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Social Science & Medicine

1979 - 2025

Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian

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1999, volume 48, articles 12

Neighbourhood characteristics and use of benzodiazepines in The Netherlands pp. 1701-1711 Downloads
Peter P. Groenewegen, Hubert G. Leufkens, Peter Spreeuwenberg and Wilmar Worm
Do risk factors and health behaviours contribute to self-ratings of health? pp. 1713-1720 Downloads
Kristiina Manderbacka, Olle Lundberg and Pekka Martikainen
Social support, social selection and self-assessed health status: results from the veterans health study in the United States pp. 1721-1734 Downloads
Xinhua S. Ren, Katherine Skinner, Austin Lee and Lewis Kazis
The influence of the cardiac surgery patient's sex and age on care-giving received pp. 1735-1742 Downloads
Kathryn M. King and Priscilla M. Koop
Disease activity and severity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: relations to socioeconomic inequality pp. 1743-1750 Downloads
Mette Brekke, Per Hjortdahl, Dag S. Thelle and Tore K. Kvien
Social inequalities in male mortality amenable to medical intervention in British Columbia pp. 1751-1758 Downloads
Evan Wood, Anthony M. Sallar, Martin T. Schechter and Robert S. Hogg
Explaining differential rates of mortality decline for Swedish men and women: a time-series analysis, 1945-1992 pp. 1759-1777 Downloads
Örjan Hemström
Ethnicity and attitudes towards life sustaining technology pp. 1779-1789 Downloads
Leslie J. Blackhall, Gelya Frank, Sheila T. Murphy, Vicki Michel, Joycelynne M. Palmer and Stanley P. Azen
The meanings of pain: an exploration of women's descriptions of symptoms pp. 1791-1802 Downloads
Eva E. Johansson, Katarina Hamberg, Göran Westman and Gerd Lindgren
The health transition, global modernity and the crisis of traditional medicine: the Tibetan case pp. 1803-1820 Downloads
Craig R. Janes
The historical roots of high rates of infant death in Aboriginal communities in Canada in the early twentieth century: the case of Fisher River, Manitoba pp. 1821-1832 Downloads
Tina Moffat and Ann Herring
Disease and immunity in the pre-Spanish Philippines pp. 1833-1850 Downloads
Linda A. Newson
The health impact of smoking in manual and non-manual social class men and women: a test of the Blaxter hypothesis pp. 1851-1856 Downloads
Perla J. Marang-van de Mheen, George Davey Smith and Carole L. Hart
Will genetic testing for predisposition for disease result in fatalism? A qualitative study of parents responses to neonatal screening for familial hypercholesterolaemia pp. 1857-1860 Downloads
Victoria Senior, Theresa M. Marteau and Timothy J. Peters

1999, volume 48, articles 11

Integrating response shift into health-related quality of life research: a theoretical model pp. 1507-1515 Downloads
Mirjam A. G. Sprangers and Carolyn E. Schwartz
Social comparison as a mediator of response shift pp. 1517-1530 Downloads
F. X. Gibbons
Methodological approaches for assessing response shift in longitudinal health-related quality-of-life research pp. 1531-1548 Downloads
Carolyn E. Schwartz and Mirjam A. G. Sprangers
Discrepancies between self-reported and observed physical function in the elderly: the influence of response shift and other factors pp. 1549-1561 Downloads
Lawren H. Daltroy, Martin G. Larson, Holley M. Eaton, Charlotte B. Phillips and Matthew H. Liang
Helping others helps oneself: response shift effects in peer support pp. 1563-1575 Downloads
Carolyn E. Schwartz and Rabbi Meir Sendor
Clinical understanding and clinical implications of response shift pp. 1577-1588 Downloads
Ira B. Wilson
The role of the privatization process on tuberculosis control in HoChiMinh City Province, Vietnam pp. 1589-1598 Downloads
Eric Naterop and Ivan Wolffers
Economic and health efficiency of education funding policy pp. 1599-1611 Downloads
Timothy Curtin and E. A. S. Nelson
The impact of perinatal loss on adjustment to subsequent pregnancy pp. 1613-1623 Downloads
Renée-Louise Franche and Samuel F. Mikail
Beyond the biomedical and behavioural: towards an integrated approach to HIV prevention in the Southern African mining industry pp. 1625-1639 Downloads
Catherine Campbell and Brian Williams
Cognitive predictors of adherence to malaria prophylaxis regimens on return from a malarious region: a prospective study pp. 1641-1654 Downloads
Charles Abraham, Stephen Clift and Peter Grabowski
Harmonising and competing for medicines regulation: how healthy are the European Union's systems of drug approval? pp. 1655-1667 Downloads
John Abraham and Graham Lewis
Preventive behavior among recent immigrants: Russian-speaking women and cancer screening in Israel pp. 1669-1684 Downloads
Larissa I. Remennick
Stories of illness and trauma survival: liberation or repression? pp. 1685-1695 Downloads
Michele L. Crossley

