1976 - 2025
Current editor(s): Henrik Lund and Mark J. Kaiser From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 246, issue C, 2022
- Planning for low-carbon energy-transportation system at metropolitan scale: A case study of Beijing, China

- Yanxia Wang, Shaojun Gan, Kang Li and Yanyan Chen
- Numerical investigation and optimization of a proposed heat-driven compression/absorption hybrid refrigeration system combined with a power cycle

- Chen Wei, Xu Hao, Bi Tianjiao, Zhang Bin and He Yan
- Peer-to-peer transactive mechanism for residential shared energy storage

- Wen-Yi Zhang, Boshen Zheng, Wei Wei, Laijun Chen and Shengwei Mei
- Assessment of the impacts of different policy instruments on achieving the deep decarbonization targets of island energy systems in Norway – The case of Hinnøya

- Wenji Zhou, Dejene Assefa Hagos, Sverre Stikbakke, Lizhen Huang, Xu Cheng and Erling Onstein
- Comparing government support, firm heterogeneity, and inter-firm spillovers for productivity enhancement: Evidence from the Korean solar energy technology industry

- Bongsuk Sung, Jin Young Soh and Chun Gun Park
- On pricing issues in electricity markets in the presence of externalities

- Sarineh Hacopian Dolatabadi, Mohammad Amin Latify, Hamidreza Karshenas and Alimorad Sharifi
- Measuring efficiency and technology inequality of China's electricity generation and transmission system: A new approach of network Data Envelopment Analysis prospect cross-efficiency models

- Ruchuan Zhang, Qian Wei, Aijun Li and LiYing Ren
- Adaptive backstepping control for master-slave AC microgrid in smart island

- Moslem Dehghani, Taher Niknam, Mohammad Ghiasi, Hamid Reza Baghaee, Frede Blaabjerg, Tomislav Dragicevǐć and Mohammadrashid Rashidi
- Design optimization of the solar heating system for office buildings based on life cycle cost in Qinghai-Tibet plateau of China

- Yanfeng Liu, Yiting Zhao, Yaowen Chen, Dengjia Wang, Yong Li and Xipeng Yuan
- Quantifying demand flexibility of building energy systems under uncertainty

- Ali Amadeh, Zachary E. Lee and K. Max Zhang
- Three-dimensional simulation of a gas-fueled chemical looping combustion system with dual circulating fluidized bed reactors

- Junjie Lin, Liyan Sun, Kun Luo, Dali Kong and Jianren Fan
- Performance improvement of proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack by dual-path hydrogen supply

- Xingying Bai, Lizhong Luo, Bi Huang, Qifei Jian and Zongyi Cheng
- Development of non-deterministic energy-water-carbon nexus planning model: A case study of Shanghai, China

- M.S. Liang, G.H. Huang, J.P. Chen and Y.P. Li
- How Germany achieved a record share of renewables during the COVID-19 pandemic while relying on the European interconnected power network

- Stephanie Halbrügge, Hans Ulrich Buhl, Gilbert Fridgen, Paul Schott, Martin Weibelzahl and Jan Weissflog
- Production forecast analysis of BP neural network based on Yimin lignite supercritical water gasification experiment results

- Bowei Zhang, Simao Guo and Hui Jin
- Posterior probability-based hydraulic unit division and prediction: A case study

- Peng Yu
- Co-optimization strategy of unmanned hybrid electric tracked vehicle combining eco-driving and simultaneous energy management

- Lingxiong Guo, Xudong Zhang, Yuan Zou, Lijin Han, Guodong Du, Ningyuan Guo and Changle Xiang
- Thermodynamic and economic sensitivity analyses of a geothermal-based trigeneration system; performance enhancement through determining the best zeotropic working fluid

- Fei Liu, Changjin Yang, Biao Li, Yangji Silang, Yuhui Zhu and Saeid Gholami Farkoush
- Techno-economic performance of the 2-propanol/1-butanol zeotropic mixture and 2-propanol/water azeotropic mixture as a working fluid in Organic Rankine Cycles

