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Social Science & Medicine

1979 - 2025

Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian

From Elsevier
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2015, volume 130, articles C

Changes in self-perceived economic satisfaction and mortality at old ages: Evidence from a survey of middle-aged and elderly adults in Taiwan pp. 1-8 Downloads
Miaw-Chwen Lee and Nicole Huang
Felt stigma and obesity: Introducing the generalized other pp. 9-15 Downloads
Eva Barlösius and Axel Philipps
Childhood and later life stressors and increased inflammatory gene expression at older ages pp. 16-22 Downloads
M.E. Levine, S.W. Cole, D.R. Weir and E.M. Crimmins
Socioeconomic status and children's health: Evidence from a low-income country pp. 23-31 Downloads
Ardeshir Sepehri and Harminder Guliani
The maternal health outcomes of paid maternity leave: A systematic review pp. 32-41 Downloads
Zoe Aitken, Cameryn C. Garrett, Belinda Hewitt, Louise Keogh, Jane S. Hocking and Anne M. Kavanagh
The economic burden of TB diagnosis and treatment in South Africa pp. 42-50 Downloads
Nicola Foster, Anna Vassall, Susan Cleary, Lucy Cunnama, Gavin Churchyard and Edina Sinanovic
Does debt affect health? Cross country evidence on the debt-health nexus pp. 51-58 Downloads
Maya Clayton, José Liñares-Zegarra and John Wilson
Social network types and the health of older adults: Exploring reciprocal associations pp. 59-68 Downloads
Ting Li and Yanlong Zhang
What is a good life? Selecting capabilities to assess women's quality of life in rural Malawi pp. 69-78 Downloads
Giulia Greco, Jolene Skordis-Worrall, Bryan Mkandawire and Anne Mills
The role of neighborhood characteristics in racial/ethnic disparities in type 2 diabetes: Results from the Boston Area Community Health (BACH) Survey pp. 79-90 Downloads
Rebecca S. Piccolo, Dustin T. Duncan, Neil Pearce and John B. McKinlay
Mister Sandman, bring me good marks! On the relationship between sleep quality and academic achievement pp. 91-98 Downloads
Stijn Baert, Eddy Omey, Dieter Verhaest and Aurélie Vermeir
Health policy for the poor: An exploration on the take-up of means-tested health benefits in Turkey pp. 99-106 Downloads
Burcay Erus, Burcu Yakut-Cakar, Sanda Cali and Fikret Adaman
How family members manage risk around functional decline: The autonomy management process in households facing dementia pp. 107-114 Downloads
Brandon Berry, Ester Carolina Apesoa-Varano and Yarin Gomez
Unemployment in Scandinavia during an economic crisis: Cross-national differences in health selection pp. 115-124 Downloads
Kristian Heggebø
Mental health service use by cleanup workers in the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill pp. 125-134 Downloads
Sarah R. Lowe, Richard K. Kwok, Julianne Payne, Lawrence S. Engel, Sandro Galea and Dale P. Sandler
Geographical accessibility to healthcare and malnutrition in Rwanda pp. 135-145 Downloads
Nael Aoun, Hirotaka Matsuda and Makiko Sekiyama
Flexible positions, managed hopes: The promissory bioeconomy of a whole genome sequencing cancer study pp. 146-153 Downloads
Rachel Haase, Marsha Michie and Debra Skinner
A tale of two cities: Stigma and health outcomes among people with HIV who inject drugs in St. Petersburg, Russia and Kohtla-Järve, Estonia pp. 154-161 Downloads
Sara E. Burke, Sarah K. Calabrese, John F. Dovidio, Olga S. Levina, Anneli Uusküla, Linda M. Niccolai, Katri Abel-Ollo and Robert Heimer
The impact of recent chemotherapy innovation on the longevity of myeloma patients: US and international evidence pp. 162-171 Downloads
Gisela Hostenkamp and Frank Lichtenberg
The impact of neighborhood quality, perceived stress, and social support on depressive symptoms during pregnancy in African American women pp. 172-180 Downloads
Carmen Giurgescu, Dawn P. Misra, Shawnita Sealy-Jefferson, Cleopatra H. Caldwell, Thomas N. Templin, Jaime C. Slaughter- Acey and Theresa L. Osypuk
An exploratory discrete-time multilevel analysis of the effect of social support on the survival of elderly people in China pp. 181-189 Downloads
Zhixin Feng, Kelvyn Jones and Wenfei Winnie Wang
Geography of suicide in Hong Kong: Spatial patterning, and socioeconomic correlates and inequalities pp. 190-203 Downloads
Chia-Yueh Hsu, Shu-Sen Chang, Esther S.T. Lee and Paul S.F. Yip
Determinants of generic vs. brand drug choice: Evidence from population-wide Danish data pp. 204-215 Downloads
Niels Skipper and Rune Vejlin
Going beyond horizontal equity: An analysis of health expenditure allocation across geographic areas in Mozambique pp. 216-224 Downloads
Laura Anselmi, Mylène Lagarde and Kara Hanson
The role of boundary maintenance and blurring in a UK collaborative research project: How researchers and health service managers made sense of new ways of working pp. 225-233 Downloads
Simon Smith and Vicky Ward
The impact of diminished housing wealth on health in the United States: Evidence from the Great Recession pp. 234-241 Downloads
Tansel Yilmazer, Patryk Babiarz and Fen Liu
Civil Society Organizations and medicines policy change: A case study of registration, procurement, distribution and use of misoprostol in Uganda pp. 242-249 Downloads
Esther Cathyln Atukunda, Petra Brhlikova, Amon Ganafa Agaba and Allyson M. Pollock
Changes in access to structural social capital and its influence on self-rated health over time for middle-aged men and women: A longitudinal study from northern Sweden pp. 250-258 Downloads
Malin Eriksson and Nawi Ng
Pain and self-assessed health: Does the association vary by age? pp. 259-267 Downloads
Sara Rubin and Zachary Zimmer
Mobility and health sector development in China and India pp. 268-276 Downloads
Jennifer Holdaway, Peggy Levitt, Jing Fang and Narasimhan Rajaram
Are the differences in adulthood ill-health across the north-south divide and between Scotland and England also evident in early childhood health indicators? pp. 277-283 Downloads
Sharon Mary Cruise and Dermot O'Reilly
Testing a cycle of family violence model in conflict-affected, low-income countries: A qualitative study from Timor-Leste pp. 284-291 Downloads
Susan Rees, Rosamund Thorpe, Wietse Tol, Mira Fonseca and Derrick Silove

