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Social Science & Medicine

1979 - 2025

Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian

From Elsevier
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1988, volume 27, articles 12

Medical compliance as an ideology pp. 1299-1308 Downloads
James A. Trostle
Sports participation and health status: A preliminary analysis pp. 1309-1316 Downloads
K.L. Lamb, S. Dench, D.A. Brodie and K. Roberts
Socioeconomic status and health status: A study of males in the Canada health survey pp. 1317-1325 Downloads
David Ian Hay
Revision of the Italian psychiatric reform: North/South differences and future strategies pp. 1327-1335 Downloads
Paola Bollini, Michael Reich and Giovanni Muscettola
Predictive value of life events, psychosocial factors and self-rated health on disability in an elderly rural French population pp. 1337-1342 Downloads
A. Grand, P. Grosclaude, H. Bocquet, J. Pous and J.L. Albarede
The concept of flow in Rwandan popular medicine pp. 1343-1348 Downloads
Christopher C. Taylor
Depression in unemployed Swedish women pp. 1349-1355 Downloads
Ellen M. Hall and Jeffrey V. Johnson
Maternal education and child survival in developing countries: The search for pathways of influence pp. 1357-1368 Downloads
John G. Cleland and Jerome K. van Ginneken
Is there a religious factor in health care utilization?: A review pp. 1369-1379 Downloads
Preston L. Schiller and Jeffrey S. Levin
How physicians choose drugs pp. 1381-1386 Downloads
P. Denig, F.M. Haaijer-Ruskamp and D.H. Zijsling
Effects of a community-wide smoking cessation program pp. 1387-1392 Downloads
Robert J. Wheeler
The role of social support and life stress events in use of mental health services pp. 1393-1400 Downloads
Cathy Donald Sherbourne
Practice compatibility and type of framework: Essential dimensions in the salaried primary care practitioners' approach to practice pp. 1401-1409 Downloads
Zeev Ben-Sira
The Nottingham health profile: An analysis of its sensitivity in differentiating illness groups pp. 1411-1414 Downloads
Crispin Jenkinson, Ray Fitzpatrick and Michael Argyle
Pharmaceuticals in two Brazilian villages: Lay practices and perceptions pp. 1415-1427 Downloads
Hilbrand Haak
Alcohol-related knowledge, beliefs and attitudes among health and clerical personnel pp. 1429-1432 Downloads
Kari Poikolainen
Cornell medical index responses and mortality in a Polynesian population pp. 1433-1437 Downloads
Douglas E. Crews and Jay D. Pearson
The urban community as the client in preterm birth prevention: Evaluation of a program component pp. 1439-1446 Downloads
Margaret Comerford Freda, Karla Damus and Irwin R. Merkatz
The impacts of positive psychological states on physical health: A review and theoretical framework pp. 1447-1459 Downloads
Jeffrey R. Edwards and Cary L. Cooper
Accountability of anthropologists, indigenous healers and their governments: A plea for reasonable medicine pp. 1461-1464 Downloads
Morton Glasser

