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Social Science & Medicine

1979 - 2025

Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian

From Elsevier
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1984, volume 18, articles 12

Diuretics in pregnancy: A case study of a worthless therapy pp. 1011-1018 Downloads
Elina Hemminki
Differences among practitioners in patterns of preference for information sources in the adoption of new drugs pp. 1019-1025 Downloads
Marilyn Y. Peay and Edmund R. Peay
Early discharge and return to work following myocardial infarction pp. 1027-1036 Downloads
Miriam J. Stewart and Frances M. Gregor
Life events or life processes as determinants of mental strain? A 5-year follow-up study pp. 1037-1044 Downloads
Seppo Aro and Vilma Hänninen
The organizational foundations of nursing roles: An empirical assessment pp. 1045-1052 Downloads
Jeffrey Alexander
Perceived likeability and competence of simulated patients: Influence on physicians' management plans pp. 1053-1059 Downloads
Barbara Gerbert
An outbreak of Shigellosis in an ultra-orthodox Jewish community pp. 1061-1062 Downloads
B. Porter, E. Schinder, H. Nagar, Y. Gilad and V. Torek
Games that professionals play: The social psychology of physician-nurse interaction pp. 1063-1069 Downloads
M. Tellis-Nayak and V. Tellis-Nayak
Traditional healers in Swaziland: Toward improved cooperation between the traditional and modern health sectors pp. 1071-1079 Downloads
Edward C. Green and Lydia Makhubu
The meaning of touch in care practice pp. 1081-1088 Downloads
John W Pratt and Allen Mason
Psychological side-effects of the mass screening on cervical cancer pp. 1089-1093 Downloads
N. F. Reelick, W. F. M. de Haes and J. H. Schuurman
Letter to the editor pp. 1103-1103 Downloads
J. L. Hamel

1984, volume 18, articles 11

Introduction pp. 899-900 Downloads
Jerzy Krupinski
Australia's environment and its influences on health pp. 901-907 Downloads
A. A. Brownlea and C. M. Taylor
The social distribution of illness: Is Australia more equal? pp. 909-917 Downloads
Dorothy H. Broom
Health patterns in New Zealand: Class, ethnicity and the impact of economic development pp. 919-925 Downloads
Peter Davis
Changing patterns of migration to Australia and their influence on the health of migrants pp. 927-937 Downloads
Jerzy Krupinski
Australian aboriginal health and health-care pp. 939-948 Downloads
Neil Thomson
A comparative analysis of Australian health policy in the 1970s pp. 949-958 Downloads
J. M. Najman and J. S. Western
Structural interests and Australian health policy pp. 959-966 Downloads
S. J. Duckett
The cost of health care and health insurance in Australia: Some problems associated with the fee-for-service system pp. 967-972 Downloads
L. J. Opit
Medical politics: Decline in the hegemony of the Australian Medical Association? pp. 973-980 Downloads
Thelma Hunter
Equity, access and resource allocation: Planning hospital services in New Zealand pp. 981-989 Downloads
J. Ross Barnett
Rural psychiatric services in Western Australia pp. 991-996 Downloads
P. W. Burvill, H. Stampfer and J. Reymond
Community vs institutional care: The case of the Australian aged pp. 997-1004 Downloads
D. M. Gibson and D. T. Rowland
Community orientated treatment compared to psychiatric hospital orientated treatment pp. 1005-1010 Downloads
John Hoult, Alan Rosen and Ingrid Reynolds

1984, volume 18, articles 10

Medical technology and professional dominance theory pp. 809-817 Downloads
Ann Lennarson Greer
Client characteristics at Kissy Mental Hospital, Freetown, Sierra Leone pp. 819-825 Downloads
Wilbert M. Gesler and E. A. Nahim
Lay consulation of older people pp. 827-837 Downloads
Anne Linda Furstenberg and Linda J. Davis
Knowledge, attitude and practice of family planning in Hausa women pp. 839-844 Downloads
Naghma Rehan
Research priorities for medical anthropologists in the 1980s pp. 845-846 Downloads
Kathleen M. DeWalt and John van Willigen
Anthropological research perspectives on health problems in developing countries pp. 847-854 Downloads
George M. Foster
Population and health in the developing world: Research perspectives for medical anthropologists pp. 855-859 Downloads
Thomas R. Ford and Thomas A. Arcury
The challenge of comparative health policy research for applied medical anthropology pp. 861-871 Downloads
Carole E. Hill
The informative content of diagnostic tests: An economic analysis pp. 873-880 Downloads
Louis Eeckhoudt, Thérèse C. Lebrun and Jean-Claude L. Sailly
Effects of public education about breast cancer and breast self-examination pp. 881-888 Downloads
Sjef Siero, Gerjo Kok and Jean Pruyn
Stress and coping in the explanation of psychological adjustment among chronically ill adults pp. 889-898 Downloads
Barbara J. Felton, Tracey A. Revenson and Gregory A. Hinrichsen

