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Volume 283, issue C, 2023

On-site testing of dynamic facade system with the solar energy storage Downloads
Ruta Vanaga, Jānis Narbuts, Zigmārs Zundāns and Andra Blumberga
Activated waste cotton cellulose as renewable fuel and value-added chemicals: Thermokinetic analysis, coupled pyrolysis with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry Downloads
Zhang Yu, Muhammad Sajjad Ahmad, Boxiong Shen, Yingna Li, Muhammad Ibrahim, Awais Bokhari and Jiří Jaromír Klemeš
Optimal bidding and coordinating strategy for maximal marginal revenue due to V2G operation: Distribution system operator as a key player in China's uncertain electricity markets Downloads
Xiang Lei, Hang Yu, Ziyun Shao and Linni Jian
An optimisation study of PCM triple glazing for temperate climatic conditions – Dynamic analysis of thermal performance Downloads
Tomasz Kułakowski, Arkadiusz Węglarz and Dariusz Heim
Exergoeconomic and exergoenvironmental analysis and optimization of an integrated double-flash-binary geothermal system and dual-pressure ORC using zeotropic mixtures; multi-objective optimization Downloads
Ying Chen, Yuxuan Liu, Eun-Young Nam, Yang Zhang and Aida Dahlak
Experimental detection of inadequacies and improvements for a geothermal power plant using single shaft double turbine binary Organic Rankine cycle as power system Downloads
Ceyhun Baydar, Yıldız Koç, Hüseyin Yağlı, Ali Koç, Tolga Depci̇ and Mustafa Kemal Aygün
Assessing the impact of energy communities on retailers’ balancing positions in the power market Downloads
Raquel Alonso Pedrero and Pedro Crespo del Granado
Generation and evaluation of a synthetic dataset to improve fault detection in district heating and cooling systems Downloads
Mathieu Vallee, Thibaut Wissocq, Yacine Gaoua and Nicolas Lamaison
Integration of calcium looping and calcium hydroxide thermochemical systems for energy storage and power production in concentrating solar power plants Downloads
A. Carro, R. Chacartegui, C. Ortiz, J. Arcenegui-Troya, L.A. Pérez-Maqueda and J.A. Becerra
Techno-economic-environmental analysis of seasonal thermal energy storage with solar heating for residential heating in China Downloads
Tianrun Yang, Wen Liu, Qie Sun, Weihao Hu and Gert Jan Kramer
Dynamic evaluation of microscopic damage and fluid flow behavior in reservoir shale under deviatoric stress Downloads
Yetong Xie, Huimin Liu, Kuihua Zhang, Wenhua Jia, Jing Li and Xiaoyu Meng
A study on the influence of the numerical scheme on the accuracy of blade-resolved simulations employed to evaluate the performance of the NREL 5 MW wind turbine rotor in full scale Downloads
Marielle de Oliveira, Rodolfo C. Puraca and Bruno S. Carmo
Optimal innovation strategies of automakers with market competition under the dual-credit policy Downloads
Hui Yu, Ying Li and Wei Wang
Knowledge sharing-based multi-block federated learning for few-shot oil layer identification Downloads
Bingyang Chen, Xingjie Zeng, Weishan Zhang, Lulu Fan, Shaohua Cao and Jiehan Zhou
Who Embraces shared mobility and why? A survey in Beijing and Shanghai, China Downloads
Xingrong Zhao, Shuai Shao, Ye Ma and Tieju Ma
Thermodynamic evaluation of mixed refrigerant selection in dual mixed refrigerant NG liquefaction process with respect to 3E's (Energy, Exergy, Economics) Downloads
Bisma Sarfaraz, Bilal Kazmi, Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi, Faizan Raza, Rushna Rashid, Leenah Siddiqui, Syeda Fatima Zehra, Awais Bokhari, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš and Mohamed Ouladsmane
Energy management for regional microgrids considering energy transmission of electric vehicles between microgrids Downloads
Feixiang Jiao, Yuan Zou, Yi Zhou, Yanyu Zhang and Xibeng Zhang
Rethinking the complex effects of the clean energy transition on air pollution abatement: Evidence from China's coal-to-gas policy Downloads
Desheng Wu, Yu Xie and Dingjie Liu
Production of bio-oil from waste cooking oil via microwave-assisted pyrolysis in the presence of waste eggshell CaO and HZSM-5: Process optimization and catalyst lifetime exploration Downloads
Jianyun Xiong, Shumei Zhang, Liangliang Fan, Qi Zhang, Xian Cui, Linyao Ke, Yuan Zeng, Qiuhao Wu, Kirk Cobb, Yuhuan Liu, Roger Ruan and Yunpu Wang
An improved differential evolution using self-adaptable cosine similarity for economic emission dispatch Downloads
Qiang Zhang, Dexuan Zou and Na Duan
Asymmetric price transmission and impulse responses from U.S. crude oil to jet fuel and diesel markets Downloads
Wenbei Zhang, Martin Luckert and Feng Qiu
Supply-demand balance of natural gas pipeline network integrating hydraulic and thermal characteristics, energy conservation and carbon reduction Downloads
Bingyuan Hong, Dan Qiao, Yichen Li, Xiaoqing Sun, Baolong Yang, Li Li, Jing Gong and Kai Wen
A Stackelberg Game-based robust optimization for user-side energy storage configuration and power pricing Downloads
Yixing Ding, Qingshan Xu, Lili Hao and Yuanxing Xia
Techno-economic assessment of energy storage systems in multi-energy microgrids utilizing decomposition methodology Downloads
Vahid Shahbazbegian, Farnam Dehghani, Mohammad Agha Shafiyi, Miadreza Shafie-khah, Hannu Laaksonen and Hossein Ameli
The determinants of household electricity demand in Turkey: An implementation of the Heckman Sample Selection model Downloads
İkram Yusuf Yarbaşı and Ali Kemal Çelik
A large-scale stochastic simulation-based thermodynamic optimization for the hybrid closed circuit cooling tower system with parallel computing Downloads
Hua Liu, Zhiyong Wu, Bingjian Zhang, Qinglin Chen, Ming Pan, Jingzheng Ren and Chang He
Identifying charging zones to allocate public charging stations for electric vehicles Downloads
Fausta J. Faustino, José Calixto Lopes, Joel D. Melo, Thales Sousa, Antonio Padilha-Feltrin, José A.S. Brito and Claudio O. Garcia
Pressure drop model of DPF considering ash factor at different capture stages Downloads
Piqiang Tan, Bokuan Cui, Lishuang Duan, Yifan Yin, Diming Lou and Zhiyuan Hu
Investigation of the oxy-fuel combustion process in the full-loop circulating fluidized bed Downloads
Yuyang Chen, Shiliang Yang, Jianhang Hu and Hua Wang
Impact of outdoor humidity conditions on building energy performance and environmental footprint in the degree days-based climate classification Downloads
Farshad Kheiri, Jeff S. Haberl and Juan-Carlos Baltazar
Exploring the factors influencing public support willingness for banning gasoline vehicle sales policy: A grounded theory approach Downloads
Yajie Liu, Feng Dong, Guoqing Li, Yuling Pan, Chang Qin, Shanshan Yang and Jingyun Li
Transmission mechanisms of geopolitical risks to the crude oil market——A pioneering two-stage geopolitical risk analysis approach Downloads
Jing-Wen Jiao, Jun-Ping Yin, Ping-Feng Xu, Juan Zhang and Yuan Liu
Energy efficiency and thermal comfort of buildings in arid climates employing insulating material produced from date palm waste matter Downloads
Djamel Belatrache, Said Bentouba, Nadjet Zioui and Mahmoud Bourouis
Optimization of hybrid energy management system based on high-energy solid-state lithium batteries and reversible fuel cells Downloads
Xue Li, Minghai Li, Mostafa Habibi, Neda Najaafi and Hamed Safarpour
Experimental dynamic load cycling and current density measurements of different inlet/outlet configurations of a parallel-serpentine PEMFC Downloads
Christian Suárez, Baltasar Toharias, María Salva Aguirre, Artem Chesalkin, Felipe Rosa and Alfredo Iranzo
Experimental study of PEM fuel cell temperature characteristic and corresponding automated optimal temperature calibration model Downloads
Xingwang Tang, Yujia Zhang and Sichuan Xu
Aging mechanism analysis and capacity estimation of lithium - ion battery pack based on electric vehicle charging data Downloads
