Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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1994, volume 39, articles 12
- Place, space and health pp. 1589-1590

- Henri E. Picheral
- Firm behavior in the U.S. market for factor VIII: A need for policy? pp. 1591-1603

- Eric Nauenberg and Sean D. Sullivan
- Social status and the health of families: A model pp. 1605-1613

- William W. Dressler
- Sense of coherence, coping and caregiver role overload pp. 1615-1622

- Timothy J. Gallagher, Morton O. Wagenfeld, Franz Baro and Kristien Haepers
- QALYs, HYEs and individual preferences-- A graphical illustration pp. 1623-1632

- Magnus Johannesson
- Household headship and child nutrition: A case study in Western Kenya pp. 1633-1639

- Adelheid Onyango, Katherine Tucker and Thomas Eisemon
- Self-medication among Hong Kong Chinese pp. 1641-1647

- Cindy L. K. Lam, Martine G. Catarivas, Clarke Munro and Ian J. Lauder
- Sexual behaviour in Kenya: Implications for sexually transmitted disease transmission and control pp. 1649-1656

- Stephen Moses, Esther Muia, Janet E. Bradley, Nico J. D. Nagelkerke, Elizabeth N. Ngugi, Erastus K. Njeru, Gloria Eldridge, Joyce Olenja, Kay Wotton, Francis A. Plummer and Robert C. Brunham
- Changes in active life expectancy in Taiwan: Compression or expansion? pp. 1657-1665

- Edward Jow-Ching Tu and Kuanjeng Chen
- Psychotropic drugs: Long-term use, dependency and the gender factor pp. 1667-1673

- Elizabeth Ettorre, Timo Klaukka and Elianne Riska
- Stress disorders of families of the disappeared: A controlled study in Honduras pp. 1675-1679

- Gregory J. Quirk and Leonel Casco
1994, volume 39, articles 11
- The role of the European union in promoting healthy ageing pp. 1497-1499

- Anne Jamieson
- The institutionalization of the good death pp. 1501-1508

- Beverley McNamara, Charles Waddell and Margaret Colvin
- Agenda for an anthropology of pharmaceutical practice pp. 1509-1525

- Mark Nichter and Nancy Vuckovic
- The relationship of alcohol use to sexual activity in a U.S. national sample pp. 1527-1535

- Barbara C. Leigh, Mark T. Temple and Karen F. Trocki
- Test-retest reliability of health state valuations collected with the EuroQol questionnaire pp. 1537-1544

- Heleen M. E. van Agt, Marie-Louise Essink-Bot, Paul F. M. Krabbe and Gouke J. Bonsel
- Perceptions of menopause in northeast Thailand: Contested meaning and practice pp. 1545-1554

- Siriporn Chirawatkul and Lenore Manderson
- Psychological well-being of gay men with AIDS: Contribution of positve and negative illness-related network interactions to depressive mood pp. 1555-1563

- Karolynn Siegel, Victoria H. Raveis and Daniel Karus
- HIV prevention education for lesbians and bisexual women: A cultural analysis of a community intervention pp. 1565-1578

- Patricia E. Stevens
- A Dutch view of medical anthropology: Criticisms and suggestions pp. 1579-1584

- Thomas W. Maretzki
- Behavioural change amongst drug injectors in Scottish prisons pp. 1585-1586

- D. Shewan, M. Gemmell and J. B. Davies
1994, volume 39, articles 10
- Forming and reforming the market for third-party purchasing of health care pp. 1405-1412

- Wynand P.M.M. van de Ven, Frederik T. Schut and Frans F.H. Rutten
- On the ideal market structure for third-party purchasing of health care pp. 1413-1424

- Alain C. Enthoven
- Forming the system of health insurance in the Russian Federation pp. 1425-1432

- Igor Sheiman
- Can competition enhance efficiency in health care? Lessons from the reform of the U.K. National Health Service pp. 1433-1445

- Alan Maynard
- Reforming the Israeli health care market pp. 1447-1457

- David P. Chinitz
- Should catastrophic risks be included in a regulated competitive health insurance market? pp. 1459-1472

