Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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1984, volume 18, articles 12
- Diuretics in pregnancy: A case study of a worthless therapy pp. 1011-1018

- Elina Hemminki
- Differences among practitioners in patterns of preference for information sources in the adoption of new drugs pp. 1019-1025

- Marilyn Y. Peay and Edmund R. Peay
- Early discharge and return to work following myocardial infarction pp. 1027-1036

- Miriam J. Stewart and Frances M. Gregor
- Life events or life processes as determinants of mental strain? A 5-year follow-up study pp. 1037-1044

- Seppo Aro and Vilma Hänninen
- The organizational foundations of nursing roles: An empirical assessment pp. 1045-1052

- Jeffrey Alexander
- Perceived likeability and competence of simulated patients: Influence on physicians' management plans pp. 1053-1059

- Barbara Gerbert
- An outbreak of Shigellosis in an ultra-orthodox Jewish community pp. 1061-1062

- B. Porter, E. Schinder, H. Nagar, Y. Gilad and V. Torek
- Games that professionals play: The social psychology of physician-nurse interaction pp. 1063-1069

- M. Tellis-Nayak and V. Tellis-Nayak
- Traditional healers in Swaziland: Toward improved cooperation between the traditional and modern health sectors pp. 1071-1079

- Edward C. Green and Lydia Makhubu
- The meaning of touch in care practice pp. 1081-1088

- John W Pratt and Allen Mason
- Psychological side-effects of the mass screening on cervical cancer pp. 1089-1093

- N. F. Reelick, W. F. M. de Haes and J. H. Schuurman
- Letter to the editor pp. 1103-1103

- J. L. Hamel
1984, volume 18, articles 11
- Introduction pp. 899-900

- Jerzy Krupinski
- Australia's environment and its influences on health pp. 901-907

- A. A. Brownlea and C. M. Taylor
- The social distribution of illness: Is Australia more equal? pp. 909-917

- Dorothy H. Broom
- Health patterns in New Zealand: Class, ethnicity and the impact of economic development pp. 919-925

- Peter Davis
- Changing patterns of migration to Australia and their influence on the health of migrants pp. 927-937

- Jerzy Krupinski
- Australian aboriginal health and health-care pp. 939-948

- Neil Thomson
- A comparative analysis of Australian health policy in the 1970s pp. 949-958

- J. M. Najman and J. S. Western
- Structural interests and Australian health policy pp. 959-966

- S. J. Duckett
- The cost of health care and health insurance in Australia: Some problems associated with the fee-for-service system pp. 967-972

- L. J. Opit
- Medical politics: Decline in the hegemony of the Australian Medical Association? pp. 973-980

- Thelma Hunter
- Equity, access and resource allocation: Planning hospital services in New Zealand pp. 981-989

- J. Ross Barnett
- Rural psychiatric services in Western Australia pp. 991-996

- P. W. Burvill, H. Stampfer and J. Reymond
- Community vs institutional care: The case of the Australian aged pp. 997-1004

- D. M. Gibson and D. T. Rowland
- Community orientated treatment compared to psychiatric hospital orientated treatment pp. 1005-1010

- John Hoult, Alan Rosen and Ingrid Reynolds
1984, volume 18, articles 10
- Medical technology and professional dominance theory pp. 809-817

- Ann Lennarson Greer
- Client characteristics at Kissy Mental Hospital, Freetown, Sierra Leone pp. 819-825

- Wilbert M. Gesler and E. A. Nahim
- Lay consulation of older people pp. 827-837

- Anne Linda Furstenberg and Linda J. Davis
- Knowledge, attitude and practice of family planning in Hausa women pp. 839-844

- Naghma Rehan
- Research priorities for medical anthropologists in the 1980s pp. 845-846

- Kathleen M. DeWalt and John van Willigen
- Anthropological research perspectives on health problems in developing countries pp. 847-854

- George M. Foster
- Population and health in the developing world: Research perspectives for medical anthropologists pp. 855-859

- Thomas R. Ford and Thomas A. Arcury
- The challenge of comparative health policy research for applied medical anthropology pp. 861-871

- Carole E. Hill
- The informative content of diagnostic tests: An economic analysis pp. 873-880

- Louis Eeckhoudt, Thérèse C. Lebrun and Jean-Claude L. Sailly
- Effects of public education about breast cancer and breast self-examination pp. 881-888

- Sjef Siero, Gerjo Kok and Jean Pruyn
- Stress and coping in the explanation of psychological adjustment among chronically ill adults pp. 889-898

- Barbara J. Felton, Tracey A. Revenson and Gregory A. Hinrichsen
1984, volume 18, articles 9
- Medical advice books: The search for the healthy body pp. 707-712

