Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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1982, volume 16, articles 24
- Professionals' criteria for accepting people as patients pp. 2083-2089

- Janet Askham
- Parenthood and social networks: A preliminary view pp. 2091-2100

- Muriel Hammer, Linda Gutwirth and Susan L. Phillips
- Curable cancers and fatal ulcers: Attitudes toward cancer in Japan pp. 2101-2108

- Susan O. Long and Bruce D. Long
- Treatment benefit functions for a drug abuse rehabilitation treatment system pp. 2109-2116

- Amiram M. Sheffet, Prasadarao V. Kakumanu, Marvin A. Lavenhar and Martin Feuerman
- Strategies for coping with food consumption shortage in the Mandara Mountains region of North Cameroon pp. 2117-2127

- David J. Campbell and David D. Trechter
- Social-psychological adjustment to multiple sclerosis: A longitudinal study pp. 2129-2135

- Nancy A. Brooks and Ronald R. Matson
- Changes in the smoking behaviour, knowledge and opinion of medical students, 1972-1981 pp. 2137-2143

- Andrea Knopf Elkind
- The efficiency of inefficiency: Medicine distribution in South Cameroon pp. 2145-2153

- Sjaak van der Geest
1982, volume 16, articles 23
- Institutionalized and the non-institutionalized elderly pp. 2001-2008

- Naoki Ikegami
- An investigation of prescribed and nonprescribed medicine use behavior within the household context pp. 2009-2015

- Joseph D. Jackson, Mickey C. Smith, Thomas R. Sharpe, Robert A. Freeman and Ronald Hy
- Rational prescribing and sources of information pp. 2017-2023

- Flora Haayer
- Attitudes towards the rights of mental patients: A national survey in the United States pp. 2025-2039

- Phil Brown
- Health, disease and health-care in rural Bangladesh pp. 2041-2054

- Ali Ashraf, Shafiq Chowdhury and Pieter Streefland
- Penicillin, battery acid and sacrifice: Cures and causes in Nyole medicine pp. 2055-2064

- Susan Reynolds Whyte
- The utilization of health services: Sequence of visits to general practitioners pp. 2065-2072

- Francois Beland
- Emergence et devenir du systeme de prise en charge de la tuberculose en France entre 1900 et 1940 pp. 2073-2082

- France Lert
1982, volume 16, articles 22
- Unemployment and health in macro-social analysis pp. 1903-1917

- Ingeborg P. Spruit
- Economic cycles and health: Towards a sociological understanding of the impact of the recession on health and illness pp. 1919-1927

- Malcolm Colledge
- Violent deaths in the United States, 1900-1975: Relationships between suicide, homicide and accidental deaths pp. 1929-1938

- Paul C. Holinger and Elaine H. Klemen
- Errors of intuitive logic among physicians pp. 1939-1943

- Jonathan Borak and Suzanne Veilleux
- Comments pp. 1944-1945

- Philip H. N. Wood
- Comments pp. 1945-1946

- Arthur S. Elstein
- Intercultural misunderstandings about health care: Recall of descriptions of illness and treatment pp. 1949-1954

- Margaret S. Steffensen and Larry Colker
- The cost of tranquilizers pp. 1955-1958

- Paul Williams
- Disease epidemiology and earthquake disaster: The example of Southern Italy after the 23 November 1980 earthquake pp. 1959-1969

- David Alexander
- Policy and practice: The case of medical facilities in Nigeria pp. 1971-1977

- S. I. Okafor
- Interval sterilizations: A substitute for postpartum procedures, an example from Southeast Brazil pp. 1979-1983

- Barbara Janowitz, Deborah L. Covington, Michael Brown and Milton Nakamura
- The blocked bed: Definition of a problem pp. 1985-1991

- David Hall and Bill Bytheway
1982, volume 16, articles 21
- Utilization of indigenous healers in national health delivery systems pp. 1815-1816

