Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2008, volume 67, articles 12
- Social assets and mental distress among the homeless: Exploring the roles of social support and other forms of social capital on depression pp. 1935-1943

- Jay Irwin, Mark LaGory, Ferris Ritchey and Kevin Fitzpatrick
- Social comparison of distress and mental health help-seeking in the US general population pp. 1944-1950

- Ramin Mojtabai
- Personal and neighborhood socioeconomic status and indices of neighborhood walk-ability predict body mass index in New York City pp. 1951-1958

- Andrew Rundle, Sam Field, Yoosun Park, Lance Freeman, Christopher C. Weiss and Kathryn Neckerman
- Self-rated health and trust in low-income Mexican-origin individuals in Texas pp. 1959-1969

- Luisa Franzini
- The inverse hazard law: Blood pressure, sexual harassment, racial discrimination, workplace abuse and occupational exposures in US low-income black, white and Latino workers pp. 1970-1981

- Nancy Krieger, Jarvis T. Chen, Pamela D. Waterman, Cathy Hartman, Anne M. Stoddard, Margaret M. Quinn, Glorian Sorensen and Elizabeth M. Barbeau
- Is precarious employment damaging to self-rated health? Results of propensity score matching methods, using longitudinal data in South Korea pp. 1982-1994

- Myoung-Hee Kim, Chang-yup Kim, Jin-Kyung Park and Ichiro Kawachi
- Studying place effects on health by synthesising individual and area-level outcomes pp. 1995-2006

- Christopher H. Jackson, Sylvia Richardson and Nicky G. Best
- A small-area index of socioeconomic deprivation to capture health inequalities in France pp. 2007-2016

- Sabrina Havard, Séverine Deguen, Julie Bodin, Karine Louis, Olivier Laurent and Denis Bard
- Social participation and healthy ageing: An international comparison using SHARE data pp. 2017-2026

- Nicolas Sirven and Thierry Debrand
- Payments for health care and its effect on catastrophe and impoverishment: Experience from the transition to Universal Coverage in Thailand pp. 2027-2035

- Tewarit Somkotra and Leizel P. Lagrada
- Do Mexican immigrants substitute health care in Mexico for health insurance in the United States? The role of distance pp. 2036-2042

- Henry Brown
- Convergent validity between a discrete choice experiment and a direct, open-ended method: Comparison of preferred attribute levels and willingness to pay estimates pp. 2043-2050

- Marjon van der Pol, Alan Shiell, Flora Au, David Johnston and Suzanne Tough
- Who is hurt by procyclical mortality? pp. 2051-2058

- Ryan Edwards
- Examining the impact of federally-funded syphilis elimination activities in the USA pp. 2059-2062

- Harrell Chesson and Kwame Owusu-Edusei
- Empowering interventions in health and social care: Recognition through 'ecologies of practice' pp. 2063-2071

- Pamela Fisher and Jenny Owen
- The evolving concept of health literacy pp. 2072-2078

- Don Nutbeam
- Does narrative information bias individual's decision making? A systematic review pp. 2079-2088

- Anna Winterbottom, Hilary L. Bekker, Mark Conner and Andrew Mooney
- Making sense of suicide: A discourse analysis of young people's talk about suicidal subjecthood pp. 2089-2097

- Katrina Roen, Jonathan Scourfield and Elizabeth McDermott
- Changing the knowledge base in Western herbal medicine pp. 2098-2106

- Sue Evans
- Social rank and adult male nutritional status: Evidence of the social gradient in health from a foraging-farming society pp. 2107-2115

- Victoria Reyes-García, Thomas W. McDade, Jose Luis Molina, William R. Leonard, Susan N. Tanner, Tomas Huanca and Ricardo Godoy
- Water insecurity and emotional distress: Coping with supply, access, and seasonal variability of water in a Bolivian squatter settlement pp. 2116-2125

- Amber Wutich and Kathleen Ragsdale
- Antiretroviral therapy in Zambia: Colours, 'spoiling', 'talk' and the meaning of antiretrovirals pp. 2126-2134

- Lynette Louise Schumaker and Virginia A. Bond
2008, volume 67, articles 11
- Early accounts of Gulf War illness and the construction of narratives in UK service personnel pp. 1641-1649

- Simon Cohn, Clare Dyson and S. Wessely
- The institutional context of Gulf War illness claims: A commentary on Cohn, Dyson and Wessely pp. 1650-1653

- Thomas Shriver and Sherry Cable
- Contextualising Gulf War illness experience: A response to Shriver and Cable pp. 1654-1656

- Simon Wessely and Simon Cohn
- Widening health inequalities among U.S. military retirees since 1974 pp. 1657-1668

- Ryan Edwards
- Seeing the forest and the trees: Using network analysis to develop an organizational blueprint of state tobacco control systems pp. 1669-1678

- Jenine K. Harris, Douglas A. Luke, Ryan C. Burke and Nancy B. Mueller
- Health promotion research and practice require sound policy analysis models: The case of Quebec's Tobacco Act pp. 1679-1689

- Eric Breton, Lucie Richard, France Gagnon, Marie Jacques and Pierre Bergeron
- Tobacco industry attempts to counter the World Bank report curbing the epidemic and obstruct the WHO framework convention on tobacco control pp. 1690-1699

- Hadii M. Mamudu, Ross Hammond and Stanton Glantz
- A randomized trial evaluating tobacco possession-use-purchase laws in the USA pp. 1700-1707

