Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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1990, volume 30, articles 12
- Research on AIDS interventions in developing countries: State of the art pp. 1265-1272

- Doris Schopper
- Racial and gender discrimination: Risk factors for high blood pressure? pp. 1273-1281

- Nancy Krieger
- Problems in comparing findings on social class cross-culturally--Applied to infant mortality (Australia and Britain) pp. 1283-1288

- Susan Quine
- Gender differences in the experience of headache pp. 1289-1295

- David D. Celentano, Martha S. Linet and Walter F. Stewart
- Mothers' satisfaction with the cost of children's care: The role of practice settings and actual expenses pp. 1297-1311

- Diana Dutton, Deanna Gomby and Baudouin Meunier
- Change and continuity in patient theories of illness: The case of epilepsy pp. 1313-1318

- K. U. Kirchgässler
- Design, implementation, and evaluation of a community financing scheme for hospital care in developing countries: A pre-paid health plan in the Bwamanda health zone, Zaire pp. 1319-1327

- Freddy Moens
- Self-certification in lay midwives' organizations: A vehicle for professional autonomy pp. 1329-1339

- Irene H. Butter and Bonnie J. Kay
- Modeling the growth of long-stay populations in public mental hospitals pp. 1341-1347

- William H. Fisher and Barbara F. Phillips
- Participation effect from water projects on EPI pp. 1349-1358

- Eugenia Eng, John Briscoe and Anne Cunningham
- Collaborative practice and provider styles of delivering health care pp. 1359-1365

- James D. Campbell, Hans O. Mauksch, Helen J. Neikirk and Michael C. Hosokawa
1990, volume 30, articles 11
- Preface pp. V-VI

- Anselm Strauss
- Qualitative research on chronic illness: The issue and the story pp. 1149-1159

- Uta Gerhardt
- 'Discovering' chronic illness: Using grounded theory pp. 1161-1172

- Kathy Charmaz
- Personal narratives, social careers and medical courses: Analysing life trajectories in autobiographies of people with multiple sclerosis pp. 1173-1186

- Ian Robinson
- Generating a model of epileptic stigma: The role of qualitative analysis pp. 1187-1194

- Graham Scambler and Anthony Hopkins
- Strategic uses of narrative in the presentation of self and illness: A research note pp. 1195-1200

- Catherine Kohler Riessman
- Quality of everyday life in long stay institutions for the elderly. An observational study of long stay hospital and nursing home care pp. 1201-1210

- Patricia Clark and Ann Bowling
- Patient careers in end-stage renal failure pp. 1211-1224

- Uta Gerhardt
- Use of the genealogical method in the exploration of chronic illness: A research note pp. 1225-1227

- David Armstrong
- The status and validity of accounts obtained at interview: A contrast between two studies of families with a disabled child pp. 1229-1239

- Patrick West
- What cancer tells us about general practice. Birth of an hypothesis pp. 1241-1246

- P. Aiach, D. Cebe and D. Broclain
- Temporality and identity loss due to Alzheimer's disease pp. 1247-1256

- Celia J. Orona
- Qualitative research on chronic illness: A commentary on method and conceptual development pp. 1257-1263

- Peter Conrad
1990, volume 30, articles 10
- The relative influence of the community and the health system on work performance: A case study of community health workers in Colombia pp. 1041-1048

- Sheila A. Robinson and Donald E. Larsen
- Sorcery and penicillin: Treating illness on a Papua New Guinea island pp. 1049-1063

- Maria Lepowsky
- Managing ecological upheavals: A third world perspective pp. 1065-1072

- Bharat Desai
- Anticipatory grief: A review pp. 1073-1080

- Helen N. Sweeting and Mary L. M. Gilhooly
- Economic aspects of cervical cancer screening pp. 1081-1087

- Marc A. Koopmanschap, Koos Th. N. Lubbe, Gerrit J. van Oortmarssen, Heleen M. A. van Agt, Marjolein van Ballegooijen and J. Dik F. Habbema
- The risk approach in diarrheal disease intervention in Grenada pp. 1089-1095

- S. Martin Taylor, Michael Hayes, John Frank and Norman White
- Malaria among gold miners in Southern Pará, Brazil: Estimates of determinants and individual costs pp. 1097-1105

