Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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1983, volume 17, articles 24
- Health and development in Africa pp. 1945-1946

- Peter Oberender, Hans Jochen Diesfeld and Hans Jochen Diesfeld
- Planning and politics of resource allocation for primary health care: Promotion of meaningful national policy pp. 1947-1960

- Malcolm Segall
- Some observations about health development in three African socialist countries: Ethiopia, Mozambique and Tanzania pp. 1961-1969

- Oscar Gish
- Vertical vs horizontal health programmes in Africa: Idealism, pragmatism, resources and efficiency pp. 1971-1981

- Anne Mills
- Jamaica: A case study in health development pp. 1983-1993

- G. E. Cumper
- Planning priorities and health care delivery in Nigeria pp. 1995-2002

- Folorunso Abudu
- The state of health as a reflection of the level of development of a nation pp. 2003-2006

- P. O. Agbonifo
- Health care in the developing world: The role of economists and economics pp. 2007-2015

- Kenneth Lee
- Health care financing: Recent experience in Africa pp. 2017-2025

- David W. Dunlop
- Economic issues in disease control and eradication pp. 2027-2032

- Ralph Andreano
- Religiosity and health behaviour in Africa pp. 2033-2036

- Joshua W. Sempebwa
- Making medical education relevant to health care systems pp. 2037-2039

- E. H. O. Parry
- Health and culture in an African society pp. 2041-2043

- Josephine M. Namboze
1983, volume 17, articles 23
- Scientism vs humanism in medical education pp. 1831-1835

- Gregory A. Doran
- Aspects of living conditions among groups of disabled children and their families in Norway: Family situation, mothers' health, financial assistance pp. 1837-1845

- Kari Storhaug
- Family planning and female sterilization in the United States pp. 1847-1855

- Thomas M. Shapiro, William Fisher and Augusto Diana
- Perceived risk and choice of childbirth service pp. 1857-1865

- Carol Shepherd McClain
- Breast-feeding among female employees at a major health institution in Lagos, Nigeria pp. 1867-1871

- A. Bamisaiye and M. A. Oyediran
- Attitudes of medical students in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, toward preventive medicine and epidemiology pp. 1873-1875

- Zoran Radovanovic and Zorana Djordjevic-Gledovic
- Income and dietary adequacy in an agricultural community pp. 1877-1886

- Kathleen M. DeWalt
- The use of private health care providers in rural Bangladesh: A response to Claquin pp. 1887-1896

- Shelley Feldman
- How nursing homes behave: A multi-equation model of nursing home behavior pp. 1897-1906

- A. James Lee, Howard Birnbaum and Christine Bishop
- Does smoking increase medical care expenditure? pp. 1907-1914

- Robert E. Leu and Thomas Schaub
- Killing and letting die: Hidden value assumptions pp. 1915-1925

- Gary Atkinson
1983, volume 17, articles 22
- Introduction pp. 1683-1685

- F.M. Mburu and Paul G. Steinkuller
- Ocular needs in Africa: Increasing priorities and shrinking resources pp. 1687-1691

- F.M. Mburu and Paul G. Steinkuller
- Cataract: The leading cause of blindness and vision loss in Africa pp. 1693-1702

- Paul G. Steinkuller
- Onchocerciasis: A major social problem in West Africa pp. 1703-1707

- C.O. Quarcoopome
- The epidemiology of trachoma blindness in Southern Africa pp. 1709-1713

- Peter W. Kok
- Nutritional blindness in Africa pp. 1715-1721

- Paul G. Steinkuller
- Surgical treatment of open angle glaucoma is preferable to medical management in Africa pp. 1723-1727

- Larry Schwab and Paul G. Steinkuller
- Ocular injuries in Africa pp. 1729-1735

- H.S. Adala
- Ocular leprosy in Africa pp. 1737-1742

- G.K. Kagame
- Ocular tumors in Africa pp. 1743-1750

- Volker Klauss and Harjinder S. Chana
- Visual disability and blindness secondary to refractive errors in Africa pp. 1751-1754

- Larry Schwab and Paul G. Steinkuller
- Trachoma in South Africa pp. 1755-1765

- R.C. Ballard, H.G. Fehler, P. Fotheringham, E.E. Sutter and J.D. Treharne
- Eye diseases and services in Tanzania pp. 1767-1772

- Nicholas Kinabo
- Ocular disease and ophthalmic services in Malawi pp. 1773-1780

- Moses C. Chirambo and Tefera Tizazu
- Eye diseases and control of blindness in Zambia pp. 1781-1783

- S.M. Shukla
- Prevalence and causes of vision loss in Southern Sudan pp. 1785-1788

- Tefera Tizazu and F.M. Mburu
- The International Eye Foundation/Kenya Rural Blindness Prevention Project pp. 1789-1792

