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CEPR Discussion Papers

From C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Centre for Economic Policy Research, 33 Great Sutton Street, London EC1V 0DX.

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7673: An Area-Wide Real-Time Database for the Euro Area Downloads
Jerome Henry, Domenico Giannone, Magdalena Lalik and Michele Modugno
7672: The Political Resource Curse Downloads
Guido Tabellini, Roberto Perotti, Tommaso Nannicini and Fernanda Brollo
7671: Common Factors in Latin America?s Business Cycles Downloads
Allan Timmermann, Marco Aiolfi and Catão, Luís
7670: Asset Auctions, Information, and Liquidity Downloads
Xavier Vives
7669: Monetary policy in exceptional times Downloads
Lucrezia Reichlin, Huw Pill and Michele Lenza
7668: Trade Liberalization and Heterogeneous Firm Models: An Evaluation Using the Canada - US Free Trade Agreement Downloads
Cuñat, Alejandro and Holger Breinlich
7667: Rotten Kids with Bad Intentions Downloads
Armin Schmutzler and Nick Netzer
7666: The 2008 Financial Crisis and Taxation Policy Downloads
Nicodème, Gaëtan and Thomas Hemmelgarn
7665: Fiscal Centralization and the Political Process Downloads
Facundo Albornoz
7664: Composition of International Capital Flows: A Survey Downloads
Assaf Razin and Korolai Kirabaeva
7663: Thanks for Nothing? Not-for-Profits and Motivated Agents Downloads
Maitreesh Ghatak and Hannes Mueller
7662: A Framework for Cross-Country Comparisons of Public Infrastructure Constraints on Firm Growth Downloads
Paul Seabright, Mark Schaffer and Wendy Carlin
7661: Growth in a Time of Debt Downloads
Kenneth Rogoff and Carmen Reinhart
7660: Rational Crowd-Pleasing and Democratic Accountability Downloads
Mathias Dewatripont and Paul Seabright
7659: Incentive Compatible Reimbursement Schemes for Physicians Downloads
Winand Emons
7658: Screening, Competition, and Job Design: Economic Origins of Good Jobs Downloads
Klaus Schmidt, Ernst Fehr and Björn Bartling
7657: Does university quality drive international student flows? Downloads
Reinhilde Veugelers and Linda Van Bouwel
7656: Understanding Analysts' Earnings Expectations: Biases, Nonlinearities and Predictability Downloads
Allan Timmermann, Marco Aiolfi and Marius Rodriguez
7655: Credit Supply: Identifying Balance-Sheet Channels with Loan Applications and Granted Loans Downloads
Steven Ongena, Peydró, José-Luis, Jiménez, Gabriel and Jesús Saurina
7654: The Institutional Foundations of China?s Reforms and Development Downloads
Cheng-Gang Xu
7653: Who Owns Children and Does it Matter? Downloads
Michele Tertilt and Alice Schoonbroodt
7652: Trading Frenzies and Their Impact on Real Investment Downloads
Itay Goldstein, Kathy Yuan and Emre Ozdenoren
7651: Learning and Complementarities: Implications for Speculative Attacks Downloads
Itay Goldstein, Kathy Yuan and Emre Ozdenoren
7650: Monetary Persistence and the Labor Market: A New Perspective Downloads
Dennis Snower, Christian Merkl and Wolfgang Lechthaler
7649: Debt consolidation and fiscal stabilization of deep recessions Downloads
Giancarlo Corsetti, Müller, Gernot, Keith Kuester and Andre Meier
7648: Cultural and Institutional Bifurcation: China and Europe Compared Downloads
Guido Tabellini and Avner Greif
7647: Gender and Racial Biases: Evidence from Child Adoption Downloads
Leonardo Felli, Leeat Yariv, Mariagiovanna Baccara and Allan Collard-Wexler
7646: Majority Voting in Multidimensional Policy Spaces: Kramer-Shepsle versus Stackelberg Downloads
Philippe De Donder, Michel Le Breton and Eugenio Peluso
7645: An Optimum Currency Area Odyssey Downloads
Harris Dellas and George Tavlas
7644: Monetary Misperceptions, Output and Inflation Dynamics Downloads
Harris Dellas and Fabrice Collard
7643: Imperfect information and the business cycle Downloads
Harris Dellas, Frank Smets and Fabrice Collard
