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Social Science & Medicine

1979 - 2025

Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian

From Elsevier
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2015, volume 124, articles C

Shards of sorrow: Older men's accounts of their depression experience pp. 1-8 Downloads
Ester Carolina Apesoa-Varano, Judith C. Barker and Ladson Hinton
Childhood psychological distress and youth unemployment: Evidence from two British cohort studies pp. 11-17 Downloads
Mark Egan, Michael Daly and Liam Delaney
Paying for primary care: A cross-sectional analysis of cost and morbidity distributions across primary care payment models in Ontario Canada pp. 18-28 Downloads
David Rudoler, Audrey Laporte, Janet Barnsley, Richard H. Glazier and Raisa B. Deber
Does informal care impact utilization of healthcare services? Evidence from a longitudinal study of stroke patients pp. 29-38 Downloads
Aleksandra Torbica, Stefano Calciolari and Giovanni Fattore
Dealing with uncertainty and high prices of new medicines: A comparative analysis of the use of managed entry agreements in Belgium, England, the Netherlands and Sweden pp. 39-47 Downloads
Alessandra Ferrario and Panos Kanavos
Valuing health at the end of life: A stated preference discrete choice experiment pp. 48-56 Downloads
Koonal K. Shah, Aki Tsuchiya and Allan J. Wailoo
Exploring the feasibility of theory synthesis: A worked example in the field of health related risk-taking pp. 57-65 Downloads
Pandora Pound and Rona Campbell
The physical and social determinants of mortality in the 3.11 tsunami pp. 66-75 Downloads
Daniel P. Aldrich and Yasuyuki Sawada
The determinants of dentists' productivity and the measurement of output pp. 76-84 Downloads
Nils Gutacker, Anthony Harris, David Brennan and Bruce Hollingsworth
Sick of our loans: Student borrowing and the mental health of young adults in the United States pp. 85-93 Downloads
Katrina M. Walsemann, Gilbert C. Gee and Danielle Gentile
Willingness to pay for telecare programmes to support independent living: Results from a contingent valuation study pp. 94-102 Downloads
Aoife Callan and Eamon O'Shea
Changing handwashing behaviour in southern Ethiopia: A longitudinal study on infrastructural and commitment interventions pp. 103-114 Downloads
Nadja Contzen, Iara Helena Meili and Hans-Joachim Mosler
Cost sharing and hospitalizations for ambulatory care sensitive conditions pp. 115-120 Downloads
Alejandro Arrieta and Ariadna García-Prado
Is temporary employment damaging to health? A longitudinal study on Italian workers pp. 121-131 Downloads
Elena Pirani and Silvana Salvini
Racial/ethnic differences in use of alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana: Is there a cross-over from adolescence to adulthood? pp. 132-141 Downloads
Katherine M. Keyes, Thomas Vo, Melanie M. Wall, Raul Caetano, Shakira F. Suglia, Silvia S. Martins, Sandro Galea and Deborah Hasin
Mental health inequalities in 9 former Soviet Union countries: Evidence from the previous decade pp. 142-151 Downloads
Yevgeniy Goryakin, Marc Suhrcke, Bayard Roberts and Martin McKee
Environmental disorder and functional decline among older adults: A layered context approach pp. 152-161 Downloads
Markus H. Schafer and Laura Upenieks
Mental health and general wellness in the aftermath of Hurricane Ike pp. 162-170 Downloads
Sarah R. Lowe, Spruha Joshi, Robert H. Pietrzak, Sandro Galea and Magdalena Cerdá
Are neighborhood bonding and bridging social capital protective against depressive mood in old age? A multilevel analysis in Japan pp. 171-179 Downloads
Hiroshi Murayama, Yu Nofuji, Eri Matsuo, Mariko Nishi, Yu Taniguchi, Yoshinori Fujiwara and Shoji Shinkai
Prestige rankings of chronic diseases and disabilities. A survey among professionals in the disability field pp. 180-186 Downloads
Jan Grue, Lars E.F. Johannessen and Erik Fossan Rasmussen
Social norms and its correlates as a pathway to smoking among young Latino adults pp. 187-195 Downloads
Sandra E. Echeverría, Daniel A. Gundersen, Michelle T.B. Manderski and Cristine D. Delnevo
Framing in policy processes: A case study from hospital planning in the National Health Service in England pp. 196-204 Downloads
