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Social Science & Medicine

1979 - 2025

Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian

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1993, volume 36, articles 12

Delay versus help seeking for breast cancer symptoms: A critical review of the literature on patient and provider delay pp. 1521-1534 Downloads
Noreen C. Facione
Sexual behaviour in the general population of Sweden pp. 1535-1540 Downloads
Claes Herlitz
Drug marketing in french-speaking African countries pp. 1541-1543 Downloads
P. Chirac, A. Pikon, Y. Poinsignon and A. Vitry
Evaluating treatment efficacy by triangulation pp. 1545-1554 Downloads
Margarita Kay, Jill Guernsey de Zapien, Carmen Altamirano Wilson and Marianne Yoder
The impact of war on the physical and mental health of the family: The Lebanese experience pp. 1555-1567 Downloads
Laila Farhood, Huda Zurayk, Monique Chaya, Fadia Saadeh, Garbis Meshefedjian and Thuraya Sidani
Community types, socio-economic structure and IHD mortality--A contextual analysis based on Swedish aggregate data pp. 1569-1578 Downloads
Bengt Starrin, Curt Hagquist, Gerry Larsson and Per-Gunnar Svensson
Predicting dentists' perceived occupational risk for HIV infection pp. 1579-1586 Downloads
Carol Kunzel and Donald Sadowsky
A typology of care episodes experienced by people with schizophrenia in an english town pp. 1587-1595 Downloads
Lesley Cotterill and Richard Thomas
Verbal exchanges in medical interviews: Implications and innovations pp. 1597-1604 Downloads
Samuel M. Putnam and William B. Stiles
Intra-household food distribution among Guatemalan families in a supplementary feeding program: Behavior patterns pp. 1605-1612 Downloads
Patrice L. Engle and Isabel Nieves
The cultural construction of childhood diarrhoea in rural Nicaragua: Relevance for epidemiology and health promotion pp. 1613-1624 Downloads
George Davey Smith, Anna Gorter, Joost Hoppenbrouwer, Annemarie Sweep, Rosa Maria Perez, Carmen Gonzales, Patricia Morales, Josefina Pauw and Peter Sandiford
Satisfaction and change: A survey of volunteers in a hospice organisation pp. 1625-1633 Downloads
David Field and Ian Johnson
A meta-analysis of condom effectiveness in reducing sexually transmitted HIV pp. 1635-1644 Downloads
Susan C. Weller
How many people actually use condoms? An investigation of motel clients in Managua pp. 1645-1647 Downloads
Anna Gorter, Esperanza Miranda, George Davey Smith, Pascual Ortells and Nicola Low

1993, volume 36, articles 11

Community financing of health care in Africa: An evaluation of the Bamako initiative pp. 1383-1395 Downloads
Barbara McPake, Kara Hanson and Anne Mills
User charges for health services in developing countries: A review of the economic literature pp. 1397-1405 Downloads
Barbara McPake
Nutrition and the commercialization of agriculture: Ten years later pp. 1407-1416 Downloads
Kathleen M. DeWalt
Housing, stress, and physical well-being: Evidence from Thailand pp. 1417-1428 Downloads
Theodore D. Fuller, John N. Edwards, Santhat Sermsri and Sairudee Vorakitphokatorn
Stress and exercise among the Japanese elderly pp. 1429-1441 Downloads
Neal Krause, Linda Goldenhar, Jersey Liang, Gina Jay and Daisaku Maeda
Costs and resource utilization for the treatment of incomplete abortion in Kenya and Mexico pp. 1443-1453 Downloads
Brooke R. Johnson, Janie Benson, Janet Bradley and Aurora Rábago Ordoñez
Border crossing for hospital care and its implications for the use of statewide data pp. 1455-1465 Downloads
Winnie Yip and Harold S. Luft
Covert suicide among elderly Japanese females: Questioning unintensional drownings pp. 1467-1472 Downloads
Ian R.H. Rockett and Gordon S. Smith
Physician prescribing decisions: The effects of situational involvement and task complexity on information acquisition and decision making pp. 1473-1482 Downloads
Vijit Chinburapa, Lon N. Larson, Merrie Brucks, JoLaine Draugalis, J.Lyle Bootman and Christopher P. Puto
A retrospective analysis of the cost-effectiveness of dental sealants in a children's health center pp. 1483-1493 Downloads
Jane A. Weintraub, Sally C. Stearns, Brian A. Burt, Eugenio Beltran and Stephen A. Eklund
Tobit, fixed effects, and cohort analyses of the relationship between severity and duration of rheumatoid arthritis pp. 1495-1502 Downloads
J.Paul Leigh and James F. Fries
Traditional birth attendants and maternal mortality in Ghana pp. 1503-1507 Downloads
Carol A. Eades, Christopher Brace, Lawrence Osei and Katherine D. LaGuardia
A critical appraisal of the demand/control model of the psychosocial work environment: Epistemological, social, behavioral and class considerations pp. 1509-1517 Downloads
Carles Muntaner and Patricia J. O'Campo

