Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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1999, volume 49, articles 12
- Psychological impact of predicting individuals' risks of illness: a systematic review pp. 1571-1598

- Chris Shaw, Keith Abrams and Theresa M. Marteau
- Social network influences on reproductive health behaviors in urban northern Thailand pp. 1599-1614

- Katherine C. Bond, Thomas W. Valente and Carl Kendall
- Family focus or career focus: controlling for infertility pp. 1615-1622

- Christine Siegwarth Meyer
- Health inequality and population variation in fertility-timing pp. 1623-1636

- Arline T. Geronimus, John Bound and Timothy Waidmann
- Does financial hardship account for elevated psychological distress in lone mothers? pp. 1637-1649

- Steven Hope, Chris Power and Bryan Rodgers
- What makes new mothers unhappy: psychological distress one year after birth in Italy and France pp. 1651-1661

- Patrizia Romito, Marie-Josèphe Saurel-Cubizolles and Nathalie Lelong
- Complaining about chronic pain pp. 1663-1676

- Robert Kugelmann
- Household nutrition and health in Poland pp. 1677-1687

- Rosalie Bakken, Marzena Jezewska-Zychowicz and Mary Winter
- The emerging international policy agenda for reproductive health services in conflict settings pp. 1689-1703

- Celia A. Palmer, Louisiana Lush and Anthony B. Zwi
- Patterns of vaccination acceptance pp. 1705-1716

- Pieter Streefland, A. M. R. Chowdhury and Pilar Ramos-Jimenez
- Religious characteristics of US women physicians pp. 1717-1722

- Erica Frank, Mary Lynn Dell and Rebecca Chopp
1999, volume 49, articles 11
- Empowerment of women for health promotion: a meta-analysis pp. 1431-1460

- Snehendu B. Kar, Catherine A. Pascual and Kirstin L. Chickering
- Women, poverty and common mental disorders in four restructuring societies pp. 1461-1471

- Vikram Patel, Ricardo Araya, Mauricio de Lima, Ana Ludermir and Charles Todd
- Referral revisited: community financing schemes and emergency transport in rural Africa pp. 1473-1487

- Kate Macintyre and David R. Hotchkiss
- Purchasing a quick fix from private pharmacies in the Gaza Strip pp. 1489-1500

- S. Beckerleg, G. Lewando-Hundt, M. Eddama, A. el Alem, R. Shawa and Y. Abed
- Online commentary in acute medical visits: a method of shaping patient expectations pp. 1501-1517

- John Heritage and Tanya Stivers
- Treatment issues for HIV+ Africans in London pp. 1519-1528

- Jo Erwin and Barry Peters
- Attitudes to health care prioritisation methods and criteria among nurses, doctors, politicians and the general public pp. 1529-1539

- Olli-Pekka Ryynänen, Markku Myllykangas, Juha Kinnunen and Jorma Takala
- The psychosocial burden of caring for some Nigerian women with breast cancer and cervical cancer pp. 1541-1549

- Jude U. Ohaeri, Oladapo B. Campbell, Abiodun O. Ilesanmi and Akinyinka O. Omigbodun
- Assessment of ambulance response performance using a geographic information system pp. 1551-1566

- Jeremy Peters and G. Brent Hall
1999, volume 49, articles 10
- The impact of a quasi-market on sexually transmitted disease services in the UK pp. 1287-1298

- David Evans
- Incentives and health policy: primary and secondary care in the British National Health Service pp. 1299-1307

- Dan Hausman and Julian Le Grand
- The impact of public spending on health: does money matter? pp. 1309-1323

- Deon Filmer and Lant Pritchett
- New estimates of the demand for health: results based on a categorical health measure and Swedish micro data pp. 1325-1332

- Ulf-G. Gerdtham and Magnus Johannesson
- Equity in health and health care: the Chinese experience pp. 1349-1356

- Yuanli Liu, William C. Hsiao and Karen Eggleston
- HIV/AIDS prevention for migrants and ethnic minorities: three phases of evaluation pp. 1357-1372

- Mary Haour-Knipe, Francois Fleury and Francois Dubois-Arber
- A comparison of the relationships of education and income with mortality: the national longitudinal mortality study pp. 1373-1384

