Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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1988, volume 26, articles 12
- Traditional thought and modern western surgery pp. 1175-1181

- Pearl Katz and Faris R. Kirkland
- The role of commercial sources in the adoption of a new drug pp. 1183-1189

- Marilyn Y. Peay and Edmund R. Peay
- Social science and medical education in Nigeria pp. 1191-1196

- Isidore S. Obot
- Historical and cross-cultural perspectives on nerves pp. 1197-1197

- Dona Lee Davis
- 'Prisoners of their own feebleness': Women, nerves and western medicine--A historical overview pp. 1199-1208

- Susan E. Cayleff
- Medical and popular traditions of nerves pp. 1209-1221

- Dona Lee Davis and Richard G. Whitten
- The social meanings of nervios: A case study of a central American woman pp. 1223-1231

- Peter J. Guarnaccia and Pablo Farias
- Conceptions of schizophrenia as a problem of nerves: A cross-cultural comparison of Mexican-Americans and Anglo-Americans pp. 1233-1243

- Janis H. Jenkins
- 'Nerves': Folk idiom for anxiety and depression? pp. 1245-1259

- Marilyn K. Nations, Linda A. Camino and Frederic B. Walker
1988, volume 26, articles 11
- The taxonomy of social support: An ethnographic analysis among adolescent mothers pp. 1079-1085

- W.Thomas Boyce, Margarita Kay and Chris Uitti
- The role of organizations in community participation--Prevention of accidental injuries in a rural Swedish municipality pp. 1087-1093

- Lothar Schelp
- The doctor-patient relationship during medical internship: The evolution of dissatisfaction pp. 1095-1101

- Landy F. Sparr, Geoffrey H. Gordon, David H. Hickam and Donald E. Girard
- Nurses autonomy and job satisfaction pp. 1103-1107

- Sara Carmel, Ilana Shoham Yakubovich, Lea Zwanger and Tsila Zaltcman
- A game-theoretic approach to donor kidney sharing pp. 1109-1116

- Bernie J. O'Brien
- Child morbidity in the Kingston metropolitan area, Jamaica 1983 pp. 1117-1124

- Wilma Bailey
- Warm bodies, cool milk: Conflicts in post partum food choice for Indochinese women in California pp. 1125-1132

- Claudia Fishman, Robin Evans and Eloise Jenks
- Communities, self-causation and the natural lottery pp. 1133-1139

- Erich H. Loewy
- Content of care by independent midwives: Assistance with pain in labor and birth pp. 1141-1158

- Carol Sakala
- Mutumwa nchimi healers and wizardry beliefs in Zambia pp. 1159-1172

- Clive Dillon-Malone
- Your neighbour's son: A film review with a commentary on psychosocial processes in the making of a torturer pp. 1173-1174

- F. Allodi
1988, volume 26, articles 10
- The aids crisis: A United States health care perspective pp. 979-988

- Lawrence C. Shulman and Joanne E. Mantell
- Ethnicity, gender, and utilization of mental health services in a medicaid population pp. 989-996

- Helena Temkin-Greener and Kathryn T. Clark
- Health in the early contact period: A contemporary example from Papua New Guinea pp. 997-1006

- Carol L. Jenkins
- Review of cancer among 4 religious sects: Evidence that life-styles are distinctive sets of risk factors pp. 1007-1017

- Henry Troyer
- Sex differences in factors affecting the daily variation of blood pressure pp. 1019-1023

- Gary D. James, Lily S. Yee, Gregory A. Harshfield and Thomas G. Pickering
- Youth unemployment and ill health: Results from a 2-year follow-up study pp. 1025-1033

- Anne Hammarström, Urban Janlert and Töres Theorell
- Audiology training in Nigeria--I: A training model pp. 1035-1042

- John M.A. Oyiborhoro
- Audiology training in Nigeria--II: A cost-effective approach to training programs pp. 1043-1047