- Wynand P.M.M. van de Ven and Frederik T. Schut
- Forming and reforming the market for third-party purchasing of health care: A German perspective pp. 1473-1481

- J.-Matthias Graf von der Schulenburg
- The role of the sickness funds in the Belgian health care market pp. 1483-1495

- Walter Nonneman and Eddy Van Doorslaer
1994, volume 39, articles 9
- Beyond the orthodox: Heresy in medicine and social science pp. 1125-1131

- Grant Gillett
- The dynamics of heresy in a profession pp. 1133-1148

- Paul Root Wolpe
- The cultural and philosophical foundations of normative medical ethics pp. 1149-1154

- T. Patrick Hill
- The forms and limits of medical ethics pp. 1155-1164

- Barry Hoffmaster
- Violence against women: A neglected public health issue in less developed countries pp. 1165-1179

- Lori L. Heise, Alanagh Raikes, Charlotte H. Watts and Anthony B. Zwi
- Domestic violence--An emerging health issue pp. 1181-1188

- Ana Lia Kornblit
- Efficiency and equity implications of the health care reforms pp. 1189-1201

- Roy A. Carr-Hill
- Equity and efficiency in health reform. A European view pp. 1203-1210

- Denny VÅgerö
- The sociology of entrenchment: A cystic fibrosis test for everyone? pp. 1211-1220

- Lene Koch and Dirk Stemerding
- Mapping the human genome--Friend or foe? pp. 1221-1227

- Sheila A. M. McLean
- Ethnological studies of medical sciences pp. 1229-1235

- Carol MacCormack
- Gender inequalities of health in the third world pp. 1237-1247

- Christiana E. E. Okojie
- Gender inequalities in health in the third world: Uncharted ground pp. 1249-1259

- Carol Vlassoff
- Health and human rights: The challenge for developing countries pp. 1261-1274

- Bruno Dujardin
- Drugs, sex and social science: Social science research and health policy in Australia pp. 1275-1286

- Lenore Manderson
- The impact of social science research on health policy pp. 1287-1293

- Eva Orosz
- Policy implications of differential health status in East and West Europe. The case of Hungary pp. 1295-1302

- Peter Makara
- From population control to reproductive health: An emerging policy agenda pp. 1303-1314

- Sandra D. Lane
- The role of the state in health systems pp. 1315-1321

- Susana Belmartino
- The social impact of aging populations: Some major issues pp. 1323-1338

- Helena E. Restrepo and Manuel Rozental
- Stigmatization, scapegoating and discrimination in sexually transmitted diseases: Overcoming 'them' and 'us' pp. 1339-1358

- Norbert Gilmore and Margaret A. Somerville
- Stigmatization and AIDS: Critical issues in public health pp. 1359-1366

- Carol S. Goldin
- Social science education as a component of medical training pp. 1367-1373

- S. M. MacLeod and H. N. McCullough
- Health delivery standards: Vested interests in health planning pp. 1375-1384

- F. M. Mburu
- Planning in the health sector: For whom, by whom? pp. 1385-1393

- S. Akbar Zaidi
- What is needed to claim adequacy in health services? pp. 1395-1403

- Hans S. Falck
1994, volume 39, articles 8
- Experimental treatment, values and rationing pp. 1011-1014

- Reidar K. Lie
- Contradictions in women's health care provision: A case study of attendance for breast cancer screening pp. 1015-1025

- Nancy A. Ross, Mark W. Rosenberg, Diane C. Pross and Brenda Bass
- Primary health care in Zimbabwe: Can it survive?: An exploration of the political and historical developments affecting the implementation of PHC pp. 1027-1035

- Godfrey B. Woelk
- Patterns of class inequality in health through the lifespan: Class gradients at 15, 35 and 55 years in the west of Scotland pp. 1037-1050

- Graeme Ford, Russell Ecob, Kate Hunt, Sally Macintyre and Patrick West
- Will AIDS be contained within U.S. minority urban populations? pp. 1051-1062

