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Social Science & Medicine

1979 - 2025

Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian

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2019, volume 228, articles C

Multiple inequity in health care: An example from Brazil pp. 1-8 Downloads
Estela Capelas Barbosa and Richard Cookson
Understanding the nourishment of bodies at the centre of food and health systems – systemic, bodily and new materialist perspectives on nutritional inequity pp. 9-16 Downloads
Nicholas Nisbett
Poverty, economic strengthening, and mental health among AIDS orphaned children in Uganda: Mediation model in a randomized clinical trial pp. 17-24 Downloads
Leyla Karimli, Fred M. Ssewamala, Torsten B. Neilands, Christine R. Wells and Laura Gauer Bermudez
Active coping shields against negative aging self-stereotypes contributing to psychiatric conditions pp. 25-29 Downloads
Becca R. Levy, Pil H. Chung, Martin D. Slade, Peter H. Van Ness and Robert H. Pietrzak
Using photovoice methods as a community-based participatory research tool to advance uptake of clean cooking and improve health: The LPG adoption in Cameroon evaluation studies pp. 30-40 Downloads
Sara Ronzi, Elisa Puzzolo, Lirije Hyseni, James Higgerson, Debbi Stanistreet, MBatchou Ngahane Bertrand Hugo, Nigel Bruce and Daniel Pope
Is the story about sensitive women and stoical men true? Gender differences in health after adjustment for reporting behavior pp. 41-50 Downloads
Anna Oksuzyan, Maciej J. Dańko, Jennifer Caputo, Domantas Jasilionis and Vladimir M. Shkolnikov
“For how long are we going to take the tablets?” Kenyan stakeholders’ views on priority investments to sustainably tackle soil-transmitted helminths pp. 51-59 Downloads
Mishal S. Khan, Rachel Pullan, George Okello, Mary Nyikuri, Martin McKee and Dina Balabanova
Towards Universal Health Coverage in Ethiopia's ‘developmental state’? The political drivers of health insurance pp. 60-67 Downloads
Tom Lavers
Degree of reasoned action predicts increased intentional control and reduced habitual control over health behaviors pp. 68-74 Downloads
Paschal Sheeran and Mark Conner
Procedural justice and the individual participant in priority setting: Doctors' experiences pp. 75-84 Downloads
Siun Gallagher and Miles Little
Sex work-related stigma: Experiential, symbolic and structural forms in the health systems of Delhi, India pp. 85-92 Downloads
Martha S. Ryan, Devaki Nambiar and Laura Ferguson
Family environment, children's acculturation and mothers' dietary intake and behaviors among Latinas: An autoregressive cross-lagged study pp. 93-102 Downloads
Sandra H. Soto, Elva M. Arredondo, Holly B. Shakya, Scott Roesch, Bess Marcus, Humberto Parada and Guadalupe X. Ayala
Channeling hope: An ethnographic study of how research encounters become meaningful for families suffering from genetic disease in Pakistan pp. 103-110 Downloads
Zainab Afshan Sheikh and Anja M.B. Jensen
Food portion at ages 8–11 and obesogeny: The amount of food given to children varies with the mother's education and the child's appetite arousal pp. 111-116 Downloads
Natalie Rigal, Camille Champel, Pascale Hébel and Saadi Lahlou
