Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2018, volume 198, articles C
- Do we consider paid sick leave when deciding to get vaccinated? pp. 1-6

- Namhoon Kim and Travis Mountain
- Developing an adequate supply of health services: Taiwan's path to Universal Health Coverage pp. 7-13

- Jui-fen Rachel Lu and Tung-liang Chiang
- Social cure, what social cure? The propensity to underestimate the importance of social factors for health pp. 14-21

- S. Alexander Haslam, Charlotte McMahon, Tegan Cruwys, Catherine Haslam, Jolanda Jetten and Niklas K. Steffens
- Latent Semantic Analysis: A new measure of patient-physician communication pp. 22-26

- Scott R. Vrana, Dylan T. Vrana, Louis A. Penner, Susan Eggly, Richard B. Slatcher and Nao Hagiwara
- Integrating social justice concerns into economic evaluation for healthcare and public health: A systematic review pp. 27-35

- Vadim Dukhanin, Alexandra Searle, Alice Zwerling, David W. Dowdy, Holly A. Taylor and Maria W. Merritt
- The effects of exit from work on health across different socioeconomic groups: A systematic literature review pp. 36-45

- Rosanne Schaap, Astrid de Wind, Pieter Coenen, Karin Proper and Cécile Boot
- The fluidity of biosocial identity and the effects of place, space, and time pp. 46-52

- Daniel Wiese, Jeronimo Rodriguez Escobar, Yohsiang Hsu, Rob J. Kulathinal and Allison Hayes-Conroy
- Imagined futures in living with multiple conditions: Positivity, relationality and hopelessness pp. 53-60

- Lindsay-Ann Coyle and Sarah Atkinson
- Are life-extending treatments for terminal illnesses a special case? Exploring choices and societal viewpoints pp. 61-69

- Neil McHugh, Job van Exel, Helen Mason, Jon Godwin, Marissa Collins, Cam Donaldson and Rachel Baker
- Neighborhood cohesion, neighborhood disorder, and cardiometabolic risk pp. 70-76

- Jennifer W. Robinette, Susan T. Charles and Tara L. Gruenewald
- ‘Walk like a penguin’: Older Minnesotans' experiences of (non)therapeutic white space pp. 77-84

- Jessica M. Finlay
- Commercial versus technical cues to position a new product: Do hedonic and functional/healthy packages differ? pp. 85-94

- Natalia Vila-López and Inés Küster-Boluda
- ‘Complexity-compatible’ policy for integrated care? Lessons from the implementation of Ontario's Health Links pp. 95-102

- Agnes Grudniewicz, Tim Tenbensel, Jenna M. Evans, Carolyn Steele Gray, G. Ross Baker and Walter P. Wodchis
- Is envy harmful to a society's psychological health and wellbeing? A longitudinal study of 18,000 adults pp. 103-111

- Redzo Mujcic and Andrew Oswald
- Young Africans' social representations of rape in their HIV-related creative narratives, 2005–2014: Rape myths and alternative narratives pp. 112-120

- Robyn Singleton, Kate Winskell, Siphiwe Nkambule-Vilakati and Gaëlle Sabben
- The stigma associated with bereavement by suicide and other sudden deaths: A qualitative interview study pp. 121-129

- Alexandra L. Pitman, Fiona Stevenson, David P.J. Osborn and Michael B. King
- Does college major matter for women's and men's health in midlife? Examining the horizontal dimensions of educational attainment pp. 130-138

- Jennifer Karas Montez, Wencheng Zhang, Anna Zajacova and Tod G. Hamilton
- Mobile phone use among patients and health workers to enhance primary healthcare: A qualitative study in rural South Africa pp. 139-147

- Jocelyn Olivia Todd Anstey Watkins, Jane Goudge, Francesc Xavier Gómez-Olivé and Frances Griffiths
- Health equity monitoring for healthcare quality assurance pp. 148-156

- R. Cookson, Miqdad Asaria, S. Ali, R. Shaw, T. Doran and P. Goldblatt
- Taking the heat or taking the temperature? A qualitative study of a large-scale exercise in seeking to measure for improvement, not blame pp. 157-164

- Natalie Armstrong, Liz Brewster, Carolyn Tarrant, Ruth Dixon, Janet Willars, Maxine Power and Mary Dixon-Woods
- Advancing methods for health priority setting practice through the contribution of systems theory: Lessons from a case study in Ethiopia pp. 165-174