- Mehrshad Kolahchian Tabrizi and Davide Bonalumi
- A novel dual-chamber oscillating water column system with dual lip-wall pitching motions for wave energy conversion

- Chen Wang, Yongliang Zhang and Zhengzhi Deng
- The time-frequency connectedness among carbon, traditional/new energy and material markets of China in pre- and post-COVID-19 outbreak periods

- Wei Jiang and Yunfei Chen
- An energy consumption improvement method for centrifugal pump based on bionic optimization of blade trailing edge

- Yanpi Lin, Xiaojun Li, Zuchao Zhu, Xunming Wang, Tong Lin and Haibin Cao
- Solar-driven liquid air power plant modeling, design space exploration, and multi-objective optimization

- S. Yang
- Thermodynamic performance study of a new diesel-fueled CLHG/SOFC/STIG cogeneration system with CO2 recovery

- Heng Wang, Hongbin Zhao, Huicheng Du, Zefeng Zhao and Taiheng Zhang
- Adopting renewable energies to meet the carbon reduction target: Is forest carbon sequestration cheaper?

- Wan-Yu Liu, Yi-Hua Chiang and Chun-Cheng Lin
- Identification of control regularity of heating stations based on cross-correlation function dynamic time delay method

- Chunhua Sun, Yiting Liu, Shanshan Cao, Jiali Chen, Guoqiang Xia and Xiangdong Wu
- The technological innovation efficiency of China's lithium-ion battery listed enterprises: Evidence from a three-stage DEA model and micro-data

- Meirui Zhong, Gangli Huang and Ruifang He
- Terrorist attacks and oil prices: A time-varying causal relationship analysis

- Yu Song, Bo Chen, Na Hou and Yi Yang
- Steam reforming of biomass tar model compound over two waste char-based Ni catalysts for syngas production

- Shuxiao Wang, Yuyuan Zhang, Rui Shan, Jing Gu, Haoran Yuan and Yong Chen
- Hydrothermal carbonization of forest waste into solid fuel: Mechanism and combustion behavior

- Wang Liang, Guangwei Wang, Runsheng Xu, Xiaojun Ning, Jianliang Zhang, Xingmin Guo, Lian Ye, Jinhua Li, Chunhe Jiang, Peng Wang and Chuan Wang
- Thermal performance and thermal stress analysis of a supercritical CO2 solar conical receiver under different flow directions

- Yuxuan Chen, Ding Wang, Chongzhe Zou, Wei Gao and Yanping Zhang
- Multi-objective optimization of organic Rankine cycle systems considering their dynamic performance

- Roberto Pili, Søren Bojer Jørgensen and Fredrik Haglind
- Preliminary thermodynamic analysis of a carbon dioxide binary mixture cycled energy storage system with low pressure stores

- Haoyuan Ma and Zhan Liu
- A thermal-hydraulic coupled simulation approach for the temperature and flow rate control strategy evaluation of the multi-room radiator heating system

- Zhikai Liu, Huan Zhang, Yaran Wang, Zixu Song, Shijun You, Yan Jiang and Zhangxiang Wu
- A review on integrated design and off-design operation of solar power tower system with S–CO2 Brayton cycle

- Jingze Yang, Zhen Yang and Yuanyuan Duan
- System requirements and optimization of multi-chillers district cooling plants

- Rabah Ismaen, Tarek Y. El Mekkawy, Shaligram Pokharel and Mohammed Al-Salem
- District heater load forecasting based on machine learning and parallel CNN-LSTM attention

- Won Hee Chung, Yeong Hyeon Gu and Seong Joon Yoo
- An Amalgamated Heap and Jellyfish Optimizer for economic dispatch in Combined heat and power systems including N-1 Unit outages

- Abdullah M. Shaheen, Ragab A. El-Sehiemy, Ehab Elattar and Ahmed R. Ginidi
- Going beyond European emission targets: Pathways for an urban energy transition in the city of Riga

- Fabio Fava Oliveira, Duarte M. Sousa and Nika Kotoviča
- A coordinated virtual impedance control scheme for three phase four leg inverters of electric vehicle to grid (V2G)

- Doğan Çelik and Mehmet Emin Meral
- Model-based injector control map development to improve CRDi engine performance and emissions for eucalyptus biofuel

