1976 - 2025
Current editor(s): Henrik Lund and Mark J. Kaiser From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 257, issue C, 2022
- Hydrothermal challenges in low-temperature networks with distributed heat pumps

- Tobias Sommer, Artem Sotnikov, Matthias Sulzer, Volkher Scholz, Stefan Mischler, Behzad Rismanchi, Kristian Gjoka and Stefan Mennel
- A novel negative carbon-emission, cooling, and power generation system based on combined LNG regasification and waste heat recovery: Energy, exergy, economic, environmental (4E) evaluations

- Zhen Tian, Zhixin Qi, Wanlong Gan, Molin Tian and Wenzhong Gao
- Performance explorations of an organic Rankine cycle featured with separating and mixing composition of zeotropic mixture

- Yisheng Huang, Jianyong Chen, Ying Chen, Xianglong Luo, Yingzong Liang, Jiacheng He and Zhi Yang
- Dynamic simulation and optimization of a novel energy system with Hydrogen energy storage for hotel buildings

- Meysam Farrokhi, Nader Javani, Roghayyeh Motallebzadeh and Abdolsalam Ebrahimpour
- Techno-economic and financial analyses of hybrid renewable energy system microgrids in 634 Philippine off-grid islands: Policy implications on public subsidies and private investments

- Michael T. Castro, Jethro Daniel A. Pascasio, Laurence L. Delina, Paul Heherson M. Balite and Joey D. Ocon
- Decarbonising the residential heating sector: A techno-economic assessment of selected technologies

- David Huckebrink and Valentin Bertsch
- Energy loss mechanisms of transition from pump mode to turbine mode of an axial-flow pump under bidirectional conditions

- Kan Kan, Zhe Xu, Huixiang Chen, Hui Xu, Yuan Zheng, Daqing Zhou, Alexis Muhirwa and Binama Maxime
- Dimensional analysis and performance laws for organic vapor flow turbomachinery

- Stefan aus der Wiesche and Felix Reinker
- Numerical analysis of CO2 capture process with potassium-based sorbent in a three-dimensional fluidized bed

- Xiaohuan Liu, Shiliang Yang, Jianhang Hu, Guirong Bao and Hua Wang
- Improving inorganic perovskite photovoltaic performance via organic cation addition for efficient solar energy utilization

- Dong-Gun Lee, Padmini Pandey, Bhaskar Parida, Jun Ryu, SungWon Cho, Jae-Kwang Kim and Dong-Won Kang
- An intelligent green vehicle management system for urban food reliably delivery:A case study of Shanghai, China

- Zhengtang Fu, Peiwu Dong, Yanbing Ju, Zhenkun Gan and Min Zhu
- A new theoretical model of thermo-gas-mechanical (TGM) coupling field for underground multi-layered cavern of compressed air energy storage

- Yan Ma, QiuHua Rao, Dianyi Huang, Peng Li, Wei Yi and Dongliang Sun
- Optimal sizing and learning-based energy management strategy of NCR/LTO hybrid battery system for electric taxis

- Junyan Niu, Weichao Zhuang, Jianwei Ye, Ziyou Song, Guodong Yin and Yuanjian Zhang
- Inhibitory effect of green antioxidants acting on surface groups and structure on lignite

- Ya-nan Hou, Bai-sheng Nie, Zhe-hao Zhang, Fan-bei Kong, Dan Zhao, Xiao-tong Wang and Cai-ping Wang
- Neural network-based adaptive fault-tolerant control for load following of a MHTGR with prescribed performance and CRDM faults

- Jiuwu Hui and Jingqi Yuan
- Convex optimization-based predictive and bi-level energy management for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles

- Yapeng Li, Feng Wang, Xiaolin Tang, Xiaosong Hu and Xianke Lin
- Numerical simulation of liquid jet atomization in subsonic crossflow

- Jianlong Chang, Liujing He, Lianhua Chen, Zhangfeng Shen, Lai Fatt Chuah, Awais Bokhari, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš and Ning Han
- Optimal design of hybrid grid-connected photovoltaic/wind/battery sustainable energy system improving reliability, cost and emission