Don't look at it as a miracle cure: Contested notions of success and failure in family narratives of pediatric cochlear implantation pp. 117-125 Downloads
Laura Mauldin
Academic disparities and health: How gender-based disparities in schools relate to boys' and girls’ health pp. 126-134 Downloads
Cynthia S. Levine, Gregory E. Miller, Madeleine U. Shalowitz, Rachel E. Story, Erika M. Manczak, Robin Hayen, Lauren C. Hoffer, Van Le, Katherine J. Vause and Edith Chen
Secondary effects of myPlaybook on college athletes’ avoidance of drinking games or pregaming as a protective behavior strategy: A multisite randomized controlled study pp. 135-141 Downloads
Byron L. Zamboanga, Jennifer E. Merrill, Janine V. Olthuis, Jeffrey J. Milroy, Alexander W. Sokolovsky and David L. Wyrick
Valuing the health states associated with breast cancer screening programmes: A systematic review of economic measures pp. 142-154 Downloads
Hannah L. Bromley, Dennis Petrie, G.Bruce Mann, Carolyn Nickson, Daniel Rea and Tracy E. Roberts
“Wasting away”: Diabetes, food insecurity, and medical insecurity in the Somali Region of Ethiopia pp. 155-163 Downloads
Lauren Carruth and Emily Mendenhall
Public preferences for One Health approaches to emerging infectious diseases: A discrete choice experiment pp. 164-171 Downloads
Jane Johnson, Kirsten Howard, Andrew Wilson, Michael Ward, Gwendolyn L. Gilbert and Chris Degeling
A comparative ethnography of nutrition interventions: Structural violence and the industrialisation of agrifood systems in the Caribbean and the Pacific pp. 172-180 Downloads
Marisa Wilson and Amy McLennan
Quantifying the public's view on social value judgments in vaccine decision-making: A discrete choice experiment pp. 181-193 Downloads
Jeroen Luyten, Roselinde Kessels, Katherine E. Atkins, Mark Jit and Albert Jan van Hoek
Traumatic landscapes: Two geographies of addiction pp. 194-201 Downloads
Jesse Proudfoot
The politics of institutionalizing preventive health pp. 202-210 Downloads
John Boswell, Paul Cairney and Emily St Denny
Structuring times and activities in the oncology visit pp. 211-222 Downloads
Laura Sterponi, Cristina Zucchermaglio, Marilena Fatigante and Francesca Alby
Intersectional cohort change: Disparities in mobility limitations among older Singaporeans pp. 223-231 Downloads
Shannon Ang
Emergent coordination and situated learning in a Hybrid OR: The mixed blessing of using radiation pp. 232-239 Downloads
Kajsa Lindberg, Bjørn Erik Mørk and Lars Walter
Words hurt: Political rhetoric, emotions/affect, and psychological well-being among Mexican-origin youth pp. 240-251 Downloads
Leo R. Chavez, Belinda Campos, Karina Corona, Daina Sanchez and Catherine Belyeu Ruiz
Mental health care and the cultural toolboxes of the present-day Japanese population: Examining suggested patterns of care and their correlates pp. 252-261 Downloads
Saeko Kikuzawa, Bernice Pescosolido, Mami Kasahara-Kiritani, Tomoko Matoba, Chikako Yamaki and Katsumi Sugiyama
The diagnostic moment: A study in US primary care pp. 262-271 Downloads
John Heritage and Amanda McArthur
Broken (windows) theory: A meta-analysis of the evidence for the pathways from neighborhood disorder to resident health outcomes and behaviors pp. 272-292 Downloads
Daniel T. O'Brien, Chelsea Farrell and Brandon C. Welsh