1999, volume 48, articles 10

Power, control and resistance in the timing of health and care pp. 1307-1319 Downloads
Nick J Fox
Spatiality, embodiment and hazards encountered in the making of pots pp. 1321-1332 Downloads
Paul Bellaby
Family structure and patient survival in an African-American end-stage renal disease population: a preliminary investigation pp. 1333-1340 Downloads
Jocelyn Turner-Musa, David Leidner, Samuel Simmens, David Reiss, Paul L Kimmel and Barbara Holder
Information needs in terminal illness pp. 1341-1352 Downloads
Jean S Kutner, John F Steiner, Kitty K Corbett, Dennis W Jahnigen and Phoebe L Barton
Psychosocial problem disclosure by primary care patients pp. 1353-1362 Downloads
John W Robinson and Debra L Roter
Gender, psychosocial factors and the use of medical services: a longitudinal analysis pp. 1363-1372 Downloads
Carla A Green and Clyde R Pope
Psychosocial outcome assessments for use in cardiac rehabilitation service evaluation: a 10-year systematic review pp. 1373-1393 Downloads
H.M. McGee, D. Hevey and J.H. Horgan
Disability terminology in the media: a comparison of newspaper reports in Canada and Israel pp. 1395-1405 Downloads
Gail K Auslander and Nora Gold
The `dop' system, alcohol abuse and social control amongst farm workers in South Africa: a public health challenge pp. 1407-1414 Downloads
Leslie London
The impact of market oriented reforms on choice and information: a case study of cataract surgery in outer London and Stockholm pp. 1415-1432 Downloads
Marianna Fotaki
Demographic and socio-economic determinants of community and hospital services costs for people with HIV/AIDS in London pp. 1433-1440 Downloads
Emil Kupek, Mary Dooley, Luke Whitaker, Stavros Petrou and Adrian Renton
Doing a shotgun: a drug use practice and its relationship to sexual behaviors and infection risk pp. 1441-1448 Downloads
David C Perlman, Anthony R Henman, Lee Kochems, Denise Paone, Nadim Salomon and Don C Des Jarlais
A critique of seven assumptions behind psychological trauma programmes in war-affected areas pp. 1449-1462 Downloads
Derek Summerfield
`With the best of reasons': cervical cancer prevention policy and the suppression of sexual risk factor information pp. 1463-1474 Downloads
Virginia Braun and Nicola Gavey
Political self-characterization of US women physicians pp. 1475-1481 Downloads
Erica Frank
Geographies of health perception in Québec: a multilevel perspective pp. 1483-1490 Downloads
Robert Pampalon, Craig Duncan, S.v Subramanian and Kelvyn Jones
The persisting effect of unemployment on health and social well-being in men early in working life pp. 1491-1499 Downloads
M.E.j Wadsworth, S.m Montgomery and M.j Bartley