- B. Ashok, Kaisan Muhammad Usman, R. Vignesh and U.A. Umar
- Numerical simulation of a cavity receiver enhanced with transparent aerogel for parabolic dish solar power generation

- Xueling Li, Renfu Li, Huawei Chang, Lijian Zeng, Zhaojun Xi and Yichao Li
- Improving fuel characteristics through torrefaction

- Neeha Brojolall and Dinesh Surroop
- Proposal and thermoeconomic assessment of an efficient booster-assisted CCHP system based on solar-geothermal energy

- H. Rostamnejad Takleh, V. Zare, F. Mohammadkhani and M.M. Sadeghiazad
- Increased renewable energy penetration in national electrical grids constraints and solutions

- Zakariya Dalala, Murad Al-Omari, Mohammad Al-Addous, Mathhar Bdour, Yaqoub Al-Khasawneh and Malek Alkasrawi
- Multi-field coupled effect of thermal disturbance on quench and recovery characteristic along the hybrid energy pipe

- Chengfeng Zhu, Yanzhong Li, Hongbo Tan, Jiamin Shi, Yang Nie and Qingquan Qiu
- Optimal analysis for facility configuration and energy management on electric light commercial vehicle charging

- Yanyan Tang, Qi Zhang, Zongguo Wen, Derek Bunn and Jesus Nieto Martin
- Effects of hydrogen assisted combustion of EBNOL IN SI engines under variable compression ratio and ignition timing

- Jayashish Kumar Pandey and G.N. Kumar
- The asymmetric effects of oil price shocks and uncertainty on non-ferrous metal market: Based on quantile regression

- Ying Chen, Xuehong Zhu and Hailing Li
- Forecasting energy prices using a novel hybrid model with variational mode decomposition

- Yu Lin, Qin Lu, Bin Tan and Yuanyuan Yu
- Controlled preparation of nitrogen-doped hierarchical carbon cryogels derived from Phenolic-Based resin and their CO2 adsorption properties

- Yalan Zhou, Lu Luo, Wen Yan, Zeliang Li, Mizi Fan, Guanben Du and Weigang Zhao
- Investigation on co-combustion of coal gasification fine ash and raw coal blends: Thermal conversion, gas pollutant emission and kinetic analyses

- Jiawei Li, Subo Fan, Xuyang Zhang, Zhichao Chen, Yanyu Qiao, Zhenhua Yuan and Zhengqi Li
- Climate change impact on the cost of decarbonisation in a hydro-based power system

- Kiti Suomalainen, Le Wen, Mingyue Selena Sheng and Basil Sharp
- Effect of diluent gas on propagation and explosion characteristics of hydrogen-rich syngas laminar premixed flame

- Guo-Peng Zhang, Guo-Xiu Li, Hong-Meng Li and Jia-Cheng Lv
- Analytical modeling of resonant converters in frequency domain for wireless power transfer: Continuous current mode (CCM) operation

- Hulong Zeng, Pengcheng Jiao, Yonghui Liu, Ujjwal Karki and Fang Z. Peng
- Fast prediction and sensitivity analysis of gas turbine cooling performance using supervised learning approaches

- Qi Wang, Li Yang and Kang Huang
- Performance assessment of annular thermoelectric generators for automobile exhaust waste heat recovery

- Bin Huang and Zu-Guo Shen
- Comparison of different load-following control strategies of a sCO2 Brayton cycle under full load range

- Rui Wang, Xuan Wang, Gequn Shu, Hua Tian, Jinwen Cai, Xingyan Bian, Xinyu Li, Zheng Qin and Lingfeng Shi
- Theoretical estimation of temperature-dependent radiation properties of molten solar salt using molecular dynamics and first principles

- Zhao-Hui Ruan, Peng Gao, Yuan Yuan and He-Ping Tan
- Flame behaviors and overpressure characteristics of the unconfined acetylene-air deflagration

- Wentao Wang, Yangfan Cheng, Rui Wang, Hao Wang, Quan Wang, Rong Liu and Honghao Ma
- The contribution of changes in climate-friendly behaviour, climate change concern and personal responsibility to household greenhouse gas emissions: Heating/cooling and transport activities in the European Union

