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Social Science & Medicine

1979 - 2025

Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian

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2004, volume 58, articles 12

The Scope of pharmacy ethics--an evaluation of the international research literature, 1990-2002 pp. 2383-2396 Downloads
Joy Wingfield, Paul Bissell and Claire Anderson
Pharmaceuticals in Australia: developments in regulation and governance pp. 2397-2407 Downloads
Hans Lofgren and Rebecca de Boer
The failure of pharmaceuticals and the power of plants: medicinal discourse as a critique of modernity in the Amazon pp. 2409-2419 Downloads
Coral Wayland
Unrest in Utopia: Israeli patients' dissatisfaction with non-conventional medicine pp. 2421-2429 Downloads
Judith Fadlon
Place of death: preferences among cancer patients and their carers pp. 2431-2444 Downloads
C Thomas, S.m Morris and D Clark
Seeking informed consent to cancer clinical trials:: describing current practice pp. 2445-2457 Downloads
R.f Brown, P.n Butow, P Ellis, F Boyle and M.H.n Tattersall
Changing places. Do changes in the relative deprivation of areas influence limiting long-term illness and mortality among non-migrant people living in non-deprived households? pp. 2459-2471 Downloads
Paul Boyle, Paul Norman and Philip Rees
Stress and physical health: the role of neighborhoods as mediating and moderating mechanisms pp. 2473-2483 Downloads
Jason D Boardman
The maternal depletion transition in northern Kenya: the effects of settlement, development and disparity pp. 2485-2498 Downloads
Bettina Shell-Duncan and Stacie A Yung
Social transfers and the health status of mothers in Norway and Canada pp. 2499-2507 Downloads
Lori Curtis and Shelley Phipps
A model for alcohol-mediated violence in an Australian Aboriginal community pp. 2509-2521 Downloads
Jay H Shore and Paul Spicer
The effects of regional characteristics on alcohol-related mortality--a register-based multilevel analysis of 1.1 million men pp. 2523-2535 Downloads
Jenni Blomgren, Pekka Martikainen, Pia Mäkelä and Tapani Valkonen
Death rates of medical school class presidents pp. 2537-2543 Downloads
Donald A Redelmeier and Jeffrey C Kwong
Careers and mortality in France: evidence on how far occupational mobility predicts differentiated risks pp. 2545-2558 Downloads
Emmanuelle Cambois
Wellbeing and mental growth--long-term effects of legal abortion pp. 2559-2569 Downloads
A Kero, U Högberg and A Lalos
'Symbiotic niceness': constructing a therapeutic relationship in psychosocial palliative care pp. 2571-2583 Downloads
Sarah Li
Gender differences in health: a Canadian study of the psychosocial, structural and behavioural determinants of health pp. 2585-2600 Downloads
Margaret Denton, Steven Prus and Vivienne Walters
A socio-ecological autopsy of the E. coli O157:H7 outbreak in Walkerton, Ontario, Canada pp. 2601-2612 Downloads
S.Harris Ali
Midwifery practice and the crisis of modernity: implications for the role of the midwife pp. 2613-2623 Downloads
Abbey Hyde and Bernadette Roche-Reid
Isumagijaksaq: mindful of the state: social constructions of Inuit suicide pp. 2625-2636 Downloads
Frank James Tester and Paule McNicoll
Karenni refugees living in Thai-Burmese border camps: traumatic experiences, mental health outcomes, and social functioning pp. 2637-2644 Downloads
Barbara Lopes Cardozo, Leisel Talley, Ann Burton and Carol Crawford
Social capital is associated with decreased risk of hunger pp. 2645-2654 Downloads
Katie S Martin, Beatrice L Rogers, John T Cook and Hugh M Joseph
Profiles of people with type 2 diabetes mellitus: the extremes of glycemic control pp. 2655-2666 Downloads
Margaret R Savoca, Carla K Miller and Sara A Quandt

