Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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1996, volume 42, articles 12
- Genetics, reproductive technologies, euthanasia and the search for a new societal paradigm pp. ix-xii

- Margaret A. Somerville
- The 'limits' of medicalization?: Modern medicine and the lay populace in 'late' modernity pp. 1609-1620

- Simon J. Williams and Michael Calnan
- Gender, geography and socio-economic status in the diffusion of malignant melanoma risk pp. 1621-1637

- Asbjørn Aase and Graham Bentham
- Prospects, problems, and prerequisites for national health examination surveys in developing countries pp. 1639-1650

- Gail Fisher, Gregory Pappas and Magdalena Limb
- Estimating the influence of health as a risk factor on unemployment: A survival analysis of employment durations for workers surveyed in the German Socio-Economic Panel (1984-1990) pp. 1651-1659

- J. O. Arrow
- The costs and effectiveness of three vitamin A interventions in Guatemala pp. 1661-1668

- Margaret Phillips, Tina Sanghvi, Ruben Suárez, John McKigney and John Fiedler
- Sounds of comfort in the trauma center: How nurses talk to patients in pain pp. 1669-1680

- Adele Proctor, Janice M. Morse and Elizabeth Shirin Khonsari
- Chameleon voices: Interpreting for deaf parents pp. 1681-1690

- Paul Preston
- Living with the mentally ill: Effects on the health and functioning of other household members pp. 1691-1701

- Sally K. Gallagher and David Mechanic
- Origins of the Children's Vaccine Initiative: The intellectual foundations pp. 1703-1719

- William Muraskin
- Origins of the Children's Vaccine Initiative: The political foundations pp. 1721-1734

- William Muraskin
- Hepatitis B epidemiology and cultural practices in Amerindian populations of Amazonia: The Tupí-Mondé and the Xavánte from Brazil pp. 1735-1743

- Carlos E. A. Coimbra, Ricardo V. Santos, Clara F. Y. Yoshida, Márcia L. Baptista, Nancy M. Flowers, Antônio Carlos and F. Do Valle
1996, volume 42, articles 11
- The prevalence of pain in a disabled population pp. 1457-1464

- Maureen Astin, Dot Lawton and Michael Hirst
- Post-traumatic responses to aerial bombing pp. 1465-1471

- Daya J. Somasundaram
- Use of analgesics in Sweden--The importance of sociodemographic factors, physical fitness, health and health-related factors, and working conditions pp. 1473-1481

- Karolina Antonov and Dag Isacson
- Patient satisfaction and the elderly pp. 1483-1491

- David J. Owens and Claire Batchelor
- Community participation in health care: The Turkish case pp. 1493-1500

- Mehtap Tatar
- Health care reforms in Bulgaria: An initial appraisal pp. 1501-1510

- Vesselin Borissov and Tom Rathwell
- Doctor-patient interactions in oncology pp. 1511-1519

- Sarah Ford, Lesley Fallowfield and Shôn Lewis
- Donor insemination: The gifting and selling of semen pp. 1521-1536

- Ken R. Daniels and Gillian M. Lewis
- Social adjustment and spouse relationships among women with stress incontinence before and after surgical treatment pp. 1537-1544

- Anna-Lena Berglund, Martin Eisemann, Ann Lalos and Othon Lalos
- The at-risk health status and technology: A diagnostic invitation and the 'gift' of knowing pp. 1545-1553

- Regina H. Kenen
- Aerobic exercise, subjective health and psychological well-being within age and gender subgroups pp. 1555-1559

- H. Edward Ransford and Bartolomeo J. Palisi
- The measurement of beliefs about physical symptoms in English general practice patients pp. 1561-1567

- Peter Salmon, Maria Woloshynowych and Roland Valor
- Ethics and the police surgeon: Compromise or conflict? pp. 1569-1575

- Kathleen Kelly, Graham Moon, Stephen P. Savage and Yvonne Bradshaw
- Can licensed drug sellers contribute to safe motherhood? A survey of the treatment of pregnancy-related anaemia in Nepal pp. 1577-1588