- Kadia Petricca, Asfaw Bekele, Whitney Berta, Jennifer Gibson and Clare Pain
- The impact of ART initiation on household food security over time pp. 175-184

- Bryan N. Patenaude, Natsayi Chimbindi, Deenan Pillay and Till Bärnighausen
2018, volume 197, articles C
- Participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and maternal depressive symptoms: Moderation by program perception pp. 1-8

- Rachel S. Bergmans, Lawrence M. Berger, Mari Palta, Stephanie A. Robert, Deborah B. Ehrenthal and Kristen Malecki
- The impact of free healthcare on women's capability: A qualitative study in rural Burkina Faso pp. 9-16

- Oumar Mallé Samb and Valery Ridde
- How do peers influence BMI? Evidence from randomly assigned classrooms in South Korea pp. 17-23

- Jaegeum Lim and Jonathan Meer
- Therapeutic landscapes and longevity: Wellness tourism in Bama pp. 24-32

- Liyuan Huang and Honggang Xu
- Swing voting in the 2016 presidential election in counties where midlife mortality has been rising in white non-Hispanic Americans pp. 33-38

- Usama Bilal, Emily A. Knapp and Richard S. Cooper
- Hunter-gatherer health and development policy: How the promotion of sedentism worsens the Agta's health outcomes pp. 39-48

- Abigail E. Page, Tessa Minter, Sylvain Viguier and Andrea Bamberg Migliano
- Supportive environments for physical activity in deprived communities in the United Kingdom: A qualitative study using photo elicitation pp. 49-58

- Alexia Sawyer, Marcella Ucci, Russell Jones, Lee Smith and Abi Fisher
- Updating Edwin Chadwick's seminal work on geographical inequalities by occupation pp. 59-62

- Mark A. Green, Danny Dorling and Richard Mitchell
- The consequence of “doing nothing”: Family caregiving for Alzheimer's disease as non-action in the US pp. 63-70

- Aaron T. Seaman
- “That wasn't really a place to worry about diabetes”: Housing access and diabetes self-management among low-income adults pp. 71-77

- Danya E. Keene, Monica Guo and Sascha Murillo
- Experiences of connectivity and severance in the wake of a new motorway: Implications for health and well-being pp. 78-86

- Amy Nimegeer, Hilary Thomson, Louise Foley, Shona Hilton, Fiona Crawford and David Ogilvie
- The symbolic affordances of a video-mediated gaze in emergency psychiatry pp. 87-94

- Marianne V. Trondsen, Aksel Tjora, Alex Broom and Graham Scambler
- Nourishing networks: A social-ecological analysis of a network intervention for improving household nutrition in Western Kenya pp. 95-103

- Autumn L. DeLorme, Erika R. Gavenus, Charles R. Salmen, Gor Ouma Benard, Brian Mattah, Elizabeth Bukusi and Kathryn J. Fiorella
- The effect of partners' education on women's reproductive and maternal health in developing countries pp. 104-115

- Vissého Adjiwanou, Moussa Bougma and Thomas LeGrand
- Marital status integration and suicide: A meta-analysis and meta-regression pp. 116-126

- Woo Kyung-Sook, Shin SangSoo, Shin Sangjin and Shin Young-Jeon
- High social trust associated with increased depressive symptoms in a longitudinal South African sample pp. 127-135

- Kafui Adjaye-Gbewonyo, Ichiro Kawachi, S.V. Subramanian and Mauricio Avendano
- Timing of poverty in childhood and adolescent health: Evidence from the US and UK pp. 136-143

- Michael J. Green, Haley Stritzel, Chelsea Smith, Frank Popham and Robert Crosnoe
- Safety in stigmatizing? Instrumental stigma beliefs and protective sexual behavior in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 144-152

- David A. Cort and Hsin Fei Tu
- Adolescent mental health and behavioural problems, and intergenerational social mobility: A decomposition of health selection effects pp. 153-160

- Lewis Robert Anderson
- “I'm a normal autistic person, not an abnormal neurotypical”: Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis as biographical illumination pp. 161-167

- Catherine D. Tan
- Self-rated health and endogenous selection into primary care pp. 168-182

- Fırat Bilgel and Burhan Karahasan
- Contextualizing public stigma: Endorsed mental health treatment stigma on college and university campuses pp. 183-191

- S. Michael Gaddis, Daniel Ramirez and Erik L. Hernandez
- Household water insecurity after a historic flood: Diarrhea and dehydration in the Bolivian Amazon pp. 192-202

