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Social Science & Medicine

1979 - 2025

Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian

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1994, volume 38, articles 12

Introduction pp. 1591-1592 Downloads
Michael Drummond, Linda Davies and Frans Rutten
Evaluation of health technology: Economic issues for health policy and policy issues for economic appraisal pp. 1593-1600 Downloads
Michael Drummond
Current status of economic appraisal of health technology in the European community: Report of the network pp. 1601-1607 Downloads
Linda Davies, Douglas Coyle, Michael Drummond and The EC Network on the Methodology of Economic Appraisal of Health Technology
Intergration of economic appraisal and health care policy in a health insurance system; The Dutch case pp. 1609-1614 Downloads
Frans Rutten and Jan-Willem van der Linden
Economic appraisal in the British national health service: Implications of recent developments pp. 1615-1623 Downloads
Christopher Henshall and Michael Drummond
Researcher-driven versus policy-driven economic appraisal of health technologies: The case of France pp. 1625-1633 Downloads
J. P. Moatti, C. Chanut and J. M. Benech
Centralised versus decentralised funding of evaluative research: Impact on medical technology policy in Italy pp. 1635-1641 Downloads
George France
Technology assessment in Catalonia: Integrating economic appraisal pp. 1643-1646 Downloads
Alicia Granados and Josep M. Borràs
The role of economic appraisal in Denmark pp. 1647-1652 Downloads
Anita Alban
The role of economic appraisal in health technology assessment: The Australian case pp. 1653-1662 Downloads
Chris Selby Smith, David Hailey and Michael Drummond
Strategies for successful evaluation and policy-making toward health care technology on the move: The case of medical lasers pp. 1663-1674 Downloads
H. David Banta and Hindrik Vondeling
Standardizing economic appraisal of health technology in the European community pp. 1675-1678 Downloads
Joan Rovira
Interests in Health Care Technology Assessment (HCTA) and HCTA training needs in eight European countries: Comett-assess pp. 1679-1688 Downloads
A. Szczepura and J. Kankaanpää

1994, volume 38, articles 11

Hospice and the holistic alternative pp. vii-ix Downloads
Carol MacCormack
Religion and health: Is there an association, is it valid, and is it causal? pp. 1475-1482 Downloads
Jeffrey S. Levin
The role of caregiver social networks in Alzheimer's disease pp. 1483-1490 Downloads
Carl Cohen, Jeanne Teresi and Cynthia Blum
Coping with disabilities: The perspective of young adults from different ethnic backgrounds in inner London pp. 1491-1498 Downloads
Yvonne Doyle, Paula Moffatt and Sarah Corlett
Aprendiendo a prevenir la deshidratacion en comunidades Alejadas y Mercados Mexicanos pp. 1499-1507 Downloads
Selene Alvarez Larrauri, Claudia Alvarez Larrauri and Jorge Jufresa Carreras
Characteristics of work and life predicting coronary heart disease: Finnish research project on aging workers pp. 1509-1519 Downloads
Kaija Tuomi
Health insurance coverage among the elderly pp. 1521-1529 Downloads
Virginia Wilcox-Gök and Jeffrey Rubin
Measuring oral health status: Theoretical and methodological challenges pp. 1531-1541 Downloads
I. D. Coulter, M. Marcus and K. A. Atchison
The prevalence of informal caregiving to persons with aids in the United States: Caregiver characteristics and their implications pp. 1543-1552 Downloads
Heather A. Turner, Joseph A. Catania and John Gagnon
A cohort study of unemployment as a cause of psychological disturbance in Australian youth pp. 1553-1564 Downloads
S. Morrell, R. Taylor, S. Quine, C. Kerr and J. Western
Teenage alcohol drinking and non-standard family background pp. 1565-1574 Downloads
Matti Isohanni, Hannu Oja, Irma Moilanen and Markku Koiranen
A community study of child spacing, fertility and contraception in West Pokot District, Kenya pp. 1575-1584 Downloads
Nicola R. Dean