- Kumud K. Kafle, Jeanne M. Madden, Ananda D. Shrestha, Shiba B. Karkee, Prabhakar L. Das, Yogendra M. S. Pradhan and Jonathan D. Quick
- The Latin American trial of psychosocial support during pregnancy: Effects on mother's wellbeing and satisfaction pp. 1589-1597

- Ana Langer, Ubaldo Farnot, Cecilia Garcia, Fernando Barros, Cesar Victora, Jose M. Belizan and Jose Villar
- Immunization coverage and child mortality in two rural districts of Sierra Leone pp. 1599-1604

- Ruhul Amin
1996, volume 42, articles 10
- Introduction pp. 1345-1349

- Cristina Puentes-Markides
- Psychosocial factors of coronary heart disease in women: A review pp. 1351-1365

- Veronika Brezinka and France Kittel
- Women, health and the environment pp. 1367-1379

- Bonnie Kettel
- Maternal mortality and the problem of accessibility to obstetric care; the strategy of maternity waiting homes pp. 1381-1390

- Irene Figa'-Talamanca
- Chinese village women as visual anthropologists: A participatory approach to reaching policymakers pp. 1391-1400

- Caroline Wang, Mary Ann Burris and Xiang Yue Ping
- Lymphatic filariasis and the women of India pp. 1401-1410

- Lalita Bandyopadhyay
- Working women's sexual risk taking in Jamaica pp. 1411-1417

- Elsie Le Franc, Gail Elizabeth Wyatt, Claudia Chambers, Denise Eldemire, Brendan Bain and Heather Ricketts
- Medical professional dominance and client dissatisfaction: A study of doctor-patient interaction and reported dissatisfaction with medical care among female patients at four hospitals in Trinidad and Tobago pp. 1419-1425

- Daphne Phillips
- The provision of female sterilization in São Paulo, Brazil: A study among low income women pp. 1427-1432

- Elisabeth Meloni Vieira and Nicholas J. Ford
- Gender aspects and women's participation in the control and management of malaria in central Sudan pp. 1433-1446

- A/Rahman, Samira Hamid, Ahmed A. Mohamedani, Einas Mubarak Mirgani and Adil Mahgoub Ibrahim
- The menopause: Women's psychology and health care pp. 1447-1456

- Denise Defey, Eduardo Storch, Silvia Cardozo, Olga Díaz and Graciela Fernández
1996, volume 42, articles 9
- Women's health: Dimensions and differentials pp. 1203-1216

- Susan Macran, Lynda Clarke and Heather Joshi
- Psychosocial work environment in human service organizations: A conceptual analysis and development of the demand-control model pp. 1217-1226

- Björn Söderfeldt, Marie Söderfeldt, Carles Muntaner, Patricia O'Campo, Lars-Erik Warg and Carl-Göran Ohlson
- The diet-heart disease hypothesis: A response to Atrens pp. 1227-1233

- Elizabeth Rieger
- Dynamics of participation in a community health project pp. 1235-1246

- K. J. Kelly and H. van Vlaenderen
- Doctors and the health industry: A case study of transcutaneous oxygen monitoring in neonatal intensive care pp. 1247-1258

- Valerie Miké, Alfred N. Krauss and Gail S. Ross
- A cost-benefit analysis of voluntary routine HIV-antibody testing for hospital patients pp. 1259-1272

- Sumner La Croix and Gerard Russo
- A regional comparison of socioeconomic and health indices in a Canadian province pp. 1273-1281

- Norman Frohlich and Cam Mustard
- Social vs biological: Theories on the transmission of AIDS in Africa pp. 1283-1296

- Charles W. Hunt
- The risky and protective motorcycling opinions and behaviours of young on-road motorcyclists in New Zealand pp. 1297-1311

- A. I. Reeder, D. J. Chalmers and J. D. Langley
- Predictors of non-urgent utilization of hospital emergency services in Kuwait pp. 1313-1323