- John D. Stoeckle
- Are we a 'death-denying' society? A sociological review pp. 713-721

- Allan Kellehear
- Comments pp. 721-723

- Rory Williams
- Comments pp. 721-721

- C. M. Parkes
- Chronic illness, stress and coping pp. 725-736

- Zeev Ben-Sira
- The patient's view pp. 737-744

- David Armstrong
- The role of Chinese traditional medical practice as a form of health care in Singapore--III. Conditions, illness behaviour and medical preferences of patients of institutional clinics pp. 745-752

- Suzanne C. Ho, K. C. Lun and W. K. Ng
- Distribution of behavioural science faculty in United States medical schools: 1968-1969 and 1978-1979 pp. 753-756

- Joseph Stokes, Paul J. Strand and Corinne Jaffe
- The use of food to treat and prevent disease in chinese culture pp. 757-766

- Linda C. Koo
- Variability in the management of hypertension and cost-effectiveness: Methodology, community care results and potential cost reductions pp. 767-774

- Robert D. Stevens, Leo J. Bingley, Marilyn Boger, Jabr El-Wanni and Julie Kaston
- An objective reconstruction of the chain of contagion pp. 775-782

- JoséF. Pisani, Juan J. Angulo and Clovis K. Takiguti
- Stress and well-being: The buffering role of locus of control beliefs pp. 783-790

- Neal Krause and Sheldon Stryker
- Breast cancer and breast self-examination: What do Scottish women know? pp. 791-797

- M. Maureen Roberts, Kate French and John Duffy
1984, volume 18, articles 8
- Organizational impact on medicine: The HMO concept pp. 615-620

- Stephen L. Fielding
- Childbirth and social class: The case of cesarean delivery pp. 621-631

- Marsha Hurst and Pamela S. Summey
- Participation in the first and second round of a mass-screening for colorectal cancer pp. 633-636

- J. Harry Jansen
- External cephalic version as an alternative to breech delivery and cesarean section pp. 637-651

- Brigitte Jordan
- Changes in primary medical care delivery, 1975-1979: Findings from the physician capacity utilization surveys pp. 653-660

- Barbara H. Kehrer, Frank A. Sloan and Judith Wooldridge
- Accessibility to general hospitals in rural Bendel State, Nigeria pp. 661-666

- Francis C. Okafor
- Communication between general practitioners and patients dying at home pp. 667-672

- C. J. Todd and A. W. Still
- Attitudes to alcohol consumption: The attribution of addiction pp. 673-681

- Adrian Furnham and Victoria Lowick
- Subjective well-being: Properties of an instrument for measuring this (in the chronically ill) pp. 683-691

- W. Malcolm Gill
- The political and administrative context of primary health care in the third world pp. 693-702

- Thomas J. Bossert and David A. Parker
1984, volume 18, articles 7
- California's cutbacks in public-sector medicine: Two-class health care returns to the United States? pp. 539-540

- Howard Waitzkin
- Genetic counseling: The development of a new interdisciplinary occupational field pp. 541-549

- Regina H. Kenen
- Towards better patient drug compliance and comprehension: A challenge to medical and pharmaceutical services in Zimbabwe pp. 551-554

- Norman Zimunda Nyazema
- Persistence of social and health problems in the welfare state: A Danish Cohort experience from 1948 to 1979 pp. 555-560

- Tavs Folmer Andersen
- Women and medicalisation: An empirical examination of the extent of women's dependence on medical technology in the early detection of breast cancer pp. 561-569

- Michael Calnan
- Approaches to the measurement of explanation and information-giving in medical consultations: A review of empirical studies pp. 571-580

- David Tuckett and Abthony Williams
- Rural development strategies and their health and nutrition-mediated effects on fertility: A review of the literature pp. 581-587

- Raymond B. Isely
- The Tisiyahi klinik: A nepalese medical centre in an intracultural field of relations pp. 589-598

- Richard Burghart
- A comparison of existing and alternative competitive bidding systems for indigent medical care pp. 599-604

- Jon B. Christianson, Kenneth R. Smith and Diane G. Hillman
- The experience of cancer during early and advanced stages: The views of patients and their mates pp. 605-613

- Carolyn Cook Gotay
1984, volume 18, articles 6
- The impact of U.S. family planning programs on births, abortions and miscarriages, 1970-1979 pp. 461-465

- Jacqueline Darroch Forrest
- A critique of the ideological and political positions of the Willy Brandt report and the WHO Alma ata declaration pp. 467-474

- Vicente Navarro
- The significance of the doctor-patient relationship in coping with cancer pp. 475-480

