Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2014, volume 117, articles C
- Is self-rated health a stable and predictive factor for allostatic load in early adulthood? Findings from the Nord Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT) pp. 1-9

- Tina Løkke Vie, Karl Ove Hufthammer, Turid Lingaas Holmen, Eivind Meland and Hans Johan Breidablik
- Do welfare regimes influence the association between disability and self-perceived health? A multilevel analysis of 57 countries pp. 10-17

- Josephine Foubert, Katia Levecque, Ronan Van Rossem and Alessia Romagnoli
- Dream vs. reality: Seven case-studies on the desirability and feasibility of cross-border hospital collaboration in Europe pp. 18-24

- Irene A. Glinos and Rita Baeten
- The influence of gender equality policies on gender inequalities in health in Europe pp. 25-33

- Laia Palència, Davide Malmusi, Deborah De Moortel, Lucía Artazcoz, Mona Backhans, Christophe Vanroelen and Carme Borrell
- Exploring socio-cultural factors that mediate, facilitate, & constrain the health and empowerment of refugee youth pp. 34-41

- Sara Edge, Bruce Newbold and Marie McKeary
- The politics of tuberculosis and HIV service integration in Ghana pp. 42-49

- Joshua Amo-Adjei, Akwasi Kumi-Kyereme, Hannah Fosuah Amo and Kofi Awusabo-Asare
- The social life of health records: Understanding families' experiences of autism pp. 50-57

- Amber M. Angell and Olga Solomon
- No association found between cardiovascular mortality, and job demands and decision latitude: Experience from the Västerbotten Intervention Programme in Sweden pp. 58-66

- Mojgan Padyab, Yulia Blomstedt and Margareta Norberg
- Results from using a new dyadic-dependence model to analyze sociocentric physician networks pp. 67-75

- Sudeshna Paul, Nancy L. Keating, Bruce E. Landon and A. James O'Malley
- Suicide and the 2008 economic recession: Who is most at risk? Trends in suicide rates in England and Wales 2001–2011 pp. 76-85

- Caroline Coope, David Gunnell, William Hollingworth, Keith Hawton, Nav Kapur, Vanessa Fearn, Claudia Wells and Chris Metcalfe
- Linking governance mechanisms to health outcomes: A review of the literature in low- and middle-income countries pp. 86-95

- Dana Karen Ciccone, Taryn Vian, Lydia Maurer and Elizabeth H. Bradley
- ‘It is hard for mums to put themselves first’: How mothers diagnosed with breast cancer manage the sociological boundaries between paid work, family and caring for the self pp. 96-106

- Catherine Ruth Mackenzie
- Negotiating jurisdiction in the workplace: A multiple-case study of nurse prescribing in hospital settings pp. 107-115

- M. Kroezen, P. Mistiaen, L. van Dijk, P.P. Groenewegen and A.L. Francke
- Social recovery and the move beyond deficit models of depression: A feminist analysis of mid-life women's self-care practices pp. 116-124

- Simone Fullagar and Wendy O'Brien
- Understanding the adoption dynamics of medical innovations: Affordances of the da Vinci robot in the Netherlands pp. 125-133

- Payam Abrishami, Albert Boer and Klasien Horstman
- Health system reform in rural China: Voices of healthworkers and service-users pp. 134-141

- Xu Dong Zhou, Lu Li and Therese Hesketh
- Assessing the potential impact of increased participation in higher education on mortality: Evidence from 21 European populations pp. 142-149

- Ivana Kulhánová, Rasmus Hoffmann, Ken Judge, Caspar W.N. Looman, Terje A. Eikemo, Matthias Bopp, Patrick Deboosere, Mall Leinsalu, Pekka Martikainen, Jitka Rychtaříková, Bogdan Wojtyniak, Gwenn Menvielle and Johan P. Mackenbach
- The inter-section of political history and health policy in Asia – The historical foundations for health policy analysis pp. 150-159

- John Grundy, Elizabeth Hoban, Steve Allender and Peter Annear
2014, volume 116, articles C
- Neighborhood context and immigrant children's physical activity pp. 1-9

- Mackenzie Brewer and Rachel Tolbert Kimbro
- How community environment shapes physical activity: Perceptions revealed through the PhotoVoice method pp. 10-21

- Ana Paula Belon, Laura M. Nieuwendyk, Helen Vallianatos and Candace I.J. Nykiforuk
- Suicide and the Great Recession of 2007–2009: The role of economic factors in the 50 U.S. states pp. 22-31

- Julie A. Phillips and Colleen N. Nugent
- Consultancy research as a barrier to strengthening social science research capacity in Uganda pp. 32-40

