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Social Science & Medicine

1979 - 2025

Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian

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2013, volume 97, articles C

The impact of different prioritisation policies on waiting times: Case studies of Norway and Scotland pp. 1-6 Downloads
Jurgita Januleviciute, Jan Erik Askildsen, Oddvar Kaarboe, Tor Helge Holmås and Matt Sutton
Race, life course socioeconomic position, racial discrimination, depressive symptoms and self-rated health pp. 7-14 Downloads
Darrell L. Hudson, Eli Puterman, Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, Karen A. Matthews and Nancy E. Adler
Child health security in China: A survey of child health insurance coverage in diverse areas of the country pp. 15-19 Downloads
Juyang Xiong, David Hipgrave, Karoline Myklebust, Sufang Guo, Robert W. Scherpbier, Xuetao Tong, Lan Yao and Andrew E. Moran
Aboriginal Australians' experience of social capital and its relevance to health and wellbeing in urban settings pp. 20-28 Downloads
Kathryn Browne-Yung, Anna Ziersch, Fran Baum and Gilbert Gallaher
The effect of marriage and HIV risks on condom use acceptability in rural Malawi pp. 29-40 Downloads
Philip Anglewicz and Shelley Clark
Efficacy of text messaging-based interventions for health promotion: A meta-analysis pp. 41-48 Downloads
Katharine J. Head, Seth M. Noar, Nicholas T. Iannarino and Nancy Grant Harrington
Perceived neighborhood social cohesion and stroke pp. 49-55 Downloads
Eric S. Kim, Nansook Park and Christopher Peterson
Exploring the health consequences of majority–minority neighborhoods: Minority diversity and birthweight among native-born and foreign-born blacks pp. 56-65 Downloads
Zoua M. Vang and Irma T. Elo
The socioeconomic health gradient across the life cycle: What role for selective mortality and institutionalization? pp. 66-74 Downloads
Steef Baeten, Tom Van Ourti and Eddy Van Doorslaer
Shame as a barrier to health seeking among indigenous Huichol migrant labourers: An interpretive approach of the “violence continuum” and “authoritative knowledge” pp. 75-81 Downloads
Jennie B. Gamlin
The acceptability and feasibility of task-sharing for mental healthcare in low and middle income countries: A systematic review pp. 82-86 Downloads
Prianka Padmanathan and Mary J. De Silva
Planning safer suburbs: Do changes in the built environment influence residents' perceptions of crime risk? pp. 87-94 Downloads
Sarah Foster, Lisa Wood, Hayley Christian, Matthew Knuiman and Billie Giles-Corti
Neighbourhood socioeconomic status and individual lung cancer risk: Evaluating long-term exposure measures and mediating mechanisms pp. 95-103 Downloads
Perry Hystad, Richard M. Carpiano, Paul A. Demers, Kenneth C. Johnson and Michael Brauer
Spaces for smoking in a psychiatric hospital: Social capital, resistance to control, and significance for ‘therapeutic landscapes’ pp. 104-111 Downloads
Victoria J. Wood, Sarah E. Curtis, Wil Gesler, Ian H. Spencer, Helen J. Close, James Mason and Joe G. Reilly
What constitutes a health-enabling neighborhood? A grounded theory situational analysis addressing the significance of social capital and gender pp. 112-123 Downloads
Malin Eriksson and Maria Emmelin
Child marriage prevention in Amhara Region, Ethiopia: Association of communication exposure and social influence with parents/guardians' knowledge and attitudes pp. 124-133 Downloads
Anastasia J. Gage
Variation in the interpretation of scientific integrity in community-based participatory health research pp. 134-142 Downloads
Anne E. Kraemer Diaz, Chaya R. Spears Johnson and Thomas A. Arcury
Exploring substance use normalization among adolescents: A multilevel study in 35 countries pp. 143-151 Downloads