- Una Maclean and Robert H. Bannerman
- Ethnomedicine and biomedicine linking pp. 1817-1824

- A. K. Neumann and P. Lauro
- Policy and evaluation perspectives on traditional health practitioners in national health care systems pp. 1825-1834

- Barbara L. K. Pillsbury
- Policies towards indigenous healers in independent India pp. 1835-1841

- Roger Jefferey
- New legal rules for an old art of healing: The case of Zairian Healers' Associations pp. 1843-1849

- Gilles Bibeau
- Biomedical and ethnomedical practice in rural Zaire: Contrasts and complements pp. 1851-1857

- P. Stanley Yoder
- Rural health development in Ethiopia,: Problems of utilization of traditional healers pp. 1859-1872

- Leendert Jan Slikkerveer
- Ghanaian national policy toward indigenous healers: The case of the Primary Health Training for Indigenous Healers (PRHETIH) program pp. 1873-1881

- D. M. Warren, G. Steven Bova, Mary Ann Tregoning and Mark Kliewer
- Traditional birth attendants among the Annang of Nigeria: Current practices and proposed programs pp. 1883-1892

- Pamela J. Brink
- Cupping as an indigenous treatment of pain syndromes in the finnish cultural and social context pp. 1893-1901

- Tuula Vaskilampi and Osmo Hänninen
1982, volume 16, articles 20
- Indicators of social class: A comparative appraisal of measures for use in epidemiological studies pp. 1739-1746

- J. H. Abramson, R. Gofin, J. Habib, H. Pridan and J. Gofin
- Factors related to the prescribing of selected psychotropic drugs by primary care physicians pp. 1747-1756

- Ronald S. Hadsall, Robert A. Freeman and G. Joseph Norwood
- The impact of kin, friend and neighbor networks on infant feeding practices: Cuban, Puerto Rican and Anglo families in Florida pp. 1757-1765

- Carol Anne Bryant
- Barriers to the health maintenance organization for the over 65's pp. 1767-1774

- Sandra L. Titus
- Catastrophic health insurance and HMO's pp. 1775-1779

- Ron N. Forthofer, David R. Lairson and Jay H. Glasser
- Patient characteristics negatively stereotyped by doctors pp. 1781-1789

- J. M. Najman, D. Klein and C. Munro
- The structure and functioning of ethical review committees pp. 1791-1800

- Frank Gutteridge, Zbigniew Bankowski, William Curran and John Dunne
- Tales of the expected: A case-study in health service management pp. 1801-1806

- Nick Black
1982, volume 16, articles 19
- Assessment of reproductive knowledge in an inner-city clinic pp. 1657-1662

- Shirley M. Johnson and Loudell F. Snow
- Health and inequality: Some applications of uncertainty theory pp. 1663-1666

- Jacques Silber
- Neighborhood characteristics and hospital closures: A comparison of the public, private and voluntary hospital systems pp. 1667-1674

- Sara McLafferty
- Patterns of contraceptive use in Kingston and St Andrew, Jamaica, 1970-1977 pp. 1675-1683

- Wilma Bailey and Dorian Powell
- Social activation of the elderly: A social experiment pp. 1685-1690

- Bengt B. Arnetz, Mary Eyre and Töres Theorell
- Experiences of strain and pleasure among British adults pp. 1691-1697

- Peter Warr and Roy Payne
- How perceptions of a simulated physician-patient interaction influence intended satisfaction and compliance pp. 1699-1704

- Pamela Willson and J. Regis McNamara
- Breast-feeding and cognitive development in the first seven years of life pp. 1705-1708

- D. M. Fergusson, A. L. Beautrais and P. A. Silva
- The basis of privacy and autonomy in medical practice: A model pp. 1709-1718

- Walter J. Friedlander
- The treatment of Jehovah's Witness patients pp. 1719-1723

- Morris Weinberger, William M. Tierney, James Y. Greene and P. Albert Studdard
1982, volume 16, articles 18
- Health and social characteristics of long-term psychotropic drug takers pp. 1595-1598

