Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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1989, volume 29, articles 12
- The documentation of Nazi medicine by German medical sociologists: A review article pp. 1319-1330

- Thomas W. Maretzki
- Comments pp. 1330-1331

- Paul U. Unschuld and Mathias Weber
- Child health and child care in Okelele: An indigenous area of the city of Ilorin, Nigeria pp. 1333-1341

- Michael A. Adedoyin and Susan J. Watts
- Community health services and health care utilization in rural Bangladesh pp. 1343-1349

- Ruhul Amin, Shifiq A. Chowdhury, G. M. Kamal and J. Chowdhury
- Epidemiological appraisal of the active role of women in the decline of infant mortality in Spain during the twentieth century pp. 1351-1362

- Carmen Garcia-Gil, Margarita Cortés-Majó, Adoración Garcia Nieto, Mercedes Rosado Martín and Enrique Nájera
- Studies on drug utilization: Bilateral case study in Poland and Sweden pp. 1363-1366

- T. J. Szuba and B. Westerholm
- Occupational position and type a behavior: Results from the first Monica survey, Augsburg, F.R.G pp. 1367-1372

- U. Härtel and L. Chambless
- Lead based remedies for empacho: Patterns and consequences pp. 1373-1379

- Roberta D. Baer, Javier Garcia de Alba, Luz Maria Cueto, Alan Ackerman and Sharon Davison
- Privacy between physicians and patients: More than a matter of confidentiality pp. 1381-1385

- Roxanne Parrott, Judee K. Burgoon, Michael Burgoon and Beth A. LePoire
- Development of a social support instrument for use in population surveys pp. 1387-1392

- Anna-Lena Undén and Kristina Orth-Gomér
- Indian nutritionists and international nutritional standards: Concepts and controversies pp. 1393-1399

- Ellen Messer
1989, volume 29, articles 11
- The construction of a social phenomenon: AIDS in the French press pp. 1235-1242

- Claudine Herzlich and Janine Pierret
- Comparisons between the self-assessed and observer-assessed presence and severity of colds pp. 1243-1248

- Sally Macintyre and Colin Pritchard
- National suicide and homicide rates: Correlates versus predictors pp. 1249-1252

- David Lester
- Work disability among cancer patients pp. 1253-1259

- Howard P. Greenwald, Susan J. Dirks, Edgar F. Borgatta, Ruth McCorkle, Michael C. Nevitt and Edward H. Yelin
- The family's functioning with chronic illness in the mother: The spouse's perspective pp. 1261-1269

- Frances Marcus Lewis, Nancy Fugate Woods, Edythe Ellison Hough and Lillian Southwick Bensley
- Medical and social predictors of longevity in the elderly: Total predictive value and interdependence pp. 1271-1280

- Dorly J. H. Deeg, Robert J. van Zonneveld, Paul J. van der Maas and J. Dik F. Habbema
- Concepts in health promotion: The notion of relativism pp. 1281-1288

- Evelyne De Leeuw
- Is it any good? The evaluation of therapy by participants in a clinical trial pp. 1289-1297

- Anna Wynne
- Women's education and its influence on attitudes to aspects of child-care in a village community in Kerala pp. 1299-1303

- V. Raman Kutty
- AIDS and its metaphors pp. 1305-1306

- Charles Guest
1989, volume 29, articles 10
- Hidden consequences of state violence: Spinal cord injuries in Soweto, South Africa pp. 1147-1155

- Jacklyn Cock
- Issues of definitions and their implications: AIDS and leprosy pp. 1157-1162

- Ilse J. Volinn
- Low utilization of community health workers: Results from a household interview survey in Burkina Faso pp. 1163-1174

- R. Sauerborn, A. Nougtara and H. J. Diesfeld
- Are psychological disorders most prevalent among older adults? examining the evidence pp. 1175-1181

- Marjorie Chary Feinson
- Power and pain: The location of pain and fear in dentistry and the creation of a dental subject pp. 1183-1190

