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Social Science & Medicine

1979 - 2025

Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian

From Elsevier
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1998, volume 46, articles 12

Gender, socioeconomic status and family status as determinants of food behaviour pp. 1519-1529 Downloads
Eva Roos, Eero Lahelma, Mikko Virtanen, Ritva Prättälä and Pirjo Pietinen
A problem-solving approach to nutrition education with Filipino mothers pp. 1531-1541 Downloads
Cynthia J. Ticao and Frances E. Aboud
Social class differences in health until the age of seven years among the Finnish 1987 birth cohort pp. 1543-1552 Downloads
Mika Gissler, Ossi Rahkonen, Marjo-Riitta Järvelin and Elina Hemminki
Interpreting bodily changes as illness: a longitudinal study of older adults pp. 1553-1567 Downloads
Marie R. Haug, Carol M. Musil, Camille D. Warner and Diana L. Morris
The World Health Organization quality of life assessment (WHOQOL): Development and general psychometric properties pp. 1569-1585 Downloads
The Whoqol Group
Contextual determinants of maternal mortality in rural Pakistan pp. 1587-1598 Downloads
Farid Midhet, Stan Becker and Heinz W. Berendes
Genes, free will, and criminal responsibility pp. 1599-1611 Downloads
Joseph S. Alper
Physician administrators and the reorganization of federally sponsored treatment research for AIDS pp. 1613-1622 Downloads
Mary-Rose Mueller
Breast cancer in West Islip, NY: A spatial clustering analysis with covariates pp. 1623-1635 Downloads
Linda M. Timander and Sara McLafferty
The refugee crisis in Africa and implications for health and disease: a political ecology approach pp. 1637-1653 Downloads
Ezekiel Kalipeni and Joseph Oppong

1998, volume 46, articles 11

Is the effect of job strain on myocardial infarction risk due to interaction between high psychological demands and low decision latitude? Results from Stockholm Heart Epidemiology Program (SHEEP) pp. 1405-1415 Downloads
Johan Hallqvist, Finn Diderichsen, Töres Theorell, Christina Reuterwall and Anders Ahlbom
Gender, work roles and psychosocial work characteristics as determinants of health pp. 1417-1424 Downloads
Sharon Matthews, Clyde Hertzman, Aleck Ostry and Chris Power
An epidemic of collective conversion and dissociation disorder in an indigenous group of Colombia: its relation to cultural change pp. 1425-1428 Downloads
Marion Piñeros, Diego Rosselli and Claudia Calderon
Creating invariant subscales of the GHQ-30 pp. 1429-1440 Downloads
Joyce Whittington and Felicia A. Huppert
Private practitioners in the slums of Karachi: what quality of care do they offer? pp. 1441-1449 Downloads
Inayat H. Thaver, Trudy Harpham, Barbara McPake and Paul Garner
Socioeconomic status, mortality, and the development of cataract at a young age pp. 1451-1457 Downloads
David R. Meddings, Clyde Hertzman, Morris L. Barer, Robert G. Evans, Arminée Kazanjian, Kimberlyn McGrail and Samuel B. Sheps
Mortality by occupational class among men 30-64Â years in 11 European countries pp. 1459-1476 Downloads
Anton E. Kunst, Feikje Groenhof and Johan P. Mackenbach
Patients' perceptions of their heart attack and recovery: the influence of epidemiological "evidence" and personal experience pp. 1477-1486 Downloads
Rose Wiles
"Breaking the bureaucracy": drug registration and neocolonial relations in Egypt pp. 1487-1494 Downloads
Robert A. Rubinstein
To supplant, supplement or support? Organisational issues for hospices pp. 1495-1504 Downloads
Sheila Payne
Home birth or short-stay hospital birth in a low risk population in the Netherlands pp. 1505-1511 Downloads
T. A. Wiegers, J. van der Zee, J. J. Kerssens and M. J. N. C. Keirse

