Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2020, volume 261, articles C
- Evaluating the health effects of place-based slum upgrading physical environment interventions: A systematic review (2012–2018)

- Rosie Mae Henson, Ana Ortigoza, Kevin Martinez-Folgar, Fernando Baeza, Waleska Caiaffa, Alejandra Vives Vergara, Ana V. Diez Roux and Gina Lovasi
- Help-seeking prior to male suicide: Bereaved men perspectives

- John L. Oliffe, Alex Broom, Emma Rossnagel, Mary T. Kelly, William Affleck and Simon M. Rice
- Hurricane impact associated with transactional sex and moderated, but not mediated, by economic factors in Okay, Haiti

- Maya Luetke, Ashley Judge, Sina Kianersi, Reginal Jules and Molly Rosenberg
- Active travel and social justice: Addressing disparities and promoting health equity through a novel approach to Regional Transportation Planning

- Nicole Iroz-Elardo, Jessica Schoner, Eric H. Fox, Allen Brookes and Lawrence D. Frank
- The support that partners or caregivers provide sexual minority women who have cancer: A systematic review

- Tess Thompson, Katie Heiden-Rootes, Miriam Joseph, L. Anne Gilmore, LaShaune Johnson, Christine M. Proulx, Emily L. Albright, Maria Brown and Jane A. McElroy
- Intergenerational social mobility predicts midlife well-being: Prospective evidence from two large British cohorts

- Emma Bridger and Michael Daly
- “Obviously there is a conflict between confidentiality and what you are required to do by law”: Chilean university faculty and student perspectives on reporting unlawful abortions

- Alejandra Ramm, Lidia Casas, Sara Correa, C. Finley Baba and M. Antonia Biggs
- Differential participation in community cultural activities amongst those with poor mental health: Analyses of the UK Taking Part Survey

- Daisy Fancourt and Louise Baxter
- What do we mean by “social” in mental health research?

- Baptiste Brossard, Tegan Cruwys, Haochen Zhou and Gabriel Helleren-Simpson
- Stunted from the start: Early life weather conditions and child undernutrition in Ethiopia

- Heather Randell, Clark Gray and Kathryn Grace
- Confidence in political leaders can slant risk perceptions of COVID–19 in a highly polarized environment

- Wanyun Shao and Feng Hao
- The use of financial incentives to prevent unhealthy behaviors: A review

- Damien de Walque
- Association between socioeconomic status and the trajectory of insufficient sleep: Maternal emotional support as a moderator

- Ling-Yin Chang and Tung-liang Chiang
- Evaluating an intervention for family members of people who use drugs in Vietnam

- Li Li, Chunqing Lin, Li-Jung Liang, Nan Feng, Loc Pham and Nguyen Tran Hien
- Cultural conceptions of Women's labor pain and labor pain management: A mixed-method analysis

- Vani A. Mathur, Theresa Morris and Kelly McNamara
- Do neighbourhood characteristics act together to influence BMI? A cross-sectional study of urban parks and takeaway/fast-food stores as modifiers of the effect of physical activity facilities

- Kate E. Mason, Neil Pearce and Steven Cummins
2020, volume 260, articles C
- Educational inequalities in access to fixed prosthodontic treatment in Norway. Causal effects using the introduction of a school reform as an instrumental variable

- Jostein Grytten and Irene Skau
- Care homes as hospices for the prevalent form of dying: An analysis of long-term care provision towards the end of life in England

- Diana Teggi
- From anatomy to patient experience in pelvic floor surgery: Mindlines, evidence, responsibility, and transvaginal mesh

- Ariel Ducey, Claudia Donoso, Sue Ross and Magali Robert
- Fragmentation by design: Universal health coverage policies as governmentality in Senegal

- Philipa Mladovsky
- From the shadows to light. Perceptions of women and healthcare providers of post-abortion care in Burkina Faso

- Ramatou Ouedraogo and Kenneth Juma
- Social contact, social support, and cognitive health in a population-based study of middle-aged and older men and women in rural South Africa

- Guy Harling, Lindsay C. Kobayashi, Meagan T. Farrell, Ryan G. Wagner, Stephen Tollman and Lisa Berkman
- Pathways to sexual health communication between adolescent girls and their female caregivers participating in a structured HIV prevention intervention in South Africa

- Tonya R. Thurman, Johanna Nice, Maretha Visser and Brian G. Luckett
- Degree of influence in class modifies the association between social network diversity and well-being: Results from a large population-based study in Japan

- Yuna Koyama, Takeo Fujiwara, Aya Isumi and Satomi Doi
- The ethics of AI in health care: A mapping review

- Jessica Morley, Caio C.V. Machado, Christopher Burr, Josh Cowls, Indra Joshi, Mariarosaria Taddeo and Luciano Floridi
- The double-edged sword of digital self-care: Physician perspectives from Northern Germany

- Amelia Fiske, Alena Buyx and Barbara Prainsack
- “I realised it weren't about spending the money. It's about doing something together:” the role of money in a community empowerment initiative and the implications for health and wellbeing

- A. Townsend, C. Abraham, A. Barnes, M. Collins, E. Halliday, S. Lewis, L. Orton, R. Ponsford, S. Salway, M. Whitehead and J. Popay
- Centralization of care in high volume hospitals and inequalities in access to care

