Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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1998, volume 47, articles 12
- Review of nursing turnover research, 1977-1996 pp. 1905-1924

- Teresa Wai Chi Tai, Sherry I. Bame and Chester D. Robinson
- Outcomes and effectiveness in reproductive health pp. 1925-1936

- Wendy J. Graham
- Compulsory medical service in Ecuador: the physician's perspective pp. 1937-1946

- Anthony Cavender and Manuel Albán
- When acculturation hurts: the case of immunization pp. 1947-1956

- Radmila Prislin, Lucina Suarez, Diane M. Simspon and James A. Dyer
- Trends in health services utilization in eight provinces in China, 1989-1993 pp. 1957-1971

- G. E. Henderson, John Akin, P. M. Hutchinson, S. G. Jin, J. M. Wang, J. Dietrich and L. M. Mao
- The development of a dementia process within the family context: the case of Alice pp. 1973-1980

- Myrra Vernooij-Dassen, Fred Wester, Marcel Auf den Kamp and Frans Huygen
- Sexual networks: the integration of social and genetic data pp. 1981-1992

- S. Day, H. Ward, C. Ison, G. Bell and J. Weber
- In the company of friends: Peer influence on Thai male extramarital sex pp. 1993-2011

- Mark Vanlandingham, John Knodel, Chanpen Saengtienchai and Anthony Pramualratana
- The meaning of playing-related musculoskeletal disorders to classical musicians pp. 2013-2023

- Christine Zaza, Cathy Charles and Alicja Muszynski
- Diagnosing moral disorder: the discovery and evolution of fetal alcohol syndrome pp. 2025-2042

- Elizabeth M. Armstrong
- Social class, assets, organizational control and the prevalence of common groups of psychiatric disorders pp. 2043-2053

- C. Muntaner, W. W. Eaton, C. Diala, R. C. Kessler and P. D. Sorlie
- Mortality variations in England and Wales between types of place: an analysis of the ONS longitudinal study pp. 2055-2066

- Russell Ecob and Kelvyn Jones
- Linking measures of health gain to explicit priority setting by an Area Health Service in Australia pp. 2067-2074

- David A. Cromwell, Rosalie Viney, John Halsall and Don Hindle
- Beliefs related to breast health practices: the perceptions of South Asian women living in Canada pp. 2075-2085

- Joan L. Bottorff, Joy L. Johnson, Radhika Bhagat, Sukhdev Grewal, Lynda G. Balneaves, Heather Clarke and B. Ann Hilton
- Health and access to care: Perspectives of homeless youth in Baltimore City, U.S.A pp. 2087-2099

- Jo Ensign and Joel Gittelsohn
- Careseeking for illness in young infants in an urban slum in India pp. 2101-2111

- Isabelle de Zoysa, Nita Bhandari, Naseema Akhtari and Maharaj K. Bhan
- Stories of meaning: lay perspectives on the origin and management of noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus among older women in the United States pp. 2113-2125

- Nancy E. Schoenberg, Cheryl H. Amey and Raymond T. Coward
- Radio and the commodification of natural medicine in Ecuador pp. 2127-2137

- Ann Miles
1998, volume 47, articles 11
- Screening and counselling for sickle cell disorders and thalassaemia: The experience of parents and health professionals pp. 1639-1651

- Karl Atkin, Waqar I. U. Ahmad and Elizabeth N. Anionwu
- Revealed identity: a study of the process of genetic counselling pp. 1653-1658

- David Armstrong, Susan Michie and Theresa Marteau
- Effect of social class on tumour size at diagnosis and surgical treatment in Danish women with breast cancer pp. 1659-1663

- Marie Norredam, Mogens Groenvold, Jorgen Holm Petersen and Allan Krasnik
- Educational differences in leisure-time physical inactivity: a descriptive and explanatory study pp. 1665-1676

- M. Droomers, C. T. M. Schrijvers, H. van de Mheen and J. P. Mackenbach
- Suicide in urban New South Wales, Australia 1985-1994: socio-economic and migrant interactions pp. 1677-1686

- Richard Taylor, Stephen Morrell, Emma Slaytor and Paul Ford
- Hearts and minds: suicide among United States combat troops in Vietnam, 1957-1973 pp. 1687-1694

- David P. Adams, Cole Barton, G. Lynn Mitchell, Alan L. Moore and Victor Einagel
- Increasing homicide rate in Finland accompanied by decreasing seasonality over the period 1957-95 pp. 1695-1698