1993, volume 36, articles 10

The geographical inequalities in mortality in Africa pp. 1243-1245 Downloads
B.Folasade Iyun
Les inegalites geographiques de l'infection a vih et du sida en Afrique sud-saharienne pp. 1247-1256 Downloads
Jeanne-Marie Amat-Roze
Evolution comparee de la mortalite en Afrique du nord de 1960 a nos jours pp. 1257-1265 Downloads
Dominique Tabutin
Spatial distribution of mortality from leading notifiable diseases in Nigeria pp. 1267-1272 Downloads
Layi Egunjobi
The inequalities of morbidity and mortality in Mauritius--Its ethic and geographic dimension pp. 1273-1283 Downloads
Abdool Cader Kalla
Les inegalites geographiques de la mortalite au Cameroun pp. 1285-1290 Downloads
Richard Dackam Ngatchou, Patrick Gubry and Emmanuel Ngwe
Differences de mortalite chez les Dogon de Boni pp. 1291-1296 Downloads
E. Brown and M.H. Cazes
Geographie de la mortalite et de la natalite a pikine (senegal): Interets et limites des donnees d'etat civil dans les villes africaines pp. 1297-1311 Downloads
Gérard Salem
L'inegalite geographique devant la mort en Asie du Sud, du Sud-Est et de l'Est pp. 1313-1317 Downloads
Jacques Veron
The geographical inequalities of mortality in China pp. 1319-1323 Downloads
Fang Ru-Kang
Spatial patterns of mortality in Bangladesh pp. 1325-1330 Downloads
A.H.M. Raihan Sharif, Sheikh Md. Monzurul Huq and Mesbah-us-Saleheen
Regional inequalities of child mortality in Peninsular Malaysia with special reference to the differentials between Perlis and Kuala Terengganu pp. 1331-1334 Downloads
Uwe Brehm
The geo-systemic model and mortality in Ubon-Ratchathani pp. 1335-1338 Downloads
Luc Loslier
Aspects geographiques de la mortalite en Polynesie Francaise pp. 1339-1348 Downloads
Emmanuel Vigneron
Geographical inequalities in mortality in Latin America pp. 1349-1355 Downloads
Susana Isabel Curto de Casas
Disparites regionales et socio-economiques de la mortalite en Amerique Latine pp. 1357-1365 Downloads
Emilio Fernando Orihuela-Egoavil
The problem of fuzzy cause-specific death rates in mortality context analysis: The case of Panama City pp. 1367-1371 Downloads
S. Bock and P. Gans
Life expectancy and infant mortality in Latin America pp. 1373-1382 Downloads
Jürgen Bähr and Rainer Wehrhahn

