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Social Science & Medicine

1979 - 2025

Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian

From Elsevier
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2017, volume 182, articles C

“I started working because I was hungry”: The consequences of food insecurity for children's well-being in rural Ethiopia pp. 1-9 Downloads
Virginia Morrow, Yisak Tafere, Nardos Chuta and Ina Zharkevich
Doctors' experience of coordination across care levels and associated factors. A cross-sectional study in public healthcare networks of six Latin American countries pp. 10-19 Downloads
María-Luisa Vázquez, Ingrid Vargas, Irene Garcia-Subirats, Jean-Pierre Unger, Pierre De Paepe, Amparo Susana Mogollón-Pérez, Isabella Samico, Pamela Eguiguren, Angelica-Ivonne Cisneros, Adriana Huerta, María-Cecilia Muruaga and Fernando Bertolotto
The network structure of sex partner meeting places reported by HIV-infected MSM: Opportunities for HIV targeted control pp. 20-29 Downloads
Meredith Brantley, Christina Schumacher, Errol L. Fields, Jamie Perin, Amelia Greiner Safi, Jonathan M. Ellen, Ravikiran Muvva, Patrick Chaulk and Jacky M. Jennings
Health & access to care among working-age lower income adults in the Great Recession: Disparities across race and ethnicity and geospatial factors pp. 30-44 Downloads
Samuel D. Towne, Janice C. Probst, James W. Hardin, Bethany A. Bell and Saundra Glover
Is a hilly neighborhood environment associated with diabetes mellitus among older people? Results from the JAGES 2010 study pp. 45-51 Downloads
Takeo Fujiwara, Iseki Takamoto, Airi Amemiya, Masamichi Hanazato, Norimichi Suzuki, Yuiko Nagamine, Yuri Sasaki, Yukako Tani, Aki Yazawa, Yosuke Inoue, Kokoro Shirai, Yugo Shobugawa, Naoki Kondo and Katsunori Kondo
The gap between entitlement and access to healthcare: An analysis of “candidacy” in the help-seeking trajectories of asylum seekers in Montreal pp. 52-59 Downloads
Liana E. Chase, Janet Cleveland, Jesse Beatson and Cécile Rousseau
Accessibility of tertiary hospitals in Finland: A comparison of administrative and normative catchment areas pp. 60-67 Downloads
Tiina Huotari, Harri Antikainen, Timo Keistinen and Jarmo Rusanen
I care, even after the first impression: Facial appearance-based evaluations in healthcare context pp. 68-72 Downloads
Katia Mattarozzi, Valentina Colonnello, Francesco De Gioia and Alexander Todorov
Discredited legacy: Stigma and familial amyloid polyneuropathy in Northwestern Portugal pp. 73-80 Downloads
Álvaro Mendes, Liliana Sousa, Jorge Sequeiros and Angus Clarke
Performing boundary work: The emergence of a new practice in a hybrid operating room pp. 81-88 Downloads
Kajsa Lindberg, Lars Walter and Elena Raviola
Child disability and siblings' healthcare expenditures in a context of child fostering pp. 89-96 Downloads
Arlette Simo Fotso
The benefits of paid maternity leave for mothers' post-partum health and wellbeing: Evidence from an Australian evaluation pp. 97-105 Downloads
Belinda Hewitt, Lyndall Strazdins and Bill Martin
An assessment of the social cognitive predictors of exclusive breastfeeding behavior using the Health Action Process Approach pp. 106-116 Downloads
J.L. Martinez-Brockman, F.M. Shebl, N. Harari and R. Pérez-Escamilla
Health policy in the concertación era (1990–2010): Reforms the chilean way pp. 117-126 Downloads
María Soledad Martinez-Gutierrez and Cristóbal Cuadrado
Political gender inequality and infant mortality in the United States, 1990–2012 pp. 127-135 Downloads
Patricia Homan
Social identity and support for counteracting tobacco company marketing that targets vulnerable populations pp. 136-141 Downloads
Sabeeh A. Baig, Jessica K. Pepper, Jennifer C. Morgan and Noel T. Brewer
Ebola-related stigma in Ghana: Individual and community level determinants pp. 142-149 Downloads
Eric Y. Tenkorang
Problematic social media use and depressive symptoms among U.S. young adults: A nationally-representative study pp. 150-157 Downloads
Ariel Shensa, César G. Escobar-Viera, Jaime E. Sidani, Nicholas D. Bowman, Michael P. Marshal and Brian A. Primack

