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Social Science & Medicine

1979 - 2025

Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian

From Elsevier
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2015, volume 146, articles C

Mapping health behaviors: Constructing and validating a common-sense taxonomy of health behaviors pp. 1-10 Downloads
Gabriel Nudelman and Shoshana Shiloh
Stress, diabetes, and infection: Syndemic suffering at an urban Kenyan hospital pp. 11-20 Downloads
Emily Mendenhall, Gregory Barnabas Omondi, Edna Bosire, Gitonga Isaiah, Abednego Musau, David Ndetei and Victoria Mutiso
Polycystic ovary syndrome in globalizing India: An ecosocial perspective on an emerging lifestyle disease pp. 21-28 Downloads
Gauri Pathak and Mark Nichter
Intergenerational transmission of the healthy immigrant effect (HIE) through birth weight: A systematic review and meta-analysis pp. 29-40 Downloads
Chantel Ramraj, Ariel Pulver and Arjumand Siddiqi
Attributes and weights in health care priority setting: A systematic review of what counts and to what extent pp. 41-52 Downloads
Yuanyuan Gu, Emily Lancsar, Peter Ghijben, James RG Butler and Cam Donaldson
“My dirty little habit”: Patient constructions of antidepressant use and the ‘crisis’ of legitimacy pp. 53-61 Downloads
Damien Ridge, Renata Kokanovic, Alex Broom, Susan Kirkpatrick, Claire Anderson and Claire Tanner
Is the sexual behaviour of young people in sub-Saharan Africa influenced by their peers? A systematic review pp. 62-74 Downloads
Elizabeth Fearon, Richard D. Wiggins, Audrey E. Pettifor and James R. Hargreaves
Does a college education reduce depressive symptoms in American young adults? pp. 75-84 Downloads
Michael J. McFarland and Brandon G. Wagner
Community trust and household health: A spatially-based approach with evidence from rural Honduras pp. 85-94 Downloads
Alan Zarychta
The path of least resistance? Jurisdictions, responsibility and professional asymmetries in pharmacists' accounts of antibiotic decisions in hospitals pp. 95-103 Downloads
Alex Broom, Jennifer Broom, Emma Kirby and Graham Scambler
Serum aflatoxin B1-lysine adduct level in adult women from Eastern Province in Kenya depends on household socio-economic status: A cross sectional study pp. 104-110 Downloads
Jef Leroy, Jia-Sheng Wang and Kelly Jones
The long-term mortality impact of combined job strain and family circumstances: A life course analysis of working American mothers pp. 111-119 Downloads
Erika L. Sabbath, Iván Mejía-Guevara, Clemens Noelke and Lisa F. Berkman
Neighborhood crime and depressive symptoms among African American women: Genetic moderation and epigenetic mediation of effects pp. 120-128 Downloads
Man-Kit Lei, Steven R.H. Beach, Ronald L. Simons and Robert A. Philibert
Social support attenuates the harmful effects of stress in healthy adult women pp. 129-136 Downloads
Elizabeth R. Stein and Bruce W. Smith
HIV serostatus disclosure: development and validation of indicators considering target and modality. Results from a community-based research in 5 countries pp. 137-146 Downloads
Marie Préau, Dominic Beaulieu-Prévost, Emilie Henry, Adeline Bernier, Ludivine Veillette-Bourbeau and Joanne Otis
“Just Advil”: Harm reduction and identity construction in the consumption of over-the-counter medication for chronic pain pp. 147-154 Downloads
Emery R. Eaves
Communal bereavement and resilience in the aftermath of a terrorist event: Evidence from a natural experiment pp. 155-163 Downloads
Alexander C. Tsai and Atheendar S. Venkataramani