- Nasra M. Shah, Makhdoom A. Shah and Behbehani Jaafar
- Notes on the socio-economic and cultural factors influencing the transmission of HIV in Botswana pp. 1325-1333

- David S. Macdonald
- Letter to the editor pp. 1343-1343

- Yumiko Arai
- Letter to the editor pp. 1344-1344

- Margaret Lock
1996, volume 42, articles 8
- Inappropriate distribution of medicines by professionals in developing countries pp. 1117-1120

- James Trostle
- Antibiotic use in a periurban community in Mexico: A household and drugstore survey pp. 1121-1128

- Juan Calva
- Availability of over-the-counter drugs for arthritis in Sao Paulo, Brazil pp. 1129-1131

- Marcos Bosi Ferraz, Ronaldo Borges Pereira, Jose Gerardo A Paiva, Edgard Atra and Jose Quirino Dos Santos
- Drug prescribing practices of general practitioners and paediatricians for childhood diarrhoea in Karachi, Pakistan pp. 1133-1139

- S. Q. Nizami, I. A. Khan and Z. A. Bhutta
- Factors influencing physicians' prescribing behaviour in the treatment of childhood diarrhoea: Knowledge may not be the clue pp. 1141-1153

- Patricia Paredes, Manuela de la Peña, Enrique Flores-Guerra, Judith Diaz and James Trostle
- Retail pharmacies in developing countries: A behavior and intervention framework pp. 1155-1161

- P. Goel, D. Ross-Degnan, P. Berman and S. Soumerai
- Small group intervention vs formal seminar for improving appropriate drug use pp. 1163-1168

- Budiono Santoso
- Effect of training on the clinical management of malaria by medical assistants in Ghana pp. 1169-1176

- David Ofori-Adjei and Daniel K. Arhinful
- Interactional group discussion: Results of a controlled trial using a behavioral intervention to reduce the use of injections in public health facilities pp. 1177-1183

- Johana E. Prawitasari Hadiyono, Sri Suryawati, Sulanto S. Danu, Sunartono and Budiono Santoso
- Improving physician prescribing patterns to treat rhinopharyngitis. Intervention strategies in two health systems of Mexico pp. 1185-1194

- Ricardo Pérez-Cuevas, Hector Guiscafré, Onofre Muñoz, Hortensia Reyes, Patricia Tomé, Vita Libreros and Gonzalo Gutiérrez
- Assessing the impact of a regulatory intervention in Pakistan pp. 1195-1202

- Tariq Iqbal Bhutta and Cassandra Balchin
1996, volume 42, articles 7
- The dynamics of professional commitment: Immigrant physicians from the former Soviet Union in Israel pp. 965-974

- Judith T. Shuval and Judith Bernstein
- Practice of in-vitro fertilization: A case study from Finland pp. 975-983

- Maili Malin Silverio and Elina Hemminki
- The creation of protection and hope in patients with malignant brain tumours pp. 985-996

- Pär Salander, Tommy Bergenheim and Roger Henriksson
- Forecasting the AIDS epidemic in Puerto Rico pp. 997-1010

- Markku Löytönen and Sonia I. Arbona
- Regulatory actions to enhance appropriate drug use: The case of antidiarrhoeal drugs pp. 1011-1019

- Hilbrand Haak and Mariam E. Claeson
- Rationing health care: Views from general practice pp. 1021-1025

- Philip J. Ayres
- An economic analysis of Chinese fertility behavior pp. 1027-1037

- Gordon G. Liu, Tetsuji Yamada and Ta-i Yamada
- Exposure to missile attacks: The impact of the Persian Gulf War on physical health, health behaviours and psychological distress in high and low risk areas in Israel pp. 1039-1047

- Varda Soskolne, Mario Baras, Hava Palti and Leon Epstein
- Distributing scarce livers: The moral reasoning of the general public pp. 1049-1055