1988, volume 27, articles 11

Can collaborative programs between biomedical and African indigenous health practitioners succeed? pp. 1125-1130 Downloads
Edward C. Green
The transformation of Zimbabwe's health care system: A review of the white paper on health pp. 1131-1138 Downloads
Pran Manga
Information and decision-making preferences of hospitalized adult cancer patients pp. 1139-1145 Downloads
Christina G. Blanchard, Mark S. Labrecque, John C. Ruckdeschel and Edward B. Blanchard
Assessing alcoholism as a risk factor for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) pp. 1147-1152 Downloads
Craig A. Molgaard, Chester Nakamura, Melbourne Hovell and John P. Elder
Private medicine and the privatisation of health care in South Africa pp. 1153-1170 Downloads
C. David Naylor
Entre 'sickness' et 'illness': De la socialisation a l'individualisation de la 'maladie' pp. 1171-1182 Downloads
Andras Zempléni
A human development intervention in the Philippines: Effect on child morbidity pp. 1183-1188 Downloads
John H. Hill, M. E. Woods and Steven D. Dorsey
Workers' perceptions, knowledge and responses regarding occupational health and safety: A report on a Canadian study pp. 1189-1196 Downloads
Vivienne Walters and Ted Haines
Symbolic, ritual and social dynamics of spiritual healing pp. 1197-1206 Downloads
Deborah C. Glik
Health through three life stages: A longitudinal study of urban black adolescents pp. 1207-1213 Downloads
Ann F. Brunswick and Cheryl R. Merzel
Psychological distress and the decision to seek medical care pp. 1215-1221 Downloads
Emil Berkanovic, Margo-Lea Hurwicz and John Landsverk
Health services inequalities in Nigeria pp. 1223-1235 Downloads
Dennis A. Ityavyar
Social factors affecting use of immunization in Indonesia pp. 1237-1245 Downloads
Streatfield Kim and Masri Singarimbun
Statutory change and 'street-level' implementation of psychiatric commitment pp. 1247-1256 Downloads
Jonathan I. Marx and Richard M. Levinson
Choice of surgery for early breast cancer: Psychosocial considerations pp. 1257-1262 Downloads
Jenny Morris and Roger Ingham
Children and core-periphery differences pp. 1263-1268 Downloads
Heikki S. Vuorinen, Peter A. Floman and Ilkka S. Väänänen
Gender differences in tobacco use in Africa, Asia, the Pacific, and Latin America pp. 1269-1275 Downloads
Ingrid Waldron, Gary Bratelli, Laura Carriker, Wei-Chin Sung, Christine Vogeli and Elizabeth Waldman
Causal reasoning and the treatment of diarrhoeal disease by mothers in Kenya pp. 1277-1286 Downloads
Vimla L. Patel, Thomas O. Eisemon and JoséF. Arocha
Modeling hospital closure relative to organizational theory: The applicability of ecology theory's environmental determinism and adaptation perspectives pp. 1287-1294 Downloads
Blair D. Gifford and Ross M. Mullner
Distribution of knowledge of AIDS: A national study pp. 1295-1298 Downloads
Michael W. Ross

1988, volume 27, articles 10

Social policy for pollution-related diseases pp. 1011-1018 Downloads
Michael R. Reich
Science and persuasion: Environmental disease in U.S. courts pp. 1019-1029 Downloads
Leslie I. Boden, J. Raymond Miyares and David Ozonoff
Scientific information in judicial and administrative systems pp. 1031-1041 Downloads
Edward J. Burger
Compensation of pollution-related health damage in Japan pp. 1043-1052 Downloads
Bruce Aronson
Current problems and prospects with the Japanese compensation system for pollution-related health damage pp. 1053-1059 Downloads
Takehisa Awaji and Tsuneo Tsukatani
A review of legal and policy issues in legislating compensation for victims of toxic substance pollution pp. 1061-1070 Downloads
Stephen M Soble and Janis H Brennan
Collective judicial management of mass toxic tort controversies: Lessons and issues from the agent orange litigation pp. 1071-1084 Downloads
Lawrence B. Novey
Major industrial risks and compensation of victims: The role for insurance pp. 1085-1095 Downloads
Henri Smets
The psychological dimensions of health care for patients exposed to radiation and the other invisible environmental contaminants pp. 1097-1103 Downloads
Henry M. Vyner
Some international law aspects of the Bhopal disaster pp. 1105-1112 Downloads
Y.K. Tyagi and Armin Rosencranz
The Bhopal disaster and the right to know pp. 1113-1123 Downloads
Sheila Jasanoff

