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CEPR Discussion Papers

From C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Centre for Economic Policy Research, 33 Great Sutton Street, London EC1V 0DX.

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16523: Spending a Windfall Downloads
Nuno Palma and Andre Silva
16522: The Neoclassical Model and the Welfare Costs of Selection Downloads
Fabrice Collard and Omar Licandro
16521: The Backlash of Globalization Downloads
Gianmarco Ottaviano and Italo Colantone
16520: Measuring Market Expectations Downloads
Christiane Baumeister
16519: Measuring credit procyclicality: a new database Downloads
Anne-Laure Delatte, Vincent Bouvatier and Pierre-Nicolas Rehault
16518: Distrust or speculation? The socioeconomic drivers of U.S. cryptocurrency investments Downloads
Raphael Auer and David Tercero-Lucas
16517: An Equilibrium Theory of Nominal Exchange Rates Downloads
Marcus Hagedorn
16516: Economics and family structures Downloads
Paula Gobbi, Thomas Baudin and Bram De Rock
16515: Shrinking capitalism: Components of a new political economy paradigm Downloads
Wendy Carlin and Samuel Bowles
16514: Dynamic Games in Empirical Industrial Organization Downloads
Victor Aguirregabiria, Allan Collard-Wexler and Stephen Ryan
16513: An Industrial Organization Perspective on Productivity Downloads
Jan De Loecker and Chad Syverson
16512: Road Capacity, Domestic Trade and Regional Outcomes Downloads
Banu Demir, Kerem Cosar, Devaki Ghose and Nathaniel Young
16511: Expansionary Austerity: Reallocating Credit Amid Fiscal Consolidation Downloads
Peydró, José-Luis, Bernardo Morais, Claudia Ruiz-Ortega and Javier Perez-Estrada
16510: Capital Controls, Domestic Macroprudential Policy and the Bank Lending Channel of Monetary Policy Downloads
Peydró, José-Luis, Andrea Fabiani, Lopéz Piñeros, Martha and Paul Soto
16509: Systemic Implications of the Bail-In Design Downloads
Charles Goodhart, Alissa Kleinnijenhuis and Doyne Farmer
16508: Under-promise and Over-Deliver? - Online Product Reviews and Firm Pricing Downloads
Sandro Shelegia and Simon Martin
16507: Selling Impressions: Efficiency vs. Competition Downloads
Stephen Morris, Dirk Bergemann, Tibor Heumann, Constantine Sorokin and Eyal Winter
16506: All-Pay Auctions with Two Heterogenous Prizes and Partially Asymmetric Players Downloads
Aner Sela, Ofer Levi, David Lagziel and Chen Cohen
16505: Resource Allocations in Multi-Stage Contests Downloads
Aner Sela
16504: Subsidy and Taxation in All-Pay Auctions under Incomplete Information Downloads
Aner Sela and Yizhaq Minchuk
16503: Effort Allocations in Elimination Tournaments Downloads
Aner Sela
16502: Organizational capacity and profit shifting Downloads
Daniela Scur and Katarzyna Bilicka
16501: Behavioral Barriers and the Socioeconomic Gap in Child Care Enrollment Downloads
Henning Hermes, Philipp Lergetporer, Frauke Peter and Simon Wiederhold
16500: Media and Social Capital Downloads
Filipe Campante, Ruben Durante and Andrea Tesei
16499: The Financial Channel of Wage Rigidity Downloads
Benjamin Schoefer
16498: Growing Apart or Moving Together? Synchronization of Informal and Formal Economy Cycles Downloads
Ayhan Kose, Ceyhun Elgin, Franziska Ohnsorge and Shu Yu
16497: Understanding Informality Downloads
Ayhan Kose, Ceyhun Elgin, Franziska Ohnsorge and Shu Yu
16496: Nowcasting Tail Risk to Economic Activity at a Weekly Frequency Downloads
Massimiliano Marcellino, Todd Clark and Andrea Carriero
16495: Coordination and Continuous Stochastic Choice Downloads
Stephen Morris and Ming Yang
16494: Understanding Chile’s Social Unrest in an International Perspective Downloads
Metodij Hadzi-Vaskov and Luca Ricci
16493: Hyperspecialization and Hyperscaling: A Resource-based Theory of the Digital Firm Downloads
Tobias Kretschmer, Gianluigi Giustiziero, Deepak Somaya and Brian Wu
16492: Social Proximity and Misinformation: Experimental Evidence from a Mobile Phone-Based Campaign in India Downloads
Alex Armand, Britta Augsburg, Antonella Bancalari and Kalyan Kumar Kameshwara
16491: Who Cares More? Allocation with Diverse Preference Intensities Downloads
Leeat Yariv, Pietro Ortoleva and Evgenii Safonov
