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Social Science & Medicine

1979 - 2025

Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian

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2005, volume 60, articles 12

'Burning Issues': an introduction to selected papers from the 10th International Symposium in Medical Geography, Manchester 2003 pp. 2657-2660 Downloads
Fiona Smyth and Richard Thomas
Complexity theory and geographies of health: a critical assessment pp. 2661-2671 Downloads
Anthony C. Gatrell
The 'geneticisation' of heart disease: a network analysis of the production of new genetic knowledge pp. 2673-2683 Downloads
Edward Hall
Replacing positivism in medical geography pp. 2685-2695 Downloads
David Bennett
Everyday health histories and the making of place: the case of an English coastal town pp. 2697-2713 Downloads
Gavin J. Andrews and Robin A. Kearns
Defining regions for locality health care planning: a multidimensional approach pp. 2715-2727 Downloads
Niamh K. Shortt, Adrian Moore, Mike Coombes and Colin Wymer
Zone design for environment and health studies using pre-aggregated data pp. 2729-2742 Downloads
Samantha Cockings and David Martin
The index of multiple deprivation 2000 access domain: a useful indicator for public health? pp. 2743-2753 Downloads
Aphrodite Niggebrugge, Robin Haynes, Andrew Jones, Andrew Lovett and Ian Harvey
Selective migration, health and deprivation: a longitudinal analysis pp. 2755-2771 Downloads
Paul Norman, Paul Boyle and Philip Rees
Housing improvement and self-reported mental distress among council estate residents pp. 2773-2783 Downloads
Richard Thomas, Sherrill Evans, Peter Huxley, Claire Gately and Anne Rogers
The impacts of dwelling conditions on older persons' psychological well-being in Hong Kong: the mediating role of residential satisfaction pp. 2785-2797 Downloads
David R. Phillips, Oi-ling Siu, Anthony G.O. Yeh and Kevin H.C. Cheng
Who you know, where you live: social capital, neighbourhood and health pp. 2799-2818 Downloads
Gerry Veenstra, Isaac Luginaah, Sarah Wakefield, Stephen Birch, John Eyles and Susan Elliott
Family, friend or foe? Critical reflections on the relevance and role of social capital in health promotion and community development pp. 2819-2832 Downloads
Sarah E.L. Wakefield and Blake Poland
Is the urban excess in lung cancer in Scotland explained by patterns of smoking? pp. 2833-2843 Downloads
Jamie Pearce and Paul Boyle
Particulate air pollution, social confounders, and mortality in small areas of an industrial city pp. 2845-2863 Downloads
Michael Jerrett, Michael Buzzelli, Richard T. Burnett and Patrick F. DeLuca
Geographical inequalities of mortality by income in two developed island countries: a cross-national comparison of Britain and Japan pp. 2865-2875 Downloads
Tomoki Nakaya and Danny Dorling
Urban/rural inequalities in suicide in Scotland, 1981-1999 pp. 2877-2890 Downloads
Kate A. Levin and Alastair H. Leyland

2005, volume 60, articles 11

Socio-economic position and its relationship to physical capacity among elderly people living in Jyväskylä, Finland: five- and ten-year follow-up studies pp. 2405-2416 Downloads
Nina Rautio, Eino Heikkinen and Shah Ebrahim
A model of underlying socioeconomic vulnerability in human populations: evidence from variability in population health and implications for public health pp. 2417-2430 Downloads
Sandro Galea, Jennifer Ahern and Adam Karpati
A European comparative study of marital status and socio-economic inequalities in suicide pp. 2431-2441 Downloads
V. Lorant, Anton E. Kunst, Martijn Huisman, Matthias Bopp and Johan Mackenbach
A comparative study of the patterning of women's health by family status and employment status in Finland and Sweden pp. 2443-2451 Downloads
Eva Roos, Bo Burström, Peppiina Saastamoinen and Eero Lahelma
The influence of neighborhood environment on the incidence of childhood asthma: a multilevel approach pp. 2453-2464 Downloads
Young J. Juhn, Jennifer St. Sauver, Slavica Katusic, Delfino Vargas, Amy Weaver and John Yunginger
Current and lifetime exposure to working conditions. Do they explain educational differences in subjective health? pp. 2465-2476 Downloads
Christiaan W.S. Monden
Exploring the generalisability of the association between income inequality and self-assessed health pp. 2477-2488 Downloads
Neil Craig
Adoption of hospital case management: economic and institutional influences pp. 2489-2500 Downloads
Susan D. Roggenkamp, Kenneth R. White and Gloria J. Bazzoli
Influence of waiting time on cost-effectiveness pp. 2501-2504 Downloads
M.A. Koopmanschap, Werner Brouwer, L. Hakkaart-van Roijen and Job van Exel
Contracts in the real world: Case studies from Southern Africa pp. 2505-2514 Downloads
Natasha Palmer and Anne Mills
Aids, race and the limits of science pp. 2515-2525 Downloads
Wende Elizabeth Marshall
Racialized bodies, disabling worlds "they [service providers] always saw me as a client, not as a worker" pp. 2527-2536 Downloads
Parin Dossa
The impact of own and spouse's urinary incontinence on depressive symptoms pp. 2537-2548 Downloads
Nancy H. Fultz, Kristi Rahrig Jenkins, Truls Østbye, Donald Taylor, Mohammed U. Kabeto and Kenneth M. Langa
Gender differences in the relation between social support, problems in parent-offspring communication, and depression and anxiety pp. 2549-2559 Downloads
Karlien M.C. Landman-Peeters, Catharina A. Hartman, Gieta van der Pompe, Johan A. den Boer, Ruud B. Minderaa and Johan Ormel
Stereotactic radiosurgery: the patient's experience pp. 2561-2573 Downloads
David B. Menkes, Mary P. Davison, Shaun A. Costello and Chrystal Jaye
The experiential knowledge of patients: a new resource for biomedical research? pp. 2575-2584 Downloads
J. Francisca Caron-Flinterman, Jacqueline E.W. Broerse and Joske F.G. Bunders
Assessing patients' preferences for treatments for angina using a modified repertory grid method pp. 2585-2595 Downloads
Gene Rowe, Nigel Lambert, Ann Bowling, Shah Ebrahim, Ian Wakeling and Richard Thomson
The place of death of cancer patients: can qualitative data add to known factors? pp. 2597-2607 Downloads
Carol Thomas
French hormones: progestins and therapeutic variation in France pp. 2609-2622 Downloads
Ilana Löwy and George Weisz
Do panel surveys make people sick? US arthritis trends in the Health and Retirement Study pp. 2623-2627 Downloads
Sven E. Wilson and Benjamin L. Howell
Disease metaphors in new epidemics: the UK media framing of the 2003 SARS epidemic pp. 2629-2639 Downloads
Patrick Wallis and Brigitte Nerlich
Do higher status and more autonomous women have longer birth intervals?: Results from Cebu, Philippines pp. 2641-2655 Downloads
Ushma D. Upadhyay and Michelle J. Hindin

