Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2019, volume 221, articles C
- Medical populism pp. 1-8

- Gideon Lasco and Nicole Curato
- Demarcating the dirty work: Canadian Fertility professionals’ use of boundary-work in contentious egg donation pp. 19-26

- Skye A. Miner
- The short-term effects of retirement on health within couples: Evidence from France pp. 27-39

- Pierre-Jean Messe and François-Charles Wolff
- Emigration and alcohol consumption among migrant household members staying behind: Evidence from Kyrgyzstan pp. 40-48

- Sara Paulone and Artjoms Ivlevs
- Tough decisions in medical specialty camps: Relationships between camp dosage, outcomes, and camper attendance pp. 49-57

- Ryan J. Gagnon, Barry A. Garst and Jasmine A. Townsend
- The role of neighborhoods in household food insufficiency: Considering interactions between physical disorder, low social capital, violence, and perceptions of danger pp. 58-67

- Dylan B. Jackson, Kecia R. Johnson, Michael G. Vaughn and Marissa E. Hinton
- Gendered mortality differentials over the rural-urban continuum: The analysis of census linked longitudinal data from England and Wales pp. 68-78

- Rebecca Allan, Paul Williamson and Hill Kulu
- Protection and well-being of adolescent refugees in the context of a humanitarian crisis: Perceptions from South Sudanese refugees in Uganda pp. 79-86

- Sarah R. Meyer, Elizabeth Meyer, Clare Bangirana, Patrick Onyango Mangen and Lindsay Stark
- “You don't trust a government vaccine”: Narratives of institutional trust and influenza vaccination among African American and white adults pp. 87-94

- Amelia M. Jamison, Sandra Crouse Quinn and Vicki S. Freimuth
- Adding interactions to models of intersectional health inequalities: Comparing multilevel and conventional methods pp. 95-105

- Clare R. Evans
- Conscientious objection to abortion: Zambian healthcare practitioners' beliefs and practices pp. 106-114

- Emily Freeman and Ernestina Coast
- Does sleep partially mediate the effect of everyday discrimination on future mental and physical health? pp. 115-123

- Garrett C. Hisler and Rachel E. Brenner
- Association between exposure to health information and mortality: Reduced mortality among women exposed to information via TV programs pp. 124-131

- Koryu Sato, Kasisomayajula Viswanath, Hana Hayashi, Yoshiki Ishikawa, Katsunori Kondo, Kokoro Shirai, Naoki Kondo, Keisuke Nakagawa and Ichiro Kawachi
2019, volume 220, articles C
- Intersectionality and depression in adolescence and early adulthood: A MAIHDA analysis of the national longitudinal study of adolescent to adult health, 1995–2008 pp. 1-11

- Clare R. Evans and Natasha Erickson
- Community hygiene norm violators are consistently stigmatized: Evidence from four global sites and implications for sanitation interventions pp. 12-21

- Alexandra Brewis, Amber Wutich, Margaret V. du Bray, Jonathan Maupin, Roseanne C. Schuster and Matthew M. Gervais
- Resilience capacities of health systems: Accommodating the needs of Palestinian refugees from Syria pp. 22-30

- M. Alameddine, Fouad M. Fouad, K. Diaconu, Z. Jamal, G. Lough, S. Witter and A. Ager
- Advocacy coalition impacts on healthy public policy-oriented learning in Alberta, Canada (2009–2016): A difference-in-differences analysis pp. 31-40

- Candace I.J. Nykiforuk, Jennifer Ann McGetrick, Kim D. Raine and T. Cameron Wild
- You're worth what you eat: Adolescent beliefs about healthy eating, morality and socioeconomic status pp. 41-48

- Priya Fielding-Singh
- Stratified citizenship, stratified health: Examining latinx legal status in the U.S. healthcare safety net pp. 49-55

- Meredith Van Natta, Nancy J. Burke, Irene H. Yen, Mark D. Fleming, Christoph L. Hanssmann, Maryani Palupy Rasidjan and Janet K. Shim
- Male infants and birth complications are associated with increased incidence of postnatal depression pp. 56-64

- Sarah Myers and Sarah E. Johns
- Parental warmth and flourishing in mid-life pp. 65-72

- Ying Chen, Laura D. Kubzansky and Tyler J. VanderWeele
- France's citizen consultation on vaccination and the challenges of participatory democracy in health pp. 73-80