Tao Sun, Jianguo Chen, Shaoqing Wang, Quanwei Chen, Xuebing Han and Yuejiu Zheng
Battery SOC estimation from EIS data based on machine learning and equivalent circuit model Downloads
Emanuele Buchicchio, Alessio De Angelis, Francesco Santoni, Paolo Carbone, Francesco Bianconi and Fabrizio Smeraldi
Health-aware energy management strategy for fuel cell hybrid bus considering air-conditioning control based on TD3 algorithm Downloads
Chunchun Jia, Kunang Li, Hongwen He, Jiaming Zhou, Jianwei Li and Zhongbao Wei
Deep learning design of functionally graded porous electrode of proton exchange membrane fuel cells Downloads
Xin Yee Tai, Lei Xing, Steve D.R. Christie and Jin Xuan
Renewable energy communities optimal design supported by an optimization model for investment in PV/wind capacity and renewable electricity sharing Downloads
Jorge Sousa, João Lagarto, Cristina Camus, Carla Viveiros, Filipe Barata, Pedro Silva, Ricardo Alegria and Orlando Paraíba
The role of fast-acting energy storage for contingency grid support in the transmission planning Downloads
Leonardo Gacitúa, Daniel Olivares, Matías Negrete-Pincetic and Álvaro Lorca
Conditions for use of long-wave infrared camera to measure the temperature of the sky Downloads
Tadeusz Kruczek
Understanding CO2 mineralization and associated storage space changes in illite using molecular dynamics simulation and experiments Downloads
Xuguang Dai, Chongtao Wei, Meng Wang, Junjian Zhang, Xiaoqi Wang, Xuan Shi and Veerle Vandeginste
Cross-scale diffusion characteristics in microscale fractures of tight and shale gas reservoirs considering real gas – mixture – body diffusion – water film coupling Downloads
Jiangtao Li, Xiaofeng Zhou, Xibao Liu, Abdumalik Gayubov and Sultanov Shamil
Hierarchical game for integrated energy system and electricity-hydrogen hybrid charging station under distributionally robust optimization Downloads
Pengcheng Cai, Yang Mi, Siyuan Ma, Hongzhong Li, Dongdong Li and Peng Wang
System-level modeling, analysis and coordinated control design for the pressurized water reactor nuclear power system Downloads
Chengcheng Cui, Junli Zhang and Jiong Shen
Experimental and numerical study on the potential of a new radiative cooling paint boosted by SiO2 microparticles for energy saving Downloads
Kaiyu Jiang, Kai Zhang, Zijie Shi, Haoran Li, Bingyang Wu, Omid Mahian and Yutong Zhu
Dynamic characteristics and optimizations of the proposed combined cold and power system with integrated advanced adiabatic compressed air energy storage and double-effect compression-absorption refrigeration Downloads
Jianshu Bai, Wei Chen, Ningning Xie, Linrui Ma, Yazhou Wang, Tong Zhang and Xiaodai Xue
A Stackelberg game-based approach to transaction optimization for distributed integrated energy system Downloads
Yongli Wang, Zhen Liu, Jingyan Wang, Boxin Du, Yumeng Qin, Xiaoli Liu and Lin Liu
Entropy generation and improved thermal performance investigation on a hydrogen-fuelled double-channel microcombustor with Y-shaped internal fins Downloads
He Zhao, Dan Zhao, Sid Becker, Hui Rong and Xiaohuan Zhao
Performance analyses and optimization studies of desiccant wheel assisted atmospheric water harvesting system under global ambient conditions Downloads
Qiaoxin Zhang, Rang Tu and Mengdan Liu
Eco-economic performance and application potential of a novel dual-source heat pump heating system Downloads
Yunhai Li, Yu Cui, Zhiying Song, Xudong Zhao, Jing Li and Chao Shen
A novel approach suggestion for assessing the impact of topographic shading on the estimation of the floating photovoltaic technical potential Downloads
Osman Salih Yilmaz, Ali Murat Ateş and Fatih Gülgen
Breakup of colliding droplets and particles produced by heavy fuel oil pyrolysis Downloads
A. Klimenko, N.E. Shlegel and P.A. Strizhak
Cold energy recovery from liquefied natural gas regasification process for data centre cooling and power generation Downloads
Sandeep Yadav, Srinivas Seethamraju and Rangan Banerjee
Estimating parameters of plate heat exchanger for condensation of steam from mixture with air as a component of heat exchanger network Downloads
Olga Arsenyeva, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš, Leonid Tovazhnyanskyy, Eugeny Klochok and Petro Kapustenko
Optical and thermal performance-cost evaluation for different segmentation of a novel equal-length multi-section compound parabolic concentrator Downloads
Yu Bie, Kuang Shi and Fei Chen
Design and performance analysis of a passive rotatable deflector diversion tail for tidal current power generation hydrokinetic turbines Downloads
Kuo-Tsai Wu, Kuo-Hao Lo, Ruey-Chy Kao and Sheng-Jye Hwang
Experimental study on erosion mechanism and pore structure evolution of bituminous and anthracite coal under matrix acidification and its significance to coalbed methane recovery Downloads
Jiawei He, He Li, Wei Yang, Jiexin Lu, Yi Lu, Ting Liu and Shiliang Shi
Performance and sensitivity analysis of raw biogas combustion under homogenous charge compression ignition conditions Downloads
Mohammad Alrbai, Adnan Darwish Ahmad, Sameer Al-Dahidi, Ahmad M. Abubaker, Loiy Al-Ghussain, Ali Alahmer and Nelson K. Akafuah
The effect of industrial synergy and division on energy intensity: From the perspective of industrial chain Downloads
Boqiang Lin and Yuqiang Teng
A comprehensive assessment of a new hybrid combined marine engine using alternative fuel blends Downloads
Shaimaa Seyam, Ibrahim Dincer and Martin Agelin-Chaab
Proposal and energetic and exergetic evaluation of a hydrogen production system with synergistic conversion of coal and solar energy Downloads
Xiaodong Xue, Wei Han, Yu Xin, Changchun Liu, Hongguang Jin and Xiaodong Wang
Interpretable data-driven building load profiles modelling for Measurement and Verification 2.0 Downloads
Massimiliano Manfren and Benedetto Nastasi
Comprehensive analysis and multi-objective optimization of an innovative power generation system using biomass gasification and LNG regasification processes Downloads
Yue Chang, Yulong Jia and Tan Hong
Characterization of in-cylinder spatiotemporal flame and solid particle emissions for ethanol-gasoline blended in gasoline direct injection engines Downloads
Taehoon Kim, Junghwan Moon and Joonho Jeon
Numerical simulation of the coupled multiphysics fields and reactions during the microwave pyrolysis of wood particles Downloads
Fangzhou Li, Daoguang Sun, Zhenting Zha, Ke Yang, Zefeng Ge and Huiyan Zhang
An electricity supply system by recovering the waste heat of commercial aeroengine Downloads
Zhan Liu, Yilun Zhang, Xinyu Lv, Yao Zhang, Junwei Liu, Chuanqi Su and Xianglei Liu
Numerical evaluation of multi-scale properties in biomass fast pyrolysis in fountain confined conical spouted bed Downloads
Haoran Sun, Shiliang Yang, Guirong Bao, Jianhang Hu and Hua Wang
Experimental study on combustion characteristics of pool fires in a sealed environment Downloads
Jinhui Wang, Ruiqing Zhang, Yongchang Wang, Long Shi, Shaogang Zhang and Jiahao Liu
Analysis of hydrogen-rich syngas generation in chemical looping gasification of lignite: Application of carbide slag as the oxygen carrier, hydrogen carrier, and in-situ carbon capture agent Downloads
Jie Yang, Senlin Dong, Longgui Xie, Qihong Cen, Dalong Zheng, Liping Ma and Quxiu Dai
Thermodynamic and economic analysis of a novel design combining waste tire pyrolysis with silicon production waste heat recovery and organic Rankine cycle Downloads
Xinyue Zhao, Heng Chen, Sarengaowa Li, Wenchao Li, Peiyuan Pan, Tao Liu, Lining Wu and Gang Xu
Thermodynamic and economic analysis of a new methanol steam reforming system integrated with CO2 heat pump and cryogenic separation system Downloads
Zhicong Wu, Gang Xu, Wentao Zhang, Xiaojun Xue and Heng Chen