- Stephen A. Vosti
- Participation in breast screening programs: A review pp. 1107-1118

- Sally W. Vernon, Elizabeth A. Laville and Gilchrist L. Jackson
- A logit analysis of hospital choice behavior in Chollabukdo province of Korea pp. 1119-1129

- Byung-Ryang Kim
- The rational use of antischistosomal drugs in schistosomiasis control pp. 1131-1138

- Stephen K. Chandiwana and Paul Taylor
- Patient origins and usage of a unani clinic in Aligarh Town, India pp. 1139-1141

- Nilofar Izhar
- Letter to the editor pp. 1143-1143

- Edward R. Friedlander
1990, volume 30, articles 9
- Preface pp. V-V

- Anne L. Wright and Thomas M. Johnson
- The medicalization of anthropology: A critical perspective on the critical-clinical debate pp. 945-950

- Lynn M. Morgan
- On the creation of 'problem' patients pp. 951-959

- Anne L. Wright and Wayne J. Morgan
- Meeting production: The economics of contracting mental illness pp. 961-968

- Dana M. Baldwin
- Contradictions in the social production of clinical knowledge: The case of schizophrenia pp. 969-985

- Athena McLean
- In what systems do alcohol/chemical addictions make sense? Clinical ideologies and practices as cultural metaphors pp. 987-1000

- Howard F. Stein
- Levels of explanation and cautions for a critical clinical anthropology pp. 1001-1009

- Irwin Press
- The possibilities and dilemmas of building bridges between critical medical anthropology and clinical anthropology: A discussion pp. 1011-1013

- Hans A. Baer
- Can they get along without us? Sustainability of donor-supported health projects in Central America and Africa pp. 1015-1023

- Thomas J. Bossert
- Primary health care in a multi-level perspective: Towards a research agenda pp. 1025-1034

- Sjaak van der Geest, Johan D. Speckmann and Pieter H. Streefland
- Farmers' occupational health programme in Finland, 1979-1987 pp. 1035-1040

- V. Notkola, K. Husman, K. Tupi, R. Virolainen and J. Nuutinen
1990, volume 30, articles 8
- Introduction pp. V-VI

- Nora Groce and Jessica Scheer
- Waiting for the family legacy: The experience of being at risk for Machado-Joseph disease pp. 839-847

- Marie I. Boutté
- Damaged goods: Oral narratives of the experience of disability in American culture pp. 849-857

- Marilynn J. Phillips
- Double bind and disability: The case of traumatic head injury pp. 859-865

- Laura Krefting
- Rehabilitation ideology and respiratory support technology pp. 867-877

- Joseph M. Kaufert and David Locker
- Ambiguity and difference: Families with dwarf children pp. 879-887

- Joan Ablon
- The concept of self in the context of crisis: A study of families of the severely brain-injured pp. 889-893

- Cheryl B. Mwaria
- Stigma, biomedical efficacy, and institutional control pp. 895-900

- Carol S. Goldin
- International perspectives on treatment choice in neonatal intensive care units pp. 901-912

- Betty Wolder Levin
- Facing AIDS: Reactions among police officers, nurses and the general public in Sweden pp. 913-918

- Claes Herlitz and Bengt Brorsson
- The indigenization of pharmaceuticals: Therapeutic transitions in rural Hausaland pp. 919-928

- Nina L. Etkin, Paul J. Ross and Ibrahim Muazzamu
- Households, resources, and child health in a self-help settlement in Cairo, Egypt pp. 929-940

- Belgin Tekce
- A comment on the meaning of numerical valuations of health states pp. 943-944

- Erik Nord
1990, volume 30, articles 7
- Medicalization, public policy and the elderly: Social services in jeopardy? pp. 761-771

- Elizabeth A. Binney, Carroll L. Estes and Stanley R. Ingman
- Nutritional status and the incidence and duration of diarrhoeal disease among children in Northeast Thailand pp. 773-776

- Earmporn Thongkrajai, John Stoeckel and Pramote Thongkrajai
- Gender differences in medical student distress: Contributions of prior socialization and current role-related stress pp. 777-787

- Judith A. Richman and Joseph A. Flaherty
- Chemotherapy: Principles in practice--A case study of the Philippines pp. 789-796