- Jeremy K. Ward, Florian Cafiero, Raphael Fretigny, James Colgrove and Valerie Seror
- Use of social network analysis in the development, dissemination, implementation, and sustainability of health behavior interventions for adults: A systematic review pp. 81-101

- Rachel C. Shelton, Matthew Lee, Laura E. Brotzman, Danielle M. Crookes, Lina Jandorf, Deborah Erwin and Elizabeth A. Gage-Bouchard
- Can information increase the understanding and uptake of insurance? Lessons from a randomized experiment in rural Burkina Faso pp. 102-111

- Fadima Bocoum, Michael Grimm, Renate Hartwig and Nathalie Zongo
- The impact of Ethiopia's pilot community based health insurance scheme on healthcare utilization and cost of care pp. 112-119

- Anagaw D. Mebratie, Robert Sparrow, Zelalem Yilma, Degnet Abebaw Ejigie, Getnet Alemu and Arjun Bedi
- The effect of school sports facilities on physical activity, health and socioeconomic status in adulthood pp. 120-128

- Nicole Black, David Johnston, Carol Propper and Michael Shields
- Testosterone, risk, and socioeconomic position in British men: Exploring causal directionality pp. 129-140

- Amanda Hughes and Meena Kumari
- How can we evaluate the cost-effectiveness of health system strengthening? A typology and illustrations pp. 141-149

- K. Hauck, A. Morton, K. Chalkidou, Y-Ling Chi, Anthony Culyer, C. Levin, R. Meacock, M. Over, Ranjeeta Thomas, A. Vassall, S. Verguet and P.C. Smith
- Cancer risk in socially marginalised women: An exploratory study pp. 150-158

- Sarah Hanson, Duncan Gilbert, Rebecca Landy, Grace Okoli and Cornelia Guell
- Education system stratification and health complaints among school-aged children pp. 159-166

- Björn Högberg, Mattias Strandh, Solveig Petersen and Klara Johansson
- The effect of group involvement on post-disaster mental health: A longitudinal multilevel analysis pp. 167-175

- H. Colin Gallagher, Karen Block, Lisa Gibbs, David Forbes, Dean Lusher, Robyn Molyneaux, John Richardson, Philippa Pattison, Colin MacDougall and Richard A. Bryant
- The application of ‘valence’ to the idea of household food insecurity in Canada pp. 176-183

- Lynn McIntyre, Patrick B. Patterson and Catherine L. Mah
- Online comments about psychiatric neurosurgery and psychopharmacological interventions: Public perceptions and concerns pp. 184-192

- Laura Y. Cabrera, Marisa Brandt, Rachel McKenzie and Robyn Bluhm
- Self-reported versus GPS-derived indicators of daily mobility in a sample of healthy older adults pp. 193-202

- Michelle Pasquale Fillekes, Christina Röcke, Marko Katana and Robert Weibel
- SNAP benefits and childhood asthma pp. 203-211

- Colleen Heflin, Irma Arteaga, Leslie Hodges, Jean Felix Ndashiyme and Matthew Rabbitt
- Revisiting ‘awareness contexts’ in the 21st century hospital: How fragmented and specialized care shape patients' Awareness of Dying pp. 212-218

- Clare L. Stacey, Manacy Pai, Meghan A. Novisky and Steven M. Radwany
- Hearing loss, family status and mortality – Findings from the HUNT study, Norway pp. 219-225

- Bo Engdahl, Mariann Idstad and Vegard Skirbekk
- How neighborhoods matter in fatal interactions between police and men of color pp. 226-235

- Odis Johnson, Christopher St. Vil, Keon L. Gilbert, Melody Goodman and Cassandra Arroyo Johnson
- Enabling local public health adaptation to climate change pp. 236-244

- Stephanie E. Austin, James D. Ford, Lea Berrang-Ford, Robbert Biesbroek and Nancy A. Ross
- Aging well in an aging world: The impact of material conditions, culture, and societal disruptions pp. 245-253

- Lindsey Peterson and Margaret Ralston
- An investigation of the effect of accessibility to General Practitioner services on healthcare utilisation among older people pp. 254-263

- Gretta Mohan, Anne Nolan and Sean Lyons
- “So that's why I'm scared of these methods”: Locating contraceptive side effects in embodied life circumstances in Burundi and eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo pp. 264-272

- Joëlle Schwarz, Mari Dumbaugh, Wyvine Bapolisi, Marie Souavis Ndorere, Marie-Chantale Mwamini, Ghislain Bisimwa and Sonja Merten
- Agents and spectres: Life-space on a medium secure forensic psychiatric unit pp. 273-282