From patient deference towards negotiated and precarious informality: An Eliasian analysis of English general practitioners' understandings of changing patient relations pp. 164-172 Downloads
Patrick Brown, Mary Ann Elston and Jonathan Gabe
‘He always thinks he is nothing’: The psychosocial impact of discrimination on adolescent refugees in urban Uganda pp. 173-181 Downloads
Lindsay Stark, Willyanne DeCormier Plosky, Rebecca Horn and Mark Canavera
Participatory health system priority setting: Evidence from a budget experiment pp. 182-190 Downloads
Joan Costa -Font, Joan Rovira Forns and Azusa Sato
Cumulative effects of noise and odour annoyances on environmental and health related quality of life pp. 191-203 Downloads
Tor H. Oiamo, Isaac N. Luginaah and Jamie Baxter
Multiple contexts of exposure: Activity spaces, residential neighborhoods, and self-rated health pp. 204-213 Downloads
Gregory Sharp, Justin T. Denney and Rachel T. Kimbro
What matters for working fathers? Job characteristics, work-family conflict and enrichment, and fathers' postpartum mental health in an Australian cohort pp. 214-222 Downloads
Amanda R. Cooklin, Rebecca Giallo, Lyndall Strazdins, Angela Martin, Liana S. Leach and Jan M. Nicholson
The second wave of violence scholarship: South African synergies with a global research agenda pp. 243-248 Downloads
Brett Bowman, Garth Stevens, Gillian Eagle, Malose Langa, Sherianne Kramer, Peace Kiguwa and Mzikazi Nduna
Men's violence against women and men are inter-related: Recommendations for simultaneous intervention pp. 249-256 Downloads
Paul J. Fleming, Sofia Gruskin, Florencia Rojo and Shari L. Dworkin
Predictors of violence against children in Tamil families in northern Sri Lanka pp. 257-265 Downloads
Vathsalan Sriskandarajah, Frank Neuner and Claudia Catani
Sexual and physical violence victimization among senior high school students in Ghana: Risk and protective factors pp. 266-275 Downloads
Sally-Ann Ohene, Kiana Johnson, Sarah Atunah-Jay, Andrew Owusu and Iris Wagman Borowsky
Family and community driven response to intimate partner violence in post-conflict settings pp. 276-284 Downloads
Anjalee Kohli, Nancy Perrin, Remy Mitima Mpanano, Luhazi Banywesize, Alfred Bacikenge Mirindi, Jean Heri Banywesize, Clovis Murhula Mitima, Arsène Kajabika Binkurhorhwa, Nadine Mwinja Bufole and Nancy Glass
Transnational issue-specific expert networking: A pathway to local policy change pp. 285-291 Downloads
Cheryl O'Brien
Children's exposure to community and war violence and mental health in four African countries pp. 292-299 Downloads
Holly Foster and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn
The impact of neighborhood disorganization on neighborhood exposure to violence, trauma symptoms, and social relationships among at-risk youth pp. 300-306 Downloads
Fredrick Butcher, Joseph D. Galanek, Jeff M. Kretschmar and Daniel J. Flannery
Exploring the association between women's access to economic resources and intimate partner violence in Dar es Salaam and Mbeya, Tanzania pp. 307-315 Downloads
Seema Vyas, Henrica AFM. Jansen, Lori Heise and Jessie Mbwambo
Stock-outs, uncertainty and improvisation in access to healthcare in war-torn Northern Uganda pp. 316-323 Downloads
Herbert Muyinda and James Mugisha
Negotiating health and life: Syrian refugees and the politics of access in Lebanon pp. 324-331 Downloads
Sarah E. Parkinson and Orkideh Behrouzan
Healthcare under siege: Geopolitics of medical service provision in the Gaza Strip pp. 332-340 Downloads
Ron J. Smith
Preventing gender-based violence engendered by conflict: The case of Côte d'Ivoire pp. 341-347 Downloads
Morkeh Blay-Tofey and Bandy X. Lee

