Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2014, volume 109, articles C
- The use of citizens' juries in health policy decision-making: A systematic review pp. 1-9

- Jackie Street, Katherine Duszynski, Stephanie Krawczyk and Annette Braunack-Mayer
- Attitudes toward vaccination and the H1N1 vaccine: Poor people's unfounded fears or legitimate concerns of the elite? pp. 10-18

- Patrick Peretti-Watel, Jocelyn Raude, Luis Sagaon-Teyssier, Aymery Constant, Pierre Verger and François Beck
- Economic cycles and heart disease in Mexico pp. 19-25

- Troy Quast and Fidel Gonzalez
- Determinants of mental illness stigma for adolescents discharged from psychiatric hospitalization pp. 26-34

- Tally Moses
- Born at the right time? Childhood health and the business cycle pp. 35-43

- Viola Angelini and Jochen Mierau
- Posttraumatic stress in emergency settings outside North America and Europe: A review of the emic literature pp. 44-54

- Andrew Rasmussen, Eva Keatley and Amy Joscelyne
- Is breast truly best? Estimating the effects of breastfeeding on long-term child health and wellbeing in the United States using sibling comparisons pp. 55-65

- Cynthia G. Colen and David M. Ramey
- Everyday violence, structural racism and mistreatment at the US–Mexico border pp. 66-74

- Samantha Sabo, Susan Shaw, Maia Ingram, Nicolette Teufel-Shone, Scott Carvajal, Jill Guernsey de Zapien, Cecilia Rosales, Flor Redondo, Gina Garcia and Raquel Rubio-Goldsmith
2014, volume 108, articles C
- Ripple effects of developmental disabilities and mental illness on nondisabled adult siblings pp. 1-9

- Barbara Wolfe, Jieun Song, Jan S. Greenberg and Marsha R. Mailick
- From a conservative to a liberal welfare state: Decomposing changes in income-related health inequalities in Germany, 1994–2011 pp. 10-19

- Martin Siegel, Verena Vogt and Leonie Sundmacher
- Rewriting abortion: Deploying medical records in jurisdictional negotiation over a forbidden practice in Senegal pp. 20-33

- Siri Suh
- The myth of conformity: Adolescents and abstention from unhealthy drinking behaviors pp. 34-45

- Carter Rees and Danielle Wallace
- The fit between health impact assessment and public policy: Practice meets theory pp. 46-53

- Patrick Harris, Peter Sainsbury and Lynn Kemp
- What factors influence the use of contracts in the context of NHS dental practice? A systematic review of theory and logic model pp. 54-59

- Rebecca Harris, Sarah Mosedale, Jayne Garner and Elizabeth Perkins
- Early life conditions, partnership histories, and mortality risk for Swedish men and women born 1915–1929 pp. 60-67

- Robyn Donrovich, Sven Drefahl and Ilona Koupil
- Sales impact of displaying alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages in end-of-aisle locations: An observational study pp. 68-73

- Ryota Nakamura, Rachel Pechey, Marc Suhrcke, Susan A. Jebb and Theresa M. Marteau
- Monetary cost for time spent in everyday physical activities pp. 74-80

- Anne S. Hsu and Ivo Vlaev
- Cross race comparisons between SES health gradients among African–American and white women at mid-life pp. 81-88

- Patricia B. Reagan and Pamela J. Salsberry
- The changing contours of experimental governance in European health care pp. 89-96

- Katherine Fierlbeck
- Self-management support in primary care: Enactments, disruptions, and conversational consequences pp. 97-105

- Patricia Thille, Natalie Ward and Grant Russell
- Moving beyond the residential neighborhood to explore social inequalities in exposure to area-level disadvantage: Results from the Interdisciplinary Study on Inequalities in Smoking pp. 106-114

- Martine Shareck, Yan Kestens and Katherine L. Frohlich
- The impact of an unconditional tax credit for families on self-rated health in adults: Further evidence from the cohort study of 6900 New Zealanders pp. 115-119

- Frank Pega, Kristie Carter, Ichiro Kawachi, Peter Davis and Tony Blakely
- External factors affecting decision-making and use of evidence in an Australian public health policy environment pp. 120-127

- Pauline Zardo, Alex Collie and Charles Livingstone
- The impact of employment transitions on health in Germany. A difference-in-differences propensity score matching approach pp. 128-136

- Michael Gebel and Jonas Voßemer
- Permeability of public and private spaces in reproductive healthcare seeking: Barriers to uptake of services among low income African American women in a smaller urban setting pp. 137-146

- Annis G. Golden
- Social determinants of health and health equity policy research: Exploring the use, misuse, and nonuse of policy analysis theory pp. 147-155

- Mark G. Embrett and G.E. Randall
- Other-regarding behavior and motivation in health care provision: An experiment with medical and non-medical students pp. 156-165

- Heike Hennig-Schmidt and Daniel Wiesen
- Advancing methodology in the study of HIV status disclosure: The importance of considering disclosure target and intent pp. 166-174

- Alexandra L. Dima, Sarah E. Stutterheim, Ramsey Lyimo and Marijn de Bruin
- “This is the medicine:” A Kenyan community responds to a sexual concurrency reduction intervention pp. 175-184