- R.Douglass Arbuckle
- Field methodology for ocular surveys in rural Africa pp. 1793-1796

- Dennis Ross-Degnan, Larry Schwab and F.M. Mburu
- Training for primary and preventive eye care pp. 1797-1808

- Victoria M. Sheffield
- Training of eye care workers and their integration in Gazankulu's comprehensive health services pp. 1809-1812

- E.E. Sutter
- Community participation in the control of trachoma in Gazankulu pp. 1813-1817

- E.E. Sutter and R.C. Ballard
- Training health workers: What needs to be taught and who should teach it pp. 1819-1825

- Peter Godwin
- The role of traditional medicine of ophthalmology in Kenya pp. 1827-1830

- V. Kimani and Volker Klauss
1983, volume 17, articles 21
- The development of medical sociology in Europe pp. 1591-1597

- Lisbeth M. Claus
- Social support, social influence, ethnicity and the breastfeeding decision pp. 1599-1611

- Tom Baranowski, David E. Bee, David K. Rassin, C. Joan Richardson, Judy P. Brown, Nancy Guenther and Philip R. Nader
- From teams to hierarchy: A short-lived innovation in a hospital for the elderly pp. 1613-1618

- Grace de Santis
- Loss, stress and readjustment: The structure of coping with bereavement and disability pp. 1619-1632

- Zeev Ben-Sira
- Infantile autism and childhood schizophrenia: Review of the issues from the sociocultural point of view pp. 1633-1651

- Victor D. Sanua
- The dysmenorrhea personality: Actuality or statistical artifact? pp. 1653-1655

- Carmine U. Iacono and Sam J. Roberts
- Informed consent and patient decision making: Two decades of research pp. 1657-1664

- Caroline L. Kaufmann
- The scientific ethos debate: A meta-theoretical view pp. 1665-1672

- Nina Toren
1983, volume 17, articles 20
- Job characteristics of occupations and myocardial infarction risk: Effect of possible confounding factors pp. 1497-1503

- Lars Alfredsson and Töres Theorell
- Health education and the primary care physician: The practitioner's perspective pp. 1505-1512

- Ann S. Ford and W. Scott Ford
- The state of medical sociology in the United States, Great Britain, West Germany and Austria: Applied vs pure theory pp. 1513-1527

- William C. Cockerham
- Maternal and child nutritional status: Its association with the risk of pregnancy pp. 1529-1540

- Sandra L. Huffman
- Podiatry: A medical care specialty in quest of full professional status and recognition pp. 1541-1548

- James K. Skipper and James E. Hughes
- The views of clients to a general practice attachment scheme and to local authority social work intake team pp. 1549-1558

- Roslyn H. Corney
- Salted fish and nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Malaysia pp. 1559-1567

- R. W. Armstrong and Alice Chan Siew Eng
- The A type behaviour pattern, mental health and health locus of control beliefs pp. 1569-1572

- Adrian Furnham
- Changing hospitals: The role of hospital accreditation pp. 1573-1579

- S. J. Duckett
1983, volume 17, articles 19
- Introduction pp. 1409-1410

- Susan B. Rifkin
- Primary Health Care in rural China: Post-1978 development pp. 1411-1417

- Pi-Chao Chen and Chi-Hsien Tuan
- Primary health care and health education in Japan pp. 1419-1431

- Mikio Yamamoto
- Problems of primary health care in a newly developed society: Reflections on the Hong Kong experience pp. 1433-1439

- Rance P. L. Lee
- Primary health care in the Pacific pp. 1441-1447

- Kenneth W. Newell
- Can people move bureaucratic mountains? Developing primary health care in rural Indonesia pp. 1449-1455

- Arif Haliman and Glen Williams
- Training doctors for family practice in primary health care work in Sri Lanka pp. 1457-1461

- Joel Fernando
- PHC in Bangladesh--Too much to ask? pp. 1463-1466

- Kamal Islam and Sally Bachman
- A legacy without heirs: Korean indigenous medicine and primary health care pp. 1467-1476

- Soon Young Yoon
- The community health volunteer scheme in India: An evaluation pp. 1477-1483

- Rushikesh M. Maru
- Buddhist monks as community health workers in Thailand pp. 1485-1487

- Sant Hathirat
- Primary health care in Southeast Asia: Attitudes about community participation in community health programmes pp. 1489-1496

- Susan B. Rifkin
1983, volume 17, articles 18
- A Durkheimian hypothesis on stress pp. 1315-1327

- Stjepan Mestrovic and Barry Glassner
- Social support and compliance: A selective review and critique of treatment integrity and outcome measurement pp. 1329-1338

- Rona L. Levy
- Patterns of diagnostic testing in the academic setting: The influence of medical attendings' subspeciality training pp. 1339-1342