- Joanna Murray, Paul Williams and Anthony Clare
- Midwife training programs in highland Guatemala pp. 1599-1609

- Linda Greenberg
- Integrating western orthodox and indigenous medicine: Professional interests and attitudes among university-trained Nigerian physicians pp. 1611-1617

- Tola Olu Pearce
- Resource consumption and future organisation of medical work in the national health service pp. 1619-1626

- Warren Kinston
- Technique bias in measuring acts of altruism: The case of voluntary blood donation pp. 1627-1633

- Ernie S. Lightman
- Knowledge and attitude of mental diseases in a rural community of South India pp. 1635-1639

- D. K. Srinivasa and S. Trivedi
- Life stress and violence among ex-mental patients pp. 1641-1647

- Henry J. Steadman and Stephen A. Ribner
- Typology of health care consumers in Nigeria pp. 1649-1652

- Durrenda Nash Ojanuga and Myron J. Lefcowitz
1982, volume 16, articles 17
- Patient symptoms and physician prescribing patterns in the elderly pp. 1531-1538

- Bernard S. Linn and Margaret W. Linn
- Ageing in the South Pacific: Physical changes with urbanization pp. 1539-1549

- Sitaleki A. Finau, Ian A. M. Prior and J. Grimley Evans
- End stage renal disease (ESRD) and the marital dyad: A literature review and critique pp. 1551-1558

- Gregory D. Chowanec and Y. M. Binik
- Food as medicine and medicine as food: An adaptive framework for the interpretation of plant utilization among the Hausa of northern Nigeria pp. 1559-1573

- Nina L. Etkin and Paul J. Ross
- Prevalence of treated and untreated psychiatric disorders in three ethnic groups pp. 1575-1582

- Sally W. Vernon and Robert E. Roberts
- Issues in studying ancillary services pp. 1583-1590

- Leslie L. Roos
- Measurement and analysis of knowledge and attitudes toward epilepsy and persons with epilepsy pp. 1591-1593

- Richard F. Antonak and Patricia R. Rankin
1982, volume 16, articles 16
- Introduction: The ethnography of health care decisions pp. 1451-1452

- Linda Young Garro
- Variation in the choice of treatment in two Mexican communities pp. 1453-1465

- James C. Young and Linda Young Garro
- Help-seeking behavior among foreign-born and native-born Mexican Americans pp. 1467-1472

- Susan Emley Keefe
- Recognizing active labor: A test of a decision-making guide for pregnant women pp. 1473-1482

- Susan C. M. Scrimshaw and Ruth Souza
- The implications of role expectations for birth assistance among Bariba women pp. 1483-1489

- Carolyn Sargent
- The logic of well being: Therapeutic narratives in Cairo, Egypt pp. 1491-1497

- Evelyn A. Early
- Childbirth in Tunisia: Implications of a decision-making model pp. 1499-1506

- Liesa Stamm Auerbach
- Northern Thai health care alternatives: Patient control and the structure of medical pluralism pp. 1507-1517

- Daniel H. Weisberg
- The role of cultural explanations in 'somatization' and 'psychologization' pp. 1519-1530

- Geoffrey M. White
1982, volume 16, articles 15
- Medicine under socialism: Some observations on Yugoslavia and China pp. 1389-1396

- Donna E. Parmelee, Gail Henderson and Myron S. Cohen
- Illness behavior and the sick role in chronic disease: The case of multiple sclerosis pp. 1397-1404

- David C. Stewart and Thomas J. Sullivan
- Medical theories and professional development: The theory of focal sepsis and dentistry in early twentieth century Britain pp. 1405-1412

- Gilles Dussault and Aubrey Sheiham
- The primary medical care practitioner's attitudes toward psychiatry: An Israeli study pp. 1413-1420

- B. Link, I. Levav and A. Cohen
- Fear of death and dying among medical students pp. 1421-1424