- Daniel Wight, Josephine Ahikire and Joy C. Kwesiga
- The psychiatric report as moral tool: A case study in a French district court pp. 41-48

- Fabrice Fernandez and Samuel Lézé
- The relationship between parenting, family interaction and childhood dental caries: A case-control study pp. 49-55

- M. de Jong-Lenters, D. Duijster, M.A. Bruist, J. Thijssen and C. de Ruiter
- How might healthcare systems influence speed of cancer diagnosis: A narrative review pp. 56-63

- Sally Brown, Michele Castelli, David J. Hunter, Jonathan Erskine, Peter Vedsted, Catherine Foot and Greg Rubin
- Cohort differences in the marriage–health relationship for midlife women pp. 64-72

- Nicky J. Newton, Lindsay H. Ryan, Rachel T. King and Jacqui Smith
- The two cultures of health worker migration: A Pacific perspective pp. 73-81

- John Connell
- Contribution of streetscape audits to explanation of physical activity in four age groups based on the Microscale Audit of Pedestrian Streetscapes (MAPS) pp. 82-92

- Kelli L. Cain, Rachel A. Millstein, James F. Sallis, Terry L. Conway, Kavita A. Gavand, Lawrence D. Frank, Brian E. Saelens, Carrie M. Geremia, James Chapman, Marc A. Adams, Karen Glanz and Abby C. King
- Assessing young people's perceptions of HIV risks in Nyanza, Kenya: Are school and community level factors relevant? pp. 93-101

- Eric Y. Tenkorang and Eleanor Maticka-Tyndale
- The caregiving bind: Concealing the demands of informal care can undermine the caregiving identity pp. 102-109

- Helen Moore and Alex Gillespie
- At the intersection of sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, and cervical cancer screening: Assessing Pap test use disparities by sex of sexual partners among black, Latina, and white U.S. women pp. 110-118

- Madina Agénor, Nancy Krieger, S. Bryn Austin, Sebastien Haneuse and Barbara R. Gottlieb
- “It's better for me to drink, at least the stress is going away”: Perspectives on alcohol use during pregnancy among South African women attending drinking establishments pp. 119-125

- Melissa H. Watt, Lisa A. Eaton, Karmel W. Choi, Jennifer Velloza, Seth C. Kalichman, Donald Skinner and Kathleen J. Sikkema
- Conceptualising time before surgery: The experience of patients waiting for hip replacement pp. 126-133

- Emma C. Johnson, Jeremy Horwood and Rachael Gooberman-Hill
- A diagnostic illusory? The case of distinguishing between “vegetative” and “minimally conscious” states pp. 134-141

- Sarah Nettleton, Jenny Kitzinger and Celia Kitzinger
- Adults with autism in India: A mixed-method approach to make meaning of daily routines pp. 142-149

- Tamara C. Daley, Thomas Weisner and Nidhi Singhal
- An empirical analysis of White privilege, social position and health pp. 150-160

- Naa Oyo A. Kwate and Melody S. Goodman
- Investigating the influence of African American and African Caribbean race on primary care doctors' decision making about depression pp. 161-168

- A. Adams, L. Vail, C.D. Buckingham, J. Kidd, S. Weich and D. Roter
- HIV prevention and marriage: Peer group effects on condom use acceptability in rural Kenya pp. 169-177

- Julia Cordero Coma
- Counselee participation in follow-up breast cancer genetic counselling visits and associations with achievement of the preferred role, cognitive outcomes, risk perception alignment and perceived personal control pp. 178-186

- Akke Albada, Margreet G.E.M. Ausems and Sandra van Dulmen
- The convergent validity of three surveys as alternative sources of health information to the 2011 UK census pp. 187-192

- Joanna Taylor, Liz Twigg and Graham Moon
- Willingness to pay for publicly financed health care services in Central and Eastern Europe: Evidence from six countries based on a contingent valuation method pp. 193-201

- Marzena Tambor, Milena Pavlova, Bernd Rechel, Stanisława Golinowska, Christoph Sowada and Wim Groot
- Poverty and transitions in health in later life pp. 202-210

- Maja Adena and Michal Myck
- Can counter-advertising reduce pre-adolescent children's susceptibility to front-of-package promotions on unhealthy foods?: Experimental research pp. 211-219

- Helen Dixon, Maree Scully, Bridget Kelly, Kathy Chapman and Melanie Wakefield
- Questions of trust in health research on social capital: What aspects of personal network social capital do they measure? pp. 225-234

- Richard M. Carpiano and Lisa M. Fitterer
- The color of health: Skin color, ethnoracial classification, and discrimination in the health of Latin Americans pp. 241-250