7642: Wholesalers and Retailers in US Trade (Long Version) Downloads
Andrew Bernard, Stephen Redding, Peter Schott and J. Jensen
7641: The Multi-unit Assignment Problem: Theory and Evidence from Course Allocation at Harvard Downloads
Estelle Cantillon and Eric Budish
7640: The relation between competition and innovation -- Why is it such a mess? Downloads
Armin Schmutzler
7639: Directed Search in the Housing Market Downloads
Pieter Gautier, James Albrecht and Susan Vroman
7638: Do Employers Discriminate by Gender? A Field Experiment in Female-Dominated Occupations Downloads
Alison Booth and ,
7637: On the Size of the Active Management Industry Downloads
Robert Stambaugh and Pástor, Luboš
7636: Vertical Relations under Credit Constraints Downloads
Volker Nocke and John Thanassoulis
7634: Can we infer social preferences from the lab? Evidence from the trust game Downloads
Luigi Zingales, Paola Sapienza and Nicole M. Baran
7633: Risk Heterogeneity and Credit Supply: Evidence from the Mortgage Market Downloads
Timothy Besley, Paolo Surico and Neil Meads
7632: Incentive Effects of Unemployment Insurance Savings Accounts: Evidence from Chile Downloads
Jan C. van Ours, Milan Vodopivec and Gonzalo Reyes Hartley
7631: Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Community Patent Downloads
Bruno van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie and Jérôme Danguy
7630: Can the Fiscal Theory of the price level explain UK inflation in the 1970s? Downloads
A. Patrick Minford and Jingwen Fan
7629: On the Origin of the Family Downloads
Marco Francesconi, Motty Perry and Christian Ghiglino
7628: Employment Protection Legislation, Multinational Firms and Innovation Downloads
Rachel Griffith and Gareth Macartney
7627: Part-Time Jobs: What Women Want? Downloads
Alison Booth and Jan C. van Ours
7626: Profit Taxation, Innovation and the Financing of Heterogeneous Firms Downloads
Christian Keuschnigg and Evelyn Ribi
7625: Public versus Private Risk Sharing Downloads
Fabrizio Perri and Dirk Krueger
7624: Is There a Fiscal Free Lunch in a Liquidity Trap? Downloads
Jesper Lindé and Christopher Erceg
7623: The Euro and Firm Restructuring Downloads
Fabiano Schivardi, Matteo Bugamelli and Roberta Zizza
7622: Cultural Transmission and Discrimination Downloads
Yves Zenou and Sáez-Martí, Maria
7621: Some Problems in the Testing of DSGE Models Downloads
A. Patrick Minford, Michael Wickens and Vo Phuong Mai Le
7620: Lab Experiments are a Major Source of Knowledge in the Social Sciences Downloads
James Heckman and Armin Falk
7619: Valuation of VIX Derivatives Downloads
Enrique Sentana and Mencía, Javier
7618: The Impact of Mergers on the Degree of Competition in the Banking Industry Downloads
Barbara Chizzolini, Vittoria Cerasi and Marc Ivaldi
7617: Excess Leverage and Productivity Growth in Emerging Economies: Is There A Threshold Effect? Downloads
Fabrizio Coricelli, ,, Sarmistha Pal and Isabelle Roland
7616: Services Trade and Policy Downloads
Joseph Francois
7615: Fiscal stimulus and the promise of future spending cuts Downloads
Volker Wieland
7614: Asset Prices, Exchange Rates and the Current Account Downloads
Lucio Sarno, Marcel Fratzscher and Luciana Juvenal
7613: Competition with exclusive contracts and market-share discounts Downloads
Giacomo Calzolari and Vincenzo Denicolo'
7612: The Macroeconomics of Model T Downloads
Zweimüller, Josef, Reto Foellmi and Tobias Wuergler
7611: Testing the "Waterbed" Effect in Mobile Telephony Downloads
Tommaso Valletti and Christos Genakos
7610: Crisis? What Crisis? Currency vs. Banking in the Financial Crisis of 1931 Downloads
Albrecht Ritschl and Samad Sarferaz
7609: Do trade missions increase trade? Downloads
Keith Head and John Ries
7608: Japan's Lost Decade: Does Money have a Role? Downloads
Fabio Canova and Tobias Menz
7607: The Limits to Fiscal Stimulus Downloads
Willem Buiter