- Eric Molleman, Pieter J. Krabbendam, Albertus A. Annyas, Heimen Schraffordt Koops, Dirk Th. Sleijfer and Albert Vermey
- Three generations of family medicine: A comparison of social identities pp. 481-486

- Thomas G. Fox, David R. Cole and Joseph A. Lieberman
- Ethnicity in the reported pain, emotional distress and requests of medical outpatients pp. 487-490

- Cheryl Koopman, Sherman Eisenthal and John D. Stoeckle
- Risk factors and the prevalence of depression in Mormon women pp. 491-495

- David C. Spendlove, Dee W. West and William M. Stanish
- A traditional midwife practice, Sokoto State, Nigeria pp. 497-501

- Dennis A. Ityavyar
- Determinants of drug use: A test of the coping hypothesis pp. 503-509

- Robert D. Crutchfield and Walter R. Gove
- Help-seeking behaviour of depressed students pp. 511-514

- Mary Kay O'Neil, William J. Lancee and Stanley J. J. Freeman
- Pain and the ethics of pain management pp. 515-523

- Rem B. Edwards
- Assessing rural community resources for health care: The use of health services catchment area economic marketing studies pp. 525-529

- Beverley Davies Rowley and DeWitt C. Baldwin
- Home care as an alternative to hospitalization: A case study in Belgium pp. 531-537

- L. Gunning-Schepers, X. Leroy and P. De Wals
1984, volume 18, articles 5
- Why do physicians in neonatal care units differ in their admission thresholds? pp. 365-374

- D. M. Campbell
- Economic evaluation in primary health care: The case of Western Kenya community based health care project pp. 375-385

- Joseph K. Wang'ombe
- Assessing socioeconomic correlates of birthweight in peninsular Malaysia: Ethnic differences and charges over time pp. 387-404

- Julie Da Vanzo, Jean-Pierre Habicht and William P. Butz
- Using computer graphics to map origin-destination data describing health care delivery systems pp. 405-420

- A. M. Francis and J. B. Schneider
- The diffusion of cholera outside Ibadan City, Nigeria, 1971 pp. 421-428

- H. O. Adesina
- Identification of the cholera diffusion process in Ibadan, 1971 pp. 429-440

- H. O. Adesina
- Life event scaling: The Chinese experience pp. 441-446

- David W. Chan, M. W. Chan-Ho and Tim S. C. Chan
- Cross-cultural validity: Ethnocentrism in health studies with special reference to the Vietnamese pp. 447-453

- June Eyton and Gertrud Neuwirth
1984, volume 18, articles 4
- Public preferences for the care of dependency groups pp. 287-295

- Patrick West, Raymond Illsley and Howard Kelman
- Professional socialization in dentistry: A longitudinal analysis of changes in students' expected professional rewards pp. 297-302

- Ilana Eli
- The dynamics of tetanus epidemiology and control in rural Uttar Pradesh studied through computer simulation pp. 303-313

- Monica Sharma and P. D. Sharma
- Prediction of pregnancy complications: An application of the biopsychosocial model pp. 315-321

- Gabriel Smilkstein, Annelies Helsper-Lucas, Clark Ashworth, Dan Montano and Mark Pagel
- The professionalization of anesthesiology--Again pp. 323-327

- Maureen Searle
- A matter of life and death: Health care change in an Andean community pp. 329-334

- Ruthbeth D. Finerman
- Ill-health and health-care in Khartoum/Omdurman pp. 335-343

- David T. Herbert and Naila B. Hijazi
- The psychological dimension in cancer treatment pp. 345-349

- Steven Greer
- Courage: A neglected virtue in the patient-physician relationship pp. 351-360

- Earl E. Shelp
1984, volume 18, articles 3
- Social science and health in Canada pp. 189-189

- Merrijoy Kelner and Peter Kong-Ming New
- The Canadian health care system: An overview pp. 191-197

- Eugene Vayda and Raisa B. Deber
- Individualist and structuralist perspectives on nutrition education for Canadian children pp. 199-204

- R. Love and I. Kalnins
- Medicalization and secularization in selected English Canadian fiction pp. 205-210

- Juanne N. Clarke
- Hospital funding constraints: Strategic and tactical decision responses to sustained moderate levels of crisis in six Canadian hospitals pp. 211-219

- V. V. Murray, T. D. Jick and P. Bradshaw
- Hospital power structure and the democratization of hospital administration in Quebec pp. 221-228

- Joan M. Eakin
- Social support and mental health: Direct, protective and compensatory effects pp. 229-236

- John Syrotuik and Carl D'Arcy
- Barriers to adequate care for mentally ill people pp. 237-241

- Alexander H. Leighton
- Some limits to the hospital as a negotiated order pp. 243-249

