Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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1992, volume 34, articles 12
- Introduction pp. 1303-1303

- Bethel Ann Powers
- Feeling old versus being old: Views of troubled aging pp. 1305-1315

- Mary Christine Cremin
- "It's like you're down on a bed of affliction": Aging and diabetes among black Americans pp. 1317-1323

- Barbara V. Reid
- Intimacy, domesticity and pet therapy with the elderly: Expectation and experience among nursing home volunteers pp. 1325-1334

- Joel S. Savishinsky
- The roles staff play in the social networks of elderly institutionalized people pp. 1335-1343

- Bethel Ann Powers
- Health and illness behavior and patient-practitioner relationships pp. 1345-1350

- David Mechanic
- The experience of asthma pp. 1351-1361

- David Snadden and Judith Belle Brown
- The routinization of hospice: Charisma and bureaucratization pp. 1363-1375

- Nicky James and David Field
- Effects of occupational stress on the physical and psychological health of women in a microelectronics plant pp. 1377-1383

- Evelyn J. Bromet, Mary Amanda Dew, David K. Parkinson, Shelly Cohen and Joseph E. Schwartz
- Health-seeking behavior and the meaning of medications in Balochistan, Pakistan pp. 1385-1397

- Pamela A. Hunte and Farhat Sultana
- Compensation for harm: The implications for medical research pp. 1399-1404

- Ian Harvey and Ruth Chadwick
- Pregnant dreaming: Search for a typology of a proposed dream genre pp. 1405-1411

- Susan Sered and Henry Abramovitch
- The effect of the social organization of work on the voluntary turnover rate of hospital nurses in the United States pp. 1413-1424

- Joan R. Bloom, Jeffrey A. Alexander and Beverly A. Nichols
1992, volume 34, articles 11
- Underreaction to AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 1169-1182

- John C. Caldwell, I.O. Orubuloye and Pat Caldwell
- Planning health care in South Africa--Is there a role for traditional healers? pp. 1183-1190

- M. Freeman and M. Motsei
- Suicide and unemployment in Italy: Description, analysis and interpretation of recent trends pp. 1191-1201

- Stephen Platt, Rocco Micciolo and Michele Tansella
- Methodological issues and research strategies in the study of coping with cancer pp. 1203-1216

- Mark Somerfield and Barbara Curbow
- Patients' choices and perceptions after an invitation to participate in treatment decisions pp. 1217-1225

- Stephanie Legg England and Jeremy Evans
- Perceived morbidity and health behaviour in a Dogon community pp. 1227-1235

- Copp[combining acute accent]o, P., L. Pisani and A. Keita
- Access to ambulatory care among noninstitutionalized, activity-limited persons 65 and over pp. 1237-1247

- Robert H. Miller
- The quality and quantity of social support: Stroke recovery as psycho-social transition pp. 1249-1261

- Thomas A. Glass and George L. Maddox
- Genetic counselor attitudes towards fetal sex identification and selective abortion pp. 1263-1269

- B.Meredith Burke
- Provision of food and fluids in terminal care: A sociological analysis pp. 1271-1276

- Fran McInerney
- Mother's milk and pseudoscientific breastmilk testing in Pakistan pp. 1277-1290

- Dorothy S. Mull
- Prevalence of smoking in secondary schools in the greater Accra region of Ghana pp. 1291-1293

- R. Amonoo-Lartson and Matilda E. Pappoe
- Beri-beri: Age-gender bias in the Gambia pp. 1295-1297

- Hazel R. Barrett and Angela W. Browne
1992, volume 34, articles 10
- The cultural logic of Indian medicine: Prognosis and etiology in Rajasthani popular therapeutics pp. 1069-1076

- Helen Lambert
- What can information systems do for primary health care? An international perspective pp. 1077-1087

- Peter Sandiford, Hugh Annett and Richard Cibulskis
- Community-based HIV/AIDS research--Whither community participation? Unsolved problems in a research programme in rural Uganda pp. 1089-1095

- Janet A. Seeley, Jane F. Kengeya-Kayondo and Daan W. Mulder
- Quantitative and qualitative approaches to the evaluation of the medical dialogue pp. 1097-1103