- Sarah Nettleton
- Private troubles and public issues: Providing abortion amid competing definitions pp. 1191-1198

- Kathleen M. Roe
- User fees for health care in developing countries: A case study of Bangladesh pp. 1199-1205

- Bonita Stanton and John Clemens
- Swedish physicians' perspectives on work and the medical care system--v. comparisons across specialties pp. 1207-1216

- Andrew C. Twaddle
- A skin test survey of valley fever in Tijuana, Mexico pp. 1217-1227

- Barbara E. Fredrich
- The economics of health care: by, and. Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1988. 286 pp pp. 1229-1230

- Michael L. Barer
1989, volume 29, articles 9
- Guinea worm: An in-depth study of what happens to mothers, families and communities pp. 1043-1049

- Susan J. Watts, William R. Brieger and May Yacoob
- Social support, life events and psychosomatic symptoms among 14-16-year-old adolescents pp. 1051-1056

- Hillevi Aro, Vilma Hänninen and Olavi Paronen
- Reflexions methodologiques et epistemologiques en acupuncture pp. 1057-1063

- Pierre Pascual
- Predictors of simple diarrhoea in children under 5 years--A study of a sudanese rural community pp. 1065-1070

- Fatih Z. El Samani, Walter C. Willett and James H. Ware
- Human immunodeficiency virus seroprevalence in female intravenous drug users: The puzzle of black women's risk pp. 1071-1076

- Diane K. Lewis and John K. Watters
- Psychotoxicology: The return of the mad hatter pp. 1077-1082

- Matthew P. Dumont
- Twins, smoking and mortality: A 12-year prospective study of smoking-discordant twin pairs pp. 1083-1089

- Jaakko Kaprio and Markku Koskenvuo
- The continuity of vaccination programmes: Reflections and a case from Gujarat, India pp. 1091-1098

- Pieter H. Streefland
- Changing traditional medicine in rural Swaziland: The effects of the global system pp. 1099-1104

- Enid Gort
- The finnish family competence study: Characteristics of pregnant women with low childbirth knowledge pp. 1105-1109

- Päivi Rautava
- Traditional practitioners' behavioural adaptations to changing patients' demands in Sri Lanka pp. 1111-1119

- Ivan Wolffers
- Deaths from injuries and induced abortion among rural Bangladeshi women pp. 1121-1127

- V. Fauveau and T. Blanchet
- Psychological aspects of albinism: An exploratory study with Nigerian (IGBO) albino subjects pp. 1129-1131

- Bernice N. Ezeilo
- Dissemination of health information among rural dwellers in Africa: A Ghanaian experience pp. 1133-1140

- Kwadwo Bosompra
- Suicide rates and handgun ownership in the United States 1959-1984: The relationship between changes in the variables pp. 1143-1143

- Bijou Yang and David Lester
1989, volume 29, articles 8
- Preface pp. 905-905

- Neil D. McGlashan and Neil K. Chick
- Regionalizing mortality data: Ischaemic heart disease in Norway pp. 907-911

- Asbjørn Aase
- The epidemiological transition in an overseas territory: Disease mapping in French Polynesia pp. 913-922

- Emmanuel Vigneron
- Geology, trace elements and health pp. 923-926

- Harry V. Warren
- Health problems in rural communities, Zimbabwe pp. 927-932

- Jane Mutambirwa
- An assessment of a rural health programme on child and maternal care: The Ogbomoso Community Health Care Programme (CHCP), Oyo State, Nigeria pp. 933-938

- Folasade Iyun
- Geriatric assessment--An Australian idea pp. 939-942

- J. Munro-Ashman
- Relations between health levels, services and demand in French Polynesia pp. 943-951

- Emmanuel Vigneron
- The Hobart typhoid epidemic of 1887-88 pp. 953-958

- R.G. Kellaway
- Air pollution and respiratory diseases in children in São Paulo, Brazil pp. 959-964

- Helena Ribeiro Sobral
- The other face of development: Native population, health status and indicators of malnutrition--The case of the Cree and Inuit of Northern Quebec pp. 965-974

