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Social Science & Medicine

1979 - 2025

Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian

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2008, volume 66, articles 12

Age and the balance of emotions pp. 2391-2400 Downloads
Catherine E. Ross and John Mirowsky
Comparing sense of coherence, depressive symptoms and anxiety, and their relationships with health in a population-based study pp. 2401-2412 Downloads
Hanna Konttinen, Ari Haukkala and Antti Uutela
Azúcar y nervios: Explanatory models and treatment experiences of Hispanics with diabetes and depression pp. 2413-2424 Downloads
Leopoldo J. Cabassa, Marissa C. Hansen, Lawrence A. Palinkas and Kathleen Ell
What affects the uptake of screening for bowel cancer using a faecal occult blood test (FOBt): A qualitative study pp. 2425-2435 Downloads
Alison Chapple, Sue Ziebland, Paul Hewitson and Ann McPherson
How Japanese parents of deaf children arrive at decisions regarding pediatric cochlear implantation surgery: A qualitative study pp. 2436-2447 Downloads
Suguru Okubo, Miyako Takahashi and Ichiro Kai
Preferences and choices for care and health insurance pp. 2448-2459 Downloads
Bernard van den Berg, Paula Van Dommelen, Piet Stam, Trea Laske-Aldershof, Thomas Buchmueller and Frederik T. Schut
Community-based health insurance and access to maternal health services: Evidence from three West African countries pp. 2460-2473 Downloads
Kimberly V. Smith and Sara Sulzbach
Social services utilization by adults with intellectual disabilities and their families pp. 2474-2485 Downloads
Yueh-Ching Chou, Yue-Chune Lee, Li-Chan Lin, Ai-Ning Chang and Wei-Yi Huang
When to seek health care: A duration analysis for malaria patients in Nepal pp. 2486-2494 Downloads
Vijaya Raj Sharma
Practicing research ethics: Private-sector physicians & pharmaceutical clinical trials pp. 2495-2505 Downloads
Jill A. Fisher
Best research - For what? Best health - For whom? A critical exploration of primary care research using discourse analysis pp. 2506-2519 Downloads
Sara E. Shaw and Trisha Greenhalgh
Biomedical scientists' perception of the social sciences in health research pp. 2520-2531 Downloads
Mathieu Albert, Suzanne Laberge, Brian D. Hodges, Glenn Regehr and Lorelei Lingard
The expansion of abnormality and the biomedical norm: Neonatal screening, prenatal diagnosis and cystic fibrosis in France pp. 2532-2543 Downloads
Joëlle Vailly
What British women say matters to them about donating an aborted fetus to stem cell research: A focus group study pp. 2544-2554 Downloads
Naomi Pfeffer
A multilevel examination of exercise intention and behavior during pregnancy pp. 2555-2561 Downloads
Heather Hausenblas, Danielle Symons Downs, Peter Giacobbi, Danny Tuccitto and Brian Cook
Brittle bones, pain and fractures - Lay constructions of osteoporosis among Norwegian women attending the Nord-Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT) pp. 2562-2572 Downloads
John-Arne Skolbekken, Wenche Østerlie and Siri Forsmo
Factors that influence body image representations of black Muslim women pp. 2573-2584 Downloads
Angela Odoms-Young
You are what you eat? Vegetarianism, health and identity pp. 2585-2595 Downloads
Nick Fox and Katie J. Ward
How socio-economic status contributes to participation in leisure-time physical activity pp. 2596-2609 Downloads
Ester Cerin and Eva Leslie

2008, volume 66, articles 11

The Cedar Project: Historical trauma, sexual abuse and HIV risk among young Aboriginal people who use injection and non-injection drugs in two Canadian cities pp. 2185-2194 Downloads
For the Cedar Project Partnership, Margo E. Pearce, Wayne M. Christian, Katharina Patterson, Kat Norris, Akm Moniruzzaman, Kevin J.P. Craib, Martin T. Schechter and Patricia M. Spittal
My peers, my friend, and I: Peer interactions and somatic complaints in boys and girls pp. 2195-2205 Downloads
Francine C. Jellesma, Carolien Rieffe and Mark Meerum Terwogt
Beefing up with the Chans: Evidence for the effects of relative income and income inequality on health from the China Health and Nutrition Survey pp. 2206-2217 Downloads
Zhuo Chen and David Meltzer
The association of fast food, fruit and vegetable prices with dietary intakes among US adults: Is there modification by family income? pp. 2218-2229 Downloads
May A. Beydoun, Lisa M. Powell and Youfa Wang
Eating patterns may mediate the association between marital status, body mass index, and blood cholesterol levels in apparently healthy men and women from the ATTICA study pp. 2230-2239 Downloads
Mary Yannakoulia, Dimosthenis Panagiotakos, Christos Pitsavos, Yannis Skoumas and Christodoulos Stafanadis
The contribution of job characteristics to socioeconomic inequalities in incidence of myocardial infarction pp. 2240-2252 Downloads
Martijn Huisman, Frank Van Lenthe, Mauricio Avendano and Johan Mackenbach
Neighborhoods and disability in later life pp. 2253-2267 Downloads
Vicki A. Freedman, Irina Grafova, Robert F. Schoeni and Jeannette Rogowski
Contextual social capital as a risk factor for poor self-rated health: A multilevel analysis pp. 2268-2280 Downloads
Karin Engström, Fredrik Mattsson, Anders Järleborg and Johan Hallqvist
Welfare state regimes and differences in self-perceived health in Europe: A multilevel analysis pp. 2281-2295 Downloads
Terje Andreas Eikemo, Clare Bambra, Ken Judge and Kristen Ringdal
The economic impact of chronic diseases: How do households respond to shocks? Evidence from Russia pp. 2296-2307 Downloads
Dele Olawale Abegunde and Anderson E. Stanciole
Equity in health care financing in Palestine: The value-added of the disaggregate approach pp. 2308-2320 Downloads
Mohammad Abu-Zaineh, Awad Mataria, Stéphane Luchini and Jean-Paul Moatti
Doing well by doing good. The relationship between formal volunteering and self-reported health and happiness pp. 2321-2334 Downloads
Francesca Borgonovi
Enhancing the conceptual clarity of the activity and participation components of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health pp. 2335-2345 Downloads
Elizabeth M. Badley
The creation of the concept of an antidepressant: An historical analysis pp. 2346-2355 Downloads
Joanna Moncrieff
Communicating a terminal prognosis in a palliative care setting: Deficiencies in current communication training protocols pp. 2356-2365 Downloads
Elaine M. Wittenberg-Lyles, Joy Goldsmith, Sandra Sanchez-Reilly and Sandra L. Ragan
'I don't do like I used to do': A grounded theory approach to conceptualising awareness in people with moderate to severe dementia living in long-term care pp. 2366-2377 Downloads
Linda Clare, Julia Rowlands, Errollyn Bruce, Claire Surr and Murna Downs
Indigenous women and smoking during pregnancy: Knowledge, cultural contexts and barriers to cessation pp. 2378-2389 Downloads
Lisa Wood, Kathryn France, Kerry Hunt, Sandra Eades and Linda Slack-Smith