- Kevin Howells and David Field
- Psychology in an integrated undergraduate medical curriculum pp. 1425-1428

- Monica Hayes and Kenneth R. Mitchell
- Human experimentation in historical and ethical perspectives pp. 1429-1448

- Norman Howard-Jones
- Correspondence pp. 1449-1449

- M. Susan Ueber Raymond
1982, volume 16, articles 14
- Social distance from the stigmatized: A test of two theories pp. 1319-1327

- Gary L. Albrecht, Vivian G. Walker and Judith A. Levy
- Social support, accommodation to stress and adjustment to breast cancer pp. 1329-1338

- Joan R. Bloom
- Psychological symptoms among Chinese in urban Hong Kong pp. 1339-1344

- Fanny M. Cheung
- Death styles among Canada's Indians pp. 1345-1352

- George K. Jarvis and Menno Boldt
- The response of mothers to health education and the incidence of gastro-enteritis among their babies in Ile-Ife, Nigeria pp. 1353-1360

- Modupe O. Odumosu
- Perceived influence of different information sources on the decision-making of internal medicine house staff and faculty pp. 1361-1364

- Stuart J. Cohen, Morris Weinberger, Steven A. Mazzuca and Clement J. McDonald
- Non verbal language in mothers with malnourished infants: A pilot study pp. 1365-1369

- M. Luz Alvarez, Fanny Wurgaft and Hula Wilder
- Patient stress and the computer in the consulting room pp. 1371-1376

- P. J. Cruickshank
- Helping and achieving: Compatible or competing goals for men and women in medical school? pp. 1377-1381

- Glynis Bean and Louise H. Kidder
1982, volume 16, articles 13
- Production and reproduction: Women and breastfeeding: Some Nigerian examples pp. 1247-1251

- B. Meldrum and C. Di Domenico
- Psycho-social influence on self-care of the hemodialysis patient pp. 1253-1264

- Tsunetsugu Munakata
- Mutual support groups in Great Britain: A survey pp. 1265-1275

- Leo Levy
- Breast cancer screening: A study in cost-effectiveness analysis pp. 1277-1283

- Gavin Mooney
- The demand for dental health pp. 1285-1289

- Joel W. Hay, Howard Bailit and Douglas A. Chiriboga
- Fuzzy measurement of output: A problem of evaluation for health policy pp. 1291-1300

- Peter Zweifel
- A resource inventory approach to needs assessment: Examples from a statewide hypertension control program pp. 1301-1307

- Edward M. Bosanac, Virginia J. Petersen, Gina L. Forren and Tom Baranowski
1982, volume 16, articles 12
- Research on psychotropic drug use: A review of findings and methods pp. 1179-1196

- Ruth Cooperstock and Penny Parnell
- Health and society in China: Public health education for the community, 1912-1937 pp. 1197-1205

- Ka-che Yip
- Harvard Medical School of China, 1911-1916: An expanded footnote in the history of western medical education in China pp. 1207-1215

- Peter Kong-Ming New and Yuet-Wah Cheung
- The Rockefeller foundation, the China foundation, and the development of modern science in China pp. 1217-1221

- Laurence A. Schneider
- Philippine nurses and the brain drain pp. 1223-1233

- Richard E. Joyce and Chester L. Hunt
- An analysis of lung cancer on a microgeographical level pp. 1235-1238

- A. L. Hathcock, R. A. Greenberg and A. W. Dakan
- Attitudes of pharmacy students towards psychosocial factors in health care pp. 1239-1241

- Hind Hatoum, Mickey C. Smith and Thomas R. Sharpe
1982, volume 16, articles 11
- The health of the urban black in the South African context pp. 1111-1117

- B. Unterhalter
- The use of unorthodox therapies and marginal practitioners pp. 1119-1125

- Jennie J. Kronenfeld and Cody Wasner
- Man-made lakes and man-made diseases: Towards a policy resolution pp. 1127-1145