2004, volume 58, articles 11

General practitioner attitudes to discussing sexual health issues with older people pp. 2093-2103 Downloads
Merryn Gott, Sharron Hinchliff and Elisabeth Galena
Ambivalent tales of HIV disclosure in San Francisco pp. 2105-2118 Downloads
Nicolas Sheon and G. Michael Crosby
Community group participation:: Can it help young women to avoid HIV? An exploratory study of social capital and school education in rural Zimbabwe pp. 2119-2132 Downloads
Simon Gregson, Nicola Terceira, Phyllis Mushati, Constance Nyamukapa and Catherine Campbell
Veterans seeking disability benefits for post-traumatic stress disorder: who applies and the self-reported meaning of disability compensation pp. 2133-2143 Downloads
Nina A. Sayer, Michele Spoont and Dave Nelson
Prospective association of anxiety, depressive, and addictive disorders with high utilization of primary, specialty and emergency medical care pp. 2145-2148 Downloads
Julian D. Ford, Robert L. Trestman, Karen Steinberg, Howard Tennen and Scott Allen
Life-course experiences and mortality by adult social class among young men pp. 2149-2170 Downloads
Tiina Pensola and Pekka Martikainen
Life course influences on quality of life in early old age pp. 2171-2179 Downloads
D. Blane, P. Higgs, M. Hyde and Richard Wiggins
Regulation of junior doctors' work hours: an analysis of British and American doctors' experiences and attitudes pp. 2181-2191 Downloads
Reshma Jagsi and Rebecca Surender
The migration of doctors and nurses from South Pacific Island Nations pp. 2193-2210 Downloads
Richard P. C. Brown and John Connell
Repeated follow-up as a method for reducing non-trading behaviour in discrete choice experiments pp. 2211-2218 Downloads
John Cairns and Marjon van der Pol
Testing the internal consistency of the standard gamble in 'success' and 'failure' frames pp. 2219-2229 Downloads
Adam Oliver
Policy analysis in an information-rich environment pp. 2231-2241 Downloads
Leslie L. Roos, Verena Menec and R. J. Currie
Inter-professional conflict and professionalization: dentistry and dental hygiene in Ontario pp. 2243-2252 Downloads
Tracey L. Adams
A methodological and substantive review of the evidence that schools cause pupils to smoke pp. 2253-2265 Downloads
Paul Aveyard, Wolfgang A. Markham and K. K. Cheng
Mental health and social capital in Cali, Colombia pp. 2267-2277 Downloads
Trudy Harpham, Emma Grant and Carlos Rodriguez
Choosing where to deliver: decision criteria among women with low-risk pregnancies in France pp. 2279-2289 Downloads
E. Combier, J. Zeitlin, N. de Courcel, S. Vasseur, A. Lalouf, J. M. Amat-Roze and G. de Pouvourville
"No somos iguales": The effect of household economic standing on women's energy intake in the Andes pp. 2291-2300 Downloads
Margaret A. Graham
Changing gender roles and health impacts among female workers in export-processing industries in Sri Lanka pp. 2301-2312 Downloads
Chamila T. Attanapola
Patients' perceptions of informed consent in acute myocardial infarction research: a Danish study pp. 2313-2324 Downloads
Anne Gammelgaard, Peter Rossel and Ole Steen Mortensen
The medical practice of patient autonomy and cancer treatment refusals: a patients' and physicians' perspective pp. 2325-2336 Downloads
Titia van Kleffens, Berna van Baarsen and Evert van Leeuwen
Liminality as biographical disruption: unclassifiability following hormonal therapy for advanced prostate cancer pp. 2337-2347 Downloads
Liora Navon and Amira Morag
United States coronary mortality trends and community services associated with occupational structure, among blacks and whites, 1984-1998 pp. 2349-2361 Downloads
Donna L. Armstrong, David Strogatz and Ruby Wang
Unloading the trunk: neurasthenia, CFS and race pp. 2363-2369 Downloads
A. Luthra and S. Wessely
Controlling diabetes, controlling diabetics: moral language in the management of diabetes type 2 pp. 2371-2382 Downloads
Dorothy Broom and Andrea Whittaker