- Peter Manu and Sheldon E. Schwartz
- Is self-care a social movement? pp. 1343-1352

- Preston L. Schiller and Jeffrey S. Levin
- Patient satisfaction and visiting the doctor: A self-regulating system pp. 1353-1361

- John Mirowsky and Catherine E. Ross
- Social science research on medical technology: Utility and limitations pp. 1363-1369

- H. David Banta
- The communication process in clinical settings pp. 1371-1378

- Joan J. Mathews
- Factors in the utilization of the small non-metropolitan hospital in Alberta, Canada pp. 1379-1387

- Herbert C. Northcott and Randolph W. Rall
- Cognitive maturity and the experience of fear and pain in hospital pp. 1389-1395

- Nadja Reissland
1983, volume 17, articles 17
- Childhood disadvantage and the planning of pregnancy pp. 1223-1227

- D. M. Fergusson and L. J. Horwood
- An Amerindian derivation for Latin American creole illnesses and their treatment pp. 1229-1248

- Audrey Butt Colson and Cesareo de Armellada
- Traditional medicine in Ecuador: The structure of the non-formal health systems pp. 1249-1255

- Duncan Pedersen and Carlos Coloma
- Beliefs regarding the etiology and treatment of infantile diarrhea in Lima, Peru pp. 1257-1269

- Gabriel J. Escobar, Eduardo Salazar and Mario Chuy
- The survival of traditional medicine in a Peruvian Barriada pp. 1271-1280

- Judith Davidson
- Grass roots, herbs, promotors and preventions: A re-evaluation of contemporary international health care planning. The Bolivian case pp. 1281-1289

- Libbet Crandon
- Experience and expectation: Conflict and change in traditional family health care among the Quichua of Saraguro pp. 1291-1298

- Ruthbeth D. Finerman
- The diffusion of influenza in sub-Saharan Africa during the 1918-1919 pandemic pp. 1299-1307

- K. David Patterson and Gerald F. Pyle
- Self concepts in medical outpatient and normal Nigerian undergraduates pp. 1309-1313

- Bernice N. Ezeilo
1983, volume 17, articles 16
- Psycho-social factors and the technologies of work pp. 1075-1084

- Rina Alcalay and R. J. Pasick
- Justice and health for all pp. 1085-1095

- Gaspard A. de Jong and Frans F. H. Rutten
- Effects of material deprivation on neurological functioning pp. 1097-1105

- Gonzalo Alvarez
- Sex differences in illness incidence, prognosis and mortality: Issues and evidence pp. 1107-1123

- Ingrid Waldron
- Unemployment and health in the context of economic change pp. 1125-1138

- M. Harvey Brenner and Anne Mooney
- Health services as a defence against the consequences of poverty in industrialised societies pp. 1139-1148

- Mildred Blaxter
- Health systems as defences against the consequences of poverty: equity in health as social justice pp. 1149-1157

- F. M. Mburu
- Hospital organisation and structure and its effect on inter-professional behaviour and the delivery of care pp. 1159-1170

- Warren Kinston
- Indigenous and multinational pharmaceutical companies pp. 1171-1180

- John Lilja
- Issues in the accessibility and confidentiality of patient records pp. 1181-1190

- J. K. M. Gevers
- Processes in the formulation and legitimisation of professional ethics in a changing world pp. 1191-1197

- H. A. Bassford
- War, peace and professional responsibility pp. 1199-1203

- Christine K. Cassel
- The relevance of traditional medical cultures to modern primary health care pp. 1205-1211

- Allan Young
- The role of spatial analysis and geographic data in the detection of disease causation pp. 1213-1221

- Jonathan D. Mayer
1983, volume 17, articles 15
- Sex differences in reports of illness and disability: A further test of the fixed role hypothesis pp. 993-1002

- Alfred C. Marcus, Teresa E. Seeman and Carol W. Telesky
- The movement for independent living: An evaluation and critique pp. 1003-1010

- Gareth H. Williams
- Societal integration of the disabled: Power struggle or enhancement of individual coping capacities pp. 1011-1014

- Zeev Ben-Sira
- Rejoinder pp. 1014-1016

- Gareth W. Williams
- From Dr Mildred Blaxter pp. 1014-1014

- Mildred Blaxter
- Sex-stereotyping and sex-congruency: Components in the sex role definition of medical specialities in India pp. 1017-1026

- Gura Bhargava
- Multi-disciplinary perspectives on post-partum depression: An anthropological critique pp. 1027-1041

- Gwen Stern and Laurence Kruckman
- The use and misuse of cost-effectiveness analysis pp. 1043-1046

- K. Celeste Gaspari
- Cost-effectiveness of foam elastomer and gauze dressings in the management of open perineal wounds pp. 1047-1053

