Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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1987, volume 25, articles 12
- Social policy and professional self-interest: Physician responses to DRGS pp. 1259-1267

- Mark Notman, Kenneth R. Howe, William Rittenberg, Robert Bridgham, Margaret M. Holmes and David R. Rovner
- Surgical birth: Interpretations of cesarean delivery among private hospital patients and nursing staff pp. 1269-1276

- Carolyn Sargent and Nancy Stark
- A case study of the interaction between indigenous and Western medicine among the Pokot of Kenya pp. 1277-1287

- David Nyamwaya
- Genital chlamydial infection: A role for social scientists pp. 1289-1299

- Marcia Inhorn Millar
- The bureaucratic context of international health: A social scientist's view pp. 1301-1306

- Judith Justice
- Historical review of the changing pattern of infant feeding in developing countries: The case of Malaysia, the Caribbean, Nigeria and Zaire pp. 1307-1320

- Jean King and Ann Ashworth
- Predicting low birthweight and complicated labor in urban black women: A biopsychosocial perspective pp. 1321-1327

- Kenneth G. Reeb, Antonnette V. Graham, Stephen J. Zyzanski and Gay C. Kitson
- Fluoridation pp. 1329-1329

- Glen S. R. Walker
1987, volume 25, articles 11
- Health insurance coverage of the working poor pp. 1183-1187

- Marc L. Berk and Gail R. Wilensky
- Non-attendance at outpatient clinics at the regional hospital, Galway, Ireland pp. 1189-1196

- Mary E. Cawley and Fiona M. Stevens
- The assessment of patients' distress in Genito-Urinary Medicine Clinics pp. 1197-1203

- R. Fitzpatrick, G. Ikkos, D. Frost and S. Nazeer
- Utility of the health belief model in examining medication compliance among psychiatric outpatients pp. 1205-1211

- Gerard R. Kelly, Joyce A. Mamon and Jack E. Scott
- Theoretical tensions in biopsychosocial medicine pp. 1213-1218

- David Armstrong
- Adapting to the unemployed role: A longitudinal investigation pp. 1219-1224

- Peter Warr and Paul Jackson
- Uses of formal and informal knowledge in the comprehension of instructions for oral rehydration therapy in Kenya pp. 1225-1234

- Thomas O. Eisemon, Vimla L. Patel and Sarone Ole Sena
- Dimensions of patient control in a free-standing birth center pp. 1235-1248

- Ellen C. Annandale
- Family medicine and psychosocial knowledge: How many hats can the family doctor wear? pp. 1249-1255

- Michael Gropper
1987, volume 25, articles 10
- Population mobility and disease transmission: The example of guinea worm pp. 1073-1081

- Susan J. Watts
- Improving the geographical accessibility of health care in rural areas: A Nigerian case study pp. 1083-1094

- Bola Ayeni, Gerard Rushton and Michael L. McNulty
- Psychological research and chronic low back pain: A stand-still or breakthrough? pp. 1095-1104

- Anton J. M. Schmidt and Arnoud Arntz
- The influence of traditional medicine in shaping medical care practices in Vietnam today pp. 1105-1110

- Judith L. Ladinsky, Nancy D. Volk and Margaret Robinson
- The dilemma of osteopathic physicians and the rationalization of medical practice pp. 1111-1120

- Douglas Lee Eckberg
- An ecological study of the relationship between risk indicators for social disintegration and use of a somatic emergency department pp. 1121-1127

- Kjerstin Genell Andrén and Urban Rosenqvist
- Patient-doctor communication on smoking and drinking: Lifestyle in medical consultations pp. 1129-1137

- Ullabeth Sätterlund Larsson, Roger Säljö and Karin Aronsson
- The pneumatic theory of female Warao herbalists pp. 1139-1146

- Werner Wilbert
- Ethnomedical treatment of children's diarrheal illness in the highlands of Equador pp. 1147-1155

- Lauris McKee
- Inside out: Women's world view and family health in an Ecuadorian Indian community pp. 1157-1162

- Ruthbeth Finerman
- Women and health care on a Guatemalan plantation pp. 1163-1173