- Helinä Hakko, Pirkko Räsänen and Jari Tiihonen
- Political repression and its psychological effects on Honduran children pp. 1699-1713

- Débora S. Munczek and Steven Tuber
- Using metaphor to read the organisation of the NHS pp. 1715-1727

- Andrea Elkind
- Achieving clinical behaviour change: a case of becoming indeterminate pp. 1729-1738

- Martin Wood, Ewan Ferlie and Louise Fitzgerald
- The evolution of professional identity: the case of osteopathic medicine pp. 1739-1748

- Katherine Miller
- Promoting health, promoting women: the construction of female and professional identities in the discourse of community health workers pp. 1749-1762

- Jesus Ramirez-Valles
- Psychosocial stressors and well-being in health care workers. The impact of an intervention program pp. 1763-1772

- Inga-Lill Petterson and Bengt B. Arnetz
- Gender differences in accessing cardiac surgery across England: a cross-sectional analysis of the Health Survey for England pp. 1773-1780

- Wei Dong, Yoav Ben-Shlomo, Helen Colhoun and Nish Chaturvedi
- Why do nurses abuse patients? Reflections from South African obstetric services pp. 1781-1795

- Rachel Jewkes, Naeemah Abrahams and Zodumo Mvo
- Describing the "white" ethnic group and its composition in medical research pp. 1797-1808

- Peter J. Aspinall
- Putting risk in its place: methodological considerations for investigating extreme event health risk pp. 1809-1824

- Karen E. Smoyer
- Informed consent for clinical trials: in search of the "best" method pp. 1825-1840

- Sarah J. L. Edwards, Richard J. Lilford, Jim Thornton and Jenny Hewison
- Infant mortality: A multi-level analysis of individual and community risk factors pp. 1841-1854

- Donald W. Matteson, Jeffrey A. Burr and James R. Marshall
- Age patterns of smoking initiation among Kuwait University male students pp. 1855-1858

- T. N. Sugathan, Philip M. Moody, Mahmood A. Bustan and Najwa S. Elgerges
- Medicinal plants in Mexico: healers' consensus and cultural importance pp. 1859-1871

- Michael Heinrich, Anita Ankli, Barbara Frei, Claudia Weimann and Otto Sticher
- Physician assessments of patient compliance with medical treatment pp. 1873-1876

- Albert I. Goldberg, Gilat Cohen and Ami-Hai E. Rubin
- Dental students' attitude to gender roles pp. 1877-1880

- Howard M. Rosenberg, Andrew J. Cucchiara and Mark L. Helpin
1998, volume 47, articles 10
- Explanations of social class differences in alcoholism among young men pp. 1399-1405

- Tomas Hemmingsson, Ingvar Lundberg, Finn Diderichsen and Peter Allebeck
- Health related behavioural change in context: young people in transition pp. 1407-1418

- Stephen Pavis, Sarah Cunningham-Burley and Amanda Amos
- Critical reflections on the politics of need: implications for public health pp. 1419-1430

- Ann Robertson
- Sexual behaviour and risk assessment of HIV seroconvertors among urban male factory workers in Zimbabwe pp. 1431-1443

- Sunanda Ray, Ahmed Latif, Roderick Machekano and David Katzenstein
- The learning curve: Health education in STI clinics in South Africa pp. 1445-1453

- Priscilla Reddy, Anna Meyer-Weitz, Bart van den Borne, Gerjo Kok and Wies Weijts
- Injections and self-help: risk and trust in Ugandan health care pp. 1455-1462

- Harriet Birungi
- Perception of the social support role of the extended family network by some Nigerians with schizophrenia and affective disorders pp. 1463-1472

- Jude U. Ohaeri
- Family responses to HIV/AIDS in Mexico pp. 1473-1484

- Roberto Castro, Emanuel Orozco, Peter Aggleton, Enrique Eroza and Juan Jacobo Hernández
- Liminality: a major category of the experience of cancer illness pp. 1485-1494

- Miles Little, Christopher FC Jordens, Kim Paul, Kathleen Montgomery and Bertil Philipson
- The holistic health movement in the San Francisco Bay Area: Some preliminary observations pp. 1495-1501

- Hans A. Baer, John Hays, Nicole McClendon, Neil McGoldrick and Raffella Vespucci
- Stress and low birth weight: A structural modeling approach using real life stressors pp. 1503-1512