- Leonard A. Jason, Steven B. Pokorny and Monica Adams
- Smoking behaviours in a remote Australian Indigenous community: The influence of family and other factors pp. 1708-1716

- Vanessa Johnston and David P. Thomas
- The relationship between alcohol consumption and self-reported health status using the EQ5D: Evidence from rural Australia pp. 1717-1726

- Dennis Petrie, Chris Doran, Anthony Shakeshaft and Rob Sanson-Fisher
- Modifiable health risk factors and medical expenditures - The case of Taiwan pp. 1727-1736

- Tsui-Fang Lin
- Scientific resistance to research, training and utilization of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy in treating post-war disorders pp. 1737-1746

- Mark C. Russell
- The fetal tissue economy: From the abortion clinic to the stem cell laboratory pp. 1747-1756

- Julie Kent
- Representativeness, legitimacy and power in public involvement in health-service management pp. 1757-1765

- Graham P. Martin
- Family structure differences in health care utilization among U.S. children pp. 1766-1775

- Bridget K. Gorman and Jennifer Braverman
- General practitioners' experiences and understandings of diagnosing dementia: Factors impacting on early diagnosis pp. 1776-1783

- Emily C. Hansen, Clarissa Hughes, Georgina Routley and Andrew L. Robinson
- Doctors' strikes and mortality: A review pp. 1784-1788

- Solveig Argeseanu Cunningham, Kristina Mitchell, K.M. Venkat Narayan and Salim Yusuf
- Situated/being situated: Client and co-worker roles of family caregivers in hospice palliative care pp. 1789-1797

- Kelli I. Stajduhar, Dawn D. Nickel, Wanda L. Martin and Laura Funk
- Integrating the nurturer-trainer roles: Parental and behavior/symptom management processes for mothers of children with autism pp. 1798-1806

- Wen-Che Tsai, Jia-Ling Tsai and Yea-Ing Lotus Shyu
- Claiming power through hardship: Initiation narratives of Palestinian traditional women healers in Israel pp. 1807-1816

- Ariela Popper-Giveon and Jonathan Ventura
- "She'll be right"? National identity explanations for poor sexual health statistics in Aotearoa/New Zealand pp. 1817-1825

- Virginia Braun
- "So, are you back to work yet?" Re-conceptualizing 'work' and 'return to work' in the context of primary bone cancer pp. 1826-1836

- Janet A. Parsons, Joan M. Eakin, Robert S. Bell, Renée-Louise Franche and Aileen M. Davis
- Understanding, embracing, rejecting: Women's negotiations of disability constructions and categorizations after becoming chronically ill pp. 1837-1846

- Valorie A. Crooks, Vera Chouinard and Robert D. Wilton
- Cerebral implants and Parkinson's disease: A unique form of biographical disruption? pp. 1847-1851

- Elsa Gisquet
- Patient race and physicians' decisions to prescribe opioids for chronic low back pain pp. 1852-1860

- Diana Jill Burgess, Megan Crowley-Matoka, Sean Phelan, John F. Dovidio, Robert Kerns, Craig Roth, Somnath Saha and Michelle van Ryn
- Putting cognitive psychology to work: Improving decision-making in the medical encounter pp. 1861-1869

- Abraham P. Schwab
- The contribution of occupational factors to social inequalities in health: Findings from the national French SUMER survey pp. 1870-1881

- Isabelle Niedhammer, Jean-François Chastang, Simone David and Cecily Kelleher
- Leaving Las Vegas: Exposure to Las Vegas and risk of suicide pp. 1882-1888

- Matt Wray, Matthew Miller, Jill Gurvey, Joanna Carroll and Ichiro Kawachi
- Male-female differences in the association between socioeconomic status and atherosclerotic risk in adolescents pp. 1889-1897

- Jason Murasko
- Are Educational Differences in U.S. Self-Rated Health Increasing?: An Examination by Gender and Race pp. 1898-1906

- Hui Liu and Robert A. Hummer
- Change in reciprocity as a predictor of depressive symptoms: A prospective cohort study of Finnish women and men pp. 1907-1916

- Ari Väänänen, Abraham P. Buunk, Mika Kivimäki, Jussi Vahtera and Markku Koskenvuo
- Associations between physical activity, perceptions of the neighbourhood environment and access to facilities in an English city pp. 1917-1923

- Jenna R. Panter and Andrew P. Jones
- International return mobility, learning and knowledge transfer: A case study of Slovak doctors pp. 1924-1933

- Allan M. Williams and Vladimír Baláž
2008, volume 67, articles 10
- When there is no doctor: Reasons for the disappearance of primary care physicians in the US during the early 21st century pp. 1481-1491

- John McKinlay and Lisa Marceau
- Oh look, there is a doctor after all: About the resilience of professional medicine: A Commentary on McKinlay and Marceau's 'When there is no doctor' pp. 1492-1496

- Stefan Timmermans
- The blindness of those who will not see: On the replacement of primary care doctors in the 21st century. A response to Timmermans pp. 1497-1501

- Lisa Marceau and John B. McKinlay
- Do physicians care about patient choice? pp. 1502-1511

- Ulrika Winblad
- Constructing a European healthcare market: The private healthcare company Capio and the strategic aspect of the drive for transparency pp. 1512-1520

- Maria Blomgren and Eva Sundén
- Impact of maternity unit closures on access to obstetrical care: The French experience between 1998 and 2003 pp. 1521-1529