- Amelia Knopf, Kawango Agot, John Sidle, Violet Naanyu and Martina Morris
- Neighbourhood disadvantage, network capital and restless sleep: Is the association moderated by gender in urban-dwelling adults? pp. 185-193

- Emma Bassett and Spencer Moore
- Toward a social capital based framework for understanding the water-health nexus pp. 194-200

- Elijah Bisung and Susan J. Elliott
- Alcohol-impaired motor vehicle crash risk and the location of alcohol purchase pp. 201-209

- Chad Cotti, Richard Dunn and Nathan Tefft
- The ‘taking place’ of health and wellbeing: Towards non-representational theory pp. 210-222

- Gavin J. Andrews, Sandra Chen and Samantha Myers
- Provider payment methods and health worker motivation in community-based health insurance: A mixed-methods study pp. 223-236

- Paul Jacob Robyn, Till Bärnighausen, Aurélia Souares, Adama Traoré, Brice Bicaba, Ali Sié and Rainer Sauerborn
- Very low birthweight: Dysregulated gestation versus evolutionary adaptation pp. 237-242

- Ralph Catalano, Deborah Karasek, Alison Gemmill, April Falconi, Julia Goodman, Aristotle Magganas and Terry Hartig
2014, volume 107, articles C
- Stigma, agency and recovery amongst people with severe mental illness pp. 1-8

- Rob Whitley and Rosalyn Denise Campbell
- Does walking explain associations between access to greenspace and lower mortality? pp. 9-17

- Kate Lachowycz and Andy P. Jones
- The expressivist objection to prenatal testing: The experiences of families living with genetic disease pp. 18-25

- Felicity Kate Boardman
- Racial segregation and maternal smoking during pregnancy: A multilevel analysis using the racial segregation interaction index pp. 26-36

- Tse-Chuan Yang, Carla Shoff, Aggie J. Noah, Nyesha Black and Corey S. Sparks
- What are tests for? The implications of stuttering steps along the US patient pathway pp. 37-43

- Jonathan Q. Tritter, Karen Lutfey and John McKinlay
- Neighbourhood cohesion and mental wellbeing among older adults: A mixed methods approach pp. 44-51

- Jane Elliott, Catharine R. Gale, Samantha Parsons and Diana Kuh
- General practitioners' management of the long-term sick role pp. 52-60

- Angela Higgins, Sam Porter and Peter O'Halloran
- Increasing maternal healthcare use in Rwanda: Implications for child nutrition and survival pp. 61-67

- Hayley Pierce, Tim B. Heaton and John Hoffmann
- Is shared misery double misery? pp. 68-77

- Merehau Cindy Mervin and Paul Frijters
- Why do people drop out of community-based health insurance? Findings from an exploratory household survey in Senegal pp. 78-88

- Philipa Mladovsky
- What does SNAP benefit usage tell us about food access in low-income neighborhoods? pp. 89-99

- Jerry Shannon
- Simmel's dynamic social medicine: New questions for studying medical institutions? pp. 100-104

- Daniel A. Menchik
- Gender difference in the health risk perception of radiation from Fukushima in Japan: The role of hegemonic masculinity pp. 105-112

- Rika Morioka
- Transnational nurse migration: Future directions for medical anthropological research pp. 113-123

- Megan Prescott and Mark Nichter
- Social support, social strain and inflammation: Evidence from a national longitudinal study of U.S. adults pp. 124-135

- Yang Claire Yang, Kristen Schorpp and Kathleen Mullan Harris
- Examining mediators of housing mobility on adolescent asthma: Results from a housing voucher experiment pp. 136-144

- Nicole M. Schmidt, Alisa K. Lincoln, Quynh C. Nguyen, Dolores Acevedo-Garcia and Theresa L. Osypuk
- ‘Looking beyond the male–female dichotomy’ – Sibling composition and child immunization in India, 1992–2006 pp. 145-153

- Prashant Kumar Singh and Sulabha Parasuraman
- Birth weight and adult health in historical perspective: Evidence from a New Zealand cohort, 1907–1922 pp. 154-161

- Evan Roberts and Pamela Wood
- Socioeconomic and geographic inequalities in adolescent smoking: A multilevel cross-sectional study of 15 year olds in Scotland pp. 162-170

- K.A. Levin, R. Dundas, M. Miller and G. McCartney
- Surviving polio in a post-polio world pp. 171-178

- Nora Ellen Groce, Lena Morgon Banks and Michael Ashley Stein
- Adapting to social and political transitions – The influence of history on health policy formation in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (Burma) pp. 179-188

- John Grundy, Peter Annear, Shakil Ahmed and Beverley-Ann Biggs
- Understanding the experiences and quality of life issues of Bahraini women with breast cancer pp. 189-195

- Ghufran A. Jassim and David L. Whitford
- Maternal work and children's diet, activity, and obesity pp. 196-204

- Ashlesha Datar, Nancy Nicosia and Victoria Shier
- Community building and mental health in mid-life and older life: Evidence from China pp. 209-216

- Yuying Shen
On this page- 2014, volume 109
Articles C
- 2014, volume 108
Articles C
- 2014, volume 107
Articles C
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1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46
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- 2014, volume 108
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- 2014, volume 107
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1979, volume 12
volume 46