1998, volume 46, articles 10

The international conferences on the Social Sciences and Medicine 1968-1996. An abridged history pp. 1255-1260 Downloads
Peter J. M. McEwan
Medical theories, science, and the practice of medicine pp. 1261-1270 Downloads
Rachel Lewinsohn
Latino parents' perception of their children's health status pp. 1271-1274 Downloads
Emily Arcia
Adolescent sexual and reproductive behavior: a review of the evidence from India pp. 1275-1290 Downloads
Shireen J. Jejeebhoy
The treatment of infants and young children suffering respiratory tract infection and diarrhoeal disease in a rural community in Southeast Indonesia pp. 1291-1302 Downloads
Jocelyn Grace
Why resort to illegal abortion in Zambia? Findings of a community-based study in Western Province pp. 1303-1312 Downloads
Winny Koster-Oyekan
Abortion, revised: participants in the U.S. clinical trials evaluate mifepristone pp. 1313-1323 Downloads
Wendy Simonds, Charlotte Ellertson, Kimberly Springer and Beverly Winikoff
Migration and acculturation among Samoans: some sources of stress and support pp. 1325-1336 Downloads
Joel M. Hanna
The self-reported health status of lone parents pp. 1337-1353 Downloads
Michaela Benzeval
Self-perceived health in East and West Europe: another European health divide pp. 1355-1366 Downloads
Per Carlson
Attitudes towards genetic testing: analysis of contradictions pp. 1367-1374 Downloads
P. Jallinoja, A. Hakonen, A. R. Aro, P. Niemelä, M. Hietala, J. Lönnqvist, L. Peltonen and P. Aula
Patient charges -- a hindrance to financially and psychosocially disadvantage groups seeking care pp. 1375-1380 Downloads
Stig Elofsson, Anna-Lena Undén and Ingvar Krakau
An event history analysis of age at last menstrual period: correlates of natural and surgical menopause among midlife Wisconsin women pp. 1381-1396 Downloads
Diane S. Shinberg

1998, volume 46, articles 9

The structure of emotions during acute myocardial infarction: A model of coping pp. 1099-1110 Downloads
Angelo A. Alonzo and Nancy R. Reynolds
Special not different: general practitioners' accounts of their care of dying people pp. 1111-1120 Downloads
David Field
Social patterning of ill health in Helsinki and Moscow: Results from a comparative survey in 1991 pp. 1121-1136 Downloads
Hannele Palosuo, Antti Uutela, Irina Zhuravleva and Nina Lakomova
Community-based trauma systems in the United States: an examination of structural development pp. 1137-1149 Downloads
Gloria J. Bazzoli, Rita Harmata and Cheeling Chan
Cancer disclosure in Japan: Historical comparisons, current practices pp. 1151-1163 Downloads
Todd S. Elwyn, Michael D. Fetters, Daniel W. Gorenflo and Tsukasa Tsuda
Death, trauma and ritual: Mozambican refugees in Malawi pp. 1165-1174 Downloads
Harri Englund
Internal structure of a measure of self-efficacy in physical activity among high school students pp. 1175-1182 Downloads
John J. M. Dwyer, Kenneth R. Allison and Susan Makin
Cost-effectiveness analysis and capital costs pp. 1183-1191 Downloads
Göran Karlsson and Magnus Johannesson
Therapeutic landscapes in holistic medicine pp. 1193-1203 Downloads
Allison Williams
The accuracy of mothers' reports of child vaccination: evidence from rural Egypt pp. 1205-1212 Downloads
Ray Langsten and Kenneth Hill
Canadian naturopathic practitioners: holistic and scientific world views pp. 1213-1225 Downloads
Heather Boon
Firearm suicides and homicides in the United States: regional variations and patterns of gun ownership pp. 1227-1233 Downloads
Mark S. Kaplan and Olga Geling
Gender, social mobility and psychiatric diagnoses pp. 1235-1247 Downloads
Duncan Timms