1993, volume 36, articles 9

Demographic variables in fetal and child mortality: Hmong in Thailand pp. 1109-1120 Downloads
Peter Kunstadter, Sally Lennington Kunstadter, Chai Podhisita and Prasit Leepreecha
Processing narratives of self-destructive behavior in routine medical encounters: Health promotion, disease prevention, and the discourse of health care pp. 1121-1136 Downloads
Howard Waitzkin and Theron Britt
Factors associated with health behaviour among mothers of lower socio-economic status: A British example pp. 1137-1144 Downloads
Roisin Pill, T.J. Peters and M.R. Robling
Community participation in disease control pp. 1145-1150 Downloads
Alvaro Bermejo and Amenuve Bekui
Communication between patients and physicians about terminal care: A survey in Japan pp. 1151-1159 Downloads
Ichiro Kai, Gen Ohi, Eiji Yano, Yasuki Kobayashi, Tomoyo Miyama, Naoakira Niino and Koh-Ichi Naka
Social relationships of men at risk for AIDS pp. 1161-1167 Downloads
Kerth O'Brien, Camille B. Wortman, Ronald C. Kessler and Jill G. Joseph
Acculturation and symptoms: A comparative study of reported health symptoms in three Samoan communities pp. 1169-1180 Downloads
Joel M. Hanna and Maureen H. Fitzgerald
Re-adjustment of Japanese returnee children from an overseas sojourn pp. 1181-1186 Downloads
Takeshi Tamura and Adrian Furnham
Highland-lowland contrasts in the impact of old world diseases in early colonial Ecuador pp. 1187-1195 Downloads
Linda A. Newson
Maternal mortality in rural and urban Zimbabwe: Social and reproductive factors in an incident case-referent study pp. 1197-1205 Downloads
Michael T Mbizvo, Susan Fawcus, Gunilla Lindmark and Lennarth Nyström
Maternal education and child survival: A comparative study of survey data from 17 countries pp. 1207-1227 Downloads
George T. Bicego and J. Ties Boerma
The perception of AIDS in the Bété and Baoulé of the Ivory Coast pp. 1229-1235 Downloads
Andrea Caprara, Dedy Seri, Giulio C. De Gregorio, Alessandro Parenzi, Carlos M. Salazar and Tapé Gozé
Letter to the editor pp. 1237-1237 Downloads
Michael Nelson, Barrie M. Margetts and Alison E. Black

1993, volume 36, articles 8

Medical slang and its functions pp. 987-998 Downloads
Robert H. Coombs, Sangeeta Chopra, Debra R. Schenk and Elaine Yutan
Health needs, demand for health services and expenditure across social groups in Italy: An empirical investigation pp. 999-1009 Downloads
Vittorio Mapelli
Interpoint squared distance as a measure of spatial clustering pp. 1011-1016 Downloads
S. Selvin, J. Schulman and D.W. Merrill
Reporting by parents of longstanding illness in their adolescent children pp. 1017-1022 Downloads
Russell Ecob, Sally Macintyre and Patrick West
Enhancing appropriate drug use: The contribution of herbal medicine promotion: A case study in rural Thailand pp. 1023-1035 Downloads
Amanda le Grand, Luechai Sri-ngernyuang and Pieter H. Streefland
Negotiating autism: Relations between parents and treatment staff pp. 1037-1046 Downloads
David E. Gray
The impact of childhood living conditions on illness and mortality in adulthood pp. 1047-1052 Downloads
Olle Lundberg
Socioeconomic disadvantage and child morbidity: An Australian longitudinal study pp. 1053-1061 Downloads
W. Bor, J.M. Najman, M. Andersen, J. Morrison and G. Williams
Breastfeeding and weaning in a poor urban neighborhood in Cairo, Egypt: Maternal beliefs and perceptions pp. 1063-1069 Downloads
Gail G. Harrison, Zahar S. Zaghloul, Osman M. Galal and Azza Gabr
Property rights and payment to patients for cell lines derived from human tissues: An economic analysis pp. 1071-1076 Downloads
Warren Greenberg and Deborah Kamin
Social inequality in health--The role of the healthy worker effect pp. 1077-1086 Downloads
Espen Dahl
Construction of a socio-economic index to facilitate analysis of health data in developing countries pp. 1087-1097 Downloads
I. Cortinovis, V. Vella and J. Ndiku
Health effects of discontinuities in female employment and marital status pp. 1099-1104 Downloads
Judith H. Hibbard and Clyde R. Pope