- John M.A. Oyiborhoro
- Foreign medical graduates in New Zealand 1973-1979: A test of the 'exacerbation hypothesis' pp. 1049-1060

- J.Ross Barnett
- Naturopathy in Canada: Changing relationships to medicine, chiropractic and the state pp. 1061-1072

- Elaine H. Gort and David Coburn
- Longhouse dwelling, social contact and the prevalence of leprosy and tuberculosis among native tribes of Sarawak pp. 1073-1077

- Paul C.Y. Chen
1988, volume 26, articles 9
- Les interventions sanitaires sélectives: Un piège pour les politiques de santé du tiers monde pp. 879-889

- Daniel Grodos and Xavier de Béthune
- The evolution of selective primary health care pp. 891-898

- Kenneth S. Warren
- Selectivity within primary health care pp. 899-902

- Julia A. Walsh
- Selective primary health care: the counter revolution pp. 903-906

- Kenneth W. Newell
- Is there a middle way? Categorical programs for PHC pp. 907-908

- W. Henry Mosley
- Building the infrastructure for primary health care: An overview of vertical and integrated approaches pp. 909-917

- Duane L. Smith and John H. Bryant
- Priority setting and economic appraisal: Whose priorities--the community or the economist? pp. 919-929

- Andrew Green and Carol Barker
- Primary health care: on measuring participation pp. 931-940

- Susan B. Rifkin, Frits Muller and Wolfgang Bichmann
- Growth monitoring--inappropriate promotion of an appropriate technology pp. 941-948

- David Nabarro and Paul Chinnock
- Comprehensive can be effective: The influence of coverage with a health centre network on the hospitalisation patterns in the rural area of Kasongo, Zaire pp. 949-955

- W. Van Lerberghe and K. Pangu
- Government health services versus community: Conflict or harmony pp. 957-962

- H. T. J. Chabot and J. Bremmers
- Gobi versus PHC? Some dangers of selective primary health care pp. 963-969

- Ben Wisner
- The straw men of primary health care pp. 971-977

- Carl Taylor and Richard Jolly
1988, volume 26, articles 8
- Holistic health and the critique of western medicine pp. 775-784

- Janet McKee
- The place of chiropractors in health care delivery: A case study of north Carolina pp. 785-792

- Wilbert M. Gesler
- Pluralistic etiological systems in their social context: A Brazilian case study: In memory of James S. Coleman pp. 793-802

- Ndolamb Ngokwey
- Schistosomiasis in Ethiopia pp. 803-827

- Helmut Kloos, Chin Tsong Lo, Hailu Birrie, Teklemariam Ayele, Shibru Tedla and Fekade Tsegay
- Psychological distress, perceived health status, and physician utilization in America and west Germany pp. 829-838

- William C. Cockerham, Gerhard Kunz and Guenther Lueschen
- Childhood accidents, family size and birth order pp. 839-843

- Polly E. Bijur, Jean Golding and Matthew Kurzon
- The distribution of health needs and services in south Africa pp. 845-851

- J.L. Botha, D. Bradshaw, R. Gonin and D. Yach
- Holistic physicians and family practitioners: Similarities, differences and implications for health policy pp. 853-861

- Michael S. Goldstein, Carol Sutherland, Dennis T. Jaffe and Josie Wilson
- Methodological issues in social support and social network research pp. 863-873

- Patrick O'Reilly
1988, volume 26, articles 7
- Health and the social power of women pp. 677-683

- Carol P. MacCormack
- Choosing alternative medicine: A comparison of the beliefs of patients visiting a general practitioner and a homoeopath pp. 685-689

- Adrian Furnham and Chris Smith
- Doctors dispensing medications: Contemporary India and 19th century England pp. 691-699

- Iris Kapil
- Maternal and sociodemographic correlates of child morbidity in Bas Zaire: The effects of maternal reporting pp. 701-713