2008, volume 66, articles 10

Future health systems: Why future? Why now? pp. 2067-2075 Downloads
Gerald Bloom and Hilary Standing
Markets, information asymmetry and health care: Towards new social contracts pp. 2076-2087 Downloads
Gerald Bloom, Hilary Standing and Robert Lloyd
The health professions and the performance of future health systems in low-income countries: Support or obstacle? pp. 2088-2095 Downloads
Gilles Dussault
Producing effective knowledge agents in a pluralistic environment: What future for community health workers? pp. 2096-2107 Downloads
H. Standing and A. Mushtaque R. Chowdhury
Scaling-up antiretroviral treatment in Southern African countries with human resource shortage: How will health systems adapt? pp. 2108-2121 Downloads
Wim Van Damme, Katharina Kober and Guy Kegels
Information and communications technology for future health systems in developing countries pp. 2122-2132 Downloads
Henry Lucas
Regulating India's health services: To what end? What future? pp. 2133-2144 Downloads
David H. Peters and V.R. Muraleedharan
Ownership, control, and contention: Challenges for the future of healthcare in Malaysia pp. 2145-2156 Downloads
Heng Leng Chee
New therapeutic landscapes in Africa: Parental categories and practices in seeking infant health in the Republic of Guinea pp. 2157-2167 Downloads
Melissa A. Leach, James R. Fairhead, Dominique Millimouno and Alpha Ahmadou Diallo
From life insurance to safer sex - Reflections of a marketing man pp. 2168-2172 Downloads
Bruce Mackay
Engaging citizens: Lessons from building Brazil's national health system pp. 2173-2184 Downloads
Andrea Cornwall and Alex Shankland

2008, volume 66, articles 9

Neo-materialist theory and the temporal relationship between income inequality and longevity change pp. 1871-1881 Downloads
Andrew Clarkwest
A commentary on "Neo-materialist theory and the temporal relationship between income inequality and longevity change" pp. 1882-1894 Downloads
Frederick J. Zimmerman
Sensitive periods and first difference models: Integrating etiologic thinking into econometric techniques: A commentary on Clarkwest's "Neo-materialist theory and the temporal relationship between income inequality and longevity change" pp. 1895-1902 Downloads
M. Maria Glymour
Confounding and process-model fit in research on income inequality and population health: a rejoinder to Zimmerman and Glymour pp. 1903-1908 Downloads
Andrew Clarkwest
How pharmaceutical industry funding affects trial outcomes: Causal structures and responses pp. 1909-1914 Downloads
Sergio Sismondo
Exploring emerging technologies using metaphors - A study of orphan drugs and pharmacogenomics pp. 1915-1927 Downloads
Wouter Boon and Ellen Moors
Civil society organisations and global health initiatives: Problems of legitimacy pp. 1928-1938 Downloads
Cathal Doyle and Preeti Patel
Which aspects of non-clinical quality of care are most important? Results from WHO's general population surveys of "health systems responsiveness" in 41 countries pp. 1939-1950 Downloads
Nicole Valentine, Charles Darby and Gouke J. Bonsel
Influence of socioeconomic status, wealth and financial empowerment on gender differences in health and healthcare utilization in later life: evidence from India pp. 1951-1962 Downloads
Kakoli Roy and Anoshua Chaudhuri
Overlooking undernutrition? Using a composite index of anthropometric failure to assess how underweight misses and misleads the assessment of undernutrition in young children pp. 1963-1966 Downloads
Shailen Nandy and J. Jaime Miranda
The effect of income and occupation on body mass index among women in the Cebu Longitudinal Health and Nutrition Surveys (1983-2002) pp. 1967-1978 Downloads
M. Arantxa Colchero, Benjamin Caballero and David Bishai
The crowding-out effects of tobacco and alcohol where expenditure shares are low: Analyzing expenditure data for Taiwan pp. 1979-1989 Downloads
Cheng-yun Pu, Virginia Lan, Yiing-Jenq Chou and Chung-fu Lan
Belief in ghost month can help prevent drowning deaths: A natural experiment on the effects of cultural beliefs on risky behaviours pp. 1990-1998 Downloads
Chiang-Hsing Yang, Yu-Tung Huang, Craig Janes, Kuan-Chia Lin and Tsung-Hsueh Lu
Is social capital associated with HIV risk in rural South Africa? pp. 1999-2010 Downloads
Paul M. Pronyk, Trudy Harpham, Linda A. Morison, James R. Hargreaves, Julia C. Kim, Godfrey Phetla, Charlotte H. Watts and John D. Porter
The role of educational level and job characteristics on the health of young adults pp. 2011-2022 Downloads
Sunita D. Karmakar and F. Curtis Breslin
Enduring consequences of parenting for risk behaviors from adolescence into early adulthood pp. 2023-2034 Downloads
Kathleen M. Roche, Saiffudin Ahmed and Robert W. Blum
Effects of spouses' socioeconomic characteristics on mortality among men and women in a Norwegian longitudinal study pp. 2035-2047 Downloads
Vera Skalická and Anton E. Kunst
Neighborhood influences on the association between maternal age and birthweight: A multilevel investigation of age-related disparities in health pp. 2048-2060 Downloads
Magdalena Cerdá, Stephen L. Buka and Janet W. Rich-Edwards
Poverty and mental illness: Fact or fiction? A commentary on Das, Do, Friedman, McKenzie & Scott (65:3, 2007, 467-480) pp. 2061-2063 Downloads
Joanne Corrigall, Crick Lund, Vikram Patel, Sophie Plagerson and Michelle K. Funk
Revisiting the relationship between mental health and poverty in developing countries: a response to Corrigall pp. 2064-2066 Downloads
Jishnu Das, Quy-Toan Do, Jed Friedman, David McKenzie and Kinnon Scott