- Amirreza Naderipour, Hesam Kamyab, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš, Reza Ebrahimi, Shreeshivadasan Chelliapan, Saber Arabi Nowdeh, Aldrin Abdullah and Massoomeh Hedayati Marzbali
- A novel crude oil prices forecasting model based on secondary decomposition

- Guohui Li, Shibo Yin and Hong Yang
- Evaluation of energy efficiency potentials from generator operations on vessels

- Kenan Yiğit
- Ethanol as a renewable biofuel: Combustion characteristics and application in engines

- Andrés Z. Mendiburu, Carlos H. Lauermann, Thamy C. Hayashi, Diego J. Mariños, Roberto Berlini Rodrigues da Costa, Christian J.R. Coronado, Justo J. Roberts and João A. de Carvalho
- A hybrid deep learning framework for predicting daily natural gas consumption

- Jian Du, Jianqin Zheng, Yongtu Liang, Xinyi Lu, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš, Petar Sabev Varbanov, Khurram Shahzad, Muhammad Imtiaz Rashid, Arshid Mahmood Ali, Qi Liao and Bohong Wang
- An efficient multi-objective hierarchical energy management strategy for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle in connected scenario

- Wei Cui, Naxin Cui, Tao Li, Zhongrui Cui, Yi Du and Chenghui Zhang
- Statistical relationships between numerous retired lithium-ion cells and packs with random sampling for echelon utilization

- Chen Ma, Long Chang, Naxin Cui, Bin Duan, Yulong Zhang and Zhihao Yu
- Energy data generation with Wasserstein Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks

- Jianbin Li, Zhiqiang Chen, Long Cheng and Xiufeng Liu
- Comparison between biogas and pure methane as the fuel of a polygeneration system including a regenerative gas turbine cycle and partial cooling supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle: 4E analysis and tri-objective optimization

- Minglong Zhang, Hong Chen, Mohammad Zoghi and Hamed Habibi
- Energy and exergy analyses of a new integrated system for textile factory using geothermal energy source

- Shoaib Khanmohammadi, Morteza Saadat-Targhi and Amin Nabati
- Mobile energy recovery and storage: Multiple energy-powered EVs and refuelling stations

- Weiwei Zhao, Tongtong Zhang, Harriet Kildahl and Yulong Ding
- Life cycle analysis of a waste heat recovery for marine engines Organic Rankine Cycle

- George Kallis, Tryfon C. Roumpedakis, Platon Pallis, Zoi Koutantzi, Antonios Charalampidis and Sotirios Karellas
- Electric vehicle charging station diffusion: An agent-based evolutionary game model in complex networks

- Xingjun Huang, Yun Lin, Ming K. Lim, Fuli Zhou and Feng Liu
- Numerical investigation of the Ni-based catalytic methanation process in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor

- Yanxiang Du, Jin Liang, Shiliang Yang, Jianhang Hu, Guirong Bao and Hua Wang
- A novel permeability prediction model for coal based on dynamic transformation of pores in multiple scales

- Ziwei Wang, Yong Qin, Jian Shen, Teng Li, Xiaoyang Zhang and Ying Cai
- Part-load efficiency boost in offshore organic Rankine cycles with a cooling water flow rate control strategy

- Mohammad Ali Motamed and Lars O. Nord
- Vacuum pressure swing adsorption for producing fuel cell grade hydrogen from IGCC

- Chao Zhang, Yuanhui Shen, Donghui Zhang, Zhongli Tang and Wenbin Li
- Control strategy for a CO2-based combined cooling and power generation system based on heat source and cold sink fluctuations

- Jintao He, Lingfeng Shi, Hua Tian, Xuan Wang, Yonghao Zhang, Meiyan Zhang, Yu Yao, Jinwen Cai and Gequn Shu
- Realization of energy harvesting and temperature indication functions for zero-energy thermos flask

