Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2017, volume 189, articles C
- Assessing income redistributive effect of health financing in Zambia pp. 1-10

- Arnold Mulenga and John Ataguba
- Did the Great Recession affect mortality rates in the metropolitan United States? Effects on mortality by age, gender and cause of death pp. 11-16

- Erin Strumpf, Thomas J. Charters, Sam Harper and Arijit Nandi
- Young adults' experiences of neighbourhood smoking-related norms and practices: A qualitative study exploring place-based social inequalities in smoking pp. 17-24

- Nicole M. Glenn, Josée Lapalme, Geneviève McCready and Katherine L. Frohlich
- Does social trust increase willingness to pay taxes to improve public healthcare? Cross-sectional cross-country instrumental variable analysis pp. 25-34

- Nazim Habibov, Alex Cheung and Alena Auchynnikava
- Academic advocacy in public health: Disciplinary ‘duty’ or political ‘propaganda’? pp. 35-43

- K.E. Smith and E.A. Stewart
- Ethnic density, immigrant enclaves, and Latino health risks: A propensity score matching approach pp. 44-52

- Kelin Li, Ming Wen and Kevin A. Henry
- Which characteristics of planning matter? Individual and dyadic physical activity plans and their effects on plan enactment pp. 53-62

- Jan Keller, Lena Fleig, Diana Hilda Hohl, Amelie U. Wiedemann, Silke Burkert, Aleksandra Luszczynska and Nina Knoll
- Rapid qualitative research methods during complex health emergencies: A systematic review of the literature pp. 63-75

- Ginger A. Johnson and Cecilia Vindrola-Padros
- Association between housing type and γ-GTP increase after the Great East Japan Earthquake pp. 76-85

- Aya Murakami, Yumi Sugawara, Yasutake Tomata, Kemmyo Sugiyama, Yu Kaiho, Fumiya Tanji and Ichiro Tsuji
- Informal cash payments for birth in Hungary: Are women paying to secure a known provider, respect, or quality of care? pp. 86-95

- Petra Baji, Nicholas Rubashkin, Imre Szebik, Kathrin Stoll and Saraswathi Vedam
- Cultural values and the prevalence of mental disorders in 25 countries: A secondary data analysis pp. 96-104

- Eva Heim, Iris Wegmann and Andreas Maercker
- Informal assistance to urban families and the risk of household food insecurity pp. 105-113

- Christian King
- Values for the ICECAP-Supportive Care Measure (ICECAP-SCM) for use in economic evaluation at end of life pp. 114-128

- Elisabeth Huynh, Joanna Coast, John Rose, Philip Kinghorn and Terry Flynn
- Status inconsistency and mental health: A random effects and instrumental variables analysis using 14 annual waves of cohort data pp. 129-137

- Allison Milner, Zoe Aitken, Anne Kavanagh, Anthony D. LaMontagne and Dennis Petrie
- Associations of relative deprivation and income rank with depressive symptoms among older adults in Japan pp. 138-144

- Krisztina Gero, Katsunori Kondo, Naoki Kondo, Kokoro Shirai and Ichiro Kawachi
- Violence exposure and adolescents' same-day obesogenic behaviors: New findings and a replication pp. 145-151

- Joy Rayanne Piontak, Michael A. Russell, Andrea Danese, William E. Copeland, Rick H. Hoyle and Candice L. Odgers
- Tweeting celebrity suicides: Users' reaction to prominent suicide deaths on Twitter and subsequent increases in actual suicides pp. 158-166

- Michiko Ueda, Kota Mori, Tetsuya Matsubayashi and Yasuyuki Sawada
2017, volume 188, articles C
- Contextualizing educational differences in “vaccination uptake”: A thirty nation survey pp. 1-10

- Kirils Makarovs and Peter Achterberg
- Intergenerational social mobility and subjective wellbeing in later life pp. 11-20

- Matthew H. Iveson and Ian J. Deary
- Same medicine, different reasons: Comparing women's bodily experiences of producing eggs for pregnancy or for profit pp. 21-29

- Rene Almeling and Iris L. Willey
- Meta-analysis and systematic review of studies on the effectiveness of HIV stigma reduction programs pp. 30-40

- Winnie W.S. Mak, Phoenix K.H. Mo, Gloria Y.K. Ma and Maggie Y.Y. Lam
- Switching to sanitation: Understanding latrine adoption in a representative panel of rural Indian households pp. 41-50

- Diane Coffey, Dean Spears and Sangita Vyas
- Medication takeovers: Covert druggings and behavioral control in Alzheimer's pp. 51-59

- Brandon Berry and Ester Carolina Apesoa-Varano
- Neighborhood SES is particularly important to the cardiovascular health of low SES individuals pp. 60-68