A multi-zone thermodynamic model for predicting LNG ageing in large cryogenic tanks Downloads
Han Chen, Guang Yang and Jingyi Wu
Progress and perspective of polymer electret-based PM2.5 filtration: Efficiencies, regeneration, and energy implications Downloads
Rong-Rong Cai and Li-Zhi Zhang
A novel PV array reconfiguration technique based on circular array data structure Downloads
Vinod Kumar Yadav, Anwesh Devratna Behera, Ranjeet Singh, Anubhav Maheshwari, Santosh Ghosh and Abhijeet Prakash
Experimental and molecular dynamics simulation study of the ionic liquids’ chain-length on wetting of bituminous coal Downloads
Bingyou Jiang, Ben Ji, Liang Yuan, Chang-Fei Yu, Wenhan Tao, Yu Zhou, Haoyu Wang, Xiao-Han Wang and Maolin Liao
Techno-economic analysis of conversing the low-grade heat to hydrogen by using reverse electrodialysis – Air gap diffusion distillation coupled method for iron and steel industry Downloads
Yongwen Zhang, Xi Wu, Dexin Sun, Sixue Wang and Shiming Xu
A two-channel deep network based model for improving ultra-short-term prediction of wind power via utilizing multi-source data Downloads
Hong Liu, Luoxiao Yang, Bingying Zhang and Zijun Zhang
Crossing non-parametric and parametric techniques for measuring the efficiency: Evidence from 65 European electricity Distribution System Operators Downloads
Rui Rita, Vitor Marques, Diogo Bárbara, Inês Chaves, Pedro Macedo, Victor Moutinho and Mariana Pereira
The more effective option to combat environmental degradation: Energy efficiency vs. renewable energy vs. natural gas? Downloads
Qiang Wang, Ziyi Sun, Jiale Guo and Rongrong Li
Data-driven predictive energy consumption minimization strategy for connected plug-in hybrid electric vehicles Downloads
Hao Zhang, Nuo Lei, Shang Liu, Qinhao Fan and Zhi Wang
Effect of shock generator on fuel mixing in an annular single lobe transverse nozzle at the supersonic combustion chamber of a scramjet engine using computational fluid dynamics Downloads
Dechen Wei, Yuanyuan Jiao, Ning Zhang and Yukun Fan
Modified thermal and solutal fluxes through convective flow of Reiner-Rivlin material Downloads
Sohail A. Khan, Aneeta Razaq, A. Alsaedi and T. Hayat
Numerical prediction of frosting growth characteristics of microchannel louvered fin heat exchanger Downloads
Weihao Ling, Jingtao Wu, Xuan Li, Jianjun Ma, Yu Ding, Bingcheng Li and Min Zeng
Experimental and computational investigations of the abnormal slow dissociation behavior of CH4 hydrate in the presence of Poly(N-vinylcaprolactam) Downloads
Soyeong Yun, Dongyoung Lee, Sohyeon An and Yongwon Seo
Product migration and regional reaction characteristics in the autothermic pyrolysis in-situ conversion process of low-permeability Huadian oil shale core Downloads
Shaotao Xu, Youhong Sun, Qinchuan Yang, Han Wang, Shijie Kang, Wei Guo, Xuanlong Shan and Wentong He
Effects analysis on hydrocarbon removal performance of an adsorptive catalytic gasoline particulate filter in the gasoline engine during cold start Downloads
Bin Zhang, Xuewei Li, Shanhong Tang, Qin Wan, Guohai Jia, Bo Liu and Shijun Li
Techno-economic optimization of molten salt based CSP plants through integration of supercritical CO2 cycles and hybridization with PV and electric heaters Downloads
Salvatore Guccione and Rafael Guedez
Revealing steam temperature characteristics for a double-reheat unit under coal calorific value variation Downloads
Hengyi Zhu, Peng Tan, Ziqian He, Lun Ma, Cheng Zhang, Qingyan Fang and Gang Chen
A data-based day-ahead scheduling optimization approach for regional integrated energy systems with varying operating conditions Downloads
Jing Xu, Xiaoying Wang, Yujiong Gu and Suxia Ma
An energy management strategy of deep reinforcement learning based on multi-agent architecture under self-generating conditions Downloads
Chengcheng Chang, Wanzhong Zhao, Chunyan Wang and Zhongkai Luan
An imitation learning-based energy management strategy for electric vehicles considering battery aging Downloads
Yiming Ye, Hanchen Wang, Bin Xu and Jiangfeng Zhang
Efficiency assessment of underground biomethanation with hydrogen and carbon dioxide in depleted gas reservoirs: A biogeochemical simulation Downloads
Lin Wu, Zhengmeng Hou, Zhifeng Luo, Liangchao Huang, Ying Xiong, Faisal Mehmood, Jianhua Liu, Wei Sun and Yachen Xie
Techno-economic potentials of integrating decentralised biomethane production systems into existing natural gas grids Downloads
Richard Kingsley Padi, Sean Douglas and Fionnuala Murphy
Effect of the opening degree on evolution of cryogenic cavitation through a butterfly valve Downloads
Guang Zhang, Wei Wei Wang, Ze Yong Wu, De Sheng Chen, Heuy Dong Kim and Zhe Lin
Yield prediction and optimization of biomass-based products by multi-machine learning schemes: Neural, regression and function-based techniques Downloads
Mohammad Rahimi, Hossein Mashhadimoslem, Hung Vo Thanh, Benyamin Ranjbar, Mobin Safarzadeh Khosrowshahi, Abbas Rohani and Ali Elkamel
Density functional theory study of acid-catalyzed conversion of glucose to hydrochar precursors under hydrothermal conditions Downloads
Shuai Guo, Quanrui Liu, Deng Zhao, Zhaoyuan Liu, Kaixin Chen, Xingcan Li and Guangyu Li
Acid and alkali pretreatment of agro by-products: Evaluating torrefaction efficiency and dechlorination Downloads
Sunyong Park, Seok Jun Kim, Kwang Cheol Oh, Lahoon Cho, Young Kwang Jeon and Dae Hyun Kim
Study on the preparation and properties of colloidal gas foam concrete to prevent spontaneous combustion of coal Downloads
Yizhen Xu, Botao Qin, Quanlin Shi, Mingyue Hao, Xu Shao, Zhe Jiang and Zujie Ma
Energy industry advancedization of dynamic evolution and resource-environment decoupling effect: Evidence from China's value chain upgrading Downloads
Hengshuo Zhang, Shaoping Li, Liying Cui and Liping Li
Geospatial analysis of Indonesia's bankable utility-scale solar PV potential using elements of project finance Downloads
Jannis Langer, Zenlin Kwee, Yilong Zhou, Olindo Isabella, Ziad Ashqar, Jaco Quist, Aaron Praktiknjo and Kornelis Blok
A novel three-dimensional hierarchical porous lead-carbon composite prepared from corn stover for high-performance lead-carbon batteries Downloads
Meng Wang, Qiang Yu, Shuting Li, Zhen Chen, Wei Zhu, Lei Han, Huixi Li, Lian Ren, Linxia Li, Xia Lu, Jiali Yuan, Shutong Li and Yize Wu
Thermal-deformation behavior of a crushed-rock embankment along a high-grade highway in permafrost regions Downloads
Yanqiao Zhou, Mingyi Zhang, Wansheng Pei, Long Jin, Chong Wang and Guanji Li
Comparative performance evaluation of multi-objective optimized desiccant wheels coated with MIL-100 (Fe) and silica gel composite Downloads
Jun Yeob Chung, Myeong Hyeon Park, Seong Ho Hong, Jaehyun Baek, Changho Han, Sewon Lee, Yong Tae Kang and Yongchan Kim
Electrical load forecasting based on variable T-distribution and dual attention mechanism Downloads
Jianguo Wang, Lincheng Han, Xiuyu Zhang, Yingzhou Wang and Shude Zhang
Short-term energy consumption prediction method for educational buildings based on model integration Downloads
Wenqiang Cao, Junqi Yu, Mengyao Chao, Jingqi Wang, Siyuan Yang, Meng Zhou and Meng Wang
Production of gasoline and diesel-like fuel from natural rubber scrap: Upgrading of the liquid fuel properties and performance in a spark ignition engine Downloads
Chokchai Suiuay, Somporn Katekaew, Kritsadang Senawong, Chaiyan Junsiri, Aphichat Srichat and Kittipong Laloon
Influence of over-fired air location on gas-particle flow characteristics within a coal-fired industrial boiler under radial air staging Downloads
Zhenhua Yuan, Zhichao Chen, Liguo Bian and Zhengqi Li
How national decarbonisation scenarios can affect building refurbishment strategies Downloads
Lorenzo Mario Pastore, Gianluigi Lo Basso and Livio de Santoli