- Eric Backlund, Paul D. Sorlie and Norman J. Johnson
- Cost-effective malaria control in Brazil: Cost-effectiveness of a Malaria Control Program in the Amazon Basin of Brazil, 1988-1996 pp. 1385-1399

- Dariush Akhavan, Philip Musgrove, Alexandre Abrantes and Renato d'A. Gusmão
- Life-sustaining treatments: what doctors do, what they want for themselves and what elderly persons want pp. 1401-1408

- Sara Carmel
- Emergency contraception: an anomalous position in the family planning repertoire? pp. 1409-1417

- Sue Ziebland
- Increasing rates of suicide in young men in England during the 1980s: the importance of social context pp. 1419-1423

- M. J. Crawford and M. Prince
1999, volume 49, articles 9
- "Not just a statistic": the history of USA and UK policy over thrombotic disease and the oral contraceptive pill, 1960s-1970s pp. 1139-1155

- Lara Marks
- 'We shall not find salvation in inoculation': BCG vaccination in Scandinavia, Britain and the USA, 1921-1960 pp. 1157-1167

- Linda Bryder
- The cost of living: kidney dialysis, rationing and health economics in Britain, 1965-1996 pp. 1169-1182

- Jennifer Stanton
- Passive smoking and its pre-history in Britain: policy speaks to science? pp. 1183-1195

- Virginia Berridge
- Public health policy paradoxes: science and politics in the Rockefeller Foundation's hookworm campaign in Mexico in the 1920s pp. 1197-1213

- Anne-Emanuelle Birn and Armando Solórzano
- Cancer chemotherapy, biodiversity, public and private property: the case of the anti-cancer drug Taxol pp. 1215-1225

- Vivien Walsh and Jordan Goodman
- From what and why did genetics emerge as a medical specialism in the 1970s in the UK? A case-history of research, policy and services in the Manchester region of the NHS pp. 1227-1238

- Peter A. Coventry and John V. Pickstone
- Risk, science and policy: definitional struggles, information management, the media and BSE pp. 1239-1255

- David Miller
- Histories of cochlear implantation pp. 1257-1268

- Stuart S. Blume
- Scientific uncertainty and the role of expert advice: the case of health checks for coronary heart disease prevention by general practitioners in the UK pp. 1269-1283

- Dominique Florin
1999, volume 49, articles 8
- Determinants of the Permethrin Impregnated Bednets (PIB) in the Republic of Benin: the role of women in the acquisition and utilization of PIBs pp. 993-1005

- S. Rashed, H. Johnson, P. Dongier, R. Moreau, Cheng Few Lee, R. Crépeau, J. Lambert, V. Jefremovas and C. Schaffer
- The use of research in local health service agencies pp. 1007-1019

- Malcolm Anderson, Jarold Cosby, Bill Swan, Heather Moore and Mike Broekhoven
- Closing rural hospitals in Saskatchewan: on the road to wellness? pp. 1021-1034

- Amanda M. James
- Community development through partnership: promoting health in an urban indigenous community in New Zealand pp. 1035-1050

- J. A. Voyle and D. Simmons
- The roles of social class of origin, achieved social class and intergenerational social mobility in explaining social-class inequalities in alcoholism among young men pp. 1051-1059

- Tomas Hemmingsson, Ingvar Lundberg and Finn Diderichsen
- Gender differences in physical symptoms and illness behavior: A health diary study pp. 1061-1074

- Cecile M. T. Gijsbers van Wijk, Henk Huisman and Annemarie M. Kolk
- Things ain't what they ought to be: social forces underlying racial disparities in rates of sexually transmitted diseases in a rural North Carolina county pp. 1075-1084

- James C. Thomas and Karen K. Thomas
- Infant feeding practices of low-income, African-American, adolescent mothers: an ecological, multigenerational perspective pp. 1085-1100

- Margaret Bentley, Lorrie Gavin, Maureen M. Black and Laureen Teti
- Female commercial sex workers in Kramat Tunggak, Jakarta, Indonesia pp. 1101-1114

- Endang R. Sedyaningsih-Mamahit
- Family experiences related to the decision to institutionalize an elderly member in Taiwan: an exploratory study pp. 1115-1123