- Anthony Culyer, John MacFie and Adam Wagstaff
- Community hospital characteristics associated with RN and LPN vacancy rates pp. 1055-1059

- Ross Mullner, Majorie Beyers, Paul Levy, Calvin Byre and Katherin Mallin
- Justice and the justification of a social policy: The distribution of primary care physicians pp. 1061-1074

- Brian Schrag
1983, volume 17, articles 14
- Family reactions and coping strategies in response to the physically ill or handicapped child: A review pp. 913-931

- Johanna Shapiro
- New research on traditional medicine in South Asia pp. 933-933

- Charles Leslie
- Death and nurturance in Indian systems of healing pp. 935-945

- Margaret Trawick Egnor
- Psychiatric pluralism in Bengal, India pp. 947-956

- Deborah P. Bhattacharyya
- Paying for what ails you: Sociocultural issues influencing the ways and means of therapy payment in South India pp. 957-965

- Mark Nichter
- The invisible worker: The role of the peon in Nepal's health service pp. 967-970

- Judithanne Justice
- Hierarchy and food in Nepalese healing rituals pp. 971-978

- Linda Stone
- Laughter and suffering: Sinhalese interpretations of the use of ritual humor pp. 979-984

- Lorna Amarasingham Rhodes
1983, volume 17, articles 13
- Patterns of psychotropic drug use pp. 845-851

- P. Williams
- Gender aspects of illness and practitioner use among Filipinos pp. 853-859

- Richard W. Lieban
- The feasibility of economic evaluation of diagnostic procedures pp. 861-869

- Judith L. Wagner
- Measuring hospital output: A review of the service mix and case mix approaches pp. 871-883

- Michael Tatchell
- Sudden infant deaths and seasonality in Tasmania, 1970-1976 pp. 885-888

- Neil D. McGlashan and Alan C. Grice
- Recruitment of institutional psychiatrists for the 50 states pp. 889-896

- Lorrin M. Koran, Francesca Chinn and Sylvia Flores
- The place of the ideal observer in medical ethics pp. 897-901

- Larry R. Churchill
1983, volume 17, articles 12
- Psychosocial factors influence control of moderate and severe hypertension pp. 773-782

- John R. Caldwell, Velma Theisen, Catherine A. Kaunisto, Patrick J. Reddy, Peter S. Smythe and David W. Smith
- A medical evaluation of the use of qat in North Yemen pp. 783-793

- John G. Kennedy, James Teague, William Rokaw and Elizabeth Cooney
- Competition's flawed perspective on the health care market and an alternative approach pp. 795-801

- Bernard J. Reilly and Joseph P. Fuhr
- Structural analysis of a set of socioeconomic indexes as an aid in defining the socioeconomic level of a family: Results from an Italian multicentric survey pp. 803-818

- S. Milani, I. Cortinovis, M. Rainisio, G. Fognini and E. Marubini
- The distance behavior of hospital patients: A disaggregated analysis pp. 819-827

- Jonathan D. Mayer
- Some socio-geographic aspects of renal transplant cases in Saskatchewan pp. 829-835

- A. K. Chakravarti and S. Shahim Ahmad
- Women physicians during residency years: Workload, work satisfaction and self concept pp. 837-841

- Sara Yogev and Sharon Harris
1983, volume 17, articles 11
- Career preferences and perceptions of the medical labor market among Mexican interns pp. 693-704

- Julio Frenk and Rashid Bashshur
- Comparison of suicide rates and methods in English, Scots and Irish migrants in Australia pp. 705-708

- P. W. Burvill, M. G. McCall, T. Woodings and N. S. Stenhouse
- Allocation of family resources for health care in rural Haiti pp. 709-719

- Jeannine Coreil
- Cost-effectiveness and user characteristics of clinic based services for the treatment of diarrhea: A case study in Bangladesh pp. 721-729

- Susan Horton and Pierre Claquin
- Highway fatal accidents and accessibility of emergency medical services pp. 731-740

- Harold Brodsky and A. Shalom Hakkert
- Experiments to increase return in a medical screening drive: Two futile attempts to apply theory to practice pp. 741-746

- Michael C. Roberts, Sandy K. Wurtele and James D. Leeper
- Chronic low back pain: A medical-psychological report pp. 747-753

- Louwrens J. Menges
- Some questions of identity: Late miscarriage, stillbirth and perinatal loss pp. 755-761

- Alice Lovell
- Influence des parents sur le tabagisme de leurs enfants pp. 763-769

- F. Neukirch and J. Cooreman
1983, volume 17, articles 10
- Psychiatric hospitalization in Poland pp. 617-623

- Louis Frydman
- Selected organizational features of certain polish health care institutions pp. 625-630

- Cezary WLodarczyk and Henryk Pluciennik
- Elements of the health culture of polish society pp. 631-636