1993, volume 36, articles 7

The impact of war on children's health in Mozambique pp. 843-848 Downloads
Julie Cliff and Abdul Razak Noormahomed
Obstacles to medical audit: British doctors speak pp. 849-856 Downloads
Nick Black and Elizabeth Thompson
The body: From an immateriality to another pp. 857-865 Downloads
Jean Benoist and Pascal Cathebras
Child health and the social environment of white and black children pp. 867-874 Downloads
Peggy J. McGauhey and Barbara Starfield
Societal and ecological determinants of urban health: A case study of pre-reproductive mortality in 19th century Gibraltar pp. 875-892 Downloads
L.A. Sawchuk
Anti-permissive attitudes to lifestyles associated with AIDS pp. 893-901 Downloads
L.A. Nisbet and D.V. McQueen
Health related response to natural disasters: The case of the Bangladesh cyclone of 1991 pp. 903-914 Downloads
M.Omar Rahman and Michael Bennish
Towards understanding treatment preferences of hospital physicians pp. 915-924 Downloads
P. Denig, F.M. Haaijer-Ruskamp, H. Wesseling and A. Versluis
Maternal education and child feeding practices in rural Bangladesh pp. 925-935 Downloads
Georgia S. Guldan, Marian F. Zeitlin, Alexa S. Beiser, Charles M. Super, Stanley N. Gershoff and Sabita Datta
Child feeding practices in a rural area of Zimbabwe pp. 937-947 Downloads
Sheila Cosminsky, Marvellous Mhloyi and Douglas Ewbank
HIV transmission through social and geographical networks in Uganda pp. 949-955 Downloads
Christine Obbo
Interfacing anthropology and epidemiology: The Bedouin Arab infant feeding study pp. 957-964 Downloads
G.A. Lewando Hundt and M.R. Forman
Prostitution and the military: Planning AIDS intervention in Belize pp. 965-979 Downloads
Stephanie C. Kane

1993, volume 36, articles 6

Health consequences of employment and unemployment: Longitudinal evidence for young men and women pp. 715-724 Downloads
Brian Graetz
The structure and properties of the sense of coherence scale pp. 725-733 Downloads
Aaron Antonovsky
Increasing reliance on user fees as a response to public health financing crises: A case study of El Salvador pp. 735-747 Downloads
John L. Fiedler
Suicide and unemployment in Australia 1907-1990 pp. 749-756 Downloads
Stephen Morrell, Richard Taylor, Susan Quine and Charles Kerr
Patient control over dying: Responses of health care professionals pp. 757-765 Downloads
Merrijoy J. Kelner and Ivy L. Bourgeault
The attitudes of patients and physicians towards placebo treatment--A comparative study pp. 767-774 Downloads
Niels Lynöe, Bengt Mattsson and Mikael Sandlund
Primary health workers in North East Brazil pp. 775-782 Downloads
Christel Stock-Iwamoto and Rolf Korte
Social science and the study of pain since Zborowski: A need for a new agenda pp. 783-791 Downloads
John A. Encandela
Witchcraft-explained childhood tragedies in Tlaxcala, and their medical sequelae pp. 793-805 Downloads
Horacio Fabrega and Hugo Nutini
Socioeconomic, environmental, demographic and behavioral factors associated with occurrence of diarrhea in young children in the Republic of Congo pp. 807-816 Downloads
Nancy B. Mock, Thomas A. Sellers, Ahmed A. Abdoh and Robert R. Franklin
Prevalence of smoking in physicians and medical students, and the generation effect in the Netherlands pp. 817-822 Downloads
Heleen M. Dekker, Caspar W. N. Looman, Hans P. Adriaanse and Paul J. van der Maas
What do students find attractive about the practice of medicine?: A pattern of stability over time pp. 823-833 Downloads
Janet M. Simpson
Letter to the editor pp. 841-841 Downloads
Michael Nelson, Barrie M. Margetts and Alison E. Black