1988, volume 27, articles 9

Transforming China's collective health care system: A village study pp. 879-888 Downloads
Shu-Min Huang
Post-1950 mortality trends and medical care: Gains in life expectancy due to declines in mortality from conditions amenable to medical intervention in the Netherlands pp. 889-894 Downloads
Johan P. Mackenbach, Caspar W.N. Looman, Anton E. Kunst, J.Dik F. Habbema and Paul J. van der Maas
Contributions of patients to general practitioner consultations in relation to their understanding of doctor's instructions and advice pp. 895-900 Downloads
E.J. Robinson and M.J. Whitfield
Mortality and living conditions: Relative mortality levels and their relation to the physical quality of life in urban populations pp. 901-910 Downloads
Jon Anson
Regional variations in cardiovascular mortality in Sweden--Structural vulnerability in the local community pp. 911-917 Downloads
Bengt Starrin, Gerry Larsson and Sten-Olof Brenner
Ritual coordination of medical pluralism in highland Nepal: Implications for policy pp. 919-925 Downloads
Barbara Parker
Towards a conceptual framework of lay evaluation of health care pp. 927-933 Downloads
Michael Calnan
What patients like about their medical care and how often they are asked: A meta-analysis of the satisfaction literature pp. 935-939 Downloads
Judith A. Hall and Michael C. Dornan
Oral contraceptives, sociocultural beliefs and psychiatric symptoms pp. 941-945 Downloads
M. Fakhr El-Islam, Taha H. Malasi and Sanaa I. Abu-Dagga
Identifying factors associated with health care use: A hospital-based risk screening index pp. 947-954 Downloads
Ron L. Evans, Robert D. Hendricks, Kaye V. Lawrence and Duane S. Bishop
Computerized calculation of essential drug requirements pp. 955-970 Downloads
Robert Soeters and Wilbert Bannenberg
La geographie du cancer de l'oesophage pp. 971-985 Downloads
P. Ghadirian, J.P. Thouez and A. Simard
Do British women undergo too many or too few hysterectomies? pp. 987-994 Downloads
Angela Coulter, Klim McPherson and Martin Vessey
Adolescents and nuclear arms issues pp. 995-998 Downloads
Amiram M. Sheffet, Harry M. Zutz, Jules A. Titelbaum and Donald B. Louria
Life stressors and social resources: An integrated assessment approach pp. 999-1002 Downloads
Rudolf H. Moos, Catharine B. Fenn and Andrew G. Billings

1988, volume 27, articles 8

Techniques of healing in Southeast Asia pp. 747-750 Downloads
Carol Laderman and Penny Van Esterik
To strengthen and refresh: Herbal therapy in Southeast Asia pp. 751-759 Downloads
Penny Van Esterik
The interplay of traditional therapies in south Thailand pp. 761-768 Downloads
Louis Golomb
Folk medicine in Laos: A comparison between two ethnic groups pp. 769-778 Downloads
Joseph Westermeyer
Healing texts and healing techniques in indigenous Balinese medicine pp. 779-787 Downloads
Ann P. McCauley
Doctoring by go-between: Aspects of health care for Malay children pp. 789-797 Downloads
Josiane Massard
Wayward winds: Malay archetypes, and theory of personality in the context of shamanism pp. 799-810 Downloads
Carol Laderman
The pragmatics of aesthetics: The performance of healing among Senoi temiar pp. 811-818 Downloads
Marina Roseman
The drum is the shaman, the spear guides his voice pp. 819-828 Downloads
Janet Hoskins
Healing boundaries in south Kalimantan pp. 829-839 Downloads
Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing
Severing the bonds of love: A case study in soul loss pp. 841-856 Downloads
Mary Margaret Steedly
Ambiguity, synecdoche and affect in semai medicine pp. 857-877 Downloads
Robert Knox Dentan