- Miglė Jakučionytė-Skodienė, Ričardas Krikštolaitis and Genovaitė Liobikienė
- Energy and carbon budgeting of the pearl millet-wheat cropping system for environmentally sustainable agricultural land use planning in the rainfed semi-arid agro-ecosystem of Aravalli foothills

- Ashok Kumar, Dilip Singh and S.K. Mahapatra
- Deep learning based real-time energy extraction system modeling for flapping foil

- Yunzhu Li, Tianyuan Liu, Yuqi Wang and Yonghui Xie
- Detection and classification of faults in photovoltaic arrays using a 3D convolutional neural network

- Ying-Yi Hong and Rolando A. Pula
- Decentralized power economic dispatch by distributed crisscross optimization in multi-agent system

- Anbo Meng, Cong Zeng, Xuancong Xu, Weifeng Ding, Shiyun Liu, De Chen and Hao Yin
- Blade redesign based on secondary flow suppression to improve energy efficiency of a centrifugal pump

- Chengshuo Wu, Kexin Pu, Changqin Li, Peng Wu, Bin Huang and Dazhuan Wu
- Fuel constrained combined heat and power dynamic dispatch using horse herd optimization algorithm

- M. Basu
- Experimental study on the flame length and burning behaviors of pool fires with different ullage heights

- Jinlong Zhao, Xiang Zhang, Jianping Zhang, Wei Wang and Changkun Chen
- Research on the operation strategies of the solar assisted heat pump with triangular solar air collector

- Yan Jiang, Huan Zhang, Yeming Wang, Yaran Wang, Minzhang Liu, Shijun You, Zhangxiang Wu, Man Fan and Shen Wei
- The balance effects of momentum deficit and thrust in cumulative wake models

- Maulidi Barasa, Xuemin Li, Yi Zhang and Weiming Xu
- On the characterization and evaluation of residential on-site E-car-sharing

- Carlo Corinaldesi, Georg Lettner and Hans Auer
- The production of hydroprocessed renewable diesel with a catalyst regenerated using supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO2)

- Cheng-Pao Lee and Wei-Cheng Wang
- Time series forecasting for hourly photovoltaic power using conditional generative adversarial network and Bi-LSTM

- Xiaoqiao Huang, Qiong Li, Yonghang Tai, Zaiqing Chen, Jun Liu, Junsheng Shi and Wuming Liu
- Deep learning enabled state-of-charge estimation of LiFePO4 batteries: A systematic validation on state-of-the-art charging protocols

- Chunsheng Hu, Liang Ma, Shanshan Guo, Gangsheng Guo and Zhiqiang Han
- Numerical simulation and visualization study of a new tapered-slope serpentine flow field in proton exchange membrane fuel cell

- Haozhong Huang, Mingxin Liu, Xuan Li, Xiaoyu Guo, Tongying Wang, Songwei Li and Han Lei
- Effect of resistive load characteristics on the performance of Organic Rankine cycle (ORC)

- Yunli Jin, Naiping Gao and Tong Zhu
- Optimization of nickel-iron bimetallic oxides for coproduction of hydrogen and syngas in chemical looping reforming with water splitting process

- Xun Wang, Genshen Fu, Bo Xiao and Tingting Xu
- Annual thermal evaluation of a ventilated roof under warm weather conditions of Mexico

- T. Lima-Téllez, Y. Chávez, I. Hernández-López, J. Xamán and I. Hernández-Pérez
- Experimental investigations on dynamic performance of organic Rankine cycle integrated with latent thermal energy storage under transient engine conditions

- Zhi Li, Lei Wang, Ruicheng Jiang, Bingzheng Wang, Xiaonan Yu, Rui Huang and Xiaoli Yu
- Towards a comprehensive understanding of mode transition between biodiesel-biobutanol dual-fuel ICCI low temperature combustion and conventional CI combustion – Part Ⅰ: Characteristics from medium to high load