2004, volume 58, articles 10

The motivation and behaviour of hospital Trusts pp. 1809-1823 Downloads
Tessa Crilly and Julian Le Grand
Effects of early health-insurance programs on European mortality and fertility trends pp. 1825-1836 Downloads
C. R. Winegarden and John E. Murray
Disability in society--medical and non-medical determinants for disability pension in a Norwegian total county population study pp. 1837-1848 Downloads
Steinar Krokstad and Steinar Westin
Portfolio evaluation of health programs: a reply to Sendi et al pp. 1849-1851 Downloads
John F. P. Bridges and Darcey D. Terris
Portfolio theory and the alternative decision rule of cost-effectiveness analysis: theoretical and practical considerations pp. 1853-1855 Downloads
Pedram Sendi, Maiwenn J. Al, Amiram Gafni and Stephen Birch
Adjustment latitude and attendance requirements as determinants of sickness absence or attendance. Empirical tests of the illness flexibility model pp. 1857-1868 Downloads
Gun Johansson and Ingvar Lundberg
Social class and self-reported health status among men and women: what is the role of work organisation, household material standards and household labour? pp. 1869-1887 Downloads
Carme Borrell, Carles Muntaner, Joan Benach and Lucía Artazcoz
Tinker, tailor, soldier, patient: work attributes and depression disparities among young adults pp. 1889-1901 Downloads
Frederick J. Zimmerman, Dimitri A. Christakis and Ann Vander Stoep
Maintenance of subjective health during a merger: the role of experienced change and pre-merger social support at work in white- and blue-collar workers pp. 1903-1915 Downloads
Ari Väänänen, Krista Pahkin, Raija Kalimo and Bram P. Buunk
Child well-being and neighbourhood quality: evidence from the Canadian National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth pp. 1917-1927 Downloads
Lori Curtis, Martin D. Dooley and Shelley Phipps
The (mis)estimation of neighborhood effects: causal inference for a practicable social epidemiology pp. 1929-1952 Downloads
J. Michael Oakes
Estimating neighborhood health effects: the challenges of causal inference in a complex world pp. 1953-1960 Downloads
Ana V. Diez Roux
The relevance of multilevel statistical methods for identifying causal neighborhood effects pp. 1961-1967 Downloads
S. V. Subramanian
Causal inference and the relevance of social epidemiology pp. 1969-1971 Downloads
J. Michael Oakes
Patients or partners? Case studies of user involvement in the planning and delivery of adult mental health services in London pp. 1973-1984 Downloads
Deborah Rutter, Catherine Manley, Tim Weaver, Mike J. Crawford and Naomi Fulop
Cumulative biological risk and socio-economic differences in mortality: MacArthur Studies of Successful Aging pp. 1985-1997 Downloads
Teresa E. Seeman, Eileen Crimmins, Mei-Hua Huang, Burton Singer, Alexander Bucur, Tara Gruenewald, Lisa F. Berkman and David B. Reuben
Modernized education of traditional medicine in Korea: is it contributing to the same type of professionalization seen in Western medicine? pp. 1999-2008 Downloads
Chang-yup Kim and Byungmook Lim
Parental role in medical decision-making: fact or fiction? A comparative study of ethical dilemmas in French and American neonatal intensive care units pp. 2009-2022 Downloads
Kristina Orfali
Educational differences in starting excessive alcohol consumption: explanations from the longitudinal GLOBE study pp. 2023-2033 Downloads
Mariël Droomers, Carola T. M. Schrijvers and Johan P. Mackenbach
Prediction of survival: a comparison between two subjective health measures in an elderly population pp. 2035-2043 Downloads
Orna Baron-Epel, Galia Shemy and Sara Carmel
Changing geographic access to and locational efficiency of health services in two Indian districts between 1981 and 1996 pp. 2045-2067 Downloads
Naresh Kumar
Social networks and self-rated health in two French-speaking Canadian community dwelling populations over 65 pp. 2069-2081 Downloads
M. V. Zunzunegui, A. Koné, M. Johri, F. Béland, C. Wolfson and H. Bergman
Effects of drug treatment for heroin sniffers: a protective factor against moving to injection? pp. 2083-2092 Downloads
Margaret S. Kelley and Dale D. Chitwood

2004, volume 58, articles 9

Women's body dissatisfaction, social class, and social mobility pp. 1575-1584 Downloads
Lindsay McLaren and Diana Kuh
Do socioeconomic gradients in women's health widen over time and with age? pp. 1585-1595 Downloads
Gita D. Mishra, Kylie Ball, Annette J. Dobson and Julie E. Byles
(Dis)embodying gender and sexuality in testicular cancer pp. 1597-1607 Downloads
Maria Gurevich, Scott Bishop, Jo Bower, Monika Malka and Joyce Nyhof-Young
Evaluating the effect of regulatory prohibitions against risk selection by health status on supplemental insurance ownership in Israel pp. 1609-1622 Downloads
Revital Gross and Shuli Brammli-Greenberg
Insurance and the utilization of medical services pp. 1623-1632 Downloads
Jonathan Meer and Harvey Rosen
Un-assured instruments: a comment on "insurance and the utilization of medical services" pp. 1633-1634 Downloads
Ted Joyce
'In this scenario, I do this, for these reasons': narrative, genre and ethical reasoning in the clinic pp. 1635-1645 Downloads
Christopher F. C. Jordens and Miles Little
Understanding breast cancer stories via Frank's narrative types pp. 1647-1657 Downloads
Roanne Thomas-MacLean
Job decision latitude, organizational justice and health: multilevel covariance structure analysis pp. 1659-1669 Downloads
Marko Elovainio, Mika Kivimäki, Nick Steen and Jussi Vahtera
The impact of atypical employment on individual wellbeing: evidence from a panel of British workers pp. 1671-1688 Downloads
Elena Bardasi and Marco Francesconi
Therapeutic misconception and the appreciation of risks in clinical trials pp. 1689-1697 Downloads
Charles W. Lidz, Paul S. Appelbaum, Thomas Grisso and Michelle Renaud
Women's preferences for and views on decision-making for diagnostic tests pp. 1699-1707 Downloads
Heather M Davey, Jacqueline Lim, Phyllis N Butow, Alexandra L Barratt and Sally Redman
The medicalization of compulsive buying pp. 1709-1718 Downloads
Shirley Lee and Avis Mysyk
Gender bias among children in India in their diet and immunisation against disease pp. 1719-1731 Downloads
Vani Borooah
Which African men promote smaller families and why? Marital relations and fertility in a Pare community in Northern Tanzania pp. 1733-1749 Downloads
Marida Hollos and Ulla Larsen
HIV and Islam: is HIV prevalence lower among Muslims? pp. 1751-1756 Downloads
Peter B. Gray
What constitutes evidence in hospital new drug decision making? pp. 1757-1766 Downloads
K Neil Jenkings and Nick Barber
The influence of school culture on smoking among pupils pp. 1767-1780 Downloads
Paul Aveyard, Wolfgang A Markham, Emma Lancashire, Alison Bullock, Christine Macarthur, K. K. Cheng and Harry Daniels
'Cultivating health': therapeutic landscapes and older people in northern England pp. 1781-1793 Downloads
Christine Milligan, Anthony Gatrell and Amanda Bingley
The view from two worlds: The convergence of social network reports between mental health clients and their ties pp. 1795-1806 Downloads
Bernice A. Pescosolido and Eric R. Wright