2015, volume 129, articles C

Is there really such a thing as “one health”? Thinking about a more than human world from the perspective of cultural anthropology pp. 5-11 Downloads
Meike Wolf
One World-One Health and neglected zoonotic disease: Elimination, emergence and emergency in Uganda pp. 12-19 Downloads
James Smith, Emma Michelle Taylor and Pete Kingsley
The puzzle of Buruli ulcer transmission, ethno-ecological history and the end of “love” in the Akonolinga district, Cameroon pp. 20-27 Downloads
Tamara Giles-Vernick, Joseph Owona-Ntsama, Jordi Landier and Sara Eyangoh
More than one world, more than one health: Re-configuring interspecies health pp. 28-35 Downloads
Steve Hinchliffe
Precarious connections: Making therapeutic production happen for malaria and tuberculosis pp. 36-43 Downloads
Susan Craddock
A One Health, participatory epidemiology assessment of anthrax (Bacillus anthracis) management in Western Uganda pp. 44-50 Downloads
Jeanne L. Coffin, Fred Monje, Grace Asiimwe-Karimu, Hellen Janetrix Amuguni and Terence Odoch
Recommendations for the role of social science research in One Health pp. 51-60 Downloads
Maria Knight Lapinski, Julie A. Funk and Lauren T. Moccia
Public health ethics and more-than-human solidarity pp. 61-67 Downloads
Melanie J. Rock and Chris Degeling
The dawn of Structural One Health: A new science tracking disease emergence along circuits of capital pp. 68-77 Downloads
Robert G. Wallace, Luke Bergmann, Richard Kock, Marius Gilbert, Lenny Hogerwerf, Rodrick Wallace and Mollie Holmberg
Uncovering zoonoses awareness in an emerging disease ‘hotspot’ pp. 78-86 Downloads
Sarah B. Paige, Carly Malavé, Edith Mbabazi, Jonathan Mayer and Tony L. Goldberg
An expanded One Health model: Integrating social science and One Health to inform study of the human-animal interface pp. 87-95 Downloads
Sara Woldehanna and Susan Zimicki
Containment and competition: Transgenic animals in the One Health agenda pp. 96-105 Downloads
Javier Lezaun and Natalie Porter
The world in a box? Food security, edible insects, and “One World, One Health” collaboration pp. 106-112 Downloads
Emily Yates-Doerr
The global condition of epidemics: Panoramas in A (H1N1) influenza and their consequences for One World One Health programme pp. 113-122 Downloads
Francisco Tirado, Andrés Gómez and Verónica Rocamora
One-health approach as counter-measure against “autoimmune” responses in biosecurity pp. 123-130 Downloads
Inge Mutsaers

