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CEPR Discussion Papers

From C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Centre for Economic Policy Research, 33 Great Sutton Street, London EC1V 0DX.

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17427: Religious Barriers to Birth Control Access Downloads
Olivier Marie and Esmee Zwiers
17426: The End of Market Discipline? Investor Expectations of Implicit Government Guarantees Downloads
Viral Acharya, Deniz Anginer and A. Joseph Warburton
17425: The Value of Choice - Evidence from an Incentivized Survey Experiment Downloads
Grüner, Hans Peter and Rohde, Linnéa Marie
17424: The Power of Connections: Colonialism, Nationalism, and Corporate Performance in Egypt, 1890 - 1950 Downloads
Cihan Artunç and Mohamed Saleh
17423: Investing with the Government: A Field Experiment in China Downloads
Emanuele Colonnelli, Bo Li and Ernest Liu
17422: Gender Gaps in Academia: Global Evidence over the Twentieth Century Downloads
Alessandro Iaria, Carlo Schwarz and Fabian Waldinger
17421: Firm-level Technological Change and Skill Demand Downloads
Attila Lindner, Balazs Murakozy, Balazs Reizer and Ragnhild Schreiner
17420: Shattered Housing Downloads
Jonas Happel, Yigitcan Karabulut, Schäfer, Larissa and Selale Tuzel
17419: Worker Runs Downloads
Florian Hoffmann and Vladimir Vladimirov
17418: Negotiating Compensation Downloads
Florian Hoffmann and Vladimir Vladimirov
17417: Hedge Fund Performance: A Quantitative Survey Downloads
Fan Yang, Tomas Havranek, Zuzana Irsova and Jiri Novak
17416: Missing girls in Liberal Italy, 1861-1921 Downloads
Beltrán Tapia, Francisco and Gabriele Cappelli
17415: The Impact of Foreign Sanctions on Firm Performance in Russia Downloads
Luu Duc Toan Huynh, Khanh Hoang and Steven Ongena
17414: The Long-Run Development Impacts of Agricultural Productivity Gains: Evidence from Irrigation Canals in India Downloads
Sam Asher, Alison Campion, Douglas Gollin and Paul Novosad
17413: When two experts are better than one: The example of shareholder voting Downloads
Berno Buechel, Lydia Mechtenberg and Alexander Wagner
17412: Cultural Origins of Investment Behavior Downloads
Andreas Ek, Gunes Gokmen and Kaveh Majlesi
17411: People Are Less Risk-Averse than Economists Think Downloads
Ali Elminejad , Tomas Havranek and Zuzana Irsova
17410: Measuring Brexit Uncertainty: A Machine Learning and Textual Analysis Approach Downloads
Wanyu Chung, Duiyi Dai and Robert Elliott
17409: Armington Elasticities and the Third-Country Effects of Trade Wars Downloads
Wei Li, Bin Qiu, Zi Wang, Yanbo Zeng and Yuan Zi
17408: Politics at Work Downloads
Emanuele Colonnelli, Valdemar Pinho Neto and Edoardo Teso
17407: The Central Bank, the Treasury, or the Market: Which One Determines the Price Level? Downloads
Barthélemy, Jean, Eric Mengus and Guillaume Plantin
17406: The Subjective Inflation Expectations of Households and Firms: Measurement, Determinants, and Implications Downloads
Michael Weber, Francesco D'Acunto, Yuriy Gorodnichenko and Olivier Coibion
17405: Investment and Patent Licensing in the Value Chain Downloads
Gerard Llobet and Damien Neven
17404: The Sale of Data: Learning Synergies Before M&As Downloads
Antoine Dubus and Patrick Legros
17403: Cyber Risk and Security Investment Downloads
Toni Ahnert, Michael Brolley, David Cimon and Ryan Riordan
17402: The Political Polarization of Corporate America Downloads
Vyacheslav Fos, Elisabeth Kempf and Margarita Tsoutsoura
17401: Market Effects of Sponsored Search Auctions Downloads
Massimo Motta and Antonio Penta
17400: Startup Types and Macroeconomic Performance in Europe Downloads
Ralph De Haas, Vincent Sterk and Neeltje Van Horen
17399: Search Costs and Diminishing Sensitivity Downloads
Heiko Karle, Florian Kerzenmacher, Heiner Schumacher and Frank Verboven
17398: The Causal Effects of Education on Age at Marriage and Marital Fertility Downloads
Neil Cummins
17397: Excess Savings and Twin Deficits: The Transmission of Fiscal Stimulus in Open Economies Downloads
Rishabh Aggarwal, Adrien Auclert, Matthew Rognlie and Ludwig Straub
17396: Deep historical roots, culture choice and the ‘New World Order’ Downloads
Marcus Miller
17395: International trade spillovers from domestic COVID-19 lockdowns Downloads
Shekhar Aiyar, Davide Malacrino, Adil Mohommad and Andrea Presbitero