- Thomas G. Regan
- Dental services in Quebec: Issues and changes pp. 251-255

- Gilles Dussault
- Indian health services in Canada: A sociohistorical perspective pp. 257-264

- T. Kue Young
- The phenomenon, the explanations and the responses: Metaphors surrounding diabetes in urban Canadian Indians pp. 265-272

- Rebecca Hagey
- Medical misinformation: Communication between outport Newfoundland women and their physicians pp. 273-278

- Dona Lee Davis
- Women and their health in the middle years: A Manitoba project pp. 279-281

- Patricia A. Kaufert
- Role conflict among 'culture brokers': The experience of native Canadian medical interpreters pp. 283-286

- Joseph M. Kaufert and William W. Koolage
1984, volume 18, articles 2
- Professional and business role orientations among practicing pharmacists pp. 103-110

- Neena L. Chappell and Gordon E. Barnes
- The curer as cultural intermediary in Southern Thailand pp. 111-115

- Louis Golomb
- The practice of 'DR' Paep: Continuity and change in indegenous healing in northern Thailand pp. 117-128

- Daniel H. Weisberg
- Curing and commerce: Changes in an indigenous medical practice in a highland Philippine town pp. 129-137

- Susan D. Russell
- 'Mother needles': Lessons on inter-ethnic psychiatry in Malaysian society pp. 139-146

- Ronald Provencher
- Black magic and illness in a Malaysian Chinese community pp. 147-157

- Bertha Mo
- Malay midwives and witches pp. 159-166

- Wazir-Jahan Karim
- Healing as a sign of power and status in Bali pp. 167-172

- Ann P. McCauley
- Drugs and adverse reactions: An economic view of a medical problem pp. 173-182

- Gabriella Pedroni
- Sleeping sickness in Kenya Maasailand pp. 183-187

- Isaac Sindiga
1984, volume 18, articles 1
- How physicians treat mentally distressed men and women pp. 1-9

- Lois M. Verbrugge
- Power and visibility: The invention of teenage pregnancy pp. 11-19

- William Ray Arney and Bernard J. Bergen
- Trends in adolescent development in the People's Republic of China pp. 21-26

- Norbert Goldfield
- Choice and change in health care in Britain pp. 27-40

- Elizabeth M. Russell
- Determinants of receipt of assistance benefit and welfare services in a group of disabled adults in Norway pp. 41-45

- Kari Storhaug
- 'These are modern times': Infant feeding practice in Peninsular Malaysia pp. 47-57

- Lenore Manderson
- Some aspects of the geographical mortality pattern of the Brussels population in 1970 pp. 59-62

- Guido F. G. Moens
- Geographical patterns of heart disease in the Northeastern United States pp. 63-72

- Robert C. Ziegenfus and Wilbert M. Gesler
- La mortalite differentielle par cancer suivant le milieu social: Le cas de la region metropolitaine de Montreal, 1971 pp. 73-81

- Jean-Pierre Thouez
- Projecting physician requirements in a two-county region in Ohio pp. 83-85

- Charles B. Monroe, Ashok K. Dutt and Andrew Santora
- Acculturation and mental health: A study of Hmong refugees at 1.5 and 3.5 years postmigration pp. 87-93

- Joseph Westermeyer, John Neider and Tou Fu Vang
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1979, volume 12
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2018, volume 206
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2018, volume 204
2018, volume 203
2018, volume 202
2018, volume 201
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2017, volume 195
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2017, volume 181
2017, volume 180
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2016, volume 171
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2015, volume 147
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2015, volume 138
2015, volume 136-137
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2014, volume 102
2014, volume 101
2014, volume 100
2013, volume 99
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2013, volume 97
2013, volume 96
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2013, volume 94
2013, volume 93
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2013, volume 91
2013, volume 90
2013, volume 89
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2012, volume 75
2012, volume 74
2011, volume 73
2011, volume 72
2010, volume 71
2010, volume 70
2009, volume 69
2009, volume 68
2008, volume 67
2008, volume 66
2007, volume 65
2007, volume 64
2006, volume 63
2006, volume 62
2005, volume 61
2005, volume 60
2004, volume 59
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2003, volume 57
2003, volume 56
2002, volume 55
2002, volume 54
2001, volume 53
2001, volume 52
2000, volume 51
2000, volume 50
1999, volume 49
1999, volume 48
1998, volume 47
1998, volume 46
1997, volume 45
1997, volume 44
1996, volume 43
1996, volume 42
1995, volume 41
1995, volume 40
1994, volume 39
1994, volume 38
1993, volume 37
1993, volume 36
1992, volume 35
1992, volume 34
1991, volume 33
1991, volume 32
1990, volume 31
1990, volume 30
1989, volume 29
1989, volume 28
1988, volume 27
1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46