- Hugo Pilkington, Béatrice Blondel, Marion Carayol, Gérard Breart and Jennifer Zeitlin
- Behind the scenes in health care improvement: The complex structures and emergent strategies of Implementation Science pp. 1530-1540

- Elisa J. Sobo, Candice Bowman and Allen L. Gifford
- Stigma in the workplace: Employer attitudes about people with HIV in Beijing, Hong Kong, and Chicago pp. 1541-1549

- Deepa Rao, Beth Angell, Chow Lam and Patrick Corrigan
- Crossing two types of implementation intentions with a protection motivation intervention for the reduction of saturated fat intake: A randomized trial pp. 1550-1558

- Andrew Prestwich, Karen Ayres and Rebecca Lawton
- Can social capital be intentionally generated? A randomized trial from rural South Africa pp. 1559-1570

- Paul M. Pronyk, Trudy Harpham, Joanna Busza, Godfrey Phetla, Linda A. Morison, James R. Hargreaves, Julia C. Kim, Charlotte H. Watts and John D. Porter
- Imperial or postcolonial governance? Dissecting the genealogy of a global public health strategy pp. 1571-1579

- Tim Brown and Morag Bell
- Race, populations, and genomics: Africa as laboratory pp. 1580-1588

- Lundy Braun and Evelynn Hammonds
- Risk for post-traumatic stress disorder associated with different forms of interpersonal violence in South Africa pp. 1589-1595

- Debra Kaminer, Anna Grimsrud, Landon Myer, Dan J. Stein and David R. Williams
- Long-term effects of organized violence on young Middle Eastern refugees' mental health pp. 1596-1603

- Edith Montgomery
- Social context as an explanation for race disparities in hypertension: Findings from the Exploring Health Disparities in Integrated Communities (EHDIC) Study pp. 1604-1611

- Roland J. Thorpe , Dwayne T. Brandon and Thomas A. LaVeist
- Environmental inequity in England: Small area associations between socio-economic status and environmental pollution pp. 1612-1629

- David Briggs, Juan J. Abellan and Daniela Fecht
- Gender-specific responses to social determinants associated with self-perceived health in Taiwan: A multilevel approach pp. 1630-1640

- Duan-Rung Chen, Ly-Yun Chang and Meng-Li Yang
2008, volume 67, articles 9
- Changes at Social Science & Medicine pp. 1341-1342

- Ellen Annandale
- Media campaigns to promote smoking cessation among socioeconomically disadvantaged populations: What do we know, what do we need to learn, and what should we do now? pp. 1343-1355

- Jeff Niederdeppe, Xiaodong Kuang, Brittney Crock and Ashley Skelton
- Examining the evidence base of mass media campaigns for socially disadvantaged populations: What do we know, what do we need to learn, and what should we do now? A commentary on Niederdeppe's article pp. 1356-1358

- Pebbles Fagan
- Critical steps in building the evidence base regarding media campaign effects on disadvantaged populations: A response to Fagan pp. 1359-1360

- Jeff Niederdeppe, Xiaodong Kuang, Brittney Crock and Ashley Skelton
- Carrier matching and collective socialization in community genetics: Dor Yeshorim and the reinforcement of stigma pp. 1361-1369

- Aviad E. Raz and Yafa Vizner
- An uncertain revolution: Why the rise of a genetic model of mental illness has not increased tolerance pp. 1370-1381

- Jason Schnittker
- 'Avoiding harm to others' considerations in relation to parental measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccination discussions - An analysis of an online chat forum pp. 1382-1390

- Zoë C. Skea, Vikki A. Entwistle, Ian Watt and Elizabeth Russell
- How are patient characteristics relevant for physicians' clinical decision making in diabetes? An analysis of qualitative results from a cross-national factorial experiment pp. 1391-1399

- Karen E. Lutfey, Stephen M. Campbell, Megan R. Renfrew, Lisa D. Marceau, Martin Roland and John B. McKinlay
- Clinical relationships tested by iatrogenicity: The case of haemophiliac patients faced with the epidemic of transfusional AIDS pp. 1400-1409

- Emmanuelle Fillion
- Ethnicity and utilization of family physicians: A case study of Mainland Chinese immigrants in Toronto, Canada pp. 1410-1422

- Lu Wang, Mark Rosenberg and Lucia Lo
- Social support, material circumstance and health behaviour: Influences on health in First Nation and Inuit communities of Canada pp. 1423-1433

- Chantelle A.M. Richmond and Nancy A. Ross
- Using in-depth qualitative data to enhance our understanding of quantitative results regarding the impact of HIV and AIDS on households in rural Uganda pp. 1434-1446

- Janet Seeley, Samuel Biraro, Leigh Anne Shafer, Pamela Nasirumbi, Susan Foster, Jimmy Whitworth and Heiner Grosskurth
- Sex, drugs, and HIV: Rapid assessment of HIV risk behaviors among street-based drug using sex workers in Durban, South Africa pp. 1447-1455

- Richard Needle, Karen Kroeger, Hrishikesh Belani, Angeli Achrekar, Charles D. Parry and Sarah Dewing
- Marital and cohabitation status as predictors of mortality: A 10-year follow-up of an Italian elderly cohort pp. 1456-1464

- Emanuele Scafato, Lucia Galluzzo, Claudia Gandin, Silvia Ghirini, Marzia Baldereschi, Antonio Capurso, Stefania Maggi, Gino Farchi and for the ILSA Working Group
- Illness representations and coping following an abnormal colorectal cancer screening result pp. 1465-1474