2008, volume 66, articles 8

Epidemiologic analysis of racial/ethnic disparities: Some fundamental issues and a cautionary example pp. 1659-1669 Downloads
Jay S. Kaufman
Functional or futile?: The (in)utility of methodological critiques of genetic research on racial disparities in health. A commentary on Kaufman's "Epidemiologic analysis of racial/ethnic disparities: Some fundamental issues and a cautionary example" pp. 1670-1674 Downloads
Reanne Frank
Arguments prove nothing unless verified. A commentary on Kaufman's "Epidemiologic analysis of racial/ethnic disparities: Some fundamental issues and a cautionary example" pp. 1675-1677 Downloads
Derek V. Exner and Jay N. Cohn
Epidemiologic analysis of racial/ethnic disparities: A rejoinder to Frank and Exner pp. 1678-1680 Downloads
Jay S. Kaufman
Associations of job strain and working overtime with adverse health behaviors and obesity: Evidence from the Whitehall II Study, Helsinki Health Study, and the Japanese Civil Servants Study pp. 1681-1698 Downloads
Tea Lallukka, Eero Lahelma, Ossi Rahkonen, Eva Roos, Elina Laaksonen, Pekka Martikainen, Jenny Head, Eric Brunner, Annhild Mosdol, Michael Marmot, Michikazu Sekine, Ali Nasermoaddeli and Sadanobu Kagamimori
Economic development as a determinant of injury mortality - A longitudinal approach pp. 1699-1708 Downloads
Syed Moniruzzaman and Ragnar Andersson
Achieving better measles immunization in developing countries: does higher coverage imply lower inequality? pp. 1709-1718 Downloads
Filip Meheus and Eddy Van Doorslaer
Is inequality at the heart of it? Cross-country associations of income inequality with cardiovascular diseases and risk factors pp. 1719-1732 Downloads
Daniel Kim, Ichiro Kawachi, Stephen Vander Hoorn and Majid Ezzati
Is well-being U-shaped over the life cycle? pp. 1733-1749 Downloads
David Blanchflower and Andrew Oswald
Healthy and happy in Europe? On the association between happiness and life expectancy over time pp. 1750-1759 Downloads
Christian Bjørnskov
Health-related quality of life among Mexican Americans living in colonias at the Texas-Mexico border pp. 1760-1771 Downloads
Nelda Mier, Marcia G. Ory, Dongling Zhan, Martha Conkling, Joseph R. Sharkey and James N. Burdine
Tobacco use in sub-Sahara Africa: Estimates from the demographic health surveys pp. 1772-1783 Downloads
Fred Pampel
A grim contradiction: The practice and consequences of corporate social responsibility by British American Tobacco in Malaysia pp. 1784-1796 Downloads
Simon Barraclough and Martha Morrow
Potential impacts of iron biofortification in India pp. 1797-1808 Downloads
Alexander J. Stein, J.V. Meenakshi, Matin Qaim, Penelope Nestel, H.P.S. Sachdev and Zulfiqar A. Bhutta
Effects of health literacy on health status and health service utilization amongst the elderly pp. 1809-1816 Downloads
Young Ik Cho, Shoou-Yih D. Lee, Ahsan M. Arozullah and Kathleen S. Crittenden
Collective self-esteem and the onset of chronic conditions and reduced activity in a longitudinal study of aging pp. 1817-1827 Downloads
Daniel S. Bailis, Judith G. Chipperfield and Tiffany R. Helgason
Social determinants of psychological distress in a nationally-representative sample of South African adults pp. 1828-1840 Downloads
Landon Myer, Dan J. Stein, Anna Grimsrud, Soraya Seedat and David R. Williams
Mental health of female survivors of human trafficking in Nepal pp. 1841-1847 Downloads
Atsuro Tsutsumi, Takashi Izutsu, Amod K. Poudyal, Seika Kato and Eiji Marui
Health work, female sex workers and HIV/AIDS: Global and local dimensions of stigma and deviance as barriers to effective interventions pp. 1848-1862 Downloads
Graham Scambler and Frederique Paoli
Chemotherapy as language: Sound symbolism in cancer medication names pp. 1863-1869 Downloads
Gregory A. Abel and Lewis H. Glinert

