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Social Science & Medicine

1979 - 2025

Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian

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2004, volume 59, articles 12

Changes at Social Science & Medicine pp. 2405-2407 Downloads
S. Macintyre
Income inequality and self-rated health in US metropolitan areas: A multi-level analysis pp. 2409-2419 Downloads
Russ Lopez
A multilevel analysis of race, community disadvantage, and body mass index among adults in the US pp. 2421-2434 Downloads
Stephanie A. Robert and Eric N. Reither
Municipal socioeconomic status and mortality in Japan: sex and age differences, and trends in 1973-1998 pp. 2435-2445 Downloads
Yoshiharu Fukuda, Keiko Nakamura and Takehito Takano
Social capital in working life and the health of employees pp. 2447-2458 Downloads
Virpi Liukkonen, Pekka Virtanen, Mika Kivimäki, Jaana Pentti and Jussi Vahtera
Inpatient/outpatient health care costs and remaining years of life--effect of decreasing mortality on future acute health care demand pp. 2459-2466 Downloads
Ilija Batljan and Mårten Lagergren
Preferences in end-of-life care of older persons: after-death interviews with proxy respondents pp. 2467-2477 Downloads
Marianne Klinkenberg, Dick L. Willems, Bregje D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen, Dorly J. H. Deeg and Gerrit van der Wal
Gender and use of health care among older adults in Egypt and Tunisia pp. 2479-2497 Downloads
Kathryn M. Yount, Emily M. Agree and Cesar Rebellon
Gender and age inequity in the provision of coronary revascularisation in England in the 1990s: is it getting better? pp. 2499-2507 Downloads
Mary Shaw, Roy Maxwell, Karen Rees, Davidson Ho, Steven Oliver, Yoav Ben-Shlomo and Shah Ebrahim
Acculturation and physical activity among North Carolina Latina immigrants pp. 2509-2522 Downloads
Kelly R. Evenson, Olga L. Sarmiento and Guadalupe X. Ayala
Health pessimism among black and white adults: the role of interpersonal and institutional maltreatment pp. 2523-2533 Downloads
Jason D. Boardman
Single mothers and the use of professionals for mental health care reasons pp. 2535-2546 Downloads
John Cairney, Michael H. Boyle, Ellen L. Lipman and Yvonne Racine
Understanding of informed consent in a low-income setting: three case studies from the Kenyan coast pp. 2547-2559 Downloads
C. S. Molyneux, N. Peshu and K. Marsh
Representations of SARS in the British newspapers pp. 2561-2571 Downloads
Peter Washer
Service users' strategies for managing risk in the volatile environment of an acute psychiatric ward pp. 2573-2583 Downloads
Alan Quirk, Paul Lelliott and Clive Seale
Utilization of delivery services at the primary health care level in rural Vietnam pp. 2585-2595 Downloads
Dat V Duong, Colin W Binns and Andy H Lee
Drug name confusion: evaluating the effectiveness of capital ("Tall Man") letters using eye movement data pp. 2597-2601 Downloads
Ruth Filik, Kevin Purdy, Alastair Gale and David Gerrett
Migration, community context, and child immunization in Ethiopia pp. 2603-2616 Downloads
Gebre-Egzbiabher Kiros and Michael J. White
Policy formation in gamete donation and egg sharing in the UK--a critical appraisal pp. 2617-2626 Downloads
Eric Blyth, Marilyn Crawshaw and Ken Daniels
The sense of belonging to a neighbourhood: can it be measured and is it related to health and well being in older women? pp. 2627-2637 Downloads
Anne F. Young, Anne Russell and Jennifer R. Powers