- Sheina Orbell, Ian O'Sullivan, Ron Parker, Bob Steele, Christine Campbell and David Weller
- Modeling the mental health effects of victimization among homeless persons pp. 1475-1479

- Brian Edward Perron, Ben Alexander-Eitzman, David F. Gillespie and David Pollio
2008, volume 67, articles 8
- Post-traumatic stress and psychiatric disorders in Palestinian adolescents following intifada-related injuries pp. 1199-1207

- Vivian Khamis
- The psychological impact of the Israel-Hezbollah War on Jews and Arabs in Israel: The impact of risk and resilience factors pp. 1208-1216

- Patrick A. Palmieri, Daphna Canetti-Nisim, Sandro Galea, Robert J. Johnson and Stevan E. Hobfoll
- Understanding adjustment following traumatic brain injury: Is the Goodness-of-Fit coping hypothesis useful? pp. 1217-1224

- Elizabeth Kendall and Deborah J. Terry
- HIV-related stigma: Adapting a theoretical framework for use in India pp. 1225-1235

- Wayne T. Steward, Gregory M. Herek, Jayashree Ramakrishna, Shalini Bharat, Sara Chandy, Judith Wrubel and Maria L. Ekstrand
- Community factors affecting rising caesarean section rates in developing countries: An analysis of six countries pp. 1236-1246

- Tiziana Leone, Sabu S. Padmadas and Zoë Matthews
- Socioeconomic domains and associations with preterm birth pp. 1247-1257

- Lynne C. Messer, Lisa C. Vinikoor, Barbara A. Laraia, Jay S. Kaufman, Janet Eyster, Claudia Holzman, Jennifer Culhane, Irma Elo, Jessica G. Burke and Patricia O'Campo
- Does place explain racial health disparities? Quantifying the contribution of residential context to the Black/white health gap in the United States pp. 1258-1268

- D. Phuong Do, Brian Karl Finch, Ricardo Basurto-Davila, Chloe Bird, Jose Escarce and Nicole Lurie
- Recent changes in the geography of social disparities in premature mortality in Québec pp. 1269-1281

- Robert Pampalon, Denis Hamel and Philippe Gamache
- Is caring associated with an increased risk of mortality? A longitudinal study pp. 1282-1290

- Dermot O'Reilly, Sheelah Connolly, Michael Rosato and Chris Patterson
- Life sustaining irritations? Relationship quality and mortality in the context of chronic illness pp. 1291-1299

- Kira Birditt and Toni C. Antonucci
- Differential effect of birthplace and length of residence on body mass index (BMI) by education, gender and race/ethnicity pp. 1300-1310

- Emma V. Sanchez-Vaznaugh, Ichiro Kawachi, S.V. Subramanian, Brisa N. Sánchez and Dolores Acevedo-Garcia
- Kidney disease and the cumulative burden of life course socioeconomic conditions: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study pp. 1311-1320

- David A. Shoham, Suma Vupputuri, Jay S. Kaufman, Abhijit V. Kshirsagar, Ana V. Diez Roux, Josef Coresh and Gerardo Heiss
- Gender differences in relationships between social capital and individual smoking and drinking behavior in Taiwan pp. 1321-1330

- Ying-Chih Chuang and Kun-Yang Chuang
- Test of the 'healthy migrant hypothesis': A longitudinal analysis of health selectivity of internal migration in Indonesia pp. 1331-1339

- Yao Lu
2008, volume 67, articles 7
- The habitus of hygiene: Discourses of cleanliness and infection control in nursing work pp. 1047-1055

- Brian Brown, Paul Crawford, Brigitte Nerlich and Nelya Koteyko
- Is my sick child healthy? Is my healthy child sick?: Changing parental experiences of cystic fibrosis in the age of expanded newborn screening pp. 1056-1064

- Rachel Grob
- Are drug treatment services only for 'thieving junkie scumbags'? Drug users and the management of stigmatised identities pp. 1065-1073

- Polly Radcliffe and Alex Stevens
- Weaving meaning? An exploration of the interplay between lay and professional understandings of cervical cancer risk pp. 1074-1082

- Natalie Armstrong and Elizabeth Murphy
- 'I really tried': Management of normative issues in accounts of responses to infertility pp. 1083-1093

- Bregje Christina de Kok and Sue Widdicombe
- Forty days and forty nights: A biocultural perspective on postpartum practices in the Amazon pp. 1094-1103

- Barbara Ann Piperata
- The social construction of surrogacy research: An anthropological critique of the psychosocial scholarship on surrogate motherhood pp. 1104-1112

- Elly Teman
- Older people's views of a good death in heart failure: Implications for palliative care provision pp. 1113-1121

- M. Gott, Neil Small, Sarah Barnes, Sheila Payne and David Seamark
- Assessing the effectiveness of interventions to promote advance directives among older adults: A systematic review and multi-level analysis pp. 1122-1132

- Gina Bravo, Marie-France Dubois and Bernard Wagneur
- Discourses of disease, discourses of disadvantage: A critical analysis of National Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Plans pp. 1133-1142

- Joshua P. Garoon and Patrick S. Duggan
- Where there's a will, is there a way?: Is New Zealand's publicly funded health sector able to steer towards population health? pp. 1143-1152