2005, volume 60, articles 10

Extended family's and women's roles in safeguarding orphans' education in AIDS-afflicted rural Zimbabwe pp. 2155-2167 Downloads
Constance Nyamukapa and Simon Gregson
Canadian Aboriginal people's experiences with HIV/AIDS as portrayed in selected English language Aboriginal media (1996-2000) pp. 2169-2180 Downloads
Juanne N. Clarke, Daniela B. Friedman and Laurie Hoffman-Goetz
Commercial sex work, drug use, and sexually transmitted infections in St. Petersburg, Russia pp. 2181-2190 Downloads
Sevgi O. Aral, Janet S. St. Lawrence, Roman Dyatlov and Andrei Kozlov
What girls need: recommendations for preventing violence among urban girls in the US pp. 2191-2204 Downloads
Beth E. Molnar, Andrea L. Roberts, Angela Browne, Hannah Gardener and Stephen L. Buka
Community level effects of gender inequality on intimate partner violence and unintended pregnancy in Colombia: testing the feminist perspective pp. 2205-2216 Downloads
Christina C. Pallitto and Patricia O'Campo
Race and ethnic differences in determinants of preterm birth in the USA: broadening the social context pp. 2217-2228 Downloads
Patricia B. Reagan and Pamela J. Salsberry
The effects of racial density and income incongruity on pregnancy outcomes pp. 2229-2238 Downloads
Kate E. Pickett, James Collins, Christopher M. Masi and Richard G. Wilkinson
Does chronic illness place constraints on positive constructions of identity? Temporal comparisons and self-evaluations in people with schizophrenia pp. 2239-2248 Downloads
S. Dinos, E. Lyons and W.M.L. Finlay
Constructions of masculinity following prostatectomy-induced impotence pp. 2249-2259 Downloads
John Oliffe
Sickness absence in female- and male-dominated occupations and workplaces pp. 2261-2272 Downloads
Arne Mastekaasa
'Choosing' to work when sick: workplace presenteeism pp. 2273-2282 Downloads
Kevin Dew, Vera Keefe and Keitha Small
'Supply' and 'demand': breastfeeding as labour pp. 2283-2293 Downloads
Fiona Dykes
Mothers reframing physical activity: family oriented politicism, transgression and contested expertise in Australia pp. 2295-2306 Downloads
Belinda Lewis and Damien Ridge
Physician-elderly patient-companion communication and roles of companions in Japanese geriatric encounters pp. 2307-2320 Downloads
Hirono Ishikawa, Debra L. Roter, Yoshihiko Yamazaki and Tomoko Takayama
Quality of life and coping strategies among lung transplant candidates and their family caregivers pp. 2321-2332 Downloads
Larissa Myaskovsky, Mary Amanda Dew, Galen E. Switzer, Mary L. McNulty, Andrea F. DiMartini and Kenneth R. McCurry
Participatory action research: considerations for ethical review pp. 2333-2340 Downloads
N. Khanlou and E. Peter
Parents' perceptions of pediatric day surgery risks: unforeseeable complications, or avoidable mistakes? pp. 2341-2350 Downloads
Elisa J. Sobo
The impact of advertising on nicotine replacement therapy demand pp. 2351-2358 Downloads
John Tauras, Frank Chaloupka and Sherry Emery
Governance in gridlock in the Russian health system; the case of Sverdlovsk oblast pp. 2359-2369 Downloads
Rod Sheaff
Credit program outcomes: coping capacity and nutritional status in the food insecure context of Ethiopia pp. 2371-2382 Downloads
Shannon Doocy, Shimeles Teferra, Dan Norell and Gilbert Burnham
Beyond intention: do specific plans increase health behaviours in patients in primary care? A study of fruit and vegetable consumption pp. 2383-2391 Downloads
Cath Jackson, Rebecca Lawton, Peter Knapp, David K. Raynor, Mark Conner, Catherine Lowe and S. José Closs
A pharmacist model of perceived responsibility for drug therapy outcomes pp. 2393-2403 Downloads
Lourdes G. Planas, Carole L. Kimberlin, Richard Segal, David B. Brushwood, Charles D. Hepler and Barry R. Schlenker