Lorelei Jones and Mark Exworthy
Developing empirically supported theories of change for housing investment and health pp. 205-214 Downloads
Hilary Thomson and Sian Thomas
When does marketisation lead to privatisation? Profit-making in English health services after the 2012 Health and Social Care Act pp. 215-223 Downloads
Nick Krachler and Ian Greer
Hybridity as a process of technology's ‘translation’: Customizing a national Electronic Patient Record pp. 224-231 Downloads
Dimitra Petrakaki and Ela Klecun
Do community health workers perceive mechanisms associated with the success of community case management of malaria? A qualitative study from Burkina Faso pp. 232-240 Downloads
Thomas Druetz, Kadidiatou Kadio, Slim Haddad, Seni Kouanda and Valéry Ridde
Implementation of effective cigarette health warning labels among low and middle income countries: State capacity, path-dependency and tobacco industry activity pp. 241-245 Downloads
Heikki Hiilamo and Stanton A. Glantz
The impact of interventions to promote physical activity in urban green space: A systematic review and recommendations for future research pp. 246-256 Downloads
Ruth F. Hunter, Hayley Christian, Jenny Veitch, Thomas Astell-Burt, J.Aaron Hipp and Jasper Schipperijn
The effect of traffic lights and regulatory statements on the choice between complementary and conventional medicines in Australia: Results from a discrete choice experiment pp. 257-265 Downloads
Jean Spinks and Duncan Mortimer
Exploring complex causal pathways between urban renewal, health and health inequality using a theory-driven realist approach pp. 266-274 Downloads
Roshanak Mehdipanah, Ana Manzano, Carme Borrell, Davide Malmusi, Maica Rodriguez-Sanz, Joanne Greenhalgh, Carles Muntaner and Ray Pawson
Increase in frailty of older workers and retirees predicted by negative psychosocial working conditions on the job pp. 275-283 Downloads
Lucie Kalousova and Carlos Mendes de Leon
Perceptions of an ‘international hospital’ in Thailand by medical travel patients: Cross-cultural tensions in a transnational space pp. 290-297 Downloads
Andrea Whittaker and Heng Leng Chee
Brief encounters: Assembling cosmetic surgery tourism pp. 298-304 Downloads
Ruth Holliday, David Bell, Olive Cheung, Meredith Jones and Elspeth Probyn
Solidarity by demand? Exit and voice in international medical travel – The case of Indonesia pp. 305-312 Downloads
Meghann Ormond
South–South medical tourism and the quest for health in Southern Africa pp. 313-320 Downloads
Jonathan Crush and Abel Chikanda
Health region development from the perspective of system theory – An empirical cross-regional case study pp. 321-330 Downloads
Michael Volgger, Tomas Mainil, Harald Pechlaner and Ondrej Mitas
Reprint of: Dream vs. reality: Seven case-studies on the desirability and feasibility of cross-border hospital collaboration in Europe pp. 331-337 Downloads
Irene A. Glinos and Rita Baeten
International patients within the NHS: A case of public sector entrepreneurialism pp. 338-345 Downloads
Neil Lunt, Mark Exworthy, Johanna Hanefeld and Richard D. Smith
Transnational healthcare practices of Romanian migrants in Ireland: Inequalities of access and the privatisation of healthcare services in Europe pp. 346-355 Downloads
Sabina Stan
Why do medical tourists travel to where they do? The role of networks in determining medical travel pp. 356-363 Downloads
J. Hanefeld, N. Lunt, R. Smith and D. Horsfall
Cross-border mobility and social networks: Laotians seeking medical treatment along the Thai border pp. 364-373 Downloads
Audrey Bochaton
International migration of health professionals and the marketization and privatization of health education in India: From push–pull to global political economy pp. 374-382 Downloads
Margaret Walton-Roberts
Transnational surrogacy: Canada's contradictions pp. 383-390 Downloads
Kristin Lozanski
Cross-border reproductive care for law evasion: A qualitative study into the experiences and moral perspectives of French women who go to Belgium for treatment with donor sperm pp. 391-397 Downloads
Wannes Van Hoof, Guido Pennings and Petra De Sutter