2004, volume 59, articles 11

Diabetes meanings a mong those without diabetes: explanatory models of immigrant Latinos in rural North Carolina pp. 2183-2193 Downloads
Thomas A. Arcury, Anne H. Skelly, Wilbert M. Gesler and Molly C. Dougherty
Cultural competence among physicians treating Mexican Americans who have diabetes: a structural model pp. 2195-2205 Downloads
Joachim O. F. Reimann, Gregory A. Talavera, Michelle Salmon, Joseph A. Nuñez and Roberto J. Velasquez
Effects of nurse follow-up on emergency room revisits: a randomized controlled trial pp. 2207-2218 Downloads
Frances Kam Yuet Wong, Susan Chow, Katherine Chang, Albert Lee and Jiexin Liu
Client satisfaction with reproductive health-care quality: integrating business approaches to modeling and measurement pp. 2219-2232 Downloads
Dana L. Alden, Do Mai Hoa and Dharm Bhawuk
Patient satisfaction and ethnic identity among American Indian older adults pp. 2233-2244 Downloads
Eva Marie Garroutte, Robert M. Kunovich, Clemma Jacobsen and Jack Goldberg
Social relationships and allostatic load in Taiwanese elderly and near elderly pp. 2245-2257 Downloads
Teresa Seeman, Dana Glei, Noreen Goldman, Maxine Weinstein, Burt Singer and Yu-Hsuan Lin
Mental health among older adults in Japan: do sources of social support and negative interaction make a difference? pp. 2259-2270 Downloads
Hideki Okabayashi, Jersey Liang, Neal Krause, Hiroko Akiyama and Hidehiro Sugisawa
Short-term effects of moving from public housing in poor to middle-class neighborhoods on low-income, minority adults' outcomes pp. 2271-2284 Downloads
Rebecca C. Fauth, Tama Leventhal and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn
Preventing long-term welfare receipt: the theoretical relationship between health and poverty over the early life course pp. 2285-2301 Downloads
Marcia J. Nielsen, Hee-Soon Juon and Margaret Ensminger
The relationships of social participation and community ratings to health and health behaviors in areas with high and low population density pp. 2303-2312 Downloads
K. Allen Greiner, Chaoyang Li, Ichiro Kawachi, D. Charles Hunt and Jasjit S. Ahluwalia
Foreign direct investment and trade in health services: A review of the literature pp. 2313-2323 Downloads
Richard D Smith
Death and organ procurement: public beliefs and attitudes pp. 2325-2334 Downloads
Laura A. Siminoff, Christopher Burant and Stuart J. Youngner
A review of empirical studies on the model of effort-reward imbalance at work: reducing occupational stress by implementing a new theory pp. 2335-2359 Downloads
Akizumi Tsutsumi and Norito Kawakami
Prevention of mosquito nuisance among urban populations in Burkina Faso pp. 2361-2371 Downloads
Helle Samuelsen, Léa Paré Toé, Thierry Baldet and Ole Skovmand
Violence against women in Ghana: a look at women's perceptions and review of policy and social responses pp. 2373-2385 Downloads
Margaret Ivy Amoakohene
Geographical proximity and health care utilization in veterans with SCI&D in the USA pp. 2387-2399 Downloads
Sherri L. LaVela, Bridget Smith, Frances M. Weaver and Scott A. Miskevics

2004, volume 59, articles 10

Hospital ethnography: introduction pp. 1995-2001 Downloads
Sjaak van der Geest and Kaja Finkler
"Villagers": Differential treatment in a Ghanaian hospital pp. 2003-2012 Downloads
Helle Max Andersen
The gaps in the gaze in South African hospitals pp. 2013-2024 Downloads
Diana Gibson
Poverty and violence, frustration and inventiveness: hospital ward life in Bangladesh pp. 2025-2036 Downloads
Shahaduz Zaman
Biomedicine globalized and localized: western medical practices in an outpatient clinic of a Mexican hospital pp. 2037-2051 Downloads
Kaja Finkler
Compliance as strategy: the importance of personalised relations in obstetric practice pp. 2053-2069 Downloads
Lucia M. Tanassi
Dealing with doubt: Making decisions in a neonatal ward in The Netherlands pp. 2071-2085 Downloads
Eric Vermeulen
Doctors and retribution: the hospitalisation of compensation claims in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea pp. 2087-2094 Downloads
Hans van Amstel and Sjaak van der Geest
Privacy, privatization, and the politics of patronage: ethnographic challenges to penetrating the secret world of Middle Eastern, hospital-based in vitro fertilization pp. 2095-2108 Downloads
Marcia C. Inhorn
Social inequalities and disability in older men: prospective findings from the British regional heart study pp. 2109-2120 Downloads
Shah Ebrahim, Olia Papacosta, Goya Wannamethee and Joy Adamson
Gender differences in factors affecting use of health services: an analysis of a community study of middle-aged and older Australians pp. 2121-2129 Downloads
Ruth Parslow, Anthony Jorm, Helen Christensen, Patricia Jacomb and Bryan Rodgers
Childhood IQ and cardiovascular disease in adulthood: prospective observational study linking the Scottish Mental Survey 1932 and the Midspan studies pp. 2131-2138 Downloads
C. L. Hart, M. D. Taylor, G. Davey Smith, L. J. Whalley, J. M. Starr, D. J. Hole, V. Wilson and I. J. Deary
The association of personal and neighborhood socioeconomic indicators with subclinical cardiovascular disease in an elderly cohort. The cardiovascular health study pp. 2139-2147 Downloads
Cheryl K. Nordstrom, Ana V. Diez Roux, Sharon A. Jackson and Julius M. Gardin
Clarifying the relationships between health and residential mobility pp. 2149-2160 Downloads
Ann Larson, Martin Bell and Anne Frances Young
The elderly and AIDS: Coping with the impact of adult death in Tanzania pp. 2161-2172 Downloads
Julia Dayton and Martha Ainsworth
Organ transplantation in Singapore: history, problems, and policies pp. 2173-2182 Downloads
Volker H. Schmidt and Chee Han Lim