Sharon R. Sznitman, Tanya Kolobov, Tom ter Bogt, Emmanuel Kuntsche, Sophie D. Walsh, Meyran Boniel-Nissim and Yossi Harel-Fisch
Mothers' reading skills and child survival in Nigeria: Examining the relevance of mothers' decision-making power pp. 152-160 Downloads
Emily Smith-Greenaway
The influence of parental monitoring and parent–adolescent communication on Bahamian adolescent risk involvement: A three-year longitudinal examination pp. 161-169 Downloads
Bo Wang, Bonita Stanton, Xiaoming Li, Lesley Cottrell, Lynette Deveaux and Linda Kaljee
Individual and hospital-specific factors influencing medical graduates' time to medical specialization pp. 170-175 Downloads
Karl-Arne Johannessen and Terje P. Hagen
Negotiating last-minute concerns in closing Korean medical encounters: The use of gaze, body and talk pp. 176-191 Downloads
Yujong Park
Healthcare provider views on the health effects of biomass fuel collection and use in rural Eastern Cape, South Africa: An ethnographic study pp. 192-200 Downloads
Margaret Njirambo Matinga, Harold J. Annegarn and Joy S. Clancy
Compassionate containment? Balancing technical safety and therapy in the design of psychiatric wards pp. 201-209 Downloads
Sarah Curtis, Wilbert Gesler, Victoria Wood, Ian Spencer, James Mason, Helen Close and Joseph Reilly
The seven Cs of the high acceptability of home-based VCT: Results from a mixed methods approach in Zambia pp. 210-219 Downloads
Marte Jürgensen, Ingvild F. Sandøy, Charles Michelo, Knut Fylkesnes, Sheila Mwangala and Astrid Blystad
Protecting the public or setting the bar too high? Understanding the causes and consequences of regulatory actions of front-line regulators and specialized drug shop operators in Kenya pp. 220-227 Downloads
Francis Wafula, Catherine Molyneux, Maureen Mackintosh and Catherine Goodman
Effectiveness and equity impacts of town-wide cycling initiatives in England: A longitudinal, controlled natural experimental study pp. 228-237 Downloads
Anna Goodman, Jenna Panter, Stephen J. Sharp and David Ogilvie
Subsidized childcare and child development in Colombia: Effects of Hogares Comunitarios de Bienestar as a function of timing and length of exposure pp. 241-249 Downloads
Raquel Bernal and Camila Fernández
Effectiveness of a parenting program in Bangladesh to address early childhood health, growth and development pp. 250-258 Downloads
Frances E. Aboud, Daisy R. Singla, Md Imam Nahil and Ivelina Borisova
Malnutrition in early life and adult mental health: Evidence from a natural experiment pp. 259-266 Downloads
Cheng Huang, Michael R. Phillips, Yali Zhang, Jingxuan Zhang, Qichang Shi, Zhiqiang Song, Zhijie Ding, Shutao Pang and Reynaldo Martorell
Physical growth and cognitive skills in early-life: Evidence from a nationally representative US birth cohort pp. 267-277 Downloads
Jason Murasko
Periods of child growth up to age 8 years in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam: Key distal household and community factors pp. 278-287 Downloads
Whitney B. Schott, Benjamin T. Crookston, Elizabeth A. Lundeen, Aryeh D. Stein and Jere Behrman
The critical period of infant feeding for the development of early disparities in obesity pp. 288-296 Downloads
Amanda L. Thompson and Margaret E. Bentley
Media representations of early human development: Protecting, feeding and loving the developing brain pp. 297-306 Downloads
Cliodhna O'Connor and Helene Joffe
Screening for developmental disabilities in developing countries pp. 307-315 Downloads
Marc H. Bornstein and Charlene Hendricks
Estimating the critical and sensitive periods of investment in early childhood: A methodological note pp. 316-324 Downloads
Gurleen Popli, Daniel Gladwell and Aki Tsuchiya