17394: Preferred Habitat and Monetary Policy Through the Looking-Glass Downloads
Giacomo Carboni and Martin Ellison
17393: Health and Economic Growth: Reconciling the Micro and Macro Evidence Downloads
David Bloom, David Canning, Rainer Kotschy, Klaus Prettner and Schünemann, Johannes
17392: Microfoundations of Low-Frequency High-Impact Decisions Downloads
Alfonso Gambardella, Arnaldo Camuffo, Fabio Maccheroni, Massimo Marinacci and Andrea Pignataro
17391: Estimating Nonlinear Heterogeneous Agents Models with Neural Networks Downloads
Hanno Kase, Leonardo Melosi and Matthias Rottner
17390: Monetary Mystique and the Fed’s Path Toward Increased Transparency Downloads
Lars E.O. Svensson
17389: The impact of mechanisation on wages and employment: evidence from the diffusion of steam power Downloads
Leonardo Ridolfi, Carla Salvo and Jacob Weisdorf
17388: COVID-19 vaccine supply chains and the Defense Production Act Downloads
Chad Bown
17387: Using Equity Market Reactions to Infer Exposure to Trade Liberalization Downloads
Anew Greenland, Mihai Ion, John Lopresti and Peter Schott
17386: A shot at economic prosperity: Long-term effects of India’s childhood immunization program on earnings and consumption expend Downloads
Amit Summan, Arindam Nandi and David Bloom
17385: Global Innovation and Knowledge Diffusion Downloads
Nelson Lind and Natalia Ramondo
17384: Did the global financial crisis and the pandemic induce persistent deflation avoidance in major central banks? Downloads
Alex Cukierman
17383: The Research University, Invention, and Industry: Evidence from German History Downloads
Jeremiah Dittmar and Ralf Meisenzahl
17382: Organizational Dynamics: Culture, Design, and Performance Downloads
Timothy Besley and Torsten Persson
17381: Global Stagflation Downloads
Jongrim Ha, Ayhan Kose and Franziska Ohnsorge
17380: Fighting Populism on Its Own Turf: Experimental Evidence Downloads
Vincenzo Galasso, Massimo Morelli, Tommaso Nannicini and Piero Stanig
17379: Validating DSGE Models through Dynamic Factor Models Downloads
Mario Forni, Luca Gambetti, Marco Lippi and Luca Sala
17378: Where Do We Stand With “Whatever It Takes†? Downloads
Karl Whelan
17377: The Returns to Face-to-Face Interactions: Knowledge Spillovers in Silicon Valley Downloads
David Atkin, Keith Chen and Anton Popov
17376: Temporary Layoffs, Loss-of-Recall, and Cyclical Unemployment Dynamics Downloads
Mark Gertler, Christopher Huckfledt and Antonella Trigari
17375: Does Information Affect Homophily? Downloads
Yana Gallen and Melanie Wasserman
17374: College Openings and Local Economic Development Downloads
Francesco Berlingieri, Christina Gathmann and Matthias Quinckhardt
17373: Gender Differences in STEM Persistence after Graduation Downloads
Judith Delaney and Paul Devereux
17372: Marketing Investment and Intangible Brand Capital Downloads
Bart Bronnenberg, Jean-Pierre Dube and Chad Syverson
17371: The Regional Development Trap in Europe Downloads
Andreas Diemer, Simona Iammarino, Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés and Michael Storper
17370: Relative Investor Sentiment Measurement Downloads
Xiang Gao, Kees Koedijk, Thomas Walther and Zhan Wang
17369: Explaining Deviations from Okun's Law Downloads
Claudia Foroni and Francesco Furlanetto
17368: Greenhouse Gas Mitigation and Price-driven Growth in a Baumol-Solow-Swan Economy Downloads
Michael Burda and Leopold Zessner-Spitzenberg
17367: Private Monopoly and Restricted Entry - Evidence from the Notary Profession Downloads
Frank Verboven and Biliana Yontcheva
17366: Historical Newspaper Data: A Researcher's Guide and Toolkit Downloads
Brian Beach and W Hanlon
17365: Is Hospital Quality Predictive of Pandemic Deaths? Evidence from US Counties Downloads
Johannes Kunz and Carol Propper
17364: (Machine) Learning What Policies Value Downloads
Daniel Björkegren, Joshua Blumenstock and Samsun Knight
17363: Advising the management: A theory of shareholder engagement Downloads
Ali Kakhbod, Uliana Loginova, Andrey Malenko and Nadya Malenko
17362: European Funds and Firm Performance: Evidence from a Natural Experiment Downloads
Mesquita Gabriel, José, João Pereira Dos Santos and Tavares, José
17361: Policy-Making, Trust and the Demand for Public Services: Evidence from a Mass Sterilizations Campaign Downloads
Gianmarco Leon-Ciliotta, Dijana Zejcirovic and Fernández Bazán, Fernando