- Peter A. Ubel and George Loewenstein
- Local terminology for febrile illnesses in Bagamoyo District, Tanzania and its impact on the design of a community-based malaria control programme pp. 1057-1067

- P. J. Winch, A. M. Makemba, S. R. Kamazima, M. Lurie, G. K. Lwihula, Z. Premji, J. N. Minjas and C. J. Shiff
- The impact on employment of an intervention to increase recognition of previously untreated anxiety among primary care physicians pp. 1069-1075

- Edward Yelin, Susan D. Mathias, Don P. Buesching, Clayton Rowland, Ruth Q. Calucin and Sheila Fifer
- Coping with additional stresses: Comparative study of healthy and cancer patient new immigrants pp. 1077-1084

- Lea Baider, Bella Kaufman, Penina Ever-Hadani and Atara Kaplan De-Nour
- Age and health status in a patient satisfaction survey pp. 1085-1093

- G. Cohen
- A triple burden for health sector reform: 'Post'-conflict rehabilitation in Uganda pp. 1095-1108

- Joanna Macrae, Anthony B. Zwi and Lucy Gilson
- Letter to the editor pp. 1113-1115

- Leo Uzych
1996, volume 42, articles 6
- Foreword pp. 787-787

- Michael V. Hayes
- Introduction pp. 789-790

- Michael V. Hayes
- Daniel Drake's medical geography pp. 791-800

- Frank A. Barrett
- Defining localities for health planning: A GIS approach pp. 801-816

- Nina Bullen, Graham Moon and Kelvyn Jones
- Health-related behaviour in context: A multilevel modelling approach pp. 817-830

- Craig Duncan, Kelvyn Jones and Graham Moon
- Establishing links between air quality and health: Searching for the impossible? pp. 831-841

- Christine Dunn and Simon Kingham
- Interactive spatial data analysis in medical geography pp. 843-855

- A. C. Gatrell and T. C. Bailey
- Analyzing perceived limiting long-term illness using U.K. census microdata pp. 857-869

- Myles I. Gould and Kelvyn Jones
- Alzheimer's disease: Preliminary study of spatial distribution at birth place pp. 871-878

- H. Jean, J. -F. Emard, J. -P. Thouez, L. Houde, Y. Robitaille, J. Mathieu, C. Boily, N. Daoud, M. Beaudry, A. Cholette, R. Bouchard, F. Veilleux and D. Gauvreau
- The application of K-function analysis to the geographical distribution of road traffic accident outcomes in Norfolk, England pp. 879-885

- Andrew P. Jones, Ian H. Langford and Graham Bentham
- Restructuring long-term care and the geography of ageing: A view from rural New Zealand pp. 887-896

- Alun E. Joseph and Chalmers, A. I. (Lex)
- Regional variations in mortality rates in England and Wales: An analysis using multi-level modelling pp. 897-908

- Ian H. Langford and Graham Bentham
- The selection of needs indicators for regional resource allocation in the fields of health and social services in Québec pp. 909-922

- Robert Pampalon, Alain Saucier, Nicole Berthiaume, Pierre Ferland, Régis Couture, Patricia Caris, Lynda Fortin, Diane Lacroix and René Kirouac
- Explaining urban-rural variations in health: A review of interactions between individual and environment pp. 923-935

- Robert A. Verheij
- The development of Ontario's Home Care Program: A critical geographical analysis pp. 937-948

- Allison M. Williams
- The household context for women's health care decisions: Impacts of U.K. policy changes pp. 949-963

- Ruth Young
1996, volume 42, articles 5
- Traditional reaction to modern stress pp. 639-641

- Rance P. L. Lee
- Quality of care: A comparison of preferences between medical specialists and patients with chronic diseases pp. 643-649

- Marieke A. E. van der Waal, Anton F. Casparie and Christiaan J. Lako
- The significance of children's age in estimating the effect of maternal time use on children's well-being pp. 651-659