2019, volume 227, articles C

Changing labour market conditions during the ‘great recession’ and mental health in Scotland 2007–2011: an example using the Scottish Longitudinal Study and data for local areas in Scotland pp. 1-9 Downloads
Sarah Curtis, Jamie Pearce, Mark Cherrie, Christopher Dibben, Niall Cunningham and Clare Bambra
Therapeutic spaces of care farming: Transformative or ameliorating? pp. 10-20 Downloads
Alexandra Kaley, Chris Hatton and Christine Milligan
Place identity, autobiographical memory and life path trajectories: The development of a place-time-identity model pp. 21-37 Downloads
Charis Lengen, Christian Timm and Thomas Kistemann
New Zealand children's health stamps: Ideological artefacts linking health and place pp. 38-46 Downloads
Robin A. Kearns, Tara M. Coleman and Jonathan Edmeades
The utility of geodemographic indicators in small area estimates of limiting long-term illness pp. 47-55 Downloads
Graham Moon, Liz Twigg, Kelvyn Jones, Grant Aitken and Joanna Taylor
Occupied with classification: Which occupational classification scheme better predicts health outcomes? pp. 56-62 Downloads
Emily Eyles, David Manley and Kelvyn Jones
Community-engaged development of a GIS-based healthfulness index to shape health equity solutions pp. 63-75 Downloads
Richard C. Sadler, Christopher Hippensteel, Victoria Nelson, Ella Greene-Moton and C. Debra Furr-Holden
Examining longitudinal associations between the recreational physical activity environment, change in body mass index, and obesity by age in 8864 Yorkshire Health Study participants pp. 76-83 Downloads
M. Hobbs, C. Griffiths, M.A. Green, A. Christensen and J. McKenna
Ageing, loneliness, and the geographic distribution of New Zealand's interRAI-HC cohort pp. 84-92 Downloads
Paul Beere, Sally Keeling and Hamish Jamieson
The development of an index of rural deprivation: A case study of Norfolk, England pp. 93-103 Downloads
Amanda Burke and Andy Jones
Challenged but not threatened: Managing health in advanced age pp. 104-110 Downloads
Janine Wiles, Philippa Miskelly, Oneroa Stewart, Ngaire Kerse, Anna Rolleston and Merryn Gott
Homeless crack cocaine users: Territories and territorialities in the constitution of social support networks for health pp. 111-118 Downloads
Paulo Peiter, Pilar Belmonte, Mirna Teixeira, Geny Cobra and Alda Lacerda
A unified ecological framework for studying effects of digital places on well-being pp. 119-127 Downloads
Ketan Shankardass, Colin Robertson, Krystelle Shaughnessy, Martin Sykora and Rob Feick
Global environmental change in an aging world: The role of space, place and scale pp. 128-136 Downloads
Andrea Rishworth and Susan J. Elliott