- Debra Roter and Richard Frankel
- Yolmo aesthetics of body, health and 'soul loss' pp. 1105-1117

- Robert R. Desjarlais
- Sexual behaviour related to psycho-social factors in a population of Danish homosexual and bisexual men pp. 1119-1127

- Kirsten W. Schmidt, Jan R. Fouchard, Allan Krasnik, Henrik Zoffmann, Henrik L. Jacobsen and Svend Kreiner
- Development and validation of the PCQ: A questionnaire to measure the psychological consequences of screening mammography pp. 1129-1134

- Jill Cockburn, Trudy De Luise, Susan Hurley and Kerrie Clover
- The impact of road construction on the spatial characteristics of hospital utilization in the Meru district of Kenya pp. 1135-1146

- Tony Airey
- Determinants of perceived health status of medical outpatients pp. 1147-1154

- Arthur J. Barsky, Paul D. Cleary and Gerald L. Klerman
- Communicative styles and adaptations in physician-parent consultations pp. 1155-1163

- Richard L. Street
1992, volume 34, articles 9
- Preface pp. 945-945

- Morris L. Barer, Anthony Culyer and Gavin Mooney
- Econometric critique of the economic change model of mortality pp. 947-957

- Jes Søgaard
- To prescribe or not to prescribe: On the regulation of pharmaceuticals in less developed countries pp. 959-964

- Jeffrey S. Hammer
- The economic evaluation of malaria control technologies: The case of Nepal pp. 965-972

- Anne Mills
- Assessing the costs and benefits of medical research: The diabetic retinopathy study pp. 973-981

- Michael F. Drummond, Linda M. Davies and Frederick L. Ferris
- The impact of recombinant human erythropoietin on medical care costs for hemodialysis patients in Canada pp. 983-991

- Steven Sheingold, David Churchill, Norman Muirhead, Andreas Laupacis, Roberta Labelle and Ronald Goeree
- A cost utility analysis of mammography screening in Australia pp. 993-1004

- Jane Hall, Karen Gerard, Glenn Salkeld and Jeff Richardson
- Towards a new approach for estimating indirect costs of disease pp. 1005-1010

- Marc A. Koopmanschap and B. Martin van Ineveld
- Quality competition in local hospital markets: Some econometric evidence from the period 1982-1988 pp. 1011-1021

- Thomas N. Chirikos
- Consumer information and biased selection in the demand for coverage supplementing medicare pp. 1023-1034

- Bruce N. Davidson, Shoshanna Sofaer and Paul Gertler
- Towards a capitation formula for competing health insurers. An empirical analysis pp. 1035-1048

- RenéC. J. A. van Vliet and Wynand P. M. M. van de Ven
- The collectivisation of health insurance pp. 1049-1055

- W. J. F. I. Nuijens
- International health spending forecasts: Concepts and evaluation pp. 1057-1068

- Thomas E. Getzen and Jean-Pierre Poullier
1992, volume 34, articles 8
- Child developmental delay and socio-economic disadvantage in Australia: A longitudinal study pp. 829-835

- J. M. Najman, W. Bor, J. Morrison, M. Andersen and G. Williams
- More resources better health? A cross-national perspective pp. 837-842

- Kwangkee Kim and Philip M. Moody
- Behavioral risk factors for sexually transmitted disease in american households pp. 843-853

- Karen Paige Ericksen and Karen F. Trocki
- Yellow fever epidemics and mortality in the United States, 1693-1905 pp. 855-865

- K. David Patterson
- 'Culture' in culture-bound syndromes: The case of anorexia nervosa pp. 867-884

- Caroline Giles Banks
- Shades of blue: The negotiation of limited codes by medical residents pp. 885-898

- Jessica H. Muller
- Maternal education in relation to early and late child health outcomes: Findings from a Brazilian cohort study pp. 899-905

- Cesar G. Victoria, Sharon R. A. Huttly, Fernando C. Barros, Cintia Lombardi and J. Patrick Vaughan
- Gender, marital status and the social control of health behavior pp. 907-917

- Debra Umberson
- A comparison of social support variables between women who intend to breast or bottle feed pp. 919-927