1988, volume 27, articles 7

Health, apartheid and the frontline states pp. 661-665 Downloads
Anthony Zwi, Shula Marks and Neil Andersson
Apartheid and health in the 1980s pp. 667-681 Downloads
Neil Andersson and Shula Marks
Tuberculosis in the Western Cape health region of South Africa pp. 683-689 Downloads
Derek Yach
Occupational health and safety in South Africa: The perspectives of capital, state and unions pp. 691-702 Downloads
Anthony Zwi, Sharon Fonn and Malcolm Steinberg
The consequences of health service privatisation for equality and equity in health care in South Africa pp. 703-716 Downloads
Max Price
Health as a target: South Africa's destabilization of Mozambique pp. 717-722 Downloads
Julie Cliff and Abdul Razak Noormahomed
The economy, the health sector and child health in Zimbabwe since independence pp. 723-731 Downloads
David Sanders and Rob Davies
Labour insecurity and health: An epidemiological study in Zimbabwe pp. 733-741 Downloads
Rene Loewenson
Health, nutrition and agricultural development in Northern Zambia pp. 743-745 Downloads
Megan Vaughan and Henrietta Moore

1988, volume 27, articles 6

Effects of HIV infection, perceived health and clinical status on a cohort at risk for aids pp. 569-578 Downloads
Ronald C. Kessler, Kerth O'Brien, Jill G. Joseph, David G. Ostrow, John P. Phair, Joan S. Chmiel, Camille B. Wortman and Carol-Ann Emmons
Images of general practice: The perceptions of the doctor pp. 579-586 Downloads
Michael Calnan
Biocultural belief and iodine prophylaxis pp. 587-596 Downloads
Renate Lellep Fernandez
Self-assessment of health before and after a myocardial infarction pp. 597-605 Downloads
John G. Mæland and Odd E. Havik
Child mortality in a Nigerian City: Its levels and socioeconomic differentials pp. 607-614 Downloads
Gbolahan A. Oni
Occupation, marriage and disease-specific mortality concordance pp. 615-622 Downloads
Fletcher, Ben (c)
Type a behavior pattern and illness other than coronary heart disease pp. 623-626 Downloads
Kazimierz Wrzesniewski, Julian Wonicki and Jan Turlejski
The effect of child fostering on feeding practices and access to health services in rural Sierra Leone pp. 627-636 Downloads
Caroline H. Bledsoe, Douglas C. Ewbank and Uche C. Isiugo-Abanihe
Meta-analysis of satisfaction with medical care: Description of research domain and analysis of overall satisfaction levels pp. 637-644 Downloads
Judith A. Hall and Michael C. Dornan
'Repetition strain injury': An Australian epidemic of upper limb pain pp. 645-649 Downloads
Wayne Hall and Louise Morrow
Reasons for non-attendance for computer-managed cervical screening: Pilot interviews pp. 651-660 Downloads
Andrea Knopf Elkind, Dave Haran, Anne Eardley and Brenda Spencer

1988, volume 27, articles 5

Permanence and change in Asian health care pp. 415-416 Downloads
Beatrix Pfleiderer
The semiotics of ritual healing in a North Indian Muslim shrine pp. 417-424 Downloads
Beatrix Pfleiderer
From mantra to mataráa: Opacity and transparency in the language of Tobelo magic and medicine (Halmahera Island, Indonesia) pp. 425-436 Downloads
Paul Michael Taylor
Supernaturalist curers and sorcery accusations in Thailand pp. 437-443 Downloads
Louis Golomb
Healing thyself: A Korean shaman's afflictions pp. 445-450 Downloads
Laurel Kendall
Bereavement and loss in two Muslim communities: Egypt and Bali compared pp. 451-460 Downloads
Unni Wikan
The quality of a mother's milk and the health of her child: Beliefs and practices of the women of Mithila pp. 461-469 Downloads
Nadja Reissland and Richard Burghart
Humoral concepts of mental illness in India pp. 471-477 Downloads
Mitchell G. Weiss, Amit Desai, Sushrut Jadhav, Lalit Gupta, S.M. Channabasavanna, D.R. Doongaji and Prakash B. Behere
Exploring pluralism--The many faces of Ayurveda pp. 479-489 Downloads
Carolyn R. Nordstrom
Ayurvedic treatment for jaundice in Nepal pp. 491-495 Downloads
Maureen Durkin
Childbearing in Korea pp. 497-504 Downloads
Dorothea Sich
Modes of production and medicine: An examination of the theory in light of Sherpa medical traditionalism pp. 505-513 Downloads
Vincanne Adams
Hegemony and healing in rural North Yemen pp. 515-520 Downloads
Cynthia Myntti
Integration of traditional Chinese medicine with Western medicine--Right or wrong? pp. 521-529 Downloads
Cai Jingfeng
Plural medicine in Sri Lanka: Do ayurvedic and western medical practices differ? pp. 531-544 Downloads
Nancy E. Waxler-Morrison
Illness behaviour in Sri Lanka: Results of a survey in two Sinhalese communities pp. 545-552 Downloads
Ivan Wolffers
International consultation and the homogenization of psychiatry in Southeast Asia pp. 553-561 Downloads
Nick Higginbotham and Anthony J. Marsella
Pharmaceuticals and health policy: An Indian example pp. 563-567 Downloads
Andrew Stoker and Roger Jeffery