Performance prediction and optimization of cross-flow indirect evaporative cooler by regression model based on response surface methodology Downloads
Wenchao Shi, Hongxing Yang, Xiaochen Ma and Xiaohua Liu
Dual pressure condensation heating high temperature heat pump using eco-friendly working fluid mixtures for industrial heating processes: 4E analysis Downloads
Baomin Dai, Yining Feng, Shengchun Liu, Xiaole Yao, Jianing Zhang, Bowen Wang and Dabiao Wang
Experimental and numerical methods for the performance analysis of a tubular three-pass solar air heater Downloads
Om Kapoor Maurya, Jasinta Poonam Ekka, Dhananjay Kumar, Disha Dewangan and Adarsh Singh
Thermodynamic analysis of the series system for the supercritical water gasification of coal-water slurry Downloads
Shenghui Guo, Yu Wang, Fei Shang, Lei Yi, Yunan Chen, Bin Chen and Liejin Guo
Mitigation of power system oscillations in weak grids with battery energy storage systems: A real-world case study Downloads
Felipe Arraño-Vargas, Shan Jiang, Bruce Bennett and Georgios Konstantinou
Suppression effect of bionic guide vanes with different parameters on the hump characteristics of pump-turbines based on entropy production theory Downloads
Yuanqi Zhao, Deyou Li, Hong Chang, Xiaolong Fu, Hongjie Wang and Daqing Qin
Multi-timescale photovoltaic power forecasting using an improved Stacking ensemble algorithm based LSTM-Informer model Downloads
Yisheng Cao, Gang Liu, Donghua Luo, Durga Prasad Bavirisetti and Gang Xiao
Optimization of a trigeneration cooling, heating, and power system with low-temperature waste heat from 4E points of view Downloads
Ehsanolah Assareh, Parisa Kazemiani-Najafabadi, Ehsan Amiri Rad and Ahmad Arabkoohsar
Integrated flexibility characterization and measurement of distributed multi-energy systems considering temporal coupling constraints Downloads
Yingqi Tie, Bo Hu, Changzheng Shao, Wei Huang, Feng Qi and Kaigui Xie
Exploring the interplay among energy dependence, CO2 emissions, and renewable resource utilization in developing nations: Empirical insights from Africa and the middle east using a quantile-on-quantile approach and spatial analysis Downloads
Nima Rajabi Kouyakhi
The impact of the new energy demonstration city construction on energy consumption intensity: Exploring the sustainable potential of China's firms Downloads
Xiaoqian Liu, Chang'an Wang, Haitao Wu, Cunyi Yang and Khaldoon Albitar
Energy and quality analysis of forced convection air-energy assisted solar timber drying Downloads
Xiang Chi, Sai Tang, Xiaoxue Song, Sohrab Rahimi, Zechun Ren, Guangping Han, Sheldon Q. Shi, Wanli Cheng and Stavros Avramidis
Geothermal-solar energy system integrated with hydrogen production and utilization modules for power supply-demand balancing Downloads
Guokun Liu, Dongxu Ji and Yanzhou Qin
Energy and exergy analysis of a novel solar-hydrogen production system with S–I thermochemical cycle Downloads
Xue Sun, Xiaofei Li, Jingxin Zeng, Qiang Song, Zhen Yang and Yuanyuan Duan
Enhanced state of charge estimation for Li-ion batteries through adaptive maximum correntropy Kalman filter with open circuit voltage correction Downloads
Zheng Liu, Zhenhua Zhao, Yuan Qiu, Benqin Jing, Chunshan Yang and Huifeng Wu
State of health estimation of lithium-ion batteries based on modified flower pollination algorithm-temporal convolutional network Downloads
Hao Zhang, Jingyi Gao, Le Kang, Yi Zhang, Licheng Wang and Kai Wang
Study on energy consumption characteristics of passenger electric vehicle according to the regenerative braking stages during real-world driving conditions Downloads
Gwangryeol Lee, Jingeun Song, Jungwon Han, Yunsung Lim and Suhan Park
Sub-ambient daytime cooling effects and cooling energy efficiency of a passive sub-ambient daytime radiative cooling coating applied to telecommunication base stations— Part 1: Distributed base stations and long-lasting self-cleaning properties Downloads
Zhuo Yang, Hongqiang Zhang, Zihan Zhang, Ming Xian, Yong Shu, Xiaomao Gong, Xianzhi Cai, Hong Jiang, Yuanzhu Cai, Zhipeng Sun, Yangang Zhang, Yanwen Li, Weidong Zhang, Xiao Xue and Lianhua Liu
Is scale production more advantageous than smallholders for Chinese rice production? Downloads
Qingyue Cheng, Liangyu Li, Qin Liao, Hao Fu, Jiangxia Nie, Yongheng Luo, Zhonglin Wang, Huilai Yin, Chuanhai Shu, Zongkui Chen, Yongjian Sun, Jun Ma, Na Li and Zhiyuan Yang
Comprehensive analytical model of energy and exergy performance of the thermal energy storage Downloads
J. Ochmann, K. Rusin and Ł. Bartela
On the applicability of advanced model-based strategies to control of electrified vehicle thermal systems Downloads
Milad Karimshoushtari, Mojtaba Kordestani, Sina Shojaei, Bilge Kağan Dönmez, Muzamil Rashid, Feisel Weslati and Kamal Bouyoucef
Development of proton exchange membrane fuel cell flow plate geometry design Downloads
Tabbi Wilberforce, A.G. Olabi, Daniel Pritchard, Mohammad Ali Abdelkareem and Enas Taha Sayed
Pore structure characterization of solvent extracted shale containing kerogen type III during artificial maturation: Experiments and tree-based machine learning modeling Downloads
Bo Liu, Mohammad-Reza Mohammadi, Zhongliang Ma, Longhui Bai, Liu Wang, Yaohui Xu, Abdolhossein Hemmati-Sarapardeh and Mehdi Ostadhassan
Geographically informed automated non-linear topology optimization of district heating networks Downloads
R. Salenbien, Y. Wack, M. Baelmans and M. Blommaert
Adaptive robust scheduling optimization of a smart commercial building considering joint energy and reserve markets Downloads
Wen Zheng, Xiao Xu, Yuan Huang, Feng Zhu, Yuyan Yang, Junyong Liu and Weihao Hu
Parameter identification of proton exchange membrane fuel cell based on swarm intelligence algorithm Downloads
Bo Zhang, Rongjie Wang, Desong Jiang, Yichun Wang, Anhui Lin, Jianfeng Wang and Bingcong Ruan
Performance enhancement of multi-gas compatible dual-channel interconnector for planar solid oxide fuel cells Downloads
Haolong Li, Tuo Zhang, Wei Wei, Fengxia Liu, Xiaofei Xu, Zhiyi Li and Zhijun Liu
Charging station layout planning for electric vehicles based on power system flexibility requirements Downloads
Ziyue Jiang, Jingzuo Han, Yetong Li, Xinyu Chen, Tianduo Peng, Jianliang Xiong and Zhan Shu
A novel mechanism of turbulent kinetic energy harvesting by horizontal-axis wind and hydrokinetic turbines Downloads
R.N. Silva, M.M. Nunes, R.C.F. Mendes, A.C.P. Brasil and T.F. Oliveira
A novel algorithm system for wind power prediction based on RANSAC data screening and Seq2Seq-Attention-BiGRU model Downloads
Gaoyu Zhou, Guofeng Hu, Daxing Zhang and Yun Zhang
Effect of uncertain operating conditions on the aerodynamic performance of high-pressure axial turbomachinery blades Downloads
Kun Wang, Fu Chen, Jianyang Yu, Yanping Song and Ghader Ghorbaniasl
An economic model predictive control-based flexible power point tracking strategy for photovoltaic power generation Downloads
Xiangjie Liu, Zheng Zhu, Xiaobing Kong, Lele Ma and Kwang Y. Lee
Development and assessment of a novel natural gas fuelled HCCI engine based combined power, heating, and refrigeration system Downloads
Mohd Asjad Siddiqui
Proposal and analysis of a novel CCHP system based on SOFC for coalbed methane recovery Downloads
Zhiqiang Liu, Tianfeng Tao, Chengwei Deng and Sheng Yang
Triple-objective MPSO of zeotropic-fluid solar ejector cycle integrated with cold storage tank based on techno-economic criteria Downloads
Seyedeh Mohadeseh Miri, Mahmood Farzaneh-Gord and Ali Kianifar
Energy assessment of advanced and switchable windows for less energy-hungry buildings in the UK Downloads
Edward Field and Aritra Ghosh
Development of hierarchical MOF-based composite phase change materials with enhanced latent heat storage for low-temperature battery thermal optimization Downloads