- J. Renee Matich and Laura S. Sims
- Correlates of hysterectomy in Australia pp. 929-942

- Gigi Santow and Michael Bracher
1992, volume 34, articles 7
- Militarism and world health pp. 719-724

- Christie W. Kiefer
- Time prices and the demand for GP services pp. 725-733

- Richard Janssen
- Therapeutic landscapes: Medical issues in light of the new cultural geography pp. 735-746

- Wilbert M. Gesler
- Work-health relationships in middle-aged and elderly residents of a Jerusalem community pp. 747-755

- J. H. Abramsom, Michal Ritter, J. Gofin and J. D. Kark
- Status incongruence and serum cholesterol in an english general practice pp. 757-762

- William W. Dressler, Philip Evans and Denis J. Pereira Gray
- Life events and daily hassles and uplifts as predictors of hospitalization and outpatient visitation pp. 763-768

- Robert Williams, Stephen J. Zyzanski and Anne L. Wright
- Distance and risk measures for the analysis of spatial data: A study of childhood cancers pp. 769-777

- S. Selvin, J. Schulman and D. W. Merrill
- Social relationships and health: The relative roles of family functioning and social support pp. 779-788

- Peter Franks, Thomas L. Campbell and Cleveland G. Shields
- Female labour participation in agricultural production and the implications for nutrition and health in rural Africa pp. 789-807

- Cleophas Lado
- Judgements by health professionals of personal characteristics of people with a visible physical disability pp. 809-815

- Lindsay Gething
- Household decisions among the Gogo people of Tanzania: Determining the roles of men, women and the community in implementing a trachoma prevention program pp. 817-824

- Ann P. McCauley, Sheila West and Matthew Lynch
1992, volume 34, articles 6
- Risk perception, risk taking and risk management among intravenous drug users: Implications for AIDS prevention pp. 591-601

- Margaret M. Connors
- Participatory research on workers' health pp. 603-613

- Asa Cristina Laurell, Mariano Noriega, Susana Martínez and Jorge Villegas
- Public expenditures and health care in Africa pp. 615-624

- Osita Ogbu and Mark Gallagher
- Sociomedical aspects of malaria control in Colombia pp. 625-637

- Renate Lipowsky, Axel Kroeger and María Luisa Vazquez
- Impact of a community health promotion program on existing organizations: The Minnesota Heart Health Program pp. 639-648

- Rita R. Weisbrod, Phyllis L. Pirie and Neil F. Bracht
- Gender, social class and illness among young people pp. 649-656

- Ossi Rahkonen and Eero Lahelma
- Epilepsy and the quality of everyday life: Findings from a study of people with well-controlled epilepsy pp. 657-666

- Ann Jacoby
- Is paying for health care culturally acceptable in sub-Sahara Africa? Money and tradition pp. 667-673

- Sjaak van der Geest
- The limits of lifestyle: Re-assessing 'fatalism' in the popular culture of illness prevention pp. 675-685

- Charlie Davison, Stephen Frankel and George Davey Smith
- Management and treatment of diarrhea in Honduran children: Factors associated with mothers' health care behaviors pp. 687-695

- Julia DeClerque, Patricia Bailey, Barbara Janowitz, Rosalie Dominik and Carlos Fiallos
- HIV in the U.K.: Problems of prevalence, sociological response and health education pp. 697-707

- Sandra Winn and Robert Skelton
- Palestinian martyr widowhood--Emotional needs in conflict with role expectations? pp. 709-717

- Hans Sande
1992, volume 34, articles 5
- Allocating medical resources in rural America: Alternative perceptions of justice pp. 467-474

- Nancy S. Jecker and Alfred O. Berg
- AIDS: Conceptual and methodological issues in researching sexual behaviour in sub-Saharan Africa pp. 475-483

- Hilary Standing
- Cultural change and the reproductive cycle pp. 485-489

- Robert Dennis
- Why do the O'Sheas consult so often? An exploration of complex family illness behaviour pp. 491-497

- Christopher Dowrick
- Identity, ideology and medicine: Health attitudes and behavior among Hindu religious renunciates pp. 499-505