- T. Joseph Sheehan
- Analyzing the decentralization of health systems in developing countries: decision space, innovation and performance pp. 1513-1527

- Thomas Bossert
- Towards equity in health in an unequal society pp. 1529-1538

- Gerald Bloom and Diane McIntyre
- From practice to research: The case for criticism in an age of evidence pp. 1539-1545

- Michael Berkwits
- Risk and the general practitioner budget holder pp. 1547-1554

- Stephen Martin, Nigel Rice and Peter C. Smith
- The ethics of resource allocation: the views of general practitioners in Lincolnshire, U.K pp. 1555-1564

- Darrin Baines, Keith H. Tolley and David K. Whynes
- A holistic approach to the economic evaluation of health programs using institutionalist methodology pp. 1565-1572

- Stephen Jan
- A systematic review of the literature on patient priorities for general practice care. Part 1: Description of the research domain pp. 1573-1588

- Michel Wensing, Hans Peter Jung, Jan Mainz, Frede Olesen and Richard Grol
- The effects of political and economic transitions on health and safety in Estonia: An Estonian-Swedish comparative study pp. 1589-1599

- Taie Kaasik, Ragnar Andersson and Lars-Gunnar Hörte
- A revised measure of symptom-specific health care use pp. 1601-1609

- David W. Baker, Martin F. Shapiro, Claudia L. Schur and Howard Freeman
- The correspondence of patient satisfaction and nurse burnout pp. 1611-1617

- Michael P. Leiter, Phyllis Harvie and Cindy Frizzell
- Ethics of resource allocation in developing countries: The case of Sri Lanka pp. 1619-1625

- K. S. A. Jayasinghe, D. De Silva, N. Mendis and R. K. Lie
1998, volume 47, articles 9
- Assignments of meaning in epidemiology pp. 1135-1145

- Miles Little
- "Death by proxy": Ethics and classification in epidemiology pp. 1147-1153

- Aileen J. Plant and R. Louise Rushworth
- Is imposing risk awareness cultural imperialism? pp. 1155-1159

- Olav Helge FØrde
- The ethics of attribution: The case of health care outcome indicators pp. 1161-1169

- Elizabeth Russell
- "Communitarian claims" as an ethical basis for allocating health care resources pp. 1171-1180

- Gavin Mooney
- Social capital and health: Implications for public health and epidemiology pp. 1181-1188

- Jonathan Lomas
- Ethics, epidemiology and the thrifty gene: biological determinism as a health hazard pp. 1189-1195

- Robyn McDermott
- A tale of two (low prevalence) cities: social movement organisations and the local policy response to HIV/AIDS pp. 1197-1208

- Roland Petchey, Jacky Williams, Bill Farnsworth and Ken Starkey
- Inequalities in the transition of ischaemic heart disease mortality in New South Wales, Australia, 1969-1994 pp. 1209-1222

- I. H. Burnley
- Towards quality of care in child health programmes: a challenge for the partnership in health and social sciences pp. 1223-1230

- Shubhada Kanani
- Childhood conditions that predict survival to advanced ages among African-Americans pp. 1231-1246

- Samuel H. Preston, Mark E. Hill and Greg L. Drevenstedt
- Higher earnings, bursting trains and exhausted bodies: the creation of travelling psychosis in post-reform China pp. 1247-1261

- Sing Lee
- Mexican use of lead in the treatment of empacho: Community, clinic, and longitudinal patterns pp. 1263-1266

- Roberta D. Baer, Javier Garcia De Alba, Rosa Mares Leal, Ana Rosa Plascencia Campos and Neill Goslin
- Doctor talk and diabetes: towards an analysis of the clinical construction of chronic illness pp. 1267-1276

- Ronald Loewe, John Schwartzman, Joshua Freeman, Laurie Quinn and Steve Zuckerman
- Social class and health: The puzzling counter-example of British South Asians pp. 1277-1288

- Rory Williams, William Wright and Kate Hunt
- Cancer truth disclosure by Lebanese doctors pp. 1289-1294

- Ghassan N. Hamadeh and Salim M. Adib
- Probabilities and health risks: a qualitative approach pp. 1295-1306

- Bob Heyman, Mette Henriksen and Karen Maughan
- The sick building syndrome: a diagnostic dilemma pp. 1307-1312