2005, volume 60, articles 9

Does 'welfare-to-work' work? A systematic review of the effectiveness of the UK's welfare-to-work programmes for people with a disability or chronic illness pp. 1905-1918 Downloads
Clare Bambra, Margaret Whitehead and Val Hamilton
The impact of media coverage of the suicide of a well-known Quebec reporter: the case of Gaëtan Girouard pp. 1919-1926 Downloads
Michel Tousignant, Brian L. Mishara, Aline Caillaud, Veronique Fortin and Danielle St-Laurent
Beyond blame: cultural barriers to medical incident reporting pp. 1927-1935 Downloads
Justin J. Waring
How acceptable are innovative health-care technologies? A survey of public beliefs and attitudes in England and Wales pp. 1937-1948 Downloads
Michael Calnan, David Montaner and Rob Horne
Doing criticism in 'symbiotic niceness': a study of palliative care nurses' talk pp. 1949-1959 Downloads
Sarah Li
Physicians' attitudes towards end-of-life decisions: a comparison between seven countries pp. 1961-1974 Downloads
Guido Miccinesi, Susanne Fischer, Eugenio Paci, Bregje D Onwuteaka-Philipsen, Colleen Cartwright, Agnes van der Heide, Tore Nilstun, Michael Norup and Freddy Mortier
Diversity in clinical guidelines: the role of repertoires of evaluation pp. 1975-1985 Downloads
Tiago Moreira
Socioeconomic status and weight change in adults: a review pp. 1987-2010 Downloads
Kylie Ball and David Crawford
Low levels of maternal education and the proximate determinants of childhood mortality: a little learning is not a dangerous thing pp. 2011-2023 Downloads
Alaka Malwade Basu and Rob Stephenson
Prehospital delay and independent/interdependent construal of self among Japanese patients with acute myocardial infarction pp. 2025-2034 Downloads
Yoshimi Fukuoka, Kathleen Dracup, Sally H. Rankin, Erika Sivarajan Froelicher, Fumio Kobayashi, Haro Hirayama, Miyoshi Ohno and David Matsumoto
Breast-feeding, day-care attendance and the frequency of antibiotic treatments from 1.5 to 5 years: a population-based longitudinal study in Canada pp. 2035-2044 Downloads
Lise Dubois and Manon Girard
The impact of socio-economic factors on functional status decline among community-dwelling older adults in China pp. 2045-2057 Downloads
May A. Beydoun and Barry M. Popkin
Location, location, location: contextual and compositional health effects of social capital in British Columbia, Canada pp. 2059-2071 Downloads
Gerry Veenstra
A multilevel analysis of ethnic variation in depressive symptoms among adolescents in the United States pp. 2073-2084 Downloads
Richard G. Wight, Carol S. Aneshensel, Amanda L. Botticello and Joslan E. Sepúlveda
Framing the fetus in medical work: rituals and practices pp. 2085-2095 Downloads
Clare Williams
Translators and mediators: bilingual young people's accounts of their interpreting work in health care pp. 2097-2110 Downloads
Judith Green, Caroline Free, Vanita Bhavnani and Tony Newman
Antibiomedicine belief and integrative health seeking in Taiwan pp. 2111-2116 Downloads
Chih-Yin Lew-Ting
"Sneaky disease": the body and health knowledge for people at risk for coronary heart disease in Ontario, Canada pp. 2117-2128 Downloads
J. Angus, S. Evans, J. Lapum, E. Rukholm, R. St. Onge, R. Nolan and I. Michel
Role of socialization in explaining social inequalities in health pp. 2129-2133 Downloads
Archana Singh-Manoux and Michael Marmot
Guiding the design and selection of interventions to influence the implementation of evidence-based practice: an experimental simulation of a complex intervention trial pp. 2135-2147 Downloads
Debbie Bonetti, Martin Eccles, Marie Johnston, Nick Steen, Jeremy Grimshaw, Rachel Baker, Anne Walker and Nigel Pitts
Health care and illegality: a survey of undocumented pregnant immigrants in Geneva pp. 2149-2154 Downloads
Hans Wolff, Hans Stalder, Manuella Epiney, Angela Walder, Olivier Irion and Alfredo Morabia