2004, volume 59, articles 9

The importance of being expert: the quest for cancer information on the Internet pp. 1783-1793 Downloads
Sue Ziebland
Characteristics of online and offline health information seekers and factors that discriminate between them pp. 1795-1806 Downloads
Shelia R Cotten and Sipi S Gupta
Preventing hepatitis C: 'Common sense', 'the bug' and other perspectives from the risk narratives of people who inject drugs pp. 1807-1818 Downloads
Mark Davis, Tim Rhodes and Anthea Martin
Rapid assessment: an international review of diffusion, practice and outcomes in the substance use field pp. 1819-1830 Downloads
Chris Fitch, Gerry V Stimson, Tim Rhodes and Vladimir Poznyak
Attendance for general practitioner asthma care by children with moderate to severe asthma in Auckland, New Zealand pp. 1831-1842 Downloads
Stephen Buetow, Deborah Richards, Ed Mitchell, Barry Gribben, Vivienne Adair, Gregor Coster and Makere Hight
An issue of culture: the effects of daily activities on prenatal care utilization patterns in rural South Africa pp. 1843-1855 Downloads
Talia M. McCray
"Important to test, important to support": attitudes toward disability rights and prenatal diagnosis among leaders of support groups for genetic disorders in Israel pp. 1857-1866 Downloads
Aviad Raz
Referral to rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury: practitioners and the process of decision-making pp. 1867-1878 Downloads
Michele Foster, Cheryl Tilse and Jennifer Fleming
Nursing, knowledge and power: A case analysis pp. 1879-1889 Downloads
Christine Ceci
Preferences for disclosure: the case of bedside rationing pp. 1891-1897 Downloads
David L.B Schwappach and Christian M Koeck
Making sense of diabetes: cultural models, gender and individual adjustment to Type 2 diabetes in a Mexican community pp. 1899-1912 Downloads
Raminta Daniulaityte
The political environment of HIV: lessons from a comparison of Uganda and South Africa pp. 1913-1924 Downloads
Justin O Parkhurst and Louisiana Lush
Gender differences in the relationship of partner's social class to behavioural risk factors and social support in the Whitehall II study pp. 1925-1936 Downloads
M Bartley, P Martikainen, M Shipley and M Marmot
Waiting time information services: An evaluation of how well clearance time statistics can forecast a patient's wait pp. 1937-1948 Downloads
David A Cromwell
Changes in authorship patterns in prestigious US medical journals pp. 1949-1954 Downloads
William B Weeks, Amy E Wallace and B.C.Surott Kimberly
Do dietary intakes affect search for nutrient information on food labels? pp. 1955-1967 Downloads
Chung-Tung Jordan Lin, Jonq-Ying Lee and Steven T. Yen
Mental health burden amongst inhabitants of an arsenic-affected area in Inner Mongolia, China pp. 1969-1973 Downloads
Yoshihisa Fujino, Xiaojuan Guo, Jun Liu, Lingui You, Munetoshi Miyatake and Takesumi Yoshimura
The use of personal data from medical records and biological materials: ethical perspectives and the basis for legal restrictions in health research pp. 1975-1984 Downloads
Enrique Regidor
The European health divide: a matter of financial or social capital? pp. 1985-1992 Downloads
Per Carlson

2004, volume 59, articles 8

Interactive video behavioral intervention to reduce adolescent females' STD risk: a randomized controlled trial pp. 1561-1572 Downloads
Julie S. Downs, Pamela J. Murray, Wändi Bruine de Bruin, Joyce Penrose, Claire Palmgren and Baruch Fischhoff
Unmet need for contraception in Kuwait: issues for health care providers pp. 1573-1580 Downloads
Makhdoom A. Shah, Nasra M. Shah, Rafiqul Islam Chowdhury and Indu Menon
Transactional sex among women in Soweto, South Africa: prevalence, risk factors and association with HIV infection pp. 1581-1592 Downloads
Kristin L. Dunkle, Rachel K. Jewkes, Heather C. Brown, Glenda E. Gray, James A. McIntryre and Siobán D. Harlow
What constitutes success in preventive health care? A case study in assessing the benefits of hip protectors pp. 1593-1601 Downloads
G. Salkeld, S. Quine and I. D. Cameron
'In the eye of the beholder': perceptions of local impact in English Health Action Zones pp. 1603-1612 Downloads
Helen Sullivan, Ken Judge and Kate Sewel
Insights into the 'healthy immigrant effect': health status and health service use of immigrants to Canada pp. 1613-1627 Downloads
James McDonald and Steven Kennedy
Socioeconomic, cultural, and personal influences on health outcomes in low income Mexican-origin individuals in Texas pp. 1629-1646 Downloads
Luisa Franzini and Maria Eugenia Fernandez-Esquer
Utilization of well-baby care visits provided by Taiwan's National Health Insurance Program pp. 1647-1659 Downloads
Likwang Chen, Wen-Shan Yang, Shyh-Dye Lee, Hua-Chih Chang and Chen-Lin Yeh
Committed to health for all? How the G7/G8 rate pp. 1661-1676 Downloads
Ronald Labonte and Ted Schrecker
Research report: do general practitioners tell their patients about side effects to common treatments? pp. 1677-1683 Downloads
Aleksander Krag, Henriette Svarre Nielsen, Michael Norup, Søren M. Madsen and Peter Rossel
Truth telling and truthfulness in the care for patients with advanced dementia: an ethnographic study in Dutch nursing homes pp. 1685-1693 Downloads
Cees M. P. M. Hertogh, B. Anne Mei The, Bere M. L. Miesen and Jan A. Eefsting
Relief, risk and renewal: mixed therapy regimens in an Australian suburb pp. 1695-1705 Downloads
Linda H. Connor
Street children in Pakistan: A situational analysis of social conditions and nutritional status pp. 1707-1717 Downloads
Moazzam Ali, Saqib Shahab, Hiroshi Ushijima and Aime de Muynck
Job stress, social support, and prevalence of insomnia in a population of Japanese daytime workers pp. 1719-1730 Downloads
Akinori Nakata, Takashi Haratani, Masaya Takahashi, Norito Kawakami, Heihachiro Arito, Fumio Kobayashi and Shunichi Araki
The effect of hospital bed reduction on the use of beds: A comparative study of 10 European countries pp. 1731-1740 Downloads
Madelon Kroneman and Jacques J. Siegers
Arsenic contamination awareness among the rural residents in Bangladesh pp. 1741-1755 Downloads
Bimal Kanti Paul
Does traditional birth attendant training improve referral of women with obstetric complications: a review of the evidence pp. 1757-1768 Downloads
Lynn Sibley, Theresa Ann Sipe and Marge Koblinsky
Denial of impending death: a discourse analysis of the palliative care literature pp. 1769-1780 Downloads
Camilla Zimmermann