16490: Financial Stability Policies and Bank Lending: Quasi-experimental Evidence from Federal Reserve Interventions in 1920-1921 Downloads
Kilian Rieder
16489: Perceived Inequality and Preferences for Redistribution Among High Earners: Do Reference Groups Matter? Downloads
Mark Stabile, Bellet, Clément and Dylan Glover
16488: Robust Bayesian Analysis for Econometrics Downloads
Raffaella Giacomini, Toru Kitagawa and Matthew Read
16487: Big Fish in Thin Markets: Competing with the Middlemen to Increase Market Access in the Amazon Downloads
Joseph Kaboski, Wyatt Brooks, Viva Bartkus and Carolyn Pelnik
16486: Electing Educated Leaders during Democratization: Evidence from Indonesia Downloads
Paul Pelzl and Steven Poelhekke
16485: A Tale of Two Global Monetary Policies Downloads
Silvia Miranda-Agrippino and Tsvetelina Nenova
16484: Persuasion in Global Games with Application to Stress Testing Downloads
Alessandro Pavan and Nicolas Inostroza
16483: Stable marriage, household consumption and unobserved match quality Downloads
Bram De Rock, Martin Browning, Laurens Cherchye, Thomas Demuynck and Frederic Vermeulen
16482: Feed the children Downloads
Bram De Rock, Laurens Cherchye, Chiappori, Pierre-André, Charlotte Ringdal and Frederic Vermeulen
16481: Cartels and Bribes Downloads
Elisabetta Iossa, Roberto Burguet and Giancarlo Spagnolo
16480: Two-sided Markets, Pricing, and Network Effects Downloads
Alessandro Pavan, Bruno Jullien and Marc Rysman
16479: Play for the Rich and Work for the Poor? The Optimal Distribution of Saving and Work in the Heterogeneous Agents Neoclassical G Downloads
Martin Wolf and Akshay Shanker
16478: Productivity slowdown: reducing the measure of our ignorance Downloads
Timo Boppart and Huiyu Li
16477: Mutual Fund Trading and ESG Clientele During the COVID-19 Stock Market Crash Downloads
Rui Albuquerque, Yrjo Koskinen and Raffaele Santioni
16476: Filing Speed, Information Leakage, and Price Formation Downloads
Ron Kaniel, Jeffrey L Callen and Dan Segal
16475: Networks and Manager Pay: Evidence from Time-Varying Exogenous Metrics Downloads
Tavares, José and Sharmin Sazedj
16474: Selective Default Expectations Downloads
Olivier Accominotti, Thilo Albers and Kim Oosterlinck
16473: The Elusive Explanation for the Declining Labor Share Downloads
Gene Grossman and Ezra Oberfield
16472: Collective Action and Intra-group Conflict with Fixed Budgets Downloads
Kai Konrad and Florian Morath
16471: Let's stay together: the effects of repeated student-teacher matches on academic achievement Downloads
Facundo Albornoz, David Contreras Gomez and Richard Upward
16470: Demographics, Wealth, and Global Imbalances in the Twenty-First Century Downloads
Adrien Auclert, Hannes Malmberg, Frederic Martenet and Matthew Rognlie
16469: Testing Classic Theories of Migration in the Lab Downloads
David McKenzie and Catia Batista
16468: Place-based policies – how to do them and why Downloads
Südekum, Jens
16467: Forced Labor in Colonial Spanish America Downloads
Leticia Arroyo Abad and Noel Maurer
16466: Dynamic Spatial General Equilibrium Downloads
Stephen Redding, Benny Kleinman and Ernest Liu
16465: Bottleneck effects of monetary policy Downloads
Emilia Garcia-Appendini, Frederic Boissay and Steven Ongena
16464: Intra-Bloc Tariffs and Preferential Margins in Trade Agreements Downloads
Emanuel Ornelas and Patricia Tovar
16463: North-South Displacement Effects of Environmental Regulation: The Case of Battery Recycling Downloads
Eric Verhoogen, Shinsuke Tanaka and Kensuke Teshima
16462: Pork, Infrastructure and Growth: Evidence from the Italian Railway Expansion Downloads
Giovanni Facchini, Roberto Bonfatti, Alexander Tarasov, Gian Luca Tedeschi and Cecilia Testa
16461: A Unified Theory of Cities Downloads
Jacques Thisse, Matthew Turner and Philip Ushchev
16460: Local Shocks and Internal Migration: The Disparate Effects of Robots and Chinese Imports in the US Downloads
Marco Tabellini, Marius Faber and Andres Sarto
16459: Information Markets and Nonmarkets Downloads
Dirk Bergemann and Marco Ottaviani
16458: Counterparty Choice, Bank Interconnectedness, and Systemic Risk Downloads
Andrew Ellul and Dasol Kim
16457: A model of information security and competition Downloads