- Asher Y. Rosinger
- The next Sub Saharan African epidemic? A case study of the determinants of cervical cancer knowledge and screening in Kenya pp. 203-212

- Joseph Kangmennaang, Elizabeth O. Onyango, Isaac Luginaah and Susan J. Elliott
- The impact of the Great Recession on health-related risk factors, behaviour and outcomes in England pp. 213-225

- Mireia Jofre-Bonet, Victoria Serra-Sastre and Sotiris Vandoros
- Path analysis of warning label effects on negative emotions and quit attempts: A longitudinal study of smokers in Australia, Canada, Mexico, and the US pp. 226-234

- Yoo Jin Cho, James F. Thrasher, Hua-Hie Yong, André Salem Szklo, Richard J. O'Connor, Maansi Bansal-Travers, David Hammond, Geoffrey T. Fong, James Hardin and Ron Borland
- Positive emotional well-being, health Behaviors, and inflammation measured by C-Reactive protein pp. 235-243

- Gail Ironson, Nikhil Banerjee, Calvin Fitch and Neal Krause
2018, volume 196, articles C
- Bringing urban governance back in: Neighborhood conflicts and depression pp. 1-9

- Qiang Fu
- Going viral in PNG – Exploring routes and circumstances of entry of a rabies-infected dog into Papua New Guinea pp. 10-18

- Victoria J. Brookes, Chris Degeling and Michael P. Ward
- Quasi-experimental evidence on tobacco tax regressivity pp. 19-28

- Steven Koch
- “It's gym, like g-y-m not J-i-m”: Exploring the role of place in the gendering of physical activity pp. 29-36

- Stephanie E. Coen, Mark W. Rosenberg and Joyce Davidson
- Autonomy to health care professionals as a vehicle for value-based health care? Results of a quasi-experiment in hospital governance pp. 37-46

- Kristian Nørgaard Larsen, Søren Kristensen and Rikke Søgaard
- Social interaction and pain: An arctic expedition pp. 47-55

- Per Block, Lauren C. Heathcote and Stephanie Burnett Heyes
- Green space and cognitive ageing: A retrospective life course analysis in the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936 pp. 56-65

- Mark P.C. Cherrie, Niamh K. Shortt, Richard J. Mitchell, Adele M. Taylor, Paul Redmond, Catharine Ward Thompson, John M. Starr, Ian J. Deary and Jamie R. Pearce
- Enhancing handwashing frequency and technique of primary caregivers in Harare, Zimbabwe: A cluster-randomized controlled trial using behavioral and microbial outcomes pp. 66-76

- Max N.D. Friedrich, Andreas Kappler and Hans-Joachim Mosler
- Peer norms moderate the association between mental health and sexual risk behaviors among young men living in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania pp. 77-85

- L.M. Hill, J. Moody, N.C. Gottfredson, L.J. Kajula, B.W. Pence, V.F. Go and S. Maman
- Health care at birth and infant mortality: Evidence from nighttime deliveries in Nigeria pp. 86-95

- Edward N. Okeke and Amalavoyal Chari
- Synthetic social support: Theorizing lay health worker interventions pp. 96-105

- Nicola K. Gale, Sara Kenyon, Christine MacArthur, Kate Jolly and Lucy Hope
- “Do-it-yourself”: Vaccine rejection and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) pp. 106-114

- Katie Attwell, Paul R. Ward, Samantha B. Meyer, Philippa J. Rokkas and Julie Leask
- Social capital, income inequality and the social gradient in self-rated health in Latin America: A fixed effects analysis pp. 115-122

- Natalia Vincens, Maria Emmelin and Martin Stafström
- From therapeutic landscapes to healthy spaces, places and practices: A scoping review pp. 123-130

- Sarah L. Bell, Ronan Foley, Frank Houghton, Avril Maddrell and Allison M. Williams
- Government health insurance and spatial peer effects: New evidence from India pp. 131-141

- Chirantan Chatterjee, Radhika Joshi, Neeraj Sood and P. Boregowda
- The possible worlds of global health research: An ethics-focused discourse analysis pp. 142-149

- Ben Brisbois and Katrina Plamondon
- Female garment workers’ experiences of violence in their homes and workplaces in Bangladesh: A qualitative study pp. 150-157

- Ruchira Naved, Tabassum Rahman, Samantha Willan, Rachel Jewkes and Andrew Gibbs
- State-level climate, anti-discrimination law, and sexual minority health status: An ecological study pp. 158-165