- Rodrick Wallace, Mindy Fullilove, Robert Fullilove, Peter Gould and Deborah Wallace
- Perceptions and treatment of intestinal worms in rural Bangladesh: Local differences in knowledge and behaviour pp. 1063-1068

- E.K. Rousham
- A comparative study of patient satisfaction with health care in Japan and the United States pp. 1069-1076

- John H. Kurata, Yoshiyuki Watanabe, Christine McBride, Keiichi Kawai and Ronald Andersen
- Traditional uvulectomy in Niger: A public health problem? pp. 1077-1082

- Alain Prual, Youssouf Gamatie, Mariama Djakounda and Dominique Huguet
- Health or healthy: Why people are not sick in a Southern Ontarian town pp. 1083-1091

- Andrea Litva and John Eyles
- Psychosocial effects of PCB contamination and remediation: The case of Smithville, Ontario pp. 1093-1104

- James R. Dunn, S.Martin Taylor, Susan J. Elliott and Stephen D. Walter
- User charges for rural health services in Papua New Guinea pp. 1105-1115

- Jane Thomason, Navy Mulou and Caroline Bass
- Letter to the editor pp. 1121-1121

- Sabu M. George
1994, volume 39, articles 7
- Whither community health workers in the age of structural adjustment? pp. 883-885

- F.M. Mburu
- Epidemiology and the web of causation: Has anyone seen the spider? pp. 887-903

- Nancy Krieger
- The social impact of HIV/AIDS in developing countries pp. 905-917

- Renee Danziger
- AIDS and women in Brazil: The emerging problem pp. 919-929

- Donna M. Goldstein
- Aids and the health crisis of the U.S. urban poor; the perspective of critical medical anthropology pp. 931-948

- Merrill Singer
- Subject, project or self? Thoughts on ethical dilemmas for social and medical researchers pp. 949-954

- Jane A. Batchelor and Catherine M. Briggs
- Multi-dimensional interaction analysis: A collaborative approach to the study of medical discourse pp. 955-965

- Rita Charon, Michele G. Greene and Ronald D. Adelman
- The end of the second most expensive health care system in the world: Some geographical implications pp. 967-981

- Mark W. Rosenberg and Amanda James
- Self-rated health revisited: Exploring survey interview episodes with elderly respondents pp. 983-990

- Marja Jylhä
- An essay:: AIDS and the social body pp. 991-1003

- Nancy Scheper-Hughes
- Letter to the editor pp. 1009-1009

- Ernest H. Fieldman
1994, volume 39, articles 6
- The social responsibility of social scientists pp. 755-756

- R.K. Mutatkar
- Poisoned landscapes: The epidemiology of environmental lead exposure in Massachusetts children 1990-1991 pp. 757-766

- Adrian J. Bailey, James D. Sargent, David C. Goodman, Jean Freeman and Mary Jean Brown
- Community satisfaction with primary health care services: An evaluation undertaken in the Morogoro region of Tanzania pp. 767-780

- Lucy Gilson, Martin Alilio and Kris Heggenhougen
- Interpersonal conflict and physical violence during the childbearing year pp. 781-787

- Andrea Carlson Gielen, Patricia J. O'Campo, Ruth R. Faden, Nancy E. Kass and Xiaonan Xue
- Consequences of mental distress recognition in general practice in Italy: A follow-up study pp. 789-796

- Benedetto Saraceno, Franca Laviola, Elena Sternai, Emanuela Terzian and Gianni Tognoni
- Reported and actual prescription of oral rehydration therapy for childhood diarrhoeas by retail pharmacists in Nigeria pp. 797-806

- U.A. Igun
- Endemic fluorosis: An analysis of needs and possibilities based on case studies in Kenya pp. 807-813

- D.L. Mwaniki, J.M. Courtney and J.D. Gaylor
- Urban-rural and regional differences in infant mortality in Taiwan pp. 815-822

- Harald H. Knöbel, Wen-Shan Yang and Mei-Shang Ho
- Indirect estimates of 'hidden' populations: Capture-recapture methods to estimate the numbers of heroin users in the Australian capital territory pp. 823-831