2005, volume 60, articles 8

On the relevance of personal characteristics in setting health priorities: a comment on Olsen, Richardson, Dolan and Menzel (2003) pp. 1661-1664 Downloads
Duncan Mortimer
Response to "on the relevance of personal characteristics in setting health care priorities" pp. 1665-1666 Downloads
Jan Abel Olsen, Jeff Richardson, Paul Dolan and Paul Menzel
Racial residential segregation and geographic heterogeneity in black/white disparity in poor self-rated health in the US: a multilevel statistical analysis pp. 1667-1679 Downloads
S.V. Subramanian, Dolores Acevedo-Garcia and Theresa L. Osypuk
Gender differences in the associations between health and neighbourhood environment pp. 1681-1692 Downloads
M. Stafford, S. Cummins, S. Macintyre, A. Ellaway and M. Marmot
Comparing sex inequalities in common affective disorders across countries: Great Britain and Chile pp. 1693-1703 Downloads
Graciela Rojas, Ricardo Araya and Glyn Lewis
A gender-based dynamic multidimensional longitudinal analysis of resilience and mortality in the old-old in Israel: the cross-sectional and longitudinal aging study (CALAS) pp. 1705-1715 Downloads
Adrian Walter-Ginzburg, Dov Shmotkin, Tzvia Blumstein and Aviva Shorek
The impact of current and past interpersonal violence on women's mental health pp. 1717-1727 Downloads
Patrizia Romito, Janet Molzan Turan and Margherita De Marchi
'My fear is to fall in love again...' How HIV-positive African women survive in London pp. 1729-1738 Downloads
Lesley Doyal and Jane Anderson
A typology of groups at risk of HIV/STI in a gold mining town in north-western Tanzania pp. 1739-1749 Downloads
Nicola Desmond, Caroline F. Allen, Simon Clift, Butolwa Justine, Joseph Mzugu, Mary L. Plummer, Deborah Watson-Jones and David A. Ross
'I never go anywhere': extricating the links between women's mobility and uptake of reproductive health services in Pakistan pp. 1751-1765 Downloads
Zubia Mumtaz and Sarah Salway
What happened when Scottish women were given advance supplies of emergency contraception? A survey and qualitative study of women's views and experiences pp. 1767-1779 Downloads
Sue Ziebland, Sally Wyke, Pete Seaman, Karen Fairhurst, Jeremy Walker and Anna Glasier
Attitudes toward palliative care, conceptions of euthanasia and opinions about its legalization among French physicians pp. 1781-1793 Downloads
Patrick Peretti-Watel, M.K. Bendiane and J.P. Moatti
Dimensions of privacy in palliative care: views of health professionals pp. 1795-1804 Downloads
Annette F. Street and Anthony Love
Cost structure of osteopathic hospitals and their local counterparts in the USA: Are they any different? pp. 1805-1814 Downloads
Tony Sinay
Managed care and infant health: an evaluation of Medicaid in the US pp. 1815-1833 Downloads
Robert Kaestner, Lisa Dubay and Genevieve Kenney
Social and psychological characteristics of Kuwaiti children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes pp. 1835-1844 Downloads
M.A.A. Moussa, M. Alsaeid, N. Abdella, T.M.K. Refai, N. Al-Sheikh and J.E. Gomez
Perceptions of tuberculosis patients about their physical, mental and social well-being: a field report from south India pp. 1845-1853 Downloads
R. Rajeswari, M. Muniyandi, R. Balasubramanian and P.R. Narayanan
Perspectives on use and protection of genetic information in work settings: results of a preliminary study pp. 1855-1858 Downloads
Laura Weiss Roberts, Cynthia M.A. Geppert, Teddy D. Warner, Katherine A. Green Hammond, Melinda Rogers, Julienne Smrcka and Brian B. Roberts
Variation and change in the meaning of oral health related quality of life: a 'grounded' systems approach pp. 1859-1868 Downloads
Jane Gregory, Barry Gibson and Peter G. Robinson
Repositioning the patient: the implications of being 'at risk' pp. 1869-1879 Downloads
S. Scott, L. Prior, F. Wood and J. Gray
Potential access and revealed access to pain management medications pp. 1881-1891 Downloads
Swu-Jane Lin, Stephanie Y. Crawford and J. Warren Salmon
Health sector reform in Argentina: a cautionary tale pp. 1893-1903 Downloads
Peter Lloyd-Sherlock

2005, volume 60, articles 7

The purpose of attributing cause: beliefs about the causes of myocardial infarction pp. 1411-1421 Downloads
DavidP. French, Esther Maissi and Theresa M. Marteau
Lay perceptions of type 2 diabetes in Scotland: bringing health services back in pp. 1423-1435 Downloads
Julia Lawton, Elizabeth Peel, Odette Parry, Gonzalo Araoz and Margaret Douglas
Moral hazard and prescription medicine use in Australia--the patient perspective pp. 1437-1443 Downloads
Evan Doran, Jane Robertson and David Henry
Fee-for-service or donation? Hungarian perspectives on informal payment for health care pp. 1445-1457 Downloads
Peter Gaal and Martin McKee
Whose informational needs are considered? A comparison between cancer patients and their spouses' perceptions of their own and their partners' knowledge and informational needs pp. 1459-1465 Downloads
Yoram Bar-Tal, Sivia Barnoy and Bracha Zisser
Health information-seeking behaviour in adolescence: the place of the internet pp. 1467-1478 Downloads
Nicola J. Gray, Jonathan D. Klein, Peter R. Noyce, Tracy S. Sesselberg and Judith A. Cantrill
The impact of an organ donation registration information program for high school students in the Netherlands pp. 1479-1486 Downloads
A. Reubsaet, J. Brug, M.D. Nijkamp, M.J.J.M. Candel, J.P. van Hooff and H.W. van den Borne
Exploring the social and cultural context of sexual health for young people in Mongolia: implications for health promotion pp. 1487-1498 Downloads
Amanda B. Roberts, C. Oyun, E. Batnasan and Lory Laing
Association of sociodemographic characteristics of children with intellectual disability in Western Australia pp. 1499-1513 Downloads
Helen Leonard, Beverly Petterson, Nicholas De Klerk, Stephen R. Zubrick, Emma Glasson, Richard Sanders and Carol Bower
Does social inequality matter? Changing ethnic socio-economic disparities and Maori smoking in New Zealand, 1981-1996 pp. 1515-1526 Downloads
Ross Barnett, Jamie Pearce and Graham Moon
Ethnic differences in social participation and social capital in Malmö, Sweden: a population-based study pp. 1527-1546 Downloads
Martin Lindström
Residential mobility in the California Teachers Study: implications for geographic differences in disease rates pp. 1547-1555 Downloads
Susan E. Hurley, Peggy Reynolds, Debbie E. Goldberg, Andrew Hertz, Hoda Anton-Culver, Leslie Bernstein, Dennis Deapen, David Peel, Richard Pinder, Ronald K. Ross, Dee West, William E. Wright, Argyrios Ziogas and Pamela L. Horn-Ross
Neighbourhood inequality, neighbourhood affluence and population health pp. 1557-1569 Downloads
Feng Hou and John Myles
A comparison of generic, indirect utility measures (the HUI2, HUI3, SF-6D, and the EQ-5D) and disease-specific instruments (the RAQoL and the HAQ) in rheumatoid arthritis pp. 1571-1582 Downloads
Carlo A. Marra, John C. Woolcott, Jacek A. Kopec, Kamran Shojania, Robert Offer, John Brazier, John M. Esdaile and Aslam H. Anis
Autonomy-related behaviors of patient companions and their effect on decision-making activity in geriatric primary care visits pp. 1583-1591 Downloads
Marla L. Clayman, Debra Roter, Lawrence S. Wissow and Karen Bandeen-Roche
Self-reported job insecurity and health in the Whitehall II study: potential explanations of the relationship pp. 1593-1602 Downloads
Jane E. Ferrie, Martin J. Shipley, Katherine Newman, Stephen A. Stansfeld and Michael Marmot
Psychosocial and cultural factors affecting the perceived risk of genetically modified food: an overview of the literature pp. 1603-1612 Downloads
Melissa L. Finucane and Joan L. Holup
AIDS and "shared sovereignty" in Tanzania from 1987 to 2000: a case study pp. 1613-1624 Downloads
Kari A. Hartwig, Eugenia Eng, Mark Daniel, Thomas Ricketts and Sandra Crouse Quinn
Cultural differences in conceptual models of depression pp. 1625-1635 Downloads
Alison Karasz
Identity change and the human dissection experience over the first year of medical training pp. 1637-1647 Downloads
Anna Madill and Gary Latchford
Between formal and enacted policy: changing the contours of boundaries pp. 1649-1660 Downloads
Nissim Mizrachi and Judith T. Shuval

