Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2015, volume 127, articles C
- Trends and group differences in the association between educational attainment and U.S. adult mortality: Implications for understanding education's causal influence pp. 8-18

- Mark D. Hayward, Robert A. Hummer and Isaac Sasson
- Trends in education gradients of ‘preventable’ mortality: A test of fundamental cause theory pp. 19-28

- Ryan K. Masters, Bruce G. Link and Jo C. Phelan
- A meta-analysis of education effects on chronic disease: The causal dynamics of the Population Education Transition Curve pp. 29-40

- William C. Smith, Emily Anderson, Daniel Salinas, Renata Horvatek and David P. Baker
- Cohort changes in educational disparities in smoking: France, Germany and the United States pp. 41-50

- Fred Pampel, Stephane Legleye, Céline Goffette, Daniela Piontek, Ludwig Kraus and Myriam Khlat
- Variations in the relation between education and cause-specific mortality in 19 European populations: A test of the “fundamental causes” theory of social inequalities in health pp. 51-62

- Johan P. Mackenbach, Ivana Kulhánová, Matthias Bopp, Patrick Deboosere, Terje A. Eikemo, Rasmus Hoffmann, Margarete C. Kulik, Mall Leinsalu, Pekka Martikainen, Gwenn Menvielle, Enrique Regidor, Bogdan Wojtyniak, Olof Östergren and Olle Lundberg
- When does education matter? The protective effect of education for cohorts graduating in bad times pp. 63-73

- David M. Cutler, Wei Huang and Adriana Lleras-Muney
- Compulsory schooling reforms, education and mortality in twentieth century Europe pp. 74-82

- Christina Gathmann, Hendrik Jürges and Steffen Reinhold
- Does more education lead to better health habits? Evidence from the school reforms in Australia pp. 83-91

- Jinhu Li and Nattavudh Powdthavee
- Education and health knowledge: Evidence from UK compulsory schooling reform pp. 92-100

- David Johnston, Grace Lordan, Michael Shields and Agne Suziedelyte
- New evidence of the effects of education on health in the US: Compulsory schooling laws revisited pp. 101-107

- Jason Fletcher
- The effect of increased primary schooling on adult women's HIV status in Malawi and Uganda: Universal Primary Education as a natural experiment pp. 108-115

- Julia Andrea Behrman
- Can universal pre-kindergarten programs improve population health and longevity? Mechanisms, evidence, and policy implications pp. 116-123

- Peter Muennig
- Are literacy skills associated with young adults' health in Africa? Evidence from Malawi pp. 124-133

- Emily Smith-Greenaway
- Education and mortality among older adults in China pp. 134-142

- Ye Luo, Zhenmei Zhang and Danan Gu
- A blunted diurnal cortisol response in the lower educated does not explain educational differences in coronary heart disease: Findings from the AGES-Reykjavik Study pp. 143-149

- Daniëlle A.I. Groffen, Hans Bosma, Annemarie Koster, Mikaela B. von Bonsdorff, Thor Aspelund, Gudny Eiriksdottir, Brenda W.J.H. Penninx, Gertrudis I.J.M. Kempen, Clemens Kirschbaum, Vilmundur Gudnason and Tamara B. Harris
- Genetic vulnerability to diabetes and obesity: Does education offset the risk? pp. 150-158

- S.Y. Liu, S. Walter, J. Marden, D.H. Rehkopf, L.D. Kubzansky, T. Nguyen and M.M. Glymour
- Can education rescue genetic liability for cognitive decline? pp. 159-170

- Justin Cook and Jason Fletcher
- What can genes tell us about the relationship between education and health? pp. 171-180

- Jason D. Boardman, Benjamin W. Domingue and Jonathan Daw
- Schooling has smaller or insignificant effects on adult health in the US than suggested by cross-sectional associations: New estimates using relatively large samples of identical twins pp. 181-189

- Vikesh Amin, Jere Behrman and Hans-Peter Kohler
- Cross-sectional schooling-health associations misrepresented causal schooling effects on adult health and health-related behaviors: Evidence from the Chinese Adults Twins Survey pp. 190-197

- Jere Behrman, Yanyan Xiong and Junsen Zhang
- Educational attainment and life expectancy: A perspective from the NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research pp. 203-205

- Michael L. Spittel, William T. Riley and Robert M. Kaplan
2015, volume 126, articles C
- What binds biosociality? The collective effervescence of the parent-led conference pp. 1-8

- Rebecca Dimond, Andrew Bartlett and Jamie Lewis
- Latent and manifest empiricism in Q'eqchi' Maya healing: A case study of HIV/AIDS pp. 9-16

- James B. Waldram and Andrew R. Hatala
- Interdisciplinary promises versus practices in medicine: The decoupled experiences of social sciences and humanities scholars pp. 17-25

- Mathieu Albert, Elise Paradis and Ayelet Kuper
- Inequalities in social capital and health between people with and without disabilities pp. 26-35

- Johanna Mithen, Zoe Aitken, Anne Ziersch and Anne M. Kavanagh
- The impact of using computer decision-support software in primary care nurse-led telephone triage: Interactional dilemmas and conversational consequences pp. 36-47

- Jamie Murdoch, Rebecca Barnes, Jillian Pooler, Valerie Lattimer, Emily Fletcher and John L. Campbell
- Practices used for recommending sickness certification by general practitioners: A conversation analytic study of UK primary care consultations pp. 48-58

- Hannah C. Wheat, Rebecca K. Barnes and Richard Byng
- A not so happy day after all: Excess death rates on birthdays in the U.S pp. 59-66

- Pablo Peña
- Addressing the unemployment–mortality conundrum: Non-linearity is the answer pp. 67-72