Ying Ma, Rongrong Wei, Hongyan Zuo, Qingsong Zuo, Ying Chen, Shuying Wu and Heng Yang
The recovery of blowdown heat using steam dryer in biomass power plant Downloads
Somchart Chantasiriwan
Achieving wind power and photovoltaic power prediction: An intelligent prediction system based on a deep learning approach Downloads
Yagang Zhang, Zhiya Pan, Hui Wang, Jingchao Wang, Zheng Zhao and Fei Wang
Multi-timescale rolling optimization dispatch method for integrated energy system with hybrid energy storage system Downloads
Weijie Shen, Bo Zeng and Ming Zeng
Pore-scale mechanisms and hysteresis effect during multi-cycle injection and production process in underground hydrogen storage reservoir Downloads
Jidong Gao, Debin Kong, Yingfeng Peng, Yunzhu Zhou, Yuwei Liu and Weiyao Zhu
Integrated energy system scheduling considering the correlation of uncertainties Downloads
Shangjiu Huang, Hao Lu, Maozhi Chen and Wenjun Zhao
An ultra-short-term wind speed correction method based on the fluctuation characteristics of wind speed Downloads
Xiong Xiong, Ruilin Zou, Tao Sheng, Weilin Zeng and Xiaoling Ye
Kinetic study of methane storage in hydrophobic ZIF-8 by adsorption-hydration hybrid technology Downloads
Shujun Chen, Di Wang, Zeyuan Wang, Yue Fu, Yiheng Xu and Dandan Liu
Study on the inhibition mechanism of green suppressants zinc borate and zinc silicate for oil shale based on flame propagation experiment and thermodynamic analysis Downloads
Yansong Zhang, Ruiting Li, Jinshe Chen, Junjie Yang, Fei Wang, Zhichao Pan, Wenxi Shi, Shengjing Dongye and Wenbin Zhao
Investigation into the key factors influencing the establishment and propagation of combustion front in ultra-deep high-temperature heavy oil reservoirs Downloads
Shuai Zhao, Wanfen Pu, Qi Jiang, Chengdong Yuan, Mikhail A. Varfolomeev and Vladislav Sudakov
Dynamics of water vapour sorption on composite LiCl/(silica gel): An innovative configuration of the adsorbent bed Downloads
S.V. Strelova, Yu. I. Aristov and L.G. Gordeeva
Drivers of natural gas and renewable energy utilization in the USA: How about household energy efficiency-energy expenditure and retail electricity prices? Downloads
Tomiwa Sunday Adebayo and Andrew Adewale Alola
Stochastic-robust planning optimization method based on tracking-economy extreme scenario tradeoff for CCHP multi-energy system Downloads
Yuxuan Li, Junli Zhang, Xiao Wu, Jiong Shen and François Maréchal
Study on the energy loss characteristics of ultra-low specific speed PAT under different short blade lengths based on entropy production method Downloads
Jiawei He, Qiaorui Si, Wentao Sun, Jinfeng Liu, Senchun Miao, Xiaohui Wang, Peng Wang and Chenguang Wang
Hybrid cooling and heating absorption heat pump cycle with thermal energy storage Downloads
Jaehui Jeong, Han Sol Jung, Jae Won Lee and Yong Tae Kang
Retrofit heat exchanger network optimization via graph-theoretical approach: Pinch-bounded N-best solutions allows positional swapping Downloads
Sin Yong Teng, Ákos Orosz, Bing Shen How, Jeroen J. Jansen and Ferenc Friedler
Effects of energy conversion under shock wave on the effective liquefaction efficiency in the nozzle during natural gas dehydration Downloads
Yang Liu, Xuewen Cao, Daotong Chong, Wen Yang, Ziyuan Zhao and Jiang Bian
Research on a new method of “blocking-sealing” dust control and removal in fully mechanized heading face Downloads
Sen Xie, Haiming Yu, Yuxi Ye, Junwei Zhao, Chuangen Hou and Dongliang Zhao
A multi-channel reaction model study of key primary and secondary active groups in the low-temperature oxidation process of coal Downloads
Jiliang Huang, Bo Tan, Liyang Gao, Zhuangzhuang Shao, Haiyan Wang and Zhen Chen
Optimal parameters extraction of photovoltaic triple diode model using an enhanced artificial gorilla troops optimizer Downloads
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Efficiency measures for energy supply and use aiming for a clean circular economy Downloads
Petar Sabev Varbanov, Bohong Wang, Paweł Ocłoń, Elżbieta Radziszewska-Zielina, Ting Ma, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš and Xuexiu Jia
Study on the performance of a forced convection low temperature radiator for district heating Downloads
Haichao Wang, Yang Zhou, Xiangli Li, Xiaozhou Wu, Hai Wang, Abdollahi Elnaz, Katja Granlund, Risto Lahdelma and Esa Teppo
Analysis of internal energy and mass loss rate of fuel with water sublayer at different initial temperatures Downloads
Cong Li, Wenbo Xu, Yuqing Wang, Yanke Jin, Shanyang Wei and Rui Yang
Advanced power-refrigeration-cycle integrated WHR system for marine natural gas engine base on multi-objective optimization Downloads
Tiancheng Ouyang, Mingming Pan, Xianlin Tan, Youbin Huang, Chunlan Mo and Zhiping Wang
Optimization model for home energy management system of rural dwellings Downloads
Zhijia Huang, Fang Wang, Yuehong Lu, Xiaofeng Chen and Qiqi Wu
Experimental investigation on the operation performance of photovoltaic double skin façade in winter Downloads
Xingjiang Liu, Chao Shen, Rui Bo, Julian Wang and Neda Ghaeili Ardabili
An analytical method for quickly evaluating the performances of refractory alloys in sCO2 Brayton cycle applications Downloads
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Do feed-in tariff reduction and green certificate trading effectively promote regional sustainable development? Downloads
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Hybrid optimization based on the analytical approach and the particle swarm optimization algorithm (Ana-PSO) for the extraction of single and double diode models parameters Downloads
Imade Choulli, Mustapha Elyaqouti, El hanafi Arjdal, Dris Ben hmamou, Driss Saadaoui, Souad Lidaighbi, Abdelfattah Elhammoudy and Ismail Abazine
Innovative mini-channel design for a compound parabolic solar thermal collector serving intermediate temperature applications Downloads
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Review of mapping analysis and complementarity between solar and wind energy sources Downloads
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On industrial agglomeration and industrial carbon productivity --- impact mechanism and nonlinear relationship Downloads
Xiaoqian Zhang, Shujie Yao, Weiwei Zheng and Jing Fang
Does China's low-carbon city pilot policy improve energy efficiency? Downloads
Lianghu Wang, Jun Shao and Yatian Ma
Learning rate matters: Reexamining optimal power expansion planning with endogenized technological experience curves Downloads
Takanobu Kosugi
Optimization of a Solvay cycle-based liquid air energy storage system Downloads
Vuppanapalli Chaitanya, S. Narasimhan and G. Venkatarathnam
Bi-layer sizing and design optimization method of propulsion system for electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft Downloads
Mingkai Wang, Guotai Xiaoyang, Ruichen He, Shuguang Zhang and Jintao Ma
Analytical temperature estimation process of the air supply system of the proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack in fuel cell electric vehicles Downloads
Dong-Min Kim, Jun-Woo Chin, Jae-Hyun Kim and Myung-Seop Lim
Application of exergetic analysis to inverted Brayton cycle engine at different flight conditions Downloads
Mustafa Karabacak, Mehmet Kirmizi, Hakan Aygun and Onder Turan
A novel regenerative braking energy recuperation system for electric vehicles based on driving style Downloads
Qiu Chengqun, Xinshan Wan, Na Wang, Sunjia Cao, Xinchen Ji, Kun Wu, Yaoyu Hu and Mingyu Meng
Linear or mixed integer programming in long-term energy systems modeling – A comparative analysis for a local expanding heating system Downloads
Karl Vilén and Erik O. Ahlgren
Decarbonization strategies for steel production with uncertainty in hydrogen direct reduction Downloads
Hwarang Lee