2008, volume 66, articles 7

Promoting research participation: Why not advertise altruism? pp. 1451-1456 Downloads
Brian Williams, Vikki Entwistle, Gill Haddow and Mary Wells
A comprehensive evidence-based approach is needed for promoting participation in health research: A commentary on Williams pp. 1457-1460 Downloads
Craig L. Fry
Placing evidence in context: A response to Fry's commentary pp. 1461-1462 Downloads
Brian Williams, Vikki A. Entwistle, Gill Haddow and Mary Wells
Impact of methamphetamine precursor chemical legislation, a suppression policy, on the demand for drug treatment pp. 1463-1473 Downloads
James K. Cunningham and Lon-Mu Liu
Gender differences in physicians' communicative skills and their influence on patient satisfaction in gynaecological outpatient consultations pp. 1474-1483 Downloads
Regula Nelly Christen, Judith Alder and Johannes Bitzer
Time, space and opportunity in the outpatient consultation: 'The doctor's story' pp. 1484-1496 Downloads
Alan Radley, John Mayberry and Melanie Pearce
Performing stable angina pectoris: An ethnographic study pp. 1497-1508 Downloads
Claire Somerville, Katie Featherstone, Harry Hemingway, Adam Timmis and Gene Solomon Feder
Resisting social disenfranchisement: Negotiating collective identities and everyday life with memory loss pp. 1509-1520 Downloads
Renée L. Beard and Patrick J. Fox
Managing self-responsibility through other-oriented blame: Family accounts of genetic testing pp. 1521-1532 Downloads
Michael Arribas-Ayllon, Srikant Sarangi and Angus Clarke
Dying as a social relationship: A sociological review of debates on the determination of death pp. 1533-1544 Downloads
Allan Kellehear
Psychosocial factors as mediators between migration and subjective well-being among young Finnish adults pp. 1545-1556 Downloads
Ellen Ek, Markku Koiranen, Veli-Pekka Raatikka, Marjo-Riitta Järvelin and Anja Taanila
Barriers to the community support of orphans and vulnerable youth in Rwanda pp. 1557-1567 Downloads
Tonya Renee Thurman, Leslie A. Snider, Neil W. Boris, Edward Kalisa, Laetitia Nyirazinyoye and Lisanne Brown
Quality of life as a mode of governance: NGO talk of HIV 'positive' health in India pp. 1568-1578 Downloads
Mark Finn and Srikant Sarangi
Quality of life, health and physiological status and change at older ages pp. 1579-1587 Downloads
David Blane, Gopalakrishnan Netuveli and Scott M. Montgomery
Declines in late-life disability: The role of early- and mid-life factors pp. 1588-1602 Downloads
Vicki A. Freedman, Linda G. Martin, Robert F. Schoeni and Jennifer C. Cornman
Community-level social capital and recurrence of acute coronary syndrome pp. 1603-1613 Downloads
Richard M. Scheffler, Timothy T. Brown, Leonard Syme, Ichiro Kawachi, Irina Tolstykh and Carlos Iribarren
Income inequality and population health: Correlation and causality pp. 1614-1626 Downloads
Salvatore J. Babones
Discrimination and health in an English study pp. 1627-1636 Downloads
M. Kelaher, Sheila Paul, Helen Lambert, Waqar Ahmad, Yin Paradies and George Davey Smith
Religious affiliation and mortality in Northern Ireland: Beyond Catholic and Protestant pp. 1637-1645 Downloads
Dermot O'Reilly and Michael Rosato
Psychosocial health of residents exposed to soil pollution in a Flemish neighbourhood pp. 1646-1657 Downloads
Frédéric Vandermoere