- Amy Ong Tsui, Julia DeClerque and Nlandu Mangani
- Information for decision makers at hospital laboratory level: An example of a graphical method of representing costs and effects for a replacement automated technology in a haematology laboratory pp. 715-725

- A. K. Szczepura and J. A. Stilwell
- Adolescent pregnancy in Africa: A programmatic focus pp. 727-735

- Howard E. Kulin
- Structural characteristics of social networks and their relationship with social support in the elderly: Who provides support pp. 737-749

- Teresa E. Seeman and Lisa F. Berkman
- Life-history correlates of environmental tobacco smoke: A study on nonsmoking Hong Kong Chinese wives with smoking versus nonsmoking husbands pp. 751-760

- Linda C. Koo, John H-C. Ho and Ragnar Rylander
- Swedish physicians' perspectives on work and the medical care system--III: Private practitioners on the public system pp. 761-768

- Andrew C. Twaddle
- Letter to the editor pp. 769-769

- Ted Greiner
1988, volume 26, articles 6
- The political economy of health care: Colonial Namibia 1915-1961 pp. 557-582

- Keith Gottschalk
- Offering patients a choice of surgery for early breast cancer: A reduction in anxiety and depression in patients and their husbands pp. 583-585

- Jenny Morris and G. T. Royle
- Models of mystery: Physician and patient perceptions of sudden infant death syndrome pp. 587-595

- Anne L. Wright
- A study of costs and behavioral outcomes of menstrual regulation services in Bangladesh pp. 597-604

- Bonnie J. Kay and Sandra M. Kabir
- Maternal employment and child nutrition in Panama pp. 605-612

- Katherine Tucker and Diva Sanjur
- Values and vocational choice: A study of value differences in medical, nursing and psychology students pp. 613-618

- Adrian Furnham
- Women in search of stability pp. 619-623

- Wilma Bailey, Hugh Wynter and Amy Lee
- Cognitive appraisals in cancer patients pp. 625-633

- Richard A. Jenkins and Kenneth I. Pargament
- Breastfeeding and cognitive development in the first 2 years of life pp. 635-639

- Mary Morrow-Tlucak, Richard H. Haude and Claire B. Ernhart
- Jakarta kampung morbidity variations: Some policy implications pp. 641-649

- Ralph Lenz
- Ethno-ophthalmology in the Egyptian delta: An historical systems approach to ethnomedicine in the Middle East pp. 651-657

- Marcia Inhorn Millar and Sandra D. Lane
- Are subarctic Indians undergoing the epidemiologic transition pp. 659-671

- T. Kue Young
1988, volume 26, articles 5
- Worksite health promotion: The social context pp. 485-489

- Peter Conrad
- Corporate characteristics and worksite health promotion programs: Survey findings from fortune 500 companies pp. 491-501

- Roberta B. Hollander and Joseph J. Lengermann
- Formal intervention in employee health: Comparisons of the nature and structure of employee assistance programs and health promotion programs pp. 503-514

- Paul M. Roman and Terry C. Blum
- Changing health practices: The experience from a worksite health promotion project pp. 515-523

- Jennie J. Kronenfeld, Kirby L. Jackson, Keith E. Davis and Steven N. Blair
- Gender differences in worksite health promotion activities pp. 525-535

- M. A. Spilman
- The effects of a worksite health promotion program on the wives of fire fighters pp. 537-543

- Rick S. Zimmerman, Terence A. Gerace, John C. Smith and Julio Benezra
- Health and fitness at work: A participants' perspective pp. 545-550

- Peter Conrad
- Workplace wellness participation and the becoming of self pp. 551-558

- Joseph A. Kotarba and Pamela Bentley
- The ideological construction of risk: An analysis of corporate health promotion programs in the 1980s pp. 559-567

- Jacqui Alexander
- Toward a sociology of worksite health promotion: A few reactions and reflections pp. 569-575

- Diana Chapman Walsh
1988, volume 26, articles 4
- Physicians and chronic impairment: A study of ophthalmologists' interactions with visually impaired and blind patients pp. 393-399