- John M. Hunter, Luis Rey and David Scott
- A spatial analysis of voting on health care issues: United States House of Representatives, 96th Congress, First Session pp. 1147-1156

- Ross Mullner, Steven Andes, Raymond Tatalovich and Barbara Bardes
- Adjusting planning guidelines for cardiac-care units pp. 1157-1167

- James Greenberg and Roger Kropf
1982, volume 16, articles 10
- Adverse consequences of hospitalization in the elderly pp. 1033-1038

- Muriel R. Gillick, Nancy A. Serrell and Laurence S. Gillick
- Survey approach to estimating demand for physician assistants pp. 1039-1047

- Richard M. Scheffler and Dennis B. Gillings
- Selective primary health care: Old wine in new bottles pp. 1049-1054

- Oscar Gish
- Selective primary health care: Is efficient sufficient? pp. 1054-1059

- Peter A. Berman
- The measurement of distance when testing hypotheses of contagion pp. 1065-1066

- Peter Elton
- Tubal sterilization: Characteristics of women most affected by the option of reversibility pp. 1067-1077

- Rochelle N. Shain and Harold D. Dickson
- The impact of patients' perceptions of high blood pressure on attendance at screening: An extension of the health belief model pp. 1079-1091

- Jennifer B. King
- Personality differences between sick and rarely sick individuals pp. 1093-1093

- Helen Hansagi, Ingemar Lindahl, Peter Allebeck, Britta Buckau and Denny Vagerö
- The genetics of altruism: by and. Academic Press, New York, 1980. 459 pp. [No price] pp. 1095-1098

- V. C. Wynne-Edwards
1982, volume 16, articles 9
- Institutional structures: Catalysts of or barriers to quality care for the institutionalized aged in Scotland and the U.S pp. 935-944

- J. S. Kayser-Jones
- The neurology of poverty pp. 945-950

- Gonzalo Alvarez
- Professional socialization in dentistry: A longitudinal analysis of attitude changes among dental students towards the dental profession pp. 951-955

- Ilana Eli and Judith T. Shuval
- The contribution of social science to international health training pp. 957-964

- Maureen J. Giovannini and Ann T. Brownlee
- Effect of modernization on Kuwaiti women pp. 965-970

- Afaf Ibrahim Meleis
- Drug use in separated/divorced persons: Gender, parental status, and socio-economic status pp. 971-976

- Anne-Marie Ambert
- The work of hospitalized patients pp. 977-986

- Anselm L. Strauss, Shizuko Fagerhaugh, Barbara Suczek and Carolyn Wiener
- Social, spatial and political determinants of U.S. abortion rates pp. 987-996

- Norah F. Henry and Milton E. Harvey
- Hansen's disease in the United States pp. 997-1004

- Tim Hudson and Jim Genesse
- Incidents of reality: Sources of ontological stress and concern pp. 1005-1011

- Sonja A. Ruznisky and Patrick C. Thauberger
- Lay evaluation of medical treatment and competence development of a model of the function of the physician's affective behavior pp. 1013-1019

- Zeev Ben-Sira
1982, volume 16, articles 8
- The relationship between incidence and prevalence pp. 857-862

- S. Haberman
- The utilization of general hospitals by occupational groups in Finland pp. 863-869

- Kari Vinni
- Reprofessionalization in pharmacy pp. 871-878

- Arnold Birenbaum
- Comments on the mania for sons: An analysis of social values in South Asia, and pp. 879-879

- A. Muthiah
- Comments on the mania for sons: An analysis of social values in South Asia, and pp. 879-880

- John F. Marshall
- Comments on the mania for sons: An analysis of social values in South Asia, and pp. 881-884

- Morgan D. Machlachlan
- Rejoinder pp. 885-885

- A. Ramanamma and Usha Bambawale
- An econometric analysis of the major determinants of nursing home costs in the United States pp. 887-898