17360: Myopic Fiscal Objectives and Long-Run Monetary Efficiency Downloads
Gaetano Gaballo and Eric Mengus
17359: The political economy of financing climate policy – Evidence from the solar PV subsidy programs Downloads
Olivier De Groote, Axel Gautier and Frank Verboven
17358: Social Media Influence Mainstream Media: Evidence from Two Billion Tweets Downloads
Julia Cagé, Hervé, Nicolas and Mazoyer, Béatrice
17357: Debt Sustainability with Involuntary Default Downloads
Fabrice Collard, Michel Habib, Ugo Panizza and Jean Rochet
17356: Low Passthrough from Inflation Expectations to Income Growth Expectations: Why People Dislike Inflation Downloads
Ina Hajdini, Edward Knotek, John Leer, Mathieu Pedemonte, Robert Rich and Raphael Schoenle
17355: Securitization, Covered Bonds and the Risk Taking Behavior of European Banks Downloads
Ahmed Arif, Laura Bottazzi and Sergio Pastorello
17354: The Summer Drop in Female Employment Downloads
Brendan Price and Melanie Wasserman
17353: Suspense and Surprise in Media Product Design: Evidence from Downloads
Andrey Simonov, Raluca Ursu and Carolina Zheng
17352: Structural Change Within versus Across Firms: Evidence from the United States Downloads
Teresa Fort, Xiang Ding, Stephen Redding and Peter Schott
17351: Retailer-led Marketplaces Downloads
Andres Hervas-Drane and Sandro Shelegia
17350: Price Competition with a Stake in your Rival Downloads
Andres Hervas-Drane and Sandro Shelegia
17349: Competing Diffusions in a Social Network Downloads
Arthur Campbell, Matthew Leister and Yves Zenou
17348: How Economics can Contribute to Evolutionary Perspectives on the Family Downloads
Siwan Anderson and Chris Bidner
17347: The Race Between Tax Enforcement and Tax Planning: Evidence From a Natural Experiment in Chile Downloads
Sebastian Bustos, Dina Pomeranz, Suárez Serrato, Juan Carlos, Vila-Belda, José and Gabriel Zucman
17346: The Mismeasure of Man: Why Intergenerational Occupational Mobility is Much Lower than Conventionally Measured, England, 1800-20 Downloads
Gregory Clark, Neil Cummins and Matthew Curtis
17345: Supporting small firms through recessions and recoveries Downloads
Diana Bonfim, Claudia Custodio and Clara Raposo
17344: The Rise and Fall of SES Gradients in Heights around the World Downloads
Elisabetta Aurino, Adriana Lleras-Muney, Alessandro Tarozzi and Brendan Tinoco
17343: Implicit Preferences Downloads
Tom Cunningham and Jonathan de Quidt
17342: Income Inequality and Job Creation Downloads
Sebastian Doerr, Thomas Drechsel and Donggyu Lee
17341: Measuring U.S. Fiscal Capacity using Discounted Cash Flow Analysis Downloads
Zhengyang Jiang, Hanno Lustig, Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh and Mindy Xiaolan
17340: Exorbitant Privilege Gained and Lost: Fiscal Implications Downloads
Zefeng Chen, Zhengyang Jiang, Hanno Lustig, Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh and Mindy Xiaolan
17339: SONOMA: a Small Open ecoNOmy for MAcrofinance Downloads
Mariano Croce
17338: Who Holds Sovereign Debt and Why It Matters Downloads
Xiang Fang, Bryan Hardy and Karen Lewis
17337: Money Markets and Bank Lending: Evidence from the Tiering Adoption Downloads
Carlo Altavilla, Miguel Boucinha, Lorenzo Burlon, Mariassunta Giannetti and Julian Schumacher
17336: Public versus Secret Voting in Committees Downloads
Andrea Mattozzi and Marcos Y. Nakaguma
17335: Information Technology in Banking and Entrepreneurship Downloads
Toni Ahnert, Sebastian Doerr, Nicola Pierri and Yannick Timmer
17334: International Capital Markets and Wealth Transfers Downloads
Magnus Dahlquist, Christian Heyerdahl-Larsen, Anna Pavlova and Julien Penasse
17333: Neighborhood CEOs Downloads
Mario Amore, Morten Bennedsen and Birthe Larsen
17332: The Financial Drivers of Populism in Europe Downloads
Luigi Guiso, Massimo Morelli, Tommaso Sonno and Helios Herrera
17331: The Null Result Penalty Downloads
Felix Chopra, Ingar Haaland, Christopher Roth and Andreas Stegmann
17330: Growth Volatility and Trade: Market Diversification vs. Production Specialization Downloads
Adina Ardelean, León-Ledesma, Miguel and Laura Puzzello
17329: Naive Calibration Downloads
Yair Antler and Benjamin Bachi
17328: Wealth of two nations: The U.S. racial wealth gap, 1860-2020 Downloads
Ellora Derenoncourt, Chi Hyun Kim, Moritz Kuhn and Moritz Schularick
Page updated 2025-01-22
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