1998, volume 46, articles 8

A modified framework for rural general practice: The importance of recruitment and retention pp. 939-945 Downloads
John S. Humphreys and Frances Rolley
Representing doctors: discourses and images in the Australian press pp. 947-958 Downloads
Deborah Lupton and Jane McLean
Porque me tocó a mi ? Mexican American diabetes patients' causal stories and their relationship to treatment behaviors pp. 959-969 Downloads
Linda M. Hunt, Miguel A. Valenzuela and Jacqueline A. Pugh
The influence of households on drinking behaviour: a multilevel analysis pp. 971-979 Downloads
Nigel Rice, Roy Carr-Hill, Paul Dixon and Matthew Sutton
The "three delays" as a framework for examining maternal mortality in Haiti pp. 981-993 Downloads
Debora Barnes-Josiah, Cynthia Myntti and Antoine Augustin
Health and health expenditures in adjusting and non-adjusting countries pp. 995-1009 Downloads
Jacques van der Gaag and Tania Barham
Which terminally ill cancer patients receive hospice in-patient care? pp. 1011-1016 Downloads
Julia Addington-Hall, Dan Altmann and Mark McCarthy
Equity is out of fashion? An essay on autonomy and health policy in the individualized society pp. 1017-1025 Downloads
Eva Lindbladh, Carl Hampus Lyttkens, Bertil S. Hanson and P. -O. Östergren
The demand for prehospital emergency services in an aging society pp. 1027-1031 Downloads
Charles E. McConnel and Rosemary W. Wilson
Psychological distress and well-being among traumatized Palestinian women during the intifada pp. 1033-1041 Downloads
Vivian Khamis
Competing discourses of vital registration and personhood: perspectives from rural South Africa pp. 1043-1056 Downloads
Rachel Jewkes and Katharine Wood
Education and self-care activities among persons with rheumatoid arthritis pp. 1057-1066 Downloads
Patricia P. Katz
Women's decision-making in prenatal screening pp. 1067-1076 Downloads
Päivi Santalahti, Elina Hemminki, Anne-Maria Latikka and Markku Ryynänen
Gender differences in marital support following a shared life event pp. 1077-1085 Downloads
Angela C. Edwards, James Y. Nazroo and George W. Brown
Reductions in hospital use from self management training for chronic asthmatics pp. 1087-1093 Downloads
C. S. Ghosh, P. Ravindran, M. Joshi and Sally C. Stearns

1998, volume 46, articles 7

Wealth, equity and health care: a critique of a "population health" perspective on the determinants of health pp. 785-798 Downloads
Blake Poland, David Coburn, Ann Robertson and Joan Eakinand members of the Critical Social Science Group
Perceptions and priorities in disease eradication: Dracunculiasis eradication in Africa pp. 799-810 Downloads
Susan Watts
Susan Watts
Supplemental health insurance ownership in Israel: An empirical analysis and some implications pp. 821-829 Downloads
Amir Shmueli
Community empowerment paradigm drift and the primary prevention of HIV/AIDS pp. 831-842 Downloads
Carolyn Beeker, Carolyn Guenther-Grey and Anita Raj
Community representatives: Representing the "community"? pp. 843-858 Downloads
Rachel Jewkes and Anne Murcott
The importance of place for older people moving into care homes pp. 859-867 Downloads
Jan Reed, Valerie Roskell Payton and Senga Bond
"Loss of self" in the narratives of people with traumatic brain injuries: A qualitative analysis pp. 869-878 Downloads
Masahiro Nochi
An ethnographic study of night blindness "ratauni" among women in the Terai of Nepal pp. 879-889 Downloads
Parul Christian, Margaret E. Bentley, Rajendra Pradhan and Keith P. West
Infertility in the Gambia: frequency and health care seeking pp. 891-899 Downloads
Johanne Sundby, Reuben Mboge and Sheriff Sonko
Gender differences in consulting a general practitioner for common symptoms of minor illness pp. 901-906 Downloads
Sally Wyke, Kate Hunt and Graeme Ford
The social construction of the breast cancer epidemic pp. 907-918 Downloads
Paula M. Lantz and Karen M. Booth
Knowledge and information about ADHD: Evidence of cultural differences among African-American and white parents pp. 919-928 Downloads
Regina Bussing, Nancy E. Schoenberg and Amy R. Perwien
Can raters consistently evaluate the content of focus groups? pp. 929-933 Downloads
Morris Weinberger, Jeffrey A. Ferguson, Glenda Westmoreland, Lorrie A. Mamlin, Douglas S. Segar, George J. Eckert, James Y. Greene, Douglas K. Martin and William M. Tierney