2019, volume 226, articles C

Health literacy as a social practice: Social and empirical dimensions of knowledge on health and healthcare pp. 1-8 Downloads
Silja Samerski
Parents' healthcare-seeking behavior for their children among the climate-related displaced population of rural Bangladesh pp. 9-20 Downloads
Md Rabiul Haque, Nick Parr and Salut Muhidin
Professional identity in community care: The case of specialist physicians in outpatient services in Italy pp. 21-28 Downloads
Giovanni Bertin and Marta Pantalone
Interpreter assemblages: Caring for immigrant and refugee patients in US hospitals pp. 29-36 Downloads
Susan E. Bell
Coresidence with mother-in-law and maternal anemia in rural India pp. 37-46 Downloads
Rekha Varghese and Manan Roy
Preventing adverse information effects on health outcomes: A self-affirmation intervention reduced information-induced cognitive decline in gastrointestinal cancer patients pp. 47-55 Downloads
Wendy Jacobs, Sanne B. Schagen, Mart Thijssen and Enny Das
Historical roots of hospital centrism in China (1835–1949): A path dependence analysis pp. 56-62 Downloads
Jin Xu, Martin Gorsky and Anne Mills
The food security and nutrition crisis in Venezuela pp. 63-68 Downloads
Shannon Doocy, Mija-Tesse Ververs, Paul Spiegel and Chris Beyrer
Residential mobility and long-term exposure to neighborhood poverty among children born in poor families: A U.S. longitudinal cohort study pp. 69-76 Downloads
Mengying Li, Sara B. Johnson, Sandra Newman and Anne W. Riley
Prolongation of working life and its effect on mortality and health in older adults: Propensity score matching pp. 77-86 Downloads
H.S. Eyjólfsdóttir, I. Baumann, N. Agahi, J. Fritzell and C. Lennartsson
Social learning, influence, and ethnomedicine: Individual, neighborhood and social network influences on attachment to an ethnomedical cultural model in rural Senegal pp. 87-95 Downloads
John Sandberg, Chulwoo Park, Steven Rytina, Valerie Delaunay, Laetitia Douillot, Yacine Boujija, Sadio Ba Gning, Simona Bignami, Cheikh Sokhna, Loubna Belaid, Insa Diouf, Babak Fotouhi and Abdourahmane Senghor
“I do my best to eat while I'm using”: Mapping the foodscapes of people living with HIV/AIDS who use drugs pp. 96-103 Downloads
Christiana Miewald, Eugene McCann, Cristina Temenos and Alison McIntosh
Armed conflict and maternal health care utilization: Evidence from the Boko Haram Insurgency in Nigeria pp. 104-112 Downloads
Adanna Chukwuma and Uche Eseosa Ekhator-Mobayode
Linking local labour market conditions across the life course to retirement age: Pathways of health, employment status, occupational class and educational achievement, using 60 years of the 1946 British Birth Cohort pp. 113-122 Downloads
Emily T. Murray, Paola Zaninotto, Maria Fleischmann, Mai Stafford, Ewan Carr, Nicola Shelton, Stephen Stansfeld, Diana Kuh and Jenny Head
Matter beginning to matter: On posthumanist understandings of the vital emergence of health pp. 123-134 Downloads
Gavin J. Andrews and Cameron Duff
Agenda setting for maternal survival in Ghana and Tanzania against the backdrop of the MDGs pp. 135-142 Downloads
Stephanie L. Smith and Moritz Hunsmann
Operational efficiency, patient composition and regional context of U.S. health centers: Associations with access to early prenatal care and low birth weight pp. 143-152 Downloads
Maggie L. Thorsen, Andreas Thorsen and Ronald McGarvey
Psycho-socio-cultural factors and global occupational safety: Integrating micro- and macro-systems pp. 153-163 Downloads
Stacy A. Stoffregen, Frank B. Giordano and Jin Lee
Spatio-temporal disparities in maternal health service utilization in Rwanda: What next for SDGs? pp. 164-175 Downloads
Daniel Kpienbaareh, Kilian N. Atuoye, Anaclet Ngabonzima, Patrick G. Bagambe, Stephen Rulisa, Isaac Luginaah and David F. Cechetto
Hurricane Harvey and people with disabilities: Disproportionate exposure to flooding in Houston, Texas pp. 176-181 Downloads
Jayajit Chakraborty, Sara E. Grineski and Timothy W. Collins
The dynamics of the gradient between child's health and family income: Evidence from Canada pp. 182-189 Downloads
Lan Wei and David Feeny
Performing informed consent in transgender medicine pp. 190-197 Downloads
Stef M. Shuster
The effect of unemployment benefits on health: A propensity score analysis pp. 198-206 Downloads
Faraz Vahid Shahidi, Carles Muntaner, Ketan Shankardass, Carlos Quiñonez and Arjumand Siddiqi
Internalising and externalising behaviour profiles across childhood: The consequences of changes in the family environment pp. 207-216 Downloads
Afshin Zilanawala, Amanda Sacker and Yvonne Kelly
Patient choice and provider competition – Quality enhancing drivers in primary care? pp. 217-224 Downloads
Sofie Vengberg, Mio Fredriksson and Ulrika Winblad
The Intersectional Discrimination Index: Development and validation of measures of self-reported enacted and anticipated discrimination for intercategorical analysis pp. 225-235 Downloads
Ayden I. Scheim and Greta R. Bauer
Methods for analytic intercategorical intersectionality in quantitative research: Discrimination as a mediator of health inequalities pp. 236-245 Downloads
Greta R. Bauer and Ayden I. Scheim
Are urban landscapes associated with reported life satisfaction and inequalities in life satisfaction at the city level? A cross-sectional study of 66 European cities pp. 263-274 Downloads
Jonathan R. Olsen, Natalie Nicholls and Richard Mitchell
Page updated 2025-03-26