Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2016, volume 158, articles C
- Long-term health implications of school quality pp. 1-7

- Rebecca N. Dudovitz, Bergen B. Nelson, Tumaini R. Coker, Christopher Biely, Ning Li, Lynne C. Wu and Paul J. Chung
- Birth order and mortality in two ethno-linguistic groups: Register-based evidence from Finland pp. 8-13

- Jan Saarela, Agneta Cederström and Mikael Rostila
- The acceptability of physical activity interventions to older adults: A systematic review and meta-synthesis pp. 14-23

- Angela Devereux-Fitzgerald, Rachael Powell, Anne Dewhurst and David P. French
- The feminine ideal and transactional sex: Navigating respectability and risk in Swaziland pp. 24-33

- Rebecca Fielding-Miller, Kristin L. Dunkle, Nwabisa Jama-Shai, Michael Windle, Craig Hadley and Hannah L.F. Cooper
- Patient education as a status passage in life – An ethnographic study exploring participation in a Danish group based patient education programme pp. 34-42

- Tine Mechlenborg Kristiansen and Rasmus Antoft
- Ethnic health inequalities in Europe. The moderating and amplifying role of healthcare system characteristics pp. 43-51

- Niels Blom, Tim Huijts and Gerbert Kraaykamp
- The uncertainty of treatment: Women's use of HIV treatment as prevention in Malawi pp. 52-60

- Amy Zhou
- Neighbourhood effects on body constitution–A case study of Hong Kong pp. 61-74

- Chien Tat Low, Poh Chin Lai, Han Dong Li, Wai Kit Ho, Paulina Wong, Si Chen and Wing Cheung Wong
- Exploring the relationship between time preference, body fatness, and educational attainment pp. 75-85

- Heather Brown and Olga Biosca
- The impact of precarious employment on mental health: The case of Italy pp. 86-95

- F. Moscone, Elisa Tosetti and Giorgio Vittadini
- Fostering reflective trust between mothers and community health nurses to improve the effectiveness of health and nutrition efforts: An ethnographic study in Ghana, West Africa pp. 96-104

- Nana M. Ackatia-Armah, Nii Antiaye Addy, Shibani Ghosh and Laurette Dubé
- Do minimum wages improve early life health? Evidence from developing countries pp. 105-113

- Muhammad Farhan Majid, José M. Mendoza Rodríguez, Sam Harper, John Frank and Arijit Nandi
- An examination of health selection among U.S. immigrants using multi-national data pp. 114-121

- Annie Ro, Nancy L. Fleischer and Bridgette Blebu
- Neighborhood and home food environment and children's diet and obesity: Evidence from military personnel's installation assignment pp. 122-131

- Victoria Shier, Nancy Nicosia and Ashlesha Datar
- How does employment quality relate to health and job satisfaction in Europe? A typological approach pp. 132-140

- Karen Van Aerden, Vanessa Puig-Barrachina, Kim Bosmans and Christophe Vanroelen
- Anticipated stigma and blameless guilt: Mothers' evaluation of life with the sex-linked disorder, hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (XHED) pp. 141-148

- Angus Clarke
- Health as a predictor of early retirement before and after introduction of a flexible statutory pension age in Finland pp. 149-157

- Taina Leinonen, Mikko Laaksonen, Tarani Chandola and Pekka Martikainen
- Nutrient intake: A cross-national analysis of trends and economic correlates pp. 158-167

- Dhaval Dave, Nadia Doytch and Inas Kelly
2016, volume 157, articles C
- “Black folk don't get no severe depression”: Meanings and expressions of depression in a predominantly black urban neighborhood in Midwestern United States pp. 1-8

- Sirry M. Alang
- Young maternal age at first birth and mental health later in life: Does the association vary by birth cohort? pp. 9-17

- Zoe Aitken, Belinda Hewitt, Louise Keogh, Anthony D. LaMontagne, Rebecca Bentley and Anne M. Kavanagh
- Harsh parenting, physical health, and the protective role of positive parent-adolescent relationships pp. 18-26

- Thomas J. Schofield, Rand D. Conger, Joseph E. Gonzales and Melissa T. Merrick
- Intimate partner violence against women and the Nordic paradox pp. 27-30

