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Social Science & Medicine

1979 - 2025

Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian

From Elsevier
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1985, volume 20, articles 12

Measuring the health of populations, indicators and interpretations pp. 1207-1224 Downloads
Harald E. Hansluwka
Problems of substance abuse: Exploitation and control pp. 1225-1233 Downloads
Larry Ray
The analysis and assessment of health programs pp. 1235-1240 Downloads
Nicholas Prescott and David de Ferranti
Disability dilemmas and rehabilitation tensions: A twentieth century inheritance pp. 1241-1252 Downloads
Judith G. Greenwood
Discrimination against women in the South African medical profession pp. 1253-1258 Downloads
Beryl Unterhalter
A need for community education in development: The Mit Abu El Kom case pp. 1259-1268 Downloads
B. Louise Weidner, Nazek K. Nosseir and Charles C. Hughes
The social definition of women's smoking behaviour pp. 1269-1278 Downloads
Andrea Knopf Elkind
Smoking and intelligence in Australia pp. 1279-1280 Downloads
J. J. Ray
Malaria in Liberian children and mothers: Biocultural perceptions of illness vs clinical evidence of disease pp. 1281-1287 Downloads
Linda Collier Jackson
Relativism in the diagnosis of hypoglycemia pp. 1289-1294 Downloads
Linda M. Hunt
Nutrition, lactation and fertility in two Mexican rural communities pp. 1295-1305 Downloads
Ann Elizabeth Fink
Patient mobility for elective surgical interventions pp. 1307-1312 Downloads
G. Tessier, A. P. Contandriopoulos and Georges Dionne
Community care for the elderly: Costs and dependency pp. 1313-1318 Downloads
Martin Snell
Health care expenditure containment in the United States: Strategies at the state and local level pp. 1319-1330 Downloads
Diane G. Hillman and Jon B. Christianson
Informed consent in psychiatric research: Preliminary findings from an ongoing investigation pp. 1331-1341 Downloads
Paul R. Benson, Loren H. Roth and William J. Winslade

1985, volume 20, articles 11

Introduction pp. 1083-1083 Downloads
Harmon Smith
Selecting neonatal ethics pp. 1085-1090 Downloads
Joel E. Frader
Selective nontreatment of handicapped newborns: A critical essay pp. 1091-1095 Downloads
Arthur F. Kohrman
Which infants should live? On the usefulness and limitations of Robert Weir's selective nontreatment of handicapped newborns pp. 1097-1102 Downloads
L. R. Churchill
Why solutions continue to elude us pp. 1103-1107 Downloads
Thomas H. Murray
Selective nontreatment--One year later: Reflections and a response pp. 1109-1117 Downloads
Robert F. Weir
Physician gender and the physician-patient relationship: Recent evidence and relevant questions pp. 1119-1127 Downloads
Carol S. Weisman and Martha Ann Teitelbaum
Health risks among enlisted males in the U.S. Navy: Race and ethnicity as correlates of disease incidence pp. 1129-1141 Downloads
Lawrence A. Palinkas and Christine L. Colcord
Sources of influence on infant feeding practices in Hong Kong pp. 1143-1150 Downloads
Beatrice K. M. Hung, Lydia Ling and S. G. Ong
The frontier of modern Western medicine in Nepal pp. 1151-1159 Downloads
Pieter Streefland
Self-touching as an indicator of underlying affect and language processes pp. 1161-1168 Downloads
Jinni A. Harrigan
Professional identification: A study of female students at a medical college in India pp. 1169-1175 Downloads
Gura Bhargava
The theory of the hospital: A review of the models pp. 1177-1184 Downloads
A. McGuire
A qualitative assessment of the medicare prospective payment system pp. 1185-1190 Downloads
Robert W. Broyles and Michael D. Rosko
Effects of promotion on pharmaceutical demand pp. 1191-1197 Downloads
John I. Mackowiak and Jean Paul Gagnon
Sex differences in the psychological reactions of medical and surgical patients to crisis intervention counseling: Sauce for the goose may not be sauce for the gander pp. 1199-1205 Downloads
Linda L. Viney, Yvonne N. Benjamin, Alex M. Clarke and Terence A. Bunn