- L. Eugene Thomas
- Patient non-compliance: Deviance or reasoned decision-making? pp. 507-513

- Jenny L. Donovan and David R. Blake
- An appraisal of the current status of communication skills training in British medical schools pp. 515-522

- Lesley Frederikson and Peter Bull
- Competing explanations for associations between marital status and health pp. 523-532

- Sally Wyke and Graeme Ford
- Guatemalan Indian children and the sociocultural effects of government-sponsored terrorisms pp. 533-548

- Margarita B. Melville and M. Brinton Lykes
- Does the current use of junior doctors in the United Kingdom affect the quality of medical care? pp. 549-558

- Martin McKee and Nick Black
- Methods for quality adjustment of life years pp. 559-569

- Erik Nord
- Going public as an AIDS family caregiver pp. 571-580

- Gail M. Powell-Cope and Marie Annette Brown
- Constructing a canon? pp. 581-583

- Susan E. Bell and Irving Kenneth Zola
- Letter to the editor pp. 589-590

- Nicholas A. Christakis
1992, volume 34, articles 4
- Health effects of unemployment--I. Long-term unemployed men in a rural and an urban setting pp. 341-350

- R. L. I. Leeflang, D. J. Klein-Hesselink and I. P. Spruit
- Health effects of unemployment--II. men and women pp. 351-363

- R. L. I. Leeflang, D. J. Klein-Hesselink and I. P. Spruit
- Status inequality in the social worker-nurse collaboration in hospitals pp. 365-374

- Zeev Ben-Sira and Miriam Szyf
- Community nurses and the care of the dying pp. 375-382

- Clive Seale
- Ends of the line: Diversity among chronic pain centers pp. 383-393

- Thomas J. Csordas and Jack A. Clark
- Disability and depression: Some etiological considerations pp. 395-403

- Judith Friedland and MaryAnn McColl
- Loneliness and alcohol abuse: A review of evidences of an interplay pp. 405-414

- Ingemar Åkerlind and Jan Olof Hörnquist
- Dental state and needs for episodic care of institutionalized elderly in an Asian community pp. 415-418

- G. Soh, Y. H. Chong and G. Ong
- Giving birth across the border: The San Diego-Tijuana connection pp. 419-425

- Sylvia Guendelman and Monica Jasis
- Coping strategies and individual meanings of illness pp. 427-432

- Gerhard Schüssler
- Social network transactions of psychiatric patients pp. 433-445

- Geoffrey Nelson, G. Brent Hall, Denise Squire and Richard T. Walsh-Bowers
- Minority women and sexual choice in the age of AIDS pp. 447-457

- Anna Kline, Emily Kline and Emily Oken
- The attitude of employers to people with inflammatory bowel disease pp. 459-460

- G. A. Moody, C. S. J. Probert, V. Jayanthi and J. F. Mayberry
- The management of illness by a Filipino psychic surgeon: A western physician's impression pp. 461-464

- Simon Dein
1992, volume 34, articles 3
- Socio-economic health differences in the Netherlands: A review of recent empirical findings pp. 213-226

- J. P. Mackenbach
- Social history of a research project: A study on early post-partum discharge pp. 227-235

- Patrizia Romito and Cristina Zalateo
- The process of discourse: Usages of a Japanese medical term pp. 237-247

- Nancy R. Rosenberger
- Women and aids in developing countries: The XIIth international conference on the social sciences and medicine pp. 249-262

- Maria de Bruyn
- List size, composition of practice and general practitioners' workload in the Netherlands pp. 263-270

- Peter P. Groenewegen, Jack B. F. Hutten and Koos van der Velden
- Some aspects of sexual behaviour and the potential demographic impact of aids in developing countries pp. 271-280

- Roy M. Anderson
- The abuse of high dose estrogen/progestin combination drugs in delay of menstruation: The assumptions and practices of doctors, midwives and pharmacists in a peruvian city pp. 281-289

- Jorien Bonnema and Joanneke A. Dalebout
- In search of factors responsible for noncompliance among tuberculosis patients in Wardha District, India pp. 291-306

- Florie Barnhoorn and Hans Adriaanse
- Medicines and culture--A double perspective on drug utilization in a developing country pp. 307-315