- Tim Tenbensel, Jacqueline Cumming, Toni Ashton and Pauline Barnett
- Family practice: Professional identity in transition. A case study of family medicine in Canada pp. 1153-1163

- Marie-Dominique Beaulieu, Marc Rioux, Guy Rocher, Louise Samson and Laurier Boucher
- Evaluating the impact of eligibility for free care on the use of general practitioner (GP) services: A difference-in-difference matching approach pp. 1164-1172

- Anne Nolan
- Dynamic process of adverse selection: Evidence from a subsidized community-based health insurance in rural China pp. 1173-1182

- Licheng Zhang and Hong Wang
- Insurance covered and non-covered complementary and alternative medicine utilisation among adults in Taiwan pp. 1183-1189

- Shu-Fang Shih, Chih-Yin Lew-Ting, Hsing-Yi Chang and Ken N. Kuo
- Welfarism, extra-welfarism and capability: The spread of ideas in health economics pp. 1190-1198

- Joanna Coast, Richard D. Smith and Paula Lorgelly
2008, volume 67, articles 6
- Small area inequalities in health: Are we underestimating them? pp. 891-899

- Mai Stafford, Oliver Duke-Williams and Nicola Shelton
- Do poorer people have poorer access to local resources and facilities? The distribution of local resources by area deprivation in Glasgow, Scotland pp. 900-914

- Sally Macintyre, Laura Macdonald and Anne Ellaway
- Individual factors explain neighbourhood variations in accidents to children under 5 years of age pp. 915-927

- Richard Reading, Andrew Jones, Robin Haynes, Konstantinos Daras and Alan Emond
- Cancer survival in New Zealand: Ethnic, social and geographical inequalities pp. 928-937

- Robin Haynes, Jamie Pearce and Ross Barnett
- Creating intoxigenic environments: Marketing alcohol to young people in Aotearoa New Zealand pp. 938-946

- Tim McCreanor, Helen Moewaka Barnes, Hector Kaiwai, Suaree Borell and Amanda Gregory
- Is the duration of poverty and unemployment a risk factor for heavy drinking? pp. 947-955

- Krysia N. Mossakowski
- Going ill to work - What personal circumstances, attitudes and work-related factors are associated with sickness presenteeism? pp. 956-964

- Claus D. Hansen and Johan H. Andersen
- The impact of systematic occupational health and safety management for occupational disorders and long-term work attendance pp. 965-970

- Lotta Dellve, Katrin Skagert and Mats Eklöf
- Relationship of socioeconomic status to C-reactive protein and arterial stiffness in urban Japanese civil servants pp. 971-981

- Yasuaki Saijo, Eiji Yoshioka, Tomonori Fukui, Mariko Kawaharada and Reiko Kishi
- Do social comparisons explain the association between income inequality and health?: Relative deprivation and perceived health among male and female Japanese individuals pp. 982-987

- Naoki Kondo, Ichiro Kawachi, S.V. Subramanian, Yasuhisa Takeda and Zentaro Yamagata
- Explaining gender differences in ill-health in South Korea: The roles of socio-structural, psychosocial, and behavioral factors pp. 988-1001

- Heeran Chun, Young-Ho Khang, Il-Ho Kim and Sung-il Cho
- Informal and formal care for elderly persons: How adult children's characteristics affect the use of formal care in Japan pp. 1002-1008

- Chie Hanaoka and Edward Norton
- How important are individual, household and commune characteristics in explaining utilization of maternal health services in Vietnam? pp. 1009-1017

- Ardeshir Sepehri, Sisira Sarma, Wayne Simpson and Saeed Moshiri
- Understanding a collaborative effort to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in health care: Contributions from social network analysis pp. 1018-1027

- Marsha Gold, Patrick Doreian and Erin Fries Taylor
- Doing' public health and 'making' public health practitioners: Putting policy into practice in 'Starting Well pp. 1028-1037

- Mhairi Mackenzie
- An exploration of food intolerance in the primary care setting: The general practitioner's experience pp. 1038-1045

- Mia Nelson and Jane Ogden
2008, volume 67, articles 5
- Ethics and the ethnography of medical research in Africa pp. 685-695

- Sassy Molyneux and P. Wenzel Geissler
- 'He is now like a brother, I can even give him some blood' - Relational ethics and material exchanges in a malaria vaccine 'trial community' in The Gambia pp. 696-707

- P. Wenzel Geissler, Ann Kelly, Babatunde Imoukhuede and Robert Pool
- Taking social relationships seriously: Lessons learned from the informed consent practices of a vaccine trial on the Kenyan Coast pp. 708-720

- Caroline Gikonyo, Philip Bejon, Vicki Marsh and Sassy Molyneux
- Beginning community engagement at a busy biomedical research programme: Experiences from the KEMRI CGMRC-Wellcome Trust Research Programme, Kilifi, Kenya pp. 721-733

- Vicki Marsh, Dorcas Kamuya, Yvonne Rowa, Caroline Gikonyo and Sassy Molyneux
- Promoting the social value of research in Kenya: Examining the practical aspects of collaborative partnerships using an ethical framework pp. 734-747

- Geoffrey Mbaabu Lairumbi, Sassy Molyneux, Robert W. Snow, Kevin Marsh, Norbert Peshu and Mike English
- The interface between research and policy: Experience from South Africa pp. 748-759

- Lucy Gilson and Di McIntyre
- The research, policy and practice interface: Reflections on using applied social research to promote equity in health in Malawi pp. 760-770