- Chih-Cheng Chien, Po-Hung Lin, Chih-Chan Chiang and Yu-Bin Chen
- The modeling of transient phase changes of water droplets in flue gas flow in the range of temperatures characteristic of condensing economizer technologies

- Gintautas Miliauskas, Egidijus Puida, Robertas Poškas, Povilas Poškas, Algimantas Balčius and Hussam Jouhara
- Study on the performance of solar interfacial evaporation for high-efficiency liquid desiccant regeneration

- Dongxu Wu, Qi Cui, Yuanzhi Gao, Zhaofeng Dai, Bo Chen, Changling Wang and Xiaosong Zhang
- Organic compounds in the char deposits characterising the combustion of unauthorised fuels in residential boilers

- Jana Růžičková, Helena Raclavská, Dagmar Juchelková, Marek Kucbel, Konstantin Raclavský, Barbora Švédová, Michal Šafář, Christoph Pfeifer and Jitka Hrbek
- An ensemble learning prognostic method for capacity estimation of lithium-ion batteries based on the V-IOWGA operator

- Mengda Cao, Tao Zhang, Yajie Liu, Yajun Zhang, Yu Wang and Kaiwen Li
- Flow-coupled-geomechanical modelling of CO2 transport in depleted shale from a microscopic perspective

- Qi Gao, Songcai Han, Yuanfang Cheng, Xian Shi, Chuanliang Yan and Zhongying Han
- Technological and Engineering design of a megawatt proton exchange membrane fuel cell system

- Lixin Fan, Zhengkai Tu and Siew Hwa Chan
- Performance analysis and optimization of a novel vehicular power system based on HT-PEMFC integrated methanol steam reforming and ORC

- Yanju Li, Dongxu Li, Zheshu Ma, Meng Zheng, Zhanghao Lu, Hanlin Song, Xinjia Guo and Wei Shao
- Experimental characterization of the thermal performance of the Haines 2 solar cooker

- Xabier Apaolaza-Pagoaga, Antonio Carrillo-Andrés and Celestino Rodrigues Ruivo
- Life cycle assessment on energy efficiency of hydrogen fuel cell vehicle in China

- Qiang Lu, Bo Zhang, Shichun Yang and Zhaoxia Peng
- Energy-oriented car-following control for a front- and rear-independent-drive electric vehicle platoon

- Cong Guo, Chunyun Fu, Ronghua Luo and Guanlong Yang
- Co-hydrothermal carbonization of rape straw and microalgae: pH-enhanced carbonization process to obtain clean hydrochar

- Xiangmin Liu, Yuwei Fan, Yunbo Zhai, Xiaoping Liu, Zhexian Wang, Ya Zhu, Haoran Shi, Caiting Li and Yun Zhu
- Molecular simulation study on the stability of methane hydrate confined in slit-shaped pores

- Zhengcai Zhang, Peter G. Kusalik, Nengyou Wu, Changling Liu and Yongchao Zhang
- Combined effects of carbon pricing and power market reform on CO2 emissions reduction in China's electricity sector

- Mingquan Li, Huiwen Gao, Ahmed Abdulla, Rui Shan and Shuo Gao
- Investigation of performance, combustion and emission characteristics in a diesel engine fueled with methanol/ethanol/nHeptane/diesel blends

- Mustafa Vargün, Ilker Turgut Yılmaz and Cenk Sayın
- Numerical investigation of the three-phase layer production performance of an offshore natural gas hydrate trial production

- Huixing Zhu, Tianfu Xu, Xin Xin, Yilong Yuan and Guanhong Feng
- Multi-period optimal infrastructure planning of natural gas pipeline network system integrating flowrate allocation

- Kai Wen, Yangfan Lu, Meitong Lu, Wenwei Zhang, Ming Zhu, Dan Qiao, Fanpeng Meng, Jing Zhang, Jing Gong and Bingyuan Hong
- Effect of alkali (K/Na) metal vapor on the metallurgical properties of coke in CO2–O2–N2 mixed atmosphere