2017, volume 181, articles C

Do online reviews diminish physician authority? The case of cosmetic surgery in the U.S pp. 1-8 Downloads
Alka V. Menon
Physician associates in primary health care in England: A challenge to professional boundaries? pp. 9-16 Downloads
Vari M. Drennan, Jonathon Gabe, Mary Halter, Simon de Lusignan and Ros Levenson
The role of city income inequality, sex ratio and youth mortality rates in the effect of violent victimization on health-risk behaviors in Brazilian adolescents pp. 17-23 Downloads
Dandara de Oliveira Ramos, Martin Daly, Maria Lucia Seidl-de-Moura and Paulo Nadanovsky
Hospitalizations for ambulatory care sensitive conditions across primary care models in Ontario, Canada pp. 24-33 Downloads
Maude Laberge, Walter P. Wodchis, Jan Barnsley and Audrey Laporte
The problem of choice: From the voluntary way to Affordable Care Act health insurance exchanges pp. 34-42 Downloads
Jessica Mulligan
Persistence of pandemic influenza on the development of children: Evidence from industrializing Japan pp. 43-53 Downloads
Kota Ogasawara
Changing health care provider performance through measurement pp. 54-65 Downloads
Kenneth Leonard and Melkiory C. Masatu
“Even my sister says I'm acting like a crazy to get a check”: Race, gender, and moral boundary-work in women's claims of disabling chronic pain pp. 66-73 Downloads
Jane Pryma
Is foreign direct investment good for health in low and middle income countries? An instrumental variable approach pp. 74-82 Downloads
Darren K. Burns, Andrew P. Jones, Yevgeniy Goryakin and Marc Suhrcke
Extending health insurance to the poor in India: An impact evaluation of Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana on out of pocket spending for healthcare pp. 83-92 Downloads
Anup Karan, Winnie Yip and Ajay Mahal
Adult children's education and changes to parents' physical health in Mexico pp. 93-101 Downloads
Jenjira J. Yahirun, Connor M. Sheehan and Mark D. Hayward
Accomplishing professional jurisdiction in intensive care: An ethnographic study of three units pp. 102-111 Downloads
Andreas Xyrichis, Karen Lowton and Anne Marie Rafferty
Household social capital and socioeconomic inequalities in child undernutrition in rural India pp. 112-121 Downloads
William T. Story and Richard M. Carpiano
The effect of employment transitions on physical health among the elderly in South Korea: A longitudinal analysis of the Korean Retirement and Income Study pp. 122-130 Downloads
Juyeon Lee and Myoung-Hee Kim
Visibility, respectability, and disengagement: The everyday resistance of mothers with disabilities pp. 131-138 Downloads
Angela Frederick
State political ideology, policies and health behaviors: The case of tobacco pp. 139-147 Downloads
Ashley M. Fox, Wenhui Feng and Rakesh Yumkham
Female sex workers use power over their day-to-day lives to meet the condition of a conditional cash transfer intervention to incentivize safe sex pp. 148-157 Downloads
Jan E. Cooper, William Dow, Damien de Walque, Ann C. Keller, Sandra I. McCoy, Lia C.H. Fernald, Marianna P. Balampama, Admirabilis Kalolella, Laura J. Packel, Wendee M. Wechsberg and Emily J. Ozer
Acceptable health and priority weighting: Discussing a reference-level approach using sufficientarian reasoning pp. 158-167 Downloads
S. Wouters, Job van Exel, K.I.M. Rohde, J.J. Vromen and Werner Brouwer
Changes in household food insecurity are related to changes in BMI and diet quality among Michigan Head Start preschoolers in a sex-specific manner pp. 168-176 Downloads
Erica C. Jansen, Nicole Kasper, Julie C. Lumeng, Holly E. Brophy Herb, Mildred A. Horodynski, Alison L. Miller, Dawn Contreras and Karen E. Peterson
Socio-psychological mediators of the relationship between behavioral health stigma and psychiatric symptoms pp. 177-183 Downloads
Bronwyn A. Hunter, Nathaniel Vincent Mohatt, Dana M. Prince, Azure B. Thompson, Samantha L. Matlin and Jacob Kraemer Tebes
Stability of coping and the role of self-efficacy in the first year following mild traumatic brain injury pp. 184-190 Downloads
Myrthe E. Scheenen, Harm J. van der Horn, Myrthe E. de Koning, Joukje van der Naalt and Jacoba M. Spikman
County-level racial prejudice and the black-white gap in infant health outcomes pp. 191-198 Downloads
Jacob Orchard and Joseph Price