2015, volume 128, articles C

The impact of pecuniary and non-pecuniary incentives for attracting young doctors to rural general practice pp. 1-9 Downloads
Jon Helgheim Holte, Trine Kjaer, Birgit Abelsen and Jan Abel Olsen
Incentives for breastfeeding and for smoking cessation in pregnancy: An exploration of types and meanings pp. 10-17 Downloads
Nicola Crossland, Gill Thomson, Heather Morgan, Stephan U. Dombrowski and Pat Hoddinott
Boundary objects in complementary and alternative medicine: Acupuncture vs. Christian Science pp. 18-24 Downloads
Kellie Owens
The association of BMI and social distance towards obese individuals is mediated by sympathy and understanding pp. 25-30 Downloads
Claudia Sikorski, Melanie Luppa, Matthias C. Angermeyer, Georg Schomerus, Bruce Link and Steffi G. Riedel-Heller
Monetizing illness: The influence of disability assistance priming on how we evaluate the health symptoms of others pp. 31-35 Downloads
Rourke L. O'Brien
Ethnic discrimination predicts poor self-rated health and cortisol in pregnancy: Insights from New Zealand pp. 36-42 Downloads
Zaneta M. Thayer and Christopher W. Kuzawa
The effect of unemployment on self-reported health and mental health in Greece from 2008 to 2013: A longitudinal study before and during the financial crisis pp. 43-51 Downloads
Nick Drydakis
Attitudes towards legalising physician provided euthanasia in Britain: The role of religion over time pp. 52-56 Downloads
Andriy Danyliv and Ciaran O'Neill
Examining individual and school characteristics associated with child obesity using a multilevel growth model pp. 57-66 Downloads
Yasuo Miyazaki and Maria Stack
Household and neighborhood conditions partially account for associations between education and physical capacity in the National Health and Aging Trends Study pp. 67-75 Downloads
Laura J. Samuel, Thomas A. Glass, Roland J. Thorpe, Sarah L. Szanton and David L. Roth
Social contact frequency and all-cause mortality: A meta-analysis and meta-regression pp. 76-86 Downloads
Eran Shor and David J. Roelfs
The roles of culture and gender in the relationship between divorce and suicide risk: A meta-analysis pp. 87-94 Downloads
Paul S.F. Yip, Saman Yousuf, Chee Hon Chan, Tiffany Yung and Kevin C.-C. Wu
Measurement of social capital in relation to health in low and middle income countries (LMIC): A systematic review pp. 95-104 Downloads
Thilini Chanchala Agampodi, Suneth Buddhika Agampodi, Nicholas Glozier and Sisira Siribaddana
Grandparental help in Indonesia is directed preferentially towards needier descendants: A potential confounder when exploring grandparental influences on child health pp. 105-114 Downloads
Kristin Snopkowski and Rebecca Sear
Seeking fluid possibility and solid ground: Space and movement in mental health service users' experiences of ‘crisis’ pp. 115-125 Downloads
Laura McGrath and Paula Reavey
Exploring opportunities for healthy aging among older persons with a history of homelessness in Toronto, Canada pp. 126-133 Downloads
Natalie Waldbrook
Action on the social determinants of health: Views from inside the policy process pp. 134-141 Downloads
Gemma Carey and Brad Crammond
Does regulatory fit lead to more effective health communication? A systematic review pp. 142-150 Downloads
Ramona Ludolph and Peter J. Schulz
Gaps in knowledge: Tracking and explaining gender differences in health information seeking pp. 151-158 Downloads
Matthew J. Manierre
Resilience in the face of post-election violence in Kenya: The mediating role of social networks on wellbeing among older people in the Korogocho informal settlement, Nairobi pp. 159-167 Downloads
Rachel Bennett, Gloria Chepngeno-Langat, Maria Evandrou and Jane Falkingham
The moderating effect of self-efficacy on normal-weight, overweight, and obese children's math achievement: A longitudinal analysis pp. 168-177 Downloads
