Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2021, volume 287, articles C
- Assessing competition in the hip implant industry in the light of recent policy guidance

- Charlotte Davies and Stephen Davies
- On-time, late, or never: Incorporating intersectionality to predict age-specific probabilities of initiating the HPV vaccine series

- Kim-Phuong Truong-Vu
- Macro-level efficiency of health expenditure: Estimates for 15 major economies

- Simiao Chen, Michael Kuhn, Klaus Prettner, David E. Bloom and Chen Wang
- The crafting of hope: Contextualising add-ons in the treatment trajectories of IVF patients

- Manuela Perrotta and Josie Hamper
- “What are you signing up for?”: Pre-medical students' perception of physicians' risk and responsibility during COVID-19

- Jenny K. Leigh
- When parents are not present: Decision-making dynamics for young children's health and illness in migrant-sending households in rural Cambodia

- Emily Treleaven and Chanrith Ngin
- Campania and cancer mortality: An inseparable pair? The role of environmental quality and socio-economic deprivation

- Massimiliano Agovino, Massimiliano Cerciello and Gaetano Musella
- Cultivation or enabling? Day-to-day associations between self-efficacy and received support in couples

- Philipp Schwaninger, Corina Berli, Janina Lüscher and Urte Scholz
- Physical pain, gender, and the state of the economy in 146 nations

- Lucía Macchia and Andrew Oswald
- Health behaviors and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal population-based survey in Germany

- Jutta Mata, Alexander Wenz, Tobias Rettig, Maximiliane Reifenscheid, Katja Möhring, Ulrich Krieger, Sabine Friedel, Marina Fikel, Carina Cornesse, Annelies G. Blom and Elias Naumann
- Can individual, dyadic, or collaborative planning reduce sedentary behavior? A randomized controlled trial

- Zofia Szczuka, Ewa Kulis, Monika Boberska, Anna Banik, Magdalena Kruk, Jan Keller, Nina Knoll, Urte Scholz, Charles Abraham and Aleksandra Luszczynska
- Safety net, gateway, market, sport, and war: Exploring how emergency physicians conceptualize and ascribe meaning to emergency care

- Yu-Che Chang, Nothando S. Nkambule, Xaviera Xiao, Roy Y.L. Ngerng and Lynn V. Monrouxe
- Does unemployment lead to greater levels of loneliness? A systematic review

- N. Morrish and A. Medina-Lara
- Group-based parent support during the transition to parenthood: Primary outcomes from a randomised controlled trial

- Tea L. Trillingsgaard, Rikke D. Maimburg and Marianne Simonsen
- Time to care - An ethnographic study of how temporal structuring affects caring relationships in clinical nursing

- Hanna Marie Ihlebæk
- Health, an ageing labour force, and the economy: Does health moderate the relationship between population age-structure and economic growth?

- Jonathan Cylus and Lynn Al Tayara
- Global collective action in mental health financing: Allocation of development assistance for mental health in 142 countries, 2000–2015

- Valentina Iemmi
- Older adults' embodied experiences of aging and their perceptions of societal stigmas toward sexuality in later life

- Lauren B. Towler, Cynthia A. Graham, F.L. Bishop and Sharron Hinchliff
- Psychosocial factors associated with preventive pediatric care during the COVID-19 pandemic

- Sara J. Weston, David M. Condon and Philip A. Fisher
- The Dyadic Cancer Outcomes Framework: A general framework of the effects of cancer on patients and informal caregivers

- Tess Thompson, Dana Ketcher, Tamryn F. Gray and Erin E. Kent
- Medically underserved areas: are primary care teams efficient at attracting and retaining general practitioners?

- Guillaume Chevillard and Julien Mousquès
- Supporting family carers of people with dementia: A discrete choice experiment of public preferences

- Áine Teahan, Sharon Walsh, Edel Doherty and Eamon O'Shea
- Public preferences for the allocation of donor organs for transplantation: A discrete choice experiment

- Carina Oedingen, Tim Bartling, Harald Schrem, Axel C. Mühlbacher and Christian Krauth
- Individual and community social capital, mobility restrictions, and psychological distress during the COVID-19 pandemic: a multilevel analysis of a representative US survey

- James Laurence and Harris Hyun-soo Kim
- From writing tasks to a public service announcement: Experimentally assessing savoring as a means of increasing help-seeking for depression

- Tasha Straszewski and Jason T. Siegel
- Barriers and facilitators to father involvement in early child health services: A qualitative study in rural Mozambique