2004, volume 58, articles 8

Health inequalities and the psychosocial environment pp. 1461-1461 Downloads
Michael Marmot and Johannes Siegrist
Health inequalities and the psychosocial environment--two scientific challenges pp. 1463-1473 Downloads
Johannes Siegrist and Michael Marmot
Psychosocial factors at work and depression in three countries of Central and Eastern Europe pp. 1475-1482 Downloads
Hynek Pikhart, Martin Bobak, Andrzej Pajak, Sofia Malyutina, Ruzena Kubinova, Roman Topor, Helena Sebakova, Yuri Nikitin and Michael Marmot
The measurement of effort-reward imbalance at work: European comparisons pp. 1483-1499 Downloads
Johannes Siegrist, Dagmar Starke, Tarani Chandola, Isabelle Godin, Michael Marmot, Isabelle Niedhammer and Richard Peter
The effect of control at home on CHD events in the Whitehall II study: Gender differences in psychosocial domestic pathways to social inequalities in CHD pp. 1501-1509 Downloads
Tarani Chandola, Hannah Kuper, Archana Singh-Manoux, Mel Bartley and Michael Marmot
Psychobiological mechanisms of socioeconomic differences in health pp. 1511-1522 Downloads
M. Kristenson, H. R. Eriksen, J. K. Sluiter, D. Starke and H. Ursin
Work stress, socioeconomic status and neuroendocrine activation over the working day pp. 1523-1530 Downloads
Sabine R. Kunz-Ebrecht, Clemens Kirschbaum and Andrew Steptoe
Effort-reward imbalance model and self-reported health: cross-sectional and prospective findings from the GAZEL cohort pp. 1531-1541 Downloads
Isabelle Niedhammer, Marie-Ly Tek, Dagmar Starke and Johannes Siegrist
Differential economic stability and psychosocial stress at work: associations with psychosomatic complaints and absenteeism pp. 1543-1553 Downloads
Isabelle Godin and France Kittel
Can we disentangle life course processes of accumulation, critical period and social mobility? An analysis of disadvantaged socio-economic positions and myocardial infarction in the Stockholm Heart Epidemiology Program pp. 1555-1562 Downloads
Johan Hallqvist, John Lynch, Mel Bartley, Thierry Lang and David Blane
Social mobility and health in the Turin longitudinal study pp. 1563-1574 Downloads
Mario Cardano, Giuseppe Costa and Moreno Demaria

2004, volume 58, articles 7

Economy and job contract as contexts of sickness absence practices: revisiting locality and habitus pp. 1219-1229 Downloads
P. Virtanen, J. Vahtera, R. Nakari, J. Pentti and M. Kivimäki
Employee and union inputs into occupational health and safety measures in Chinese factories pp. 1231-1245 Downloads
Meei-shia Chen and Anita Chan
Employment status, social ties, and caregivers' mental health pp. 1247-1256 Downloads
Carolyn C. Cannuscio, Graham A. Colditz, Eric B. Rimm, Lisa F. Berkman, Camara P. Jones and Ichiro Kawachi
The impact of information on non-health attributes on willingness to pay for multiple health care programmes pp. 1257-1269 Downloads
Christel Protière, Cam Donaldson, Stéphane Luchini, Jean Paul Moatti and Phil Shackley
Spatial access to health care in Costa Rica and its equity: a GIS-based study pp. 1271-1284 Downloads
Luis Rosero-Bixby
Emergency contraception and morality: reflections of health care workers and clients pp. 1285-1297 Downloads
Wendy Simonds and Charlotte Ellertson
Lay voices on allergic conditions in children: parents' narratives and the negotiation of a diagnosis pp. 1299-1308 Downloads
Sonja Olin Lauritzen
Health literacy, social support, and health: a research agenda pp. 1309-1321 Downloads
Shoou-Yih D. Lee, Ahsan M. Arozullah and Young Ik Cho
From symptom recognition to diagnosis: children with autism in urban India pp. 1323-1335 Downloads
Tamara C. Daley
School-based HIV prevention programmes for African youth pp. 1337-1351 Downloads
Melanie Gallant and Eleanor Maticka-Tyndale
Social support and quality of life over time among adults living with HIV in the HAART era pp. 1353-1366 Downloads
Robert Burgoyne and Rebecca Renwick
Effective/efficient mental health programs for school-age children: a synthesis of reviews pp. 1367-1384 Downloads
Gina Browne, Amiram Gafni, Jacqueline Roberts, Carolyn Byrne and Basanti Majumdar
Family consequences of chronic back pain pp. 1385-1393 Downloads
Lee Strunin and Leslie I. Boden
Caregiver's needs as predictors of hospital readmission for the elderly in Taiwan pp. 1395-1403 Downloads
Yea-Ing Lotus Shyu, Min-Chi Chen and Hsiao-Chin Lee
Parental perspectives on vaccinating children against sexually transmitted infections pp. 1405-1413 Downloads
Rose M. Mays, Lynne A. Sturm and Gregory D. Zimet
Non-professionals' evaluations of gene therapy ethics pp. 1415-1425 Downloads
Jackie Leach Scully, Christine Rippberger and Christoph Rehmann-Sutter
Assessment of genetic testing and related counseling services: current research and future directions pp. 1427-1442 Downloads
Catharine Wang, Richard Gonzalez and Sofia D. Merajver
Fosterage patterns in the age of AIDS: continuity and change pp. 1443-1454 Downloads
Sangeetha Madhavan

