterina Zhuravskaya, Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky and Konstantin Sonin
- 2487: Language Proficiency and Labour Market Performance of Immigrants in the UK
- Christian Dustmann and Francesca Fabbri
- 2486: Who Gains when Workers Train? Training and Corporate Productivity in a Panel of British Industries
- John van Reenen, Lorraine Dearden and Howard Reed
- 2485: Agricultural Productivity Growth and Escape from the Malthusian Trap
- Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Alexia and Kögel, Tomas
- 2484: Has the Introduction of Bookbuilding Increased the Efficiency of International IPOs?
- Tim Jenkinson, Alexander Ljungqvist and William J Wilhelm
- 2483: Selling Company Shares to Reluctant Employees: France Télécom's Experience
- Francois Degeorge, Peter Tufano, Dirk Jenter and Alberto Moel
- 2482: Special Interest Politics and Aid Fungibility
- Sajal Lahiri and Pascalis Raimondos
- 2481: Reciprocity Across Modes of Supply in the WTO: A Negotiating Formula
- Aaditya Mattoo and Marcelo Olarreaga
- 2480: Deepening of Regional Integration and Multilateral Trade Agreements
- L. Winters, Eric Bond and Constantinos Syropoulos
- 2479: Do Interventions Smooth Interest Rates?
- Andreas Fischer
- 2478: Austria's Hard-Currency Policy: The Mechanics of Successful Exchange-Rate Peg
- Andreas Fischer and Michael Dueker
- 2477: Maintenance, Utilization, and Depreciation along the Business Cycle
- Tryphon Kollintzas and Fabrice Collard
- 2476: The Trade and Labour Approaches to Wage Inequality
- Jonathan Haskel
- 2475: The Nonlinear Dynamics of Output and Unemployment in the US
- Filippo Altissimo and Giovanni Violante
- 2474: General Purpose Technology and Within-Group Inequality
- Peter Howitt, Philippe Aghion and Giovanni Violante
- 2473: Sectors and the OECD Business Cycle
- Jean Imbs
- 2472: Job Creation, Job Destruction, and the International Division of Labour
- Marion Jansen and Alessandro Turrini
- 2471: Multinational Corporations, Wages and Employment: Do Adjustment Costs Matter?
- Anna M Falzoni and Giovanni Bruno
- 2470: The Choice and Timing of Foreign Market Entry under Uncertainty
- Leo Sleuwaegen and Enrico Pennings
- 2469: Does FDI Work as a Channel for R&D Spillovers? Evidence Based on Swedish Data
- Karen Helene Ulltveit-Moe, Karolina Ekholm and Henrik Braconier
- 2468: On the Welfare Effects of Competition for Foreign Direct Investments
- Chiara Fumagalli
- 2467: Vertical Industry Linkages: Sources Of Productivity Gains And Cumulative Causation
- Karen Helene Ulltveit-Moe and Frode Steen
- 2466: Human Capital In Growth Regressions: How Much Difference Does Data Quality Make?
- Angel de La Fuente and Rafael Domenech
- 2465: Convergence Across Countries And Regions: Theory And Empirics
- Angel de La Fuente
- 2464: Rent Seeking/Corruption And Growth: A Simple Model
- Tryphon Kollintzas and George-Marios Angeletos
- 2463: Restructuring And Productivity Growth In UK Manufacturing
- Jonathan Haskel, Richard F Disney and Ylva Heden
- 2462: A Model Of Market-Enhancing Infrastructure
- Philippe Aghion and Mark Schankerman
- 2461: The Euro and International Capital Markets
- Philipp Hartmann and Carsten Detken
- 2460: Macroeconomic Stabilization: Fixed Exchange Rates Vs Inflation Targeting Vs Price Level Targeting
- Vivek Dehejia and Nicholas Rowe
- 2459: Merger Policies And Trade Liberalization
- Henrik Horn and James Levinsohn
- 2458: Liquidity Constraints, Production Costs And Output Decisions
- Paul Povel and Michael Raith
- 2457: Mapping The Two Faces Of R&D: Productivity Growth In A Panel Of OECD Industries
- John van Reenen, Rachel Griffith and Stephen Redding
- 2456: The US Social Security: A Financial Appraisal For The Median Voter
- Vincenzo Galasso
- 2455: Racial Beliefs, Location And The Causes Of Crime
- Thierry Verdier and Yves Zenou
- 2454: Monetary Policy In The Open Economy Revisited: Price Setting Rules And Exchange Rate Flexibility
- Charles Engel and Michael Devereux
- 2453: Banking Crises and Bank Rescues: The Role of Reputation
- Jenny Corbett and Janet Mitchell
- 2452: The Role Of The Minimum Wage In The Welfare State: An Appraisal
- Juan Dolado, Juan F Jimeno and Florentino Felgueroso
- 2451: The Impact Of Active Labour Market Policies And Benefit Entitlement Rules On The Duration Of Unemployment
- Jan van Ours, Zweimüller, Josef and Rafael Lalive
- 2450: Output And Unemployment Dynamics In Transition
- Vivek Dehejia and Douglas Dwyer
- 2449: Barter For Price Discrimination?