- Ann Larson, Adele Stevens and Grant Wardlaw
- A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down? Perspectives on the use of sugar in children's medicines pp. 833-840

- M.C.G. Manley, M. Calnan and A. Sheiham
- A survey of physician beliefs and self-reported practices concerning screening for early detection of cancer pp. 841-849

- Carla M. Clasen, Sally W. Vernon, Patricia D. Mullen and Gilchrist L. Jackson
- The relationship between infants' preceding appetite, illness, and growth performance and mothers' subsequent feeding practice decisions pp. 851-860

- Ellen G. Piwoz, Robert E. Black, Guillermo Lopez de Romaña, Hilary Creed de Kanashiro and Kenneth H. Brown
- The health card insurance scheme in Burundi: A social asset or a non-viable venture? pp. 861-870

- Dyna C. Arhin
- Beyond the anglophone world: Regular and alternative medicine: The state of affairs in the Netherlands pp. 871-873

- Louwrens J. Menges
- Letter to the editor pp. 881-881

- Ernest H. Friedman
1994, volume 39, articles 5
- Interrogating the Human Diversity Genome Project pp. 603-606

- Margaret Lock
- The Italian fight against world hunger. A critical analysis of Italian aid for development in the 1980s pp. 607-620

- Paola Bollini and Michael R. Reich
- Agency relationships in psychotherapy: An economic analysis pp. 621-628

- Peter Zweifel
- Control, culture and chronic pain pp. 629-645

- Maryann S. Bates and Lesley Rankin-Hill
- Euthanasia: Why people want to die earlier pp. 647-654

- Clive Seale and Julia Addington-Hall
- Patient views on quality care in general practice: Literature review pp. 655-670

- J.Rees Lewis
- Ethnography, epidemiology and infertility in Egypt pp. 671-686

- Marcia C. Inhorn and Kimberly A. Buss
- Equity and the utilization of health services: Report of an eight-province survey in China pp. 687-699

- Gail Henderson, John Akin, Li Zhiming, Jin Shuigao, Ma Haijiang and Ge Keyou
- Profession and life: Separate worlds pp. 701-713

- Eline Thornquist
- Explaining health and illness: Lay perceptions on current and future health, the causes of illness, and the nature of recovery pp. 715-725

- Adrian Furnham
- Christ as a pharmacist: Medical symbols in German devotion pp. 727-732

- Sjaak van der Geest
- Self-care and mastery among primary health care patients pp. 733-741

- Raija-Leena Punamäki and Hanna Aschan
1994, volume 39, articles 4
- Primary health care and the hospital: Incompatible organisational concepts? pp. 455-458

- Laurence Malcolm
- Interpreting infertility: Medical anthropological perspectives: Introduction pp. 459-461

- Marcia C. Inhorn
- Plundered kitchens and empty wombs: Fear of infertility in the Cameroonian Grassfields pp. 463-474

- Pamela Feldman-Savelsberg
- The social construction of infertility: The case of the matrilineal Nayars in South India pp. 475-485

- Deborah L. Neff
- Kabsa (a.k.a. mushahara) and threatened fertility in Egypt pp. 487-505

- Marcia C. Inhorn
- 'Born to be a mother': The cultural construction of risk in infertility treatment in the U.S pp. 507-518

- Gay Becker and Robert D. Nachtigall
- Explanatory models for cancer among African-American women at two Atlanta neighborhood health centers: The implications for a cancer screening program pp. 519-526

- Jessica Gregg and Robert H. Curry
- Immunization programs and their costs pp. 527-536

- Logan Brenzel and Pierre Claquin
- Socio-cultural dimensions of leprosy in North-Western Botswana pp. 537-541

- J. A. Kumaresan and E. T. Maganu
- The psychosocial impact of implementing a mammography screening campaign in an Australian community pp. 543-551

- Deborah Turnbull, Les Irwig, Judy M. Simpson and Neil Donnelly
- The importance of childhood socio-economic group for adult health pp. 553-562

- Maria Nyström Peck
- Social-psychological factors affecting help-seeking for emotional problems pp. 563-572