- Sally Theobald and Bertha Nhlema-Simwaka
- Ethical dilemmas of social science research on AIDS and orphanhood in Western Kenya pp. 771-779

- Erick Otieno Nyambedha
- "I know he controls cancer": The meanings of religion among Black Caribbean and White British patients with advanced cancer pp. 780-789

- Jonathan Koffman, Myfanwy Morgan, Polly Edmonds, Peter Speck and Irene J. Higginson
- HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discrimination: Accounts of HIV-positive Caribbean people in the United Kingdom pp. 790-798

- Moji Anderson, Gillian Elam, Sarah Gerver, Ijeoma Solarin, Kevin Fenton and Philippa Easterbrook
- Vulnerability, gender and "proxy negativity": Women in relationships with HIV-positive men in Australia pp. 799-807

- Asha Persson and Wendy Richards
- The weaker sex? Exploring lay understandings of gender differences in life expectancy: A qualitative study pp. 808-816

- Carol Emslie and Kate Hunt
- Seeking refuge from violence in street-based drug scenes: Women's experiences in North America's first supervised injection facility pp. 817-823

- Nadia Fairbairn, Will Small, Kate Shannon, Evan Wood and Thomas Kerr
- Racial disparity in bacterial vaginosis: the role of socioeconomic status, psychosocial stress, and neighborhood characteristics, and possible implications for preterm birth pp. 824-833

- Kathleen Paul, Doris Boutain, Lisa Manhart and Jane Hitti
- Caring for independent lives: Geographies of caring for young adults with intellectual disabilities pp. 834-843

- Andrew Power
- Coping with the Asian tsunami: Perspectives from Tamil Nadu, India on the determinants of resilience in the face of adversity pp. 844-853

- Anto P. Rajkumar, Titus S. Premkumar and Prathap Tharyan
- The persistent problem of malaria: Addressing the fundamental causes of a global killer pp. 854-862

- Leeanne Stratton, Marie S. O'Neill, Margaret E. Kruk and Michelle L. Bell
- BCG vaccination and WHO's global strategy for tuberculosis control 1948-1983 pp. 863-873

- Niels Brimnes
- Valuing the ICECAP capability index for older people pp. 874-882

- Joanna Coast, Terry N. Flynn, Lucy Natarajan, Kerry Sproston, Jane Lewis, Jordan J. Louviere and Tim J. Peters
- Comparison of two methods of eliciting time preference for future health states pp. 883-889

- Marjon van der Pol and John Cairns
2008, volume 67, articles 4
- Determinants of provider choice for malaria treatment: Experiences from The Gambia pp. 487-496

- Virginia Wiseman, Anthony Scott, Lesong Conteh, Brendan McElroy and Warren Stevens
- Differences in influence patterns between groups predicting the adoption of a solar disinfection technology for drinking water in Bolivia pp. 497-504

- Stephanie Moser and Hans-Joachim Mosler
- Should we have confidence if a physician is accredited? A study of the relative impacts of accreditation and insurance payments on quality of care in the Philippines pp. 505-510

- Stella Luz Quimbo, John W. Peabody, Riti Shimkhada, Kimberly Woo and Orville Solon
- Health costs from short-term exposure to pesticides in Nepal pp. 511-519

- Kishor Atreya
- Interaction of working conditions, job satisfaction, and sickness absences: Evidence from a representative sample of employees pp. 520-528

- Petri Böckerman and Pekka Ilmakunnas
- The association of major depressive episodes with income inequality and the human development index pp. 529-539

- Manuel Cifuentes, Grace Sembajwe, SangWoo Tak, Rebecca Gore, David Kriebel and Laura Punnett
- Predictors of female worker attitudes towards menstruation and the provision of help to institutionalized women with intellectual disabilities in Taiwan pp. 540-545

- Yueh-Ching Chou, Zxy-yann J. Lu, Cheng-yun Pu and Chung-Fu Lan
- Perceptions of medical interactions between healthcare providers and American Indian older adults pp. 546-556

- Eva Marie Garroutte, Natalia Sarkisian, Jack Goldberg, Dedra Buchwald and Janette Beals
- The effects of harassment and victimization on self-rated health and mental health among Canadian adolescents pp. 557-567

- Teresa Abada, Feng Hou and Bali Ram
- Actual or potential neighborhood resources and access to them: Testing hypotheses of social capital for the health of female caregivers pp. 568-582

- Richard M. Carpiano
- Caregivers' experiences of caring for a husband with Parkinson's disease and psychotic symptoms pp. 583-589

- Caroline Williamson, Jane Simpson and Craig D. Murray
- Health in China and India: A cross-country comparison in a context of rapid globalisation pp. 590-605

- Trevor J.B. Dummer and Ian G. Cook
- Social capital and self-rated health: Results from the US 2006 social capital survey of one community pp. 606-617

- Jennifer Schultz, A. Maureen O'Brien and Bedassa Tadesse
- The impact of over-the-counter availability of "Plan B" on teens' contraceptive decision making pp. 618-627

- Tamar Krishnamurti, Sara L. Eggers and Baruch Fischhoff
- Effectiveness of web-based education on Kenyan and Brazilian adolescents' knowledge about HIV/AIDS, abortion law, and emergency contraception: Findings from TeenWeb pp. 628-637

- Carolyn Tucker Halpern, Ellen M.H. Mitchell, Tilda Farhat and Phil Bardsley
- Religious treatments for drug addiction: An exploratory study in Brazil pp. 638-646

