Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2002, volume 55, articles 12
- Income inequality, residential poverty clustering and infant mortality: a study in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil pp. 2083-2092

- Célia Landmann Szwarcwald, Carla Lourenço Tavares de Andrade and Francisco Inácio Bastos
- Puerto Rican understandings of child disability: methods for the cultural validation of standardized measures of child health pp. 2093-2105

- Mary E. Gannotti and W. Penn Handwerker
- Birth spacing, sibling rivalry and child mortality in India pp. 2107-2119

- Alison Whitworth and Rob Stephenson
- Investigating starting-point bias: a survey of willingness to pay for insecticide-treated nets pp. 2121-2130

- Obinna Onwujekwe and Douglas Nwagbo
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and hopelessness: psychosocial factors pp. 2131-2140

- Janice M. Plahuta, B. Jan McCulloch, Edward J. Kasarskis, Mark A. Ross, Rhoda A. Walter and Evelyn R. McDonald
- Perceptions of philosophic and practice differences between US osteopathic physicians and their allopathic counterparts pp. 2141-2148

- Shirley M. Johnson and Margot E. Kurtz
- The role of adaptation to disability and disease in health state valuation: a preliminary normative analysis pp. 2149-2158

- Paul Menzel, Paul Dolan, Jeff Richardson and Jan Abel Olsen
- The impact of the changing marital structure on fertility of Hong Kong SAR (Special Administrative Region) pp. 2159-2169

- Paul S. F. Yip and Joseph Lee
- Differences in low-birthweight among documented and undocumented foreign-born and US-born Latinas pp. 2171-2175

- Margaret Kelaher and Dorothy Jones Jessop
- Determinants of and inequalities in self-perceived health in Ukraine pp. 2177-2188

- Anna B. C. Gilmore, Martin McKee and Richard Rose
- Drawing lines in the sand: the boundaries of the HIV pandemic in perspective pp. 2189-2191

- Roger L. Shapiro
- From retreat to health centre: legislation, commercial opportunity and the repositioning of a Victorian private asylum pp. 2193-2200

- Alun E. Joseph and Graham Moon
- Catching waves: the historical geography of the general practice fundholding initiative in England and Wales pp. 2201-2213

- Graham Moon, John Mohan, Liz Twigg, Kevin McGrath and Allyson Pollock
- Strategies to improve adherence to recommended chloroquine treatment regimes: a quasi-experiment in the context of integrated primary health care delivery in Ghana pp. 2215-2226

- Irene Akua Agyepong, Evelyn Ansah, Margaret Gyapong, Sam Adjei, Guy Barnish and David Evans
- The social and psychological impact of the chemical contamination incident in Weston Village, UK: a qualitative analysis pp. 2227-2241

- Geoffrey Barnes, Jamie Baxter, Andrea Litva and Brian Staples
- Race/ethnicity and depressive symptoms: a cross-cultural/ethnic comparison among university students in East Asia, North and South America pp. 2243-2252

- Noboru Iwata and Stephen Buka
- Health care reform in Russia: a survey of head doctors and insurance administrators pp. 2253-2265

- Judyth L. Twigg
- Using the DATCAP and ASI to estimate the costs and benefits of residential addiction treatment in the State of Washington pp. 2267-2282

- Michael T. French, Helena J. Salomé and Molly Carney
2002, volume 55, articles 11
- Cultural correlates of youth suicide pp. 1891-1904

- Richard Eckersley and Keith Dear
- The contribution of medical care to changing life expectancy in Germany and Poland pp. 1905-1921

- Ellen Nolte, Rembrandt Scholz, Vladimir Shkolnikov and Martin McKee
- On the measurement of relative and absolute income-related health inequality pp. 1923-1928

- Philip M. Clarke, Ulf-G. Gerdtham, Magnus Johannesson, Kerstin Bingefors and Len Smith
- Economic role of solidarity and social capital in accessing modern health care services in the Ivory Coast pp. 1929-1946

- Marcellin Ayé, François Champagne and André-Pierre Contandriopoulos
- Qualitative differences among cancer clinical trial explanations pp. 1947-1955

- Felicia Roberts
- Lifetime risk factors for women's psychological distress in midlife pp. 1957-1973

- Diana Kuh, Rebecca Hardy, Bryan Rodgers and Michael E. J. Wadsworth
- Change in psychological and vasomotor symptom reporting during the menopause pp. 1975-1988