- Sheila Cosminsky
- Letter to the editor pp. 1175-1176

- A. Ramsay Tainsh
1987, volume 25, articles 9
- Heart disease and the cultural construction of time: The type A behaviour pattern as a western culture-bound syndrome pp. 969-979

- Cecil G. Helman
- Variation in lifestyle characteristics and catecholamine excretion rates among young Western Samoan men pp. 981-986

- Gary D. James, Paul T. Baker, David A. Jenner and G. Ainsworth Harrison
- Folk flu and viral syndrome: An epidemiological perspective pp. 987-993

- S. C. McCombie
- The revenue generating potential of user fees in Kenyan government health facilities pp. 995-1002

- Randall Ellis
- Illness and health behaviour in Addis Ababa and rural central Ethiopia pp. 1003-1019

- Helmut Kloos, Alemayehu Etea, Assefa Degefa, Hundessa Aga, Berhanu Solomon, Kabede Abera, Abebe Abegaz and Geto Belemo
- Coping and social activity patterns among relatives of cancer patients pp. 1021-1025

- Caroline Häggmark, Töres Theorell and Bengt Ek
- The criminal justice/mental health system and the mentally retarded, mentally ill defendant pp. 1027-1032

- Wright Williams and Jean Spruill
- Guidelines for maintenance treatment of childhood asthma: Development of a score card system by multivariate cluster analysis pp. 1033-1038

- W. J. Donnelly, J. E. Donnelly and Y. H. Thong
- Bureaucratic aspects of international health agencies pp. 1039-1048

- George M. Foster
- Assessing social support in elderly adults pp. 1049-1055

- Morris Weinberger, Sharon L. Hiner and William M. Tierney
- Coping resources and health responses among men and women medical students pp. 1057-1062

- Hildreth Y. Grossman, Patricia Salt, Carol Nadelson and Malkah Notman
- An analysis of medical students' residency and specialty choices pp. 1063-1068

- Mary P. Taggart, Steven A. Wartman and Albert F. Wessen
1987, volume 25, articles 8
- Recurrent cost and public health care delivery: The other war in El Salvador pp. 867-874

- John L. Fiedler
- Price, policy and consumption of tobacco: The Finnish experience pp. 875-881

- Markku Pekurinen and Hannu Valtonen
- Health status and medical expenditures: More evidence of a link pp. 883-888

- Barbara Wolfe and Mary Gabay
- Intra-urban variations of neonatal and post-neonatal mortality in a developing city pp. 889-894

- Michael R. Rip, Cecil S. Keen and David L. Woods
- Epidemiology and community health: A strained connection? pp. 895-903

- Hilary Burrage
- The Nottingham health profile: A useful tool for epidemiologists? pp. 905-910

- Paul Kind and Roy Carr-Hill
- Undergraduate medical education in underdeveloped countries: The case of Pakistan pp. 911-919

- S. Akbar Zaidi
- Anthropology and prevention in north America: An introduction pp. 921-922

- Genevieve M. Ames and Craig R. Janes
- Primary prevention: A new look at basic concepts pp. 923-930

- Lawrence Wallack and Marilyn Winkleby
- A suicide prevention program for Hopi youth pp. 931-940

- Jerrold E. Levy and Stephen J. Kunitz
- Prevention of mental disorder among hmong refugees in the U.S.: Lessons from the period 1976-1986 pp. 941-947

- Joseph Westermeyer
- Heavy and problem drinking in an American blue-collar population: Implications for prevention pp. 949-960

- Genevieve M. Ames and Craig R. Janes
- Health promotion talk in family practice encounters pp. 961-966

- Sarah H. Freeman
1987, volume 25, articles 7
- Clinical relevance of grief and mourning among Cambodian refugees pp. 765-772

- James K. Boehnlein
- A critical review of international mortality data pp. 773-781

- Christopher J. L. Murray
- Communities, obligations and health-care pp. 783-791

- Erich H. Loewy
- Some aspects of birth seasonality in Kenya pp. 793-801

- Alan G. Ferguson
- Availability, accessibility, acceptability, and adaptibility: Four attributes of African ethno-medicine pp. 803-811