- Sergei Guriev and Dmitriy Kvasov
- 2448: Exchange Rate And Foreign Inflation Risk Premiums In Global Equity Returns
- Maria Vassalou
- 2447: Punitive Sanctions and the Transition Rate From Welfare to Work
- Jan van Ours, Gerard van den Berg and Bas van der Klaauw
- 2446: Tax And Education Policy In A Heterogeneous Agent Economy: What Levels Of Redistribution Maximize Growth And Efficiency?
- Bénabou, Roland
- 2445: Employer Learning And The Returns To Schooling
- Thomas Bauer and John P Haisken-DeNew
- 2444: Competition And Firm Performance: Lessons From Russia
- J. David Brown and John Earle
- 2443: A Multi-Task Principal-Agent Approach to Organizational Form
- Régibeau, Pierre, Katharine Rockett and David Besanko
- 2442: An Empirical Evaluation Of The Determinants Of Research Joint Venture Formation
- Georges Siotis, MarÃn Uribe, Pedro Luis and Hernán, Roberto
- 2441: Asymmetries In Monetary Policy Rules: Evidence For Four Central Banks
- Juan Dolado, MarÃa-Dolores, Ramón and Manuel Naveira Barrero
- 2440: The Evolution of Markets Under Entry and Standards Regulation - The Case of Global Mobile Telecommunications
- Harald Gruber and Frank Verboven
- 2439: Collateral Vs. Project Screening: A Model Of Lazy Banks
- Michael Manove, Jorge Padilla and Marco Pagano
- 2438: Evaluating The Persistence And Structuralist Theories Of Unemployment
- Gylfi Zoega, Jerry Coakley and Ana-Maria Fuertes
- 2437: Agriculture, Developing Countries, And The WTO Millennium Round
- Kym Anderson
- 2436: The Morning After: Explaining The Slowdown In Japanese Growth In The 1990s
- Tamim Bayoumi
- 2435: A Peek Inside The Black Box: The Monetary Transmission Mechanism In Japan
- Tamim Bayoumi and James Morsink
- 2434: Corruption And Competition In Public Market Auctions
- Thierry Verdier, Olivier Compte and Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky
- 2433: Inequality And Group Participation: Theory And Evidence From Rural Tanzania
- Eliana La Ferrara
- 2432: Barter In Transition Economies: Competing Explanations Confront Ukrainian Data
- Dalia Marin, Daniel Kaufmann and Bogdan Gorochowskij
- 2431: Why Do People Still Live In East Germany?
- Jennifer Hunt
- 2430: Immigrant Assimilation And Welfare Participation: Do Immigrants Assimilate Into Or Out Of Welfare?
- Jorgen Hansen and Löfström, Magnus
- 2429: Strategic Recruiting And The Chain Of Command
- Guido Friebel and Michael Raith
- 2428: Continuous Training In Germany
- Jorn-Steffen Pischke
- 2427: The Bail-In Problem: Systematic Goals, Ad Hoc Means
- Barry Eichengreen and Christoph Ruehl
- 2426: Natural Rate Doubts
- Roger Farmer
- 2425: Size Distortions Of Tests Of The Null Hypothesis Of Stationarity: Evidence And Implications For The PPP Debate
- Lutz Kilian and Mehmet Caner
- 2424: Measuring Predictability: Theory And Macroeconomic Applications
- Francis Diebold and Lutz Kilian
- 2423: Will EMU Increase Eurosclerosis?
- Samuel Bentolila and Gilles Saint-Paul
- 2422: Government Cash Transfers, Household Consumption, And Poverty Alleviation - The Case Of Russia
- Kaspar Richter
- 2421: Financial Contracting Theory Meets The Real World: An Empirical Analysis Of Venture Capital Contracts
- Steven Kaplan and Strömberg, Per
- 2420: Regulation And Labour Market Performance
- Tito Boeri, Stefano Scarpetta and Giuseppe Nicoletti
- 2419: Female Labour Supply, Flexibility Of Working Hours, And Job Mobility
- Rob Euwals
- 2418: Unions And The Labour Market For Managers
- Jorn-Steffen Pischke, John DiNardo and Kevin Hallock
- 2417: Collateral, Renegotiation And The Value Of Diffusely Held Debt
- Pierre Mella-Barral and Ulrich Hege
- 2416: Strategic Trading And Learning About Liquidity
- Sven Rady and Harrison Hong
- 2415: Do R&D Credits Work? Evidence From A Panel Of Countries 1979-97
- John van Reenen, Rachel Griffith and Nicholas Bloom
- 2414: Social Harmony At The Boundaries Of The Welfare State: Immigrants And Social Transfers
- Arye Hillman and Gil Epstein
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