1999, volume 48, articles 9

''You just look at our work and see if you have any freedom on earth'': Ghanaian women's accounts of their work and their health pp. 1123-1133 Downloads
Joyce Yaa Avotri and Vivienne Walters
Antecedents and consequences of work-home interference among medical residents pp. 1135-1148 Downloads
Sabine Geurts, Christel Rutte and Maria Peeters
The incorporation of different demand concepts in the job demand-control model: effects on health care professionals pp. 1149-1160 Downloads
Jan de Jonge, Marike J. G. P. Mulder and Frans J. N. Nijhuis
The relationship of functional limitations to disability and the moderating effects of psychological attributes in community-dwelling older persons pp. 1161-1172 Downloads
Gertrudis I. J. M. Kempen, Marieke J. G. van Heuvelen, Eric van Sonderen, Rob H. S. van den Brink, Aart C. Kooijman and Johan Ormel
Models of disablement, universalism and the international classification of impairments, disabilities and handicaps pp. 1173-1187 Downloads
Jerome E. Bickenbach, Somnath Chatterji, E. M. Badley and T. B. Üstün
The power of the visible: the meaning of diagnostic tests in chronic back pain pp. 1189-1203 Downloads
Lorna A. Rhodes, Carol A. McPhillips-Tangum, Christine Markham and Rebecca Klenk
A cost-effectiveness analysis of vaccination strategies against N. meningitidis meningitis in sub-Saharan African countries pp. 1205-1220 Downloads
Patrick A. Bovier, Kaspar Wyss and Heather J. Au
Gender differences in structural and behavioral determinants of health: an analysis of the social production of health pp. 1221-1235 Downloads
Margaret Denton and Vivienne Walters
Do ethnic groups use health services like the majority of the population? A study from Quebec, Canada pp. 1237-1245 Downloads
Régis Blais and Aboubacrine Maïga
No struggle, no strength: how pharmacists lost their monopoly pp. 1247-1258 Downloads
Janine Marie Morgall and Anna Birna Almarsdóttir
Measuring both negative and positive reactions to giving care to cancer patients: psychometric qualities of the Caregiver Reaction Assessment (CRA) pp. 1259-1269 Downloads
Chris Nijboer, Mattanja Triemstra, Reike Tempelaar, Robbert Sanderman and Geertrudis A. M. van den Bos
Extending specialist palliative care to all? pp. 1271-1280 Downloads
David Field and Julia Addington-Hall
The gradient in mammography screening behavior: a lifestyle marker pp. 1281-1290 Downloads
Lea Hagoel, Liora Ore, Efrat Neter, Galia Shifroni and Gad Rennert
The effect of spiritual beliefs on outcome from illness pp. 1291-1299 Downloads
Michael King, Peter Speck and Angela Thomas

1999, volume 48, articles 8

The disability paradox: high quality of life against all odds pp. 977-988 Downloads
Gary L. Albrecht and Patrick J. Devlieger
Patient satisfaction in developing countries pp. 989-996 Downloads
Michael H. Bernhart, I. G. P. Wiadnyana, Haryoko Wihardjo and Imbalos Pohan
Risk analysis of poor health and growth failure of children in the central highlands of Guatemala pp. 997-1009 Downloads
Maarten D. C. Immink and Ellen Payongayong
Predictors of childhood immunization completion in a rural population pp. 1011-1027 Downloads
Prasanna Gore, Suresh Madhavan, David Curry, Gordon McClung, Mary Castiglia, Sidney A. Rosenbluth and Raymond A. Smego
Starting mental health services in Cambodia pp. 1029-1046 Downloads
Daya J. Somasundaram, Willem A. C. M. van de Put, Maurice Eisenbruch and Joop T. V. M. de Jong
From African health and influenza pandemics to disease in Russia: the medical history of K. David Patterson pp. 1047-1051 Downloads
Gerald F. Pyle
Attaining health for all through community partnerships: principles of the census-based, impact-oriented (CBIO) approach to primary health care developed in Bolivia, South America pp. 1053-1067 Downloads
Henry Perry, Nathan Robison, Dardo Chavez, Orlando Taja, Carolina Hilari, David Shanklin and John Wyon
Perceptions of soil-eating and anaemia among pregnant women on the Kenyan coast pp. 1069-1079 Downloads
P. W. Geissler, R. J. Prince, M. Levene, C. Poda, S. E. Beckerleg, W. Mutemi and C. E. Shulman
The social ecology of syphilis pp. 1081-1094 Downloads
James C. Thomas, Michele Clark, Jadis Robinson, Martha Monnett, Peter H. Kilmarx and Thomas A. Peterman
Implications of social class and race for urban public health policy making: a case study of HIV/AIDS and TB policy in Washington, DCThe views in this paper are the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or position of the authors' agencies pp. 1095-1102 Downloads
Anne Dievler and Gregory Pappas
Sexual regimes and sexual networking: the risk of an HIV/AIDS epidemic in Bangladesh pp. 1103-1116 Downloads
Bruce Caldwell, Indrani Pieris, Barkat-e-Khuda, John Caldwell and Pat Caldwell
Reliability of perceived health by sex and age pp. 1117-1122 Downloads
Pekka Martikainen, Arpo Aromaa, Markku Heliövaara, Timo Klaukka, Paul Knekt, Jouni Maatela and Eero Lahelma