2008, volume 66, articles 6

Neighbourhood effects on health: Does it matter where you draw the boundaries? pp. 1241-1255 Downloads
Robin Flowerdew, David J. Manley and Clive E. Sabel
Subjective and objective neighborhood characteristics and adult health pp. 1256-1270 Downloads
Margaret Weden, Richard M. Carpiano and Stephanie A. Robert
"I spent nine years looking for a doctor": Exploring access to health care among immigrants in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada pp. 1271-1283 Downloads
Jennifer Asanin and Kathi Wilson
Relation of female gender and low socioeconomic status to internalizing symptoms among adolescents: A case of double jeopardy? pp. 1284-1296 Downloads
Tamar Mendelson, Laura D. Kubzansky, Geetanjali D. Datta and Stephen L. Buka
The contribution of maternal working conditions to socio-economic inequalities in birth outcome pp. 1297-1309 Downloads
Marit Dahlén Gisselmann and Örjan Hemström
Hostility and anomie: Links to preterm delivery subtypes and ambulatory blood pressure at mid-pregnancy pp. 1310-1321 Downloads
LindaBeth Tiedje, Claudia B. Holzman, Eric De Vos, Xu Jia, Steve Korzeniewski, Mohammad H. Rahbar, Monica M. Goble and David Kallen
The long-term effects of intimate partner violence on adolescent mothers' depressive symptoms pp. 1322-1333 Downloads
Taryn Lindhorst and Monica Oxford
Does a higher educational level protect against anxiety and depression? The HUNT study pp. 1334-1345 Downloads
Ingvar Bjelland, Steinar Krokstad, Arnstein Mykletun, Alv A. Dahl, Grethe S. Tell and K. Tambs
The physical strenuousness of work is slightly associated with an upward trend in the BMI pp. 1346-1355 Downloads
Petri Böckerman, Edvard Johansson, Pekka Jousilahti and Antti Uutela
Crowding out effect of tobacco expenditure and its implications on household resource allocation in India pp. 1356-1367 Downloads
Rijo John
"The problem of the worst-off is dealt with after all other issues": The equity and health policy implementation gap in Burkina Faso pp. 1368-1378 Downloads
Valéry Ridde
Defining the "community" in community consultation for emergency research: Findings from the community VOICES study pp. 1379-1392 Downloads
Deborah Fish Ragin, Edmund Ricci, Rosamond Rhodes, Jennifer Holohan, Margaret Smirnoff and Lynne D. Richardson
Modifying Photovoice for community-based participatory Indigenous research pp. 1393-1405 Downloads
Heather Castleden, Theresa Garvin and Huu-ay-aht First Nation
Researching reducing health disparities: Mixed-methods approaches pp. 1406-1417 Downloads
Miriam Stewart, Edward Makwarimba, Alison Barnfather, Nicole Letourneau and Anne Neufeld
Children in chronic pain: Promoting pediatric patients' symptom accounts in tertiary care pp. 1418-1428 Downloads
Ignasi Clemente, Seung-Hee Lee and John Heritage
Researching health inequalities in adolescents: The development of the Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC) Family Affluence Scale pp. 1429-1436 Downloads
Candace Currie, Michal Molcho, William Boyce, Bjørn Holstein, Torbjørn Torsheim and Matthias Richter
Hygiene and uncertainty in qualitative accounts of hepatitis C transmission among drug injectors in Serbia pp. 1437-1447 Downloads
Tim Rhodes, Bojan Zikic´, Ana Prodanovic´, Elena Kuneski and Sarah Bernays

2008, volume 66, articles 5

"You are free to set your own hours": Governing worker productivity and health through flexibility and resilience pp. 1019-1033 Downloads
Ellen MacEachen, Jessica Polzer and Judy Clarke
Social status and health: A comparison of British civil servants in Whitehall-II with European- and African-Americans in CARDIA pp. 1034-1045 Downloads
Nancy Adler, Archana Singh-Manoux, Joseph Schwartz, Judith Stewart, Karen Matthews and Michael G. Marmot
Socioeconomic context, distance to primary care and detection of hepatitis C: A French population-based study pp. 1046-1056 Downloads
Elisabeth Monnet, Cécile Ramée, Anne Minello, Valérie Jooste, Didier Carel and Vincent Di Martino
Risk screening, emergency care, and lay concepts of complications during pregnancy in Chiapas, Mexico pp. 1057-1069 Downloads
Rolando Tinoco-Ojanguren, Namino M. Glantz, Imelda Martinez-Hernandez and Ismael Ovando-Meza
A health transition: Birth weights, households and survival in an Australian working-class population sample born 1857-1900 pp. 1070-1083 Downloads
Janet McCalman, Ruth Morley and Gita Mishra
The social nature of natural childbirth pp. 1084-1094 Downloads
Becky Mansfield
"We Grandmothers Know Plenty": Breastfeeding, complementary feeding and the multifaceted role of grandmothers in Malawi pp. 1095-1105 Downloads
Rachel Bezner Kerr, Laifolo Dakishoni, Lizzie Shumba, Rodgers Msachi and Marko Chirwa
"He will ask why the child gets sick so often": The gendered dynamics of intra-household bargaining over healthcare for children with fever in the Volta Region of Ghana pp. 1106-1117 Downloads
Rachel Tolhurst, Yaa Peprah Amekudzi, Frank K. Nyonator, S. Bertel Squire and Sally Theobald
Ethnic differentials in parental health seeking for childhood illness in Vietnam pp. 1118-1130 Downloads
Bussarawan Teerawichitchainan and James F. Phillips
Childhood social class and cancer incidence: Results of the globe study pp. 1131-1139 Downloads
Inge M.C.M. de Kok, Frank J. van Lenthe, Mauricio Avendano, Marieke Louwman, Jan-Willem W. Coebergh and Johan P. Mackenbach
The impact of cumulative childhood adversity on young adult mental health: Measures, models, and interpretations pp. 1140-1151 Downloads
Elizabeth A. Schilling, Robert H. Aseltine and Susan Gore
The association between subjective social status and mental health among Asian immigrants: Investigating the influence of age at immigration pp. 1152-1164 Downloads
Janxin Leu, Irene H. Yen, Stuart A. Gansky, Emily Walton, Nancy E. Adler and David T. Takeuchi
Mental-physical comorbidity in an ethnically diverse population pp. 1165-1173 Downloads
Kate Scott, Magnus A. McGee, David Schaaf and Joanne Baxter
Social capital in its place: Using social theory to understand social capital and inequalities in health pp. 1174-1184 Downloads
Christine Stephens
Bringing health home: Householder and provider perspectives on the healthy housing programme in Auckland, New Zealand pp. 1185-1196 Downloads
Chris Bullen, Robin A. Kearns, Janet Clinton, Patricia Laing, Faith Mahoney and Ingrid McDuff
Emergency department utilization among victims and offenders involved in non-lethal violence pp. 1197-1203 Downloads
Jerry K. Daday, Lisa M. Broidy and Cameron S. Crandall
Provider and clinic cultural competence in a primary care setting pp. 1204-1216 Downloads
Kathryn A. Paez, Jerilyn K. Allen, Kathryn A. Carson and Lisa A. Cooper
Women and prostate cancer support groups: The gender connect? pp. 1217-1227 Downloads
Joan L. Bottorff, John L. Oliffe, Michael Halpin, Melanie Phillips, Graham McLean and Lawrence Mroz
Reconsidering patient empowerment in chronic illness: A critique of models of self-efficacy and bodily control pp. 1228-1239 Downloads
Isabelle Aujoulat, Renzo Marcolongo, Leopoldo Bonadiman and Alain Deccache