- Rebecca Hardy and Diana Kuh
- Childhood and adulthood risk factors for socio-economic differentials in psychological distress: evidence from the 1958 British birth cohort pp. 1989-2004

- C. Power, S. A. Stansfeld, S. Matthews, O. Manor and S. Hope
- Building an inter-disciplinary science of health inequalities: the example of lifecourse research pp. 2005-2016

- Hilary Graham
- Exploring the determinants of health for First Nations peoples in Canada: can existing frameworks accommodate traditional activities? pp. 2017-2031

- Kathleen Wilson and Mark W. Rosenberg
- Unemployment and health: contextual-level influences on the production of health in populations pp. 2033-2052

- Francois Béland, Stephen Birch and Greg Stoddart
- SWAp dynamics in a decentralized context: experiences from Uganda pp. 2053-2060

- Anders Jeppsson
- Afghan refugees and the temporal and spatial distribution of malaria in Pakistan pp. 2061-2072

- Mark Rowland, Mohammad Abdur Rab, Tim Freeman, Naeem Durrani and Naveeda Rehman
2002, volume 55, articles 10
- Choices about treatment for ARI and diarrhea in rural Guatemala pp. 1693-1712

- Noreen Goldman, Anne R. Pebley and Michele Gragnolati
- The changing nature of murder in Russia pp. 1713-1724

- Valeriy V. Chervyakov, Vladimir M. Shkolnikov, William Alex Pridemore and Martin McKee
- Development of a questionnaire for quantitative assessment in the field of health and human rights pp. 1725-1744

- Manfred Wildner, Richela Fischer and Anne Brunner
- Entering the well-guarded fortress: alternative practitioners in hospital settings pp. 1745-1755

- Judith T. Shuval, Nissim Mizrachi and Emma Smetannikov
- Being deaf and being other things: young Asian people negotiating identities pp. 1757-1769

- Waqar I. U. Ahmad, Karl Atkin and Lesley Jones
- Clinical autonomy, individual and collective: the problem of changing doctors' behaviour pp. 1771-1777

- David Armstrong
- Equity in health care access to: assessing the urban health insurance reform in China pp. 1779-1794

- Gordon G. Liu, Zhongyun Zhao, Renhua Cai, Tetsuji Yamada and Tadashi Yamada
- Illness management strategies among Chinese immigrants living with arthritis pp. 1795-1802

- Jinjin Zhang and Marja J. Verhoef
- The influence of the Chinese zodiac on fertility in Hong Kong SAR pp. 1803-1812

- Paul S. F. Yip, Joseph Lee and Y. B. Cheung
- Chronic pain in land mine accident survivors in Cambodia and Kurdistan pp. 1813-1816

- Hans Husum, Kirsten Resell, Gyri Vorren, Yang Van Heng, Mudhafar Murad, Mads Gilbert and Torben Wisborg
- The effects of migration on the detection of geographic differences in disease risk pp. 1817-1828

- Peter A. Rogerson and Daikwon Han
- Radically changing the research framework during a health geography study pp. 1829-1833

- Leonard D. Baer
- Parenting in a crisis: conceptualising mothers of children with cancer pp. 1835-1847

- Bridget Young, Mary Dixon-Woods, Michelle Findlay and David Heney
- Utilization of maternal health care services in Southern India pp. 1849-1869

- Kannan Navaneetham and A. Dharmalingam
- Inter and intra individual variations in physicians' verbal behaviour during primary care consultations pp. 1871-1885

- Lidia Del Piccolo, Mariangela Mazzi, Anna Saltini and Christa Zimmermann
2002, volume 55, articles 9
- Young men in 'crisis': attending to the language of teenage boys' distress pp. 1493-1509

- Carolyn McQueen and Karen Henwood
- Vaginal wetness: an underestimated problem experienced by progestogen injectable contraceptive users in South Africa pp. 1511-1522

- Jennifer Smit, Lynn McFadyen, Khangelani Zuma and Eleanor Preston-Whyte
- Change in determinants of use of physician services in Finland between 1987 and 1996 pp. 1523-1537

- Unto Häkkinen
- Balancing responsibility for sanitation pp. 1539-1551

- Maria Clasina Allison
- Beneficial effects of a woman-focused development programme on child survival: evidence from rural Bangladesh pp. 1553-1560

- Abbas Bhuiya and Mushtaque Chowdhury
- A note on the use of a single inequality index in testing the effect of income distribution on mortality pp. 1561-1570