1999, volume 48, articles 7

Developing health insurance in transitional Asia pp. 871-879 Downloads
Tim Ensor
Social movements and health insurance: a critical evaluation of voluntary, non-profit insurance schemes with case studies from Ghana and Cameroon pp. 881-896 Downloads
Chris Atim
The Bwamanda hospital insurance scheme: effective for whom? A study of its impact on hospital utilization patterns pp. 897-911 Downloads
Bart Criel, Patrick Van der Stuyft and Wim Van Lerberghe
The social security scheme in Thailand: what lessons can be drawn? pp. 913-923 Downloads
Viroj Tangcharoensathien, Anuwat Supachutikul and Jongkol Lertiendumrong
The potential for social mobilisation in Bangladesh: the organisation and functioning of two health insurance schemes pp. 925-938 Downloads
M. Desmet, A. Q. Chowdhury and Md. K. Islam
NGOs in community health insurance schemes: examples from Guatemala and the Philippines pp. 939-950 Downloads
Aviva Ron
Rural health prepayment schemes in China: towards a more active role for government pp. 951-960 Downloads
Gerald Bloom and Tang Shenglan
The reform of the rural cooperative medical system in the People's Republic of China: interim experience in 14 pilot counties pp. 961-972 Downloads
Guy Carrin, Aviva Ron, Yang Hui, Wang Hong, Zhang Tuohong, Zhang Licheng, Zhang Shuo, Ye Yide, Chen Jiaying, Jiang Qicheng, Zhang Zhaoyang, Yu Jun and Li Xuesheng

1999, volume 48, articles 6

Issues in promoting health pp. 711-718 Downloads
David Mechanic
Crime: social disorganization and relative deprivation pp. 719-731 Downloads
Ichiro Kawachi, Bruce P. Kennedy and Richard G. Wilkinson
Aggregation and the measurement of income inequality: effects on morbidity pp. 733-744 Downloads
Mah-Jabeen Soobader and Felicia B. LeClere
Gender matters: an integrated model for understanding men's and women's health pp. 745-755 Downloads
Chloe E. Bird and Patricia P. Rieker
The relationship between tobacco access and use among adolescents: a four community study pp. 759-775 Downloads
David G. Altman, Anne Y. Wheelis, Mary McFarlane, Hye-Ryeon Lee and Stephen P. Fortmann
Drug policy in China: pharmaceutical distribution in rural areas pp. 777-786 Downloads
Hengjin Dong, Lennart Bogg, Clas Rehnberg and Vinod Diwan
Marital food interaction and dietary behavior pp. 787-796 Downloads
Robert B. Schafer, Elisabeth Schafer, Martin Dunbar and Patricia M. Keith
Prioritising family health needs: a time-space analysis of women's health-related behaviours pp. 797-813 Downloads
Ruth Young
Effectiveness of community-directed diabetes prevention and control in a rural Aboriginal population in British Columbia, Canada pp. 815-832 Downloads
Mark Daniel, Lawrence W. Green, Stephen A. Marion, Diane Gamble, Carol P. Herbert, Clyde Hertzman and Sam B. Sheps
Addressing birth in Gaza: using qualitative methods to improve vital registration pp. 833-843 Downloads
G. Lewando-Hundt, Y. Abed, M. Skeik, S. Beckerleg and A. El Alem
Improving drug use: a case study of events which led to changes in use of flucloxacillin in Australia pp. 845-853 Downloads
Elizabeth E. Roughead, Andrew L. Gilbert and John G. Primrose