- Zila van der Meer Sanchez and Solange A. Nappo
- Dying cancer patients talk about euthanasia pp. 647-656

- Jaklin A. Eliott and Ian N. Olver
- Beliefs about common health problems and work: A qualitative study pp. 657-665

- Maria Carla Barnes, Rhiannon Buck, Gareth Williams, Katie Webb and Mansel Aylward
- Longitudinal studies to detect gene x environment interactions in common disease - Bang for your buck? A commentary on Chaufan's "How much can a large population study on genes, environments, their interactions and common diseases contribute to the health of the American people?" (65:8, 1730-1741(2007)) pp. 666-672

- Stephen Robertson and Richie Poulton
- A letter response to Chaufan's "How much can a large population study on genes, environments, their interactions and common diseases contribute to the health of the American people?" (65:8, 2007, 1730-1741) pp. 673-674

- Reed V. Tuckson and Huntington F. Willard
- In search of "genetic predispositions" to common diseases: Bang for your buck? Not really. A response to Robertson and Poulton, and Tuckson and Willard pp. 675-683

- Claudia Chaufan
2008, volume 67, articles 3
- Stigma, prejudice, discrimination and health pp. 351-357

- Jennifer Stuber, Ilan Meyer and Bruce Link
- Stigma and prejudice: One animal or two? pp. 358-367

- Jo C. Phelan, Bruce G. Link and John F. Dovidio
- Social patterning of stress and coping: Does disadvantaged social statuses confer more stress and fewer coping resources? pp. 368-379

- Ilan H. Meyer, Sharon Schwartz and David M. Frost
- Stigma, social inequality, and HIV risk disclosure among Dominican male sex workers pp. 380-388

- Mark Padilla, Daniel Castellanos, Vincent Guilamo-Ramos, Armando Matiz Reyes, Leonardo E. Sánchez Marte and Martha Arredondo Soriano
- Church ladies, good girls, and locas: Stigma and the intersection of gender, ethnicity, mental illness, and sexuality in relation to HIV risk pp. 389-397

- Pamela Y. Collins, Hella von Unger and Adria Armbrister
- 'Face' and the embodiment of stigma in China: The cases of schizophrenia and AIDS pp. 398-408

- Lawrence Hsin Yang and Arthur Kleinman
- Stigma and coercion in the context of outpatient treatment for people with mental illnesses pp. 409-419

- Bruce Link, Dorothy M. Castille and Jennifer Stuber
- Smoking and the emergence of a stigmatized social status pp. 420-430

- Jennifer Stuber, Sandro Galea and Bruce G. Link
- Rethinking theoretical approaches to stigma: A Framework Integrating Normative Influences on Stigma (FINIS) pp. 431-440

- Bernice A. Pescosolido, Jack K. Martin, Annie Lang and Sigrun Olafsdottir
- Perceived discrimination, race and health in South Africa pp. 441-452

- David R. Williams, Hector M. Gonzalez, Stacey Williams, Selina A. Mohammed, Hashim Moomal and Dan J. Stein
- Reasons for disclosing depression matter: The consequences of having egosystem and ecosystem goals pp. 453-462

- Julie A. Garcia and Jennifer Crocker
- Stigma and the ethics of public health: Not can we but should we pp. 463-472

- Ronald Bayer
- Stigma, ethics and policy: A commentary on Bayer's "Stigma and the ethics of public health: Not can we but should we" pp. 473-475

- Scott Burris
- What means this thing called stigma? A response to Burris pp. 476-477

- Ronald Bayer
- Disparities and distrust: The implications of psychological processes for understanding racial disparities in health and health care pp. 478-486

- John F. Dovidio, Louis A. Penner, Terrance L. Albrecht, Wynne E. Norton, Samuel L. Gaertner and J. Nicole Shelton
2008, volume 67, articles 2
- The sequelae of political violence: Assessing trauma, suffering and dislocation in the Peruvian highlands pp. 205-217

- Duncan Pedersen, Jacques Tremblay, Consuelo Errázuriz and Jeffrey Gamarra
- Debating war-trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in an interdisciplinary arena pp. 218-227

- Hanna Kienzler
- "Feeling blue" in Spanish: A qualitative inquiry of depression among Mexican immigrants pp. 228-237

- Gerald F. Lackey
- Abortion and anxiety: What's the relationship? pp. 238-252

- Julia Renee Steinberg and Nancy F. Russo
- Conflict rationalisation: How family members cope with a diagnosis of brain stem death pp. 253-261

- Tracy Long, Magi Sque and Julia Addington-Hall
- The elementary forms of care: An empirical approach to ethics in a South African Hospital pp. 262-270

- Didier Fassin
- Consequences of a decentralized healthcare governance model: Measuring regional authority support for patient choice in Sweden pp. 271-279

- Mio Fredriksson and Ulrika Winblad
- Partnerships in primary care in Australia: Network structure, dynamics and sustainability pp. 280-291

- Jenny M. Lewis, Juan I. Baeza and Damon Alexander
- District-based malaria epidemic early warning systems in East Africa: Perceptions of acceptability and usefulness among key staff at health facility, district and central levels pp. 292-300

- Caroline Jones, Tarekegn A. Abeku, Beth Rapuoda, Michael Okia and Jonathan Cox
- The relationship of acceptance or denial of HIV-status to antiretroviral adherence among adult HIV patients in urban Botswana pp. 301-310