- J.P. Thouez, A. Rannou and P. Foggin
- Management of pneumonia in India and Indonesia pp. 975-982

- Wade C. Edmundson and Shelley A. Harris
- Lymphatic filariasis in Madras, India pp. 983-990

- B. Hyma, A. Ramesh and K. Gunesekaran
- Acute diarrhoeal disease in India and Indonesia pp. 991-997

- S.A. Edmundson and Wade C. Edmundson
- Brucellosis in Saudi Arabia pp. 999-1001

- Frank W. Kiel and M. Yousuf Khan
- The geographical distribution of motorcycle accidents in Tasmania, 1983-1986 pp. 1003-1008

- K. Anutha and M.A. Chladil
- Asbestos hazards in the city of Rome, Italy pp. 1009-1013

- M. Del Piano, C. Palagiano and V. Rimatori
- Sudden infant deaths in Tasmania, 1980-1986: A seven year prospective study pp. 1015-1026

- Neil D. McGlashan
- The diffusion of cardiovascular disease in the Norwegian farming community: A comnination of morbidity and mortality data pp. 1027-1033

- Asbjørn Aase and Reidar Almås
- Stroke mortality in Miyagi, Japan pp. 1035-1042

- Tokiko Sato
1989, volume 29, articles 7
- The concept of disease: Its evolution in medical students pp. 791-792

- M. D. Stefan and I. C. McManus
- Love, self-esteem, and multiple sclerosis pp. 793-798

- Anthony Walsh and Patricia Ann Walsh
- Culture and 'compliance' among leprosy patients in Pakistan pp. 799-811

- J. Dennis Mull, Corinne Shear Wood, Lydia P. Gans and Dorothy S. Mull
- Predicting the onset of smoking in boys and girls pp. 813-818

- Anne Charlton and Valerie Blair
- Pesticides et cancers en milieu rural agricole au Quebec: Interpretation geographique pp. 819-833

- Daniel Godon, Pierre Lajoie, Jean-Pierre Thouez and Daniel Nadeau
- Exploring the determinants of periodontal treatment costs: A special focus on cigarette smoking pp. 835-844

- Harri Sintonen and Risto Tuominen
- Changing health beliefs and behaviors of resettled Laotian refugees: Ethnic variation in adaptation pp. 845-852

- Jean Brainard and Amy Zaharlick
- Prescription drug advertising trends: A study of oral hypoglycemics pp. 853-857

- Kumar K. Mehta, Bernard A. Sorofman and Clayton R. Rowland
- Breast feeding and bottle feeding controversies in the developing world: Evidence from a study in four countries pp. 859-868

- Beverly Winikoff and Virginia H. Laukaran
- Sex differentials in cardiovascular mortality: An ecological analysis pp. 869-876

- Kyung Ae Park and William B. Clifford
- Assessing Arab-American health care needs pp. 877-883

- Shirley C. Laffrey, Afaf I. Meleis, Juliene G. Lipson, Margot Solomon and Patricia A. Omidian
- Differential mortality by ethnicity: Foreign-born Irish, Italians and Jews in New York city, 1979-81 pp. 885-889

- Ira Rosenwaike and Katherine Hempstead
- Cigarette smoking among medical students in Belgrade related to parental smoking habits pp. 891-894

- Hristina Vlajinac, Benko Adanja and Mirjana Jarebinski
- Quest for health (a fable) pp. 895-896

- Nancy Rodd
- Turkish migrants and somatic fixation in the Netherlands: Research in Amsterdam pp. 897-898

- Maria De Bruyn
- Letter to the editor pp. 901-901

- Sjaak van der Geest
1989, volume 29, articles 6
- The making of a sociomedical scientist pp. 691-693

- Don Cahalan
- The long-run cost characteristics of dental practices in the U.S.A pp. 695-703

- L.Jackson Brown
- Sentinel health events as indicators of unmet needs pp. 705-714

- Willine Carr, Natan Szapiro, Toni Heisler and Melvin I. Krasner
- Issues and problems in measuring children's health status in community health research pp. 715-719