- Audrey Laporte
- Dutch GPs' perceptions: the influence of out-of-pocket costs on prescribing pp. 1571-1578

- W. N. Kasje, J. W. Timmer, P. M. Boendermaker and F. M. Haaijer-Ruskamp
- Factors influencing private health providers' technical quality of care for acute respiratory infections among under-five children in rural West Bengal, India pp. 1579-1587

- Sarbani Chakraborty and Kevin Frick
- Prevalence of battering among 1780 outpatients at an internal medicine institution in Mexico pp. 1589-1602

- Claudia Díaz-Olavarrieta, Charlotte Ellertson, Francisco Paz, Samuel Ponce de Leon and Donato Alarcon-Segovia
- Risk factors for domestic violence: findings from a South African cross-sectional study pp. 1603-1617

- Rachel Jewkes, Jonathan Levin and Loveday Penn-Kekana
- Living with asthma: the experiences of young people at home and at school pp. 1619-1633

- Jonathan Gabe, Michael Bury and Rosemary Ramsay
- The effect of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) on health service utilisation of a Chinese population pp. 1635-1646

- Cindy L. K. Lam, Daniel Y. T. Fong, Ian J. Lauder and Tai-Pong D. Lam
- Ethnicity, environment and health: putting ethnic inequalities in health in their place pp. 1647-1661

- Saffron Karlsen, James Y. Nazroo and Rob Stephenson
- High-frequency death certifiers in Taiwan: a sociocultural product pp. 1663-1669

- Tsung-Hsueh Lu, Craig R. Janes, Meng-Chih Lee, Ming-Chih Chou and Tai-Ping Shih
- Transnational industrial power, the medical profession and the regulatory state: adverse drug reactions and the crisis over the safety of Halcion in the Netherlands and the UK pp. 1671-1690

- John Abraham
2002, volume 55, articles 8
- Homeopath & patient-a dyad of harmony? pp. 1285-1296

- R. Frank
- Migration and HIV prevention programmes: linking structural factors, culture, and individual behaviour--an Israeli experience pp. 1297-1307

- Varda Soskolne and Ronny A. Shtarkshall
- Cross-cultural encounters between careproviders: rabbis' referral letters to a psychiatric clinic in Israel pp. 1309-1323

- Yehuda Goodman and Eliezer Witztum
- Researching sexual and reproductive behaviour: a peer ethnographic approach pp. 1325-1336

- Neil Price and Kirstan Hawkins
- The lesser shame: abortion among educated women in southern Cameroon pp. 1337-1349

- Jennifer Johnson-Hanks
- Adolescent understandings of political violence and psychological well-being: a qualitative study from Bosnia Herzegovina pp. 1351-1371

- Lynne Jones
- Social capital and violence in the United States, 1974-1993 pp. 1373-1383

- Sandro Galea, Adam Karpati and Bruce Kennedy
- Who's at risk? Factors associated with intimate partner violence in the Philippines pp. 1385-1399

- Michelle J. Hindin and Linda S. Adair
- Physician evaluation of obesity in health surveys: "who are you calling fat?" pp. 1401-1413

- Kenneth F. Ferraro and Kimberlee B. Holland
- Self-rated economic condition and the health of elderly persons in Hong Kong pp. 1415-1424

- Y. H. Cheng, I. Chi, K. W. Boey, L. S. F. Ko and K. L. Chou
- The instrumental uses of autonomy: A review of AIDS law and policy in Europe pp. 1425-1434

- John A Harrington
- Barriers, facilitators, and access for wheelchair users: sbstantive and methodologic lessons from a pilot study of environmental effects pp. 1435-1446

- Allan R. Meyers, Jennifer J. Anderson, Donald R. Miller, Kathy Shipp and Helen Hoenig
- The changing nature of contracts in German health care pp. 1447-1455

- Petra Riemer-Hommel
- Neighborhood structural characteristics and mental disorder: Faris and Dunham revisited pp. 1457-1470

- Eric Silver, Edward P. Mulvey and Jeffrey W. Swanson
- 'Could you please pass one of those health leaflets along?': exploring health, morality and resistance through focus groups pp. 1471-1483

- Michele L. Crossley
2002, volume 55, articles 7
- Discourse in different voices: reconciling N=1 and N=many pp. 1079-1087

- Miles Little, Christopher F. C. Jordens, Kim Paul, Emma-Jane Sayers, Jane Ann Cruickshank, Jantine Stegeman and Kathleen Montgomery
- Increasing use of prenatal care in Ladakh (India): the roles of ecological and cultural factors pp. 1089-1102