- Enrique Gracia and Juan Merlo
- The power of (Mis)perception: Rethinking suicide contagion in youth friendship networks pp. 31-38

- Gregory M. Zimmerman, Carter Rees, Chad Posick and Lori A. Zimmerman
- Income inequality and health in China: A panel data analysis pp. 39-47

- Nan Zou Bakkeli
- Valuing the Child Health Utility 9D: Using profile case best worst scaling methods to develop a new adolescent specific scoring algorithm pp. 48-59

- Julie Ratcliffe, Elisabeth Huynh, Gang Chen, Katherine Stevens, Joffre Swait, John Brazier, Michael Sawyer, Rachel Roberts and Terry Flynn
- Marital disruption is associated with shorter salivary telomere length in a probability sample of older adults pp. 60-67

- Mark A. Whisman, Briana L. Robustelli and David A. Sbarra
- Turning point or selection? The effect of rustication on subsequent health for the Chinese Cultural Revolution cohort pp. 68-77

- Wen Fan
- Types of integration and depressive symptoms: A latent class analysis on the resettled population for the Three Gorges dam project, China pp. 78-86

- Juan Xi
- An evaluation of the healthy immigrant effect with adolescents in Canada: Examinations of gender and length of residence pp. 87-95

- Kyunghwa Kwak
- Measuring needs for priority setting in healthcare planning and policy pp. 96-102

- Anders Herlitz and David Horan
- Of natural bodies and antibodies: Parents' vaccine refusal and the dichotomies of natural and artificial pp. 103-110

- Jennifer A. Reich
- Supporting employees' work-family needs improves health care quality: Longitudinal evidence from long-term care pp. 111-119

- Cassandra A. Okechukwu, Erin L. Kelly, Janine Bacic, Nicole DePasquale, David Hurtado, Ellen Kossek and Grace Sembajwe
- Marital transitions and associated changes in fruit and vegetable intake: Findings from the population-based prospective EPIC-Norfolk cohort, UK pp. 120-126

- Johan L. Vinther, Annalijn I. Conklin, Nicholas J. Wareham and Pablo Monsivais
- Development, validation, and performance of a scale to measure community mobilization pp. 127-137

- Sheri A. Lippman, Torsten B. Neilands, Hannah H. Leslie, Suzanne Maman, Catherine MacPhail, Rhian Twine, Dean Peacock, Kathleen Kahn and Audrey Pettifor
- Why are well-educated Muscovites more likely to survive? Understanding the biological pathways pp. 138-147

- Megan A. Todd, Vladimir M. Shkolnikov and Noreen Goldman
- Social support as a mediator between job control and psychological strain pp. 148-155

- Angel Blanch
- Analysis of policy towards improvement of perinatal mortality in the Netherlands (2004–2011) pp. 156-164

- Amber A. Vos, Sabine F. van Voorst, Eric A.P. Steegers and Semiha Denktaş
- Risk factors for chronic undernutrition among children in India: Estimating relative importance, population attributable risk and fractions pp. 165-185

- Daniel J. Corsi, Iván Mejía-Guevara and S.V. Subramanian
2016, volume 156, articles C
- Unpaid caregiving and paid work over life-courses: Different pathways, diverging outcomes pp. 1-11

- Fiona Carmichael and Marco Ercolani
- Distinct age and self-rated health crossover mortality effects for African Americans: Evidence from a national cohort study pp. 12-20

- David L. Roth, Kimberly A. Skarupski, Deidra C. Crews, Virginia J. Howard and Julie L. Locher
- Increasing illness among people out of labor market – A Danish register-based study pp. 21-28

- Ingelise Andersen, Henrik Brønnum-Hansen, Margit Kriegbaum, Charlotte Ørsted Hougaard, Finn Kenneth Hansen and Finn Diderichsen
- Medical errors: Disclosure styles, interpersonal forgiveness, and outcomes pp. 29-38

- Annegret F. Hannawa, Yuki Shigemoto and Todd D. Little
- The margins of medicalization: Diversity and context through the case of infertility pp. 39-46

- Ann V. Bell
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation decisions in the emergency department: An ethnography of tacit knowledge in practice pp. 47-54