- Melba Gomes and Nelia P. Salazar
- Referrals to physiotherapy: The relation between the number of referrals, the indication for referral and the inclination to refer pp. 797-804

- Jan J. Kerssens and Peter P. Groenewegen
- Incongruence between self-reported symptoms and objective evidence of respiratory disease among construction workers pp. 805-810

- Raymond Y. Demers, Lawrence R. Fischetti and Anne Victoria Neale
- Patient sociodemographic characteristics as predictors of satisfaction with medical care: A meta-analysis pp. 811-818

- Judith A. Hall and Michael C. Dornan
- Flat on your back or back to your flat? Sources of increased hospital services utilization among the elderly in British Columbia pp. 819-828

- C. Hertzman, I. R. Pulcins, M. L. Barer, R. G. Evans, G. M. Anderson and J. Lomas
- The French version of the Nottingham health profile. A comparison of items weights with those of the source version pp. 829-835

- D. Bucquet, S. Condon and K. Ritchie
1990, volume 30, articles 6
- Health aspects of resettlement in Ethiopia pp. 643-656

- Helmut Kloos
- Baby Doe regulations and medical judgment pp. 657-664

- Glyn Y. York, Robert M. Gallarno and Reginald O. York
- Social class and health in youth: Findings from the west of Scotland twenty-07 study pp. 665-673

- Patrick West, Sally Macintyre, Ellen Annandale and Kate Hunt
- Cow dung, rock salt, and medical innovation in the Hindu Kush of Pakistan: The cultural transformation of neonatal tetanus and iodine deficiency pp. 675-691

- Dorothy S. Mull, Jon W. Anderson and J.Dennis Mull
- A pilot study of attendance for breast cancer screening pp. 693-699

- Anne Eardley and Andrea Elkind
- Neighbourhoods for health service administration pp. 701-711

- P.T. Kivell, B.J. Turton and B.R.P. Dawson
- Homosexual and bisexual men's coping with the AIDS epidemic: Qualitative interviews with 10 non-HIV-tested homosexual and bisexual men pp. 713-720

- Eva Brendstrup and Kirsten Schmidt
- Health belief and compliance with screening for fecal occult blood pp. 721-726

- Peter E. Hoogewerf, T.Gregory Hislop, Brenda J. Morrison, Sheilagh D. Burns and Ronald Sizto
- Anthropology and health in the arctic and subarctic: Status and prospects: Introduction pp. 727-727

- Stephen L. Zegura
- Perceptions of risk, dilemmas of policy: Nuclear fallout in Swedish Lapland pp. 729-738

- Hugh Beach
- Temporal constructs and inuit mental health pp. 739-749

- Laird Christie and Joel M. Halpern
- Secular trends and the pattern of growth in arctic populations pp. 751-759

- Paul L. Jamison
1990, volume 30, articles 5
- The structure of readjustment after heart attack pp. 523-536

- Zeev Ben-Sira and Ronit Eliezer
- Towards a typology of general practitioners' attitudes to general practice pp. 537-547

- Romola S. Bucks, Angela Williams, Michael J. Whitfield and David A. Routh
- Attitudes to AIDS: A comparative analysis of a new and negative stereotype pp. 549-552

- Frank H. Walkey, Antony J.W. Taylor and Dianne E. Green
- Inequalities in pregnancy outcome: A review of psychosocial and behavioural mediators pp. 553-568

- D.R. Rutter and Lyn Quine
- Problems and coping behaviour of facial cancer patients pp. 569-578

- M.E.T.A. Koster and J. Bergsma
- Physician utilization and urban native people in Saskatoon, Canada pp. 579-589

- James B. Waldram
- Self care--Who does best? pp. 591-596

- Julienne McLean and Patrick Pietroni
- Psychosocial influences on new born outcomes: A controlled prospective study pp. 597-604

- Mark D. Pagel, Gabriel Smilkstein, Hari Regen and Dan Montano
- Determinants of active self-care behaviour of insulin treated patients with diabetes: Implications for diabetes education pp. 605-615

- Inge de Weerdt, Adriaan Ph. Visser, Gerjo Kok and Ed A. van der Veen
- Ghost illness in a North Indian village pp. 617-623

- Ruth S. Freed and Stanley A. Freed
- Breast-feeding in the modern health sector in Indonesia: The mother's perspective pp. 625-633