- Andrea S. Wiley
- Syringe type and drug injector risk for HIV infection: a case study in Texas pp. 1103-1113

- William A. Zule, David P. Desmond and James Alan Neff
- "Come back when you're dying:" the commodification of AIDS among California's urban poor pp. 1115-1127

- Johanna Crane, Kathleen Quirk and Ariane van der Straten
- Rural families caring for a relative with dementia: barriers to use of formal services pp. 1129-1142

- Debra G. Morgan, Karen M. Semchuk, Norma J. Stewart and Carl D'Arcy
- Concepts of iron deficiency anemia and public health measures in rural Costa Rica pp. 1143-1156

- Mariaelena D. Jefferds
- The health capital of families: an investigation of the inter-spousal correlation in health status pp. 1157-1172

- Sven E. Wilson
- Evaluating the participatory process in a community-based heart health project pp. 1173-1187

- Patti-Jean Naylor, Joan Wharf-Higgins, Lynne Blair, Lawrence Green and Brian O'Connor
- Making health data maps: a case study of a community/university research collaboration pp. 1189-1206

- David L Buckeridge, Robin Mason, Ann Robertson, John Frank, Richard Glazier, Lorraine Purdon, Carl G Amrhein, Nita Chaudhuri, Esme Fuller-Thomson, Peter Gozdyra, David Hulchanski, Byron Moldofsky, Maureen Thompson and Robert Wright
- Effect of ethnic background on Danish hospital utilisation patterns pp. 1207-1211

- Allan Krasnik, Marie Norredam, Tine Moller Sorensen, Jette Joost Michaelsen, Anette Sonne Nielsen and Niels Keiding
- Expanding the scope of health reform: application in the United States pp. 1213-1229

- Charles E. Begley, Lu Ann Aday, David R. Lairson and Carl H. Slater
- The epidemiology of rape and sexual coercion in South Africa: an overview pp. 1231-1244

- Rachel Jewkes and Naeema Abrahams
- Is GP-patient communication related to their perceptions of illness severity, coping and social support? pp. 1245-1253

- M. Deveugele, A. Derese and J. De Maeseneer
- Predictors of health and human services use by persons with dementia and their family caregivers pp. 1255-1266

- Ronald W. Toseland, Philip McCallion, Todd Gerber and Steve Banks
- Chicken or the egg? The biological-psychological controversy surrounding hyperemesis gravidarum pp. 1267-1278

- Shari Munch
2002, volume 55, articles 6
- Encountering the downward phase: biographical work in people with multiple sclerosis living at home pp. 881-893

- Hennie R. Boeije, Mia S. H. Duijnstee, Mieke H. F. Grypdonck and Aart Pool
- Cost characteristics of hospitals pp. 895-906

- Mike Smet
- Ready to die: a postmodern interpretation of the increase of African-American adolescent male suicide pp. 907-920

- Leigh A. Willis, David W. Coombs, William C. Cockerham and Sonja L. Frison
- State-event relations among indicators of susceptibility to mental distress in Wythenshawe in the UK pp. 921-935

- Richard Thomas, Sherrill Evans, Claire Gately, Joe Stordy, Peter Huxley, Anne Rogers and Brian Robson
- Early origins and adult correlates of psychosomatic distress pp. 937-948

- Yin Bun Cheung
- Social status determinants of control in individuals' accounts of their mental illness pp. 949-961

- Erin J. Maher and Amy Kroska
- Marginal employment and health in Britain and Germany: does unstable employment predict health? pp. 963-979

- Eunice Rodriguez
- The effects of introducing prospective payments to general hospitals on length of stay, quality of care, and hospitals' income: the early experience of Israel pp. 981-989

- Amir Shmueli, Orna Intrator and Avi Israeli
- Interdisciplinary collaboration within Quebec community health care centres pp. 991-1003

- Claude Sicotte, Danielle D'Amour and Marie-Pierre Moreault
- Primary health care in the era of HIV/AIDS. Some implications for health systems reform pp. 1005-1013

- Inge Petersen and Leslie Swartz
- The spatial epidemiology of cholera in an endemic area of Bangladesh pp. 1015-1024

- Mohammad Ali, Michael Emch, J. P. Donnay, Mohammad Yunus and R. B. Sack
- An investigation of the health beliefs and motivations of complementary medicine clients pp. 1025-1037