1993, volume 36, articles 5

Developing a primary health care management information system that supports the pursuit of equity, effectiveness and affordability pp. 585-596 Downloads
Khatidja Husein, Olusoji Adeyi, John Bryant and Noorddin B. Cara
Minorities and mental health pp. 597-607 Downloads
David Halpern
White liver: A cultural disorder resembling aids pp. 609-614 Downloads
Harry D. Kerr
Attitudes towards disabilities in a multicultural society pp. 615-623 Downloads
Mary T. Westbrook, Varoe Legge and Mark Pennay
Primary mental health care in Nicaragua pp. 625-629 Downloads
Richard Byng
Predictors of psychological distress among southeast Asian refugees pp. 631-639 Downloads
Rita Chi-Ying Chung and Marjorie Kagawa-Singer
Changes in life satisfaction over a two and a half year period among very elderly people living in London pp. 641-655 Downloads
Ann Bowling, Morag Farquhar, Emily Grundy and Juliet Formby
Professional constructions of a 'lay' illness: 'Nerves' in a rural 'coloured' community in South Africa pp. 657-663 Downloads
John Reynolds and Leslie Swartz
Evaluation of a face-to-face weaning food intervention in Kwara state, Nigeria: Knowledge, trial, and adoption of a home-prepared weaning food pp. 665-672 Downloads
Katharine S. Guptill, Steven A. Esrey, Gbolahan A. Oni and Kenneth H. Brown
Blood is hotter than water: Popular use of hot and cold in Kel Tamasheq illness management pp. 673-681 Downloads
Sara C. Randall
Comparing nurses' and patients' pain evaluations: A study of hospitalized patients in Kuwait pp. 683-692 Downloads
Ann Harrison
Validity and reliability testing of the FAMCARE scale: Measuring family satisfaction with advanced cancer care pp. 693-701 Downloads
Linda J. Kristjanson
The impact of induced abortions on fertility in Israel pp. 703-707 Downloads
Eitan F. Sabatello
Letter to the editor pp. 713-714 Downloads
Kaining Zhang