2017, volume 180, articles C

The effects of women's education on maternal health: Evidence from Peru pp. 1-9 Downloads
Abigail Weitzman
How did the Good School Toolkit reduce the risk of past week physical violence from teachers to students? Qualitative findings on pathways of change in schools in Luwero, Uganda pp. 10-19 Downloads
N. Kyegombe, S. Namakula, J. Mulindwa, J. Lwanyaaga, D. Naker, S. Namy, J. Nakuti, J. Parkes, Lord Marmon Knight, E. Walakira and K.M. Devries
The social logic of naloxone: Peer administration, harm reduction, and the transformation of social policy pp. 20-27 Downloads
Rachel Faulkner-Gurstein
The impact of welfare reform on the health insurance coverage, utilization and health of low education single mothers pp. 28-35 Downloads
Kimberly Narain, Marianne Bitler, Ninez Ponce, Gerald Kominski and Susan Ettner
The sociology of space as a catalyst for innovation in the health sector pp. 36-44 Downloads
Trust Saidi, Katusha de Villiers and Tania S. Douglas
Stability and change in disease prestige: A comparative analysis of three surveys spanning a quarter of a century pp. 45-51 Downloads
Dag Album, Lars E.F. Johannessen and Erik B. Rasmussen
Spatio-temporal neighborhood impacts on internalizing and externalizing behaviors in U.S. elementary school children: Effect modification by child and family socio-demographics pp. 52-61 Downloads
Jamie L. Humphrey and Elisabeth D. Root
Tolerance of uncertainty: Conceptual analysis, integrative model, and implications for healthcare pp. 62-75 Downloads
Marij A. Hillen, Caitlin M. Gutheil, Tania D. Strout, Ellen M.A. Smets and Paul K.J. Han
Bureaucratization and medical professionals’ values: A cross-national analysis pp. 76-84 Downloads
Girts Racko
The socio-political context of migration and reproductive health disparities: The case of early sexual initiation among Mexican-origin immigrant young women pp. 85-93 Downloads
Kate Coleman-Minahan
The impact of transitions in insurance coverage on GP visiting among children in Ireland pp. 94-100 Downloads
Anne Nolan and Richard Layte
Does educational attainment shape reactions to genetic risk for Alzheimer's disease? Results from a national survey experiment pp. 101-105 Downloads
Matthew A. Andersson, Shana Kushner Gadarian and Rene Almeling
A visual analysis of gender bias in contemporary anatomy textbooks pp. 106-113 Downloads
Rhiannon Parker, Theresa Larkin and Jon Cockburn
The harder they fall? Sex and race/ethnic specific suicide rates in the U.S. foreclosure crisis pp. 114-124 Downloads
Jason N. Houle and Michael T. Light
The intimate relationship as a site of social protection: Partnerships between people who inject drugs pp. 125-134 Downloads
Tim Rhodes, Jake Rance, Suzanne Fraser and Carla Treloar
Varying cognitive targets and response rates to enhance the question-behaviour effect: An 8-arm Randomized Controlled Trial on influenza vaccination uptake pp. 135-142 Downloads
Mark Conner, Tracy Sandberg, Chandani Nekitsing, Russell Hutter, Chantelle Wood, Cath Jackson, Gaston Godin and Paschal Sheeran
The more the heavier? Family size and childhood obesity in the U.S pp. 143-151 Downloads
Ashlesha Datar
Does the media matter to suicide?: Examining the social dynamics surrounding media reporting on suicide in a suicide-prone community pp. 152-159 Downloads
Anna S. Mueller
Variola minor in coalfield areas of England and Wales, 1921–34: Geographical determinants of a national smallpox epidemic that spread out of effective control pp. 160-169 Downloads
Matthew R. Smallman-Raynor, Sarah Rafferty and Andrew D. Cliff
Food as a social determinant of mental health among household heads in the Upper West Region of Ghana pp. 170-180 Downloads
Kilian Nasung Atuoye and Isaac Luginaah
Reduced burden of childhood diarrheal diseases through increased access to water and sanitation in India: A modeling analysis pp. 181-192 Downloads
Arindam Nandi, Itamar Megiddo, Ashvin Ashok, Amit Verma and Ramanan Laxminarayan
Page updated 2025-03-25