2008, volume 66, articles 4

Socioeconomic status and health-related quality of life among elderly people: Results from the Joint Canada/United States Survey of Health pp. 803-810 Downloads
Nathalie Huguet, Mark S. Kaplan and David Feeny
Relationship of race and poverty to lower extremity function and decline: Findings from the women's health and aging study pp. 811-821 Downloads
Roland James Thorpe , Judith D. Kasper, Sarah L. Szanton, Kevin D. Frick, Linda P. Fried and Eleanor M. Simonsick
The contribution of parental and grandparental childhood social disadvantage to circulatory disease diagnosis in young Swedish men pp. 822-834 Downloads
Bitte Modin, Denny Vågerö, Johan Hallqvist and Ilona Koupil
Status relations in school and their relevance for health in a life course perspective: Findings from the Aberdeen children of the 1950's cohort study pp. 835-848 Downloads
Viveca Östberg and Bitte Modin
Trajectories of functional health: The 'long arm' of childhood health and socioeconomic factors pp. 849-861 Downloads
Steven Haas
A multilevel analysis of urban neighborhood socioeconomic disadvantage and health in late life pp. 862-872 Downloads
Richard G. Wight, Janet R. Cummings, Dana Miller-Martinez, Arun S. Karlamangla, Teresa E. Seeman and Carol S. Aneshensel
Widowhood and mortality among the elderly: The modifying role of neighborhood concentration of widowed individuals pp. 873-884 Downloads
S.V. Subramanian, Felix Elwert and Nicholas Christakis
Social capital and health and well-being in East Asia: A population-based study pp. 885-899 Downloads
Kazue Yamaoka
Individual-level analysis of social capital and health: A comparison of Arab and Jewish Israelis pp. 900-910 Downloads
Orna Baron-Epel, Ruth Weinstein, Amalia Haviv-Mesika, Noga Garty-Sandalon and Manfred S. Green
Social and structural violence and power relations in mitigating HIV risk of drug-using women in survival sex work pp. 911-921 Downloads
Kate Shannon, Thomas Kerr, Shari Allinott, Jill Chettiar, Jean Shoveller and Mark W. Tyndall
Accounting for institutional change in health economic evaluation: A program to tackle HIV/AIDS and gender violence in Southern Africa pp. 922-932 Downloads
Stephen Jan, Paul Pronyk and Julia Kim
Paradoxes and asymmetries of transnational networks: A comparative case study of Mexico's community-based AIDS organizations pp. 933-944 Downloads
Nielan Barnes
Social impact of preventive HIV vaccine clinical trial participation: A model of prevention, assessment and intervention pp. 945-951 Downloads
Mary Allen and Chuen-Yen Lau
The Chinese health care regulatory institutions in an era of transition pp. 952-962 Downloads
Jing Fang
Entrepreneurial ventures and whole-body donations: A regional perspective from the United States pp. 963-969 Downloads
Michel Anteby and Mikell Hyman
Tobacco industry sociological programs to influence public beliefs about smoking pp. 970-981 Downloads
Anne Landman, Daniel K. Cortese and Stanton Glantz
Planning for end of life care within lay-led chronic illness self-management training: The significance of 'death awareness' and biographical context in participant accounts pp. 982-993 Downloads
Caroline Sanders, Anne Rogers, Claire Gately and Anne Kennedy
Family context of mental health risk in Tsunami affected mothers: Findings from a pilot study in Sri Lanka pp. 994-1007 Downloads
K.A.S. Wickrama and K.A. Thulitha Wickrama
Violence against women by their intimate partner and common mental disorders pp. 1008-1018 Downloads
Ana Bernarda Ludermir, Lilia B. Schraiber, Ana F.P.L. D'Oliveira, Ivan França-Junior and Henrica A. Jansen