1985, volume 20, articles 10

Computers and clinical judgement: The role of physician networks pp. 969-979 Downloads
James G. Anderson and Stephen J. Jay
Choice or change: Further evidence on ideas of illness and responsibility for health pp. 981-991 Downloads
Roisin Pill and Stott Nigel C.H.
Uncertainty and its relation to the psychological and social correlates of chronic illness in children pp. 993-999 Downloads
Dorothy Jones Jessop and Ruth E. K. Stein
Social and cultural factors in the etiology of low birthweight among disadvantaged blacks pp. 1001-1011 Downloads
Margaret S. Boone
A health economist on medical sociology: Reflections by an unreconstructed reductionist pp. 1013-1021 Downloads
Anthony Culyer
The nature, meaning and measurement of health and illness: An economic viewpoint pp. 1023-1027 Downloads
Alan Williams
The economic analysis of inequalities in health pp. 1029-1035 Downloads
Jaana-Marja Muurinen and Julian Le Grand
The economic evaluation of clinical practice pp. 1037-1040 Downloads
Ron Akehurst
The political economy of the NHS: Individualist justifications of collective action pp. 1041-1048 Downloads
Jack Dowie
Economic analysis of health service professions: A survey pp. 1049-1061 Downloads
Hugh Gravelle
Joint meeting of the health economists' study group and the medical sociology group in York, July, 1983 pp. 1063-1064 Downloads
Maria Bergmann
Menstrual symptoms, attitudes and consulting behaviour pp. 1065-1068 Downloads
Annette Scambler and Graham Scambler
A preliminary report on anti-depressant therapy and its effects on hope and immunity pp. 1069-1072 Downloads
Donna Lou Udelman and Harold D. Udelman
Local politicization of primary health care as an instrument for development: A case study of community health workers in Zambia pp. 1073-1080 Downloads
Patrick A. Twumasi and Paul J. Freund
Letter to the editor pp. 1081-1081 Downloads
James Morse Dunning

1985, volume 20, articles 9

Triggers of symptoms and health care pp. 855-876 Downloads
Lois M. Verbrugge
The psycho-social consequences of intermittent husband absence: An epidemiological study pp. 877-885 Downloads
Rex Taylor, Ken Morrice, David Clark and Kathryn McCann
Sex differences in minor psychiatric morbidity: A survey of homogenous population pp. 887-899 Downloads
Rachel Jenkins
Social functions of medical licensing: A case study of Soviet immigrant physicians in Israel pp. 901-909 Downloads
Judith T. Shuval
The role of the receptionist in general practice: A 'dragon behind the desk'? pp. 911-921 Downloads
Sara Arber and Lucianne Sawyer
Communication in primary care: The role of patient and practitioner explanatory models pp. 923-931 Downloads
Cecil G. Helman
Railways, disease and health in South Africa pp. 933-938 Downloads
Vanessa Hogbin
The lengthening hour: Time and the demise of psychoanalysis as therapy pp. 939-943 Downloads
Kenneth P. Starkey
Stressful episodes reported by first-year student nurses: A descriptive account pp. 945-953 Downloads
Katharine R. Parkes
Attendance for cervical screening--Whose problem? pp. 955-962 Downloads
Anne Eardley, Andrea Knopf Elkind, Brenda Spencer, Patricia Hobbs, Laura L. Pendleton and Dave Haran

1985, volume 20, articles 8

Introduction pp. 771-771 Downloads
Peter J. M. McEwan
Towards a psychobiological model of cancer: Psychological considerations pp. 773-777 Downloads
Steven Greer and Maggie Watson
Towards a psychobiological model of cancer: Biological considerations pp. 779-787 Downloads
K. W. Pettingale
Cancer from a biobehavioural and social epidemiological perspective pp. 789-794 Downloads
H. J. F. Baltrusch and Millard Waltz
Development of a method for rating cognitive responses to a diagnosis of cancer pp. 795-802 Downloads
Tina Morris, Susan Blake and Miranda Buckley
Factors important to psychosocial adjustment to cancer: A review of the evidence pp. 803-807 Downloads
Richard J. Goldberg and Leah Oseas Cullen
The quality of life of cancer patients: A review of the literature pp. 809-817 Downloads
Johanna C. J. M. de Haes and Ferdinand C. E. van Knippenberg
Improving the detection of psychiatric problems in cancer patients pp. 819-823 Downloads
Peter Maguire
Why me? Attributions and adjustment by cancer patients and their mates at two stages in the disease process pp. 825-831 Downloads
Carolyn Cook Gotay
Biopsychosocial studies on cutaneous malignant melanoma: Psychosocial factors associated with prognostic indicators, progression, psychophysiology and tumor-host response pp. 833-840 Downloads
Lydia Temoshok
Cancer patients' personality characteristics, physician-patient communication and adoption of the Moerman diet pp. 841-847 Downloads
J. F. A. Pruyn, R. M. Rijckman, C. J. M. van Brunschot and H. W. van den Borne
Insomnia in cancer patients pp. 849-850 Downloads
Peter M. Silberfarb, Peter J. Hauri, Thomas E. Oxman and Stephanie Lash
Aspects of the European dying process pp. 851-853 Downloads
Anne-Marie Palouzie