- Charles Anyinam
- Religion and differences in morbidity and mortality pp. 813-824

- George K. Jarvis and Herbert C. Northcott
- Heavy users of an emergency department--A two year follow-up study pp. 825-831

- Kjerstin Genell Andrén and Urban Rosenqvist
- Dyadic social-support for cardiac surgery patients--A Canadian approach pp. 833-837

- Donna M. Meagher, Frances Gregor and Miriam Stewart
- The process of acculturation: Theoretical perspectives and an empirical investigation in Peru pp. 839-847

- Judith A. Richman, Moises Gaviria, Joseph A. Flaherty, Susan Birz and Ronald M. Wintrob
- Different social network and social support characteristics, nervous problems and insomnia: Theoretical and methodological aspects on some results from the population study 'men born in 1914', Malmö, Sweden pp. 849-859

- B. S. Hanson and P. -O. Östergren
- The diagnostic process in primary care: A comparison of general internists and family physicians pp. 861-866

- Deborah E. Simpson, Eugene C. Rich, Kathleen A. Dalgaard, Dwenda Gjerdingen, Terry W. Crowson, Daniel K. O'Brien and Paul E. Johnson
1987, volume 25, articles 6
- AIDS as a social phenomenon pp. 529-539

- F. J. Bennett
- AIDS as a social phenomenon pp. 541-552

- B. Velimirovic
- Cultural issues in maternal and child health and nutrition pp. 553-559

- Gretel H. Pelto
- Stress and disease: The concept after 50 years pp. 561-566

- Lawrence E. Hinkle
- The study of stress and disease: Some developments and requirements pp. 567-578

- S. Maes, A. Vingerhoets and G. Van Heck
- Medical sociology and epidemiology: Convergences, divergences and legitimate boundaries pp. 579-587

- Ingeborg P. Spruit and Daan Kromhout
- The changing role and legitimate boundaries of epidemiology: community-based prevention programmes pp. 589-598

- Jaakko Tuomilehto and Pekka Puska
- The impact and integration of behavioural sciences in the education of health care professionals pp. 599-604

- Onigu Otite
- Participation: Myths, realities and prognosis pp. 605-614

- Arthur Brownlea
- Community involvement in health policy; Socio-structural and dynamic aspects of health beliefs pp. 615-620

- T. N. Madan
- The economics of essential drug programmes pp. 621-624

- George Teeling Smith
- Economics of essential drugs schemes: The perspectives of the developing countries pp. 625-630

- Joseph K. Wang'Ombe and Germano M. Mwabu
- The philosophical basis of medical ethics pp. 631-636

- Maurizio Mori
- Medical ethics, moral philosophy and moral tradition pp. 637-644

- Thomas H. Murray
- The political abuse of medicine pp. 645-648

- Arnt Meyer-Lie
- The political abuse of medicine and the challenge of opposing it pp. 649-657

- Anthony B. Zwi
- Toward a comprehensive evaluation of alternative medicine pp. 659-667

- Cai Jingfeng
- Problems in the evaluation of alternative medicine pp. 669-678

- Mahesh S. Patel
- The role of socio-behavioural scientists in health care practice pp. 679-687

- F. M. Hull
- Improving the fit between social science and health care practice: Suggested next steps for the researcher pp. 689-696

- Theresa F. Rogers
- Reproduction trends and the emergence of moral panic pp. 697-704

- Jalna Hanmer
- Medical ethics in the primary care setting pp. 705-709

- Harmon L. Smith
- Social and psychological care before and during hospitalization pp. 711-720

- Hans S. Falck
- Social and psychological care before and during hospitalisation pp. 721-732

- David Hall
- Medicalization and its discontents pp. 733-740

- Madeleine J. Goodman and Lenn E. Goodman
- The viability of the concept of a primary health care team: A view from the medical humanities pp. 741-746

- David Barnard
- The viability of the concept of a primary health care team in developing countries pp. 747-752

- Ties Boerma
- When is a data set complete? A squirrel with a vacuum cleaner pp. 753-764