1994, volume 38, articles 10

Does epidemiological transition have utility for health planners? pp. vii-x Downloads
David R. Phillips
The politics of AIDS: Introduction pp. 1321-1324 Downloads
Merrill Singer
The impact of HIV/AIDS on concepts relating to risk and culture within British community epidemiology: Candidates or targets for prevention pp. 1325-1335 Downloads
Ronald J. Frankenberg
Risky business: The cultural construction of AIDS risk groups pp. 1337-1346 Downloads
Nina Glick Schiller, Stephen Crystal and Denver Lewellen
The boundaries of the self and the unhealthy other: Reflections on health, culture and AIDS pp. 1347-1365 Downloads
Robert Crawford
Ethical dilemmas and professional roles in occupational medicine pp. 1367-1374 Downloads
Sue Gena Lurie
Child health: Equity in the non-industrialized countries pp. 1375-1383 Downloads
Bonita Stanton
Why are socioeconomic mortality differences smaller among women than among men? pp. 1385-1396 Downloads
Seppo Koskinen and Tuija Martelin
A decade beyond medical school: A longitudinal study of physicians' attitudes toward death and terminally-ill patients pp. 1397-1400 Downloads
George E. Dickinson and Robert E. Tournier
Differences in health and welfare between homeless and homed welfare applicants in Los Angeles county pp. 1401-1413 Downloads
Lois M. Takahashi and Jennifer R. Wolch
"I wouldn't have minded a wee one running about": Miscarriage and the family pp. 1415-1422 Downloads
Rosanne Cecil
Nurses' views of the coping of patients pp. 1423-1430 Downloads
David L. Kahn, Richard H. Steeves and Jeanne Q. Benoliel
Chronic job insecurity among automobile workers: Effects on job satisfaction and health pp. 1431-1437 Downloads
Catherine A. Heaney, Barbara A. Israel and James S. House
Social trajectories and diversity of careers: Two aspects of the evolution of the medical profession in France (1925-1989) pp. 1439-1447 Downloads
Martine Bungener and Geneviève Paicheler
Social class and adolescent smoking behaviour pp. 1449-1460 Downloads
Anthony Glendinning, Janet Shucksmith and Leo Hendry
Blood donor behaviour in Greece: Implications for health policy pp. 1461-1467 Downloads
Joannes Chliaoutakis, Deanna J. Trakas, Fotini Socrataki, Chrysoula Lemonidou and Dimitris Papaioannou

1994, volume 38, articles 9

Depressive disorder pp. v-viii Downloads
A. Venkoba Rao
Cholera diffusion in Russia, 1823-1923 pp. 1171-1191 Downloads
K. David Patterson
The effects of pregnancy loss on women's health pp. 1193-1200 Downloads
Philip G. Ney, Tak Fung, Adele Rose Wickett and Carol Beaman-Dodd
The experience of cancer pp. 1201-1208 Downloads
L.J. Muzzin, N.J. Anderson, A.T. Figueredo and S.O. Gudelis
Childhood morbidity and health services utilization: Cross-national comparisons of user-related factors from DHS data pp. 1209-1220 Downloads
Gabriel B. Fosu
Quality of home use of oral rehydration solutions: Results from seven healthcom sites pp. 1221-1234 Downloads
Judith A. McDivitt, Robert C. Hornik and C.Dara Carr
Can social class differentials in hypertension be explained by the general susceptibility hypothesis? pp. 1235-1242 Downloads
Peter Nilsson, Per-Olof Östergren, Lars Lindholm and Bengt Scherstén
Using gini-style indices to evaluate the spatial patterns of health practitioners: Theoretical considerations and an application based on Alberta data pp. 1243-1256 Downloads
Malcolm C. Brown
Mortality by indicators of socioeconomic status among the finnish elderly pp. 1257-1278 Downloads
Tuija Martelin
Older patient satisfaction with communication during an initial medical encounter pp. 1279-1288 Downloads
Michele G. Greene, Ronald D. Adelman, Erika Friedmann and Rita Charon
Measures of socioeconomic status for child health research: Comparative results from Bangladesh and Pakistan pp. 1289-1297 Downloads
M.S. Durkin, S. Islam, Z.M. Hasan and S.S. Zaman
Concordance of parental and adolescent health behaviors pp. 1299-1305 Downloads
Ingeborg Rossow and Jostein Rise
Self-management of cystic fibrosis: A structural model for educational and behavioral variables pp. 1307-1315 Downloads
Guy S. Parcel, Paul R. Swank, Marco J. Mariotto, L.Kay Bartholomew, Danita I. Czyzewski, Marianna M. Sockrider and Dan K. Seilheimer