2004, volume 59, articles 7

Social inequality and depressive disorders in Bahia, Brazil: interactions of gender, ethnicity, and social class pp. 1339-1353 Downloads
Naomar Almeida-Filho, Ines Lessa, Lucélia Magalhães, Maria Jenny Araújo, Estela Aquino, Sherman A. James and Ichiro Kawachi
Individualisation and inequalities in health: a qualitative study of class identity and health pp. 1355-1365 Downloads
Bruce Bolam, Simon Murphy and Kate Gleeson
Job characteristics as mediators in SES-health relationships pp. 1367-1378 Downloads
John Robert Warren, Peter Hoonakker, Pascale Carayon and Jennie Brand
Men's influences on women's reproductive health: medical anthropological perspectives pp. 1379-1395 Downloads
Matthew R. Dudgeon and Marcia C. Inhorn
The rhetoric of "natural" in natural childbirth: childbearing women's perspectives on prolonged pregnancy and induction of labour pp. 1397-1408 Downloads
Rachel Emma Westfall and Cecilia Benoit
Health lifestyles in central Asia: the case of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan pp. 1409-1421 Downloads
William C. Cockerham, Brian P. Hinote, Pamela Abbott and Christian Haerpfer
Analysis of health-related quality of life (HRQL), its distribution, and its distribution by income in Japan, 1989 and 1998 pp. 1423-1433 Downloads
Yukiko Asada and Yasushi Ohkusa
Socioeconomic determinants of mortality in two Canadian provinces: Multilevel modelling and neighborhood context pp. 1435-1447 Downloads
Leslie L. Roos, Jennifer Magoon, Sumit Gupta, Dan Chateau and Paul J. Veugelers
Premature mortality among lone fathers and childless men pp. 1449-1459 Downloads
Gunilla Ringbäck Weitoft, Bo Burström and Måns Rosén
Blood and bioidentity: ideas about self, boundaries and risk among blood donors and people living with Hepatitis C pp. 1461-1471 Downloads
Catherine Waldby, Marsha Rosengarten, Carla Treloar and Suzanne Fraser
Striving for normalcy: symptoms and the threat of rejection after lung transplantation pp. 1473-1484 Downloads
Annette De Vito Dabbs, Leslie A. Hoffman, Valerie Swigart, Mary Beth Happ, James H. Dauber, Kenneth R. McCurry and Aldo Iacono
Neighbourhood influences on health in Montréal, Canada pp. 1485-1494 Downloads
Nancy A. Ross, Stéphane Tremblay and Katie Graham
The expression of aversion to medicines in general practice consultations pp. 1495-1503 Downloads
Nicky Britten, Fiona Stevenson, Joseph Gafaranga, Christine Barry and Colin Bradley
Rapid income growth adversely affects diet quality in China--particularly for the poor! pp. 1505-1515 Downloads
Shufa Du, Thomas Mroz, Fengying Zhai and Barry M. Popkin
Around-the-clock: parent work schedules and children's well-being in a 24-h economy pp. 1517-1527 Downloads
Lyndall Strazdins, Rosemary J. Korda, Lynette L-Y. Lim, Dorothy H. Broom and Rennie M. D'Souza
Community-based treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Lima, Peru: 7 years of experience pp. 1529-1539 Downloads
Sonya Shin, Jennifer Furin, Jaime Bayona, Kedar Mate, Jim Yong Kim and Paul Farmer
Audience, consequence, and journal selection in toxic-exposure epidemiology pp. 1541-1546 Downloads
David A. Rier
Governing street-based injecting drug users: a critique of heroin overdose prevention in Australia pp. 1547-1557 Downloads
David Moore