- Antonina Ostrowska
- Illness behaviour and action: The patient-role pp. 637-646

- Anna Titkow
- Risk groups and selective case finding in an elderly population pp. 647-655

- Graeme Ford and Rex Taylor
- Epidemic suicide among micronesian adolescents pp. 657-665

- Donald H. Rubinstein
- A partial test of a hospital behavioral model pp. 667-680

- Mark C. Hornbrook and Marsha Goldfarb
- Perceptions of death, belief systems and the process of coping with chronic pain pp. 681-689

- Joseph A. Kotarba
1983, volume 17, articles 9
- An approach to effective health care delivery in a developing nation: A case for Nigeria pp. 525-529

- B. A. Fajewonyomi
- A reassessment of the expected development consequences of tsetse control efforts in Africa pp. 531-537

- Gordon Matzke
- Malnutrition and pregnancy wastage in Zambia pp. 539-543

- Kwamie Kwofie, Ekow Brew-Graves and G. H. Adika
- Water contact behavior and schistosomiasis in an upper Egyptian village pp. 545-562

- Helmut Kloos, Gene I. Higashi, Jacqueline A. Cattani, Vernon D. Schlinski, Noshy S. Mansour and K. Darwin Murrell
- Distance and the utilization of health facilities in rural Nigeria pp. 563-570

- Robert Stock
- A categorical data analysis of contacts with the family health clinic, Calabar, Nigeria pp. 571-578

- Daniel H. Freeman, Wilbert M. Gesler, Barbara J. Mieras and Maria Schymura
- Rural-urban migration and sickness/health care behaviour: A study of Eastern Nigeria pp. 579-583

- Joseph Uyanga
- Factors influencing choice of hospitals: A case study of the Northern part of Oyo State, Nigeria pp. 585-589

- Layi Egunjobi
- Factors affecting the frequency of hospital trips among a predominantly rural population pp. 591-595

- S. I. Okafor
- Population in health planning pp. 597-600

- J. F. Olorunfemi
- Hospital service areas in Ibadan city pp. 601-616

- Folasade Iyun
1983, volume 17, articles 8
- Psychological, sociological and health behaviour aspects of a long term activation programme for institutionalized elderly people pp. 449-456

- Bengt B. Arnetz, Töres Theorell and Bengt B. Arnetz
- The fabrication of nurse-patient relationships pp. 457-460

- David Armstrong
- To love them and to leave them? A review of a Samoan community and health service research project in New Zealand pp. 461-470

- Patricia J. Kinloch
- Tratamiento de enfermedades en una poblacion rural: ¿vigencia de elementos hispanicos? pp. 471-474

- M. de la Luz Alvarez, M. Teresa Araneda, Elisa Figueroa, Soledad Osorio, M. Teresa Araneda, Elisa Figueroa and Soledad Osorio
- A caste and outcaste system in medicine pp. 475-479

- Diane M. Wiesner
- Mental illness, family and networks in a London Borough: Two cases studied by an anthropologist pp. 481-491

- Rosine Josef Perelberg
- Location-allocation models, social science and health service planning: An example from North East England pp. 493-499

- John Mohan
- Social dimensions of healing: A longitudinal study of outcomes of medical management of headaches pp. 501-510

- Ray M. Fitzpatrick, Anthony P. Hopkins, Olivia Harvard-Watts, Ray M. Fitzpatrick, Anthony P. Hopkins and Olivia Harvard-Watts
- Marketing and primary health care: An approach to planning in a Tongan village pp. 511-516

- Sitaleki A. Finau
1983, volume 17, articles 7
- Health professionals as stigmatizers and destigmatizers of diseases: Alcoholism and leprosy as examples pp. 385-393

- Ilse J. Volinn
- The family-illness intermesh: Theoretical aspects and their application pp. 395-398

- Rosalie F. Young
- Tips, status and sacrifice: Gift giving in the doctor-patient relationship pp. 399-404

- Jennifer Drew, John D. Stoeckle and J. Andrew Billings
- 'Core' and 'extended' social networks in relation to health and illness pp. 405-411

- Muriel Hammer
- Intra-professional marriage: Mate choices of medical students in India pp. 413-417

- Gura Bhargava
- Women and health care in rural Pakistan pp. 419-420

- Ruth Laila Schmidt
- Modeling consumer choices of health plans: A comparison of two techniques pp. 421-429

- Michael D. Rosko and William McKenna
- Symptom distress, current concerns and mood disturbance after diagnosis of life-threatening disease pp. 431-438

- Ruth McCorkle and Jeanne Quint-Benoliel
- The effects of compensation on psychiatric disability pp. 439-443

- Joseph L. Perl and Marvin W. Kahn
1983, volume 17, articles 6
- Sex differences in human mortality: The role of genetic factors pp. 321-333