- Fuschia M. Sirois and Mary L. Gick
- Gender and health in rural China: evidence from HeBei province pp. 1039-1054

- Ofra Anson and Shifang Sun
- Gradients in risk for youth injury associated with multiple-risk behaviours: a study of 11,329 Canadian adolescents pp. 1055-1068

- William Pickett, Michael J. Garner, William F. Boyce and Matthew A. King
- Predictors of Canadian legislators' support for tobacco control policies pp. 1069-1076

- Joanna E. Cohen, Nicole A. de Guia, Mary Jane Ashley, Roberta Ferrence, David A. Northrup and Donley T. Studlar
2002, volume 55, articles 5
- Vocabularies of motive for illicit steroid use among bodybuilders pp. 695-708

- Lee F. Monaghan
- "Why don't they just tell me straight, why allocate it?" The struggle to make sense of participating in a randomised controlled trial pp. 709-719

- Katie Featherstone and Jenny L. Donovan
- Bad news from the patient's perspective: an analysis of the written narratives of newly diagnosed cancer patients pp. 721-732

- Pär Salander
- Medical dominance in Italy: a partial decline pp. 733-741

- Willem Tousijn
- Too many choices? Hospital and community staff reflect on the future of prenatal screening pp. 743-753

- Clare Williams, Priscilla Alderson and Bobbie Farsides
- An analysis of private health insurance purchasing decisions with national health insurance in Taiwan pp. 755-774

- Tsai-Ching Liu and Chin-Shyan Chen
- Gender, family, and the nutritional status of children in three culturally contrasting states of India pp. 775-790

- Paula Griffiths, Zoë Matthews and Andrew Hinde
- Alcohol mortality: a comparison of spatial clustering methods pp. 791-802

- Craig E. Hanson and William F. Wieczorek
- Risking risk: the influence of types of capital and social networks on the injection practices of drug users pp. 803-821

- Anne M. Lovell
- Is low self-esteem an inevitable consequence of stigma? An example from women with chronic mental health problems pp. 823-834

- D. L. Camp, W. M. L. Finlay and E. Lyons
- Cultural stereotypes of women from South Asian communities: mental health care professionals' explanations for patterns of suicide and depression pp. 835-845

- J. Burr
- Social variation in self-rated health in Estonia: a cross-sectional study pp. 847-861

- Mall Leinsalu
- Social inequality in educational achievement and psychosocial adjustment throughout childhood: magnitude and mechanisms pp. 863-880

- Amanda Sacker, Ingrid Schoon and Mel Bartley
2002, volume 55, articles 4
- Euthanasia, assisted suicide, and cessation of life support: Japan's policy, law, and an analysis of whistle blowing in two recent mercy killing cases pp. 517-527

- Akira Akabayashi
- Women's perceptions of iron deficiency and anemia prevention and control in eight developing countries pp. 529-544

- Rae Galloway, Erin Dusch, Leslie Elder, Endang Achadi, Ruben Grajeda, Elena Hurtado, Mike Favin, Shubhada Kanani, Julie Marsaban, Nicolas Meda, K. Mona Moore, Linda. Morison, Neena Raina, Jolly Rajaratnam, Javier Rodriquez and Chitra Stephen
- What is a 'planned' pregnancy? empirical data from a British study pp. 545-557

- Geraldine Barrett and Kaye Wellings
- Watching the clock: keeping time during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experiences pp. 559-570

- Wendy Simonds
- Understanding household demand for indoor air pollution control in developing countries pp. 571-584

- Bruce A. Larson and Sydney Rosen
- Polygyny, maternal HIV status and child survival: Rakai, Uganda pp. 585-592

- Heena Brahmbhatt, David Bishai, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, Godfrey Kigozi, Maria Wawer and Ronald H. Gray
- Why is less money spent on health care for the elderly than for the rest of the population? Health care rationing in German hospitals pp. 593-608

- Hilke Brockmann
- Analysing changes of health inequalities in the Nordic welfare states pp. 609-625

- Eero Lahelma, Katariina Kivelä, Eva Roos, Terhi Tuominen, Espen Dahl, Finn Diderichsen, Jon Ivar Elstad, Inge Lissau, Olle Lundberg, Ossi Rahkonen, Niels Kristian Rasmussen and Monica Åberg Yngwe
- Impact of improvement of water supply on household economy in a squatter area of Manila pp. 627-641

- Hirotsugu Aiga and Takusei Umenai
- Ethnic identities, social capital and health inequalities: factors shaping African-Caribbean participation in local community networks in the UK pp. 643-657