1984, volume 18, articles 9

Medical advice books: The search for the healthy body pp. 707-712 Downloads
John D. Stoeckle
Are we a 'death-denying' society? A sociological review pp. 713-721 Downloads
Allan Kellehear
Comments pp. 721-723 Downloads
Rory Williams
Comments pp. 721-721 Downloads
C. M. Parkes
Chronic illness, stress and coping pp. 725-736 Downloads
Zeev Ben-Sira
The patient's view pp. 737-744 Downloads
David Armstrong
The role of Chinese traditional medical practice as a form of health care in Singapore--III. Conditions, illness behaviour and medical preferences of patients of institutional clinics pp. 745-752 Downloads
Suzanne C. Ho, K. C. Lun and W. K. Ng
Distribution of behavioural science faculty in United States medical schools: 1968-1969 and 1978-1979 pp. 753-756 Downloads
Joseph Stokes, Paul J. Strand and Corinne Jaffe
The use of food to treat and prevent disease in chinese culture pp. 757-766 Downloads
Linda C. Koo
Variability in the management of hypertension and cost-effectiveness: Methodology, community care results and potential cost reductions pp. 767-774 Downloads
Robert D. Stevens, Leo J. Bingley, Marilyn Boger, Jabr El-Wanni and Julie Kaston
An objective reconstruction of the chain of contagion pp. 775-782 Downloads
JoséF. Pisani, Juan J. Angulo and Clovis K. Takiguti
Stress and well-being: The buffering role of locus of control beliefs pp. 783-790 Downloads
Neal Krause and Sheldon Stryker
Breast cancer and breast self-examination: What do Scottish women know? pp. 791-797 Downloads
M. Maureen Roberts, Kate French and John Duffy

1984, volume 18, articles 8

Organizational impact on medicine: The HMO concept pp. 615-620 Downloads
Stephen L. Fielding
Childbirth and social class: The case of cesarean delivery pp. 621-631 Downloads
Marsha Hurst and Pamela S. Summey
Participation in the first and second round of a mass-screening for colorectal cancer pp. 633-636 Downloads
J. Harry Jansen
External cephalic version as an alternative to breech delivery and cesarean section pp. 637-651 Downloads
Brigitte Jordan
Changes in primary medical care delivery, 1975-1979: Findings from the physician capacity utilization surveys pp. 653-660 Downloads
Barbara H. Kehrer, Frank A. Sloan and Judith Wooldridge
Accessibility to general hospitals in rural Bendel State, Nigeria pp. 661-666 Downloads
Francis C. Okafor
Communication between general practitioners and patients dying at home pp. 667-672 Downloads
C. J. Todd and A. W. Still
Attitudes to alcohol consumption: The attribution of addiction pp. 673-681 Downloads
Adrian Furnham and Victoria Lowick
Subjective well-being: Properties of an instrument for measuring this (in the chronically ill) pp. 683-691 Downloads
W. Malcolm Gill
The political and administrative context of primary health care in the third world pp. 693-702 Downloads
Thomas J. Bossert and David A. Parker

1984, volume 18, articles 7

California's cutbacks in public-sector medicine: Two-class health care returns to the United States? pp. 539-540 Downloads
Howard Waitzkin
Genetic counseling: The development of a new interdisciplinary occupational field pp. 541-549 Downloads
Regina H. Kenen
Towards better patient drug compliance and comprehension: A challenge to medical and pharmaceutical services in Zimbabwe pp. 551-554 Downloads
Norman Zimunda Nyazema
Persistence of social and health problems in the welfare state: A Danish Cohort experience from 1948 to 1979 pp. 555-560 Downloads
Tavs Folmer Andersen
Women and medicalisation: An empirical examination of the extent of women's dependence on medical technology in the early detection of breast cancer pp. 561-569 Downloads
Michael Calnan
Approaches to the measurement of explanation and information-giving in medical consultations: A review of empirical studies pp. 571-580 Downloads
David Tuckett and Abthony Williams
Rural development strategies and their health and nutrition-mediated effects on fertility: A review of the literature pp. 581-587 Downloads
Raymond B. Isely
The Tisiyahi klinik: A nepalese medical centre in an intracultural field of relations pp. 589-598 Downloads
Richard Burghart
A comparison of existing and alternative competitive bidding systems for indigent medical care pp. 599-604 Downloads
Jon B. Christianson, Kenneth R. Smith and Diane G. Hillman
The experience of cancer during early and advanced stages: The views of patients and their mates pp. 605-613 Downloads
Carolyn Cook Gotay