- Ingrid Waldron
- Factors affecting list size of general practitioners and number of drugs prescribed: Findings of a recent study pp. 335-341

- Alberto Renieri and Aldo Piperno
- Pregnancy, social status and health in Sweden pp. 343-347

- R. A. Carr-Hill, Michael Tahlin and S. Johansson
- Gains in life expectancies if heart disease and stroke were eliminated among Caucasians, Filipinos and Japanese in Hawaii pp. 349-353

- Linda M. Gerber
- The geographical distribution of mortality by cause in Chile pp. 355-364

- Robin Haynes
- The mental health of foreign students pp. 365-370

- Adrian Furnham and Lorna Trezise
- The problem of truth in psychotherapy: A phenomenological approach to treatment pp. 371-378

- John H. Draeger
- The ecology of health care in Greece: Hopes and resignations pp. 379-381

- E. John Rizos
1983, volume 17, articles 5
- Are traditional healers the solution to the failures of primary health care in rural Nepal? pp. 255-257

- I. H. Oswald
- Developing a client-focused allocation statistic of inpatient nursing resource use: An alternative to the patient day pp. 259-272

- Russell Paul Caterinicchio and Robert H. Davies
- Pesticide use and malaria resurgence in Central America and India pp. 273-287

- Georganne Chapin and Robert Wasserstrom
- Comments pp. 287-288

- C. F. Curtis
- Comments pp. 288-290

- Parm Pal Singh
- Styles of living with low back injury: The continuity dimension pp. 291-297

- Mary Anne Murphy and Constance T. Fischer
- Pluralism in the organisation of health services research pp. 299-313

- Warren Kinston
1983, volume 17, articles 4
- The family routines inventory: Theoretical origins pp. 193-200

- W. Thomas Boyce, Eric W. Jensen, Sherman A. James and James L. Peacock
- The family routines inventory: Development and validation pp. 201-211

- Eric W. Jensen, Sherman A. James, W. Thomas Boyce and Sue A. Hartnett
- Behavioral science training in family practice residency education: A first evaluation pp. 213-217

- William T. Merkel and Barry P. Nierenberg
- Acculturation and changes in health among Navajo boarding school students pp. 219-226

- W. Thomas Boyce and Jill C. Boyce
- Direct and indirect effects of education on health pp. 227-234

- J. Paul Leigh
- Young people's knowledge of the cervical smear test pp. 235-239

- Anne Charlton
- Diagnosing for administrative purposes: Some ethical problems pp. 241-244

- Harvey D. Lomas and Jonathan D. Berman
1983, volume 17, articles 3
- Gender roles, illness orientation and use of medical services pp. 129-137

- Judith H. Hibbard and Clyde R. Pope
- Information control and the exercise of power in the obstetrical encounter pp. 139-146

- M. C. Shapiro, J. M. Najman, A. Chang, J. D. Keeping, J. Morrison and J. S. Western
- Anthropological and socio-medical health care research in developing countries pp. 147-161

- Axel Kroeger
- Productivity losses due to illness, disability and premature death in different occupational groups in Finland pp. 163-167

- Kari Vinni
- An evaluation of demographic differences in the utilization of a cancer information service pp. 169-175

- Gregg S. Wilkinson and John Wilson
- Movement for medical treatment: A study in contact patterns of a rural population pp. 177-187

- H. Ramachandran and G. S. Shastri
- A note on the hierarchy of health facilities in Bangladesh pp. 189-191

- Bimal Kanti Paul
1983, volume 17, articles 2
- The causes of disease: Women talking pp. 59-69

- Mildred Blaxter
- What is reasonable is true: Life satisfaction and functional disability among day hospital participants pp. 71-78

- Karen R. Grant and Neena L. Chappell
- Early childhood, the critical stage in human interactions with disease and culture pp. 79-85

- Corinne Shear Wood
- The impact of mass communication campaigns in the health field pp. 87-94

- Rina Alcalay
- Separated and divorced women compared with married controls: Selected life satisfaction, stress and health indices from a community survey pp. 95-105

- Françoise Tcheng-Laroche and Raymond Prince
- Prevalence of obesity among Nigerian school children pp. 107-111

- F. A. Akesode and H. A. Ajibode
- Infant and child survival and contraceptive use in the closed pregnancy interval pp. 113-118

- Barbara Janowitz and Douglas Nichols
- Health policy and health services research in the Netherlands pp. 119-126

- Geert van Etten and Frans Rutten
1983, volume 17, articles 1
- The family as patient in family medicine: Rhetoric or reality? pp. 1-16

- Thomas L. Schwenk and Charles C. Hughes
- Participation in faecal occult blood screening for colorectal cancer pp. 17-23