Predictive hierarchical eco-driving control involving speed planning and energy management for connected plug-in hybrid electric vehicles Downloads
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Pathways to net-zero emissions from China's transportation industry: Considering alternative fuels Downloads
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Fracture process characteristic study during fracture propagation of a CO2 transport network distribution pipeline Downloads
Lei Chen, Yanwei Hu, Kai Yang, Xinqing Yan, Shuai Yu, Jianliang Yu and Shaoyun Chen
State of health estimation of the lithium-ion power battery based on the principal component analysis-particle swarm optimization-back propagation neural network Downloads
Muyao Wu, Yiming Zhong, Ji Wu, Yuqing Wang and Li Wang
Experimental study on the transient supply consistency for a common rail pump based on impedance theory Downloads
Yuanqi Gu, Liyun Fan, Qi Lan and Yunpeng Wei
Chemical dissolution of minerals in anthracite after supercritical carbon dioxide immersion: Considering mechanical damage and enhanced porosity Downloads
Haoran Song, Zheng Zhong and Baiquan Lin
Thermodynamic and economic analysis of an integration system of multi-effect desalination (MED) with ice storage based on a heat pump Downloads
Longxiang Chen, Xi Liu, Kai Ye, Meina Xie and Wenchao Lan
A Nash bargaining model for energy sharing between micro-energy grids and energy storage Downloads
Zaichuang Wang, Laijun Chen, Xiaozhu Li and Shengwei Mei
A task matching model of photovoltaic storage system under the energy blockchain environment - based on GA-CLOUD-GS algorithm Downloads
Jicheng Liu and Yunyuan Lu
An interpretable state of health estimation method for lithium-ion batteries based on multi-category and multi-stage features Downloads
Guangzheng Lyu, Heng Zhang and Qiang Miao
Effect of filter material and porosity on the energy storage capacity characteristics of diesel particulate filter thermoelectric conversion mobile energy storage system Downloads
Xiaohuan Zhao, Jiang Jiang and Zhengsong Mao
Enhanced coati optimization algorithm-based optimal power flow including renewable energy uncertainties and electric vehicles Downloads
Hany M. Hasanien, Ibrahim Alsaleh, Abdullah Alassaf and Ayoob Alateeq
Comparative study on homogeneous NO-reburning in flameless and swirl flame combustion Downloads
Fan Hu, Pengfei Li, Pengfei Cheng, Guodong Shi, Yan Gao, Yaowei Liu, Cuijiao Ding, Chao Yang and Zhaohui Liu
The impact of yaw motion on the wake interaction of adjacent floating tidal stream turbines under free surface condition Downloads
Yuquan Zhang, Bin Peng, Jinhai Zheng, Yuan Zheng, Qinghong Tang, Zhiqiang Liu, Junhui Xu, Yirong Wang and Emmanuel Fernandez-Rodriguez
Quantifying the surge-induced response of a floating tidal stream turbine under wave-current flows Downloads
Yuquan Zhang, Wenqian Wei, Jinhai Zheng, Bin Peng, Yaoru Qian, Chengyi Li, Yuan Zheng, Emmanuel Fernandez-Rodriguez and An Yu
Research and experiments on low throttle loss switched inertance hydraulic systems based on inertive elements Downloads
Liwen Zeng, Heng Du, Xujun Ye, Jianmeng Huang, Chaofan Chen, Xin Chen and Jianjun Ding
Effects of composite cooling strategy including phase change material and cooling air on the heat dissipation performance improvement of lithium ion power batteries pack in hot climate and its catastrophe evaluation Downloads
Shengxin E, Yuxian Liu, Yaxin Cui, Aojin Wu and Huichun Yin
A novel inlet air cooling system to improve the performance of intercooled gas turbine combined cycle power plants in hot regions Downloads
Yousef N. Dabwan, Liang Zhang and Gang Pei
Dynamic interdependence of comfortable thermal conditions and energy efficiency increase in a nursery school building for heating and cooling period Downloads
Nadia Buyak, Valeriy Deshko, Inna Bilous, Anatoliy Pavlenko, Anatoliy Sapunov and Dmytro Biriukov
Study of CO2 injection to enhance gas hydrate production in multilateral wells Downloads
Hongxing Du, Yiqun Zhang, Bo Zhang, Shouceng Tian, Gensheng Li and Panpan Zhang
Wind power interval and point prediction model using neural network based multi-objective optimization Downloads
Jianhua Zhu, Yaoyao He and Zhiwei Gao
A robust De-Noising Autoencoder imputation and VMD algorithm based deep learning technique for short-term wind speed prediction ensuring cyber resilience Downloads
Karan Sareen, Bijaya Ketan Panigrahi, Tushar Shikhola and Astha Chawla
A novel decomposition-based approach for non-stationary hub-height wind speed modelling Downloads
Zihao Yang and Sheng Dong
Numerical verification of the dynamic aerodynamic similarity criterion for wind tunnel experiments of floating offshore wind turbines Downloads
Xinbao Wang, Chang Cai, Yewen Chen, Yuejuan Chen, Junbo Liu, Yang Xiao, Xiaohui Zhong, Kezhong Shi and Qing'an Li
Hydrothermal and thermal-acid pretreatments of wheat straw: Methane yield, recalcitrant formation, process inhibition, kinetic modeling Downloads
Ali Mohammad Rahmani, Vinay Kumar Tyagi, A.A. Kazmi and Chandra Shekhar P. Ojha
Performance and energy analysis of turboprop engine for air freighter aircraft with the aid of multiple regression Downloads
Mehmet Kirmizi, Hakan Aygun and Onder Turan
Multi-objective optimization of multi-channel cold plate under intermittent pulsating flow by RSM and NSGA-Ⅱ for thermal management of electric vehicle lithium-ion battery pack Downloads
Wei Zuo, Dexin Li, Qingqing Li, Qianju Cheng, Kun Zhou and Jiaqiang E
A multi-scale learning approach for remaining useful life prediction of lithium-ion batteries based on variational mode decomposition and Monte Carlo sampling Downloads
Meng Wei, Min Ye, Chuanwei Zhang, Yan Li, Jiale Zhang and Qiao Wang
Heterogeneous nucleation condensation of methane gas on the wall-A molecular dynamics study Downloads
Yue Wang, Zhaoxi Wang, Bingbing Wang, Jiang Bian, Yihuai Hua and Weihua Cai
On the 3D fluid behavior during CBM coproduction in a multi pressure system: Insights from experimental analysis and mathematical models Downloads
Shijie Dai, Jiang Xu, Li Jia, Jieren Chen, Fazhi Yan, Yuexia Chen and Shoujian Peng
Thermodynamic energy change and occurrence mechanism of multiple fluids in coal reservoirs Downloads
Changjing Gao, Dameng Liu, Veerle Vandeginste, Yidong Cai and Fengrui Sun
Power plant design for all-electric ships considering the assessment of carbon intensity indicator Downloads
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A health-aware energy management strategy for fuel cell hybrid electric UAVs based on safe reinforcement learning Downloads
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Process design and analysis for combined hydrogen regasification process and liquid air energy storage Downloads
Yeonghyun Kim, Meng Qi, Jaehyun Cho, Inkyu Lee, Jinwoo Park and Il Moon
Electric fleet charging management considering battery degradation and nonlinear charging profile Downloads
Junzhe Shi, Teng Zeng and Scott Moura
Enhancing wind turbine site selection through a novel wake penalty criterion Downloads
A.Ersin Dinçer, A. Demir and K. Yılmaz
A deep reinforcement learning approach for power management of battery-assisted fast-charging EV hubs participating in day-ahead and real-time electricity markets Downloads
Diwas Paudel and Tapas K. Das
Analysis and enhancement of methanol reformer performance for online reforming based on waste heat recovery of methanol-diesel dual direct injection engine Downloads
Yuanyou Tang, Yang Wang, Wuqiang Long, Ge Xiao, Yongjian Wang and Weixing Li
Optimization of liquid cooling heat dissipation control strategy for electric vehicle power batteries based on linear time-varying model predictive control Downloads
Chaofeng Pan, Zihao Jia, Jian Wang, Limei Wang and Jiaxin Wu
Flame stabilization characteristics of turbulent hydrogen jet flame diluted by nitrogen Downloads