1984, volume 18, articles 6

The impact of U.S. family planning programs on births, abortions and miscarriages, 1970-1979 pp. 461-465 Downloads
Jacqueline Darroch Forrest
A critique of the ideological and political positions of the Willy Brandt report and the WHO Alma ata declaration pp. 467-474 Downloads
Vicente Navarro
The significance of the doctor-patient relationship in coping with cancer pp. 475-480 Downloads
Eric Molleman, Pieter J. Krabbendam, Albertus A. Annyas, Heimen Schraffordt Koops, Dirk Th. Sleijfer and Albert Vermey
Three generations of family medicine: A comparison of social identities pp. 481-486 Downloads
Thomas G. Fox, David R. Cole and Joseph A. Lieberman
Ethnicity in the reported pain, emotional distress and requests of medical outpatients pp. 487-490 Downloads
Cheryl Koopman, Sherman Eisenthal and John D. Stoeckle
Risk factors and the prevalence of depression in Mormon women pp. 491-495 Downloads
David C. Spendlove, Dee W. West and William M. Stanish
A traditional midwife practice, Sokoto State, Nigeria pp. 497-501 Downloads
Dennis A. Ityavyar
Determinants of drug use: A test of the coping hypothesis pp. 503-509 Downloads
Robert D. Crutchfield and Walter R. Gove
Help-seeking behaviour of depressed students pp. 511-514 Downloads
Mary Kay O'Neil, William J. Lancee and Stanley J. J. Freeman
Pain and the ethics of pain management pp. 515-523 Downloads
Rem B. Edwards
Assessing rural community resources for health care: The use of health services catchment area economic marketing studies pp. 525-529 Downloads
Beverley Davies Rowley and DeWitt C. Baldwin
Home care as an alternative to hospitalization: A case study in Belgium pp. 531-537 Downloads
L. Gunning-Schepers, X. Leroy and P. De Wals

1984, volume 18, articles 5

Why do physicians in neonatal care units differ in their admission thresholds? pp. 365-374 Downloads
D. M. Campbell
Economic evaluation in primary health care: The case of Western Kenya community based health care project pp. 375-385 Downloads
Joseph K. Wang'ombe
Assessing socioeconomic correlates of birthweight in peninsular Malaysia: Ethnic differences and charges over time pp. 387-404 Downloads
Julie Da Vanzo, Jean-Pierre Habicht and William P. Butz
Using computer graphics to map origin-destination data describing health care delivery systems pp. 405-420 Downloads
A. M. Francis and J. B. Schneider
The diffusion of cholera outside Ibadan City, Nigeria, 1971 pp. 421-428 Downloads
H. O. Adesina
Identification of the cholera diffusion process in Ibadan, 1971 pp. 429-440 Downloads
H. O. Adesina
Life event scaling: The Chinese experience pp. 441-446 Downloads
David W. Chan, M. W. Chan-Ho and Tim S. C. Chan
Cross-cultural validity: Ethnocentrism in health studies with special reference to the Vietnamese pp. 447-453 Downloads
June Eyton and Gertrud Neuwirth

1984, volume 18, articles 4

Public preferences for the care of dependency groups pp. 287-295 Downloads
Patrick West, Raymond Illsley and Howard Kelman
Professional socialization in dentistry: A longitudinal analysis of changes in students' expected professional rewards pp. 297-302 Downloads
Ilana Eli
The dynamics of tetanus epidemiology and control in rural Uttar Pradesh studied through computer simulation pp. 303-313 Downloads
Monica Sharma and P. D. Sharma
Prediction of pregnancy complications: An application of the biopsychosocial model pp. 315-321 Downloads
Gabriel Smilkstein, Annelies Helsper-Lucas, Clark Ashworth, Dan Montano and Mark Pagel
The professionalization of anesthesiology--Again pp. 323-327 Downloads
Maureen Searle
A matter of life and death: Health care change in an Andean community pp. 329-334 Downloads
Ruthbeth D. Finerman
Ill-health and health-care in Khartoum/Omdurman pp. 335-343 Downloads
David T. Herbert and Naila B. Hijazi
The psychological dimension in cancer treatment pp. 345-349 Downloads
Steven Greer
Courage: A neglected virtue in the patient-physician relationship pp. 351-360 Downloads
Earl E. Shelp