1993, volume 36, articles 4

Financing health care in rural China: Preliminary report of a nationwide study pp. 385-391 Downloads
Gu Xingyuan, Gerald Bloom, Tang Shenglan, Zhu Yingya, Zhou Shouqi and Chen Xingbao
Stress, anxiety and depression: Women's accounts of their health problems pp. 393-402 Downloads
Vivienne Walters
Malaria chemoprophylaxis compliance in pregnant women: A cost-effectiveness analysis of alternative interventions pp. 403-407 Downloads
Deborah L. Helitzer-Allen, Deborah A. McFarland, Jack J. Wirima and Allen P. Macheso
Problems in the measurement and international comparison of socio-economic differences in mortality pp. 409-418 Downloads
Tapani Valkonen
Gender differences in health perceptions and their predictors pp. 419-427 Downloads
Ofra Anson, Esther Paran, Lily Neumann and Dov Chernichovsky
Anthropology and AIDS: The cultural context of sexual risk behavior among urban Baganda women in Kampala, Uganda pp. 429-439 Downloads
Janet W. McGrath, Charles B. Rwabukwali, Debra A. Schumann, Jonnie Pearson-Marks, Sylvia Nakayiwa, Barbara Namande, Lucy Nakyobe and Rebecca Mukasa
Socioeconomic status and physical health, how are they related? An empirical study based on twins reared apart and twins reared together pp. 441-450 Downloads
Paul Lichtenstein, Jennifer R. Harris, Nancy L. Pedersen and G.E. McClearn
Recent trends in sex mortality ratios for adults in developed countries pp. 451-462 Downloads
Ingrid Waldron
Social and epidemiological aspects of Guinea worm control pp. 463-474 Downloads
Martine Audibert, D. Coulibaly, O. Doumbo, B. Kodio, G. Soula and S. Traore
Experiences of Australian mothers who gave birth either at home, at a birth centre, or in hospital labour wards pp. 475-483 Downloads
John D. Cunningham
Ensuring access to health care with the introduction of user fees: A Kenyan example pp. 485-494 Downloads
Joyce H. Huber
The Latin American trial of psychosocial support during pregnancy: A social intervention evaluated through an experimental design pp. 495-507 Downloads
Ana Langer, Cesar Victoria, Magda Victoria, Fernando Barros, Ubaldo Farnot, Jose Belizan and Jose Villar
Correlates of AIDS knowledge in samples of the general population pp. 509-524 Downloads
Armando Peruga and David D. Celentano
Oral rehydration therapy--Qualitative studies of balance between pragmatism and scientific rigour in managing diarrhoea pp. 525-531 Downloads
Bollag Ueli
Excess mortality among the unmarried: A case study of Japan pp. 533-546 Downloads
Noreen Goldman and Yuanreng Hu
Life satisfaction and health in cancer patients, orthopedic patients and healthy individuals pp. 547-556 Downloads
Shulamith Kreitler, Samario Chaitchik, Yoram Rapoport, Hans Kreitler and Rahel Algor
Geographic patterns of low birth weight in Hawaii pp. 557-564 Downloads
Edith C. Kieffer, Greg R. Alexander, Nancy D Lewis and Joanne Mor
Public Attitudes to charging for some national health service services pp. 565-568 Downloads
P. Gooder, M. Charny and S. Farrow
Patterns of dentist location: Lansing, Michigan 1950-1991 pp. 569-573 Downloads
Elizabeth G. Lowell-Smith
Letter to the editor pp. 583-583 Downloads
Ernest H. Friedman

1993, volume 36, articles 3

Why changing the U.S. health care system is so difficult pp. iii-vi Downloads
Barbara Wolfe
The competing discourses of HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa: Discourses of rights and empowerment vs discourses of control and exclusion pp. 175-194 Downloads
Gill Seidel
Descriptive and normative ethics: Class, context and confidentiality for mothers with HIV pp. 195-202 Downloads
Kate H. Brown
Individual rights vs the public health: The problem of the Asian hepatitis B carriers in America pp. 203-216 Downloads
William Muraskin
The quality of social roles as predictors of morbidity and mortality pp. 217-225 Downloads
Judith H. Hibbard and Clyde R. Pope
Managerial style and health promotion programs pp. 227-235 Downloads
Kim Witte
The Islamic dialogue with African traditional religion: Divination and health care pp. 237-247 Downloads
Jon P. Kirby
The power of compassion: Truth-telling among American doctors in the care of dying patients pp. 249-264 Downloads
Naoko T. Miyaji
Post-empiricism and psychiatry: Meaning and methodology in cross-cultural research pp. 265-272 Downloads
Patrick J. Bracken
Living longer but doing worse: Assessing health status in elderly persons at two points in time in Manitoba, Canada, 1971 and 1983 pp. 273-282 Downloads
Noralou P. Roos, Betty Havens and Charlyn Black
Colostrum and ideas about bad milk: A case study from Guinea-Bissau pp. 283-288 Downloads
Geir Gunnlaugsson and Jónína Einarsdóttir
Type A behavior: Contextual effects within a Southern black community pp. 289-295 Downloads
William W. Dressler
Women's work and infant care in the Philippines pp. 297-304 Downloads
Rebecca Miles Doan and Barry M. Popkin
Intrahousehold allocation of resources in larger and smaller Mexican households pp. 305-310 Downloads
Roberta D. Baer and Lorena Madrigal
Women's views of ultrasonography: A comparison of women's experiences of antenatal ultrasound screening with cerebral ultrasound of their newborn infant pp. 311-315 Downloads
Karen Thorpe, Lisa Harker, Alison Pike and Neil Marlow
Socio-cultural determinants of child mortality in Southern Peru: Including some methodological considerations pp. 317-331 Downloads
Kees De Meer, Roland Bergman and John S. Kusner
Pregnancy and childbirth among the amish pp. 333-342 Downloads
Karla Campanella, Jill E. Korbin and Louise Acheson
Factors associated with high-quantity prescriptions of benzodiazepines in Sweden pp. 343-351 Downloads
Dag Isacson, Kerstin Bingefors, Mats Wennberg and Monica Dahlström
Parental social support and child behaviour problems in different populations and socioeconomic groups: A methodological study pp. 353-360 Downloads
Gunilla M. Thernlund and Margarita A. K. Samuelsson
Dental care use by U.S. veterans eligible for VA care pp. 361-370 Downloads
Gregg H. Gilbert, Laurence G. Branch and Jeffrey Longmate
Mothers brought dead: An enquiry into causes of delay pp. 371-372 Downloads
Sadiqua N. Jafarey and Razia Korejo
Perception of diarrhoeal diseases among mothers and mothers-to-be implications for health education in Saudi Arabia pp. 373-377 Downloads
Parveen Rasheed
Letter to the editor pp. 383-383 Downloads
Ernest H. Friedman