1998, volume 46, articles 6

Seven up--refreshing medical geography: an introduction to selected papers from the Seventh International Symposium in Medical Geography, Portsmouth, U.K pp. 627-629 Downloads
Graham Moon, Myles Gould and Kelvyn Jones
Over the hill and far away: distance as a barrier to the provision of assistance to elderly relatives pp. 631-639 Downloads
Alun E. Joseph and Bonnie C. Hallman
Intellectual intersections: gender and health in the Pacific pp. 641-659 Downloads
Nancy Davis Lewis
Cultural constraints on the delivery of HIV/AIDS prevention in Ireland pp. 661-672 Downloads
Fiona Smyth
Tuberculosis mortality in England and Wales during 1982-1992: its association with poverty, ethnicity and AIDS pp. 673-681 Downloads
Frances Elender, Graham Bentham and Ian Langford
Hypothesized foetal and early life influences on adult heart disease mortality: an ecological analysis of data for the Republic of Ireland pp. 683-693 Downloads
D. G. Pringle
Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis in Finland--a forecast pp. 695-702 Downloads
Markku Löytönen and Paula Maasilta
Geographical variation in attitudes towards smoking: findings from the COMMIT communities pp. 703-717 Downloads
Nancy A. Ross and S. Martin Taylor
The public health risks of Lyme disease in Breckland, U.K.: an investigation of environmental and social factors pp. 719-727 Downloads
Tracey V. Mawby and Andrew A. Lovett
The problem of atopic eczema: aetiological clues from the environment and lifestyles pp. 729-741 Downloads
N. J. McNally, D. R. Phillips and H. C. Williams
Pathways of dependence: the impact of health and social care restructuring--the voluntary experience pp. 743-753 Downloads
Christine Milligan
The study of human behavior and schistosomiasis transmission in an irrigated area in Morocco pp. 755-765 Downloads
S. Watts, K. Khallaayoune, R. Bensefia, H. Laamrani and B. Gryseels
Alfred Haviland's nineteenth-century map analysis of the geographical distribution of diseases in England and Wales pp. 767-781 Downloads
Frank A. Barrett

1998, volume 46, articles 3

Some politico-economic aspects of organ shortage in transplantation medicine pp. 299-311 Downloads
Konrad Obermann
HIV/AIDS-related social anxieties in adolescents in three African countries pp. 313-320 Downloads
Jennifer L. Venier, Michael W. Ross and Adebowale Akande
Is there evidence for behaviour change in response to AIDS in rural Zimbabwe? pp. 321-330 Downloads
Simon Gregson, Tom Zhuwau, Roy M. Anderson and Stephen K. Chandiwana
Climate change, thermal stress and mortality changes pp. 331-344 Downloads
W. J. M. Martens
Perceived access to care and medication use among ambulatory elderly in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil pp. 345-355 Downloads
Maria A. Miralles and Carole L. Kimberlin
Contracting for health services in New Zealand: A transaction cost analysis pp. 357-367 Downloads
Toni Ashton
Grief, parenting, and schizophrenia pp. 369-379 Downloads
Daniel J. Davis and Cynthia L. Schultz
Analyses of use of tranquilizers and sleeping pills across five surveys of the same population (1985-1991): The relationship with gender, age and use of other substances pp. 381-395 Downloads
Kathryn Graham and David Vidal-Zeballos
Type A behavior intervention in primary health care reduces hostility and time pressure: A study in Sweden pp. 397-402 Downloads
Lena Karlberg, Ingvar Krakau and Anna-Lena Undén
Maternal employment, child care, and nutritional status of 12-18-month-old children in Managua, Nicaragua pp. 403-414 Downloads
Jessica F. Lamontagne, Patrice L. Engle and Marian F. Zeitlin
Comparison of medical and nursing attitudes to resuscitation and patient autonomy between a British and an American teaching hospital pp. 415-424 Downloads
Michelle Mello and Crispin Jenkinson
A longitudinal study of health selection in marital transitions pp. 425-435 Downloads
Inez M. A. Joung, H. Dike van de Mheen, Karien Stronks, Frans W. A. van Poppel and Johan P. Mackenbach
Embodied risk: My body, myself? pp. 437-444 Downloads
Anne M. Kavanagh and Dorothy H. Broom
Genetic screening and haemoglobinopathies: Ethics, politics and practice pp. 445-458 Downloads
Karl Atkin and Waqar I. U. Ahmad