- Hsueh-Fen Kao and Alexa K. Stuifbergen
- Knowledge, attitude and practice survey on immunization service delivery in Guangxi and Gansu, China pp. 1125-1127

- Xinglu Zhang, Lixia Wang, Xu Zhu and Kean Wang
1999, volume 49, articles 7
- Informal economic activities of public health workers in Uganda: implications for quality and accessibility of care pp. 849-865

- Barbara McPake, Delius Asiimwe, Francis Mwesigye, Mathias Ofumbi, Lisbeth Ortenblad, Pieter Streefland and Asaph Turinde
- Do measures of self-reported morbidity bias the estimation of the determinants of health care utilisation? pp. 867-878

- Matthew Sutton, Roy Carr-Hill, Hugh Gravelle and Nigel Rice
- Does the work environment contribute to excess male mortality? pp. 879-894

- Örjan Hemström
- How stable are people's preferences for giving priority to severely ill patients? pp. 895-903

- Peter A. Ubel
- Policy analysis for end-stage renal disease in Jamaica pp. 905-920

- M. Trisolini, D. Ashley, V. Harik and W. Bicknell
- Immunization promotion activities: are they effective in encouraging mothers to immunize their children? pp. 921-932

- Ricardo Pérez-Cuevas, Hortensia Reyes, Ulises Pego, Patricia Tomé, Karla Ceja, Sergio Flores and Gonzalo Gutiérrez
- Risk factors of pain in mammographic screening pp. 933-941

- Eva Bruyninckx, Dimitri Mortelmans, M. Van Goethem and E. Van Hove
- Inconsistent responses in three preference-elicitation methods for health states pp. 943-950

- Xavier Badia, Monserrat Roset and Michael Herdman
- Problems Tamil asylum seekers encounter in accessing health and welfare services in Australia pp. 951-956

- D. Silove, Z. Steel, P. McGorry and J. Drobny
- Role conflict and rapid socio-economic change: breastfeeding among employed women in Thailand pp. 957-965

- S. Yimyam, M. Morrow and W. Srisuphan
- Subjective life expectancy in the US: correspondence to actuarial estimates by age, sex and race pp. 967-979

- John Mirowsky
- Mortality and migration in Britain, first results from the British Household Panel Survey pp. 981-988

- Nic Brimblecombe, Danny Dorling and Mary Shaw
1999, volume 49, articles 6
- The impact of stroke on informal carers: a literature review pp. 711-725

- Joseph T. S. Low, Sheila Payne and Paul Roderick
- 'Total pain', disciplinary power and the body in the work of Cicely Saunders, 1958-1967 pp. 727-736

- David Clark
- Determinants of depression and HIV-related worry among HIV-positive women who have recently given birth, Bangkok, Thailand pp. 737-749

- Anna Bennetts, Nathan Shaffer, Chomnad Manopaiboon, Pattrawan Chaiyakul, Wimol Siriwasin, Philip Mock, Kunyarat Klumthanom, Sumaleelak Sorapipatana, Chanidapa Yuvasevee, Sujira Jalanchavanapate and Leslie Clark
- Socio-demographic and spatial aspects of male mortality from HIV-AIDS related diseases in New South Wales, Australia, 1990-1994 pp. 751-762

- I. H. Burnley
- The cost-effectiveness of introducing a varicella vaccine to the New Zealand immunisation schedule pp. 763-779

- P. Scuffham, Nancy Devlin, J. Eberhart-Phillips and R. Wilson-Salt
- Physical activity social support and middle- and older-aged minority women: results from a US survey pp. 781-789

- Amy A. Eyler, Ross C. Brownson, Rebecca J. Donatelle, Abby C. King, David Brown and James F. Sallis
- The effect on morbidity of variability in deprivation and population stability in England and Wales: an investigation at small-area level pp. 791-799

- Paul J. Boyle, Anthony C. Gatrell and Oliver Duke-Williams
- Sexuality education in Russia: defining pleasure and danger for a fledgling democratic society pp. 801-814

- Michele Rivkin-Fish
- Different tuberculosis in men and women: beliefs from focus groups in Vietnam pp. 815-822

- Nguyen Hoang Long, Eva Johansson, Vinod K. Diwan and Anna Winkvist
- What price information? Modelling threshold probabilities of fetal loss pp. 823-830