2014, volume 123, articles C

Inequalities in institutional delivery uptake and maternal mortality reduction in the context of cash incentive program, Janani Suraksha Yojana: Results from nine states in India pp. 1-6 Downloads
Bharat Randive, Miguel San Sebastian, Ayesha De Costa and Lars Lindholm
Exploring stigmatisation among people diagnosed with either bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder: A critical realist analysis pp. 7-17 Downloads
Oliver Bonnington and Diana Rose
Effects of infant health on family food insecurity: Evidence from two U.S. birth cohort studies pp. 18-25 Downloads
Hope Corman, Kelly Noonan and Nancy E. Reichman
Pathways between acculturation and health behaviors among residents of low-income housing: The mediating role of social and contextual factors pp. 26-36 Downloads
Jennifer Dacey Allen, Caitlin Caspi, May Yang, Bryan Leyva, Anne M. Stoddard, Sara Tamers, Reginald D. Tucker-Seeley and Glorian C. Sorensen
Applying the contact hypothesis to anti-fat attitudes: Contact with overweight people is related to how we interact with our bodies and those of others pp. 37-44 Downloads
Anandi Alperin, Matthew J. Hornsey, Lydia E. Hayward, Phillippa C. Diedrichs and Fiona Kate Barlow
A retrospective health policy analysis of the development and implementation of the voluntary health insurance system in Lebanon: Learning from failure pp. 45-54 Downloads
Fadi El-Jardali, Lama Bou-Karroum, Nour Ataya, Hana Addam El-Ghali and Rawan Hammoud
The socioeconomic gradient in physical inactivity: Evidence from one million adults in England pp. 55-63 Downloads
Lisa Farrell, Bruce Hollingsworth, Carol Propper and Michael Shields
The doctor–patient relationship, defensive medicine and overprescription in Chinese public hospitals: Evidence from a cross-sectional survey in Shenzhen city pp. 64-71 Downloads
Alex Jingwei He
Nutritional strategies of Latino farmworker families with preschool children: Identifying leverage points for obesity prevention pp. 72-81 Downloads
Sara A. Quandt, Joseph G. Grzywacz, Grisel Trejo and Thomas A. Arcury
When ‘breast’ is no longer ‘best’: Post-partum constructions of infant-feeding in the hospital pp. 82-89 Downloads
Jessica Braimoh and Lorraine Davies
Social network analysis of public health programs to measure partnership pp. 90-95 Downloads
Martin W. Schoen, Sarah Moreland-Russell, Kim Prewitt and Bobbi J. Carothers
The effects of performance incentives on the utilization and quality of maternal and child care in Burundi pp. 96-104 Downloads
Igna Bonfrer, Ellen Van de Poel and Eddy Van Doorslaer
Adherence to anti-depressant medication: A medicine-taking career pp. 105-113 Downloads
Niels Buus
Changes in health selection of obesity among Mexican immigrants: A binational examination pp. 114-124 Downloads
Annie Ro and Nancy Fleischer
Moving beyond the historical quagmire of measuring infant mortality for the First Nations population in Canada pp. 125-132 Downloads
Brenda Elias
Long-term psychiatric consequences of exposure to trauma in Cambodia: A regional household survey pp. 133-140 Downloads
Elizabeth Cantor-Graae, Thida Chak, Ka Sunbaunat, Johan Jarl and Charlotte A. Larsson
Birth order and physical fitness in early adulthood: Evidence from Swedish military conscription data pp. 141-148 Downloads
Kieron Barclay and Mikko Myrskylä
Experiences of stigma and discrimination of people with schizophrenia in India pp. 149-159 Downloads
Mirja Koschorke, R. Padmavati, Shuba Kumar, Alex Cohen, Helen A. Weiss, Sudipto Chatterjee, Jesina Pereira, Smita Naik, Sujit John, Hamid Dabholkar, Madhumitha Balaji, Animish Chavan, Mathew Varghese, R. Thara, Graham Thornicroft and Vikram Patel
The role of civil society in health care reforms: An arena for hegemonic struggles pp. 168-173 Downloads
Dani Filc
Public or private? The role of the state and civil society in health and health inequalities across nations pp. 174-181 Downloads
Sigrun Olafsdottir, Elyas Bakhtiari and Emily Barman
The potential of social enterprise to enhance health and well-being: A model and systematic review pp. 182-193 Downloads
Michael J. Roy, Cam Donaldson, Rachel Baker and Susan Kerr
Taking part: Engaging knowledge on health in clinical encounters pp. 194-201 Downloads
João Arriscado Nunes, Patrícia Ferreira and Filipa Queirós
The voluntary sector and health policy: The role of national level health consumer and patients' organisations in the UK pp. 202-209 Downloads
Rob Baggott and Kathryn Jones
Civil society and the Health and Social Care Act in England and Wales: Theory and praxis for the twenty-first century pp. 210-216 Downloads
Graham Scambler, Sasha Scambler and Ewen Speed
Self-help friendliness: A German approach for strengthening the cooperation between self-help groups and health care professionals pp. 217-225 Downloads
Christopher Kofahl, Alf Trojan, Olaf von dem Knesebeck and Stefan Nickel
Citizen participation and discontent in three Southern European health systems pp. 226-233 Downloads
Mauro Serapioni and Ana Raquel Matos
Civil society, third sector, and healthcare: The case of social cooperatives in Italy pp. 234-241 Downloads
Carlo Borzaga and Luca Fazzi
Self-help/mutual aid as active citizenship associations: A case-study of the chronically ill in Italy pp. 242-249 Downloads
Guido Giarelli and Elena Spina
Governing through community-based research: Lessons from the Canadian HIV research sector pp. 250-261 Downloads
Adrian Guta, Carol Strike, Sarah Flicker, Stuart J. Murray, Ross Upshur and Ted Myers
Engaging civil society through deliberative dialogue to create the first Mental Health Strategy for Canada: Changing Directions, Changing Lives pp. 262-268 Downloads
Gillian Mulvale, Howard Chodos, Mary Bartram, Mary Pat MacKinnon and Manon Abud
To whom do bureaucrats need to respond? Two faces of civil society in health policy pp. 269-277 Downloads
Seunghoo Lim, Keon-Hyung Lee, Hae Sun Suh and Kwi-Hee Bae
Does more equitable governance lead to more equitable health care? A case study based on the implementation of health reform in Aboriginal health Australia pp. 278-286 Downloads
Margaret Kelaher, Hana Sabanovic, Camille La Brooy, Mark Lock, Dean Lusher and Larry Brown
The role of civil society organizations in the institutionalization of indigenous medicine in Bolivia pp. 287-294 Downloads
Deby Babis
Page updated 2025-03-25