7606: Global Imbalances and the Financial Crisis: Products of Common Causes Downloads
Kenneth Rogoff and Maurice Obstfeld
7605: Reversing unconventional monetary policy: technical and political considerations Downloads
Willem Buiter
7604: On the origins of land use regulations: Theory and evidence from US metro areas Downloads
Frederic Robert-Nicoud and ,
7603: Markets for Reputation: Evidence on Quality and Quantity in Academe Downloads
Daniel Hamermesh and Gerard Pfann
7602: Produce or Speculate? Asset Bubbles, Occupational Choice and Efficiency Downloads
Pierre Cahuc and Edouard Challe
7601: Krueger/Schiff/Valdés Revisited: Agricultural Price and Trade Policy Reform in Developing Countries since 1960 Downloads
Kym Anderson
7600: Two and a Half Theories of Trade Downloads
J. Peter Neary
7599: Social Networks Downloads
Yves Zenou and Joan De Martí,
7598: Investment Shocks and the Relative Price of Investment Downloads
Andrea Tambalotti, Giorgio Primiceri and Alejandro Justiniano
7597: Do expectations matter? The Great Moderation revisited Downloads
Fabio Canova and Luca Gambetti
7596: A Touch of Sophistication: FDI and Unit Values of Exports Downloads
Beata Javorcik and Torfinn Harding
7595: Asset fire sales and purchases and the international transmission of financial shocks Downloads
Christian Lundblad and Chotibhak Jotikasthira
7594: Does the Fed Respond to Oil Price Shocks? Downloads
Lutz Kilian and Logan Lewis
7593: Illegal immigration and media exposure: Evidence on individual attitudes Downloads
Anna Maria Mayda, Giovanni Facchini and Riccardo Puglisi
7592: Individual attitudes towards skilled migration: an empirical analysis across countries Downloads
Anna Maria Mayda and Giovanni Facchini
7591: Spain's International Position, 1850-1913 Downloads
Leandro Prados de la Escosura
7590: Exports and Financial Shocks Downloads
David Weinstein and Mary Amiti
7589: Does Terrorism Work? Downloads
Eric Gould and Esteban Klor
7588: The design and efficiency of loyalty rewards Downloads
Ramon Caminal
7587: Markets and linguistic diversity Downloads
Ramon Caminal
7586: Dynamic Ethnic Fractionalization and Economic Growth in the Transition Economies from 1989 to 2007 Downloads
Nauro Campos, Ahmad Saleh and Vitaliy Kuzeyev
7585: The role of central bank transparency for guiding private sector forecasts Downloads
Sylvester Eijffinger, Michael Ehrmann and Marcel Fratzscher
7584: Contractual solutions to hold-up problems with quality uncertainty and unobservable investments Downloads
Patrick Schmitz
7583: Immigration and Swiss House Prices Downloads
Andreas Fischer and Kathrin Degen
7582: Cross Sectional Facts for Macroeconomists Downloads
Luigi Pistaferri, Giovanni Violante, Fabrizio Perri and Dirk Krueger
7581: Limitations on the Effectiveness of Forward Guidance at the Zero Lower Bound Downloads
Andrew Levin, López-Salido, J David, Edward Nelson and Tack Yun
7580: Allocation of Prizes in Contests with Participation Constraints Downloads
Aner Sela and Reut Megidish
7579: Do Oil Windfalls Improve Living Standards? Evidence from Brazil Downloads
Francesco Caselli and Guy Michaels
7578: Tractability in Incentive Contracting Downloads
Xavier Gabaix and Alex Edmans
7577: Heterogeneous firms or heterogeneous workers? Implications for the exporter premium and the impact of labor reallocation on pro Downloads
Karen Helene Ulltveit-Moe, Andreas Moxnes and Alfonso Irarrazabal
7576: Selective contracting and foreclosure in health care markets Downloads
Jan Boone and Gijsbert Zwart
7575: Testing the Monetary Policy Rule in the US: a Reconsideration of the Fed?s Behaviour Downloads
A. Patrick Minford and Zhirong Ou
7574: Nutrition and Risk Sharing Within the Household Downloads
Pierre Dubois and Ethan Ligon
7573: Skewness in Stock Returns, Periodic Cash Payouts, and Investor Heterogeneity Downloads
Rui Albuquerque
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