1994, volume 38, articles 8

Public health education in Australia: Nobody's child? pp. v-ix Downloads
Janice Reid
Dissent in science: Styles of scientific practice and the controversy over the cause of AIDS pp. 1017-1036 Downloads
Joan H. Fujimura and Danny Y. Chou
Alzheimer's disease afflicted spouses who remain at home: Can human dialectics explain the findings? pp. 1037-1046 Downloads
Lore K. Wright
The social impact of HIV infection on women in Kigali, Rwanda: A prospective study pp. 1047-1053 Downloads
P. Keogh, S. Allen, C. Almedal and B. Temahagili
Psychological distress in survivors of residential fires pp. 1055-1060 Downloads
Anne Keane, Mary Pickett, Christopher Jepson, Ruth McCorkle and Barbara J. Lowery
Alternative medicine in the United States pp. 1061-1068 Downloads
Walter I. Wardwell
Midwives in Niger: An uncomfortable position between social behaviours and health care constraints pp. 1069-1073 Downloads
Yannick Jaffre and Alain Prual
Health cards, maternal reports and the measurement of immunization coverage: The example of Guatemala pp. 1075-1089 Downloads
Noreen Goldman and Anne R. Pebley
Too far to walk: Maternal mortality in context pp. 1091-1110 Downloads
Sereen Thaddeus and Deborah Maine
One person's 'spoiling' is another's freedom to become: Overcoming ethnocentric views about parental control pp. 1111-1124 Downloads
Julie E. Sprott
The technocratic body: American childbirth as cultural expression pp. 1125-1140 Downloads
Robbie E. Davis-Floyd
Attitudes toward organ donation and transplantation: A model for understanding reactions to medical procedures after death pp. 1141-1152 Downloads
Margareta Sanner
Using STD occurrence to monitor AIDS prevention pp. 1153-1165 Downloads
Adrian M. Renton and Luke Whitaker
A meta-analysis of condom effectiveness in reducing sexually transmitted HIV pp. 1169-1170 Downloads
David Lee Warner and Robert A. Hatcher