- Owen F. Dent, Roger Bartrop, Kerry J. Goulston and Pierre H. Chapuis
- Social networks and patterns of help-seeking behaviour pp. 25-28

- Michael Calnan
- Predicting turnover rates among the staff of English and Welsh old people's homes pp. 29-36

- Martin Knapp and Spyros Missiakoulis
- The urban transition and the evolution of the medical care delivery system in America pp. 37-43

- Paul L. Knox, James Bohland and Neil Larry Shumsky
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2020, volume 267
2020, volume 266
2020, volume 265
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2020, volume 261
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2020, volume 251
2020, volume 250
2020, volume 249
2020, volume 248
2020, volume 247
2020, volume 246
2020, volume 245
2020, volume 244
2019, volume 243
2019, volume 242
2019, volume 241
2019, volume 240
2019, volume 239
2019, volume 238
2019, volume 237
2019, volume 236
2019, volume 235
2019, volume 234
2019, volume 233
2019, volume 232
2019, volume 231
2019, volume 230
2019, volume 229
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2019, volume 225
2019, volume 224
2019, volume 223
2019, volume 222
2019, volume 221
2019, volume 220
2018, volume 219
2018, volume 218
2018, volume 217
2018, volume 216
2018, volume 215
2018, volume 214
2018, volume 213
2018, volume 212
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2018, volume 209
2018, volume 208
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2018, volume 206
2018, volume 205
2018, volume 204
2018, volume 203
2018, volume 202
2018, volume 201
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2018, volume 196
2017, volume 195
2017, volume 194
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2017, volume 191
2017, volume 190
2017, volume 189
2017, volume 188
2017, volume 187
2017, volume 185
2017, volume 184
2017, volume 183
2017, volume 182
2017, volume 181
2017, volume 180
2017, volume 179
2017, volume 178
2017, volume 177
2017, volume 176
2017, volume 175
2017, volume 174
2017, volume 173
2017, volume 172
2016, volume 171
2016, volume 170
2016, volume 169
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2016, volume 167
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2016, volume 164
2016, volume 163
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2016, volume 154
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2016, volume 151
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2016, volume 149
2016, volume 148
2015, volume 147
2015, volume 146
2015, volume 145
2015, volume 144
2015, volume 143
2015, volume 142
2015, volume 141
2015, volume 140
2015, volume 139
2015, volume 138
2015, volume 136-137
2015, volume 135
2015, volume 134
2015, volume 133
2015, volume 132
2015, volume 131
2015, volume 130
2015, volume 129
2015, volume 128
2015, volume 127
2015, volume 126
2015, volume 125
2015, volume 124
2014, volume 123
2014, volume 122
2014, volume 121
2014, volume 120
2014, volume 119
2014, volume 118
2014, volume 117
2014, volume 116
2014, volume 114
2014, volume 113
2014, volume 112
2014, volume 111
2014, volume 110
2014, volume 109
2014, volume 108
2014, volume 107
2014, volume 106
2014, volume 105
2014, volume 104
2014, volume 103
2014, volume 102
2014, volume 101
2014, volume 100
2013, volume 99
2013, volume 98
2013, volume 97
2013, volume 96
2013, volume 95
2013, volume 94
2013, volume 93
2013, volume 92
2013, volume 91
2013, volume 90
2013, volume 89
2013, volume 88
2013, volume 87
2013, volume 86
2013, volume 85
2013, volume 84
2013, volume 83
2013, volume 82
2013, volume 81
2013, volume 80
2013, volume 79
2013, volume 78
2013, volume 77
2013, volume 76
2012, volume 75
2012, volume 74
2011, volume 73
2011, volume 72
2010, volume 71
2010, volume 70
2009, volume 69
2009, volume 68
2008, volume 67
2008, volume 66
2007, volume 65
2007, volume 64
2006, volume 63
2006, volume 62
2005, volume 61
2005, volume 60
2004, volume 59
2004, volume 58
2003, volume 57
2003, volume 56
2002, volume 55
2002, volume 54
2001, volume 53
2001, volume 52
2000, volume 51
2000, volume 50
1999, volume 49
1999, volume 48
1998, volume 47
1998, volume 46
1997, volume 45
1997, volume 44
1996, volume 43
1996, volume 42
1995, volume 41
1995, volume 40
1994, volume 39
1994, volume 38
1993, volume 37
1993, volume 36
1992, volume 35
1992, volume 34
1991, volume 33
1991, volume 32
1990, volume 31
1990, volume 30
1989, volume 29
1989, volume 28
1988, volume 27
1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46
On this page- 1983, volume 17
Articles 24