- Joshua Jeong, Marilyn N. Ahun, Lilia Bliznashka, Daan Velthausz, Rotafina Donco and Aisha K. Yousafzai
- Absorbing it all: A meta-ethnography of parents’ unfolding experiences of newborn screening

- Ashley L. White, Felicity Boardman, Abigail McNiven, Louise Locock and Lisa Hinton
- Correlates of early stimulation activities among mothers of children under age two in Siaya County, Kenya: Maternal mental health and other maternal, child, and household factors

- Eunsoo Timothy Kim, Margaret Lillie, John Gallis, John Hembling, Elena McEwan, Tobias Opiyo, Pauline Acayo and Joy Noel Baumgartner
- Student returnees from China's COVID-19 epicenter: Spatio-temporal movement and impact of tracing

- Ding Fei, Chuan Liao and Huan Yang
- Mobility-based environmental justice: Understanding housing disparity in real-time exposure to air pollution and momentary psychological stress in Beijing, China

- Yinhua Tao, Yanwei Chai, Xue Zhang, Jie Yang and Mei-Po Kwan
- Formal home care use and spousal health outcomes

- Judite Gonçalves, Francisco von Hafe and Luís Filipe
- The mental health effects of a Universal Basic Income: A synthesis of the evidence from previous pilots

- Naomi Wilson and Shari McDaid
- Why do systems for responding to concerns and complaints so often fail patients, families and healthcare staff? A qualitative study

- Graham P. Martin, Sarah Chew and Mary Dixon-Woods
- Seeking transnational social protection during a global pandemic: The case of Chinese immigrants in the United States

- Xuemei Cao and Ken Chih-Yan Sun
- Understanding racial differences in attitudes about public health efforts during COVID-19 using an explanatory mixed methods design

- Paige Nong, Minakshi Raj, Marie Grace Trinidad, Zachary Rowe and Jodyn Platt
- In search of an appropriate mix of taxes and subsidies on nutrients and food: A modelling study of the effectiveness on health-related consumption and mortality

- Sanjib Saha, Jonas Nordström, Peter Scarborough, Linda Thunström and Ulf-G. Gerdtham
- Theories of self-care and self-management of long-term conditions by community-dwelling older adults: A systematic review and meta-ethnography

- Michael T. Lawless, Matthew Tieu, Rebecca Feo and Alison L. Kitson
- Did parental care in early life affect height? Evidence from rural Spain (19th-20th centuries)

- Francisco Marco-Gracia and Ángel Luis González-Esteban
- Community vulnerability and mobility: What matters most in spatio-temporal modeling of the COVID-19 pandemic?

- Rachel Carroll and Christopher R. Prentice
- The impact of providing end-of-life care during a pandemic on the mental health and wellbeing of health and social care staff: Systematic review and meta-synthesis

- Bryony Porter, Amy Zile, Guy Peryer, Morag Farquhar and Kristy Sanderson
- “Theyabduct usand rapeus”: Adolescents’ participatory visual reflections of their vulnerability to sexual violence in South African townships

- Ndumiso Daluxolo Ngidi, Relebohile Moletsane and Zaynab Essack
2021, volume 286, articles C
- Hospital reorganization and its effects on physicians’ network churn: The role of past ties

- Luca Giorgio, Daniele Mascia and Americo Cicchetti
- The dynamics of TCAM integration in the Indian public health system: Medical dominance, countervailing power and co-optation

- Gupteswar Patel, Caragh Brosnan, Ann Taylor and Surekha Garimella
- Demanding devices – Living with diabetes devices as a pre-teen

- Regitze Anne Saurbrey Pals, Pernille Hviid, Bryan Cleal and Dan Grabowski
- Examining policy intentions and actual implementation practices: How organizational factors influence health management information systems in Uttar Pradesh, India

- Ankita Meghani, Daniela C. Rodríguez, Huzaifa Bilal, Anand B. Tripathi, Vasanthakumar Namasivayam, Ravi Prakash, David H. Peters and Sara Bennett
- Linking poverty-targeted social protection and Community Based Health Insurance in Ethiopia: Enrolment, linkages, and gaps

- Essa Mussa, Frank Otchere, Vincenzo Vinci, Abduljelil Reshad and Tia Palermo
- Light at the end of the tunnel: Influence of vaccine availability and vaccination intention on people’s consideration of the COVID-19 vaccine

- Haoran Chu and Sixiao Liu
- Hospital market competition and health technology diffusion: An empirical study of laparoscopic appendectomy in China

- Xiaojun Lin, Liyong Lu and Jay Pan
- “I talked to a couple of friends that had it”: Informal feminized health networks and contraceptive method choices