- Mark R. Meiners
- Psychological reactions to the onset of chronic illness pp. 899-905

- Mary T. Westbrook and Linda L. Viney
- Anomic aspects of recovery from cancer pp. 907-912

- Ellen L. Maher
- Ethical complications of clinical therapeutic research on children pp. 913-919

- David C. Thomasma and Alvin M. Mauer
1982, volume 16, articles 7
- Salient issues in choosing a new doctor pp. 759-767

- Fredric D. Wolinsky and Steven R. Steiber
- Child-feeding habits in a situation of social change: The case of Maiduguri, Nigeria pp. 769-781

- U. A. Igun
- Ships of fools and vessels of the divine: Mental hospitals and madness, a case study pp. 783-794

- Linda H. Connor
- Exchange between Andean and western medicine pp. 795-803

- Joseph W. Bastien
- Insurance, competition and cost containment pp. 805-810

- Warren Greenberg
- Professional uncertainty and the problem of supplier-induced demand pp. 811-824

- John E. Wennberg, Benjamin A. Barnes and Michael Zubkoff
- The health promoting function of mass media and reference groups: Motivating or reinforcing of behavior change pp. 825-834

- Zeev Ben-Sira
- Beliefs about causes of cancer in cancer patients pp. 835-839

- Margaret W. Linn, Bernard S. Linn and Shayna R. Stein
1982, volume 16, articles 6
- Innovation, ideology and innocence pp. 623-628

- David Maddison
- Comparative studies of health care systems pp. 629-642

- Rance P. L. Lee
- Natural science and medicine; social science and medicine: Some methodological controversies pp. 643-657

- P. M. Strong and K. McPherson
- Methodological controversies between social and medical sciences pp. 659-665

- Darek Niklas
- The relevance of the history of medicine to an understanding of current change: some comments from the domain of antenatal care pp. 667-674

- Ann Oakley
- Primary health care in developing countries: The case of Nigeria, Sri Lanka and Tanzania pp. 675-686

- I. O. Orubuloye and O. Y. Oyeneye
- The optimum utilization and appropriate responsibilities of allied health professionals pp. 687-698

- David D. Celentano
- Trends in psychotropic drugs dispensing 1967-1977: The impact of government controls in Australia pp. 699-706

- Andrea Mant and Jane Hall
- Statistical malpractice in drug promotion: A case-study from Brazil pp. 707-709

- Cesar G. Victoria
- Problems of clinical trials as evidence of therapeutic effectiveness pp. 711-712

- Elina Hemminki
- Financing health care in a static economy pp. 713-724

- J. S. Deeble
- Psychological correlates of length of hospitalization and rehospitalization in patients with acute, severe asthma pp. 725-729

- A. A. Kaptein
- The justification of medical paternalism pp. 731-739

- H. A. Bassford
- Ideology, social policy, health and health services: A field of complex interactions pp. 741-752

- Emanuel de Kadt
- A social scientific view on the development of pharmacy and therapeutics committees pp. 753-757

- Hanne Herborg Henriksen
1982, volume 16, articles 5
- The effects of latent social needs on physician utilization by immigrants: A replication study pp. 505-514

- Tikvah Honig-Parnass
- Doctors and society: A Northern Thailand study pp. 515-526

- Harold E. Smith
- Dr Moreno Cañas: A symbolic bridge to the demedicalization of healing pp. 527-531

- Setha M. Low
- A household framework for examining the social and economic consequences of tropical diseases pp. 533-543

- Barry M. Popkin
- An economic appraisal of the benefits of screening for open spina bifida pp. 545-560

- John B. Henderson
- The effects of accessibility on general practitioner consultations, out-patient attendances and in-patient admissions in Norfolk, England pp. 561-569

- R. M. Haynes and C. G. Bentham
- Accessibility to medical care among urban American Indians in a large metropolitan area pp. 571-575

- Gary W. Shannon and Rashid L. Bashshur
- Toward a theory of patient satisfaction pp. 577-582