Zhenhua Tang, Zhirong Wang and Kun Zhao
A novel renewable energy system designed with Mg–Cl thermochemical cycle, desalination and heat storage options Downloads
Yarkin Gevez and Ibrahim Dincer
Performance evaluation on a novel combined cool/heat and power (CCP/CHP) system integrating an SOFC-GT plant with a solar-assisted LiBr absorption cooling/heating unit Downloads
Luzhi Tan, Changnian Chen, Zhiqiang Gong and Lijiang Xia
A novel state of health estimation method for lithium-ion batteries based on constant-voltage charging partial data and convolutional neural network Downloads
Si-Zhe Chen, Zikang Liang, Haoliang Yuan, Ling Yang, Fangyuan Xu and Yuanliang Fan
Methanol oxy-combustion and supercritical water oxidation: A ReaxFF molecular dynamics study Downloads
M. Monge-Palacios, E. Grajales-González and S. Mani Sarathy
Effects of blade tip flow on aerodynamic characteristics of straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbines Downloads
Guoqiang Tong, Shengbing Yang, Yan Li and Fang Feng
On accelerative propagation of premixed hydrogen/air laminar and turbulent expanding flames Downloads
Haoran Zhao, Jinhua Wang, Xiao Cai, Hongchao Dai, Xiao Liu, Gang Li and Zuohua Huang
Hydroprocessing of lipids: An effective production process for sustainable aviation fuel Downloads
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Coal power plants transition based on joint planning of power and central heating sectors: A case study of China Downloads
Binglin Du, Pei Liu and Zheng Li
Development of artificial neural network and response surface methodology model to optimize the engine parameters of rubber seed oil – Hydrogen on PCCI operation Downloads
Edwin Geo Varuvel, Sathyanarayanan Seetharaman, Femilda Josephin Joseph Shobana Bai, Yuvarajan Devarajan and Dhinesh Balasubramanian
Investigating the annual energy-saving and energy-output behaviors of a novel liquid-flow window with spectral regulation of ATO nanofluids Downloads
Jihong Pu, Chao Shen and Lin Lu
Predicting uncertainty of a chiller plant power consumption using quantile random forest: A commercial building case study Downloads
Behzad Salimian Rizi, Gregory Pavlak, Vincent Cushing and Mohammad Heidarinejad
Experimental study on the operating characteristic of the desiccant cooling systems with the potential of condensing heat recovery Downloads
Shuo Liu, Hyusan Jang and Myoung-Souk Yeo
A wind-solar energy harvester based on airflow enhancement mechanism for rail-side devices Downloads
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Research on multi-energy collaborative operation optimization of integrated energy system considering carbon trading and demand response Downloads
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Digital twin for Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring by machine learning algorithms Downloads
Ugur Kilic, Gorkem Yalin and Omer Cam
Heat transfer enhancement and pressure loss analysis of hydrogen-fueled microcombustor with slinky projection shape channel for micro-thermophotovoltaic system Downloads
Ziqiang He, Lei Zhang, Xiuquan Li, Jingxiang You, Zongguo Xue and Yunfei Yan
Graph structure embedded with physical constraints-based information fusion network for interpretable fault diagnosis of aero-engine Downloads
Yufeng Huang, Jun Tao, Junyi Zhao, Gang Sun, Kai Yin and Junyi Zhai
Optimized nonlinear controller for fuel cell, supercapacitor, battery, hybrid photoelectrochemical and photovoltaic cells based hybrid electric vehicles Downloads
Shahid Hassan Mian, Muhammad Saqib Nazir, Iftikhar Ahmad and Safdar Abbas Khan
Experimental study on improving cold start performance of diesel engines at extremely low ambient temperatures with diethyl ether Downloads
Hao Sun, Wugao Zhang and Yixuan Wang
High-performance magnetic thermal switch based on MnFe2O4/Ethylene Glycol:Water refrigerant dispersion Downloads
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Implementation of hot steam injection in steam turbine design: A novel mean-line method coupled with multi-objective optimization and neural network Downloads
Mehran Ansari, Vahid Esfahanian, Mohammad Javad Izadi, Hosein Bashi, Alireza Tavakoli and Mohammad Kordi
The properties of sustainable aviation fuel I: Spray characteristics Downloads
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Low-carbon optimal dispatch of integrated energy system considering the operation of oxy-fuel combustion coupled with power-to-gas and hydrogen-doped gas equipment Downloads
Yunyun Yun, Dahai Zhang, Shengchun Yang, Yaping Li and Jiahao Yan
Adaptive energy management strategy based on a model predictive control with real-time tuning weight for hybrid energy storage system Downloads
Bin Ma, Xing Guo and Penghui Li
An efficient war strategy optimization reconfiguration method for improving the PV array generated power Downloads
Abdullah G. Alharbi, Ahmed Fathy, Hegazy Rezk, Mohammad Ali Abdelkareem and A.G. Olabi
Online diagnosis and prediction of power battery voltage comprehensive faults for electric vehicles based on multi-parameter characterization and improved K-means method Downloads
Qiquan Liu, Jian Ma, Xuan Zhao, Kai Zhang and Dean Meng
The feasibility of using magnetic refrigeration cycles in the thermal management of rechargeable batteries in electric cars Downloads
Moh'd Al-Nimr, Osamah Haddad and Lena Al-Samamah
Dynamic carbon emission factor based interactive control of distribution network by a generalized regression neural network assisted optimization Downloads
Xiaoshun Zhang, Zhengxun Guo, Feng Pan, Yuyao Yang and Chuansheng Li
Thermodynamic performance analysis of solid oxide fuel cell - combined cooling, heating and power system with integrated supercritical CO2 power cycle - organic Rankine cycle and absorption refrigeration cycle Downloads
Rong Zeng, Jijuan Gan, Baoxin Guo, Xiaofeng Zhang, Hongqiang Li, Wei Yin and Guoqiang Zhang
The autothermic pyrolysis in-situ conversion process for oil shale recovery: Effect of gas injection parameters Downloads
Qinchuan Yang, Wei Guo, Shaotao Xu and Chaofan Zhu
Low-carbon transition of China's provincial power sector under renewable portfolio standards and carbon cap Downloads
Xianyang Zhou, Dequn Zhou, Hao Ding, Siqi Zhao and Qunwei Wang
Experimental investigation on supercritical multi-thermal fluid flooding using a novel 2-dimensional model Downloads
Xiaoyu Li, Xiaofei Sun, Jiaming Cai, Qingquan Zhang, Xianggang Pan and Yanyu Zhang
Modelling of large biomass and coal particle based on a novel C-DAEM: A numerical study on heat transfer and pyrolysis behavior Downloads
Rui Chen, Jun Cai, Xinli Li, Qinggang Lyu and Xiaobin Qi
Bidding strategy design for electric vehicle aggregators in the day-ahead electricity market considering price volatility: A risk-averse approach Downloads
Yanchong Zheng, Yubin Wang and Qiang Yang
A novel multi-gradient evolutionary deep learning approach for few-shot wind power prediction using time-series GAN Downloads
Anbo Meng, Haitao Zhang, Hao Yin, Zikang Xian, Shu Chen, Zibin Zhu, Zheng Zhang, Jiayu Rong, Chen Li, Chenen Wang, Zhenbo Wu, Weisi Deng, Jianqiang Luo and Xiaolin Wang
A new machine learning-based approach for cross-region coupled wind-storage integrated systems identification considering electricity demand response and data integration: A new provincial perspective of China Downloads
Xidong Zheng, Sheng Zhou and Tao Jin
A Comparison Study of Predictive Models for Electricity Demand in a Diverse Urban Environment Downloads
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Evaluating the impacts of fin structures and fin counts on photovoltaic panels integrated with phase change material Downloads
Jiajie Jiang, Yuxiang Hong, Qing Li and Juan Du