- D. J. Rickwood and V. A. Braithwaite
- Prediction of handicap and emotional distress in patients with recurrent vertigo: Symptoms, coping strategies, control beliefs and reciprocal causation pp. 573-581

- Lucy Yardley
- Negative affectivity and intellectual ability: A study of their relation to self-reported physical symptoms, perceived daily stress and mood, and disciplinary problems in military recruits pp. 583-590

- Olav Vassend, Reidulf Watten, Trond Myhrer and Jon Lars Syvertsen
- What is a chronic disease? The effects of a re-definition in HIV and AIDS pp. 591-597

- Aileen Clarke
1994, volume 39, articles 3
- Pharmaceutical health promotion: A new concept in therapeutics pp. 305-306

- Andrea Mant
- Integrating traditional medicine into modern health care systems: Examining the role of Chinese medicine in Taiwan pp. 307-321

- Chunhuei Chi
- A socioeconomic, clinical and serological study in an African City of prostitutes and women still married to their first husband pp. 323-333

- M. E. Duncan, G. Tibaux, A. Pelzer, L. Mehari, J. Peutherer, H. Young, Y. Jamil, S. Darougar, P. Piot and E. Roggen
- Community and participation for general practice: Perceptions of general practitioners and community nurses pp. 335-344

- Ian Brown
- The influence of reproductive status on rural Kenyan women's time use pp. 345-354

- Michael Baksh, Charlotte G. Neumann, Michael Paolisso, Richard M. Trostle and A. A. J. Jansen
- Women's health and the privatization of fertility control in Brazil pp. 355-360

- Karen Giffin
- Social patterning of medical mortality in youth and early adulthood pp. 361-366

- D. Blane, M. Bartley, G. Davey Smith, H. Filakti, A. Bethune and S. Harding
- Accounting for medical variation: The case of prescribing activity in a New Zealand general practice sample pp. 367-374

- Peter B. Davis, Roy Lay Yee and John Millar
- Symptoms, health and illness behaviour in cystic fibrosis pp. 375-379

- C. Brown, S. Rowley and P. Helms
- Determinants of compliance with iron supplementation: Supplies, side effects, or psychology? pp. 381-390

- Rae Galloway and Judith McGuire
- Living a responsible life: The impact of AIDS on the social indentity of intravenous drug users pp. 391-400

- Jeanette Hassin
- A comparison of chamba (marijuana) abusers and general psychiatric admissions in Malawi pp. 401-406

- Stuart Carr, Alastair Ager, Clifford Nyando, Kamwadi Moyo, Annette Titeca and Maureen Wilkinson
- Disadvantage in physically disabled adults: An assessment of the causation and selection hypotheses pp. 407-413

- K. H. Shaar, M. McCarthy and G. Meshefedjian
- The use of depth interviewing with vulnerable subjects: Lessons from a research study of parents with learning difficulties pp. 415-424

- Tim Booth and Wendy Booth
- An analysis of home-cased oral rehydration therapy in the Kingdom of Lesotho pp. 425-432

- Paul Touchette, Edward Douglass, Judith Graeff, Ivy Monoang, Mannuku Mathe and Lisa Ware Deke
- The questionable wisdom of a low-fat diet and cholesterol reduction pp. 433-447

- Dale M. Atrens
- Letter to the editor pp. 453-454

- Beth Troutman and Jerome Bubrick
1994, volume 39, articles 2
- Editorial: What else do we want from our health services? pp. 151-154

- Gavin Mooney
- Effects of illness attribution and depression on the quality of life among persons with serious mental illness pp. 155-164

- David Mechanic, Donna McAlpine, Sarah Rosenfield and Diane Davis
- The evangelical uses of leprosy pp. 165-178

- Rita Smith Kipp
- Violence in American cities: Young black males in the answer, but what was the question? pp. 179-187

- Michael Greenberg and Dona Schneider
- Britain's regional mortality: A legacy from disaster in the celtic periphery? pp. 189-199

- Rory Williams
- Donated blood--Gift or commodity?: Some economic and ethical considerations on voluntary vs commercial donation of blood pp. 201-206