- Meichen Wang, Guangsheng Wei, Shufeng Yang, Rong Zhu and Lingzhi Yang
- An enhanced hypotrochoid spiral optimization algorithm based intertwined optimal sizing and control strategy of a hybrid electric air-ground vehicle

- Weida Wang, Yincong Chen, Chao Yang, Ying Li, Bin Xu and Changle Xiang
- Developing a wind power forecasting system based on deep learning with attention mechanism

- Chaonan Tian, Tong Niu and Wei Wei
- Distributed carbon-aware energy trading of virtual power plant under denial of service attacks: A passivity-based neurodynamic approach

- Wen-Ting Lin, Guo Chen and Xiaojun Zhou
- A novel seasonal segmentation approach for day-ahead load forecasting

- Abhishek Sharma and Sachin Kumar Jain
- Optimal strategy of electricity and natural gas aggregators in the energy and balance markets

- Meysam Khojasteh, Pedro Faria, Fernando Lezama and Zita Vale
- Resilience promotion of active distribution grids under high penetration of renewables using flexible controllers

- Ahmad Nikoobakht and Jamshid Aghaei
- Understanding the linkage-dependence structure between oil and gas markets: A new perspective

- Zhaohao Wei, Jian Chai, Jichang Dong and Quanying Lu
- Spatial correlation, driving factors and dynamic spatial spillover of electricity consumption in China: A perspective on industry heterogeneity

- Xiaorui Liu, Wen Guo, Qiang Feng and Peng Wang
- Defect rich Se–CoWS2 as anode and banana flower skin-derived activated carbon channels with interconnected porous structure as cathode materials for asymmetric supercapacitor application

- Mani Sakthivel, Settu Ramki, Shen-Ming Chen and Kuo-Chuan Ho
- Real-time detection of wind power abnormal data based on semi-supervised learning Robust Random Cut Forest

- Mi Dong, Mingren Sun, Dongran Song, Liansheng Huang, Jian Yang and Young Hoon Joo
- Integrated optimization of multi-carrier energy systems: Water-energy nexus case

- Borhan Soleimani, Dariush Keihan Asl, Javad Estakhr and Ali Reza Seifi
- Monitoring of oil lubrication limits, fuel consumption, and excess CO2 production on civilian vehicles in Mexico

- Marcelino Carrera-Rodríguez, José Francisco Villegas-Alcaraz, Carmen Salazar-Hernández, Juan Manuel Mendoza-Miranda, Hugo Jiménez-Islas, Juan Gabriel Segovia Hernández, Juan de Dios Ortíz-Alvarado and Higinio Juarez-Rios
- Effect analysis on pressure sensitivity performance of diesel particulate filter for heavy-duty truck diesel engine by the nonlinear soot regeneration combustion pressure model

- Xiaohuan Zhao, Hongyan Zuo and Guohai Jia
- Fire extinguishing and explosion suppression characteristics of explosion suppression system with N2/APP after methane/coal dust explosion

- Qi Zhao, Yi Li and Xianfeng Chen
- Experimental study on the alleviation of thermal runaway propagation from an overcharged lithium-ion battery module using different thermal insulation layers

- Fen Liu, Jianfeng Wang, Na Yang, Fuqiang Wang, Yaping Chen, Dongchen Lu, Hui Liu, Qian Du, Xutong Ren and Mengyu Shi
- Vehicle drivetrain and fuzzy controller optimization using a planar dynamics simulation based on a real-world driving cycle

- Matheus H.R. Miranda, Fabrício L. Silva, Maria A.M. Lourenço, Jony J. Eckert and Ludmila C.A. Silva
- State-of-charge estimation for lithium-ion battery during constant current charging process based on model parameters updated periodically

- Shuzhi Zhang, Qiang Zhang, Dayong Liu, Xian Dai and Xiongwen Zhang
- Data-driven battery state of health estimation based on interval capacity for real-world electric vehicles

- Renzheng Li, Jichao Hong, Huaqin Zhang and Xinbo Chen
- An inter-provincial tradable green certificate futures trading model under renewable portfolio standard policy