- Judith A. Ricci, Norge W. Jerome, Ismail Sirageldin, Hekmat Aly, Wafaa Moussa, Osman Galal, Gail G. Harrison and Avanelle Kirksey
- Regulatory effects of health examination programs on medical expenditures for the elderly in Japan pp. 661-670

- Shinya Matsuda
- Which resources pay for treatment? A model for estimating the informal economy of health pp. 671-679

- Sandra Wallman and Maia Baker
- Self-rated health and mortality in a Lithuanian and a Dutch population pp. 681-689

- A. Appels, H. Bosma, V. Grabauskas, A. Gostautas and F. Sturmans
- Syringe-mediated drug sharing among injecting drug users: Patterns, social context and implications for transmission of blood-borne pathogens pp. 691-703

- Jean-Paul C. Grund, Samuel R. Friedman, L. Synn Stern, Benny Jose, Alan Neaigus, Richard Curtis and Don C. Des Jarlais
- Variation in diagnoses: Influence of specialists' training on selecting and ranking relevant information in geriatric case vignettes pp. 705-712

- Annette J. H. Kalf and Donna Spruijt-Metz
- Health and a residential care population pp. 713-719

- Steven P. Segal, Debra J. Vandervoort and Lawrence H. Liese
- Determinants of informal caregivers' satisfaction with services for dying cancer patients pp. 721-731

- Walid Fakhoury, Mark McCarthy and Julia Addington-Hall
- A review of research on the nature and quality of HIV testing services: A proposal for process-based studies pp. 733-743

- Susan Beardsell and Adrian Coyle
- Letter to the editor pp. 785-785

- Jose Barzelatto
1996, volume 42, articles 4
- Abortion from a crosscultural perspective: An introduction pp. 479-482

- Barbara Rylko-Bauer
- The pregnancy that doesn't stay: The practice and perception of abortion by Ekiti Yoruba women pp. 483-494

- Elisha P. Renne
- Abortion traditions in rural Jamaica pp. 495-508

- E. J. Sobo
- Abortion policy and practice in Greece pp. 509-519

- Eugenia Georges
- Women's perspectives on abortion in Romania pp. 521-530

- Brooke R. Johnson, Mihai Horga and Laurentia Andronache
- Abortion in Turkey: A matter of state, family or individual decision pp. 531-542

- Akile Gürsoy
- Abortion law and practice in China: An overview with comparisons to the United States pp. 543-560

- Susan M. Rigdon
- Back pain and epidemiology review: The epidemiology and cost of back pain: Clinical Standards Advisory Group (Committee Chaired by Michael Rosen). Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1994. (Respectively 89pp. and 72pp. paperback, £14.00: ISBN 0-11-321887-7 and ISBN 0-11-321889-3) pp. 561-563

- J. D. G. Troup
- Alcohol use among American Indian adolescents: The role of culture in pathological drinking pp. 565-578

- Theresa D. O'Nell and Christina M. Mitchell
- Demarcation and transformation within homoeopathic knowledge. A strategy of professionalization pp. 579-588

- Sarah Cant and Ursula Sharma
- Black/white differences in the relationship of maternal age to birthweight: A population-based test of the weathering hypothesis pp. 589-597

- Arline T. Geronimus
- Psychological distress among caregivers to heart transplant recipients pp. 599-608

- Robert D. Canning, Mary Amanda Dew and Suzanne Davidson
- Inconsistency and health state valuations pp. 609-615

- Paul Dolan and Paul Kind
- Gender differences in health: Are things really as simple as they seem? pp. 617-624

- Sally Macintyre, Kate Hunt and Helen Sweeting
- Letter to the editor pp. 625-627

- Akile Gürsoy
1996, volume 42, articles 3
- Human rights and health within the dominant paradigm pp. 301-303

- Vuk Stambolovic
- A note on the relationship between ex ante and expected willingness to pay for health care pp. 305-311

- Magnus Johannesson
- Limitations of quantitative research in the study of structural adjustment pp. 313-324

- Patricia Lundy
- Cultural response to mental illness in Senegal: Reflections through patient companions--Part I. Methods and descriptive data pp. 325-338