- Åke Thörn
- The meaning and management of neuroleptic medication: a study of patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia pp. 1313-1323

- Anne Rogers, Jennifer C. Day, Brian Williams, Fiona Randall, Pamela Wood, David Healy and Richard P. Bentall
- Accidents, assaults, and marital status pp. 1325-1329

- Yin-Bun Cheung
- Class differences in the food rules mothers impose on their children: a cross-national study pp. 1331-1339

- Christianne L. H. Hupkens, Ronald A. Knibbe, Anneke H. van Otterloo and Maria J. Drop
- From reviving the living to raising the dead; the making of cardiac resuscitation pp. 1341-1349

- Jatinder Bains
- The meaning of patient satisfaction: An explanation of high reported levels pp. 1351-1359

- Brian Williams, Joanne Coyle and David Healy
- Spousal caregivers' activity restriction and depression: A model for changes over time pp. 1361-1371

- A. P. Nieboer, R. Schulz, K. A. Matthews, M. F. Scheier, J. Ormel and S. M. Lindenberg
- The fake patient: A research experiment in a Ghanaian hospital pp. 1373-1381

- Sjaak van der Geest and Samuel Sarkodie
- Becoming a doctor -- Was it the wrong career choice? pp. 1383-1387

- Harri Hyppölä, Esko Kumpusalo, Liisa Neittaanmäki, Kari Mattila, Irma Virjo, Santero Kujala, Riitta Luhtala, Hannu Halila and Mauri Isokoski
1998, volume 47, articles 8
- Hungry earth and vengeful stars: soul loss and identity in the Peruvian Andes pp. 993-1004

- Christine Greenway
- Environment, vulnerability, and gender in Andean ethnomedicine pp. 1005-1015

- Anne C. Larme
- Assessing variation in health status in the Andes: a biocultural model pp. 1017-1030

- Kathryn S. Oths
- Changing biocultural perspectives on health in the Andes pp. 1031-1041

- Thomas Leatherman
- Medical, law, and business students' perceptions of the changing health care system pp. 1043-1049

- Michael Wilkes, Ian Coulter and Eric Hurwitz
- A novel method for studying population health impacts of spatiotemporal ozone distribution pp. 1051-1066

- George Christakos and Vikram M. Vyas
- A ship upon a stormy sea: The medicalization of pregnancy pp. 1067-1076

- K. K. Barker
- Which aspects of general practitioners' behaviour determine patients' evaluations of care? pp. 1077-1087

- H. P. Jung, F. Van Horne, M. Wensing, H. Hearnshaw and R. Grol
- Buying safety: The economics of reproductive risk and abortion in Egypt pp. 1089-1099

- Sandra D. Lane, Jok Madut Jok and Mawaheb T. El-Mouelhy
- Women's health care work in comparative perspective: Canada, Sweden and Czechoslovakia/Czech Republic as case examples pp. 1101-1111

- Cecilia Benoit and Alena Heitlinger
- The relationship of community quality to the health of women and men pp. 1113-1120

- Carol Molinari, Melissa Ahern and Michael Hendryx
- Social mobility and 21Â year mortality in a cohort of Scottish men pp. 1121-1130

- Carole L. Hart, George Davey Smith and David Blane
1998, volume 47, articles 7
- Stigma associated with onchocercal skin disease among those affected near the Ofiki and Oyan rivers in Western Nigeria pp. 841-852

- William R. Brieger, Frederick O. Oshiname and Oladele O. Ososanya
- A conceptual model of the food and nutrition system pp. 853-863

- Jeffery Sobal, Laura Kettel Khan and Carole Bisogni
- Reframing the meaning of disability to families: the embrace of paradox pp. 865-875

- Elizabeth Larson
- R. D. Laing and the British anti-psychiatry movement: a socio-historical analysis pp. 877-889

- Nick Crossley
- The use of equipoise in clinical trials pp. 891-898

- J. A. Chard and R. J. Lilford
- Uptake of contraception during postpartum amenorrhoea: Understandings and preferences of poor, urban women in Bangladesh pp. 899-909

- Sarah Salway and Sufia Nurani
- Risk, motives, and styles of utilization review: A cross-condition comparison pp. 911-926

- Nancy Wolff and Mark Schlesinger
- A survey of the Hong Kong health sector: Past, present and future pp. 927-939

- Robin D. C. Gauld
- "Why don't they come to Pike street and ask us"?: Black American women's health concerns pp. 941-947