- Giorgio Bonamore, Fabrizio Carmignani and Emilio Colombo
- Portraying mental illness and drug addiction as treatable health conditions: Effects of a randomized experiment on stigma and discrimination pp. 73-85

- Emma E. McGinty, Howard H. Goldman, Bernice Pescosolido and Colleen L. Barry
- Lived experience of acute gastrointestinal illness in Rigolet, Nunatsiavut: “Just suffer through it” pp. 86-98

- Sherilee L. Harper, Victoria L. Edge, James Ford, M. Kate Thomas and Scott A. McEwen
- Constrained choices? Linking employees' and spouses' work time to health behaviors pp. 99-109

- Wen Fan, Jack Lam, Phyllis Moen, Erin Kelly, Rosalind King and Susan McHale
- “I used to be as fit as a linnet” – Beliefs, attitudes, and environmental supportiveness for physical activity in former mining areas in the North-East of England pp. 110-118

- Esther Rind and Andy Jones
- Scaling up nutrition in fragile and conflict-affected states: The pivotal role of governance pp. 119-127

- Sebastian A.J. Taylor, Carolina Perez-Ferrer, Andrew Griffiths and Eric Brunner
- Public views on principles for health care priority setting: Findings of a European cross-country study using Q methodology pp. 128-137

- Job van Exel, Rachel Baker, Helen Mason, Cam Donaldson and Werner Brouwer
- Do time-invariant confounders explain away the association between job stress and workers' mental health?: Evidence from Japanese occupational panel data pp. 138-144

- Takashi Oshio, Akizumi Tsutsumi and Akiomi Inoue
- Early childhood WIC participation, cognitive development and academic achievement pp. 145-153

- Margot I. Jackson
- Inequities in health care utilization by people aged 50+: Evidence from 12 European countries pp. 154-163

- Marco Terraneo
- Racial resentment and smoking pp. 164-168

- Frank L. Samson
- Structural adjustment and public spending on health: Evidence from IMF programs in low-income countries pp. 169-176

- Alexander E. Kentikelenis, Thomas H. Stubbs and Lawrence P. King
2015, volume 125, articles C
- The front line of social capital creation – A natural experiment in symbolic interaction pp. 8-18

- Roger Patulny, Peter Siminski and Silvia Mendolia
- Choosing your network: Social preferences in an online health community pp. 19-31

- Damon Centola and Arnout van de Rijt
- Siblings, friends, course-mates, club-mates: How adolescent health behavior homophily varies by race, class, gender, and health status pp. 32-39

- Jonathan Daw, Rachel Margolis and Ashton M. Verdery
- Mental health and social networks in early adolescence: A dynamic study of objectively-measured social interaction behaviors pp. 40-50

- Mark C. Pachucki, Emily J. Ozer, Alain Barrat and Ciro Cattuto
- Reprint of: Results from using a new dyadic-dependence model to analyze sociocentric physician networks pp. 51-59

- Sudeshna Paul, Nancy L. Keating, Bruce E. Landon and O’Malley, A. James
- Social networks and health: A systematic review of sociocentric network studies in low- and middle-income countries pp. 60-78

- Jessica M. Perkins, S.V. Subramanian and Nicholas A. Christakis
- Challenges to recruiting population representative samples of female sex workers in China using Respondent Driven Sampling pp. 79-93

- M. Giovanna Merli, James Moody, Jeffrey Smith, Jing Li, Sharon Weir and Xiangsheng Chen
- The health benefits of network growth: New evidence from a national survey of older adults pp. 94-106

- Benjamin Cornwell and Edward O. Laumann
- The mix matters: Complex personal networks relate to higher cognitive functioning in old age pp. 107-115

- Lea Ellwardt, Theo G. Van Tilburg and Marja J. Aartsen
- Social network predictors of latrine ownership pp. 129-138

- Holly B. Shakya, Nicholas A. Christakis and James H. Fowler
- Tragic, but not random: The social contagion of nonfatal gunshot injuries pp. 139-150

- Andrew V. Papachristos, Christopher Wildeman and Elizabeth Roberto
- Reprint of: The myth of conformity: Adolescents and abstention from unhealthy drinking behaviors pp. 151-162

- Carter Rees and Danielle Wallace
- Neighborhoods and adolescent health-risk behavior: An ecological network approach pp. 163-172

- Christopher R. Browning, Brian Soller and Aubrey L. Jackson
- Multiplex congruity: Friendship networks and perceived popularity as correlates of adolescent alcohol use pp. 173-181

- Kayo Fujimoto and Thomas W. Valente
- Reprint of: “This is the medicine:” A Kenyan community responds to a sexual concurrency reduction intervention pp. 182-191

- Amelia Knopf, Kawango Agot, John Sidle, Violet Naanyu and Martina Morris
- A new HIV prevention network approach: Sociometric peer change agent selection pp. 192-202

- John A. Schneider, A. Ning Zhou and Edward O. Laumann
- Leveraging social influence to address overweight and obesity using agent-based models: The role of adolescent social networks pp. 203-213

- J. Zhang, L. Tong, Pj Lamberson, R.A. Durazo-Arvizu, A. Luke and D.A. Shoham
On this page- 2015, volume 127
Articles C
- 2015, volume 126
Articles C
- 2015, volume 125
Articles C
Other years2025, volume 371
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2015, volume 142
2015, volume 141
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2015, volume 139
2015, volume 138
2015, volume 136-137
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1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46
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- 2015, volume 126
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- 2015, volume 125
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Other years2025, volume 371
2025, volume 370
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1998, volume 46
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1996, volume 43
1996, volume 42
1995, volume 41
1995, volume 40
1994, volume 39
1994, volume 38
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1992, volume 34
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1991, volume 32
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1990, volume 30
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1988, volume 26
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1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46