- Roy A. Carr-Hill
1987, volume 25, articles 5
- Barriers to physician-nurse collegiality: An anthropological perspective pp. 421-425

- Nancy Campbell-Heider and Donald Pollock
- International cross-section analysis of the determination of mortality pp. 427-441

- Hugh Gravelle and M.E. Backhouse
- Community-based health workers: Head start or false start towards health for all? pp. 443-459

- Peter A. Berman, Davidson R. Gwatkin and Susan E. Burger
- Health service efficiency: Appraising the appraisers--A critical review of economic appraisal in practice pp. 461-472

- C.A. Blades, Anthony Culyer and A. Walker
- Progress towards achieving health for all New Zealanders by the year 2000 pp. 473-479

- Laurence Malcolm
- Health care institutions in a regional network: A longitudinal case study of inter-organizing pp. 481-484

- A.H. van der Zwaan
- La mortalite evitable en belgique pp. 485-493

- P.C. Humblet, R. Lagasse, G.F.G. Moens, E. Wollast and H. van de Voorde
- Community water-contact patterns and the transmission of schistosoma haematobium in the highveld region of Zimbabwe pp. 495-505

- Stephen K. Chandiwana
- Why do people go to the doctor? Sex differences in the correlates of GP consultation pp. 507-513

- Monica E. Briscoe
- Swedish physicians' perspectives on work and the medical care system--II: The cases of child and maternal health physicians pp. 515-524

- Andrew C. Twaddle
1987, volume 25, articles 4
- Hot-cold food and medical theories: Overview and introduction pp. 329-330

- Lenore Manderson
- Why is humoral medicine so popular? pp. 331-337

- E. N. Anderson
- The hot and cold in mesoamerican indigenous and hispanicized thought pp. 339-346

- Ellen Messer
- Hot and cold in women's ethnotherapeutics: The American-Mexican west pp. 347-355

- Margarita Kay and Marianne Yoder
- Destructive heat and cooling prayer: Malay humoralism in pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period pp. 357-365

- Carol Laderman
- Cold wombs in Balmy Honolulu: Ethnogynecology among Korean immigrants pp. 367-376

- Laurel Kendall
- Cultural dimensions of hot, cold and sema in Sinhalese health culture pp. 377-387

- Mark Nichter
- Hot and cold as an explanatory model: The example of Bharuch district in Gujarat, India pp. 389-399

- Robert Pool
- Food classifications and the diets of young children in rural Egypt pp. 401-404

- Soheir Sukkary-Stolba
- Concepts of disease causation, treatment and prevention among Hong Kong Chinese: Diversity and eclecticism pp. 405-417

- Linda C. Koo
1987, volume 25, articles 3
- The 'serpent-stone' or the 'black-stone' pp. 229-230

- Antonio Scarpa
- The role of massage in South Asia: Child health and development pp. 231-239

- Nadja Reissland and Richard Burghart
- A critical re-examination of the economics of blindness prevention under the onchocerciasis control programme pp. 241-249

- Timothy G. Evans and Christopher J.L. Murray
- A measure of the 'sick' label in psychiatric disorder and physical illness pp. 251-261

- Morton Beiser, Nancy Waxler-Morrison, William G. Iacono, Tsung-Yi Lin, Jonathan A.E. Fleming and Janice Husted
- Living with psychiatric patients: Implications for the mental health of family members pp. 263-272

- Samuel Noh and R.Jay Turner
- Pharmaceuticals in the Third World: The local perspective pp. 273-276

- Sjaak Van der Geest
- The use of modern pharmaceuticals in a Filipino village: Doctors' prescription and self medication pp. 277-292

- Anita P. Hardon
- Self-care and the informal sale of drugs in South Cameroon pp. 293-305

- Sjaak Van Der Geest
- Drug information and sale practices in some pharmacies of Colombo, Sri Lanka pp. 319-321

- Ivan Wolffers
1987, volume 25, articles 2
- Foreword pp. 99-99

- Jo E. Asvall
- Employment, economy and care in Sweden by the year 2000 pp. 103-110