1984, volume 18, articles 3

Social science and health in Canada pp. 189-189 Downloads
Merrijoy Kelner and Peter Kong-Ming New
The Canadian health care system: An overview pp. 191-197 Downloads
Eugene Vayda and Raisa B. Deber
Individualist and structuralist perspectives on nutrition education for Canadian children pp. 199-204 Downloads
R. Love and I. Kalnins
Medicalization and secularization in selected English Canadian fiction pp. 205-210 Downloads
Juanne N. Clarke
Hospital funding constraints: Strategic and tactical decision responses to sustained moderate levels of crisis in six Canadian hospitals pp. 211-219 Downloads
V. V. Murray, T. D. Jick and P. Bradshaw
Hospital power structure and the democratization of hospital administration in Quebec pp. 221-228 Downloads
Joan M. Eakin
Social support and mental health: Direct, protective and compensatory effects pp. 229-236 Downloads
John Syrotuik and Carl D'Arcy
Barriers to adequate care for mentally ill people pp. 237-241 Downloads
Alexander H. Leighton
Some limits to the hospital as a negotiated order pp. 243-249 Downloads
Thomas G. Regan
Dental services in Quebec: Issues and changes pp. 251-255 Downloads
Gilles Dussault
Indian health services in Canada: A sociohistorical perspective pp. 257-264 Downloads
T. Kue Young
The phenomenon, the explanations and the responses: Metaphors surrounding diabetes in urban Canadian Indians pp. 265-272 Downloads
Rebecca Hagey
Medical misinformation: Communication between outport Newfoundland women and their physicians pp. 273-278 Downloads
Dona Lee Davis
Women and their health in the middle years: A Manitoba project pp. 279-281 Downloads
Patricia A. Kaufert
Role conflict among 'culture brokers': The experience of native Canadian medical interpreters pp. 283-286 Downloads
Joseph M. Kaufert and William W. Koolage

1984, volume 18, articles 2

Professional and business role orientations among practicing pharmacists pp. 103-110 Downloads
Neena L. Chappell and Gordon E. Barnes
The curer as cultural intermediary in Southern Thailand pp. 111-115 Downloads
Louis Golomb
The practice of 'DR' Paep: Continuity and change in indegenous healing in northern Thailand pp. 117-128 Downloads
Daniel H. Weisberg
Curing and commerce: Changes in an indigenous medical practice in a highland Philippine town pp. 129-137 Downloads
Susan D. Russell
'Mother needles': Lessons on inter-ethnic psychiatry in Malaysian society pp. 139-146 Downloads
Ronald Provencher
Black magic and illness in a Malaysian Chinese community pp. 147-157 Downloads
Bertha Mo
Malay midwives and witches pp. 159-166 Downloads
Wazir-Jahan Karim
Healing as a sign of power and status in Bali pp. 167-172 Downloads
Ann P. McCauley
Drugs and adverse reactions: An economic view of a medical problem pp. 173-182 Downloads
Gabriella Pedroni
Sleeping sickness in Kenya Maasailand pp. 183-187 Downloads
Isaac Sindiga

1984, volume 18, articles 1

How physicians treat mentally distressed men and women pp. 1-9 Downloads
Lois M. Verbrugge
Power and visibility: The invention of teenage pregnancy pp. 11-19 Downloads
William Ray Arney and Bernard J. Bergen
Trends in adolescent development in the People's Republic of China pp. 21-26 Downloads
Norbert Goldfield
Choice and change in health care in Britain pp. 27-40 Downloads
Elizabeth M. Russell
Determinants of receipt of assistance benefit and welfare services in a group of disabled adults in Norway pp. 41-45 Downloads
Kari Storhaug
'These are modern times': Infant feeding practice in Peninsular Malaysia pp. 47-57 Downloads
Lenore Manderson
Some aspects of the geographical mortality pattern of the Brussels population in 1970 pp. 59-62 Downloads
Guido F. G. Moens
Geographical patterns of heart disease in the Northeastern United States pp. 63-72 Downloads
Robert C. Ziegenfus and Wilbert M. Gesler
La mortalite differentielle par cancer suivant le milieu social: Le cas de la region metropolitaine de Montreal, 1971 pp. 73-81 Downloads
Jean-Pierre Thouez
Projecting physician requirements in a two-county region in Ohio pp. 83-85 Downloads
Charles B. Monroe, Ashok K. Dutt and Andrew Santora
Acculturation and mental health: A study of Hmong refugees at 1.5 and 3.5 years postmigration pp. 87-93 Downloads
Joseph Westermeyer, John Neider and Tou Fu Vang
Page updated 2025-03-25