1985, volume 20, articles 7

Space and time in British general practice pp. 659-666 Downloads
David Armstrong
Psychosocial predictors of sudden death: A review and critique pp. 667-680 Downloads
Yitzchak M. Binik
Generation et evaluation des hypotheses etiologiques en epidemiologie pp. 681-689 Downloads
P. Philippe
Alexithymia and affective verbal behaviour of three groups of patients pp. 691-694 Downloads
Stephan Ahrens
Investigation of a model for the initiation of breastfeeding in primigravida women pp. 695-703 Downloads
Lois B. Dusdieker, Brenda M. Booth, Brenda F. Seals and Edem E. Ekwo
Extended training of ambulance staff in England pp. 705-712 Downloads
K. G. Wright
Infant formula samples and breast feeding among Philippine urban poor pp. 713-717 Downloads
George M. Guthrie, Helen A. Guthrie, Tomas L. Fernandez and Nenita O. Estrera
The dominant firm in health insurance pp. 719-724 Downloads
Lawrence G. Goldberg and Warren Greenberg
Anorexia nervosa as a culture-bound syndrome pp. 725-730 Downloads
Leslie Swartz
Behavioural and endocrine reactions in boys scoring high on Sennton neurotic scale viewing an exciting and partly violent movie and the importance of social support pp. 731-736 Downloads
Bengt B. Arnetz, Bengt Edgren, Lennart Levi and Ulf Otto
Evaluation of an interview training course for general practitioners pp. 737-744 Downloads
J. M. Bensing and E. M. Sluijs
The contribution of ethics and psychology to medicine pp. 745-752 Downloads
Jurrit Bergsma and David C. Thomasma
Terminal cancer care services: Recent changes in regional inequalities in Great Britain pp. 753-759 Downloads
Barry Lunt
Letter to the editor pp. 761-762 Downloads
Angela Reidy

1985, volume 20, articles 6

Family adaptation and psychosocial adjustment to cystic fibrosis in the preschool child pp. 553-560 Downloads
Leslie Cowen, Mary Corey, Nancy Keenan, Robert Simmons, Erika Arndt and Henry Levison
Perceptions of disability of persons with cerebral palsy, their close relatives and able bodied persons pp. 561-565 Downloads
Lindsay Gething
Mexican-American, Black-American and White-American differences in reporting illnesses, disability and physician visits for illnesses pp. 567-577 Downloads
Emil Berkanovic and Carol Telesky
A point prevalence study of alcoholism and mental illness among downtown migrants pp. 579-583 Downloads
Marilyn Peddicord Whitley, Oliver H. Osborne, Mary Ann Godfrey and Karen Johnston
Handicapped individuals in Kuwait pp. 585-588 Downloads
Ann Harrison
Child mortality and economic variation among rural Mexican households pp. 589-599 Downloads
Ann V. Millard
A cost-benefit analysis of the Quebec network of genetic medicine pp. 601-607 Downloads
Denyse L. Dagenais, Léon Courville and Marcel G. Dagenais
Water resources development and schistosomiasis ecology in the Awash Valley, Ethiopia pp. 609-625 Downloads
Helmut Kloos
Marital dissolution and health: Do males or females have greater risk? pp. 627-635 Downloads
Catherine Kohler Riessman and Naomi Gerstel
Job stress, cigarette smoking and cessation: The conditioning effects of peer support pp. 637-644 Downloads
Mina Westman, Dov Eden and Arie Shirom
A problem with refusing certain forms of psychiatric treatment pp. 645-648 Downloads
Clifton Perry