2004, volume 59, articles 6

Income inequality and pregnancy spacing pp. 1117-1126 Downloads
R. Gold, Frederick A. Connell, Patrick Heagerty, Stephen Bezruchka, Robert Davis and Mary Lawrence Cawthon
Race and pregnancy-related care in Brazil and South Africa pp. 1127-1146 Downloads
Sarah Burgard
Antenatal care: provision and inequality in rural north India pp. 1147-1158 Downloads
Saseendran Pallikadavath, Mary Foss and R William Stones
Masculinity and undocumented labor migration: injured latino day laborers in San Francisco pp. 1159-1168 Downloads
Nicholas Walter, Philippe Bourgois and H. Margarita Loinaz
Masculinity, infertility, stigma and media reports pp. 1169-1175 Downloads
Kenneth Gannon, Lesley Glover and Paul Abel
Mothering children who have disabilities: a Bourdieusian interpretation of maternal practices pp. 1177-1191 Downloads
Patricia McKeever and Karen-Lee Miller
Doing their jobs: mothering with Ritalin in a culture of mother-blame pp. 1193-1205 Downloads
Ilina Singh
Further development of an Australian-based measure of social capital in a US sample pp. 1207-1217 Downloads
Megan S. O'Brien, Charles A. Burdsal and Craig A. Molgaard
Local services and amenities, neighborhood social capital, and health pp. 1219-1229 Downloads
Andrea Altschuler, Carol P. Somkin and Nancy E. Adler
The social situation of motherless children in rural and urban areas of Guinea-Bissau pp. 1231-1239 Downloads
Tania Nicole Masmas, Henrik Jensen, Domingos da Silva, Lars Høj, Anita Sandström and Peter Aaby
Motivation and values of hospital consultants in south-east England who work in the national health service and do private practice pp. 1241-1250 Downloads
Charlotte Humphrey and Jill Russell
'We are bitter but we are satisfied': nurses as street-level bureaucrats in South Africa pp. 1251-1261 Downloads
Liz Walker and Lucy Gilson
Discharge from physiotherapy following stroke:: the management of disappointment pp. 1263-1273 Downloads
Rose Wiles, Ann Ashburn, Sheila Payne and Caroline Murphy
The medical text: between biomedicine and hegemony pp. 1275-1285 Downloads
D. Filc
A comparison of socioeconomic differences in physical functioning and perceived health among male and female employees in Britain, Finland and Japan pp. 1287-1295 Downloads
Pekka Martikainen, Eero Lahelma, Michael Marmot, Michikazu Sekine, Nobuo Nishi and Sadanobu Kagamimori
Self-reported health and adult mortality risk: An analysis of cause-specific mortality pp. 1297-1306 Downloads
Maureen Reindl Benjamins, Robert A. Hummer, Isaac W. Eberstein and Charles B. Nam
Medicine in a multi-cultural society: the effect of cultural background on beliefs about medications pp. 1307-1313 Downloads
Robert Horne, Lída Graupner, Susie Frost, John Weinman, Siobhan Melanie Wright and Matthew Hankins
Knowledge, attitudes and experiences of sex trafficking by young women in Benin City, South-South Nigeria pp. 1315-1327 Downloads
F. E. Okonofua, S. M. Ogbomwan, A. N. Alutu, Okop Kufre and Aghahowa Eghosa
While there's life...: hope and the experience of cancer pp. 1329-1337 Downloads
Miles Little and Emma-Jane Sayers