2004, volume 58, articles 6

Women, work and musculoskeletal health pp. 997-1005 Downloads
Lyndall Strazdins and Gabriele Bammer
Women, work, and well-being 1950-2000:: a review and methodological critique pp. 1007-1024 Downloads
Petra L. Klumb and Thomas Lampert
Factors associated with the use of publicly funded services by Hong Kong Chinese older adults pp. 1025-1035 Downloads
K. L. Chou and I. Chi
Recessions lower (some) mortality rates:: evidence from Germany pp. 1037-1047 Downloads
Eric Neumayer
Association of stereotypes about physicians to health care satisfaction, help-seeking behavior, and adherence to treatment pp. 1049-1058 Downloads
Laura M. Bogart, Sheryl Thorburn Bird, Lisa C. Walt, Douglas L. Delahanty and Jacqueline L. Figler
A question of place: medical power in rural Australia pp. 1059-1073 Downloads
Amanda Kenny and Stephen Duckett
Living with conflicts-ethical dilemmas and moral distress in the health care system pp. 1075-1084 Downloads
Sofia Kälvemark, Anna T. Höglund, Mats G. Hansson, Peter Westerholm and Bengt Arnetz
Prevention and genetic testing for breast cancer: variations in medical decisions pp. 1085-1096 Downloads
Louise Bouchard, I. Blancquaert, F. Eisinger, W. D. Foulkes, G. Evans, H. Sobol and C. Julian-Reynier
The 'hows', 'whos', and 'whens' of screening: gynaecologists' perspectives on cervical cancer screening in urban Sweden pp. 1097-1108 Downloads
Anna Sarkadi, Catarina Widmark, Sven Törnberg and Carol Tishelman
Prospects of safe motherhood in Botswana: midwifery training and nurses' ability to complete the Botswana obstetric record pp. 1109-1120 Downloads
Thabo T. Fako, Ntonghanwah Forcheh and Ephraim Ncube
Effects of illness and disability on job separation pp. 1121-1135 Downloads
William Magee
Effects of urbanization, economic development, and migration of workers on suicide mortality in Japan pp. 1137-1146 Downloads
Akiko Otsu, Shunichi Araki, Ryoji Sakai, Kazuhito Yokoyama and A. Scott Voorhees
The generational transmission of socioeconomic inequalities in child cognitive development and emotional health pp. 1147-1158 Downloads
Jake M. Najman, Rosemary Aird, William Bor, Michael O'Callaghan, Gail M. Williams and Gregory J. Shuttlewood
Effects of socioeconomic indicators on coronary risk factors, self-rated health and psychological well-being among urban Japanese civil servants pp. 1159-1170 Downloads
Nobuo Nishi, Kae Makino, Hideki Fukuda and Kozo Tatara
Socioeconomic inequality of obesity in the United States: do gender, age, and ethnicity matter? pp. 1171-1180 Downloads
Qi Zhang and Youfa Wang
Inequality of water fluoridation in Southern Brazil--the inverse equity hypothesis revisited pp. 1181-1189 Downloads
Marco Aurélio Peres, Liliane Simara Fernandes and Karen Glazer Peres
Risk of injury after alcohol consumption: a case-crossover study in the emergency department pp. 1191-1200 Downloads
Guilherme Borges, Cheryl Cherpitel and Murray Mittleman
"Iceland Inc."?: On the ethics of commercial population genomics pp. 1201-1209 Downloads
Jon F. Merz, Glenn McGee and Pamela Sankar
Is informed consent a solution to contractual problems? A comment on the article '"Iceland Inc."?: On the Ethics of Commercial Population Genomics' by Jon F. Merz, Glenn E. McGee, and Pamela Sankar pp. 1211-1211 Downloads
Klaus Hoeyer and Niels Lynöe
Response from Jon F. Merz, Glenn E. McGee, and Pamela Sankar to Hoeyer and Lynöe's commentary on their article "'Iceland Inc.'? On the Ethics of Commercial Genomics" pp. 1213-1213 Downloads
J. F. Merz, Glenn McGee and P. Sankar