- Jennifer Morozink Boylan and Stephanie A. Robert
- Decentralization of health care systems and health outcomes: Evidence from a natural experiment pp. 69-81

- Dolores Jiménez-Rubio and Pilar Garcia-Gomez
- Community Action for Health in India’s National Rural Health Mission: One policy, many paths pp. 82-90

- Rakhal Gaitonde, Miguel San Sebastian, V.R. Muraleedharan and Anna-Karin Hurtig
- Removing user fees for health services: A multi-epistemological perspective on access inequities in Senegal pp. 91-99

- Philipa Mladovsky and Maymouna Ba
- “What kept me going”: A qualitative study of avoidant responses to war-related adversity and perpetration of violence by former forcibly recruited children and youth in the Acholi region of northern Uganda pp. 100-108

- Helle Harnisch and Edith Montgomery
- The application of Signalling Theory to health-related trust problems: The example of herbal clinics in Ghana and Tanzania pp. 109-118

- Kate Hampshire, Heather Hamill, Simon Mariwah, Joseph Mwanga and Daniel Amoako-Sakyi
- Healing and/or breaking? The mental health implications of repeated economic insecurity pp. 119-127

- Barry Watson and Lars Osberg
- The impact of education on the probability of receiving periodontal treatment. Causal effects measured by using the introduction of a school reform in Norway pp. 128-136

- Jostein Grytten and Irene Skau
- Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) for evaluating new medicines in Health Technology Assessment and beyond: The Advance Value Framework pp. 137-156

- Aris Angelis and Panos Kanavos
- Is structural stigma's effect on the mortality of sexual minorities robust? A failure to replicate the results of a published study pp. 157-165

- Mark Regnerus
- Pathways between childhood/adolescent adversity, adolescent socioeconomic status, and long-term cardiovascular disease risk in young adulthood pp. 166-175

- Jenalee R. Doom, Susan M. Mason, Shakira F. Suglia and Cari Jo Clark
- The proliferation of sexual health: Diverse social problems and the legitimation of sexuality pp. 176-190

- Steven Epstein and Laura Mamo
- Genetic endowments, parental resources and adult health: Evidence from the Young Finns Study pp. 191-200

- Jaakko Pehkonen, Jutta Viinikainen, Petri Böckerman, Terho Lehtimäki, Niina Pitkänen and Olli Raitakari
2017, volume 187, articles C
- Fundamental causes of accelerated declines in colorectal cancer mortality: Modeling multiple ways that disadvantage influences mortality risk pp. 1-10

- Sean A.P. Clouston, Marcie S. Rubin, David H. Chae, Jeremy Freese, Barbara Nemesure and Bruce G. Link
- Longitudinal effects of religious involvement on religious coping and health behaviors in a national sample of African Americans pp. 11-19

- Cheryl L. Holt, David L. Roth, Jin Huang, Crystal L. Park and Eddie M. Clark
- A model of how targeted and universal welfare entitlements impact on material, psycho-social and structural determinants of health in older adults pp. 20-28

- Judith Green, Stefanie Buckner, Sarah Milton, Katie Powell, Sarah Salway and Suzanne Moffatt
- Cognitive functioning among Dutch older adults: Do neighborhood socioeconomic status and urbanity matter? pp. 29-38

- Jonathan Wörn, Lea Ellwardt, Marja Aartsen and Martijn Huisman
- How seasonality and weather affect perinatal health: Comparing the experiences of indigenous and non-indigenous mothers in Kanungu District, Uganda pp. 39-48

- Sarah MacVicar, Lea Berrang-Ford, Sherilee Harper, Vivienne Steele, Shuaib Lwasa, Didacus Namanya Bambaiha, Sabastien Twesigomwe, Grace Asaasira and Nancy Ross
- Table talk: How mothers and adolescents across socioeconomic status discuss food pp. 49-57

- Priya Fielding-Singh and Jennifer Wang
- Gender and the structure of self-rated health across the adult life span pp. 58-66

- Anna Zajacova, Snehalata Huzurbazar and Megan Todd
- Supporting the role of community members employed as research staff: Perspectives of community researchers working in addiction research pp. 67-75

- Gala True, Leslie B. Alexander and Celia B. Fisher
- Investigating tangible and mental resources as predictors of perceived household food insecurity during pregnancy among women in a South African birth cohort study pp. 76-84

- Jennifer A. Pellowski, Whitney Barnett, Caroline C. Kuo, Nastassja Koen, Heather J. Zar and Dan J. Stein
- Black-white metropolitan segregation and self-rated health: Investigating the role of neighborhood poverty pp. 85-92

- D. Phuong Do, Reanne Frank and John Iceland
- Prudence, pleasure, and cognitive ageing: Configurations of the uses and users of brain training games within UK media, 2005–2015 pp. 93-100