- Robert R. Franklin, Doudou Sarr, Momar Gueye, Omar Sylla and René Collignon
- Cultural response to mental illness in Senegal: Reflections through patient companions--Part II. Statistical correlates pp. 339-352

- Robert R. Franklin, Doudou Sarr, Momar Gueye, Omar Sylla, René Collignon and Nancy Mock
- 'Healing fictions': Stories of choosing in the aftermath of the detection of fetal anomalies pp. 353-361

- Margarete Sandelowski and Linda Corson Jones
- A cross-national study of quality of life factors associated with patterns of elderly disablement pp. 363-377

- Vicki L. Lamb
- The use of drug information sources by physicians: Development of a data-generating methodology pp. 379-388

- E. J. C. Boerkamp, F. M. Haaijer-Ruskamp, J. C. Reuyl and A. Versluis
- Medication decision-making and management: A client-centered model pp. 389-398

- Betty Chewning and Betsy Sleath
- Areal and socioeconomic differentials in infant and child mortality in Cameroon pp. 399-420

- Barthélémy Kuate Defo
- Innovations in acumoxa: Acupuncture analgesia, scalp and ear acupuncture in the People's Republic of China pp. 421-430

- Elisabeth Hsu
- Importance of schistosomiasis in the Isoka district of Zambia: A prerequisite for its control using community participation pp. 431-435

- Seter Siziya and Martin Mushanga
- Acute respiratory infections--Mothers' perceptions of etiology and treatment in South-Western Nigeria pp. 437-445

- B. Folasade Iyun and Göran Tomson
- Carbon monoxide suicide from car exhausts pp. 447-451

- Mats Öström, Jan Thorson and Anders Eriksson
- Origins and working conditions of female sex workers in urban Thailand: Consequences of social context for HIV transmission pp. 453-462

- Maria J. Wawer, Chai Podhisita, Uraiwan Kanungsukkasem, Anthony Pramualratana and Regina McNamara
- Attitudes of pediatric nurses facing HIV risk pp. 463-469

- Nancy F. Berkowitz and Ronald L. Nuttall
1996, volume 42, articles 2
- The Swedish Transplant Acts: Sociological considerations on bodies and giving pp. 159-168

- Nora Machado
- Senile dementia in Japan: Prevalence and response pp. 169-172

- Bernard Ineichen
- Social networks, social support and coping with serious illness: The family connection pp. 173-183

- Kathleen Ell
- The industrial Panopticon: Mining and the medical construction of migrant African labour in South Africa, 1900-1950 pp. 185-197

- Alexander Butchart
- Factors influencing patient perceived recovery in Mexico pp. 199-207

- Kaja Finkler and Maria Correa
- Patterns and predictors of infertility among African women: A cross-national survey of twenty-seven nations pp. 209-220

- Karen Ericksen and Tracy Brunette
- Rethinking methods for the study of sexual behaviour pp. 221-231

- Pierre Huygens, Ellen Kajura, Janet Seeley and Tom Barton
- The Yoruba farm market as a communication channel in guinea worm disease surveillance pp. 233-243

- William R. Brieger and Carl Kendall
- Adaptive demands along the HIV disease continuum pp. 245-256

- Kenneth I. Pakenham, Mark R. Dadds and Deborah J. Terry
- Sex differences in morbidity: A case of discrimination in general practice pp. 257-264

- Geoffrey P. Sayer and Helena Britt
- Chronic stress and psychological well-being: Evidence from Thailand on household crowding pp. 265-280

- Theodore D. Fuller, John N. Edwards, Sairudee Vorakitphokatorn and Santhat Sermsri
- Anthropology, clinical pathology and the electronic fetal monitor: Lessons from the heart pp. 281-292

- Ken Bassett
1996, volume 42, articles 1
- Retirement of Peter McEwan pp. 1-2

- Raymond Illsley
- Leprosy among the limba: Illness and healing in the context of world view pp. 3-19