Ashley Wendell Kranjac
Social determinants and psychological distress among Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander adults in the Australian state of Victoria: A cross-sectional population based study pp. 178-187 Downloads
Alison Markwick, Zahid Ansari, Mary Sullivan and John McNeil
Neo-Marxian social class inequalities in the mental well-being of employed men and women: The role of European welfare regimes pp. 188-200 Downloads
Deborah De Moortel, Laia Palència, Lucía Artazcoz, Carme Borrell and Christophe Vanroelen
Determinants and disparities: A simulation approach to the case of child health care pp. 202-211 Downloads
Roy Lay-Yee, Barry Milne, Peter Davis, Janet Pearson and Jessica McLay
‘Who's the guy in the room?’ Involving fathers in antenatal care screening for sickle cell disorders pp. 212-219 Downloads
Karl Atkin, Maria Berghs and Simon Dyson
Examining the relationship between social support availability, urban center size, and self-perceived mental health of recent immigrants to Canada: A mixed-methods analysis pp. 220-230 Downloads
Kathryn A. Chadwick and Patricia A. Collins
A model for common ground development to support collaborative health communities pp. 231-238 Downloads
Craig E. Kuziemsky and Tracey L. O'Sullivan
Juggling efficiency. An ethnographic study exploring healthcare seeking practices and institutional logics in Danish primary care settings pp. 239-245 Downloads
Rikke Sand Andersen and Peter Vedsted
One-year reciprocal relationship between community participation and mental wellbeing in Australia: A panel analysis pp. 246-254 Downloads
Ning Ding, Helen L. Berry and Léan V. O'Brien
International clinical trials, cardiovascular disease and treatment options in the Russian Federation: Research and treatment in practice pp. 255-262 Downloads
Olga Zvonareva, Nora Engel, Sergey Martsevich, Guido de Wert and Klasien Horstman
Therapeutic landscapes and living with breast cancer: The lived experiences of Thai women pp. 263-271 Downloads
Pranee Liamputtong and Dusanee Suwankhong
“I won't call it rationing…”: An ethnographic study of healthcare disinvestment in theory and practice pp. 273-281 Downloads
Leila Rooshenas, Amanda Owen-Smith, William Hollingworth, Padmanabhan Badrinath, Claire Beynon and Jenny L. Donovan
Heat protection behaviors and positive affect about heat during the 2013 heat wave in the United Kingdom pp. 282-289 Downloads
Carmen E. Lefevre, Wändi Bruine de Bruin, Andrea L. Taylor, Suraje Dessai, Sari Kovats and Baruch Fischhoff
Prioritization and the elusive effect on welfare – A Norwegian health care reform revisited pp. 290-300 Downloads
Arild Aakvik, Tor Helge Holmås and Egil Kjerstad
It takes a giraffe to see the big picture – Citizens' view on decision makers in health care rationing pp. 301-308 Downloads
Mari Broqvist and Peter Garpenby
Short horizons and obesity futures: Disjunctures between public health interventions and everyday temporalities pp. 309-315 Downloads
Megan Warin, Tanya Zivkovic, Vivienne Moore, Paul R. Ward and Michelle Jones
Income inequality and health: A causal review pp. 316-326 Downloads
Kate E. Pickett and Richard G. Wilkinson
Does early-life income inequality predict self-reported health in later life? Evidence from the United States pp. 347-355 Downloads
Dean R. Lillard, Richard Burkhauser, Markus H. Hahn and Roger Wilkins
Should age-period-cohort studies return to the methodologies of the 1970s? pp. 356-365 Downloads
Eric N. Reither, Ryan K. Masters, Yang Claire Yang, Daniel Powers, Hui Zheng and Kenneth C. Land
Explaining mental health disparities for non-monosexual women: Abuse history and risky sex, or the burdens of non-disclosure? pp. 366-373 Downloads
Tonje J. Persson, James G. Pfaus and Andrew G. Ryder
Page updated 2025-03-25