2004, volume 59, articles 5

The adapting healer: pioneering through shifting epidemiological and sociocultural landscapes pp. 889-902 Downloads
H.Heather McMillen
Outcomes associated with participation in a therapeutic recreation camping programme for children from 15 European countries: Data from the 'Barretstown Studies' pp. 903-913 Downloads
Gemma Kiernan, Michael Gormley and Malcolm MacLachlan
Responses of established healthcare to the professionalization of complementary and alternative medicine in Ontario pp. 915-930 Downloads
Merrijoy Kelner, Beverly Wellman, Heather Boon and Sandy Welsh
The performance of different models of primary care provision in Southern Africa pp. 931-943 Downloads
Anne Mills, Natasha Palmer, Lucy Gilson, Di McIntyre, Helen Schneider, Edina Sinanovic and Haroon Wadee
Senegalese grandmothers promote improved maternal and child nutrition practices: the guardians of tradition are not averse to change pp. 945-959 Downloads
Judi Aubel, Ibrahima Touré and Mamadou Diagne
Racial and ethnic diversity and organizational behavior: a focused research agenda for health services management pp. 961-971 Downloads
Janice L. Dreachslin, Robert Weech-Maldonado and K.H.Kathryn H. Dansky
Should "acculturation" be a variable in health research? A critical review of research on US Hispanics pp. 973-986 Downloads
L.M.Linda M. Hunt, Suzanne Schneider and Brendon Comer
The economic consequences for parents of losing an adult child to AIDS: Evidence from Thailand pp. 987-1001 Downloads
John Knodel and Wassana Im-em
Search for a cure: narratives of Thai family caregivers living with a person with AIDS pp. 1003-1010 Downloads
Kittikorn Nilmanat and Annette Street
STD care: variations in clinical care associated with provider sex, patient sex, patients' self-reported symptoms or high-risk behaviors, partner STD history pp. 1011-1018 Downloads
J.S.Janet S. St. Lawrence, Wen-Hung Kuo, Matthew Hogben, Daniel E Montaño, Danuta Kasprzyk and William R. Phillips
The determinants of withdrawal use in Turkey: A husband's imposition or a woman's choice? pp. 1019-1033 Downloads
Andrzej Kulczycki
'I am not the kind of woman who complains of everything': Illness stories on self and shame in women with chronic pain pp. 1035-1045 Downloads
Anne Werner, L.W.Lise Widding Isaksen and Kirsti Malterud
Sociocultural context of women's body image pp. 1047-1058 Downloads
M.-C.Marie-Claude Paquette and Kim Raine
The problem of evidence-based medicine: directions for social science pp. 1059-1069 Downloads
Eric Mykhalovskiy and Lorna Weir
'It takes three to tango':: a framework for understanding patient partnership in paediatric clinics pp. 1071-1079 Downloads
Jonathan Gabe, Gillian Olumide and Michael Bury
Occupational stressors and hypertension: a multi-method study using observer-based job analysis and self-reports in urban transit operators pp. 1081-1094 Downloads
Birgit A. Greiner, Niklas Krause, David Ragland and J.M.June M. Fisher
Remaking family life: strategies for re-establishing continuity among Congolese refugees during the family reunification process pp. 1095-1108 Downloads
C.Cécile Rousseau, Marie-Claire Rufagari, Déogratias Bagilishya and Toby Measham
Self-rated oral health as an independent predictor of self-rated general health, self-esteem and life satisfaction pp. 1109-1116 Downloads
Yael Benyamini, Howard Leventhal and E.A.Elaine A. Leventhal

2004, volume 59, articles 4

Women's menarche stories from a multicultural sample pp. 667-679 Downloads
A.K.Ayse K. Uskul
Health service utilization for perceived postpartum morbidity among poor women living in Karachi pp. 681-694 Downloads
Fariyal F. Fikree, Tazeen Ali, Jill M. Durocher and Mohammad H. Rahbar
Gender inequality, family planning, and maternal and child care in a rural Chinese county pp. 695-708 Downloads
Jianghong Li
Eating, drinking and being depressed: the social, cultural and psychological context of alcohol consumption and nutrition in a Brazilian community pp. 709-720 Downloads
William W. Dressler, Rosane Pilot Ribeiro, Mauro Campos Balieiro, Kathryn S. Oths and J.E.José Ernesto Dos Santos
Chronic diseases and depression: the modifying role of psychosocial resources pp. 721-733 Downloads
M. Isabella Bisschop, Didi M. W. Kriegsman, Aartjan T. F. Beekman and D.J.H.Dorly J. H. Deeg
'White liquor hits black livers': meanings of excessive liquor consumption in South Africa in the second half of the twentieth century pp. 735-751 Downloads
Anne Mager
Sociocultural aspects of tuberculosis: a literature review and a case study of immigrant tuberculosis pp. 753-762 Downloads
M.-J.Ming-Jung Ho
A social disease/a social response: lessons in tuberculosis from early 20th century Chile pp. 763-773 Downloads
J.E.Joan E. Paluzzi
Physician commitment in end of life care--perspectives from New Zealand and the Netherlands pp. 775-785 Downloads
K. Mitchell
RCT of a theory-based intervention promoting healthy eating and physical activity amongst out-patients older than 65 years pp. 787-797 Downloads
Kate Kelley and C.Charles Abraham
The impact of stigma on maternal attitudes toward placement of children with disabilities in residential care facilities pp. 799-812 Downloads
S.E.Sara E. Green
Physical, mental and social factors associated with frequent attendance in Danish general practice. A population-based cross-sectional study pp. 813-823 Downloads
Peter Vedsted, Per Fink, H.T.Henrik Toft Sørensen and Frede Olesen
Los Años de la Crisis: An examination of change in differential infant mortality risk within Mexico pp. 825-835 Downloads
R. Frank and B.K.Brian Karl Finch
A comparison of traditional healers' medicinal plant knowledge in the Bolivian Andes and Amazon pp. 837-849 Downloads
Ina Vandebroek, Patrick Van Damme, Luc Van Puyvelde, Susana Arrazola and Norbert De Kimpe
Dhandha, dharma and disease: traditional sex work and HIV/AIDS in rural India pp. 851-860 Downloads
John O'Neil, Treena Orchard, R. C. Swarankar, J.F.James F. Blanchard, Kaveri Gurav and Stephen Moses
'It might happen or it might not': how patients with multiple sclerosis explain their perception of prognostic risk pp. 861-868 Downloads
Hennie R. Boeije and A.C.J.W.A. Cecile J. W. Janssens
The post-war public health effects of civil conflict pp. 869-884 Downloads
H.A.Hazem Adam Ghobarah, Paul Huth and Bruce Russett