- Raymond Fink
- The sociological image of medicine and the patient pp. 721-728

- Uta Gerhardt
- Premature mortality and chronic alcoholism: Medical examiner cases, New Jersey pp. 729-732

- Paul W. Haberman and Geetha Natarajan
- The impact of the physical environment on the psychological well-being of office workers pp. 733-742

- Susan Klitzman and Jeanne M. Stellman
- Life events, meaning and narrative: The case of infidelity and divorce pp. 743-751

- Catherine Kohler Riessman
- Professional life cycle changes and their effect on knowledge level of dental practitioners pp. 753-760

- Donald Sadowsky and Carol Kunzel
- An empirical analysis of the dimensions of health status measures pp. 761-768

- Jorge Segovia, Roy F. Bartlett and Alison C. Edwards
- What diagnosis does not tell: The case for a noncategorical approach to chronic illness in childhood pp. 769-778

- Ruth E.K. Stein and Dorothy Jones Jessop
- Drug use among Puerto Rican youth: An exploration of generational status differences pp. 779-789

- Carmen Noemi Velez and Jane A. Ungemack
1989, volume 29, articles 5
- Non-government organizations in the health field: Collaboration, integration and contrasting aims in Africa pp. 591-597

- F.M. Mburu
- Are large-scale volunteer community health worker programmes feasible? The case of Sri Lanka pp. 599-608

- Gill Walt, Myrtle Perera and Kris Heggenhougen
- Impairment, disability and handicap in chronic respiratory illness pp. 609-616

- Simon J. Williams and Michael R. Bury
- Respiratory health indicators and acculturation among the Inuit and Cree of Northern Quebec: A regional approach using geographic seriation analysis pp. 617-626

- P.M. Foggin and N. Aurillon
- From anomie to anomia and anomic depression: A sociological critique on the use of anomie in psychiatric research pp. 627-634

- Mathieu Deflem
- The social experiences of cancer patients under treatment: A comparative study pp. 635-642

- R. Tempelaar, J.C.J.M. de Haes, J.H. de Ruiter, D. Bakker, W.J.A. van den Heuvel and M.G. van Nieuwenhuijzen
- Born female: The development of nursing in Thailand pp. 643-652

- Marjorie A. Muecke and Wichit Srisuphan
- The demand for abortion in England and Wales pp. 653-658

- John A. Cairns
- The relation of widow's needs and resources to perceived health and depression pp. 659-667

- Ariela Lowenstein and Aaron Rosen
- 'Source force' and the Nepal medical profession pp. 669-675

- Saul J. Weiner
- Infant mortality and health care in Mexican communities pp. 677-679

- John Holian
- The impact of environmental factors upon patient attitudes and behaviour. A sociological study from Poland pp. 681-681

- Iza Lignowska
- A disavowal and criticisms of 'breastfeeding trends in Singapore' pp. 685-687

- J.J. Counsilman
1989, volume 29, articles 4
- Availability of pharmaceuticals in sub-Saharan Africa: Roles of the public, private and church mission sectors pp. 479-486

- Ronald J. Vogel and Betsy Stephens
- Healers, deities, saints and doctors: elements for the analysis of medical systems pp. 487-496

- Duncan Pedersen and Veronica Baruffati
- The psychosocial adjustment of patients and spouses to dialysis treatment pp. 497-502

- Varda Soskolne and Atara Kaplan De-Nour
- Making health policy management intersectoral: Issues of information analysis and use in less developed countries pp. 503-514

- Emanuel de Kadt
- On the specificity of healing functions: A study of diagnosis in three faith healing institutions in Feira (Bahia, Brazil) pp. 515-526

- Ndolamb Ngokwey
- The effects of nursing and physician services: Some preliminary results pp. 527-536

- Andrew J. Hogan and James E. Rohrer
- The logic of a controversy: The case of agent orange in Australia pp. 537-544