- Susie Linder-Pelz
- Social psychological determinants of patient satisfaction: A test of five hypotheses pp. 583-589

- Susie Linder-Pelz
- Physician attitudes toward communication with cancer patients pp. 591-594

- Howard P. Greenwald and Michael C. Nevitt
- The effects of peer and parental smoking and age on the smoking careers of college women: A sex-related phenomenon pp. 595-600

- Nell H. Gottlieb
- Professionalisation: The case of pharmacy in Ghana pp. 601-607

- Paul Bennell
1982, volume 16, articles 4
- Social factors in the etiology of chronic disease: An overview pp. 353-367

- David V. McQueen and Johannes Siegrist
- The relation of social to biological processes in disease pp. 369-380

- James P. Henry
- Psychosocial factors and psychophysiological mechanisms in the aetiology and development of cancers pp. 381-396

- Tom Cox and Colin Mackay
- Social factors in the etiology of multiple outcomes: The case of blood pressure and alcohol consumption patterns pp. 397-418

- David V. McQueen and David D. Celentano
- Cross-cultural variation in blood pressure: A quantitative analysis of the relationships of blood pressure to cultural characteristics, salt consumption and body weight pp. 419-430

- Ingrid Waldron, Michele Nowotarski, Miriam Freimer, James P. Henry, Nancy Post and Charles Witten
- Economic change and sex-specific cardiovascular mortality in Britain 1955-1976 pp. 431-442

- M. Harvey Brenner and Anne Mooney
- The social context of active distress in patients with early myocardial infarction pp. 443-453

- Johannes Siegrist, Klaus Dittmann, Karin Rittner and Ingbert Weber
- The relation between stress and myocardial infarction: A general analysis pp. 455-462

- Werner Maschewsky
- Myocardial infarction risk and psychosocial work environment: An analysis of the male Swedish working force pp. 463-467

- L. Alfredsson, R. Karasek and T. Theorell
- Blood pressure variations across areas in the greater Stockholm region: Analysis of 74,000 18-year-old men pp. 469-473

- T. Theorell, J. Svensson, Sarah Knox and B. Ahlborg
- Effects of social support in the stressor-strain relationship: A Dutch sample pp. 475-482

- Jacques A. M. Winnubst, Frans H. G. Marcelissen and Rolf J. Kleber
- Breast cancer: Varied perceptions of social support in the illness experience pp. 483-491

- Holly Peters-Golden
- Interpersonal repression as a predictor of cancer pp. 493-498

- Ronald Grossarth-Maticek, Johannes Siegrist and Hermann Vetter
1982, volume 16, articles 3
- The current thrust of international health: More scope for the social scientist pp. 233-234

- F. J. Bennett
- A short scale of cancer knowledge and some socio-demographic correlates pp. 235-240

- Owen Dent and Kerry Goulston
- Temporal context and the perceptions of geriatric patients pp. 241-244

- William Rakowski
- Racial differences in knowledge of cancer: A pilot study pp. 245-252

- Robert Michielutte and Robert A. Diseker
- The low mortality rates of Chinese infants: Some plausible explanatory factors pp. 253-265

- Elena Yu
- A model of the demand for medical and health services in Peninsular Malaysia pp. 267-284

- Peter S. Heller
- Politics and medicine: The case of Israeli national health insurance pp. 285-291

- Yael Yishai
- Trends in mortality from diseases of the circulatory system and cancer by site in Antwerp, Belgium 1900-1975 pp. 293-302

- Nini Vrijens
- Spatial analysis of surgery locations in general practice pp. 303-313

- Sarah E. Curtis
- Dilemmas in general practice: The care of the cancer patient pp. 315-322

- Jane E. Rosser and Peter Maguire
- Psychological aspects of pregnancy: Some thoughts for the eighties pp. 323-331