- P. Reavey, S.D. Brown, A. Kanyeredzi, L. McGrath and I. Tucker
- Politics, economics, how about our health? Impacts of large-scale land acquisitions on therapeutic spaces and wellbeing in coastal Tanzania pp. 283-291

- Kilian Nasung Atuoye, Isaac Luginaah, Herbert Hambati and Gwyn Campbell
- Measuring management practices in India's district public health bureaucracy pp. 292-300

- Timothy Powell-Jackson, Bhaskar Purohit, Deepak Saxena, Mahaveer Golechha, Camilla Fabbri, Partha Sarthi Ganguly and Kara Hanson
- Proximity effects in obesity rates in the US: A Spatial Markov Chains approach pp. 301-311

- Massimiliano Agovino, Alessandro Crociata and Pier Luigi Sacco
- How a woman's interpersonal relationships can delay care-seeking and access during the maternity period in rural Zambia: An intersection of the Social Ecological Model with the Three Delays Framework pp. 312-321

- Jeanette L. Kaiser, Rachel M. Fong, Davidson H. Hamer, Godfrey Biemba, Thandiwe Ngoma, Brittany Tusing and Nancy A. Scott
- Mobility and sex work: why, where, when? A typology of female-sex-worker mobility in Zimbabwe pp. 322-330

- Calum Davey, Jeffrey Dirawo, Phillis Mushati, Sitholubuhle Magutshwa, James R. Hargreaves and Frances M. Cowan
- Perspectives on female genital cutting among immigrant women and men in Boston pp. 331-339

- S. Shahawy, H. Amanuel and N.M. Nour
- A spatial analysis of health status in Britain, 1991–2011 pp. 340-352

- Emily K. Dearden, Christopher D. Lloyd and Gemma Catney
- A framework for conducting economic evaluations alongside natural experiments pp. 353-361

- Manuela Deidda, Claudia Geue, Noemi Kreif, Ruth Dundas and Emma McIntosh
- The impact of pharmaceutical tendering on prices and market concentration in South Africa over a 14-year period pp. 362-370

- Olivier J. Wouters, Dale M. Sandberg, Anban Pillay and Panos G. Kanavos
- Trajectories of family poverty and children's mental health: Results from the Danish National Birth Cohort pp. 371-378

- Laura Pryor, Katrine Strandberg-Larsen, Anne-Marie Nybo Andersen, Naja Hulvej Rod and Maria Melchior
- Longer schooling but not better off? A quasi-experimental study of the effect of compulsory schooling on biomarkers in France pp. 379-386

- Emilie Courtin, Vahé Nafilyan, Mauricio Avendano, Pierre Meneton, Lisa F. Berkman, Marcel Goldberg, Marie Zins and Jennifer B. Dowd
- Economic growth and mental health in 21st century China pp. 387-395

- Qing Wang and José Tapia Granados
- Australian women's cervical cancer screening attendance as a function of screening barriers and facilitators pp. 396-402

- Rhonda Frances Brown, Tanya Rebecca Muller and Anna Olsen
- The association between economic uncertainty and suicide in the short-run pp. 403-410

- Sotiris Vandoros, Mauricio Avendano and Ichiro Kawachi
- Does money relieve depression? Evidence from social pension expansions in China pp. 411-420

- Xi Chen, Tianyu Wang and Susan H. Busch
- Social capital and having a regular family doctor: Evidence from longitudinal data pp. 421-429

- Hana Bataineh, Rose Anne Devlin and Vicky Barham
- The role of powerful audiences in health information avoidance pp. 430-439

- Nikolette P. Lipsey and James A. Shepperd
- Between orchestrated and organic: Accountability for loss and the moral landscape of childbearing in Malawi pp. 441-449

- B.C. de Kok
On this page- 2019, volume 221
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- 2019, volume 220
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1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46
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- 2019, volume 220
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2008, volume 66
2007, volume 65
2007, volume 64
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2005, volume 61
2005, volume 60
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2003, volume 56
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2001, volume 52
2000, volume 51
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1999, volume 48
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1998, volume 46
1997, volume 45
1997, volume 44
1996, volume 43
1996, volume 42
1995, volume 41
1995, volume 40
1994, volume 39
1994, volume 38
1993, volume 37
1993, volume 36
1992, volume 35
1992, volume 34
1991, volume 33
1991, volume 32
1990, volume 31
1990, volume 30
1989, volume 29
1989, volume 28
1988, volume 27
1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46