2005, volume 60, articles 6

The role of social norms and friends' influences on unhealthy weight-control behaviors among adolescent girls pp. 1165-1173 Downloads
Marla E. Eisenberg, Dianne Neumark-Sztainer, Mary Story and Cheryl Perry
Sexual and reproductive behaviour among single women aged 15-24 in eight Latin American countries: a comparative analysis pp. 1175-1185 Downloads
Mohamed M. Ali and John Cleland
Imposition of virginity testing: a life-saver or a license to kill? pp. 1187-1196 Downloads
Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian
Provision of HIV treatment in HIV preventive vaccine trials: a developing country perspective pp. 1197-1208 Downloads
C. Slack, M. Stobie, C. Milford, G. Lindegger, D. Wassenaar, A. Strode and C. IJsselmuiden
HIV/AIDS and community conflict in Nigeria: implications and challenges pp. 1209-1218 Downloads
Janet Gruber and Margaret Caffrey
Challenges of a pandemic: HIV/AIDS-related problems affecting Kenyan widows pp. 1219-1228 Downloads
Isaac Luginaah, David Elkins, Eleanor Maticka-Tyndale, Tamara Landry and Mercy Mathui
Differences in quality of life between women and men in the older population of Spain pp. 1229-1240 Downloads
Pilar Guallar-Castillón, Áurea Redondo Sendino, José R. Banegas, Esther López-García and Fernando Rodríguez-Artalejo
Away from home: an ethnographic study of a transitional rehabilitation scheme for older people in the UK pp. 1241-1250 Downloads
Elizabeth Hart, Mark Lymbery and J.R.f Gladman
Inequity and inequality in the use of health care in England: an empirical investigation pp. 1251-1266 Downloads
Stephen Morris, Matthew Sutton and Hugh Gravelle
Social capital, geography and health: a small-area analysis for England pp. 1267-1283 Downloads
John Mohan, Liz Twigg, Steve Barnard and Kelvyn Jones
Perceived neighborhood characteristics and the health of adult Koreans pp. 1285-1297 Downloads
Youngtae Cho, Gil-Sung Park and Samuel Echevarria-Cruz
The 'expert patient': empowerment or medical dominance? The case of weight loss, pharmaceutical drugs and the Internet pp. 1299-1309 Downloads
N.J. Fox, K.J. Ward and A.J. O'Rourke
From the doctor's workshop to the iron cage? Evolving modes of physician control in US health systems pp. 1311-1322 Downloads
Martin Kitchener, Carol A. Caronna and Stephen M. Shortell
The pipeline and the porcupine: alternate metaphors of the physician-industry relationship pp. 1323-1334 Downloads
Charles Mather
A qualitative study of GPs' and PCO stakeholders' views on the importance and influence of cost on prescribing pp. 1335-1346 Downloads
Helen Prosser and Tom Walley
Ambivalent helpers and unhealthy choices: public health practitioners' narratives of Indigenous ill-health pp. 1347-1357 Downloads
Emma Kowal and Yin Paradies
Self-rated health within the Canadian immigrant population: risk and the healthy immigrant effect pp. 1359-1370 Downloads
Bruce Newbold
Integrated versus non-integrated management and care for clients with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders: a qualitative systematic review of randomised controlled trials pp. 1371-1383 Downloads
Maria Donald, Jo Dower and David Kavanagh
Is it worth the risk? A systematic review of instruments that measure risk propensity for use in the health setting pp. 1385-1396 Downloads
James D. Harrison, Jane M. Young, Phyllis Butow, Glenn Salkeld and Michael J. Solomon
Dealing with self-management of chronic illness at work: predictors for self-disclosure pp. 1397-1407 Downloads
F. Munir, S. Leka and A. Griffiths