- John Cairns and Phil Shackley
- Understanding social variation in cardiovascular risk factors in women and men: the advantage of theoretically based measures pp. 831-845

- M. Bartley, A. Sacker, D. Firth and R. Fitzpatrick
1999, volume 49, articles 5
- Two good reasons: women's and men's perspectives on dual contraceptive use pp. 567-580

- Cynthia Woodsong and Helen P. Koo
- Policy and politics of smoking control in Japan pp. 581-600

- Hajime Sato
- Knowledge, beliefs and practices relevant for malaria control in an endemic urban area of the Colombian Pacific pp. 601-609

- Tatiana Nieto, Fabian Méndez and Gabriel Carrasquilla
- Health behaviour and the school environment in New South Wales, Australia pp. 611-619

- Lyndall McLellan, Chris Rissel, Neil Donnelly and Adrian Bauman
- Age differences in the effects of network composition on psychological distress pp. 621-636

- M. Kristen Peek and Nan Lin
- The quest of infertile women in squatter settlements of Karachi, Pakistan: a qualitative study pp. 637-649

- Lubna Ishaq Bhatti, Fariyal F. Fikree and Amanullah Khan
- Decision-making in the physician-patient encounter: revisiting the shared treatment decision-making model pp. 651-661

- Cathy Charles, Amiram Gafni and Tim Whelan
- Evaluating health service equity at a primary care clinic in Chilimarca, Bolivia pp. 663-678

- Edward L. Kinman
- National health care 'by-passing' in Bangladesh: a comparative study pp. 679-689

- Bimal Kanti Paul
- Revisiting medicalisation and 'natural' death pp. 691-704

- Jane Elizabeth Seymour
1999, volume 49, articles 4
- When is a shared decision not (quite) a shared decision? Negotiating preferences in a general practice encounter pp. 437-447

- Richard Gwyn and Glyn Elwyn
- Patient assertiveness and physician decision-making among older breast cancer patients pp. 449-457

- Edward Krupat, Julie T. Irish, Linda E. Kasten, Karen M. Freund, Risa B. Burns, Mark A. Moskowitz and John B. McKinlay
- Prescribing benzodiazepines--a critical incident study of a physician dilemma pp. 459-467

- Preben Bendtsen, Gunnel Hensing, Lotta McKenzie and Anna-Karin Stridsman
- Women's control and choice regarding HRT pp. 469-482

- Frances Griffiths
- Disputed diagnoses: the cases of RSI and childhood cancer pp. 483-497

- Hilary Arksey and Patricia Sloper
- Determinants of socioeconomic differences in change in physical and mental functioning pp. 499-507

- Pekka Martikainen, Stephen Stansfeld, Harry Hemingway and Michael Marmot
- The influence of adult ill health on occupational class mobility and mobility out of and into employment in The Netherlands pp. 509-518

- H. van de Mheen, K. Stronks, C. T. M. Schrijvers and J. P. Mackenbach
- Diarrheal disease risk in Matlab, Bangladesh pp. 519-530

- Michael Emch
- Defecation practices of young children in a Peruvian shanty town pp. 531-541

- Beth A. C. Yeager, Sharon R. A. Huttly, Rosario Bartolini, Martha Rojas and Claudio F. Lanata
- Modernization of medical care in Korea (1876-1990) pp. 543-550

- Annette H. K. Son
- Valuing the benefits of publicly-provided health care: does 'ability to pay' preclude the use of 'willingness to pay'? pp. 551-563

- Cam Donaldson
1999, volume 49, articles 3
- Survival vs. quality of life: a study of the Israeli public priorities in medical care pp. 297-302

- Amir Shmueli
- Stability of elderly persons' expressed preferences regarding the use of life-sustaining treatments pp. 303-311

- Sara Carmel and Elizabeth J. Mutran
- Attitudes towards informed consent, confidentiality, and substitute treatment decisions in southern African medical students: a case study from Zimbabwe pp. 313-328

- Lawrence Hipshman
- Ethics education and physician morality pp. 329-342

- Michael L. Gross
- Balancing effectiveness, side-effects and work: women's perceptions and experiences with modern contraceptive technology in Cambodia pp. 343-358

- Ritu Sadana and Rachel Snow
- 'Because of the risks': how US pregnant women account for refusing prenatal screening pp. 359-369