2013, volume 96, articles C

Intelligent policy making? Key actors' perspectives on the development and implementation of an early years' initiative in Scotland's public health arena pp. 1-8 Downloads
L. Deas, L. Mattu and W. Gnich
Disembodied abilities: Sick role and participation in ‘activating’ return-to-work practices pp. 9-16 Downloads
Lineke van Hal, Agnes Meershoek, Frans Nijhuis and Klasien Horstman
A cluster analytic examination of acculturation and health status among Asian Americans in the Washington DC metropolitan area, United States pp. 17-23 Downloads
Sunmin Lee, Lu Chen, Xin He, Matthew J. Miller and Hee-Soon Juon
Social valorisation of stoutness as a determinant of obesity in the context of nutritional transition in Cameroon: The Bamiléké case pp. 24-32 Downloads
E. Cohen, G. Boetsch, F.P. Palstra and P. Pasquet
Getting doctors into the bush: General Practitioners' preferences for rural location pp. 33-44 Downloads
Anthony Scott, Julia Witt, John Humphreys, Catherine Joyce, Guyonne Kalb, Sung-Hee Jeon and Matthew McGrail
A test of the substitution hypothesis: An analysis of urban and rural trends in solid/liquid poisoning suicides in Taiwan pp. 45-51 Downloads
Ying-Yeh Chen, Chi-Leung Kwok, Paul S.F. Yip and Kevin Chien-Chang Wu
Discretion or discretions? Delineating professional discretion: The case of English medical practice pp. 52-59 Downloads
Sudeh Cheraghi-Sohi and Michael Calnan
A geographical perspective on access to sexual and reproductive health care for women in rural Africa pp. 60-68 Downloads
Jing Yao, Alan T. Murray and Victor Agadjanian
How teams use indicators for quality improvement – A multiple-case study on the use of multiple indicators in multidisciplinary breast cancer teams pp. 69-77 Downloads
Marjan Gort, Manda Broekhuis and Gerdien Regts
Personal identity and the role of ‘carer’ among relatives and friends of people with multiple sclerosis pp. 78-85 Downloads
Nic Hughes, Louise Locock and Sue Ziebland
A systematic review and meta-analysis of antecedents of blood donation behavior and intentions pp. 86-94 Downloads
Timothy C. Bednall, Liliana L. Bove, Ali Cheetham and Andrea L. Murray
Biogenetic explanations and stigma: A meta-analytic review of associations among laypeople pp. 95-103 Downloads
Erlend P. Kvaale, William H. Gottdiener and Nick Haslam
Making information ‘relevant’: General Practitioner judgments and the production of patient involvement pp. 104-111 Downloads
Megan Clinch and John Benson
Early supplementary feeding among central African foragers and farmers: A biocultural approach pp. 112-120 Downloads
Courtney L. Meehan and Jennifer W. Roulette
Biomedicalization and the public sphere: Newspaper coverage of health and medicine, 1960s–2000s pp. 121-128 Downloads
Daniel C. Hallin, Marisa Brandt and Charles L. Briggs
The effect of physical activity on long-term income pp. 129-137 Downloads
Ari Hyytinen and Jukka Lahtonen
Parents' and professionals' perceptions of family-centered care for children with autism spectrum disorder across service sectors pp. 138-146 Downloads
Sandra Hodgetts, David Nicholas, Lonnie Zwaigenbaum and David McConnell
The evolving concept of “patient-centeredness” in patient–physician communication research pp. 147-153 Downloads
Hirono Ishikawa, Hideki Hashimoto and Takahiro Kiuchi
Effects of an HIV peer prevention intervention on sexual and injecting risk behaviors among injecting drug users and their risk partners in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam: A randomized controlled trial pp. 154-164 Downloads
Vivian F. Go, Constantine Frangakis, Nguyen Le Minh, Carl A. Latkin, Tran Viet Ha, Tran Thi Mo, Teerada Sripaipan, Wendy Davis, Carla Zelaya, Pham The Vu, Yong Chen, David D. Celentano and Vu Minh Quan
The impact of psychological trauma on wages in post-conflict Bosnia and Herzegovina pp. 165-173 Downloads
Elizabeth A.M. Searing, Fernando Rios-Avila and Jesse D. Lecy
Neighborhood cohesion and daily well-being: Results from a diary study pp. 174-182 Downloads
Jennifer W. Robinette, Susan T. Charles, Jacqueline A. Mogle and David M. Almeida
Dietary inequalities of mother–child pairs in the rural Amazon: Evidence of maternal-child buffering? pp. 183-191 Downloads
Barbara A. Piperata, Kammi K. Schmeer, Craig Hadley and Genevieve Ritchie-Ewing
Managing misaligned paternity findings in research including sickle cell disease screening in Kenya: ‘Consulting communities’ to inform policy pp. 192-199 Downloads
Vicki Marsh, Francis Kombe, Ray Fitzpatrick, Sassy Molyneux and Michael Parker
Specificity of early movie effects on adolescent sexual behavior and alcohol use pp. 200-207 Downloads
Ross E. O'Hara, Frederick X. Gibbons, Zhigang Li, Meg Gerrard and James D. Sargent
Advancing our understanding of sibling supervision and injury risk for young children pp. 208-213 Downloads
Barbara A. Morrongiello, Stacey L. Schell and Bethany Keleher
Building institutions for health and health systems in contexts of rapid change pp. 216-222 Downloads
Gerald Bloom and Sara Wolcott
Strengthening institutional and organizational capacity for social health protection of the informal sector in lesser-developed countries: A study of policy barriers and opportunities in Cambodia pp. 223-231 Downloads
Peter Leslie Annear, Shakil Ahmed, Chhun Eang Ros and Por Ir
The promises and perils of hospital autonomy pp. 232-240 Downloads
Jonathan D. London
Strengthening district health service management and delivery through internal contracting: Lessons from pilot projects in Cambodia pp. 241-249 Downloads
Keovathanak Khim and Peter Leslie Annear
Institutional design and organizational practice for universal coverage in lesser-developed countries: Challenges facing the Lao PDR pp. 250-257 Downloads
Shakil Ahmed, Peter Leslie Annear, Bouaphat Phonvisay, Chansaly Phommavong, Valeria de Oliveira Cruz, Asmus Hammerich and Bart Jacobs
Financial burden of household out-of pocket health expenditure in Viet Nam: Findings from the National Living Standard Survey 2002–2010 pp. 258-263 Downloads
Hoang Van Minh, Nguyen Thi Kim Phuong, Priyanka Saksena, Chris D. James and Ke Xu
Social health insurance for the poor: Targeting and impact of Indonesia's Askeskin programme pp. 264-271 Downloads
Robert Sparrow, Asep Suryahadi and Wenefrida Widyanti
Willingness to pay for voluntary community-based health insurance: Findings from an exploratory study in the state of Penang, Malaysia pp. 272-276 Downloads
A.A. Shafie and M.A. Hassali
Consumer choice among Mutual Healthcare Purchasers: A feasible option for China? pp. 277-284 Downloads
Weiwei Xu and Wynand P.M.M. van de Ven
Scaling-up the medical workforce in Timor-Leste: Challenges of a great leap forward pp. 285-289 Downloads
Jorge Cabral, Gilles Dussault, James Buchan and Paulo Ferrinho
Medical professionalism among clinical physicians in two tertiary hospitals, China pp. 290-296 Downloads
Jing Chen, Juan Xu, Chunmei Zhang and Xinqiao Fu
Unfree markets: Socially embedded informal health providers in northern Karnataka, India pp. 297-304 Downloads
Asha George and Aditi Iyer
Page updated 2025-03-26