1994, volume 38, articles 7

Frailty and its consequences: Introduction pp. 863-865 Downloads
Sharon L. Tennstedt and John B. McKinlay
Stress and strategies in care systems: the Scandinavian experience pp. 867-874 Downloads
Svein Olav Daatland
Pathways to care for the elderly in Greece pp. 875-882 Downloads
Judith Triantafillou and Elizabeth Mestheneos
British home and community care: Research-based critiques and the challenge of the new policy pp. 883-903 Downloads
Bleddyn Davies
Longitudinal patterns of formal and informal social support in an urban elderly population pp. 905-914 Downloads
Howard R. Kelman, Cynthia Thomas and Jeefrey S. Tanaka
Unmet need among disabled elders: A problem in access to community long term care? pp. 915-924 Downloads
Sharon Tennstedt, John McKinlay and Linda Kasten
Dynamics of functional impairment in late adulthood pp. 925-936 Downloads
George L. Maddox, Daniel O. Clark and Karen Steinhauser
How measurement techniques influence estimates of disability in older populations pp. 937-942 Downloads
Alan M. Jette
Does intergenerational social support influence the psychological well-being of older parents? The contingencies of declining health and widowhood pp. 943-957 Downloads
Merril Silverstein and Vern L. Bengtson
Tolerating reality: The experience of parents of HIV positive sons pp. 959-971 Downloads
Dyan Siegl and Janice M. Morse
Mothers' perceptions of severe pneumonia in their own children: A controlled study in Pakistan pp. 973-987 Downloads
Dorothy S. Mull, J.Dennis Mull, M.Z.Malik Kundi and Muhammad Anjum
Susto and the career path of the victim of an industrial accident: A sociological case study pp. 989-997 Downloads
Geoff Holloway
The social significance of routine health behavior in Tamang daily life pp. 999-1010 Downloads
J.Carey Jackson and Leslie Jackson-Carroll

1994, volume 38, articles 6

Introduction pp. 771-774 Downloads
Cheryl Mattingly and Linda C. Garro
Narrative representations of chronic illness experience: cultural models of illness, mind, and body in stories concerning the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) pp. 775-788 Downloads
Linda C. Garro
Coming to terms with advanced breast cancer: Black women's narratives from Eastern North Carolina pp. 789-800 Downloads
Holly F. Mathews, Donald R. Lannin and James P. Mitchell
AIDS-talk and the constitution of cultural models pp. 801-809 Downloads
Paul Farmer
The concept of therapeutic 'emplotment' pp. 811-822 Downloads
Cheryl Mattingly
The Rashomon approach to dealing with chronic pain pp. 823-833 Downloads
Jean E. Jackson
In the subjenctive mode: Epilepsy narratives in Turkey pp. 835-842 Downloads
Byron J. Good, Mary-Jo Del Vecchio Good, Isenbike Togan, Zafer Ilbars, A. Güvener and Ilker Gelisen
Practicing oncology in provincial Mexico: A narrative analysis pp. 843-853 Downloads
Linda M. Hunt
Oncology and narrative time pp. 855-862 Downloads
Mary-Jo Del Vecchio Good, Tseunetsugu Munakata, Yasuki Kobayashi, Cheryl Mattingly and Byron J. Good

1994, volume 38, articles 5

Illness semantics and international health: The weak lungs/TB complex in the Philippines pp. 649-663 Downloads
Mark Nichter
Medical risk: Implicating poor pregnant women pp. 665-675 Downloads
Lisa Handwerker
Coronary heart disease: Trends in spatial inequalities and implications for health care planning in England pp. 677-690 Downloads
Carol Bryce, Sarah Curtis and John Mohan
Gender and class as dimensions of smoking behaviour in Britain: Insights from a survey of mothers pp. 691-698 Downloads
Hilary Graham
Health consequences of youth unemployment--review from a gender perspective pp. 699-709 Downloads
Anne Hammarström
General practitioner utilisation in Ireland: The role of socio-economic factors pp. 711-716 Downloads
Brian Nolan
The use of antimicrobial drugs in Nagpur, India. A window on medical care in a developing country pp. 717-724 Downloads
Vikram Dua, Calvin M. Kunin and Laura VanArsdale White
A measure of family disruption for use in chickenpox and other childhood illnesses pp. 725-731 Downloads
Stephen P. McKenna and Sonja M. Hunt
Practitioner productivity and the product content of medical care in publicly supported health centers pp. 733-748 Downloads
Michael J. Camasso and Anne E. Camasso
Blaming children for child pedestrian injuries pp. 749-753 Downloads
Ian Roberts and Carolyn Coggan
Breastfeeding practices and lactation mastitis pp. 755-761 Downloads
Betsy Foxman, Kendra Schwartz and Sophia J. Looman
Letter to the editor pp. 769-769 Downloads
Julius A. Roth