- Susan L. Greenblatt
- Religious values, practices and pregnancy outcomes: A comparison of the impact of sect and mainstream christian affiliation pp. 401-407

- J. M. Najman, G. M. Williams, J. D. Keeping, J. Morrison and M. J. Anderson
- Pharmacies as alternative sources of medical care: The case of Cincinnati pp. 409-416

- Roger Mark Selya
- The metaphorical nature of drugs and drug taking pp. 417-424

- Michael Montagne
- Evaluating the impact of medical treatment on the quality of life: A 5-year update pp. 425-434

- James G. Hollandsworth
- The economy of time in general practice: An assessment of the influence of list size pp. 435-441

- Michael Calnan and J. R. Butler
- Self-evaluations of factors promoting and disturbing sleep: An epidemiological survey in Finland pp. 443-450

- Helka Urponen, Ilkka Vuori, Joel Hasan and Markku Partinen
- Fluoride and flouridation pp. 451-462

- Geoffrey E. Smith
- Do health beliefs predict health behaviour? A follow-up analysis of breast self-examination pp. 463-465

- Michael Calnan and D. R. Rutter
- Work dynamics in family care of hemophilic children pp. 467-475

- Evelyn K. Oremland
- Psychotropic drug use in a Swedish community-- The importance of demographic and socioeconomic factors pp. 477-483

- Dag Isacson and Bengt Haglund
1988, volume 26, articles 3
- Stress research: Its present status and issues for future developments pp. 279-291

- A. J. J. M. Vingerhoets and F. H. G. Marcelissen
- Stress, salt and hypertension pp. 293-302

- James P. Henry
- Aerobic fitness and the physiological stress response: A critical evaluation pp. 303-307

- L. J. P. van Doornen, E. J. C. de Geus and J. F. Orlebeke
- The relationship between coping and emotion: Implications for theory and research pp. 309-317

- Susan Folkman and Richard S. Lazarus
- Life events, combat stress reaction and post-traumatic stress disorder pp. 319-325

- Zahava Solomon and Hanoch Flum
- Disclosure of traumas and psychosomatic processes pp. 327-332

- James W. Pennebaker and Joan R. Susman
- Chronic stress and sympathetic-adrenal medullary responsiveness pp. 333-341

- Richard McCarty, Karin Horwatt and Maria Konarska
- Migraine and defense mechanisms: Psychophysiological relationships in young females pp. 343-350

- J. Passchier, P. Goudswaard, J. F. Orlebeke and F. Verhage
- Stress-coping in migraine pp. 351-358

- Marjolijn Sorbi and Bert Tellegen
- Changing health behaviour outcomes in asthmatic patients: A pilot intervention study pp. 359-364

- S. Maes and M. Schlösser
- Social support and occupational stress: A causal analysis pp. 365-373

- Frans H. G. Marcelissen, Jacques A. M. Winnubst, Bram Buunk and Charles J. de Wolff
- Investigating the frequency of nursing stressors: A comparison across wards pp. 375-380

- Philip J. Dewe
- On the nature of social stress: Production of a modern mythology pp. 381-392

- Kristian Pollock
1988, volume 26, articles 2
- Living arrangements and women's health pp. 201-208

- Ofra Anson
- Intestinal helminthiases in relation to the socioeconomic environment of Panamanian children pp. 209-213

- Celia V. Holland, Douglas L. Taren, D. W. T. Crompton, M. C. Nesheim, Diva Sanjur, Irma Barbeau, Katharine Tucker, Jean Tiffany and Gloria Rivera
- Transformations of maps to investigate clusters of disease pp. 215-221

- S. Selvin, D. Merrill, J. Schulman, S. Sacks, L. Bedell and L. Wong
- National health interview surveys for health care policy pp. 223-233

- Cri Kars-Marshall, Yvonne W. Spronk-Boon and Marjan C. Pollemans
- Physical disability and social liminality: A study in the rituals of adversity pp. 235-242