- Catherine Campbell and Carl McLean
- The impact of the 9-21 earthquake experiences of Taiwanese nurses as rescuers pp. 659-672

- Fu-Jin Shih, Yen-Chi Liao, Shiu-Mei Chan, Bau-Ruei Duh and Meei-Ling Gau
- Cohabitation and marital status as predictors of mortality--an eight year follow-up study pp. 673-679

- Rikke Lund, Pernille Due, Jens Modvig, Bjørn Evald Holstein, Mogens Trab Damsgaard and Per Kragh Andersen
- Smoking and young women in Vietnam: the influence of normative gender roles pp. 681-690

- Martha Morrow, Do Hong Ngoc, Truong Trong Hoang and Tran Hue Trinh
2002, volume 55, articles 3
- The resurgence of disease: social and historical perspectives on the 'new' tuberculosis pp. 385-396

- Matthew Gandy and Alimuddin Zumla
- Commentary on 'the resurgence of disease: social and historical perspectives on the 'new' tuberculosis' pp. 397-398

- John D. H. Porter and Jessica A. Ogden
- Theorizing tuberculosis: a reply to Porter and Ogden pp. 399-401

- Matthew Gandy and Alimuddin Zumla
- Medical syncretism with reference to malaria in a Tanzanian community pp. 403-413

- Susanna Hausmann Muela, Joan Muela Ribera, Adiel K. Mushi and Marcel Tanner
- Multilevel analysis of situational drinking among Canadian undergraduates pp. 415-424

- Andrée Demers, Sylvia Kairouz, Edward Adlaf, Louis Gliksman, Brenda Newton-Taylor and Alain Marchand
- Secondhand effects of student alcohol use reported by neighbors of colleges: the role of alcohol outlets pp. 425-435

- Henry Wechsler, Jae Eun Lee, John Hall, Alexander C. Wagenaar and Hang Lee
- Husbands and maternal health matters in rural Guatemala: wives' reports on their spouses' involvement in pregnancy and birth pp. 437-450

- Marion Carter
- Habit versus choice: the process of decision-making in health-related behaviour pp. 451-465

- Eva Lindbladh and Carl Hampus Lyttkens
- Gender gaps, gender traps: sexual identity and vulnerability to sexually transmitted diseases among women in Vietnam pp. 467-481

- Vivian Fei-ling Go, Vu Minh Quan, A Chung, Jonathan Zenilman, Vu Thi Minh Hanh and David Celentano
- Seeking trust and transcendence: sexual risk-taking among Vietnamese youth pp. 483-496

- Tine Gammeltoft
- A risky business: the detection of adverse drug reactions in clinical trials and post-marketing exercises pp. 497-507

- Oonagh P. Corrigan
2002, volume 55, articles 2
- Social environment, life challenge, and health among the elderly in Taiwan pp. 191-209

- Megan Beckett, Noreen Goldman, Maxine Weinstein, I-Fen Lin and Yi-Li Chuang
- Accounting for unprotected sex: stories of agency and acceptability pp. 211-226

- Tim Rhodes and Linda Cusick
- Public trust in Dutch health care pp. 227-234

- G. F. M. Straten, R. D. Friele and P. P. Groenewegen
- Increasing drug users' adherence to HIV treatment: results of a peer-driven intervention feasibility study pp. 235-246

- Robert S. Broadhead, Douglas D. Heckathorn, Frederick L. Altice, Yaël van Hulst, Michael Carbone, Gerald H. Friedland, Patrick G. O'Connor and Peter A. Selwyn
- Chronic fatigue, abuse-related traumatization, and psychiatric disorders in a community-based sample pp. 247-256

- Renée R. Taylor and Leonard A. Jason
- Learning to live with glaucoma: a qualitative study of diagnosis and the impact of sight loss pp. 257-267

- Judith Green, Helen Siddall and Ian Murdoch
- Participatory evaluation of reproductive health care quality in developing countries pp. 269-282

- Janet E. Bradley, Marcia V. Mayfield, Manisha P. Mehta and Anatole Rukonge
- The impact of general practitioners' patient-centredness on patients' post-consultation satisfaction and enablement pp. 283-299

- Nicola Mead, Peter Bower and Mark Hann
- Physician-patient communication and patient satisfaction in Japanese cancer consultations pp. 301-311

- Hirono Ishikawa, Tomoko Takayama, Yoshihiko Yamazaki, Yukiko Seki and Noriyuki Katsumata
- The uneven tides of the health transition pp. 313-322