- Tovia G. Freedman
- Family planning policies and programmes in eight low-income countries: A comparative policy analysis pp. 949-959

- Kelley Lee, Louisiana Lush, Gill Walt and John Cleland
- Resident characteristics and organizational factors influencing the quality of drug use in Swedish nursing homes pp. 961-971

- Ingrid Schmidt, Cecilia B. Claesson, Barbro Westerholm and Bonnie L. Svarstad
- Living in a housing co-operative for low income women: Issues of identity, environment and control pp. 973-981

- Christine Wasylishyn and Joy L. Johnson
1998, volume 47, articles 6
- Cognitive assessment and health education in children from two different cultures pp. 697-712

- Malathi Sivaramakrishnan, José F. Arocha and Vimla L. Patel
- The natural life of policy indices: geographical problem areas in the U.S. and U.K pp. 713-725

- Donald H. Taylor
- Determinants of dental care use in dentate adults: Six-monthly use during a 24-month period in the Florida dental care study pp. 727-737

- Gregg H. Gilbert, R. Paul Duncan and W. Bruce Vogel
- A conceptual model of independence and dependence for adults with chronic physical illness and disability pp. 739-753

- Monique A. M. Gignac and Cheryl Cott
- Asthma and domestic air quality pp. 755-764

- A. P. Jones
- Social network characteristics as mediators in the relationship between sexual abuse and HIV risk pp. 765-777

- Maureen Miller and Denise Paone
- Pharmacies, self-medication and pharmaceutical marketing in Bombay, India pp. 779-794

- Vinay R. Kamat and Mark Nichter
- Third World medicine in First World cities: capital accumulation, uneven development and public health pp. 795-808

- David G. Whiteis
- The occupational integration of former Soviet physicians in Israel pp. 809-819

- Judith H. Bernstein and Judith T. Shuval
- Personal constitution and health status among Chinese elderly in Taipei and Los Angeles pp. 821-830

- Chih-yin Lew-Ting, Margo-Lea Hurwicz and Emil Berkanovic
- Racial differences in functional status among elderly U.S. migrants from the south pp. 831-840

- Raynard Kington, David Carlisle, Dan McCaffrey, Hector Myers and Walter Allen
1998, volume 47, articles 5
- Negotiating reproduction and gender during the fertility decline in Turkey pp. 555-564

- Zeynep Angin and Frederic C. Shorter
- Place of death and access to home care services: are certain patient groups at a disadvantage? pp. 565-579

- G. E. Grande, J. M. Addington-Hall and C. J. Todd
- Well-being of haemophilia patients: a model for direct and indirect effects of medical parameters on the physical and psychosocial functioning pp. 581-593

- A. H. M. Triemstra, H. M. Van der Ploeg, C. Smit, E. Briët, H. J. Adèr and F. R. Rosendaal
- Patients' reactions to attempts to increase passive or active coping with surgery pp. 595-601

- Denise Peerbhoy, George M. Hall, Christopher Parker, Alan Shenkin and Peter Salmon
- Direct and indirect effects of chronic physical conditions on depression: A preliminary investigation pp. 603-611

- Runar Vilhjalmsson
- Disparity of medical care utilization among different health insurance schemes in Taiwan pp. 613-620

- Shou-Hsia Cheng and Tung-Liang Chiang
- Distinguishing between chronic and nonchronic fatigue, the role of gender and age pp. 621-634

- Janneke Van Mens-Verhulst and Jozien Bensing
- Social relations and mortality. An eleven year follow-up study of 70-year-old men and women in Denmark pp. 635-643

- Kirsten Avlund, Mogens Trab Damsgaard and BjØrn E. Holstein
- Recognizing the reversible nature of child-feeding decisions: Breastfeeding, weaning, and relactation patterns in a shanty town community of Lima, Peru pp. 645-656

- Grace S. Marquis, Judith Díaz, Rosario Bartolini, Hilary Creed de Kanashiro and Kathleen M. Rasmussen
- Smoking and smoking cessation among men whose partners are pregnant: a qualitative study pp. 657-664

- Melanie Wakefield, Yolande Reid, Lyn Roberts, Robyn Mullins and Pamela Gillies
- Factors related to physical activity: a study of adolescents pp. 665-675

- Runar Vilhjalmsson and Thorolfur Thorlindsson
- Service use by family caregivers in Japan pp. 677-691