- Stephen P. Brummell, Jane Seymour and Gina Higginbottom
- Influence of neighborhood-level factors on social support in early-stage breast cancer patients and controls pp. 55-63

- Tess Thompson, Thomas L. Rodebaugh, Maria Pérez, James Struthers, Julianne A. Sefko, Min Lian, Mario Schootman and Donna B. Jeffe
- Bisexuality, poverty and mental health: A mixed methods analysis pp. 64-72

- Lori E. Ross, Laurel O'Gorman, Melissa A. MacLeod, Greta R. Bauer, Jenna MacKay and Margaret Robinson
- Accessibility and use of primary healthcare for immigrants living in the Niagara Region pp. 73-79

- Irene D. Lum, Rebecca H. Swartz and Matthew Y.W. Kwan
- Cognitive and neurobehavioral symptoms in patients with non-metastatic prostate cancer treated with androgen deprivation therapy or observation: A mixed methods study pp. 80-89

- Lisa M. Wu, Molly L. Tanenbaum, Marcel P.J.M. Dijkers, Ali Amidi, Simon J. Hall, Frank J. Penedo and Michael A. Diefenbach
- The social management of biomedical novelty: Facilitating translation in regenerative medicine pp. 90-97

- John Gardner and Andrew Webster
- Adolescent psychological distress, unemployment, and the Great Recession: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Study of Youth 1997 pp. 98-105

- Mark Egan, Michael Daly and Liam Delaney
- The role of patient-provider interactions: Using an accounts framework to explain hospital discharges against medical advice pp. 106-113

- Helen-Maria Lekas, David Alfandre, Peter Gordon, Katherine Harwood and Michael T. Yin
- Childhood adversity and adult health: Evaluating intervening mechanisms pp. 114-124

- R. Jay Turner, Courtney S. Thomas and Tyson H. Brown
- Stress at work: Differential experiences of high versus low SES workers pp. 125-133

- Sarah Damaske, Matthew J. Zawadzki and Joshua M. Smyth
- Discrimination and excessive weight gain during pregnancy among Black and Latina young women pp. 134-141

- Allecia E. Reid, Lisa Rosenthal, Valerie A. Earnshaw, Tené T. Lewis, Jessica B. Lewis, Emily C. Stasko, Jonathan N. Tobin and Jeannette R. Ickovics
- Increasing public support for food-industry related, obesity prevention policies: The role of a taste-engineering frame and contextualized values pp. 142-153

- Selena E. Ortiz, Frederick J. Zimmerman and Gary J. Adler
- Long-term exposure to political violence: The particular injury of persistent humiliation pp. 154-166

- Brian K. Barber, Clea McNeely, Joseph A. Olsen, Robert F. Belli and Samuel Benjamin Doty
- Couples living with and around alcohol abuse: A study of a farmworker community in the Cape Winelands, South Africa pp. 167-174

- Elmien Lesch and Arlene R. Adams
- Where the lay and the technical meet: Using an anthropology of interfaces to explain persistent reproductive health disparities in West Africa pp. 175-183

- Yannick Jaffré and Siri Suh
- Can alcohol make you happy? A subjective wellbeing approach pp. 184-191

- Ben Baumberg Geiger and George MacKerron
- Patients' perceptions and experiences of cardiovascular disease and diabetes prevention programmes: A systematic review and framework synthesis using the Theoretical Domains Framework pp. 192-203

- Rachel L. Shaw, Carol Holland, Helen M. Pattison and Richard Cooke
- Exploring the views of people with mental health problems' on the concept of coercion: Towards a broader socio-ethical perspective pp. 204-211

- Reidun Norvoll and Reidar Pedersen
On this page- 2016, volume 158
Articles C
- 2016, volume 157
Articles C
- 2016, volume 156
Articles C
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1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
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1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46
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- 2016, volume 157
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- 2016, volume 156
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1997, volume 44
1996, volume 43
1996, volume 42
1995, volume 41
1995, volume 40
1994, volume 39
1994, volume 38
1993, volume 37
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1992, volume 35
1992, volume 34
1991, volume 33
1991, volume 32
1990, volume 31
1990, volume 30
1989, volume 29
1989, volume 28
1988, volume 27
1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46