- Marius Huguet
- Gender differences in the development of suicidal behavior among United States military veterans: A national qualitative study

- Lauren M. Denneson, Kyla J. Tompkins, Katie L. McDonald, Claire A. Hoffmire, Peter C. Britton, Kathleen F. Carlson, Derek J. Smolenski and Steven K. Dobscha
- Judging health care priority in emergency situations: Patient facial appearance matters

- Arianna Bagnis, Ernesto Caffo, Carlo Cipolli, Alessandra De Palma, Gabriele Farina and Katia Mattarozzi
- The effect of cash transfers on mental health: Opening the black box – A study from South Africa

- Julius Ohrnberger, Laura Anselmi, Eleonora Fichera and Matt Sutton
- Normalised pain and severe health care delay among people who inject drugs in London: Adapting cultural safety principles to promote care

- Magdalena Harris
- An ethnographic exploration of diarrheal disease management in public hospitals in Bangladesh: From problems to solutions

- Debashish Biswas, Raduan Hossin, Mahbubur Rahman, Kevin Louis Bardosh, Melissa H. Watt, Mazharul Islam Zion, Hasnat Sujon, Md Mahbubur Rashid, M. Salimuzzaman, Meerjady S. Flora, Firdausi Qadri, Ashraful Islam Khan and Eric J. Nelson
- Accessibility to delivery care in Hubei Province, China

- Zhuolin Tao, Yang Cheng, Shishuai Du, Ling Feng and Shaoshuai Wang
- The influence of local political trends on childhood vaccine completion in North Carolina

- Cierra Buckman, Indran C. Liu, Lindsay Cortright, Dmitry Tumin and Salma Syed
- “Generally, you get 86′ed because you're a liability”: An application of Integrated Threat Theory to frequently witnessed overdoses and social distancing responses

- J.M. Bowles, L.R. Smith, S.R. Verdugo, K.D. Wagner and P.J. Davidson
- Security from above and below: A critical ethnography of the health response to violence against women in Timor-Leste

- Kayli Wild, Lidia Gomes, Angelina Fernandes, Guilhermina de Araujo, Susan McDonald and Angela Taft
- Smoking behavior prevalence in one's personal social network and peer's popularity: A population-based study of middle-aged adults in Japan

- Daisuke Takagi, Nobutada Yokouchi and Hideki Hashimoto
- Does acculturation really matter for internal migrants’ health?Evidence from eight cities in China

- Siyu Miao and Yang Xiao
- Gender bias in hospitalization financing from borrowings, selling of assets, contribution from relatives or friends in India

- Kaushalendra Kumar, Abhishek Singh, K.S. James, Lotus McDougal and Anita Raj
2020, volume 259, articles C
- Protecting consumers from fraudulent health claims: A taxonomy of psychological drivers, interventions, barriers, and treatments

- Douglas MacFarlane, Mark J. Hurlstone and Ullrich K.H. Ecker
- A methodological rejoinder to "Does income relate to health due to psychosocial or material factors?"

- Oded Stark and Marcin Jakubek
- Well-being of Older People (WOOP): Quantitative validation of a new outcome measure for use in economic evaluations

- Mariska Q.N. Hackert, Job van Exel and Werner Brouwer
- Test of the stress process model of family caregivers of people living with schizophrenia in China

- Yu Yu, Zi-Wei Liu, Tong-Xin Li, Yi-Lu Li, Shui-Yuan Xiao and Jacob Kraemer Tebes
- The influence of firearms trafficking on gunshot injuries in a co-offending network

- Alexandra M. Ciomek, Anthony A. Braga and Andrew V. Papachristos
- Supplemental income program design: A cluster-randomized controlled trial to examine the health and wellbeing effects on older adults by gender, duration, and payment frequency

- Emma Aguila and James P. Smith
- Does community-level social capital mitigate the impact of widowhood & living alone on depressive symptoms?: A prospective, multi-level study

- Atsushi Nakagomi, Koichiro Shiba, Masamichi Hanazato, Katsunori Kondo and Ichiro Kawachi
- The case of the Guru Nanak Emergency Services Department: Sikh therapeutic geographies

- Arlene Macdonald
- “You have to find a caring man, like your father!” gendering sickle cell and refashioning women's moral boundaries in Sierra Leone

- M. Berghs, S.M. Dyson, A. Gabba, S.E. Nyandemo, G. Roberts and G. Deen
- Community asset participation and social medicine increases qualities of life

- Luke A. Munford, Maria Panagioti, Peter Bower and Suzanne M. Skevington
- The physician as a neoliberal subject – A qualitative study within a private-public mix setting

- Alon Rasooly, Nadav Davidovitch and Dani Filc
- Health and wellbeing in Norway: Population norms and the social gradient

- Jan Abel Olsen, Marie Hella Lindberg and Admassu Nadew Lamu
- From slippery slopes to steep hills: Contrasting landscapes of economic growth and public spending for health

- Ajay Tandon, Jewelwayne Cain, Christoph Kurowski, Adrien Dozol and Iryna Postolovska
On this page- 2020, volume 261
Articles C
- 2020, volume 260
Articles C
- 2020, volume 259
Articles C
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1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
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1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46
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- 2020, volume 260
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- 2020, volume 259
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1984, volume 18
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1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46