2005, volume 60, articles 5

Newborn care practices in low socioeconomic settlements of Karachi, Pakistan pp. 911-921 Downloads
Fariyal F. Fikree, Tazeen S. Ali, Jill M. Durocher and Mohammad Hossein Rahbar
The prevalence of diarrheal disease among Brazilian children: trends and differentials from 1986 to 1996 pp. 923-935 Downloads
Narayan Sastry and Sarah Burgard
Assessing the benefits of health research: lessons from research into the use of antenatal corticosteroids for the prevention of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome pp. 937-947 Downloads
Steve Hanney, Miranda Mugford, Jonathan Grant and Martin Buxton
Non-antibiotic treatment recommendations: delivery formats and implications for parent resistance pp. 949-964 Downloads
Tanya Stivers
Coping strategies in parents of children with cancer pp. 965-975 Downloads
Annika Lindahl Norberg, Frank Lindblad and Krister K. Boman
Coping with stress among Aboriginal women and men with diabetes in Winnipeg, Canada pp. 977-988 Downloads
Yoshi Iwasaki, Judith Bartlett and John O'Neil
Individual, household and neighborhood socioeconomic status and mortality: a study of absolute and relative deprivation pp. 989-997 Downloads
Dena H. Jaffe, Zvi Eisenbach, Yehuda D. Neumark and Orly Manor
Impact of socioeconomic status on longitudinal accumulation of cardiovascular risk in young adults: the CARDIA Study (USA) pp. 999-1015 Downloads
Arun S. Karlamangla, Burton H. Singer, David R. Williams, Joseph E. Schwartz, Karen A. Matthews, Catarina I. Kiefe and Teresa E. Seeman
Cities and population health pp. 1017-1033 Downloads
Sandro Galea, Nicholas Freudenberg and David Vlahov
The role of premorbid psychological attributes in short- and long-term adjustment after cardiac disease. A prospective study in the elderly in The Netherlands pp. 1035-1045 Downloads
Cornelia H.M. van Jaarsveld, Adelita V. Ranchor, Robbert Sanderman, Johan Ormel and Gertrudis I.J.M. Kempen
The pivotal role of cardiac self-care in treatment timing pp. 1047-1060 Downloads
Nancy E. Schoenberg, Cheryl H. Amey, Eleanor Palo Stoller and Elaine M. Drew
The legacy of agent orange: empirical evidence from central Vietnam pp. 1061-1070 Downloads
Michael Palmer
The association between smoking during pregnancy and hospital inpatient costs in childhood pp. 1071-1085 Downloads
Stavros Petrou, Christine Hockley, Ziyah Mehta and Michael Goldacre
Racial differences in public perceptions of voluntariness of medical research participants in South Africa pp. 1087-1098 Downloads
Nicola Wendy Barsdorf and Douglas Richard Wassenaar
"What sort of health promotion are you talking about?": a discourse analysis of the talk of general practitioners pp. 1099-1106 Downloads
Eileen McKinlay, Libby Plumridge, Lynn McBain, Deborah McLeod, Susan Pullon and Selina Brown
Contributions of social science to the alcohol field in an era of biomedicalization pp. 1107-1116 Downloads
Lorraine Midanik and Robin Room
Reviewing the effort-reward imbalance model: drawing up the balance of 45 empirical studies pp. 1117-1131 Downloads
Natasja van Vegchel, Jan de Jonge, Hans Bosma and Wilmar Schaufeli
Innovation, diffusion and safety of a medical technology: a review of the literature on injection practices pp. 1133-1147 Downloads
Atul Kotwal
A tale of two hospitals: assessing cultural landscapes and compositions pp. 1149-1162 Downloads
Jeffrey Braithwaite, Mary T. Westbrook, Rick Iedema, Nadine A. Mallock, Rowena Forsyth and Kai Zhang

2005, volume 60, articles 4

Systematic review of sexual risk among pregnant and mothering teens in the USA: pregnancy as an opportunity for integrated prevention of STD and repeat pregnancy pp. 661-678 Downloads
Christina S. Meade and Jeannette R. Ickovics
Factors associated with forced sex among women accessing health services in rural Haiti: implications for the prevention of HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases pp. 679-689 Downloads
M. C. Smith Fawzi, W. Lambert, J. M. Singler, Y. Tanagho, F. Léandre, P. Nevil, D. Bertrand, M. S. Claude, J. Bertrand, M. Louissaint, L. Jeannis, J. S. Mukherjee, S. Goldie, J. J. Salazar and P. E. Farmer
Indigenous representations of illness and AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 691-700 Downloads
Christine Liddell, Louise Barrett and Moya Bydawell
Domestic violence, sexual ownership, and HIV risk in women in the American deep south pp. 701-714 Downloads
Bronwen Lichtenstein
The effect of maternal education on gender bias in care-seeking for common childhood illnesses pp. 715-724 Downloads
Gautam Bhan, Nita Bhandari, Sunita Taneja, Sarmila Mazumder and Rajiv Bahl
Maternal education and adolescent drug use: a longitudinal analysis of causation and selection over a generation pp. 725-735 Downloads
Richard Miech and Howard Chilcoat
Low control beliefs, classical coronary risk factors, and socio-economic differences in heart disease in older persons pp. 737-745 Downloads
H. Bosma, C. H. M. Van Jaarsveld, J. Tuinstra, R. Sanderman, A. V. Ranchor, J. Th. M. Van Eijk and G. I. J. M. Kempen
Social isolation, support, and capital and nutritional risk in an older sample: ethnic and gender differences pp. 747-761 Downloads
Julie L. Locher, Christine S. Ritchie, David L. Roth, Patricia Sawyer Baker, Eric V. Bodner and Richard M. Allman
Neighbourhood inequalities in physical inactivity: the role of neighbourhood attractiveness, proximity to local facilities and safety in the Netherlands pp. 763-775 Downloads
F. J. van Lenthe, J. Brug and J. P. Mackenbach
Social inequalities in health care services utilisation after eight years of health care reforms: a cross-sectional study of Estonia, 1999 pp. 777-787 Downloads
Jarno Habicht and Anton E. Kunst
Chronic disease and mental disorder pp. 789-797 Downloads
Peter F. M. Verhaak, Monique J. W. M. Heijmans, Loe Peters and Mieke Rijken
Oil development and health in the Amazon basin of Ecuador: the popular epidemiology process pp. 799-807 Downloads
Miguel San Sebastián and Anna Karin Hurtig
Reform strategies in Georgia and their impact on health care provision in rural areas: evidence from a household survey pp. 809-821 Downloads
George Gotsadze, Akaki Zoidze and Otar Vasadze
Providing solutions-defining problems: the imperative of disease prevention in genetic counselling pp. 823-832 Downloads
Lene Koch and Mette Nordahl Svendsen
The use of patient reported outcome measures in routine clinical practice: lack of impact or lack of theory? pp. 833-843 Downloads
Joanne Greenhalgh, Andrew F Long and Rob Flynn
The teleo-affective limits of end-of-life care in the intensive care unit pp. 845-857 Downloads
Rick Iedema, Roslyn Sorensen, Jeffrey Braithwaite, Arthas Flabouris and Liz Turnbull
Habitual self-control and the management of health behavior among heart patients pp. 859-875 Downloads
Kerstin E.E. Schroder and Ralf Schwarzer
Towards a geography of fitness: an ethnographic case study of the gym in British bodybuilding culture pp. 877-891 Downloads
Gavin J. Andrews, Mark I. Sudwell and Andrew C. Sparkes
Disclosing and responding to cancer "fears" during oncology interviews pp. 893-910 Downloads
Wayne A. Beach, David W. Easter, Jeffrey S. Good and Elisa Pigeron