2008, volume 66, articles 3

Neuroendocrine biomarkers, social relations, and the cumulative costs of stress in Taiwan pp. 507-519 Downloads
Omer Gersten
Challenges and opportunities for integrative health research in the context of culture: A commentary on Gersten pp. 520-524 Downloads
Thomas W. McDade
Neuroendocrine biomarkers, allostatic load, and the challenge of measurement: A commentary on Gersten pp. 525-530 Downloads
Eric B. Loucks, Robert P. Juster and Jens C. Pruessner
The path traveled and the path ahead for the allostatic framework: A rejoinder on the framework's importance and the need for further work related to theory, data, and measurement pp. 531-535 Downloads
Omer Gersten
Perceived social position and health in older adults in Taiwan pp. 536-544 Downloads
Amy Love Collins and Noreen Goldman
Paying the price: The cost and consequences of emergency obstetric care in Burkina Faso pp. 545-557 Downloads
Katerini Tagmatarchi Storeng, Rebecca F. Baggaley, Rasmané Ganaba, Fatoumata Ouattara, Mélanie S. Akoum and Véronique Filippi
Using qualitative methods to understand the determinants of patients' willingness to pay for cataract surgery: A study in Tanzania pp. 558-568 Downloads
Robert Geneau, Patrick Massae, Paul Courtright and Susan Lewallen
Providing affordable essential medicines to African households: The missing policies and institutions for price containment pp. 569-581 Downloads
Ebenezer kwabena Tetteh
Mental health recovery and economic recovery after the tsunami: High-frequency longitudinal evidence from Sri Lankan small business owners pp. 582-595 Downloads
Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie and Christopher Woodruff
The North Korean standard of living during the famine pp. 596-608 Downloads
Daniel Schwekendiek
Marital status and smoking in Korea: The influence of gender and age pp. 609-619 Downloads
Hong-Jun Cho, Young-Ho Khang, Hee-Jin Jun and Ichiro Kawachi
A broader perspective on education and mortality: Are we influenced by other people's education? pp. 620-636 Downloads
Øystein Kravdal
Social capital at work as a predictor of employee health: Multilevel evidence from work units in Finland pp. 637-649 Downloads
Tuula Oksanen, Anne Kouvonen, Mika Kivimäki, Jaana Pentti, Marianna Virtanen, Anne Linna and Jussi Vahtera
Can individual health differences be explained by workplace characteristics?--A multilevel analysis pp. 650-662 Downloads
Staffan Marklund, Malin Bolin and Jan von Essen
Economic strain, social relations, gender, and binge drinking in Moscow pp. 663-674 Downloads
Tanya Jukkala, Ilkka Henrik Mäkinen, Olga Kislitsyna, Sara Ferlander and Denny Vågerö
The weight of place: A multilevel analysis of gender, neighborhood material deprivation, and body mass index among Canadian adults pp. 675-690 Downloads
Flora I. Matheson, Rahim Moineddin and Richard H. Glazier
Population vulnerabilities and capacities related to health: A test of a model pp. 691-703 Downloads
Jennifer Ahern, Sandro Galea, Alan Hubbard and Adam Karpati
Factors affecting physician visits in Chinese and Chinese immigrant samples pp. 704-714 Downloads
Helen B. Miltiades and Bei Wu
Is sleep really for sissies? Understanding the role of work in insomnia in the US pp. 715-726 Downloads
Doug Henry, Dana McClellen, Leon Rosenthal, David Dedrick and Melissa Gosdin
Discourses of disease: Representations of tuberculosis within New Zealand newspapers 2002-2004 pp. 727-739 Downloads
Jody Lawrence, Robin A. Kearns, Julie Park, Linda Bryder and Heather Worth
Dazzled by unity? Order and chaos in public discourse on illicit drug use pp. 740-752 Downloads
Suzanne Fraser and David Moore
The impact of ethical beliefs on decisions about prenatal screening tests: Searching for justification pp. 753-764 Downloads
Elisa García, Danielle R.M. Timmermans and Evert van Leeuwen
With an attack I associate it more with going into hospital: Understandings of asthma and psychosocial stressors; are they related to use of services? pp. 765-775 Downloads
Ian Rees Jones, Nilufar Ahmed, Moira Kelly, Graham Bothamley, Raja Rajakulasingam, Christina Victor, Anne O'Malley and Chris Griffiths
The incidence and characteristics of volatile substance use related ambulance attendances in metropolitan Melbourne, Australia pp. 776-783 Downloads
Stefan Cvetkovski and Paul Dietze
Patient-physician communication barriers regarding fertility preservation among newly diagnosed cancer patients pp. 784-789 Downloads
Gwendolyn P. Quinn, Susan T. Vadaparampil, Bethany A. Bell-Ellison, Clement K. Gwede and Terrance L. Albrecht
Understanding the role of cancer worry in creating a "teachable moment" for multiple risk factor reduction pp. 790-800 Downloads
Colleen M. McBride, Elaine Puleo, Kathryn I. Pollak, Elizabeth C. Clipp, Sam Woolford and Karen M. Emmons