1988, volume 27, articles 4

Inequalities? Social class differentials in health in British youth pp. 291-296 Downloads
Patrick West
AIDS and the human community pp. 297-303 Downloads
Erich H. Loewy
HMOs in the U.S.A. and Britain: A new prospect for health care? pp. 305-320 Downloads
Geof Rayner
The expectation of life without disability in England and Wales pp. 321-326 Downloads
A. C. Bebbington
A review of the social patterning and significance of measures of height, weight, blood pressure and respiratory function pp. 327-337 Downloads
Sally Macintyre
Defining death: Organ transplants, tradition and technology in Japan pp. 339-343 Downloads
Eric A. Feldman
Origins and stability of children's health beliefs relative to medicine use pp. 345-352 Downloads
Patricia J. Bush and Ronald J. Iannotti
Traditional medicine and the stakes of legitimation in Senegal pp. 353-357 Downloads
Didier Fassin and Eric Fassin
Health surveys in developing countries: The objectives and design of an international programme pp. 359-368 Downloads
Ian Timaeus, Trudy Harpham, Max Price and Lucy Gilson
Immediate effectiveness of brief psychological training for health professionals dealing with terminally ill cancer patients: A controlled study pp. 369-375 Downloads
Darius Razavi, Nicole Delvaux, Christine Farvacques and Edmond Robaye
Artificial insemination using donor semen and the issue of secrecy: The views of donors and recipient couples pp. 377-383 Downloads
Ken R. Daniels
Social support and recovery after surgery for breast cancer: Frequency and correlates of supportive behaviours by family, friends and surgeon pp. 385-392 Downloads
Sandra J. Neuling and Helen R. Winefield
Comparison of infants dying from the sudden infant death syndrome with matched live controls pp. 393-397 Downloads
Sheila Bartholomew and B. A. MacArthur
Social relationships and psychological well-being in rheumatoid arthritis pp. 399-403 Downloads
Ray Fitzpatrick, Stanton Newman, Rosemarie Lamb and Michael Shipley
Advantages of breastfeeding according to Turkish mothers living in Istanbul and Stockholm pp. 405-410 Downloads
Tahire Koctürk