- Robert F. Murphy, Jessica Scheer, Yolanda Murphy and Richard Mack
- Smoking and the female professions: Pre-occupational influences on the behaviour of recruits to nursing and teaching pp. 243-251

- Andrea Knopf Elkind
- Mortality in children among the Aymara Indians of Southern Peru pp. 253-258

- Kees de Meer
- Coffee drinking among Finnish youth pp. 259-264

- Elina Hemminki, Ossi Rahkonen, Arja Rimpelä and Matti Rimpelä
- Immunization coverage of children in a semi-urban village panchayat in Nepal, 1985 pp. 265-268

- Indu B. Ahluwalia, Steven D. Helgerson and Frank J. Bia
- Violent deaths among Mexican-, Puerto Rican- and Cuban-born migrants in the United States pp. 269-276

- Donna Shai and Ira Rosenwaike
1988, volume 26, articles 1
- Foreword pp. 1-1

- Robert Earickson
- Introduction pp. 3-4

- Michael Greenberg
- Time-space clustering of Vibrio cholerae 01 in Matlab, Bangladesh, 1970-1982 pp. 5-13

- Marian Craig
- Regional development and seasonality of communicable diseases in rural Andhra Pradesh, India pp. 15-24

- Surinder M. Bhardwaj and Madhusudana N. Rao
- What does distance matter? Leprosy control in West Nepal pp. 25-36

- Maggie Pearson
- Privatising residential care for elderly people: The geography of developments in Devon, England pp. 37-47

- D.R. Phillips and J. Vincent
- Migration and morbidity: Implications for geographical studies of disease pp. 49-54

- Graham Bentham
- Monitoring and predicting community mental health centre utilization in Auckland, New Zealand pp. 55-70

- G.Brent Hall
- Obstetric care in the Netherlands: Regional differentiation in home delivery pp. 71-78

- L. Hingstman and H. Boon
- The epidemiology of primary acute pancreatitis in greater Nottingham: 1969-1983 pp. 79-89

- J.A. Giggs, J.B. Bourke and B. Katschinski
- The comparison of health care systems through regional analysis: The case of hospital admissions in Belgium and The Netherlands pp. 91-100

- Peter P. Groenewegen and Jouke Van Der Zee
- Regional and welfare perspectives on the public-private hospital dichotomy in New Zealand pp. 101-110

- Alun E. Joseph and Helen Flynn
- DRG calculation and utilization patterns: A review of method and policy pp. 111-117

- Joseph L. Scarpaci
- A geographic regression model for medical statistics pp. 119-129

- Susan Kennedy
- Carrier models for the simulation of Hodgkin's disease: A review with some extensions pp. 131-140

- R.W. Thomas
- Display of small-area variation in health-related data: A methodology using resistant statistics pp. 141-151

- Mary B. Breckenridge, Alfred F. Tallia and Robert C. Like
- An hierarchical location-allocation model for primary health care delivery in a developing area pp. 153-161

- M.J. Hodgson
- A hybrid fleet model for emergency medical service system design pp. 163-171

- Geoffrey Bianchi and Richard L. Church
- Health education and baseline data: Issues and strategies in nutrition campaigning pp. 173-178

- Graham Moon and Liz Twigg
- Linking the geographical, the medical and the political in analysing health care delivery systems pp. 179-186

- M.W. Rosenberg
- Private property and public health reform in England 1830-1870 pp. 187-199

- Gerry Kearns
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1979, volume 12
volume 46
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2009, volume 69
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2007, volume 65
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1998, volume 46
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1996, volume 43
1996, volume 42
1995, volume 41
1995, volume 40
1994, volume 39
1994, volume 38
1993, volume 37
1993, volume 36
1992, volume 35
1992, volume 34
1991, volume 33
1991, volume 32
1990, volume 31
1990, volume 30
1989, volume 29
1989, volume 28
1988, volume 27
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46