Heat transfer and two-phase flow of a metal foam enhanced horizontal loop thermosyphon for high power solar thermal applications Downloads
Huicong Yao, Jie Zhang, Yuehao Li, Hao Liu, Yinfeng Wang, Guiqiang Li and Yuezhao Zhu
Application of catalysts in biomass hydrothermal carbonization for the preparation of high-quality blast furnace injection fuel Downloads
Guangwei Wang, Desheng Li, Lin Xiong, Jiayun Dan, Kun Xu, Xiang Yuan, Guangze Kan, Xiaojun Ning and Chuan Wang
Effect of heterogeneous hydrate distribution on hydrate production under different hole combinations Downloads
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Effect of oxygen-supply on the reburning reactivity of pyrolyzed residual from sub-bituminous coal: A reactive force field molecular dynamics simulation Downloads
Liyang Ma, Lan Zhang, Deming Wang, Haihui Xin and Qiulin Ma
Advancing green technology: Experimental study on low heat rejection engine utilizing bio-based antioxidant-doped biodiesel-diesel blends and oxy-hydrogen gas Downloads
Jami Paparao, N. Soundarya and S. Murugan
High-efficiency power generation system with CO2 capture based on cascading coal gasification employing chemical recuperation Downloads
Jichao Li, Wei Han, Peijing Li, Wenjing Ma, Xiaodong Xue and Hongguang Jin
A new type of velocity averaging tube vortex flow sensor and measurement model of mass flow rate Downloads
Lide Fang, Yueyuan Liu, Meng Zheng, Xu Liu, Kang Lan, Fan Wang and Xiaoli Yan
Opening the black box of environmental governance: Environmental target constraints and industrial firm pollution reduction Downloads
Weijian Du and Mengjie Li
Investigating the energy trade networks in the Belt and Road regions: Structures and evolution Downloads
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Optimization and economic analysis of solar PV based hybrid system for powering Base Transceiver Stations in India Downloads
Niranjan Rao Deevela, Bhim Singh and Tara C. Kandpal
Kinetic characteristics of methane hydrate formation under the synergistic effect of electric field and Hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium Bromide Downloads
Junhui Li, Lingli Shi, Yong He, Jingsheng Lu, Zhen Long and Deqing Liang
Investigation of the correlation between OH*, CH* chemiluminescence and heat release rate in methane inverse diffusion flame Downloads
Shuai Yan, Yan Gong, Zhengqiao Duan, Qinghua Guo and Guangsuo Yu
Development of a spray-ejector condenser for the use in a negative CO2 emission gas power plant Downloads
Paweł Madejski, Krzysztof Banasiak, Paweł Ziółkowski, Dariusz Mikielewicz, Jarosław Mikielewicz, Tomasz Kuś, Michał Karch, Piotr Michalak, Milad Amiri, Paweł Dąbrowski, Kamil Stasiak, Navaneethan Subramanian and Tomasz Ochrymiuk
Synergy of water use in water-energy-food nexus from a symbiosis perspective: A case study in China Downloads
En Hua, Xinxueqi Han, Yawen Bai, Bernard A. Engel, Xin Li, Shikun Sun and Yubao Wang
The energetic and economic analysis of demand-driven biogas plant investment possibility in dairy farm Downloads
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Investigation on the potential of using carbon-free ammonia and hydrogen in small-scaled Wankel rotary engines Downloads
Huaiyu Wang, Changwei Ji, Du Wang, Zhe Wang, Jinxin Yang, Hao Meng, Cheng Shi, Shuofeng Wang, Xin Wang, Yunshan Ge and Wenming Yang
Lithium-ion battery state of health monitoring based on an adaptive variable fractional order multivariate grey model Downloads
Zhicun Xu, Naiming Xie and Huakang Diao
Evaluation and optimization of hydrogen addition on the performance and emission for biodiesel dual-fuel engines with different blend ratios based on the response surface method Downloads
Dongli Tan, Dongmei Li, Su Wang, Zhiqing Zhang, Jie Tian, Jiangtao Li, Junshuai Lv, Wenling Zheng and Yanshuai Ye
Archimedes optimization algorithm (AOA)-Based global maximum power point tracking for a photovoltaic system under partial and complex shading conditions Downloads
Injila Sajid, Adil Sarwar, Mohd Tariq, Farhad Ilahi Bakhsh, Shafiq Ahmad and Adamali Shah Noor Mohamed
Solar power tower plants with Bimetallic receiver tubes: A thermomechanical study of two- and three-layer composite tubes configurations Downloads
R. Pérez-Álvarez, A. Montoya, J. López-Puente and D. Santana
Short-term wind power forecasting model based on temporal convolutional network and Informer Downloads
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Twin delayed deep deterministic policy gradient based energy management strategy for fuel cell/battery/ultracapacitor hybrid electric vehicles considering predicted terrain information Downloads
Fazhan Tao, Zhigao Fu, Huixian Gong, Baofeng Ji and Yao Zhou
Winner or loser? The bidirectional impact between geopolitical risk and energy transition from the renewable energy perspective Downloads
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Can low-carbon mergers and acquisitions reduce carbon emissions? Evidence from China's energy companies Downloads
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Deep reinforcement learning based energymanagement strategy considering running costs and energy source aging for fuel cell hybrid electric vehicle Downloads
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Energy, exergy, economic and environmental (4E) analysis of two-stage cascade, Linder-Hampson and reverse Brayton systems in the temperature range from −120 °C to −60 °C Downloads
Dandan Sun, Shoujun Sun, Qinglu Song, Dechang Wang, Yunhua Wang and Shuo Guo
Numerical simulation on the enhancement of heat transfer performance by deflector plates for the mechanical draft cooling towers Downloads
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Study on water entry characteristics of the projectile colliding with the floating ice based on fluid-structure interaction method: Dynamic response and energy conversion Downloads
Xinyu Hu, Yingjie Wei and Cong Wang
Multi-timescale optimization scheduling of regional integrated energy system based on source-load joint forecasting Downloads
Xin Ma, Bo Peng, Xiangxue Ma, Changbin Tian and Yi Yan
Biomass conversion through optimization of cellulase from Chryseobacterium junjuense Bp17 and their utility in bioethanol production Downloads
Narendra Kumar H K, Chandra Mohana N, Amrutha H C, Rakshith D, Harini B P and S. Satish
Optimal configuration of double carbon energy system considering climate change Downloads
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Ball-milling transesterification process on biodiesel production: RSM optimization, life cycle assessment and market dynamics analysis Downloads
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CO2 capture performance of ceramic membrane with superhydrophobic modification based on deposited SiO2 particles Downloads
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Wind load and load-carrying optical performance of a large solar dish/stirling power system with 17.7 m diameter Downloads
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Microfluidic experiments and numerical modeling of pore-scale Asphaltene deposition: Insights and predictive capabilities Downloads
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Permeability properties of natural gas hydrate-bearing sediments considering dynamic stress coupling: A comprehensive experimental investigation Downloads
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Ammonia blend ratio impact on combustion characteristics and NOx emissions during co-firing with sludge and coal in a utility boiler Downloads
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High temperature transcritical CO2 heat pump with optimized tube-in-tube heat exchanger Downloads
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Page updated 2025-03-28