1988, volume 27, articles 3

The jungle and the aroma of meats: An ecological theme in Hindu medicine pp. 197-206 Downloads
Francis Zimmermann
Confrontation and politeness strategies in physician-patient interactions pp. 217-221 Downloads
Lynne S. Robins and Fredric M. Wolf
The development of medical sociology in Finland pp. 223-229 Downloads
Eero Lahelma and Elianne Riska
Climate, diffused solar radiation and multiple sclerosis pp. 231-238 Downloads
Joyce M. Laborde, William A. Dando and Merle L. Teetzen
Unemployment and psychiatric distress: Social resources and coping pp. 239-247 Downloads
Margaret E. Ensminger and David D. Celentano
Unintended pregnancies that lead to babies pp. 249-254 Downloads
Ann Cartwright
Predicting the effect of hospital closure on hospital utilization patterns pp. 255-262 Downloads
Sara McLafferty
Psychotropic drug use in a Swedish community--Patterns of individual use during 2 years pp. 263-267 Downloads
Dag Isacson, Kerstin Carsjö, Bengt Haglund and Björn Smedby
A comparison of two survey measures of health status pp. 269-275 Downloads
Ralph Leavey and David Wilkin
A psychosocial perspective in the explanation of patients' drug-taking behavior pp. 277-285 Downloads
L.Douglas Ried and Dale B. Christensen
Self-medication among primary care patients in Farazdak clinic in Riyadh pp. 287-289 Downloads
Abdalla Abdelwahid Saeed

1988, volume 27, articles 2

Poverty and disease: Need for structural change pp. 119-127 Downloads
S. Akbar Zaidi
From vice to madness: The semantics of naturalistic and personalistic understandings in Trinidadian local medicine pp. 129-148 Downloads
Roland Littlewood
Marriage and the psychological consequences of a heart attack: A longitudinal study of adaptation to chronic illness after 3 years pp. 149-158 Downloads
Millard Waltz, Bernhard Badura, Holgar Pfaff and Thomas Schott
Cancer care--A stress for health professionals pp. 159-166 Downloads
Nicole Delvaux, Darius Razavi and Christine Farvacques
Predictors of prenatal care utilization pp. 167-172 Downloads
Thomas P. McDonald and Andrew F. Coburn
Journey patterns of the elderly and disabled in the cotswolds: A spatial analysis pp. 173-180 Downloads
R. L. Gant and J. A. Smith
The single parent family and the child's mental health pp. 181-186 Downloads
Irma Moilanen and Paula Rantakallio
Psychiatric disorders and selected variables among medical students in Belgrade (Yugoslavia) pp. 187-190 Downloads
Ljubomir Eric, Zoran Radovanovic, Ivana Jevremovic and Jelena Marinkovic

1988, volume 27, articles 1

Anthropological studies of diarrheal illness pp. 1-3 Downloads
Jeannine Coreil and J. Dennis Mull
Cultural models of diarrheal illness: Conceptual framework and review pp. 5-16 Downloads
Mitchell G. Weiss
The implementation of a diarrheal disease control program in Honduras: Is it 'selective primary health care' or 'integrated primary health care'? pp. 17-23 Downloads
Carl Kendall
Mystification of a simple solution: Oral rehydration therapy in Northeast Brazil pp. 25-38 Downloads
Marilyn K. Nations and L. A. Rebhun
From aralu to ORS: Sinhalese perceptions of digestion, diarrhea, and dehydration pp. 39-52 Downloads
Mark Nichter
Mothers' concepts of childhood diarrhea in rural Pakistan: What ORT program planners should know pp. 53-67 Downloads
J. Dennis Mull and Dorothy S. Mull
Some preliminary considerations on the sobada: A traditional treatment for gastrointestinal illness in Costa Rica pp. 69-73 Downloads
Sharleen H. Simpson
The household management of childhood diarrhea in rural North India pp. 75-85 Downloads
Margaret E. Bentley
Adoption of oral rehydration therapy among Haitian mothers pp. 87-96 Downloads
Jeannine Coreil and Eddy Genece
Anthropological involvement in the Central American diarrheal disease control project pp. 97-105 Downloads
Susan C. M. Scrimshaw and Elena Hurtado
Rapid ethnographic assessment: Applications in a diarrhea management program pp. 107-116 Downloads
Margaret E. Bentley, Gretel H. Pelto, Walter L. Straus, Debra A. Schumann, Catherine Adegbola, Emanuela de la Pena, Gbolahan A. Oni, Kenneth H. Brown and Sandra L. Huffman
Anthropology and oral rehydration therapy pp. 117-118 Downloads
Alfred K. Neumann
Page updated 2025-03-25