- Cristen Dalessandro, Rachael Thorpe and Jessica Sanders
- Health decisions amidst controversy: Prenatal alcohol consumption and the unequal experience of influence and control in networks

- Elaine M. Hernandez and Jessica McCrory Calarco
- Effectiveness of nudges as a tool to promote adherence to guidelines in healthcare and their organizational implications: A systematic review

- Onyi Nwafor, Rahul Singh, Cassie Collier, Dereck DeLeon, Jim Osborne and Jon DeYoung
- Decomposition of inequalities in out-of-pocket health expenditure burden in Saudi Arabia

- Mohammed Khaled Al-Hanawi
- Value judgments in a COVID-19 vaccination model: A case study in the need for public involvement in health-oriented modelling

- Stephanie Harvard, Eric Winsberg, John Symons and Amin Adibi
- Good night: Experimental evidence that nighttime curfews may fuel disease dynamics by increasing contact density

- Philipp Sprengholz, Regina Siegers, Laura Goldhahn, Sarah Eitze and Cornelia Betsch
- Educational attainment of offspring and obesity among older adults in China

- Yaoyue Li, Guixin Wang and Guofeng Li
- Long Covid – The illness narratives

- Alex Rushforth, Emma Ladds, Sietse Wieringa, Sharon Taylor, Laiba Husain and Trisha Greenhalgh
- Gender differences in the relationship between perceived discrimination and personality traits in young adulthood: Evidence using sibling fixed effects

- Jinho Kim, Kyungeun Song and Angelina R. Sutin
- Reasons for indoor tanning use and the acceptability of alternatives: A qualitative study

- Stephanie Lyons, Paul Lorigan, Adele C. Green, Ashley Ferguson and Tracy Epton
- A multi-national test on self-reported compliance with COVID-19 public health measures: The role of individual age and gender demographics and countries’ developmental status

- Tian Lin, Elizabeth A. Harris, Amber Heemskerk, Jay J. Van Bavel and Natalie C. Ebner
- Better together: How group-based physical activity protects against depression

- Mark Stevens, Jacqueline Lieschke, Tegan Cruwys, Diana Cárdenas, Michael J. Platow and Katherine J. Reynolds
On this page- 2021, volume 287
Articles C
- 2021, volume 286
Articles C
Other years2025, volume 371
2025, volume 370
2025, volume 369
2025, volume 368
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2025, volume 365
2024, volume 363
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2024, volume 359
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2021, volume 279
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2021, volume 269
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2020, volume 265
2020, volume 264
2020, volume 263
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2020, volume 261
2020, volume 260
2020, volume 259
2020, volume 258
2020, volume 257
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2020, volume 252
2020, volume 251
2020, volume 250
2020, volume 249
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2015, volume 142
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2015, volume 140
2015, volume 139
2015, volume 138
2015, volume 136-137
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2015, volume 133
2015, volume 132
2015, volume 131
2015, volume 130
2015, volume 129
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2014, volume 102
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2013, volume 99
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2013, volume 93
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2002, volume 54
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2001, volume 52
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2000, volume 50
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1998, volume 46
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1996, volume 42
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1995, volume 40
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1994, volume 38
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1993, volume 36
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1992, volume 34
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1991, volume 32
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1990, volume 30
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1989, volume 28
1988, volume 27
1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46
On this page- 2021, volume 287
Articles C
- 2021, volume 286
Articles C
Other years2025, volume 371
2025, volume 370
2025, volume 369
2025, volume 368
2025, volume 367
2025, volume 366
2025, volume 365
2024, volume 363
2024, volume 362
2024, volume 361
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2024, volume 359
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2023, volume 334
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2020, volume 267
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2008, volume 66
2007, volume 65
2007, volume 64
2006, volume 63
2006, volume 62
2005, volume 61
2005, volume 60
2004, volume 59
2004, volume 58
2003, volume 57
2003, volume 56
2002, volume 55
2002, volume 54
2001, volume 53
2001, volume 52
2000, volume 51
2000, volume 50
1999, volume 49
1999, volume 48
1998, volume 47
1998, volume 46
1997, volume 45
1997, volume 44
1996, volume 43
1996, volume 42
1995, volume 41
1995, volume 40
1994, volume 39
1994, volume 38
1993, volume 37
1993, volume 36
1992, volume 35
1992, volume 34
1991, volume 33
1991, volume 32
1990, volume 31
1990, volume 30
1989, volume 29
1989, volume 28
1988, volume 27
1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46