2005, volume 60, articles 3

Some mechanisms linking economic inequality and infant mortality pp. 439-455 Downloads
Susan Mayer and Ankur Sarin
Determinants of old-age mortality in Taiwan pp. 457-470 Downloads
Zachary Zimmer, Linda G. Martin and Hui-Sheng Lin
Causes and demographic, medical, lifestyle and psychosocial predictors of premature mortality: the CARDIA study pp. 471-482 Downloads
Carlos Iribarren, David R. Jacobs, Catarina I. Kiefe, Cora E. Lewis, Karen A. Matthews, Jeffrey M. Roseman and Stephen B. Hulley
Smoking, respiratory disease and health service utilisation: the paradox pp. 483-490 Downloads
Peymané Adab, Sarah M. McGhee, Anthony J. Hedley and Tai Hing Lam
Exploring the association of John Henry active coping and education on smoking behavior and nicotine dependence among Blacks in the USA pp. 491-500 Downloads
Anita F. Fernander, Christi A. Patten, Darrell R. Schroeder, Susanna R. Stevens, Kay M. Eberman and Richard D. Hurt
Individual and district scale determinants of users' satisfaction with primary health care in developing countries pp. 501-513 Downloads
Sarah Atkinson and Dave Haran
Quantifying the effect of health status on health care utilization using a preference-based health measure pp. 515-524 Downloads
Viviane Dias Lima and Jacek A. Kopec
Do divergences between stated and actual willingness to pay signify the existence of bias in contingent valuation surveys? pp. 525-536 Downloads
Obinna Onwujekwe, Kara Hanson and Julia Fox-Rushby
Economic antecedents of the Swedish sex ratio pp. 537-543 Downloads
Ralph A. Catalano and Tim Bruckner
Evidence-based medicine and its implications for the profession of chiropractic pp. 545-561 Downloads
Yvonne Villanueva-Russell
Aggressive active case detection: a malaria control strategy based on the Brazilian model pp. 563-573 Downloads
Cameron Macauley
A tailored intervention to promote breast cancer screening among South Asian immigrant women pp. 575-586 Downloads
Farah Ahmad, Jill I. Cameron and Donna E. Stewart
Between 'desperation' and disability rights: a narrative analysis of complementary/alternative medicine use by parents for children with Down syndrome pp. 587-598 Downloads
Erica Prussing, Elisa J. Sobo, Elizabeth Walker and Paul S. Kurtin
Influence of social support on progression of coronary artery disease in women pp. 599-607 Downloads
Hui-Xin Wang, Murray A. Mittleman and Kristina Orth-Gomer
Shifting the demand for emergency care in Cuba's health system pp. 609-616 Downloads
Pol De Vos, Pedro Murlá, Armando Rodriguez, Mariano Bonet, Pedro Màs and Patrick Van der Stuyft
Trend and area variation in amphetamine prescription usage among children and adolescents in Michigan pp. 617-626 Downloads
Swu-Jane Lin, Stephanie Y. Crawford and Patricia L. Lurvey
Injury recurrence among untreated and medically treated victims of violence in the USA pp. 627-635 Downloads
Catherine A. Gallagher
Widowhood and depressive symptoms among older Chinese: Do gender and source of support make a difference? pp. 637-647 Downloads
Lydia Li, Jersey Liang, Amanda Toler and Shengzu Gu
Perceptions of risk and strategies for prevention: responses to HIV/AIDS in rural Malawi pp. 649-660 Downloads
Kirsten P. Smith and Susan Cotts Watkins