- B. Chalmers
- Consumers, clinicians and confidentiality pp. 333-335

- Jacob Jay Lindenthal and Claudewell S. Thomas
- The first Asian seminar on health and medical sociology: A brief report pp. 351-352

- Mikio Yamamoto
1982, volume 16, articles 2
- Introduction pp. 131-133

- Cynthia M. Beall
- Biological function, activity and dependency among elderly Sherpa in the Nepal Himalayas pp. 135-140

- Cynthia M. Beall and Melvyn C. Goldstein
- Work, aging and dependency in a Sherpa population in Nepal pp. 141-147

- Cynthia M. Beall and Melvyn C. Goldstein
- Population genetic models in the study of aging and longevity in a mennonite community pp. 149-153

- M. H. Crawford and L. Rogers
- Secular changes in age-specific cause of death in Sanday, Orkney Islands pp. 155-164

- E. R. Brennan
- Components of longevity: Developmental and genetic responses to differential childhood mortality pp. 165-174

- Richard S. Meindl
- Mortality related to cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus in a modernizing population pp. 175-181

- Douglas E. Crews and Patricia C. MacKeen
- Biocultural risks in longevity: Samoans in California pp. 183-190

- Ivan G. Pawson and Craig Janes
- The changes with age of the anatomical distribution of fat pp. 191-196

- William H. Mueller
- Comparison of visually estimated age with physiologically predicted age as indicators of rates of aging pp. 197-204

- Gary A. Borkan, Sara S. Bachman and Arthur H. Norris
- Patterns of adult weight and fat change in six Solomon Islands societies: A semi-longitudinal study pp. 205-215

- Jonathan S. Friedlaender and John G. Rhoads
- Aging in selected anthropometric dimensions in a rural Zapotec-speaking community in the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico pp. 217-222

- Robert M. Malina, Peter H. Buschang, Wendy L. Aronson and Henry A. Selby
- Blood pressure at rest and during exercise among Sherpas and Tibetan migrants in Nepal pp. 223-231

- Charles A. Weitz
1982, volume 16, articles 1
- The political economy of sexism in industrial health pp. 3-13

- Marcia Felker
- Comment on the paper "the political economy of sexism in industrial health" by Marcia Felker pp. 15-18

- Margaret Stacey
- Cesarean section in Brazil pp. 19-25

- Barbara Janowitz, Milton S. Nakamura, F. Estellita Lins, Michael L. Brown and Deborah Clopton
- Treatment for a nondisease: The case of low blood pressure pp. 27-33

- James M. Robbins, Holly Korda and Martin F. Shapiro
- Kava, alcohol and tobacco consumption among Tongans with urbanization pp. 35-41

- Sitaleki A. Finau, John M. Stanhope and Ian A. M. Prior
- Concepts of illness causation and responsibility: Some preliminary data from a sample of working class mothers pp. 43-52

- Roisin Pill and Nigel C. H. Stott
- Nutrition and school achievement pp. 53-61

- Barry M. Popkin and Marisol Lim-Ybanez
- Selecting sites for rural health workers pp. 63-72

- Vivienne L. Bennett, David J. Eaton and Richard L. Church
- Use of emergency room facilities in a rural area: A spatial analysis pp. 75-84

- Ramala Basu
- Measuring potential physical accessibility to general practitioners in rural areas: A method and case study pp. 85-90

- Alun E. Joseph and Peter R. Bantock
- The role of support in relation to recovery from breast surgery pp. 91-98

- Donna P. Funch and Curtis Mettlin
- Smoking, chewing and drinking in Ban Pong, Northern Thailand pp. 99-106

- Christine Mougne, Robert MacLennan and Sirirat Atsana
- Theory and data in the study of 'coronary proneness' (type a behaviour pattern) pp. 107-114

- A. R. Radley
- Oaths given by U.S. and Canadian medical schools, 1977: Profession of medical values pp. 115-120

- Walter J. Friedlander
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1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46
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1987, volume 24
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1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46