- Noriko Yamamoto and Margaret I. Wallhagen
1998, volume 47, articles 4
- Development of mental health services in Tanzania: A reappraisal for the future pp. 419-428

- G. P. Kilonzo and N. Simmons
- Mortality decline in The Netherlands in the period 1850-1992: A turning point analysis pp. 429-443

- Judith H. Wolleswinkel-van den Bosch, Frans W. A. van Poppel, Ewa Tabeau and Johan P. Mackenbach
- General practice in urban and rural Europe: The range of curative services pp. 445-453

- Wienke G. W. Boerma, Peter P. Groenewegen and Jouke Van der Zee
- Female physicians in Mexico: Migration and mobility in the lifecourse pp. 455-468

- Margaret E. Harrison
- Residential segregation and mortality in New York City pp. 469-476

- Jing Fang, Shantha Madhavan, William Bosworth and Michael H. Alderman
- Child feeding and care behaviors are associated with xerophthalmia in rural Nepalese households pp. 477-486

- Joel Gittelsohn, Anita V. Shankar, Keith P. West, Faisal Faruque, Tara Gnywali and Elizabeth K. Pradhan
- General practitioners' attributions of fatigue pp. 487-496

- Angelique E. De Rijk, Karlein M. G. Schreurs and Jozien M. Bensing
- Practice nurses and the effects of the new general practitioner contract in the British NHS: The advent of a professional project? pp. 497-506

- Jane Broadbent
- Managerialism and active citizenship in Britain's reformed health service: power and community in an era of decentralisation pp. 507-517

- Timothy Milewa, Justin Valentine and Michael Calnan
- Doctors' attitudes to acupuncture -- a Norwegian study pp. 519-523

- Arne Johan Norheim and Vinjar FØnnebØ
- Social inequality in coronary heart disease: a comparison of occupational classifications pp. 525-533

- Tarani Chandola
- Paradigms of retirement: the importance of health and ageing in the whitehall ii study pp. 535-545

- G. Mein, P. Higgs, J. Ferrie and S. A. Stansfeld
1998, volume 47, articles 3
- A review of relationships between active living and determinants of health pp. 287-301

- C. James Frankish, C. Dawne Milligan and Colleen Reid
- Socioeconomic inequalities in health expectancy in Finland and Norway in the late 1980s pp. 303-315

- Ari-Pekka Sihvonen, Anton E. Kunst, Eero Lahelma, Tapani Valkonen and Johan P. Mackenbach
- The health and welfare effects of day-care: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials pp. 317-327

- B. Zoritch, I. Roberts and A. Oakley
- Patient participation in decision-making pp. 329-339

- Edward Guadagnoli and Patricia Ward
- Physicians' prescribing behaviour for diarrhoea in children: An ethnoepidemiological study in southern Brazil pp. 341-346

- Jorge U. Béria, Magda F. Damiani, Iná S. dos Santos and Cintia Lombardi
- The physician-patient encounter: The physician as a perfect agent for the patient versus the informed treatment decision-making model pp. 347-354

- Amiram Gafni, Cathy Charles and Tim Whelan
- Educational level and adult mortality in Russia: An analysis of routine data 1979 to 1994 pp. 357-369

- Vladimir M. Shkolnikov, David A. Leon, Sergey Adamets, Eugeniy Andreev and Alexander Deev
- Attitudes towards helminthic infection in the Jirel population of eastern Nepal pp. 371-379

- S. Williams-Blangero, J. Subedi, R. P. Upadhayay, D. B. Manral, K. Khadka, S. Jirel, E. S. Robinson and J. Blangero
- What does quality mean to lay people? Community perceptions of primary health care services in Guinea pp. 381-394

- Slim Haddad, Pierre Fournier, Nimâ Machouf and Fassinet Yatara
- "Alone, I wouldn't have known what to do":A qualitative study on social supportduring labor and delivery in Mexico pp. 395-403

- Lourdes Campero, Cecilia García, Carmen Díaz, Olivia Ortiz, Sofía Reynoso and Ana Langer
- Guinea worm disease - a chance for successful eradication in the Volta region, Ghana pp. 405-410

- Stanley K. Diamenu and Albertha A. Nyaku
1998, volume 47, articles 2
- Pharmacy's attempts to extend its roles: A case study in South Africa pp. 153-164

- Leah Gilbert
- Patterns of visits to hospital-based emergency rooms pp. 165-179