2008, volume 66, articles 2

Low perceived benefits and self-efficacy are associated with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection-related risk among injection drug users pp. 211-220 Downloads
Joseph Cox, Prithwish De, Carole Morissette, Claude Tremblay, Randolph Stephenson, Robert Allard, Lisa Graves and Élise Roy
The natural history of male mental health: Health and religious involvement pp. 221-231 Downloads
George Vaillant, Janice Templeton, Monika Ardelt and Stephanie E. Meyer
Repeat suicide attempts in Hong Kong community adolescents pp. 232-241 Downloads
Joy P.S. Wong, Sunita M. Stewart, Cindy Claassen, Peter W.H. Lee, Uma Rao and T.H. Lam
Area social fragmentation, social support for individuals and psychosocial health in young adults: Evidence from a national survey in England pp. 242-254 Downloads
James Fagg, Sarah Curtis, Stephen A. Stansfeld, Vicky Cattell, Ann-Marie Tupuola and Muna Arephin
Effects of racial density and income incongruity on pregnancy outcomes in less segregated communities pp. 255-259 Downloads
Lisa C. Vinikoor, Jay S. Kaufman, Richard F. MacLehose and Barbara A. Laraia
Contextual analysis of breast and cervical cancer screening and factors associated with health care access among United States women, 2002 pp. 260-275 Downloads
Steven S. Coughlin, Steven Leadbetter, Thomas Richards and Susan A. Sabatino
Women's management of menstrual symptoms: Findings from a postal survey and qualitative interviews pp. 276-288 Downloads
Miriam Santer, Sally Wyke and Pam Warner
Understanding feticide: An analytic review pp. 289-300 Downloads
Ruth H. Graham, Stephen C. Robson and Judith M. Rankin
The donor, the father, and the imaginary constitution of the family: Parents' constructions in the case of donor insemination pp. 301-314 Downloads
Victoria M. Grace, Ken R. Daniels and Wayne Gillett
Self within a climate of contention: Experiences of chronic fatigue syndrome pp. 315-326 Downloads
Michele Kerry Travers and Jocalyn Lawler
Coping with stress and by stress: Russian men and women talking about transition, stress and health pp. 327-338 Downloads
Ilkka Pietilä and Marja Rytkönen
Perceived stigmatisation of young mothers: An exploratory study of psychological and social experience pp. 339-348 Downloads
Rob Whitley and Laurence J. Kirmayer
The ambiguous meanings of the racial/ethnic categories routinely used in human genetics research pp. 349-361 Downloads
Linda M. Hunt and Mary S. Megyesi
Involvement in treatment decision-making: Its meaning to people with diabetes and implications for conceptualisation pp. 362-375 Downloads
Vikki Entwistle, Maria Prior, Zoe C. Skea and Jillian J. Francis
Ethics policies on euthanasia in nursing homes: A survey in Flanders, Belgium pp. 376-386 Downloads
Joke Lemiengre, Bernadette Dierckx de Casterlé, Geert Verbeke, Katleen Van Craen, Paul Schotsmans and Chris Gastmans
Beyond negligence: Avoidability and medical injury compensation pp. 387-402 Downloads
Allen B. Kachalia, Michelle M. Mello, Troyen A. Brennan and David M. Studdert
The meaning of justice in safety incident reporting pp. 403-413 Downloads
Bryan Jeffrey Weiner, Cherri Hobgood and Megan A. Lewis
Impacts of China's edible oil pricing policy on nutrition pp. 414-426 Downloads
Shu Wen Ng, Fengying Zhai and Barry M. Popkin
Gender bias in the food insecurity experience of Ethiopian adolescents pp. 427-438 Downloads
Craig Hadley, David Lindstrom, Fasil Tessema and Tefara Belachew
Acculturation and the use of complementary and alternative medicine pp. 439-453 Downloads
Dejun Su, Lifeng Li and José A. Pagán
Lay accounts of depression amongst Anglo-Australian residents and East African refugees pp. 454-466 Downloads
Renata Kokanovic, Christopher Dowrick, Ella Butler, Helen Herrman and Jane Gunn
Implementing community interventions for HIV prevention: Insights from project ethnography pp. 467-478 Downloads
Catrin Evans and Helen Lambert
HIV disclosure and discussions about grief with Shona children: A comparison between health care workers and community members in Eastern Zimbabwe pp. 479-491 Downloads
Anniek J. De Baets, Sibongile Sifovo, Ross Parsons and Isidore E. Pazvakavambwa
The social epidemiology of tuberculosis in South Africa: A multilevel analysis pp. 492-505 Downloads
Guy Harling, Rodney Ehrlich and Landon Myer

2008, volume 66, articles 1

Social capital, anticipated ethnic discrimination and self-reported psychological health: A population-based study pp. 1-13 Downloads
Martin Lindström
Health and social outcomes among children in low-income families and families receiving social assistance--A Swedish national cohort study pp. 14-30 Downloads
Gunilla Ringbäck Weitoft, Anders Hjern, Ilija Batljan and Bo Vinnerljung
Socioeconomic status and health: Youth development and neomaterialist and psychosocial mechanisms pp. 31-42 Downloads
Candyce Kroenke
Social capital, income inequality, and self-rated health in 45 countries pp. 43-56 Downloads
Carol Mansyur, Benjamin C. Amick, Ronald B. Harrist and Luisa Franzini
Poverty, wealth inequality and health among older adults in rural Cambodia pp. 57-71 Downloads
Zachary Zimmer
Education, income and ethnic differences in cumulative biological risk profiles in a national sample of US adults: NHANES III (1988-1994) pp. 72-87 Downloads
Teresa Seeman, Sharon S. Merkin, Eileen Crimmins, Brandon Koretz, Susan Charette and Arun Karlamangla
Deriving a risk-adjustment formula for hospital financing: Integrating the impact of socio-economic status on length of stay pp. 88-98 Downloads
Julian Perelman, Amir Shmueli and Marie-Christine Closon
Schizophrenia, drug companies and the internet pp. 99-109 Downloads
John Read
Most of our social scientists are not institution based... they are there for hire--Research consultancies and social science capacity for health research in East Africa pp. 110-116 Downloads
Daniel Wight
From health research to social research: Privacy, methods, approaches pp. 117-129 Downloads
Leslie L. Roos, Marni Brownell, Lisa Lix, Noralou P. Roos, Randy Walld and Leonard MacWilliam
Staging data: Theatre as a tool for analysis and knowledge transfer in health research pp. 130-146 Downloads
Kate Rossiter, Pia Kontos, Angela Colantonio, Julie Gilbert, Julia Gray and Michelle Keightley
Ethnicity and registration as a kidney donor: The significance of identity and belonging pp. 147-158 Downloads
Myfanwy Morgan, Maya Mayblin and Roger Jones
Paid to share: IVF patients, eggs and stem cell research pp. 159-169 Downloads
Celia Roberts and Karen Throsby
Discourses of agency and the search for the authentic self: The case of mood-modifying medicines pp. 170-181 Downloads
Fiona Stevenson and Pia Knudsen
Do diseases have a prestige hierarchy? A survey among physicians and medical students pp. 182-188 Downloads
Dag Album and Steinar Westin
Women's perceptions and experiences of HIV prevention trials in Soweto, South Africa pp. 189-200 Downloads
Jonathan J. Stadler, Sinead Delany and Mdu Mntambo
Factors affecting Taiwanese women's choice of cesarean section pp. 201-209 Downloads
Kuang-Hung Hsu, Pei-Ju Liao and Chorng-Jer Hwang
Page updated 2025-03-25