1994, volume 38, articles 4

Primary health care in Japan and the United States pp. 489-495 Downloads
Toshihide Tsuda, Hideyasu Aoyama and Jack Froom
Danger and safety in medicines pp. 497-507 Downloads
Arthur O'Neill
Patient satisfaction: A valid concept? pp. 509-516 Downloads
Brian Williams
Comparisons of inequalities in health: Evidence from national surveys in Finland, Norway and Sweden pp. 517-524 Downloads
Eero Lahelma, Kristiina Manderbacka, Ossi Rahkonen and Antti Karisto
Exorcists, psychiatrists, and the problems of possession in northwest Madagascar pp. 525-542 Downloads
Lesley A. Sharp
Terror, silencing and children: International, multidisciplinary collaboration with Guatemalan Maya communities pp. 543-552 Downloads
M. Brinton Lykes
Are bereaved family members a valid proxy for a patient's assessment of dying? pp. 553-557 Downloads
Irene Higginson, Patricia Priest and Mark McCarthy
Marital relationships and somatic and psychological symptoms in pregnancy pp. 559-564 Downloads
Christa Zimmermann-Tansella, Paolo Bertagni, Roberta Siani and Rocco Micciolo
Prospects for reform of hospital fees in sub-Saharan Africa: A case study of Niamey National Hospital in Niger pp. 565-574 Downloads
Marcia Weaver, Holly Wong, Amadou Sekou Sako, Robert Simon and Felix Lee
Correlations between education and arthritis in the 1971-1975 NHANES I pp. 575-583 Downloads
J. Paul Leigh and James F. Fries
Patients' intentions in primary care: Relationship to physical and psychological symptoms, and their perception by general practitioners pp. 585-592 Downloads
Peter Salmon, Narinder Sharma, Roland Valori and Nicholas Bellenger
Vitality and growth in HIV-infected gay men pp. 593-602 Downloads
Steven S. Schwartzberg
Gender differences in tobacco use and the commodification of tobacco in Central Borneo pp. 603-608 Downloads
Jennifer Alexander and Paul Alexander
Infant and child survival in Shaanxi, China pp. 609-621 Downloads
Xinhua Steve Ren
Results from a community intervention project in the Nicaraguan mining community El Limon. An overview pp. 623-629 Downloads
Rodolfo Peña, Åke Thörn and Aurora Aragón
Spiritual and religious beliefs in acute illness--Is this a feasible area for study? pp. 631-636 Downloads
Michael King, Peter Speck and Angela Thomas
Journalists and their sources of ideas and information on medicines pp. 637-643 Downloads
Anke M. van Trigt, Lolkje T. W. de Jong-van den Berg, Flora M. Haaijer-Ruskamp, Jaap Willems and Theo F. J. Tromp

1994, volume 38, articles 3

Editorial/introduction pp. 399-400 Downloads
Ian O'Donnell, Richard Farmer and Troy Tranah
Railway suicide in England and Wales, 1850-1949 pp. 401-407 Downloads
M. Clarke
The epidemiology of suicide on the London underground pp. 409-418 Downloads
I. O'Donnell and E.D.T. Farmer
Suicidal behaviour on railways in the FRG pp. 419-426 Downloads
A. Schmidtke
Suicide in the Hong Kong subway pp. 427-430 Downloads
Mark S. Gaylord and David Lester
Psychiatric and preventative aspects of rail fatalities pp. 431-435 Downloads
R.L. Symonds
A follow-up study of attempted railway suicides pp. 437-442 Downloads
I. O'Donnell, A.J. Arthur and R.D.J. Farmer
Preventing suicide on the London underground pp. 443-446 Downloads
R.V. Clarke and B. Poyner
National suicide prevention programme and railway suicide pp. 447-451 Downloads
J. Beskow, J. Thorson and M. Öström
Imitative suicide on the Viennese subway pp. 453-457 Downloads
G. Sonneck, E. Etzersdorfer and S. Nagel-Kuess
Psychological reactions of drivers to railway suicide pp. 459-469 Downloads
T. Tranah and R.D.T. Farmer
'Person under train' incidents from the subway driver's point of view--A prospective 1-year follow-up study: The design, and medical and psychiatric data pp. 471-475 Downloads
Tores Theorell, Heinz Leymann, Margareta Jodko, Kristoffer Konarski and Hans Erik Norbeck
Psychotherapy for train drivers after railway suicide pp. 477-478 Downloads
D. Tang
Mental first aid pp. 479-482 Downloads
Ø.T. Foss
A strategy for trauma debriefing after railway suicides pp. 483-487 Downloads
Chris Williams, Joe Miller, Gilli Watson and Nigel Hunt