- Krista M. Perreira and Edward E. Telles
2014, volume 114, articles C
- Determining and broadening the definition of impact from implementing a rational priority setting approach in a healthcare organization pp. 1-9

- Evelyn Cornelissen, Craig Mitton, Alan Davidson, Colin Reid, Rachelle Hole, Anne-Marie Visockas and Neale Smith
- The effect of age and time to death on primary care costs: The Italian experience pp. 10-17

- Vincenzo Atella and Valentina Conti
- How religious status shapes psychological well-being: Cultural consonance as a measure of subcultural status among Brazilian Pentecostals pp. 18-25

- H.J. François Dengah
- Discussing race-related limitations of genomic testing for colon cancer risk: Implications for education and counseling pp. 26-37

- Morgan N. Butrick, Lauren Vanhusen, Kara-Grace Leventhal, Gillian W. Hooker, Rachel Nusbaum, Beth N. Peshkin, Yasmin Salehizadeh, Jessica Pavlick, Marc D. Schwartz and Kristi D. Graves
- Testing a discrete choice experiment including duration to value health states for large descriptive systems: Addressing design and sampling issues pp. 38-48

- Nick Bansback, Arne Hole, Brendan Mulhern and Aki Tsuchiya
- Narratives of continuity among older people with late stage chronic kidney disease who decline dialysis pp. 49-56

- Henry Llewellyn, Joe Low, Glenn Smith, Katherine Hopkins, Aine Burns and Louise Jones
- Patient and provider perspectives on quality and health system effectiveness in a transition economy: Evidence from Ukraine pp. 57-65

- J. Luck, J.W. Peabody, L.M. DeMaria, C.S. Alvarado and R. Menon
- “There's a higher power, but He gave us a free will”: Socioeconomic status and the intersection of agency and fatalism in infertility pp. 66-72

- Ann V. Bell and Elizabeth Hetterly
- Exploring lay views on physical activity and their implications for public health policy. A case study from East Belfast pp. 73-80

- L. Prior, D. Scott, R. Hunter, M. Donnelly, M.A. Tully, M.E. Cupples and F. Kee
- Intra-professional dynamics in translational health research: The perspective of social scientists pp. 81-88

- Graeme Currie, Nellie El Enany and Andy Lockett
- Costs and consequences of a cash transfer for hospital births in a rural district of Uttar Pradesh, India pp. 89-96

- Diane Coffey
- Women's land ownership and risk of HIV infection in Kenya pp. 97-102

- Felix M. Muchomba, Julia Shu-Huah Wang and Laura Maria Agosta
- Evaluating return on investment in a school based health promotion and prevention program: The investment multiplier for the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden National Program pp. 103-112

- Simon Eckermann, James Dawber, Heather Yeatman, Karen Quinsey and Darcy Morris
- Uneasy subjects: Medical students' conflicts over the pharmaceutical industry pp. 113-120

- Kelly Holloway
- Understanding resilience in armed conflict: Social resources and mental health of children in Burundi pp. 121-128

- Brian J. Hall, Wietse A. Tol, Mark J.D. Jordans, Judith Bass and Joop T.V.M. de Jong
- Do reviews of healthcare interventions teach us how to improve healthcare systems? pp. 129-137

- Ray Pawson, Joanne Greenhalgh, Cathy Brennan and Elizabeth Glidewell
- Understanding the formation and influence of attitudes in patients' treatment choices for lower back pain: Testing the benefits of a hybrid choice model approach pp. 138-150

- Mirja Elisabeth Kløjgaard and Stephane Hess
- A changing epidemiology of suicide? The influence of birth cohorts on suicide rates in the United States pp. 151-160

- Julie A. Phillips
- Why do some countries spend more for health? An assessment of sociopolitical determinants and international aid for government health expenditures pp. 161-168

- Li-Lin Liang and Andrew J. Mirelman
- The influence of women's empowerment on maternal health care utilization: Evidence from Albania pp. 169-177

- Lantona Sado, Alma Spaho and David R. Hotchkiss
- The relationship between happiness and health: Evidence from Italy pp. 178-187

- Fabio Sabatini
- Whose social capital matters? The case of U.S. urban public hospital closures and conversions to private ownership pp. 188-196

- Michelle Ko, Kathryn Pitkin Derose, Jack Needleman and Ninez A. Ponce
On this page- 2014, volume 117
Articles C
- 2014, volume 116
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- 2014, volume 114
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1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46
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- 2014, volume 116
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- 2014, volume 114
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2025, volume 370
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2008, volume 67
2008, volume 66
2007, volume 65
2007, volume 64
2006, volume 63
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2005, volume 61
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1996, volume 42
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1989, volume 29
1989, volume 28
1988, volume 27
1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46