- François Béland, Anne Lemay and Marcel Boucher
- Women in general practice: Responding to the sexual division of labour? pp. 181-193

- Fiona Brooks
- The meanings of tuberculosis for Mexican migrant farmworkers in the United States pp. 195-202

- Jane E. Poss
- Cost-effectiveness of strategies to market and train primary health care physicians in brief intervention techniques for hazardous alcohol use pp. 203-211

- Michelle K. Gomel, Sonia E. Wutzke, Deborah M. Hardcastle, Helen Lapsley and Robert B. Reznik
- Valuing temporary and chronic health states associated with breast screening pp. 213-222

- Katharine Johnston, Jackie Brown, Karen Gerard, Moira O'Hanlon and Alison Morton
- Mandatory pooling as a supplement to risk-adjusted capitation payments in a competitive health insurance market pp. 223-232

- Erik M. van Barneveld, Leida M. Lamers, René C. J. A. van Vliet and Wynand P. M. M. van de Ven
- "He forced me to love him": putting violence on adolescent sexual health agendas pp. 233-242

- Katharine Wood, Fidelia Maforah and Rachel Jewkes
- Health appraisal models in multiple sclerosis pp. 243-253

- Greg Roberts and Alexa K. Stuifbergen
- Can prostitutes marry? Thai attitudes toward female sex workers pp. 255-267

- Sara Peracca, John Knodel and Chanpen Saengtienchai
- Socioeconomic factors, perceived control and self-reported health in Russia. A cross-sectional survey pp. 269-279

- Martin Bobak, Hynek Pikhart, Clyde Hertzman, Richard Rose and Michael Marmot
1998, volume 47, articles 1
- Are geographic regions with high income inequality associated with risk of abdominal weight gain? pp. 1-6

- Henry S. Kahn, Lilith M. Tatham, Elsie R. Pamuk and Clark W. Heath
- Social capital, income inequality, and firearm violent crime pp. 7-17

- Bruce P. Kennedy, Ichiro Kawachi, Deborah Prothrow-Stith, Kimberly Lochner and Vanita Gupta
- Intra-urban differentials in death rates from homicide in the city of São Paulo, Brazil,1988-1994 pp. 19-23

- Rita Barradas Barata, Manoel Carlos Sampaio de Almeida Ribeiro, Marilda Braga Lauretti da Silva Guedes and José Cássio de Moraes
- Occupation and unemployment rates as predictors of long term sickness absence in two Swedish counties pp. 25-31

- Anders Knutsson and Hans Goine
- Socioeconomic and environmental covariates of premature mortality in Ontario pp. 33-49

- Michael Jerrett, John Eyles and Donald Cole
- Social class and substance use disorders: The value of social class as distinct from socioeconomic status pp. 51-58

- Tamar Wohlfarth and Wim van den Brink
- Social disadvantage in the international classification of impairments, disabilities, and handicap pp. 59-66

- F. Chapireau and A. Colvez
- Socio-economic differences in health risk behavior in adolescence: Do they exist? pp. 67-74

- Jolanda Tuinstra, Johan W. Groothoff, Wim J. A. van den Heuvel and Doeke Post
- Hours to hell and back: A social epidemiology of railway injury in a South African city, 1890-1995 pp. 75-83

- Richard Matzopoulos and Leonard B. Lerer
- The doctor-patient relationship and the management of asthma pp. 85-91

- Per LagerlØv, Anne Leseth and Ingrid Matheson
- Cognitive representations of illness and functional and affective adjustment following surgery for osteoarthritis pp. 93-102

- Sheina Orbell, Marie Johnston, David Rowley, Arthur Espley and Peter Davey
- Lifestyle discussion in the provision of health care. An empirical study of patient-physician interaction pp. 103-112

- Marita Johanson, Ullabeth Sätterlund Larsson, Roger Säljö and Kurt Svärdsudd
- Age rationing for renal transplantation? The role of age in decisions regarding scarce life extending medical resources pp. 113-120

- I. Varekamp, L. J. Krol and J. A. C. Danse
- "Race", ethnicity and haemoglobin disorders pp. 121-131

- Simon M. Dyson
- Tet offensive: winning hearts and minds for prevention: Discourse and ideology in Vietnam's "Health" Newspaper pp. 133-145

- David Finer, Torsten Thurén and Göran Tomson
On this page- 1998, volume 47
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1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46