1985, volume 20, articles 5

Double standards in the analysis of Marxist scholarship: A reply to Reidy's critique of my work pp. 441-451 Downloads
Vicente Navarro
Socioeconomic and health effects on mortality declines in developing countries pp. 453-460 Downloads
Brian F. Pendleton and Shu-O. W. Yang
Styles of adjustment to coronary graft surgery pp. 461-472 Downloads
Alan Radley and Ruth Green
The urban bias in health facilities in Pakistan pp. 473-482 Downloads
S. Akbar Zaidi
A Maori perspective of health pp. 483-486 Downloads
M. H. Durie
Hospital care utilization in a 17,000 population sample: 5-year follow-up pp. 487-492 Downloads
Helen Hansagi, Staffan E. Norell and Gudjon Magnusson
Psychosocial adjustment of victims of occupational hand injuries pp. 493-497 Downloads
Peter W. H. Lee, Elsie S. Y. Ho, Adolf K. T. Tsang, Jack C. Y. Cheng, P. C. Leung, Y. H. Cheng and F. Lieh-Mak
Socialization and interpersonal environment in nurses' affective reactions to work pp. 499-509 Downloads
Frederic H. Decker
The shaman and the medicine-man pp. 511-515 Downloads
Åke Hultkrantz
Weaving a tangled web: The psychology of deception and self deception in psychogenic pain pp. 517-527 Downloads
Timothy L. Bayer
Reducing presurgical anxiety: A possible visitor effect pp. 529-533 Downloads
Judy Hartsfield and James R. Clopton
Doctors, psychiatrists and disease pp. 535-543 Downloads
Michael Lavin
Deinstitutionalization and public policy pp. 545-552 Downloads
Andrew Scull

1985, volume 20, articles 4

Illegitimate birth and deprivation: Recent findings from an exploratory study pp. 307-314 Downloads
Rachel Filinson
The significance of psychosocial factors in predicting coronary disease in patients with valvular heart disease pp. 315-318 Downloads
C. L. Cooper, E. B. Faragher, C. L. Bray and D. R. Ramsdale
Living with an amputation: The helper pp. 319-323 Downloads
Dorothy M. Thompson and Dave Haran
Illness behaviour in mothers with young children pp. 325-330 Downloads
Peter D. Campion and Jennet Gabriel
Type A behaviour in two ethnic rural communities of males in Israel with and without coronary heart disease pp. 331-334 Downloads
Naomi Stockwell, Stephen J. Zyzanski and Yair Yodfat
Japan's clinic physicians and their behavior pp. 335-340 Downloads
Maratoshi A. Abe
Status of life-areas: Congruence/noncongruence in ESRD patient and spouse perceptions pp. 341-346 Downloads
Heather Gray, Donna Brogan and Nancy G. Kutner
Who are those most likely to be institutionalized, the elderly who receive comprehensive home care services or those who do not? pp. 347-354 Downloads
François Béland
Intervention against loneliness in a group of elderly women: An impact evaluation pp. 355-364 Downloads
Lars Anderson
Social bonds in a healthy elderly sample: Characteristics and associated variables pp. 365-369 Downloads
Paula D. Thomas, Philip J. Garry, Jean M. Goodwin and James S. Goodwin
Variation in inpatient racial composition among acute-care hospitals in New York State pp. 371-379 Downloads
Arthur Schatzkin
Infant mortality in Sri Lankan households: A causal model pp. 381-392 Downloads
Nancy E. Waxler, Barrie M. Morrison, W. M. Sirisena and S. Pinnaduwage
Social and public health implication of water supply in arid zones in the Sudan pp. 393-398 Downloads
M. A. Awad El Karim, B. M. El Hassan and K. K. Hussein
Approaches to medical geography: An historical perspective pp. 399-404 Downloads
Bimal Kanti Paul
Directions for medical geography in the 1980s: Some observations from the United Kingdom pp. 404-407 Downloads
David R. Phillips
Directions for medical geography in the 1980s: Some observations from the United Kingdom pp. 407-408 Downloads
A. T. A. Learmonth
Directions for medical geography in the 1980s: Some observations from the United Kingdom pp. 408-409 Downloads
R. W. Armstrong
Supply projections as planning: A critical review of forecasting net physician requirements in Canada pp. 411-424 Downloads
Jonathan Lomas, Greg L. Stoddart and Morris L. Barer
Skin disease and handicap: An analysis of the impact of skin conditions pp. 425-429 Downloads
Sandra Jowett and Terence Ryan
Towards total patient care pp. 437-438 Downloads
Mayeh A. Omar