- Lijun Zeng, Jiafeng Wang and Laijun Zhao
- China's regional imbalance in electricity demand, power and water pricing - From the perspective of electricity-related virtual water transmission

- Xia Yan, Wu Jie, Shi Minjun, Wang Shouyang and Zhang Zhuoying
- Analysis of a direct vapor generation system using cascade steam-organic Rankine cycle and two-tank oil storage

- Pengcheng Li, Haiwei Lin, Jing Li, Qing Cao, Yandong Wang, Gang Pei, Desuan Jie and Zilong Zhao
- An analysis of the carbonization process and volatile-release characteristics of coal-based activated carbon

- Lichao Ge, Can Zhao, Simo Chen, Qian Li, Tianhong Zhou, Han Jiang, Xi Li, Yang Wang and Chang Xu
- Experimental study and static numerical optimization of scalable design of non-adiabatic and non-isothermal pressure swing adsorption for biogas upgrading

- Ammar Ali Abd, Hind Jihad Kadhim Shabbani, Zuchra Helwani and Mohd Roslee Othman
- Synthesis of refinery desulfurization solvent network with multi-stage solvent regeneration

- Zhendong Li, Minbo Yang and Xiao Feng
- Symbiotic and optimized energy supply for decarbonizing cheese production: An Italian case study

- D. Chinese, P.F. Orrù, A. Meneghetti, G. Cortella, L. Giordano and M. Benedetti
- Development, characterization and thermo-regulative performance of microencapsulated phase change material included-glass fiber reinforced foam concrete as novel thermal energy effective-building material

- Osman Gencel, Serkan Subasi, Abid Ustaoglu, Ahmet Sarı, Muhammed Marasli, Gökhan Hekimoğlu and Erol Kam
- Enhanced anaerobic digestion under medium temperature conditions: Augmentation effect of magnetic field and composites formed by titanium dioxide on the foamed nickel

- Bo Zhao, Pengfei Zheng, Yuyi Yang, Hao Sha, Shengxian Cao, Gong Wang and Yanhui Zhang
- The business-economic energy system modelling tool energyPRO

- Poul Alberg Østergaard, Anders N. Andersen and Peter Sorknæs
- Partial shading mitigation in PV arrays through dragonfly algorithm based dynamic reconfiguration

- Belqasem Aljafari, Priya Ranjan Satpathy and Sudhakar Babu Thanikanti
- An experimental approach for improving stability in DC bus voltage of a stand-alone photovoltaic generator

- Abdelkarim Masmoudi, Achraf Abdelkafi, Lotfi Krichen and Abdelaziz Salah Saidi
- Experimental and numerical Investigation on the design of a bioinspired PEM fuel cell

- Christian Suárez, Alfredo Iranzo, Baltasar Toharias and Felipe Rosa
- The research on modeling and application of dynamic grey forecasting model based on energy price-energy consumption-economic growth

- Hui Li, Zixuan Wu, Xing Yuan, Yixuan Yang, Xiaoqiang He and Huiming Duan
- Quantitative characterization on cyclic variation of mixture formation for flash boiling sprays

- Yifan Zhou, Zhenhong Wei, Qitian Zhu, Yang Cao and Yuyin Zhang
- Temperature dependence of chemical effects of ethanol and dimethyl ether mixing on benzene and PAHs formation in ethylene counter-flow diffusion flames

- Rui Zhao and Dong Liu
- State of health estimation for lithium-ion battery based on energy features

- Dongliang Gong, Ying Gao, Yalin Kou and Yurang Wang
- Characteristics of spraying and ignition of coal-water fuels based on lignite and liquid pyrolysis products of wood waste

- D.V. Gvozdyakov, A.V. Zenkov and A. Zh Kaltaev
- Optimization of energy efficiency, energy consumption and CO2 emission in typical iron and steel manufacturing process

- Hongming Na, Jingchao Sun, Ziyang Qiu, Yuxing Yuan and Tao Du
- Investigation of a novel window solar air collector with 7-moveable absorber plates

- Norhan I. Dawood, Jalal M. Jalil and Majida K. Ahmed
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