- Wayne Hall
- The public controversies of aids in Puerto Rico pp. 545-553

- Ineke Cunningham
- Family response in head injury: Denial... or hope for the future? pp. 555-561

- Barbara Ridley
- Sinking heart: A Punjabi communication of distress pp. 563-575

- Inga-Britt Krause
- Community and individual considerations in legislation and test policy regarding HIV-infection in the Nordic countries--a cross national comparative study pp. 577-584

- Allan Krasnik, Jakob Bjoerner and Birgit Westphal Christensen
- Do low levels of labour pain reflect low sensitivity to noxious stimulation? pp. 585-588

- Catherine A. Niven and Karel J. Gijsbers
1989, volume 29, articles 3
- AIDS: Methodological problems in studying its prevention and spread pp. 265-276

- E. Maxine Ankrah
- Methodological problems in the study of psychosocial influences on the AIDS process pp. 277-292

- Howard B. Kaplan
- Assumptions governing approaches to diagnosis and treatment pp. 293-300

- Cor W. Aakster
- Traditional or transitional medical systems? Pharmacotherapy as a case for analysis pp. 301-307

- Michael Lim Tan
- The health of adolescents: Beliefs and behaviour pp. 309-315

- Herbert L. Friedman
- Understanding childrens' health behaviour: The implications for health promotion for young people pp. 317-325

- Don Nutbeam, Leif Aar and John Catford
- Cultural variations in the response to psychiatric disorders and emotional distress pp. 327-339

- Laurence J. Kirmayer
- Differences in the approaches of the doctor, manager, politician and social scientist in health care controversies--Hospital case-mix management methods: An illustration of the manager's approach in health care controversies pp. 341-349

- Gérard de Pouvourville
- Technological disaster--Survival and bereavement pp. 351-356

- Peter E. Hodgkinson
- Ecological upheavals with special reference to desertification and predicting health impact pp. 357-367

- Miriam K. Were
- The contribution of medical care to inequalities in health: Differences between socio-economic groups in decline of mortality from conditions amenable to medical intervention pp. 369-376

- Johan P. Mackenbach, Karien Stronks and Anton E. Kunst
- Generational equity in America: A cultural historian's perspective pp. 377-383

- Thomas R. Cole
- Justice across the generations pp. 385-394

- Margaret A. Somerville
- Non-governmental organizations in the health field: Collaboration, integration and contrasting aims pp. 395-402

- Karl Smith
- Man and his parasites: Integration of biomedical and social approaches to transmission and control pp. 403-411

- Celia V. Holland
- Nutrition and health: Patterns and policy perspectives in food-rich countries pp. 413-423

- Nancy Milio
- Pain: Its experience and treatments pp. 425-434

- Isabelle Baszanger
- Schools of thought on pain pp. 435-444

- Mariet A. E. Vrancken
- A new age for older people? policy shifts in health and social care pp. 445-454

- Anne Jamieson
- Professional reimbursement and professional behavior: Emerging issues and research challenges pp. 455-462

- Bruce Rosen
- Conceptual and methodological problems in research on the quality of life in clinical medicine pp. 463-468

- Johannes Siegrist and Astrid Junge
- Assumptions of the QALY procedure pp. 469-477

- Roy A. Carr-Hill
1989, volume 29, articles 2
- Conceptual, theoretical and methodological issues in self-care research pp. 117-123

- Kathryn Dean
- Self-care in health promotion pp. 125-130

- Ilona Kickbusch
- Control over health and patterns of health-related behaviour pp. 131-136

- Michael Calnan
- Self-care components of lifestyles: The importance of gender, attitudes and the social situation pp. 137-152

- Kathryn Dean
- Exploring the correlates of self-provided health care behaviour pp. 153-161

- Alexander Segall and Jay Goldstein
- Menstrual pain, health and behaviour in girls pp. 163-169

- Juha Teperi and Matti Rimpelä
- Self-care among older adults pp. 171-183

- Marie R. Haug, May L. Wykle and Kevan H. Namazi
- Self-care within a model for demand for medical care pp. 185-193