- Valerie Hull, Shyam Thapa and Hadi Pratomo
- The relationship of social support and health pp. 635-637

- Joan R. Bloom
- Driving experience and the risk of traffic accident among motorcyclists pp. 639-640

- Tze-Wai Wong, James Lee, Wai-on Phoon, Po-Chu Yiu, Kam-Pui Fung and Jack A. McLean
1990, volume 30, articles 4
- Clinical ethics: A role theoretic look pp. 389-399

- George J. Agich
- Some links between successful implementation of primary health care interventions and the overall utilization of health services pp. 401-405

- Oscar Gish
- Women and AIDS pp. 407-415

- Carole A. Campbell
- Doctors and the state: Lessons from the Biko case pp. 417-429

- Derrick Silove
- Behavioural factors affecting physical health of the New Zealand Maori pp. 431-440

- Perminder S. Sachdev
- The biocultural context of social networks and depression among the elderly pp. 441-447

- Lawrence A. Palinkas, Deborah L. Wingard and Elizabeth Barrett-Connor
- The mundane ailment and the physical self: Analysis of the social psychology of health and illness pp. 449-455

- Virginia Olesen, Leonard Schatzman, Nellie Droes, Diane Hatton and Nan Chico
- The confounding of occupation and smoking and its consequences pp. 457-467

- T. Sterling and J. Weinkam
- Gender differences in the effect of unemployment on psychological distress pp. 469-477

- Margaret E. Ensminger and David D. Celentano
- Injury mortality in American Indian, Hispanic, and non-Hispanic white children in new Mexico, 1958-1982 pp. 479-486

- Lenora M. Olson, Thomas M. Becker, Charles L. Wiggins, Charles R. Key and Jonathan M. Samet
- Barriers and motivators to prenatal care among low-income women pp. 487-494

- Betty Lia-Hoagberg, Peter Rode, Catherine J. Skovholt, Charles N. Oberg, Cynthia Berg, Sara Mullett and Thomas Choi
- Low birth-weight and pre-term delivery in South-East Asia. The who international collaborative study of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy pp. 497-502

- Jean Golding and Terry Shenton
- Social support, stress and functional status in patients with osteoarthritis pp. 503-508

- Morris Weinberger, William M. Tierney, Patricia Booher and Sharon L. Hiner
- Long-term patterns of general practice consulting behaviour: A qualitative 9-year analysis of general practice histories of a working-aged rural Finnish population pp. 509-515

- Simo J. Kokko
1990, volume 30, articles 3
- Trends in the geographic inequality of cardiovascular disease mortality in the United States, 1962-1982 pp. 261-266

- Steve Wing, Michele Casper, Wayne Davis, Carl Hayes, Wilson Riggan and H.A. Tyroler
- HIV/AIDS and school boards: A policy approach pp. 267-279

- William F. Foster, Margaret A. Somerville and Margaret Duckett
- Community health workers in Bolivia: Adapting to traditional roles in the Andean community pp. 281-287

- Joseph W. Bastien
- Prenatal screening of pregnant mothers for parenting difficulties: Final results from the Queen Mary Child care unit pp. 289-295

- Tony G. Egan, Sheila M. Monaghan, Roy C. Muir, Ruth J. Gilmore, John E. Clarkson and Terry J. Crooks
- Patient outcomes and regional planning of coronary care services: A location-allocation approach pp. 297-304

- Sara McLafferty and Daniel Broe
- Gender differences in tobacco use in Kenya pp. 305-310

- Mara Kaplan, Laura Carriker and Ingrid Waldron
- Spiritual and natural etiologies on a Polynesian outlier in Papua New Guinea pp. 311-323

- Richard Feinberg
- A model of empathic understanding and adherence to treatment regimens in practitioner-patient relationships pp. 325-339

- Roger W. Squier
- Breast feeding promotion in an urban and a rural Jamaican hospital pp. 341-348

- William E. Cunningham and Winsome Segree
- Preventing alcohol related birth damage: A review pp. 349-364

- E.J. Waterson and Iain M. Murray-Lyon
- The social recognition of repetition strain injuries: An Australian/American comparison pp. 365-372