- Lisbeth Sachs and Göran Tomson
- Maternal mobility and infant mortality in Greece: A regional analysis pp. 317-323

- Manos Matsaganis
- Children's physical activity: An exploratory study of psychological correlates pp. 325-331

- Stuart Biddle and Neil Armstrong
- Sociological and economic theories of suicide: A comparison of the U.S.A. and Taiwan pp. 333-334

- Bijou Yang, David Lester and Chung-Hsin Yang
- Letter to the editor pp. 339-339

- Kathleen M. Neill
1992, volume 34, articles 2
- Forensic anthropology and the concept of race: If races don't exist, why are forensic anthropologists so good at identifying them? pp. 107-111

- Norman J. Sauer
- Forensic archaeology as mortuary anthropology pp. 113-117

- William A. Lovis
- Racial identification in the context of prehistoric-historic biological continua: Examples from South Asia pp. 119-123

- Kenneth A. R. Kennedy and John Chiment
- Forensic diagnosis of race--General race vs specific populations pp. 125-128

- Alice M. Brues
- Physicians and the state in the U.S.A. and Israel pp. 129-139

- Yael Yishai
- Psychiatric diagnosis and racial bias: Empirical and interpretative approaches pp. 141-149

- Roland Littlewood
- Ethnicity, morbidity and health service utilization in two labrador communities pp. 151-160

- Pat M. Neuwelt, Robin A. Kearns, Duncan J. W. Hunter and Jane Batten
- Child health outcomes among central American refugees and immigrants in Belize pp. 161-167

- Nancy Moss, Michael C. Stone and Jason B. Smith
- Pursuing health for all in Britain--An assessment pp. 169-182

- Tom Rathwell
- Elasticity of demand for water in Khartoum, Sudan pp. 183-189

- Sandy Cairncross and Joanne Kinnear
- Preventive health behavior among black and white women in urban and rural areas pp. 191-198

- Sonia I. Duelberg
- Eosinophilic meningitis beyond the Pacific Basin: The global dispersal of a peridomestic zoonosis caused by angiostrongylus cantonensis, the nematode lungworm of rats pp. 199-212

- Michael M. Kliks and Nicholas E. Palumbo
1992, volume 34, articles 1
- Financing health services in Sub-Saharan Africa: Options for decision makers during adjustment pp. 1-9

- R. Korte, Heide Richter, F. Merkle and H. Görgen
- Effect of the Holocaust on coping with cancer pp. 11-15

- Lea Baider, Tamar Peretz and Atara Kaplan De-Nour
- Time and energy costs of distance in rural life space of Zimbabwe: Case study in the Chiduku Communal Area pp. 17-24

- Assefa Mehretu and Chris Mutambirwa
- Explanation of vigorous physical activity during two years using social learning variables pp. 25-32

- James F. Sallis, Melbourne F. Hovell, C.Richard Hofstetter and Elizabeth Barrington
- Is magnitude of co-payment effect related to income? Using census data for health services research pp. 33-41

- Daniel C. Cherkin, Louis Grothaus and Edward H. Wagner
- Alcohol problems and sense of coherence among older adults pp. 43-48

- Lorraine T. Midanik, Krikor Soghikian, Laura J. Ransom and Michael R. Polen
- Prevalence of self-reported poor sleep in a healthy population aged 50-65 pp. 49-55

- Donald L. Bliwise, Abby C. King, Robin B. Harris and William L. Haskell
- Medical specialists' choice of location: The role of geographical attachment in Norway pp. 57-62

- Ivar Sønbø Kristiansen and Olav Helge Førde
- African women and AIDS: Negotiating behavioral change pp. 63-73

- Priscilla R. Ulin
- Prostitutes and their clients: A Gambian survey pp. 75-88

- H. Pickering, J. Todd, D. Dunn, J. Pepin and A. Wilkins
- Older widow mortality in rural Bangladesh pp. 89-96

- Omar Rahman, Andrew Foster and Jane Menken
- Evaluation of a mobile branch surgery in a rural area pp. 97-102

- Graham Bentham and Robin Haynes
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1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
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1989, volume 29
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1988, volume 27
1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46