- Niels Bentzen, Terkel Christiansen and Kjeld Møller Pedersen
- From activated patient to pacified activist: A study of the self-care movement in the United States pp. 195-204

- Gordon H. DeFriese, Alison Woomert, Priscilla A. Guild, Allan B. Steckler and Thomas R. Konrad
- Mothers' benefit of a self-care booklet and a self-care educational session at child health centres pp. 205-212

- Finn Rasmussen
- A clinical trial of a self-care approach to the management of chronic headache in general practice pp. 213-219

- Robin Winkler, Peter Underwood, Barry Fatovich, Ray James and Dennis Gray
- Long-term outcomes of an arthritis self-management study: Effects of reinforcement efforts pp. 221-224

- Kate Lorig and Halsted R. Holman
- Benefits of self-help groups: A survey of 232 members from 65 disease-related groups pp. 225-232

- Alf Trojan
- Self-care in Israel: Physicians' views and perspectives pp. 233-244

- Judith T. Shuval, Rachel Javetz and Diana Shye
- The interpretation of self-care: A difference in outlook between clients and home-nurses pp. 245-252

- W. M. Van Agthoven and H. N. Plomp
- Statistical analysis of complex health and social data pp. 253-258

- Svend Kreiner
- Letter to the editor pp. 259-260

- Daniel A. Bloch, Kate Lorig, Byron Wm. Brown and Lincoln E. Moses
- Letter to the editor pp. 261-262

- R. J. Lavers and R. A. Carr-Hill
1989, volume 29, articles 1
- The social control of human biomedical research: An overview and review of the literature pp. 1-12

- Paul R. Benson
- Concepts about infant health, growth, and weaning: A comparison between nutritional scientists and madurese mothers pp. 13-22

- Lenore J. Launer and Jean-Pierre Habicht
- Social factors and trachoma: A review of the literature pp. 23-24

- Rani Marx
- Are people willing and able to pay for health services? pp. 35-42

- Richard A. Yoder
- Active patients: The integration of modern and traditional obstetric practices in Nepal pp. 43-52

- Nadja Reissland and Richard Burghart
- Migration, acculturation and utilization of primary health care pp. 53-60

- Patrick Van der Stuyft, Aimé De Muynck, Leo Schillemans and Chris Timmerman
- Overcoming 'psychosomatic' illness: Lay attributions of cure for five possible psychosomatic illness pp. 61-67

- Adrian Furnham
- Is religion therapeutically significant for hypertension? pp. 69-78

- Jeffrey S. Levin and Harold Y. Vanderpool
- Hypertension and asthma: Psychological aspects pp. 79-84

- Frances M. Ford, M. Hunter, M. J. Hensley, A. Gillies, S. Carney, A. J. Smith, J. Bamford, M. Lenzer, G. Lister, S. Ravazdy and M. Steyn
- The factor structure of the CES-D in the Hispanic health and nutrition examination survey: The influences of ethnicity, gender and language pp. 85-94

- Peter J. Guarnaccia, Ronald Angel and Jacqueline Lowe Worobey
- The impact of road construction on hospital in-patient catchments in the Meru district of Kenya pp. 95-106

- Tony Airey
- Sociology of hospitals and of patient-physician interaction in West Germany pp. 107-108

- Thomas Kohlmann and Johannes Siegrist
- A French research programme: Santé-maladie-société (1984-1988) pp. 109-111

- Isabelle Baszanger, Geneviève Paicheler and Yves Souteyrand
On this page- 1989, volume 29
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2014, volume 107
2014, volume 106
2014, volume 105
2014, volume 104
2014, volume 103
2014, volume 102
2014, volume 101
2014, volume 100
2013, volume 99
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2013, volume 96
2013, volume 95
2013, volume 94
2013, volume 93
2013, volume 92
2013, volume 91
2013, volume 90
2013, volume 89
2013, volume 88
2013, volume 87
2013, volume 86
2013, volume 85
2013, volume 84
2013, volume 83
2013, volume 82
2013, volume 81
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1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
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1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46
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1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46