- Alexa Solazzo, Tony N. Brown and Bridget K. Gorman
- Private or public hospital ownership: Does it really matter? pp. 166-174

- Afsaneh Bjorvatn
- Research altruism as motivation for participation in community-centered environmental health research pp. 175-181

- Jennifer S. Carrera, Phil Brown, Julia Green Brody and Rachel Morello-Frosch
- “One of the greatest medical success stories:” Physicians and nurses’ small stories about vaccine knowledge and anxieties pp. 182-189

- Terra Manca
- Courtesy stigma: A concealed consternation among caregivers of people affected by leprosy pp. 190-196

- Mavis Dako-Gyeke
- Longitudinal analysis of the impact of economic empowerment on risk for intimate partner violence among married women in rural Maharashtra, India pp. 197-203

- Anita Raj, Jay G. Silverman, Jeni Klugman, Niranjan Saggurti, Balaiah Donta and Holly B. Shakya
- 50 years of medical health geography(ies) of health and wellbeing pp. 206-208

- Susan J. Elliott
- Fifty years of sociological leadership at Social Science and Medicine pp. 209-215

- Stefan Timmermans and Caroline Tietbohl
- Health policy: A reflection and look forward pp. 216-217

- Winnie C. Yip
- What are the keys to a longer, happier life? Answers from five decades of health psychology research pp. 218-226

- Blair T. Johnson and Rebecca L. Acabchuk
- A history that goes hand in hand: Reflections on the development of health economics and the role played by Social Science & Medicine, 1967–2017 pp. 227-232

- Joanna Coast
- The field of medical anthropology in Social Science & Medicine pp. 233-239

- Catherine Panter-Brick and Mark Eggerman
- Social epidemiology for the 21st century pp. 240-245

- Ichiro Kawachi and S.V. Subramanian
On this page- 2018, volume 198
Articles C
- 2018, volume 197
Articles C
- 2018, volume 196
Articles C
Other years2025, volume 371
2025, volume 370
2025, volume 369
2025, volume 368
2025, volume 367
2025, volume 366
2025, volume 365
2024, volume 363
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2024, volume 359
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2016, volume 171
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2015, volume 136-137
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2014, volume 123
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2014, volume 103
2014, volume 102
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2013, volume 99
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2012, volume 75
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2010, volume 71
2010, volume 70
2009, volume 69
2009, volume 68
2008, volume 67
2008, volume 66
2007, volume 65
2007, volume 64
2006, volume 63
2006, volume 62
2005, volume 61
2005, volume 60
2004, volume 59
2004, volume 58
2003, volume 57
2003, volume 56
2002, volume 55
2002, volume 54
2001, volume 53
2001, volume 52
2000, volume 51
2000, volume 50
1999, volume 49
1999, volume 48
1998, volume 47
1998, volume 46
1997, volume 45
1997, volume 44
1996, volume 43
1996, volume 42
1995, volume 41
1995, volume 40
1994, volume 39
1994, volume 38
1993, volume 37
1993, volume 36
1992, volume 35
1992, volume 34
1991, volume 33
1991, volume 32
1990, volume 31
1990, volume 30
1989, volume 29
1989, volume 28
1988, volume 27
1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46
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- 2018, volume 197
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- 2018, volume 196
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Other years2025, volume 371
2025, volume 370
2025, volume 369
2025, volume 368
2025, volume 367
2025, volume 366
2025, volume 365
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2015, volume 147
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2015, volume 136-137
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2013, volume 99
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2012, volume 75
2012, volume 74
2011, volume 73
2011, volume 72
2010, volume 71
2010, volume 70
2009, volume 69
2009, volume 68
2008, volume 67
2008, volume 66
2007, volume 65
2007, volume 64
2006, volume 63
2006, volume 62
2005, volume 61
2005, volume 60
2004, volume 59
2004, volume 58
2003, volume 57
2003, volume 56
2002, volume 55
2002, volume 54
2001, volume 53
2001, volume 52
2000, volume 51
2000, volume 50
1999, volume 49
1999, volume 48
1998, volume 47
1998, volume 46
1997, volume 45
1997, volume 44
1996, volume 43
1996, volume 42
1995, volume 41
1995, volume 40
1994, volume 39
1994, volume 38
1993, volume 37
1993, volume 36
1992, volume 35
1992, volume 34
1991, volume 33
1991, volume 32
1990, volume 31
1990, volume 30
1989, volume 29
1989, volume 28
1988, volume 27
1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46