- Hartwig von Schubert
- When topical hydrocortisone became an OTC drug in Sweden--A study of the users and their information sources pp. 207-212

- Jan-Olof Brånstad, Ismail Kamil, John Lilja and Magnus Sjöblom
- Multidimensional health locus of control beliefs and psychological health for a sample of mothers pp. 213-220

- Shyamala Nada Raja, Sheila Williams and Rob McGee
- The impact of working with people with HIV/AIDS: A review of the literature pp. 221-232

- Rosaline S. Barbour
- Urbanization and mental health in developing countries: A research role for social scientists, public health professionals and social psychiatrists pp. 233-245

- Trudy Harpham
- A model for community involvement in health (CIH) program development pp. 247-254

- Eugenie Hildebrandt
- Attributional analysis of interprofessional role conflict pp. 255-263

- Kathleen A. Curtis
- Elderly support in rural and suburban villages: Implications for future support system in China pp. 265-277

- Leiyu Shi
- Relationship between preferences for decisional control and illness information among women with breast cancer: A quantitative and qualitative analysis pp. 279-289

- Thomas F. Hack, Lesley F. Degner and Dennis G. Dyck
- The choice of dental care sector by young adults before and after subsidisation reform in Finland pp. 291-297

- Sirkka-Sisko Arinen and Harri Sintonen
1994, volume 39, articles 1
- Medical praxis: An interface between ethics, politics, and technology pp. 1-5

- Fernando Lolas
- Cost utility analysis: What should be measured? pp. 7-21

- Jeff Richardson
- General practitioner distribution and population dynamics: Munich, 1950-1990 pp. 23-38

- Gary W. Shannon and Malcolm P. Cutchin
- Innovation in high risk drug therapy pp. 39-52

- Marilyn Y. Peay and Edmund R. Peay
- Community social change and mortality pp. 53-62

- Judith N. Lasker, Brenda P. Egolf and Stewart Wolf
- Seasonal variation in the perceived risk of malaria: Implications for the promotion of insecticide-impregnated bed nets pp. 63-75

- P. J. Winch, A. M. Makemba, S. R. Kamazima, G. K. Lwihula, P. Lubega, J. N. Minjas and C. J. Shiff
- Self-rated health: Biological continuum or social discontinuity? pp. 77-83

- Anthony M. A. Smith, Julia M. Shelley and Lorraine Dennerstein
- The social organization of transvestite prostitution and AIDS pp. 85-93

- Jacqueline Boles and Kirk W. Elifson
- The effect of distance to VA facilities on the choice and level of utilization of VA outpatient services pp. 95-104

- James F. Burgess and Donna Avery DeFiore
- Social and environmental factors and life expectancy, infant mortality, and maternal mortality rates: Results of a cross-national comparison pp. 105-114

- Erica Hertz, James R. Hebert and Joan Landon
- Consistency and variation in unhealthy behaviour among Finnish men, 1982-1990 pp. 115-122

- R. Prättälä, A. Karisto and M-A. Berg
- Qualities of an ideal volunteer community malaria worker: A comparison of the opinions of community residents and national malaria service staff pp. 123-131

- Trenton K. Ruebush, Susan C. Weller and Robert E. Klein
- Patients, chaperons and healers: Enlarging the therapeutic encounter pp. 133-143

- Samuel C. Heilman and Eliezer Witztum
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2014, volume 106
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2014, volume 104
2014, volume 103
2014, volume 102
2014, volume 101
2014, volume 100
2013, volume 99
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2013, volume 97
2013, volume 96
2013, volume 95
2013, volume 94
2013, volume 93
2013, volume 92
2013, volume 91
2013, volume 90
2013, volume 89
2013, volume 88
2013, volume 87
2013, volume 86
2013, volume 85
2013, volume 84
2013, volume 83
2013, volume 82
2013, volume 81
2013, volume 80
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2013, volume 78
2013, volume 77
2013, volume 76
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2007, volume 64
2006, volume 63
2006, volume 62
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2002, volume 54
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1995, volume 40
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1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46
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1988, volume 26
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1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
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1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46