1999, volume 48, articles 5

Psychological aspects of in vitro fertilization: a review pp. 575-589 Downloads
A. Eugster and A. J. J. M. Vingerhoets
Structuring the meaning of hope in health and illness pp. 591-605 Downloads
Cheryl L. Nekolaichuk, Ronna F. Jevne and Thomas O. Maguire
Local knowledge and treatment of malaria in Agusan del Sur, The Philippines pp. 607-618 Downloads
Cynthia A. Miguel, Veronica L. Tallo, Lenore Manderson and Mary Ann Lansang
Learning from unreliability: the importance of inconsistency in coping dynamics pp. 619-631 Downloads
Carolyn E. Schwartz and Lawren H. Daltroy
Hierarchies and cliques in the social networks of health care professionals: implications for the design of dissemination strategies pp. 633-646 Downloads
Elizabeth West, David N. Barron, Juliet Dowsett and John N. Newton
Value added to health by pharmacists pp. 647-660 Downloads
Mary E. S. Indritz and Margaret B. Artz
Social relations: network, support and relational strain pp. 661-673 Downloads
Pernille Due, Bjørn Holstein, Rikke Lund, Jens Modvig and Kirsten Avlund
Short stature and the age of enrolment in Primary School: studies in two African countries pp. 675-682 Downloads
The Partnership for Child Development
Reducing coronary heart disease in the Australian Coalfields: evaluation of a 10-year community intervention pp. 683-692 Downloads
Nick Higginbotham, Gaynor Heading, Patrick McElduff, Annette Dobson and Richard Heller
Income and health: what is the nature of the relationship? pp. 693-705 Downloads
Russell Ecob and George Davey Smith

1999, volume 48, articles 4

The influence of personal care and assistive devices on the measurement of disability pp. 427-443 Downloads
Emily M. Agree
Risk factors for functional status decline in community-living elderly people: a systematic literature review pp. 445-469 Downloads
Andreas E. Stuck, Jutta M. Walthert, Thorsten Nikolaus, Christophe J. Büla, Christoph Hohmann and John C. Beck
Selecting national items for the WHOQOL: conceptual and psychometric considerations pp. 473-487 Downloads
S. M. Skevington, J. Bradshaw and S. Saxena
Patterns of health seeking behavior during episodes of childhood diarrhea: a study of Tzotzil-speaking Mayans in the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico pp. 489-495 Downloads
Reuben Granich, Michael F. Cantwell, Kurt Long, Yvonne Maldonado and Julie Parsonnet
Smoking and deprivation: are there neighbourhood effects? pp. 497-505 Downloads
Craig Duncan, Kelvyn Jones and Graham Moon
Epidemics and public health in early colonial Somaliland pp. 507-521 Downloads
Jama Mohamed
Medical knowledge and the intractable patient: the case of chronic low back pain pp. 523-534 Downloads
Carl May, Helen Doyle and Carolyn Chew-Graham
Using conjoint analysis to take account of patient preferences and go beyond health outcomes: an application to in vitro fertilisation pp. 535-546 Downloads
Mandy Ryan
HMO physicians' use of referrals pp. 547-557 Downloads
Keith H. Bachman and Donald K. Freeborn
Personal values of male and female doctors: gender aspects pp. 559-568 Downloads
Liisa Neittaanmäki, Edith B. Gross, Irma Virjo, Harri Hyppölä and Esko Kumpusalo

1999, volume 48, articles 3

Gender, sexuality, and the prevention of sexually transmissible diseases: a Brazilian study of clinical practice pp. 283-292 Downloads
Karen Giffin and Catherine M. Lowndes
The social impact of HIV testing: a comparative analysis of Britain and Sweden pp. 293-300 Downloads
Renée Danziger
Birth intervals, breastfeeding and determinants of childhood mortality in Malawi pp. 301-312 Downloads
Samuel O. M. Manda
Postpartum health in a Dhaka slum pp. 313-320 Downloads
Amatul Uzma, Peter Underwood, David Atkinson and Rose Thackrah
Accidents to preschool children: comparing family and neighbourhood risk factors pp. 321-329 Downloads
Richard Reading, Ian H. Langford, Robin Haynes and Andrew Lovett
Costs of formal care for frail older people in England:: the resource implications study of the MRC cognitive function and ageing study (RIS MRC CFAS) pp. 331-341 Downloads
Paul McNamee, Barbara A. Gregson, Debbie Buck, Claire H. Bamford, John Bond and Ken Wright
The medical profession and alternative medicine in the Netherlands: its history and recent developments pp. 343-351 Downloads
R. M. J. Schepers and H. E. G. M. Hermans
Procedures and the professional: the case of the British NHS pp. 353-361 Downloads
Rebecca Lawton and Dianne Parker
Complaints against nurses: a reflection of 'the new managerialism' and consumerism in health care? pp. 363-374 Downloads
Barbara Beardwood, Vivienne Walters, John Eyles and Susan French
Smoking-attributable medical care costs in the USA pp. 375-391 Downloads
Vincent P. Miller, Carla Ernst and François Collin
Medicine, economics and agenda-setting pp. 393-405 Downloads
Jenny M. Lewis and Mark Considine
Dentistry and medical dominance pp. 407-420 Downloads
Tracey Adams