2004, volume 58, articles 5

Good and bad death: Introduction pp. 883-885 Downloads
Clive Seale and Sjaak van der Geest
The good, the bad, and the unresolved death in Kaliai pp. 887-897 Downloads
Dorothy Ayers Counts and David Counts
Dying peacefully: considering good death and bad death in Kwahu-Tafo, Ghana pp. 899-911 Downloads
Sjaak van der Geest
Cultural scripts for a good death in Japan and the United States: similarities and differences pp. 913-928 Downloads
Susan Orpett Long
Good enough death: autonomy and choice in Australian palliative care pp. 929-938 Downloads
Beverley McNamara
Narrative nuances on good and bad deaths: internists' tales from high-technology work places pp. 939-953 Downloads
Mary-Jo DelVecchio Good, Nina M. Gadmer, Patricia Ruopp, Matthew Lakoma, Amy M. Sullivan, Ellen Redinbaugh, Robert M. Arnold and Susan D. Block
"You're not going to dehydrate mom, are you?": Euthanasia, versterving, and good death in the Netherlands pp. 955-966 Downloads
Robert Pool
Media constructions of dying alone: a form of 'bad death' pp. 967-974 Downloads
Clive Seale
Ancient euthanasia: 'good death' and the doctor in the graeco-Roman world pp. 975-985 Downloads
Anton J. L. Van Hooff
Good death and bad death in ancient Israel according to biblical lore pp. 987-995 Downloads
Klaas Spronk

2004, volume 58, articles 4

Introduction to: Heresy and orthodoxy in medical theory and research pp. 671-674 Downloads
R. Kenneth Jones
The role of methods in maintaining orthodox beliefs in health research pp. 675-685 Downloads
Kathryn Dean
The ambivalence of error: "scientific ideology" in the history of the life sciences and psychosomatic medicine pp. 687-696 Downloads
Monica Greco
From the biomedical model to the Islamic alternative: a brief overview of medical practices in the contemporary Arab world pp. 697-702 Downloads
Salim M. Adib
Schism and heresy in the development of orthodox medicine: The threat to medical hegemony pp. 703-712 Downloads
R. Kenneth Jones
Dissent and heresy in medicine: models, methods, and strategies pp. 713-725 Downloads
Brian Martin
Clinical medicine and the quest for certainty pp. 727-738 Downloads
Grant Gillett
Negative pathways to psychiatric care and ethnicity: the bridge between social science and psychiatry pp. 739-752 Downloads
Craig Morgan, Rosemarie Mallett, Gerard Hutchinson and Julian Leff
Reforming health care financing in Bulgaria: the population perspective pp. 753-765 Downloads
Dina Balabanova and Martin McKee
Exploring the pathways leading from disadvantage to end-stage renal disease for Indigenous Australians pp. 767-785 Downloads
Alan Cass, Joan Cunningham, Paul Snelling, Zhiqiang Wang and Wendy Hoy
Coercive sex in rural Uganda: Prevalence and associated risk factors pp. 787-798 Downloads
Michael A. Koenig, Tom Lutalo, Feng Zhao, Fred Nalugoda, Noah Kiwanuka, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, Godfrey Kigozi, Nelson Sewankambo, Jennifer Wagman, David Serwadda, Maria Wawer and Ron Gray
Comparing directly measured standard gamble scores to HUI2 and HUI3 utility scores: group- and individual-level comparisons pp. 799-809 Downloads
David Feeny, William Furlong, Saroj Saigal and Jian Sun
Lay conceptions of the ethical and scientific justifications for random allocation in clinical trials pp. 811-824 Downloads
Elizabeth J. Robinson, Cicely Kerr, Andrew Stevens, Richard Lilford, David Braunholtz and Sarah Edwards
Governing peanuts: the regulation of the social bodies of children and the risks of food allergies pp. 825-836 Downloads
Trevor Rous and Alan Hunt
Dilemmas in sharing care: maternal provision of professionally driven therapy for children with disabilities pp. 837-849 Downloads
Valerie Leiter
From compliance to concordance: barriers to accomplishing a re-framed model of health care interactions pp. 851-862 Downloads
Paul Bissell, Carl R. May and Peter R. Noyce
Maternal literacy and health behavior: a Nepalese case study pp. 863-877 Downloads
Robert A. LeVine, Sarah E. LeVine, Meredith L. Rowe and Beatrice Schnell-Anzola