- Mårten Lagergren
- The employed unemployed: The subterranean economy in Spain pp. 111-113

- Louis Lemkow
- The choices to be made pp. 115-117

- Gunnar Adler-Karlsson
- Economic change, alcohol consumption and heart disease mortality in nine industrialized countries pp. 119-132

- M. Harvey Brenner
- Unemployed youth and health: Findings from the pilot phase of a longitudinal study pp. 133-146

- John H. Cullen, Gerard M. Ryan, Kevin M. Cullen, Thomas Ronayne and Richard F. Wynne
- Youth unemployment--individual and societal consequences, and new research approaches pp. 147-152

- Jan Carle
- Long-term unemployment among women in Sweden pp. 153-161

- Sten-Olof Brenner and Lennart Levi
- Coping with unemployment--A contribution to the understanding of women's unemployment pp. 163-171

- Bengt Starrin and Gerry Larsson
- Prolonged unemployment and depression in older workers: A longitudinal study of intervening variables pp. 173-178

- Michael Frese and Gisela Mohr
- The psychological meaning of job insecurity and job loss: Results of a longitudinal study pp. 179-182

- Lars Joelson and Leif Wahlquist
- Relation of economic change to Swedish health and social well-being, 1950-1980 pp. 183-195

- M. Harvey Brenner
- Unemployment and health--new approaches in research and social action pp. 197-199

- Bertil Bolin
- International social and health policies to prevent ill health in the unemployment: the world health organization perspective pp. 201-204

- Per-Gunnar Svensson
- Economic growth and industrial expansion and renewal as instruments to achieve full employment pp. 205-207

- Per-Martin Meyerson
- Some experiences of Yugoslavia in solving of unemployment pp. 209-212

- Viktoria Cucic
- Alleviating depression in the unemployed: Adequate financial support, hope and early retirement pp. 213-215

- Michael Frese
- Unemployment causes ill health: The wrong track pp. 217-218

- Aubrey R. Kagan
- An alternative model pp. 219-222

- Gunnar Adler-Karlsson
- Some observations on 'unemployment and health' research pp. 223-225

- Ian Miles
1987, volume 25, articles 1
- Cultural change, growth and feeding of children in an isolated rural region of Yemen pp. 1-7

- Peter Underwood and Barrie Margetts
- A geographical analysis of the relationship between early childhood death and socio-economic environment in an English city pp. 9-18

- Diane Robinson and Steven Pinch
- Sports medicine in the Soviet Union and German Democratic Republic pp. 19-26

- Jim Riordan
- Comments pp. 26-26

- P. Jako
- Comments pp. 26-27

- Don Anthony
- Social ties, social support, and perceived health status among chronically disabled people pp. 29-34

- Nancy G. Kutner
- Humanism and medicine pp. 35-37

- Vladimir Milanovic
- Comments pp. 37-40

- Vuk Stambolovic
- Comments pp. 40-41

- Donna E. Parmelee
- Rejoinder pp. 41-41

- Vladimir Milanovic and Vuk Stambolovic
- Does indirect consultation lead to overprescribing in general practice? pp. 43-46

- Flora M. Haaijer-Ruskamp, Roy Stewart and Harry Wesseling
- Women's smoking and family health pp. 47-56

- Hilary Graham
- Women's health and labour force status: An enquiry using a multi-point measure of labour force participation pp. 57-63

- Ofra Anson and Jon Anson
- Development, use and evaluation of drugs: The dominating technology in the health care system pp. 65-73

- Ebba Holme Hansen and Laila Launsø
- Capital intensive hospital technology and illness: An analysis of American state data pp. 75-87

- John Ost and Murray A. Straus
- The impact of rheumatoid arthritis on the homemaker pp. 89-95

- Susan T. Reisine, Carol Goodenow and Kathleen E. Grady
- Characteristics of maternal age, parity, social class and breast feeding patterns in Benin City, Nigeria pp. 97-98

- K.A. Oyarebu
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1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
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1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46
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1989, volume 29
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1988, volume 27
1988, volume 26
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46