- Patrick Heuveline, Michel Guillot and Davidson R. Gwatkin
- Dentistry and distributive justice pp. 323-329

- Shafik Dharamsi and Michael I. MacEntee
- Peer education, gender and the development of critical consciousness: participatory HIV prevention by South African youth pp. 331-345

- Catherine Campbell and Catherine MacPhail
2002, volume 55, articles 1
- Editorial pp. 1-5

- Jean-Pierre M. Thouez
- Spatial patterns of tuberculosis incidence in Cologne (Germany) pp. 7-19

- Thomas Kistemann, Annette Munzinger and Friederike Dangendorf
- Does migration exaggerate the relationship between deprivation and limiting long-term illness? A Scottish analysis pp. 21-31

- Paul Boyle, Paul Norman and Philip Rees
- Poverty, social exclusion and health in Portugal pp. 33-45

- Paula Santana
- Community reappraisal of the perceived health effects of a petroleum refinery pp. 47-61

- Isaac N. Luginaah, S. Martin Taylor, Susan J. Elliott and John D. Eyles
- Changing local geographies of private residential care for older people 1983-1999: lessons for social policy in England and Wales pp. 63-78

- Gavin J Andrews and David R Phillips
- Assessing the applicability of GIS in a health and social care setting: planning services for informal carers in East Sussex, England pp. 79-96

- Ronan Foley
- Car travel time and accessibility by bus to general practitioner services: a study using patient registers and GIS pp. 97-111

- Andrew Lovett, Robin Haynes, Gisela Sünnenberg and Susan Gale
- Place effects on health: how can we conceptualise, operationalise and measure them? pp. 125-139

- Sally Macintyre, Anne Ellaway and Steven Cummins
- Changing geographies of care: employing the concept of therapeutic landscapes as a framework in examining home space pp. 141-154

- Allison Williams
- Themes in British health geography at the end of the century: a review of published research 1998-2000 pp. 167-173