2005, volume 60, articles 2

Equity, capabilities and health pp. 219-222 Downloads
Paul Anand and Paul Dolan
The nature of procedural preferences for health-care rationing decisions pp. 223-236 Downloads
Allan Wailoo and Paul Anand
Acceptability of less than perfect health states pp. 237-246 Downloads
Werner Brouwer, Job van Exel and Elly A. Stolk
Communitarian claims and community capabilities: furthering priority setting? pp. 247-255 Downloads
Gavin Mooney
Concerns for the worse off: fair innings versus severity pp. 257-263 Downloads
Erik Nord
Empiricism, ethics and orthodox economic theory: what is the appropriate basis for decision-making in the health sector? pp. 265-275 Downloads
Jeff Richardson and John McKie
A "fair innings" between the sexes: are men being treated inequitably? pp. 277-286 Downloads
Aki Tsuchiya and Alan Williams
Socioeconomic aspects of the circumstances and consequences of car crashes among young adults pp. 287-295 Downloads
Marie Hasselberg, Marjan Vaez and Lucie Laflamme
Understanding pregnancy in a population of inner-city women in New Orleans--results of qualitative research pp. 297-311 Downloads
Carl Kendall, Aimee Afable-Munsuz, Ilene Speizer, Alexis Avery, Norine Schmidt and John Santelli
Are rich people or poor people more likely to be ill? Lay perceptions, by social class and neighbourhood, of inequalities in health pp. 313-317 Downloads
Sally Macintyre, Laura McKay and Anne Ellaway
Microbicide acceptability research: current approaches and future directions pp. 319-330 Downloads
Joanne E. Mantell, Landon Myer, Alex Carballo-Diéguez, Zena Stein, Gita Ramjee, Neetha S. Morar and Polly F. Harrison
Warranted concerns, warranted outlooks: a focus group study of public understandings of genetic research pp. 331-344 Downloads
Benjamin R. Bates, John A. Lynch, Jennifer L. Bevan and Celeste M. Condit
Shifts in global immunisation goals (1984-2004): unfinished agendas and mixed results pp. 345-356 Downloads
Anita Hardon and Stuart Blume
Under what conditions is euthanasia acceptable to lay people and health professionals? pp. 357-368 Downloads
Nathalie Teisseyre, Etienne Mullet and Paul Clay Sorum
The economics of social marketing: the case of mosquito nets in Tanzania pp. 369-381 Downloads
Nassor Kikumbih, Kara Hanson, Anne Mills, Hadji Mponda and Joanna Armstrong Schellenberg
An explanatory model of health promotion and quality of life for persons with post-polio syndrome pp. 383-393 Downloads
Alexa K. Stuifbergen, Anne Seraphine, Tracie Harrison and Eishi Adachi
Maternal education and child nutritional status in Bolivia: finding the links pp. 395-407 Downloads
Michelle Bellessa Frost, Renata Forste and David W. Haas
The causes of low back pain: a network analysis pp. 409-419 Downloads
C. Campbell and S. J. Muncer
Perceived breast cancer risk: heuristic reasoning and search for a dominance structure pp. 421-432 Downloads
Maria C. Katapodi, Noreen C. Facione, Janice C. Humphreys and Marylin J. Dodd
The health consciousness myth: implications of the near independence of major health behaviors in the North American population pp. 433-437 Downloads
Jason T. Newsom, Bentson H. McFarland, Mark S. Kaplan, Nathalie Huguet and Brigid Zani

2005, volume 60, articles 1

A meta-analytic investigation of the relationship between the psychological distress of cancer patients and their carers pp. 1-12 Downloads
L. J. Hodges, G. M. Humphris and G. Macfarlane
Chronic illness and depressive symptoms in late life pp. 13-23 Downloads
Jason Schnittker
Impact of depression on disablement in late middle aged and older persons: results from the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam pp. 25-36 Downloads
Coen H. van Gool, Gertrudis I. J. M. Kempen, Brenda W. J. H. Penninx, Dorly J. H. Deeg, Aartjan T. F. Beekman and Jacques Th. M. van Eijk
'Normal disruption': South Asian and African/Caribbean relatives caring for an older family member in the UK pp. 37-48 Downloads
Joy Adamson and Jenny Donovan
Women's status and depressive symptoms: A multilevel analysis pp. 49-60 Downloads
Ying-Yeh Chen, S. V. Subramanian, Doloros Acevedo-Garcia and Ichiro Kawachi
Geographies of inequality: Child pedestrian injury and walking school buses in Auckland, New Zealand pp. 61-69 Downloads
Damian C. A. Collins and Robin A. Kearns
Neighbourhood life and social capital: the implications for health pp. 71-86 Downloads
Anna M Ziersch, Fran E Baum, Colin MacDougall and Christine Putland
Types of provincial structure and population health pp. 87-95 Downloads
Frank W. Young and Eunice Rodriguez
Cross-national variation in family influences on child health pp. 97-108 Downloads
Tim B. Heaton, Renata Forste, John P. Hoffmann and Dallan Flake
Implications of genetic risk information in families with a high density of bipolar disorder: an exploratory study pp. 109-118 Downloads
Bettina Meiser, Philip B. Mitchell, H. McGirr, M. Van Herten and Peter R. Schofield
Changing organisations: a study of the context and processes of mergers of health care providers in England pp. 119-130 Downloads
Naomi Fulop, Gerasimos Protopsaltis, Annette King, Pauline Allen, Andrew Hutchings and Charles Normand
Effectiveness of a multi-component intervention on dispensing practices at private pharmacies in Vietnam and Thailand--a randomized controlled trial pp. 131-141 Downloads
J. Chalker, S. Ratanawijitrasin, N. T. K Chuc, M. Petzold and G. Tomson
Diffusion of breast conserving surgery in medical communities pp. 143-151 Downloads
Bonnie Jerome-D'Emilia and James W. Begun
A naturalistic inquiry on the impact of interventions aiming to improve health and the quality of life in the community pp. 153-164 Downloads
Selma Sogoric, John Middleton, Slobodan Lang, Davor Ivankovic and Josipa Kern
Does economic inequality affect child malnutrition? The case of Ecuador pp. 165-178 Downloads
Carlos Larrea and Ichiro Kawachi
Psychosocial distress of Tibetans in exile: integrating western interventions with traditional beliefs and practice pp. 179-189 Downloads
Stewart W. Mercer, Alastair Ager and Eshani Ruwanpura
Are racial disparities in health conditional on socioeconomic status? pp. 191-204 Downloads
Melissa M. Farmer and Kenneth F. Ferraro
Business cycles and mortality: results from Swedish microdata pp. 205-218 Downloads
Ulf-G. Gerdtham and Magnus Johannesson
Page updated 2025-03-25