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Other years2025, volume 371
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2021, volume 289
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2021, volume 287
2021, volume 286
2021, volume 285
2021, volume 284
2021, volume 283
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2021, volume 281
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2021, volume 279
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2020, volume 267
2020, volume 266
2020, volume 265
2020, volume 264
2020, volume 263
2020, volume 262
2020, volume 261
2020, volume 260
2020, volume 259
2020, volume 258
2020, volume 257
2020, volume 256
2020, volume 255
2020, volume 254
2020, volume 253
2020, volume 252
2020, volume 251
2020, volume 250
2020, volume 249
2020, volume 248
2020, volume 247
2020, volume 246
2020, volume 245
2020, volume 244
2019, volume 243
2019, volume 242
2019, volume 241
2019, volume 240
2019, volume 239
2019, volume 238
2019, volume 237
2019, volume 236
2019, volume 235
2019, volume 234
2019, volume 233
2019, volume 232
2019, volume 231
2019, volume 230
2019, volume 229
2019, volume 228
2019, volume 227
2019, volume 226
2019, volume 225
2019, volume 224
2019, volume 223
2019, volume 222
2019, volume 221
2019, volume 220
2018, volume 219
2018, volume 218
2018, volume 217
2018, volume 216
2018, volume 215
2018, volume 214
2018, volume 213
2018, volume 212
2018, volume 211
2018, volume 210
2018, volume 209
2018, volume 208
2018, volume 207
2018, volume 206
2018, volume 205
2018, volume 204
2018, volume 203
2018, volume 202
2018, volume 201
2018, volume 200
2018, volume 199
2018, volume 198
2018, volume 197
2018, volume 196
2017, volume 195
2017, volume 194
2017, volume 193
2017, volume 192
2017, volume 191
2017, volume 190
2017, volume 189
2017, volume 188
2017, volume 187
2017, volume 185
2017, volume 184
2017, volume 183
2017, volume 182
2017, volume 181
2017, volume 180
2017, volume 179
2017, volume 178
2017, volume 177
2017, volume 176
2017, volume 175
2017, volume 174
2017, volume 173
2017, volume 172
2016, volume 171
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2016, volume 169
2016, volume 168
2016, volume 167
2016, volume 166
2016, volume 165
2016, volume 164
2016, volume 163
2016, volume 162
2016, volume 161
2016, volume 160
2016, volume 159
2016, volume 158
2016, volume 157
2016, volume 156
2016, volume 155
2016, volume 154
2016, volume 153
2016, volume 152
2016, volume 151
2016, volume 150
2016, volume 149
2016, volume 148
2015, volume 147
2015, volume 146
2015, volume 145
2015, volume 144
2015, volume 143
2015, volume 142
2015, volume 141
2015, volume 140
2015, volume 139
2015, volume 138
2015, volume 136-137
2015, volume 135
2015, volume 134
2015, volume 133
2015, volume 132
2015, volume 131
2015, volume 130
2015, volume 129
2015, volume 128
2015, volume 127
2015, volume 126
2015, volume 125
2015, volume 124
2014, volume 123
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2014, volume 121
2014, volume 120
2014, volume 119
2014, volume 118
2014, volume 117
2014, volume 116
2014, volume 114
2014, volume 113
2014, volume 112
2014, volume 111
2014, volume 110
2014, volume 109
2014, volume 108
2014, volume 107
2014, volume 106
2014, volume 105
2014, volume 104
2014, volume 103
2014, volume 102
2014, volume 101
2014, volume 100
2013, volume 99
2013, volume 98
2013, volume 97
2013, volume 96
2013, volume 95
2013, volume 94
2013, volume 93
2013, volume 92
2013, volume 91
2013, volume 90
2013, volume 89
2013, volume 88
2013, volume 87
2013, volume 86
2013, volume 85
2013, volume 84
2013, volume 83
2013, volume 82
2013, volume 81
2013, volume 80
2013, volume 79
2013, volume 78
2013, volume 77
2013, volume 76
2012, volume 75
2012, volume 74
2011, volume 73
2011, volume 72
2010, volume 71
2010, volume 70
2009, volume 69
2009, volume 68
2008, volume 67
2008, volume 66
2007, volume 65
2007, volume 64
2006, volume 63
2006, volume 62
2005, volume 61
2005, volume 60
2004, volume 59
2004, volume 58
2003, volume 57
2003, volume 56
2002, volume 55
2002, volume 54
2001, volume 53
2001, volume 52
2000, volume 51
2000, volume 50
1999, volume 49
1999, volume 48
1998, volume 47
1998, volume 46
1997, volume 45
1997, volume 44
1996, volume 43
1996, volume 42
1995, volume 41
1995, volume 40
1994, volume 39
1994, volume 38
1993, volume 37
1993, volume 36
1992, volume 35
1992, volume 34
1991, volume 33
1991, volume 32
1990, volume 31
1990, volume 30
1989, volume 29
1989, volume 28
1988, volume 27
1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46