- Andrew Hopkins
- Male and female physicians: Family and career comparisons pp. 373-378

- Peter Uhlenberg and Teresa M. Cooney
- Determinants of partial participation in the immunization programmes in Iran pp. 379-383

- Kiumarss Nasseri, Mehdi Latifi, Firooz Azordegan, Forough Shafii and Reza All-E-Agha
1990, volume 30, articles 2
- Critical medical anthropology in question pp. V-VIII

- Merrill Singer, Hans A. Baer and Ellen Lazarus
- Reinventing medical anthropology: Toward a critical realignment pp. 179-187

- Merrill Singer
- Three propositions for a critically applied medical anthropology pp. 189-197

- Nancy Scheper-Hughes
- Some implications for the study of the doctor-patient interaction: Power, structure, and agency in the works of Howard Waitzkin and Arthur Kleinman pp. 199-204

- Gregory Pappas
- Somatizing distress: Hospital treatment of psychiatric co-morbidity and the limitations of biomedicine pp. 205-209

- Deborah Padgett and Thomas M. Johnson
- International politics and primary health care in Costa Rica pp. 211-219

- Lynn M. Morgan
- A question of adequacy: Primary health care in the Dominican Republic pp. 221-226

- Linda M. Whiteford
- Transnational tobacco companies and health in underdeveloped countries: Recommendations for avoiding a smoking epidemic pp. 227-235

- Kenyon Rainier Stebbins
- Kerr-McGee and the NRC: From Indian country to silkwood to Gore pp. 237-248

- Hans Baer
- A critical perspective on coronary artery disease and coronary bypass surgery pp. 249-260

- Maryann S. Bates
1990, volume 30, articles 1
- Foreword pp. V-V

- Robert Earickson
- Introduction pp. VII-IX

- Robert Earickson
- Spatial patterns of use of health services in the Kingston Metropolitan Area, Jamaica pp. 1-12

- W. Bailey and D.R. Phillips
- The ecology of health services utilization in Grenada, West Indies pp. 13-24

- Blake D. Poland, S. Martin Taylor and Michael V. Hayes
- Correlates of health-care use: Inuit and cree of Northern Quebec pp. 25-34

- Jean-Pierre Thouez, Peter Foggin and Andre Rannou
- Ontario's underserviced area program revisited: An indirect analysis pp. 35-44

- Malcolm Anderson and Mark W. Rosenberg
- A framework for modeling the consumption of health services by the rural elderly pp. 45-52

- Alun E. Joseph and Denise S. Cloutier
- Socio-spatial perspectives on the utilization of emergency hospital services in two urban territories in Quebec pp. 53-66

- François Béland, Lise Philibert, Jean-Pierre Thouez and Brigitte Maheux
- Variation in Michigan hospital use rates: Do physician and hospital characteristics provide the explanation? pp. 67-82

- Jane Deane Clark
- An analysis of psychiatric patient attributes in Salford using categorical data models pp. 83-94

- R.D. Nutter and R.W. Thomas
- Housing satisfaction, preference and need among the chronically mentally disabled in Hamilton, Ontario pp. 95-102

- Susan J. Elliott, S.Martin Taylor and Robin A. Kearns
- Congenital malformations in the fylde region of Lancashire, England 1957-1973 pp. 103-109

- A.A. Lovett, A.C. Gatrell, J.P. Bound, P.W. Harvey and A.R. Whelan
- The community perinatal health care system of urban Cape Town, South Africa--I. Characteristics of mothers and birth outcomes pp. 111-118

- Michael Russell Rip and John M. Hunter
- The community perinatal health care system of urban Cape Town, South Africa--II. Geographical patterns pp. 119-130

- Michael Russell Rip and John M. Hunter
- Housing dampness and health amongst British Bengalis in East London pp. 131-141

- S.J. Hyndman
- Health based geographical information systems: Their potential examined in the light of existing data sources pp. 143-155

- Liz Twigg
- How significant are the spatial configurations of health care systems? pp. 157-164

- John Eyles
- Conceptions of space and community in British health policy pp. 165-171

- Graham Moon
- Activism for medical geographers: American, British and Canadian viewpoints pp. 173-177

- Michael R. Greenberg, Mark W. Rosenberg, David R. Phillips and Dona Schneider
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1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
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1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46