Alexandre de Cornière, and Greg Taylor
16456: Mortgage Pricing and Monetary Policy Downloads
Alessandro Gavazza, Matteo Benetton and Paolo Surico
16455: Firm Export Responses to Tariff Hikes Downloads
Facundo Albornoz, Irene Brambilla and Emanuel Ornelas
16454: Oil Price Shocks and Conflict Escalation: Onshore vs. Offshore Downloads
Andrea Tesei and Frode Martin Nordvik
16453: Shifting Punishment on Minorities: Experimental Evidence of Scapegoating Downloads
Gérard Roland, Michal Bauer, Cahlíková, Jana, Chytilová, Julie and Želinský, Tomáš
16452: Ownership Concentration and Performance of Deteriorating Syndicated Loans Downloads
Mariassunta Giannetti and Ralf Meisenzahl
16451: OECD Pension Reform: it is the business cycle, not the demography! Downloads
Roel Beetsma and Ward Romp
16450: Financial crises: A survey Downloads
Alan Taylor and Amir Sufi
16449: Serial Entrepreneurs and the Macroeconomy Downloads
SedlÃ¡Ä ek, Petr, Sudipto Karmakar and Sónia Félix
16448: Corrective Regulation with Imperfect Instruments Downloads
Ansgar Walther and Dávila, Eduardo
16447: Political Competition and Economic Divergence: European Development Before and After the Black Downloads
Jeremiah Dittmar and Luis Bosshart
16446: Efficiency and equity in a society-economy integrated model Downloads
Ravi Kanbur and Marc Fleurbaey
16445: How Much Do Norms Matter for Quantity and Quality of Children? Downloads
Zainab Iftikhar
16444: The Effects of Biased Labor Market Expectations on Consumption, Wealth Inequality, and Welfare Downloads
Georg Duernecker, Almut Balleer, Susanne Forstner and Johannes Goensch
16443: Sharing Asymmetric Tail Risk: Smoothing, Asset Pricing and Terms of Trade Downloads
Giancarlo Corsetti, Anna Lipinska and Giovanni Lombardo
16442: Ageing and welfare-state policy making: Macroeconomic Perspective Downloads
Assaf Razin and Alexander Schwemmer
16441: Dynamics of Asset Demands with Confidence Heterogeneity Downloads
Adrian Buss, Grigory Vilkov and Raman Uppal
16440: Consumer Search and Choice Overload Downloads
Volker Nocke and Patrick Rey
16439: Safe asset scarcity, collateral reuse, and market functioning Downloads
Stephan Jank, Emanuel Moench and Michael Schneider
16438: The Bank Liquidity Channel of Financial (In)stability Downloads
Joshua Bosshardt, Ali Kakhbod and Farzad Saidi
16437: Do we need dealers in OTC markets? Downloads
Schürhoff, Norman, Dmitry Livdan and Terrence Hendershott
16436: Globalization, Freedoms and Economic Convergence: An empirical exploration of a trivariate relationship using a large panel Downloads
Jorge Braga de Macedo, Joaquim Oliveira Martins and Tovar Jalles, João
16435: The impact of the concession of 14 regional Greek airports on passenger traffic Downloads
Nikolaos Vettas, Svetoslav Danchev and Nikos Paratsiokas
16434: Internal Labor Markets: A Worker Flow Approach Downloads
Andrea Weber, Ingrid Huitfeldt, Kostøl, Andreas R. and Jan Sebastian Nimczik
16433: When Is (Performance-Sensitive) Debt Optimal? Downloads
Alex Edmans
16432: Labor Market Competition and the Assimilation of Immigrants Downloads
Albrecht Glitz, Christoph Albert and Joan Llull
16431: The Demand for Extraterritoriality: Religious Minorities in Nineteenth-Century Egypt Downloads
Mohamed Saleh and Cihan Artunç
16430: The Transmission of Keynesian Supply Shocks Downloads
Andrea Ferrero and Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi
16429: Epidemics With Behavior Downloads
Nenad Kos, Satoshi Fukuda and Christoph Carnehl
16428: How COVID-19 vaccine supply chains emerged in the midst of a pandemic Downloads
Chad Bown and Thomas Bollyky
16427: Judging Under Public Pressure Downloads
Alma Cohen
16426: How to Communicate the Nudge: A Real-World Policy Experiment Downloads
Alma Cohen and Oren Bar-Gill
16425: The Heterogeneous Value of a Statistical Life: Evidence from U.S. Army Reenlistment Decisions Downloads
Michael Greenstone, Kyle Greenberg, Stephen Ryan and Michael Yankovich
16424: Women's Well-being During a Pandemic and its Containment Downloads
Gaurav Khanna, Corinne Low, Manisha Shah, Sreyashi Sharmin and Alessandra Voena
Page updated 2025-01-22
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