2004, volume 58, articles 3

Perceived stress following race-based discrimination at work is associated with hypertension in African-Americans. The metro Atlanta heart disease study, 1999-2001 pp. 449-461 Downloads
Rebecca Din-Dzietham, Wendy N. Nembhard, Rakale Collins and Sharon K. Davis
The extraordinary decline of infant and childhood mortality among Palestinian refugees pp. 463-470 Downloads
Marwan Khawaja
Distribution of distress in post-socialist Mongolia: a cultural epidemiology of yadargaa pp. 471-485 Downloads
Brandon A. Kohrt, Daniel J. Hruschka, Holbrook E. Kohrt, Nova L. Panebianco and G. Tsagaankhuu
Suicidality and cultural values among Hong Kong adolescents pp. 487-498 Downloads
T. H. Lam, Sunita M. Stewart, Paul S. F. Yip, Gabriel M. Leung, L. M. Ho, S. Y. Ho and Peter W. H. Lee
Children's nutrition in Jamaica: do household structure and household economic resources matter? pp. 499-514 Downloads
Jacinta Bronte-Tinkew and Gordon DeJong
The social context of reproductive health in an Egyptian hamlet: a pilot study to identify female genital schistosomiasis pp. 515-524 Downloads
Maha Talaat, Susan Watts, Shahinaz Mekheimar, Heba Farook Ali and Howaida Hamed
Criterion and content validity of a novel structured haggling contingent valuation question format versus the bidding game and binary with follow-up format pp. 525-537 Downloads
Obinna Onwujekwe
The pursuit of equity in NHS resource allocation: should morbidity replace utilisation as the basis for setting health care capitations? pp. 539-551 Downloads
Sheena Asthana, Alex Gibson, Graham Moon, John Dicker and Philip Brigham
User fees at a public hospital in Cambodia: effects on hospital performance and provider attitudes pp. 553-564 Downloads
Hidechika Akashi, Takako Yamada, Eng Huot, Koum Kanal and Takao Sugimoto
The effects of US state income inequality and alcohol policies on symptoms of depression and alcohol dependence pp. 565-575 Downloads
Claire Henderson, Xinhua Liu, Ana V. Diez Roux, Bruce G. Link and Deborah Hasin
Assessing the impact of SSRI antidepressants on popular notions of women's depressive illness pp. 577-584 Downloads
Jonathan M. Metzl and Joni Angel
Labor market experience, work organization, gender inequalities and health status: results from a prospective analysis of US employed women pp. 585-594 Downloads
Patricia O'Campo, William W. Eaton and Carles Muntaner
Association of self-reported religiosity and mortality in industrial employees: the CORDIS study pp. 595-602 Downloads
Allen Kraut, Samuel Melamed, Daphna Gofer and Paul Froom
Practitioners' impressions of patients with Parkinson's disease: the social ecology of the expressive mask pp. 603-614 Downloads
Linda Tickle-Degnen and Kathleen Doyle Lyons
Social participation and coronary heart disease: a follow-up study of 6900 women and men in Sweden pp. 615-622 Downloads
Kristina Sundquist, Martin Lindström, Marianne Malmström, Sven-Erik Johansson and Jan Sundquist
Knowledge and beliefs of primary care physicians, pharmacists, and parents on antibiotic use for the pediatric common cold pp. 623-629 Downloads
Hong-Jun Cho, Soo-Jong Hong and Sylvia Park
A story of maladies, misconceptions and mishaps: effective management of heart failure pp. 631-643 Downloads
Carol R. Horowitz, Stephanie B. Rein and Howard Leventhal
Is going to church good or bad for you? Denomination, attendance and mental health of children in West Scotland pp. 645-656 Downloads
Joanne E. Abbotts, Rory G. A. Williams, Helen N. Sweeting and Patrick B. West
Alt and Swartz 'task oriented nursing in tuberculosis control programme in South Africa: where does it come from and what keeps it going?' pp. 657-657 Downloads
Linda Shields
Assessing the quality of life of patients in phases I and II anti-cancer drug trials: Interviews versus questionnaires by Cox K pp. 659-660 Downloads
Stephen P. McKenna
Assessing the quality of life in phase I and II anti-cancer drug trials: interviews versus questionnaires pp. 661-661 Downloads
Karen Cox