1994, volume 38, articles 2

The household production of health: Introduction pp. 201-204 Downloads
Debra A. Schumann and W.Henry Mosley
The household production of health: Integrating social science perspectives on micro-level health determinants pp. 205-215 Downloads
Peter Berman, Carl Kendall and Karabi Bhattacharyya
The developmental niche: A theoretical framework for analyzing the household production of health pp. 217-226 Downloads
Sara Harkness and Charles M. Super
Child care and infectious respiratory disease during the first two years of life in a rural Kenyan community pp. 227-229 Downloads
Charles M. Super, Constance H. Keefer and Sara Harkness
Social and psychological costs of preventive child health services in Haiti pp. 231-238 Downloads
Jeannine Coreil, Antoine Augustin, Neal A. Halsey and Elizabeth Holt
Socio-economic causes and cultural explanations of childhood malnutrition among the Chagga of Tanzania pp. 239-251 Downloads
Mary Howard
A causal model of high rates of child mortality pp. 253-268 Downloads
Ann V. Millard
Felt versus enacted stigma: A concept revisited: Evidence from a study of people with epilepsy in remission pp. 269-274 Downloads
Ann Jacoby
Alternative forms of ambulatory care: Implications for patients and physicians pp. 275-283 Downloads
Elizabeth G. Lowell-Smith
Double burden or double blessing? Employment, motherhood and mortality in the longitudinal study of England and Wales pp. 285-297 Downloads
Rosamund Weatherall, Heather Joshi and Susan Macran
A prospective cohort study investigating the explanation of socio-economic inequalities in health in the Netherlands pp. 299-308 Downloads
J.P. Mackenbach, H. van de Mheen and K. Stronks
The conceptualization of meaning in illness pp. 309-316 Downloads
Betsy L. Fife
Epidemiology as an investigative paradigm: The College of General Practitioners in the 1950s pp. 317-326 Downloads
Thomas Osborne
A new perspective on threatened autonomy in elderly persons: The disempowering process pp. 327-338 Downloads
Carol L. McWilliam, Judith Belle Brown, Janet L. Carmichael and Jocelyn M. Lehman
Fears of aids in Nigerian students: Dimensions of the Fear of Aids Scale (FAIDSS) in West Africa pp. 339-342 Downloads
Adebowale Akande and Michael W. Ross
Association between maternal education and infant diarrhea in different household and community environments of Cebu, Philippines pp. 343-350 Downloads
Patricia Dargent-Molina, Sherman A. James, David S. Strogatz and David A. Savitz
Mothering on crack cocaine: A grounded theory analysis pp. 351-361 Downloads
Margaret H. Kearney, Sheigla Murphy and Marsha Rosenbaum
Service attributes and the choice for STD health services in persons seeking a medical examination for an STD pp. 363-371 Downloads
P.E.M. Leenaars, R. Rombouts and G. Kok
Social stress and state-to-state differences in smoking and smoking related mortality in the United States pp. 373-381 Downloads
John P. Colby , Arnold S. Linsky and Murray A. Straus
Hot and cold in transformation: Is Iban medicine humoral? pp. 383-393 Downloads
Robert J. Barrett and Rodney H. Lucas