1998, volume 46, articles 2

Beyond empowerment: Heterosexualities and the prevention of AIDS pp. 151-156 Downloads
K. Giffin
Drug users' sexual relationships and the social organisation of risk: The sexual relationship as a site of risk management pp. 157-169 Downloads
Tim Rhodes and Alan Quirk
Reproductive choices among HIV-positive women pp. 171-179 Downloads
Ariane Lisann Bedimo, Ruth Bessinger and Patricia Kissinger
The Gambian National Impregnated Bednet Programme: Costs, consequences and net cost-effectiveness pp. 181-191 Downloads
Moses Kweku Aikins, Julia Fox-Rushby, Umberto D'Alessandro, Patricia Langerock, Kabir Cham, Laura New, Steve Bennett, Brian Greenwood and Anne Mills
Declining professional dominance?: Trends in the proletarianisation of primary care in New Zealand pp. 193-207 Downloads
J. Ross Barnett, Pauline Barnett and Robin A. Kearns
What do sequential behavioral patterns suggest about the medical decision-making process?: Modeling home case management of acute illnesses in a rural Cameroonian village pp. 209-225 Downloads
Gery W. Ryan
The tradeoff between price and quality of services in the Philippines pp. 227-242 Downloads
David R. Hotchkiss
The health effects of major organisational change and job insecurity pp. 243-254 Downloads
Jane E. Ferrie, Martin J. Shipley, Michael G. Marmot, Stephen Stansfeld and George Davey Smith
Ethical and social issues in prenatal sex selection: A survey of geneticists in 37 nations pp. 255-273 Downloads
Dorothy C. Wertz and John C. Fletcher
How people get into mental health services: Stories of choice, coercion and "muddling through" from "first-timers" pp. 275-286 Downloads
Bernice A. Pescosolido, Carol Brooks Gardner and Keri M. Lubell
Perceived risks associated with mental illness: Beyond homicide and suicide pp. 287-297 Downloads
Tony Ryan

1998, volume 46, articles 1

Helicopters, hearts and hips: Using willingness to pay to set priorities for public sector health care programmes pp. 1-12 Downloads
Jan Abel Olsen and Cam Donaldson
The challenge to restoring basic health care in Uganda pp. 13-21 Downloads
D. O. Okello, R. Lubanga, D. Guwatudde and A. Sebina-Zziwa
The end of professionalism? pp. 23-28 Downloads
Gray Southon and Jeffrey Braithwaite
An economic perspective on policy to reduce antimicrobial resistance pp. 29-38 Downloads
J. Coast, R. D. Smith and M. R. Millar
Regulating the cancer-inducing potential of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Some lessons from the 1970s and 1980s pp. 39-51 Downloads
John Abraham
Causal webs, preventive brooms, and housekeepers pp. 53-58 Downloads
Leon S. Robertson
The association between the organization of medical practice and primary care physician attitudes and practice orientations pp. 59-71 Downloads
Sunday E. Ubokudom
Situational factors and attitudes toward voluntary euthanasia pp. 73-81 Downloads
William L. Macdonald
Dispensing doctors and prescribing pharmacists: A South African perspective pp. 83-95 Downloads
Leah Gilbert
Context, composition and heterogeneity: Using multilevel models in health research pp. 97-117 Downloads
Craig Duncan, Kelvyn Jones and Graham Moon
Accounts of disagreements with doctors pp. 119-129 Downloads
Ellen Annandale and Kate Hunt
In-house referral: Changing general practitioners' roles in the referral of patients to secondary care pp. 131-136 Downloads
Frances Maggs-Rapport, Paul Kinnersley and Penny Owen
Social inequalities in morbidity from diabetes mellitus in public primary care clinics in Trinidad and Tobago pp. 137-144 Downloads
Martin C. Gulliford and Deepak Mahabir
Page updated 2025-03-25