2004, volume 59, articles 3

Gendered communication among young people in Mexico: implications for sexual health interventions pp. 445-456 Downloads
Cicely Marston
Risks, stigma and Honduran Garífuna conceptions of HIV/AIDS pp. 457-471 Downloads
James P. Stansbury and Manuel Sierra
Socio-cultural influences on young people's sexual development pp. 473-487 Downloads
Jean A. Shoveller, Joy L. Johnson, Donald B. Langille and Terry Mitchell
Viagra stories": challenging 'erectile dysfunction pp. 489-499 Downloads
Annie Potts, Victoria Grace, Nicola Gavey and Tiina Vares
A critical review of behavioral issues related to malaria control in sub-Saharan Africa:: what contributions have social scientists made? pp. 501-523 Downloads
Holly Ann Williams and Caroline O. H. Jones
Cost-effectiveness of malaria control interventions when malaria mortality is low: insecticide-treated nets versus in-house residual spraying in India pp. 525-539 Downloads
Mrigesh R Bhatia, Julia Fox-Rushby and Anne Mills
A comparison of breast, testicular and prostate cancer in mass print media (1996-2001) pp. 541-551 Downloads
Juanne Nancarrow Clarke
Accommodating risk: Responses to BRCA1/2 genetic testing of women who have had cancer pp. 553-565 Downloads
N. Hallowell, C. Foster, R. Eeles, A. Ardern-Jones and M. Watson
Gender and physical violence pp. 567-571 Downloads
Knut Steen and Steinar Hunskaar
"Social thinking" and cultural images: teenagers' notions of tobacco use pp. 573-583 Downloads
Marie-Louise Stjerna, Sonja Olin Lauritzen and Per Tillgren
Using a point system in the management of waiting lists: the case of cataracts pp. 585-594 Downloads
Eva Rodríguez-Míguez, Carmen Herrero and Jose-Luis Pinto-Prades
Social capital, the miniaturisation of community and self-reported global and psychological health pp. 595-607 Downloads
Martin Lindström
Physical well-being and school enrollment:: a comparison of adopted and biological children in one-child families in China pp. 609-623 Downloads
Jihong Liu, Grace Wyshak and Ulla Larsen
Present concerns of survivors of human rights violations in South Africa pp. 625-635 Downloads
Ashraf Kagee
Authorizing tradition: vectors of contention in Highland Maya midwifery pp. 637-651 Downloads
Servando Z. Hinojosa
Turning the tide: Benefit finding after cancer surgery pp. 653-662 Downloads
Ute Schulz and Nihal E. Mohamed

2004, volume 59, articles 2

Integrating genetics as practices of primary care pp. 223-233 Downloads
Rosemary Robins and Sylvia Metcalfe
Optimising clinical practice in cancer genetics with cultural competence: lessons to be learned from ethnographic research with Chinese-Australians pp. 235-248 Downloads
M.Maurice Eisenbruch, Soo See Yeo, Bettina Meiser, David Goldstein, Kathy Tucker and Kristine Barlow-Stewart
Socioeconomic differences in cancer screening participation: comparing cognitive and psychosocial explanations pp. 249-261 Downloads
Jane Wardle, Kirsten McCaffery, Marion Nadel and Wendy Atkin
Women, family demands and health: the importance of employment status and socio-economic position pp. 263-274 Downloads
L.Lucía Artazcoz, Carme Borrell, Joan Benach, Imma Cortès and Izabella Rohlfs
Understanding the role of mediating risk factors and proxy effects in the association between socio-economic status and untreated hypertension pp. 275-283 Downloads
A. Colin Bell, Linda S. Adair and Barry M. Popkin
AIDS-talk in everyday life: the presence of HIV/AIDS in men's informal conversation in Southern Malawi pp. 285-297 Downloads
Amy Kaler
Secretive females or swaggering males?: An assessment of the quality of sexual partnership reporting in rural Tanzania pp. 299-310 Downloads
Soori Nnko, J.T.J Ties Boerma, Mark Urassa, Gabriel Mwaluko and Basia Zaba
Violent deaths among women of reproductive age in rural Bangladesh pp. 311-319 Downloads
M.K.M. Kapil Ahmed, Jeroen van Ginneken, Abdur Razzaque and Nurul Alam
Dependency, democracy, and infant mortality: a quantitative, cross-national analysis of less developed countries pp. 321-333 Downloads
John M. Shandra, Jenna Nobles, Bruce London and J.B.John B. Williamson
Wilp Wa'ums: colonial encounter, decolonization and medical care among the Nisga'a pp. 335-349 Downloads
M.-E.Mary-Ellen Kelm
Use of a visual analogue scale in a daily patient diary: modelling cross-sectional time-series data on health-related quality of life pp. 351-360 Downloads
David Parkin, Nigel Rice, Ann Jacoby and Julie Doughty
Geographical variation in acute psychiatric admissions within New York City 1990-2000: growing inequalities in service use? pp. 361-376 Downloads
Michael Almog, Sarah Curtis, Alison Copeland and Peter Congdon
The health-promoting family: a conceptual framework for future research pp. 377-387 Downloads
Pia Christensen
The Israeli kibbutz as a venue for reduced disability in old age: lessons from the Cross-sectional And Longitudinal Aging Study (CALAS) pp. 389-403 Downloads
Adrian Walter-Ginzburg, Tzvia Blumstein and Jack M. Guralnik
Traffic stress, vehicular burden and well-being: A multilevel analysis pp. 405-414 Downloads
Gilbert C. Gee and D.T.David T. Takeuchi
Popular perceptions of tobacco products and patterns of use among male college students in India pp. 415-431 Downloads
Mimi Nichter, Mark Nichter and David Van Sickle
Use of benzodiazepine drugs and perceived job stress in a cohort of working men and women in Belgium. Results from the BELSTRESS-study pp. 433-442 Downloads
Edwin Pelfrene, Peter Vlerick, Michel Moreau, Rudolf P. Mak, Marcel Kornitzer and G.D.Guy De Backer