1999, volume 48, articles 2

An evaluation of the informed consent procedure used during a trial of a Haemophilus influenzae type B conjugate vaccine undertaken in The Gambia, West Africa pp. 139-148 Downloads
A. Leach, S. Hilton, B. M. Greenwood, E. Manneh, B. Dibba, A. Wilkins and E. K. Mulholland
Women's strategies to alleviate nutritional stress in a rural African society pp. 149-162 Downloads
Gillian R. Bentley, Robert Aunger, Alisa M. Harrigan, Mark Jenike, Robert C. Bailey and Peter T. Ellison
Ngaka ya setswana, ngaka ya sekgoa or both? Health seeking behaviour in Batswana with pulmonary tuberculosis pp. 163-172 Downloads
T. W. Steen and G. N. Mazonde
Ethnicity, alcohol, and acculturation pp. 173-184 Downloads
M. C. Gutmann
Holocaust survivors' perspectives on the euthanasia debate pp. 185-196 Downloads
Ronit D. Leichtentritt, Kathryn D. Rettig and Steven H. Miles
Risk adjustment and hospital cost-based resource allocation, with an application to El Salvador pp. 197-212 Downloads
John L. Fiedler, Jonathan Wight and Robert M. Schmidt
Obstacles on the path to a primary-care led National Health Service: complexities of outpatient care pp. 213-225 Downloads
Maggie Somerset, Alex Faulkner, Alison Shaw, Liz Dunn and Deborah J. Sharp
Health promotion versus disease and care: failure to establish "blissful clarity" in British nurse education and practice pp. 227-239 Downloads
P. Smith, A. Masterson and S. Lloyd Smith
Re-forming medical delivery systems: economic organization and dynamics of regional planning and managed competition pp. 241-251 Downloads
Barbara Bridgman Perkins
No fathers' names: a risk factor for infant mortality in the State of Georgia, USA pp. 253-265 Downloads
James A. Gaudino, Bill Jenkins and Roger W. Rochat
Age-related preferences and age weighting health benefits pp. 267-276 Downloads
Aki Tsuchiya

1999, volume 48, articles 1

Relocating gender and morbidity: examining men's and women's health in contemporary Western societies. Introduction to Special Issue on Gender and Health pp. 1-5 Downloads
Kate Hunt and Ellen Annandale
Gender differences in illhealth in Finland: patterns, magnitude and change pp. 7-19 Downloads
Eero Lahelma, Pekka Martikainen, Ossi Rahkonen and Karri Silventoinen
Women's status and the health of women and men: a view from the States pp. 21-32 Downloads
Ichiro Kawachi, Bruce P. Kennedy, Vanita Gupta and Deborah Prothrow-Stith
Problematizing gender, work and health: the relationship between gender, occupational grade, working conditions and minor morbidity in full-time bank employees pp. 33-48 Downloads
Carol Emslie, Kate Hunt and Sally Macintyre
Social inequalities in health: are there gender differences? pp. 49-60 Downloads
Sharon Matthews, Orly Manor and Chris Power
Gender differences in health in later life: the new paradox? pp. 61-76 Downloads
Sara Arber and Helen Cooper
Gender, social relations and mental health: prospective findings from an occupational cohort (Whitehall II study) pp. 77-87 Downloads
R. Fuhrer, S. A. Stansfeld, J. Chemali and M. J. Shipley
Do women 'over-report' morbidity? Men's and women's responses to structured prompting on a standard question on long standing illness pp. 89-98 Downloads
Sally Macintyre, Graeme Ford and Kate Hunt
Social position, social roles and women's health in England: changing relationships 1984-1993 pp. 99-115 Downloads
M. Bartley, A. Sacker, D. Firth and R. Fitzpatrick
Making use of official statistics in research on gender and health status: recent British data pp. 117-127 Downloads
Karen Dunnell, Justine Fitzpatrick and Julia Bunting
Page updated 2025-03-25