- Susan Markens, C. H. Browner and Nancy Press
- Obligatory medical insurance in Russia: the participants' perspective pp. 371-382

- Judyth L. Twigg
- A case-control study of employment status and mortality in a cohort of Australian youth pp. 383-392

- Stephen Morrell, Richard Taylor, Susan Quine, Charles Kerr and John Western
- Encompassing treatment with prevention: the path for a lasting control of tuberculosis pp. 393-404

- Ernesto Jaramillo
- Resource dependency, doctors and the state: quality control in Sweden pp. 405-424

- Peter Garpenby
- Effects of distances to hospital and GP surgery on hospital inpatient episodes, controlling for needs and provision pp. 425-433

- Robin Haynes, Graham Bentham, Andrew Lovett and Susan Gale
1999, volume 49, articles 2
- Planning reproductive health in conflict: a conceptual framework pp. 155-171

- Joanna Busza and Louisiana Lush
- Lifeboat versus corporate ethic: social and demographic implications of stem and joint families pp. 173-184

- Monica Das Gupta
- Planned orphanhood pp. 185-196

- Ruth Landau
- Maternal mortality, women's status, and economic dependency in less developed countries: a cross-national analysis pp. 197-214

- Ce Shen and John B. Williamson
- Rationality in medical treatment decisions: is there a sunk-cost effect? pp. 215-222

- Brian H. Bornstein, A. Christine Emler and Gretchen B. Chapman
- National health policies: sub-Saharan African case studies (1980-1990) pp. 223-240

- Kwesi Dugbatey
- HIV-related sexual risk assessment among Asian/Pacific Islander American Women: an inductive model pp. 241-251

- Dorothy Chin
- Occupational class and the probability of long-term limiting illness pp. 253-266

- Vani Borooah
- Goal-setting in clinical medicine pp. 267-278

- Elizabeth H. Bradley, Sidney T. BogardusJr., Mary E. Tinetti and Sharon K. Inouye
- Pharmacy and herbal medicine in the US pp. 279-289

- Alicia S. Bouldin, Mickey C. Smith, Dewey D. Garner, Sheryl L. Szeinbach, Dennis A. Frate and Edward M. Croom
1999, volume 49, articles 1
- Effect of price and access on contraceptive use pp. 1-16

- Ann Levin, Bruce Caldwell and Barkat-e Khuda
- Production gains from health care: what should be included in cost-effectiveness analyses? pp. 17-26

- Jan Abel Olsen and Jeff Richardson
- The referral process and urban health care in sub-Saharan Africa: the case of Lusaka, Zambia pp. 27-38

- Sarah Atkinson, Alasford Ngwengwe, Mubiana Macwan'gi, T. J. Ngulube, Trudy Harpham and Andrew O'Connell
- Power between evaluator and community: research relationships within New Mexico's healthier communities pp. 39-53

- Nina Wallerstein
- Between intention and behavior: an application of community pharmacists' assessment of pharmaceutical care pp. 55-66

- Karen B. Farris and Donald P. Schopflocher
- Exploring the bio-psycho-social approach to premenstrual experiences pp. 67-80

- Ofra Anson
- Urban and rural suicide differentials in migrants and the Australian-born, New South Wales, Australia 1985-1994 pp. 81-91

- Stephen Morrell, Richard Taylor, Emma Slaytor and Paul Ford
- Ecological pattern of first admitted schizophrenics in two German cities over 25 years pp. 93-108

- W. Löffler and H. Häfner
- The sense of coherence, occupation and the risk of coronary heart disease in the Helsinki Heart Study pp. 109-120

- Esko Poppius, Leena Tenkanen, Raija Kalimo and Pertti Heinsalmi
- Does employment improve the health of lone mothers? pp. 121-131

- D. Baker and K. North
- Social support at age 33: the influence of gender, employment status and social class pp. 133-142

- Sharon Matthews, Stephen Stansfeld and Chris Power
- Morbidity and quality of life and the moderating effects of level of education in the elderly pp. 143-149

- Gertrudis I. J. M. Kempen, Els I. Brilman, Adelita V. Ranchor and Johan Ormel
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1979, volume 12
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1989, volume 29
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1988, volume 27
1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46