2015, volume 145, articles C

Commitment questions targeting patients promotes uptake of under-used health services: Findings from a national quality improvement program in Australia pp. 1-6 Downloads
Nicole L. Pratt, Lisa M. Kalisch Ellett, Janet K. Sluggett, Emmae N. Ramsay, Mhairi Kerr, Vanessa T. LeBlanc, John D. Barratt and Elizabeth E. Roughead
Controlled but not cured: Structural processes and explanatory models of Chagas disease in tropical Bolivia pp. 7-16 Downloads
Colin Forsyth
Longitudinal associations of neighborhood socioeconomic characteristics and alcohol availability on drinking: Results from the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) pp. 17-25 Downloads
Allison B. Brenner, Luisa N. Borrell, Tonatiuh Barrientos-Gutierrez and Ana V. Diez Roux
The downside of tobacco control? Smoking and self-stigma: A systematic review pp. 26-34 Downloads
Rebecca J. Evans-Polce, Joao M. Castaldelli-Maia, Georg Schomerus and Sara E. Evans-Lacko
Addressing domestic violence through antenatal care in Sri Lanka's plantation estates: Contributions of public health midwives pp. 35-43 Downloads
Jennifer J. Infanti, Ragnhild Lund, Munas M. Muzrif, Berit Schei and Kumudu Wijewardena
Who responds to financial incentives for weight loss? Evidence from a randomized controlled trial pp. 44-52 Downloads
Alfredo Paloyo, Arndt Reichert, Monika Reuss-Borst and Harald Tauchmann
Comparing disability amongst immigrants and native-born in Canada pp. 53-62 Downloads
Bruce Newbold and Dylan Simone
The impact of fiscal austerity on suicide mortality: Evidence across the ‘Eurozone periphery’ pp. 63-78 Downloads
Nikolaos Antonakakis and Alan Collins
Educational expansion and the education gradient in health: A hierarchical age-period-cohort analysis pp. 79-88 Downloads
Katrijn Delaruelle, Veerle Buffel and Piet Bracke
Diffusion of innovations theory applied to global tobacco control treaty ratification pp. 89-97 Downloads
Thomas W. Valente, Stephanie R. Dyal, Kar-Hai Chu, Heather Wipfli and Kayo Fujimoto
The political economy of a public health case management program's transition into medical homes pp. 98-106 Downloads
Rebecca Wells, Dorothy Cilenti and L. Michele Issel
Using the structure of social networks to map inter-agency relationships in public health services pp. 107-114 Downloads
Robert M. West, Allan O. House, Justin Keen and Vicky L. Ward
Happiness and longevity in the United States pp. 115-119 Downloads
Elizabeth M. Lawrence, Richard G. Rogers and Tim Wadsworth
A comparison of the effectiveness of an adult nutrition education program for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians pp. 120-124 Downloads
Simone Pettigrew, Michelle I. Jongenelis, Sarah Moore and Iain S. Pratt
New technology and illness self-management: Potential relevance for resource-poor populations in Asia pp. 145-153 Downloads
Henry Lucas
Closing the health and nutrition gap in Odisha, India: A case study of how transforming the health system is achieving greater equity pp. 154-162 Downloads
Deborah Thomas, Biraj Laxmi Sarangi, Anu Garg, Arti Ahuja, Pramod Meherda, Sujata R. Karthikeyan, Pinaki Joddar, Rajendra Kar, Jeetendra Pattnaik, Ramesh Druvasula and Alison Dembo Rath
District-level variations in childhood immunizations in India: The role of socio-economic factors and health infrastructure pp. 163-172 Downloads
Anu Rammohan and Niyi Awofeso
Toward universal coverage in Afghanistan: A multi-stakeholder assessment of capacity investments in the community health worker system pp. 173-183 Downloads
Anbrasi Edward, Casey Branchini, Iain Aitken, Melissa Roach, Kojo Osei-Bonsu and Said Habib Arwal
What can volunteer co-providers contribute to health systems? The role of people living with HIV in the Thai paediatric HIV programme pp. 184-192 Downloads
Olivia Tulloch, Miriam Taegtmeyer, Jintanat Ananworanich, Sanchai Chasombat, Pope Kosalaraksa and Sally Theobald
Effectively engaging the private sector through vouchers and contracting – A case for analysing health governance and context pp. 193-200 Downloads
Matthias Nachtnebel, Ashleigh O'Mahony, Nandini Pillai and Kris Hort
Organizational barriers associated with the implementation of national essential medicines policy: A cross-sectional study of township hospitals in China pp. 201-208 Downloads
Lianping Yang, Chaojie Liu, J. Adamm Ferrier and Xinping Zhang
School context, friendship ties and adolescent mental health: A multilevel analysis of the Korean Youth Panel Survey (KYPS) pp. 209-216 Downloads
Harris Hyun-Soo Kim
The impact of health insurance for children under age 6 in Vietnam: A regression discontinuity approach pp. 217-226 Downloads
Michael Palmer, Sophie Mitra, Daniel Mont and Nora Groce
The development of universal health insurance coverage in Thailand: Challenges of population aging and informal economy pp. 227-236 Downloads
Minchung Hsu, Xianguo Huang and Somrasri Yupho
Prioritizing action on health inequities in cities: An evaluation of Urban Health Equity Assessment and Response Tool (Urban HEART) in 15 cities from Asia and Africa pp. 237-242 Downloads
Amit Prasad, Megumi Kano, Kendra Ann-Masako Dagg, Hanako Mori, Hawa Hamisi Senkoro, Mohammad Assai Ardakani, Samar Elfeky, Suvajee Good, Katrin Engelhardt, Alex Ross and Francisco Armada
Emerging challenges in implementing universal health coverage in Asia pp. 243-248 Downloads
Caryn Bredenkamp, Timothy Evans, Leizel Lagrada, John Langenbrunner, Stefan Nachuk and Toomas Palu
Page updated 2025-03-25