- Wenbin Zhao, Shijie Mi, Haoqing Wu, Yaoyuan Zhang, Qiankun Zhang, Zhuoyao He, Yong Qian and Xingcai Lu
- Automatic control and dispatching of charging currents to a charging station for power-assisted bikes

- Willy Magloire Nkounga, Mouhamadou Falilou Ndiaye, Oumar Cisse, Françoise Grandvaux, Laurent Tabourot and Mamadou Lamine Ndiaye
- Experimental study on energy storage performances of packed bed with different solid materials

- Hao Zhou, Zhenya Lai and Kefa Cen
- Meta-ANN – A dynamic artificial neural network refined by meta-learning for Short-Term Load Forecasting

- Xun Xiao, Huadong Mo, Yinan Zhang and Guangcun Shan
- Performance evaluation of a novel design for the waste heat recovery of a cement plant incorporating a coal-fired power plant

- Heng Chen, Yihan Wang, Liuming An, Gang Xu, Xin Zhu, Wenyi Liu and Jing Lei
- Stochastic cost-benefit analysis to assess new infrastructure to improve the reliability of the natural gas supply

- Sergio Cabrales, Carlos Valencia, Carlos Ramírez, Andrés Ramírez, Juan Herrera and Angela Cadena
- A comparative study of different adaptive extended/unscented Kalman filters for lithium-ion battery state-of-charge estimation

- Shuzhi Zhang, Chen Zhang, Shiyong Jiang and Xiongwen Zhang
- Heat transfer performance analysis of front-end capillary heat exchanger of a subway source heat pump system

- Yongming Ji, Wenze Wu, Haoyu Qi, Wenqiang Wang and Songtao Hu
- Improvement of system strength under high wind penetration: A techno-economic assessment using synchronous condenser and SVC

- Nahid-Al- Masood, Sajjad Uddin Mahmud, Md Nazmuddoha Ansary and Shohana Rahman Deeba
- Techno-economic optimization of hybrid power generation systems: A renewables community case study

- Giovanni Brumana, Giuseppe Franchini, Elisa Ghirardi and Antonio Perdichizzi
- Optimal energy management for multi-energy multi-microgrid networks considering carbon emission limitations

- Xiaoqing Zhong, Weifeng Zhong, Yi Liu, Chao Yang and Shengli Xie
- Optimal configuration and operation analysis of solar-assisted natural gas distributed energy system with energy storage

- Yi Ge, Jitian Han, Qingzhao Ma and Jiahui Feng
- Wave energy converter optimization based on differential evolution algorithm

- Zechen He, Dezhi Ning, Ying Gou and Zhimin Zhou
- Thermal decomposition and interaction mechanism of HFC-227ea/n-hexane as a zeotropic working fluid for organic Rankine cycle

- Erguang Huo, Zheng Hu, Shukun Wang, Liyong Xin and Mengna Bai
- Energy, economic and environmental dynamic response characteristics of organic Rankine cycle (ORC) system under different driving cycles

- Xu Ping, Fubin Yang, Hongguang Zhang, Chengda Xing, Chongyao Wang, Wujie Zhang and Yan Wang
- Performance improvement of ocean thermal energy conversion organic Rankine cycle under temperature glide effect

- Ji Zhang, Xiaomeng Zhang, Zhixiang Zhang, Peilin Zhou, Yan Zhang and Han Yuan
- Potential evaluation of water-based ferric oxide (Fe2O3-water) nanocoolant: An experimental study

- Tayyab Raza Shah, Hafiz Muhammad Ali, Chao Zhou, Hamza Babar, Muhammad Mansoor Janjua, Mohammad Hossein Doranehgard, Abid Hussain, Uzair Sajjad, Chi-Chuan Wang and Muhamad Sultan
- Visualization experiment and numerical study of latent heat storage unit using micro-heat pipe arrays: Melting process

- Zeyu Wang, Yanhua Diao, Yaohua Zhao, Chuanqi Chen, Tengyue Wang and Lin Liang
- Thermo-electrical performance assessment of a partially submerged floating photovoltaic system

- Nabil A.S. Elminshawy, Amr Osama, Amany M. Saif and Giuseppe Marco Tina
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