1994, volume 38, articles 1

The disablement process pp. 1-14 Downloads
Lois M. Verbrugge and Alan M. Jette
Disability, stigma and deviance pp. 15-22 Downloads
Joan Susman
Perception of risks and benefits of in vitro fertilization, genetic engineering and biotechnology pp. 23-33 Downloads
Darryl R.J. Macer
Government participation in physician negotiations in German economic policy as applied to universal health care coverage in the United States pp. 35-43 Downloads
Francis D. Powell
Quality judgements by patients on general practice care: A literature analysis pp. 45-53 Downloads
Michel Wensing, Richard Grol and Anton Smits
Equity in authorship: A strategy for assigning credit when publishing pp. 55-58 Downloads
Erol Digiusto
Explanatory models of diabetes: Patient practitioner variation pp. 59-66 Downloads
Marlene Zichi Cohen, Toni Tripp-Reimer, Christopher Smith, Bernard Sorofman and Sonja Lively
The relevance of drug injectors' social and risk networks for understanding and preventing HIV infection pp. 67-78 Downloads
Alan Neaigus, Samuel R. Friedman, Richard Curtis, Don C. Des Jarlais, R. Terry Furst, Benny Jose, Patrice Mota, Bruce Stepherson, Meryl Sufian, Thomas Ward and Jerome W. Wright
Social networks and infectious disease: The Colorado Springs study pp. 79-88 Downloads
A.S. Klovdahl, J.J. Potterat, D.E. Woodhouse, J.B. Muth, S.Q. Muth and W.W. Darrow
Preterm birth, low birthweight and the stressfulness of the household role for pregnant women pp. 89-96 Downloads
C.W. Pritchard and P.Y.K. Teo Mfphm
Death for sale: A study of drug poisoning and deaths in Nigeria pp. 97-103 Downloads
S.Ogoh Alubo
Making a killing south of the border: Transnational cigarette companies in Mexico and Guatemala pp. 105-115 Downloads
Kenyon R. Stebbins
A follow-up of second generation Afro-Caribbeans and white British with a first admission diagnosis of schizophrenia: Attitudes to mental illness and psychiatric services of patients and relatives pp. 117-127 Downloads
Dermot McGovern and Patricia Hemmings
Socio-geographical patterns of HIV-1 transmission in Kagera region, Tanzania pp. 129-134 Downloads
J. Killewo, L. Dahlgren and A. Sandström
Knowledge and meaning: The AIDS education campaign in rural Northeast Thailand pp. 135-146 Downloads
Chris Lyttleton
Change of occupation and retirement among Swedish farmers and farm workers in relation to those in other occupations: A study of "elimination" from farming during the period 1970-1988 pp. 147-151 Downloads
Anders Thelin and Sverker Höglund
Reliability of the Spanish version of the Nottingham health profile in patients with stable end-stage renal disease pp. 153-158 Downloads
Xavier Badia, Jordi Alonso, Max Brosa and Penny Lock
Quality of life and maladjustment associated with hair loss in women with alopecia androgenetica pp. 159-163 Downloads
J. van der Donk, J.A.M. Hunfeld, J. Passchier, K.J. Knegt-Junk and C. Nieboer
A study of the relationship of rice cultivation and annual parasite incidence of malaria in India pp. 165-178 Downloads
V.P. Sharma, Aruna Srivastava and B.N. Nagpal
Growth models and the HIV epidemic in Finland pp. 179-185 Downloads
Markku Löytönen
Depression and the development of cancer: A meta-analysis pp. 187-192 Downloads
Rob McGee, Sheila Williams and Mark Elwood
Height and the risk of acute myocardial infarction in Italian women pp. 193-196 Downloads
Barbara D'Avanzo, Carlo La Vecchia and Eva Negri
Page updated 2025-03-25