- Martyn Pickersgill, Tineke Broer, Sarah Cunningham-Burley and Ian Deary
- Maternal breastfeeding and children's cognitive development pp. 101-108

- Kanghyock Koh
- A prospective study of associations among helping, health, and longevity pp. 109-117

- Sonja Hilbrand, David A. Coall, Andrea H. Meyer, Denis Gerstorf and Ralph Hertwig
- Work-related illness, work-related accidents, and lack of social security in Colombia pp. 118-125

- María Teresa Buitrago Echeverri, César Ernesto Abadía-Barrero and Consuelo Granja Palacios
- Dog-bites, rabies and One Health: Towards improved coordination in research, policy and practice pp. 126-133

- Melanie J. Rock, Dawn Rault and Chris Degeling
- Long-term health consequences of recessions during working years pp. 134-143

- Liudmila Antonova, Tabea Bucher-Koenen and Fabrizio Mazzonna
- Relative importance of 13 correlates of child stunting in South Asia: Insights from nationally representative data from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan pp. 144-154

- Rockli Kim, Iván Mejía-Guevara, Daniel J. Corsi, Víctor M. Aguayo and S.V. Subramanian
- A qualitative study of barriers and facilitators in treating drug use among Israeli mothers: An intersectional perspective pp. 155-163

- Keren Gueta
- Social and emotional wellbeing assessment instruments for use with Indigenous Australians: A critical review pp. 164-173

- M. Le Grande, C.F. Ski, D.R. Thompson, P. Scuffham, S. Kularatna, A.C. Jackson and A. Brown
- Developing culturally sensitive affect scales for global mental health research and practice: Emotional balance, not named syndromes, in Indian Adivasi subjective well-being pp. 174-183

- Jeffrey G. Snodgrass, Michael G. Lacy and Chakrapani Upadhyay
- Long-term physical health consequences of perceived inequality: Results from a twin comparison design pp. 184-192

- Joseph A. Schwartz
- Causal effects of transitions to adult roles on early adult smoking and drinking: Evidence from three cohorts pp. 193-202

- Michael J. Green, Alastair H. Leyland, Helen Sweeting and Michaela Benzeval
- Austerity and the “sector-wide approach” to health: The Mozambique experience pp. 208-216

- James Pfeiffer, Sarah Gimbel, Baltazar Chilundo, Stephen Gloyd, Rachel Chapman and Kenneth Sherr
- Working in scarcity: Effects on social interactions and biomedical care in a Tanzanian hospital pp. 217-224

- Adrienne E. Strong
- Narrating health and scarcity: Guyanese healthcare workers, development reformers, and sacrifice as solution from socialist to neoliberal governance pp. 225-232

- Alexis Walker
- Producing a worthy illness: Personal crowdfunding amidst financial crisis pp. 233-242

- Lauren S. Berliner and Nora J. Kenworthy
- Rationing hepatitis C treatment in the context of austerity policies in France and Cameroon: A transnational perspective on the pharmaceuticalization of healthcare systems pp. 243-250

- Fanny Chabrol, Pierre-Marie David and Gaëlle Krikorian
- “Sharing One's Destiny”: Effects of austerity on migrant health provisioning in the Mediterranean borderlands pp. 251-258

- Megan A. Carney
- Austerity and its implications for immigrant health in France pp. 259-267

- Carolyn Sargent and Laurence Kotobi
- “How the other half live”: Lay perspectives on health inequalities in an age of austerity pp. 268-275

- Kayleigh Garthwaite and Clare Bambra
- Financialisation in health care: An analysis of private equity fund investments in Turkey pp. 276-286

- Ipek Eren Vural
- Austerity and the embodiment of neoliberalism as ill-health: Towards a theory of biological sub-citizenship pp. 287-295

- Matthew Sparke
- Structural adjustment and health: A conceptual framework and evidence on pathways pp. 296-305

- Alexander E. Kentikelenis
On this page- 2017, volume 189
Articles C
- 2017, volume 188
Articles C
- 2017, volume 187
Articles C
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2025, volume 370
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1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46
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- 2017, volume 188
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- 2017, volume 187
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2012, volume 75
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2010, volume 71
2010, volume 70
2009, volume 69
2009, volume 68
2008, volume 67
2008, volume 66
2007, volume 65
2007, volume 64
2006, volume 63
2006, volume 62
2005, volume 61
2005, volume 60
2004, volume 59
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2003, volume 56
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2001, volume 52
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1998, volume 47
1998, volume 46
1997, volume 45
1997, volume 44
1996, volume 43
1996, volume 42
1995, volume 41
1995, volume 40
1994, volume 39
1994, volume 38
1993, volume 37
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1992, volume 35
1992, volume 34
1991, volume 33
1991, volume 32
1990, volume 31
1990, volume 30
1989, volume 29
1989, volume 28
1988, volume 27
1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46