2004, volume 59, articles 1

Material deprivation and self-rated health: a multilevel study of adolescents from 22 European and North American countries pp. 1-12 Downloads
Torbjorn Torsheim, Candace Currie, William Boyce, Ilze Kalnins, Mary Overpeck and Siren Haugland
Evidence on equalisation in health in youth from the West of Scotland pp. 13-27 Downloads
Patrick West and Helen Sweeting
The impact of job strain on social isolation: a longitudinal analysis of French workers pp. 29-38 Downloads
Michel Vézina, Francis Derriennic and Christine Monfort
Medical malpractice as an epidemiological problem pp. 39-46 Downloads
Michelle M. Mello and David Hemenway
The threatened self: general practitioners' self-perception in relation to prescribing medicine pp. 47-55 Downloads
Kristin Henriksen and Ebba Holme Hansen
Planning for the end of life:: the views of older people about advance care statements pp. 57-68 Downloads
Jane Seymour, Merryn Gott, Gary Bellamy, Sam H. Ahmedzai and David Clark
Multigenerational family structure in Japanese society: impacts on stress and health behaviors among women and men pp. 69-81 Downloads
Yasuhisa Takeda, Ichiro Kawachi, Zentaro Yamagata, Shuji Hashimoto, Yasuhiro Matsumura, Shigenori Oguri and Akira Okayama
Decision-making models in Japanese psychiatry: Transitions from passive to active patterns pp. 83-91 Downloads
B. T. Slingsby
Is patient involvement possible when decisions involve scarce resources? A qualitative study of decision-making in primary care pp. 93-102 Downloads
Ian Rees Jones, Lee Berney, Moira Kelly, Len Doyal, Chris Griffiths, Gene Feder, Sheila Hillier, Gillian Rowlands and Sarah Curtis
In motion, out of place: the public space(s) of Tourette Syndrome pp. 103-112 Downloads
Kat Kleman Davis, Jeffrey Sasha Davis and Lorraine Dowler
Characteristics of binge drinkers in Europe pp. 113-127 Downloads
E. Kuntsche, J. Rehm and G. Gmel
Social inequality and ethnic differences in smoking in New Zealand pp. 129-143 Downloads
Ross Barnett, Graham Moon and Robin Kearns
Physician-patient dialogue surrounding patients' expression of concern: applying sequence analysis to RIAS pp. 145-155 Downloads
Hilde Eide, Vicenç Quera, Peter Graugaard and Arnstein Finset
How do health workers and community members perceive and practice community participation in the Bamako Initiative programme in Nigeria? A case study of Oji River local government area pp. 157-162 Downloads
Benjamin S. C. Uzochukwu, Cyril O. Akpala and Obinna E. Onwujekwe
Decentralization and public services: the case of immunization pp. 163-183 Downloads
Peyvand Khaleghian
Social, cultural and sexual behavioral determinants of observed decline in HIV infection trends: lessons from the Kagera Region, Tanzania pp. 185-198 Downloads
Joe Lugalla, Maria Emmelin, Aldin Mutembei, Mwiru Sima, Gideon Kwesigabo, Japhet Killewo and Lars Dahlgren
Economies of scale and scope in Vietnamese hospitals pp. 199-208 Downloads
Marcia Weaver and Anil Deolalikar
Pushing the boundaries of outreach work: the case of needle exchange outreach programs in Canada pp. 209-219 Downloads
Carol J. Strike, Caroline O'Grady, Ted Myers and Margaret Millson
Page updated 2025-03-25