- Sara L. Nam, Katherine Fielding, Ava Avalos, Diana Dickinson, Tendani Gaolathe and P. Wenzel Geissler
- Mobilizing collective identity to reduce HIV risk among sex workers in Sonagachi, India: The boundaries, consciousness, negotiation framework pp. 311-320

- Toorjo Ghose, Dallas Swendeman, Sheba George and Debasish Chowdhury
- Social norms information enhances the efficacy of an appearance-based sun protection intervention pp. 321-329

- Heike I.M. Mahler, James A. Kulik, Heather A. Butler, Meg Gerrard and Frederick X. Gibbons
- Socioeconomic status and health: The role of subjective social status pp. 330-340

- Panayotes Demakakos, James Nazroo, Elizabeth Breeze and Michael Marmot
- Measuring the school impact on child obesity pp. 341-349

- Kimberley L. Procter, Mary C. Rudolf, Richard G. Feltbower, Ronnie Levine, Anne Connor, Michael Robinson and Graham P. Clarke
2008, volume 67, articles 1
- Framing disease: An underappreciated mechanism for the social patterning of health pp. 1-9

- Robert Aronowitz
- A case of old wine in re-labeled bottles? A commentary on Aronowitz pp. 10-13

- Stephen J. Kunitz
- Out from under the skin: Disease etiology, biology and society: A commentary on Aronowitz pp. 14-17

- Duana Fullwiley
- Revisiting labeling theory and health: A commentary on Aronowitz pp. 18-19

- Constance Nathanson
- Rejoinder to commentaries on "Framing disease: an underappreciated mechanism for the social patterning of health" pp. 20-22

- Robert Aronowitz
- Pathways to depression: The impact of neighborhood violent crime on inner-city residents in Baltimore, Maryland, USA pp. 23-30

- Aaron Curry, Carl Latkin and Melissa Davey-Rothwell
- Does neighborhood violence lead to depression among caregivers of children with asthma? pp. 31-37

- Emily S. Tonorezos, Patrick N. Breysse, Elizabeth C. Matsui, Meredith C. McCormack, Jean Curtin-Brosnan, D'Ann Williams, Nadia N. Hansel, Peyton A. Eggleston and Gregory B. Diette
- An examination of processes linking perceived neighborhood disorder and obesity pp. 38-46

- Amy M. Burdette and Terrence D. Hill
- Shifting accountability: A longitudinal qualitative study of diabetes causation accounts pp. 47-56

- Julia Lawton, Elizabeth Peel, Odette Parry and Margaret Douglas
- Illness experience in fibromyalgia syndrome: A metasynthesis of qualitative studies pp. 57-67

- Julius Sim and Sue Madden
- Health, healing and recovery: Therapeutic landscapes and the everyday lives of breast cancer survivors pp. 68-78

- Jennifer English, Kathi Wilson and Sue Keller-Olaman
- The meaning of the survivor identity for women with breast cancer pp. 79-87

- Karen Kaiser
- The effects of household joblessness on mental health pp. 88-100

- Rosanna Scutella and Mark Wooden
- Export of health services from developing countries: The case of Tunisia pp. 101-110

- Marc Lautier
- What do people value when they provide unpaid care for an older person? A meta-ethnography with interview follow-up pp. 111-121

- Hareth Al-Janabi, Joanna Coast and Terry N. Flynn
- Transitions into informal caregiving and out of paid employment of women in their 50s pp. 122-127

- Janneke Berecki-Gisolf, Jayne Lucke, Richard Hockey and Annette Dobson
- The two facets of electronic care surveillance: An exploration of the views of older people who live with monitoring devices pp. 128-136

- Anna Essén
- What influences referrals within community palliative care services? A qualitative case study pp. 137-146

- Catherine Walshe, Carolyn Chew-Graham, Chris Todd and Ann Caress
- Are 'anonymous' and 'non-directed' prerequisites for living altruistic donation? The views of transplant physicians from France and Québec pp. 147-151

- Marie-Chantal Fortin, Marianne Dion-Labrie, Marie-Josée Hébert, Marie Achille and Hubert Doucet
- Contending visions in the evolution of genetic medicine: The case of cancer genetic services in Ontario, Canada pp. 152-160

- Fiona Alice Miller, Mita Giacomini and Catherine Ahern
- Reducing child mortality in Nigeria: A case study of immunization and systemic factors pp. 161-164

- Rufus Ngowu, James S. Larson and Min Su Kim
- Who's talking? Communication between health providers and HIV-infected adults related to herbal medicine for AIDS treatment in western Uganda pp. 165-176

- Deanne Langlois-Klassen, Walter Kipp and Tom Rubaale
- Using 'complexity' for improving educational research in health care pp. 177-182

- Helen Cooper and Robert Geyer
- Tacit and encoded knowledge in the use of standardised outcome measures in multidisciplinary team decision making: A case study of in-patient neurorehabilitation pp. 183-194

- Joanne Greenhalgh, Rob Flynn, Andrew F. Long and Sarah Tyson
- Qualitative research and the politics of knowledge in an age of evidence: Developing a research-based practice of immanent critique pp. 195-203

- Eric Mykhalovskiy, Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong, Ivy Bourgeault, Jackie Choiniere, Joel Lexchin, Suzanne Peters and Jerry White
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volume 46
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1996, volume 42
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1994, volume 38
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1992, volume 34
1991, volume 33
1991, volume 32
1990, volume 31
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1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
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1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46