1985, volume 20, articles 3

The primary health care project in Belgium: A survey on the utilization of health services pp. 181-190 Downloads
Marleen Foets, Frans Berghmans and Lieve Janssens
Prescription drug advertising: Trends and implications pp. 191-197 Downloads
Lawrence R. Krupka and Arthur M. Vener
What is unnecessary surgery? Who shall decide? Issues of consumer sovereignty, conflict and self-regulation pp. 199-206 Downloads
Paul J. Schacht and Alec Pemberton
An assessment of community health workers in Nicaragua pp. 207-214 Downloads
Edward A. Scholl
Sterilization in the northeast of Brazil pp. 215-221 Downloads
Barbara Janowitz, James E. Higgins, Walter Rodrigues, Jose Marie Arruda, Jason B. Smith and Leo Morris
Dietary beliefs in health and illness among a Hong Kong community pp. 223-230 Downloads
Suzanne S. Y. Chan Ho
Clinical clerkships in professional education: A study in pharmacy and other ancillary professions pp. 231-240 Downloads
Robert S. Broadhead and Neil J. Facchinetti
Factors which differentiate smokers from ex-smokers among cardiovascular patients: A discriminant analysis pp. 241-245 Downloads
Vincent J. Giannetti, John Reynolds and Thomas Rihn
Consistency of rule application to inmates in long-term treatment institutions pp. 247-252 Downloads
Julius A. Roth
A physician role typology: Colleague and client dependence in an HMO pp. 253-261 Downloads
Judith K. Barr and Marcia K. Steinberg
Patterns in preventive behavior: A study of women in middle age pp. 263-268 Downloads
Michael Calnan
Lay workers in primary health care: Victims in the process of social transformation pp. 269-275 Downloads
Ruth Stark
Traditional healers, mothers and childhood diarrheal disease in Swaziland: The interface of anthropology and health education pp. 277-285 Downloads
Edward C. Green
Obstetrical choice among urban women in Benin pp. 287-292 Downloads
Carolyn Sargent
Clean water provision in rural areas of less developed countries pp. 293-300 Downloads
Robert W. Roundy

1985, volume 20, articles 2

Introduction pp. 119-120 Downloads
Isabelle Baszanger
Sociology of health and illness in France, retrospectively and prospectively pp. 121-122 Downloads
Claudine Herzlich
Social uses of illness at the workplace: Sick leave and moral evaluation pp. 123-128 Downloads
Nicolas Dodier
A protest movement in a private clinic: An analysis of a patients' strike pp. 129-132 Downloads
Renée Waissman
Professional socialization and social control: From medical students to general practitioners pp. 133-143 Downloads
Isabelle Baszanger
The social construction of the patient: Patients and illnesses in other ages pp. 145-151 Downloads
Claudine Herzlich and Janine Pierret
Hospital system management in France and Canada: National pluralism and provincial centralism pp. 153-166 Downloads
Gerard de Pouvourville and Marc Renaud
Managerial procedures and hospital practices: A case study of the development of a new medical discipline pp. 167-172 Downloads
Marie-Odile Cabridain
An economic approach to the daily activities of private general practitioners pp. 173-180 Downloads
Alain Letourmy

1985, volume 20, articles 1

Populism and health policy: The case of community health volunteers in India pp. 1-25 Downloads
Bruno Jobert
Commentaries pp. 26-26 Downloads
Beatrix Pfleiderer
Commentaries pp. 27-28 Downloads
M. Miles
The meaning of medications: Another look at compliance pp. 29-37 Downloads
Peter Conrad
Psychiatric symptomatology among Mexican American farmworkers pp. 39-45 Downloads
William Vega, George Warheit and Robert Palacio
Patient reactions to doctors' computer use in general practice consultations pp. 47-52 Downloads
Garry Brownbridge, Guy A. Herzmark and Toby D. Wall
A survey of traditional medical practices used for the treatment of malignant tumors in an East African population pp. 53-59 Downloads
George A. Alexander
The association between health and retirement: Self-health assessment of Israeli retirees pp. 61-66 Downloads
Yael Kremer
Mobilizing indigenous resource for primary health care in Nigeria: A note on the place of traditional medicine pp. 67-69 Downloads
O. Y. Oyeneye
The persistence of high fertility in Kenya pp. 71-84 Downloads
Isaac Sindiga
Pharmacy patronage among the elderly: Selected racial and geographical patterns pp. 85-93 Downloads
Gary W. Shannon, Ellen K. Cromley and Joseph L. Fink
Personality indicators of psychosocial adjustment in first-year medical students pp. 95-100 Downloads
Peter B. Zeldow, David C. Clark, Steven R. Daugherty and Edward J. Eckenfels
Using the health belief model to predict initial drug therapy defaulting pp. 101-105 Downloads
Jack E. Fincham and Albert I. Wertheimer
Maintenance of psychosocial attitudes in medical students pp. 107-109 Downloads
Rhea L. Dornbush, Paul Singer, Edward J. Brownstein and Alfred M. Freedman
Page updated 2025-03-25