1993, volume 36, articles 2

Editorial pp. vii-vii Downloads
Peter J. M. McEwan
Social research in health and the American sociopolitical context: The changing fortunes of medical sociology pp. 95-102 Downloads
David Mechanic
Health research, a key to equity in health development pp. 103-108 Downloads
V. Ramalingaswami
The promotion of health through planned sociopolitical change: Challenges for research and policy pp. 109-117 Downloads
John B. McKinlay
Geography of health: Some trends and perspectives pp. 119-123 Downloads
Yola Verhasselt
Health transition: The cultural, social and behavioural determinants of health in the Third World pp. 125-135 Downloads
John C. Caldwell
Reflections on the economist and health economics in an international setting pp. 137-141 Downloads
Ralph Andreano
In search of a contemporary theory for understanding mortality change pp. 143-155 Downloads
Christopher J. L. Murray and Lincoln C. Chen
Health and poverty: Past, present and prospects for the future pp. 157-166 Downloads
Jake M. Najman
Self, identity and the naming question: Reflections on the language of disability pp. 167-173 Downloads
Irving Kenneth Zola

1993, volume 36, articles 1

On the relationship between knowledge and action in health policy pp. v-vii Downloads
Peter J. M. McEwan
Introduction pp. 1-5 Downloads
Margaret Stacey and Virginia Olesen
Healthy bodies, social bodies: Men's and women's concepts and practices of health in everyday life pp. 7-14 Downloads
Robin Saltonstall
Gender differences in the perceptions of common cold symptoms pp. 15-20 Downloads
Sally Macintyre
Gender inequalities in health: Social position, affective disorders and minor physical morbidity pp. 21-32 Downloads
Jennie Popay, Mel Bartley and Charlie Owen
Gender and inequalities in health in later life pp. 33-46 Downloads
Sara Arber and Jay Ginn
Prostitutes and chimney sweeps both have problems: Towards full integration of both sexes in the study of occupational health pp. 47-55 Downloads
Karen Messing, Lucie Dumais and Patrizia Romito
Reconceptualizing gender in physician-patient relationships pp. 57-66 Downloads
Candace West
Structure and struggle: Implementing a social model of a well woman clinic in Glasgow pp. 67-76 Downloads
Carole Craddock and Margaret Reid
Keeping children healthy--The intermediate domain pp. 77-83 Downloads
Berry Mayall
Issues of gender in gamete donation pp. 85-93 Downloads
Erica Haimes
Page updated 2025-03-25