2004, volume 58, articles 2

Falling short of expectations: public health interventions in developing and transition economies pp. 223-225 Downloads
William Jack and Maureen Lewis
Provision of ambulatory health services in Poland: a case study from Krakow pp. 227-235 Downloads
Mukesh Chawla, Peter Berman, Adam Windak and Marzena Kulis
Informal payments for health care in transition economies pp. 237-246 Downloads
Tim Ensor
Poverty, out-of-pocket payments and access to health care: evidence from Tajikistan pp. 247-258 Downloads
Jane Falkingham
Risk segmentation and equity in the Chilean mandatory health insurance system pp. 259-265 Downloads
Claudio Sapelli
Addressing government and market failures with payment incentives: Hospital reimbursement reform in Hainan, China pp. 267-277 Downloads
Winnie Yip and Karen Eggleston
Wage inequality, the health system, and infant mortality in wealthy industrialized countries, 1970-1996 pp. 279-292 Downloads
James A. Macinko, Leiyu Shi and Barbara Starfield
Did the distribution of health insurance in China continue to grow less equitable in the nineties? Results from a longitudinal survey pp. 293-304 Downloads
John Akin, William Dow and Peter M. Lance
A direct method for estimating the compensating income variation for severe headache and migraine pp. 305-314 Downloads
Wim Groot and Henriëtte Maassen van den Brink
Optimisation versus certainty: understanding the issue of heterogeneity in economic evaluation pp. 315-320 Downloads
Warren Stevens and Charles Normand
A sociological perspective on public participation in health care pp. 321-330 Downloads
Damien Contandriopoulos
The New Zealand health reforms: dividing the labour of care pp. 331-341 Downloads
Ruth Fitzgerald
Determinants and consequences of health worker motivation in hospitals in Jordan and Georgia pp. 343-355 Downloads
Lynne Miller Franco, Sara Bennett, Ruth Kanfer and Patrick Stubblebine
Organisational simplification and secondary complexity in health services for adults with learning disabilities pp. 357-367 Downloads
Bob Heyman, John Swain and Maureen Gillman
Dementia: sociological and philosophical constructions pp. 369-378 Downloads
Daniel H. J. Davis
Developing ethical strategies to assist oncologists in seeking informed consent to cancer clinical trials pp. 379-390 Downloads
R. F. Brown, P. N. Butow, D. G. Butt, A. R. Moore and M. H. N. Tattersall
Bereaved parents' experience of research participation pp. 391-400 Downloads
Kari Dyregrov
Therapeutic and reproductive cloning: a critique pp. 401-409 Downloads
Finn Bowring
Is the corporate transformation of hospitals creating a new hybrid health care space? A case study of the impact of co-location of public and private hospitals in Australia pp. 427-444 Downloads
Laurie Brown and J. Ross Barnett

2004, volume 58, articles 1

Gender and the social context of smoking behaviour pp. 1-12 Downloads
Nicole Dedobbeleer, Francois Béland, André-Pierre Contandriopoulos and Manuella Adrian
Public place restrictions on smoking in Canada: assessing the role of the state, media, science and public health advocacy pp. 13-24 Downloads
Mark Asbridge
Putting policy into practice? Poverty and people with serious mental illness pp. 25-39 Downloads
Robert Wilton
Beyond the income inequality hypothesis: class, neo-liberalism, and health inequalities pp. 41-56 Downloads
David Coburn
Area effects on health variation over the life-course: analysis of the longitudinal study sample in England using new data on area of residence in childhood pp. 57-74 Downloads
Sarah Curtis, H. Southall, P. Congdon and B. Dodgeon
Health, place and childhood asthma in southwest Alaska pp. 75-88 Downloads
Steven Wind, David Van Sickle and Anne L. Wright
The drug industry and medical practice--the case of menopausal hormone therapy in Estonia pp. 89-97 Downloads
Elina Hemminki, Tiina Karttunen, Sirpa-Liisa Hovi and Helle Karro
Sickness absence and early retirement at two workplaces--effects of organisational intervention in Sweden pp. 99-108 Downloads
Hans Goine, Anders Knutsson, Staffan Marklund and Berndt Karlsson
Religion and preventative health care utilization among the elderly pp. 109-118 Downloads
Maureen Reindl Benjamins and Carolyn Brown
Changing health inequalities in east and west Germany since unification pp. 119-136 Downloads
Ellen Nolte and Martin McKee
Predictive genetic test decisions for Huntington's disease: context, appraisal and new moral imperatives pp. 137-149 Downloads
Sandra D. Taylor
Screening for breast cancer: candidacy and compliance pp. 151-160 Downloads
Naomi Pfeffer
Patient activism and the struggle for diagnosis: Gulf War illnesses and other medically unexplained physical symptoms in the US pp. 161-175 Downloads
Stephen Zavestoski, Phil Brown, Sabrina McCormick, Brian Mayer, Maryhelen D'Ottavi and Jaime C. Lucove
What is important to continuity in home care?: Perspectives of key stakeholders pp. 177-192 Downloads
Christel A. Woodward, Julia Abelson, Sara Tedford and Brian Hutchison
Can a brief video intervention improve breast cancer clinical trial knowledge and beliefs? pp. 193-205 Downloads
Barbara Curbow, Linda A. Fogarty, Karen McDonnell, Julia Chill and Lisa Benz Scott
Evidence-based health policy: context and utilisation pp. 207-217 Downloads
Mark J. Dobrow, Vivek Goel and R. E. G. Upshur
Page updated 2025-03-25