- Joseph Opala and Francois Boillot
- Reconsidering the status of anorexia nervosa as a western culture-bound syndrome pp. 21-34

- Sing Lee
- Is general practitioner decision making associated with patient socio-economic status? pp. 35-46

- Anthony Scott, Alan Shiell and Madeleine King
- Educational differentials in mortality: United States, 1979-1985 pp. 47-57

- Irma T. Elo and Samuel H. Preston
- Women and AIDS: An analysis of media misrepresentations pp. 59-73

- Valerie Sacks
- Inequalities in health related to women's marital, parental, and employment status--A comparison between the early 70s and the late 80s, Norway pp. 75-89

- Jon Ivar Elstad
- Dry sex in Zimbabwe and implications for condom use pp. 91-98

- Diane Civic and David Wilson
- Gender response to neurofibromatosis 1 pp. 99-110

- Joan Ablon
- The role of clinical vignettes in rapid ethnographic research: A folk taxonomy of diarrhoea in Thailand pp. 111-123

- Richard John Shawyer, Abdullah Sani Bin Gani, Albert Noel Punufimana and Namulauulu Kamuta Fualaga Seuseu
- Medical futility decisions and physicians' legal defensiveness: The impact of anticipated conflict on thresholds for end-of-life treatment pp. 125-132

- Jeffrey W. Swanson and S. Van McCrary
- Ethnography of fertility and menstruation in rural Mexico pp. 133-140

- Xóchitl Castañeda, Cecilia García and Ana Langer
- Prostitutes, prostitution and STD/HIV transmission in Mainland China pp. 141-152

- Vincent E. Gil, Marco S. Wang, Allen F. Anderson, Guo Matthew Lin and Zongjian Oliver Wu
- Letter to the editor pp. 157-157

- Antonia Bagshawe
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2016, volume 170
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2016, volume 168
2016, volume 167
2016, volume 166
2016, volume 165
2016, volume 164
2016, volume 163
2016, volume 162
2016, volume 161
2016, volume 160
2016, volume 159
2016, volume 158
2016, volume 157
2016, volume 156
2016, volume 155
2016, volume 154
2016, volume 153
2016, volume 152
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2016, volume 148
2015, volume 147
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2015, volume 145
2015, volume 144
2015, volume 143
2015, volume 142
2015, volume 141
2015, volume 140
2015, volume 139
2015, volume 138
2015, volume 136-137
2015, volume 135
2015, volume 134
2015, volume 133
2015, volume 132
2015, volume 131
2015, volume 130
2015, volume 129
2015, volume 128
2015, volume 127
2015, volume 126
2015, volume 125
2015, volume 124
2014, volume 123
2014, volume 122
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2014, volume 120
2014, volume 119
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2014, volume 117
2014, volume 116
2014, volume 114
2014, volume 113
2014, volume 112
2014, volume 111
2014, volume 110
2014, volume 109
2014, volume 108
2014, volume 107
2014, volume 106
2014, volume 105
2014, volume 104
2014, volume 103
2014, volume 102
2014, volume 101
2014, volume 100
2013, volume 99
2013, volume 98
2013, volume 97
2013, volume 96
2013, volume 95
2013, volume 94
2013, volume 93
2013, volume 92
2013, volume 91
2013, volume 90
2013, volume 89
2013, volume 88
2013, volume 87
2013, volume 86
2013, volume 85
2013, volume 84
2013, volume 83
2013, volume 82
2013, volume 81
2013, volume 80
2013, volume 79
2013, volume 78
2013, volume 77
2013, volume 76
2012, volume 75
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2009, volume 69
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2008, volume 66
2007, volume 65
2007, volume 64
2006, volume 63
2006, volume 62
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2002, volume 54
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1999, volume 48
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1996, volume 43
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1994, volume 38
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1993, volume 36
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1988, volume 27
1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46
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2015, volume 141
2015, volume 140
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1988, volume 26
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1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
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1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46