- Sheena Asthana, Sarah Curtis, Craig Duncan and Myles Gould
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2020, volume 267
2020, volume 266
2020, volume 265
2020, volume 264
2020, volume 263
2020, volume 262
2020, volume 261
2020, volume 260
2020, volume 259
2020, volume 258
2020, volume 257
2020, volume 256
2020, volume 255
2020, volume 254
2020, volume 253
2020, volume 252
2020, volume 251
2020, volume 250
2020, volume 249
2020, volume 248
2020, volume 247
2020, volume 246
2020, volume 245
2020, volume 244
2019, volume 243
2019, volume 242
2019, volume 241
2019, volume 240
2019, volume 239
2019, volume 238
2019, volume 237
2019, volume 236
2019, volume 235
2019, volume 234
2019, volume 233
2019, volume 232
2019, volume 231
2019, volume 230
2019, volume 229
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2019, volume 226
2019, volume 225
2019, volume 224
2019, volume 223
2019, volume 222
2019, volume 221
2019, volume 220
2018, volume 219
2018, volume 218
2018, volume 217
2018, volume 216
2018, volume 215
2018, volume 214
2018, volume 213
2018, volume 212
2018, volume 211
2018, volume 210
2018, volume 209
2018, volume 208
2018, volume 207
2018, volume 206
2018, volume 205
2018, volume 204
2018, volume 203
2018, volume 202
2018, volume 201
2018, volume 200
2018, volume 199
2018, volume 198
2018, volume 197
2018, volume 196
2017, volume 195
2017, volume 194
2017, volume 193
2017, volume 192
2017, volume 191
2017, volume 190
2017, volume 189
2017, volume 188
2017, volume 187
2017, volume 185
2017, volume 184
2017, volume 183
2017, volume 182
2017, volume 181
2017, volume 180
2017, volume 179
2017, volume 178
2017, volume 177
2017, volume 176
2017, volume 175
2017, volume 174
2017, volume 173
2017, volume 172
2016, volume 171
2016, volume 170
2016, volume 169
2016, volume 168
2016, volume 167
2016, volume 166
2016, volume 165
2016, volume 164
2016, volume 163
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2016, volume 154
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2016, volume 151
2016, volume 150
2016, volume 149
2016, volume 148
2015, volume 147
2015, volume 146
2015, volume 145
2015, volume 144
2015, volume 143
2015, volume 142
2015, volume 141
2015, volume 140
2015, volume 139
2015, volume 138
2015, volume 136-137
2015, volume 135
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2015, volume 133
2015, volume 132
2015, volume 131
2015, volume 130
2015, volume 129
2015, volume 128
2015, volume 127
2015, volume 126
2015, volume 125
2015, volume 124
2014, volume 123
2014, volume 122
2014, volume 121
2014, volume 120
2014, volume 119
2014, volume 118
2014, volume 117
2014, volume 116
2014, volume 114
2014, volume 113
2014, volume 112
2014, volume 111
2014, volume 110
2014, volume 109
2014, volume 108
2014, volume 107
2014, volume 106
2014, volume 105
2014, volume 104
2014, volume 103
2014, volume 102
2014, volume 101
2014, volume 100
2013, volume 99
2013, volume 98
2013, volume 97
2013, volume 96
2013, volume 95
2013, volume 94
2013, volume 93
2013, volume 92
2013, volume 91
2013, volume 90
2013, volume 89
2013, volume 88
2013, volume 87
2013, volume 86
2013, volume 85
2013, volume 84
2013, volume 83
2013, volume 82
2013, volume 81
2013, volume 80
2013, volume 79
2013, volume 78
2013, volume 77
2013, volume 76
2012, volume 75
2012, volume 74
2011, volume 73
2011, volume 72
2010, volume 71
2010, volume 70
2009, volume 69
2009, volume 68
2008, volume 67
2008, volume 66
2007, volume 65
2007, volume 64
2006, volume 63
2006, volume 62
2005, volume 61
2005, volume 60
2004, volume 59
2004, volume 58
2003, volume 57
2003, volume 56
2002, volume 54
2001, volume 53
2001, volume 52
2000, volume 51
2000, volume 50
1999, volume 49
1999, volume 48
1998, volume 47
1998, volume 46
1997, volume 45
1997, volume 44
1996, volume 43
1996, volume 42
1995, volume 41
1995, volume 40
1994, volume 39
1994, volume 38
1993, volume 37
1993, volume 36
1992, volume 35
1992, volume 34
1991, volume 33
1991, volume 32
1990, volume 31
1990, volume 30
1989, volume 29
1989, volume 28
1988, volume 27
1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46
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Other years2025, volume 371
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2021, volume 284
2021, volume 283
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2021, volume 281
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2021, volume 279
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2020, volume 267
2020, volume 266
2020, volume 265
2020, volume 264
2020, volume 263
2020, volume 262
2020, volume 261
2020, volume 260
2020, volume 259
2020, volume 258
2020, volume 257
2020, volume 256
2020, volume 255
2020, volume 254
2020, volume 253
2020, volume 252
2020, volume 251
2020, volume 250
2020, volume 249
2020, volume 248
2020, volume 247
2020, volume 246
2020, volume 245
2020, volume 244
2019, volume 243
2019, volume 242
2019, volume 241
2019, volume 240
2019, volume 239
2019, volume 238
2019, volume 237
2019, volume 236
2019, volume 235
2019, volume 234
2019, volume 233
2019, volume 232
2019, volume 231
2019, volume 230
2019, volume 229
2019, volume 228
2019, volume 227
2019, volume 226
2019, volume 225
2019, volume 224
2019, volume 223
2019, volume 222
2019, volume 221
2019, volume 220
2018, volume 219
2018, volume 218
2018, volume 217
2018, volume 216
2018, volume 215
2018, volume 214
2018, volume 213
2018, volume 212
2018, volume 211
2018, volume 210
2018, volume 209
2018, volume 208
2018, volume 207
2018, volume 206
2018, volume 205
2018, volume 204
2018, volume 203
2018, volume 202
2018, volume 201
2018, volume 200
2018, volume 199
2018, volume 198
2018, volume 197
2018, volume 196
2017, volume 195
2017, volume 194
2017, volume 193
2017, volume 192
2017, volume 191
2017, volume 190
2017, volume 189
2017, volume 188
2017, volume 187
2017, volume 185
2017, volume 184
2017, volume 183
2017, volume 182
2017, volume 181
2017, volume 180
2017, volume 179
2017, volume 178
2017, volume 177
2017, volume 176
2017, volume 175
2017, volume 174
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2016, volume 171
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2016, volume 169
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2016, volume 163
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2016, volume 161
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2016, volume 159
2016, volume 158
2016, volume 157
2016, volume 156
2016, volume 155
2016, volume 154
2016, volume 153
2016, volume 152
2016, volume 151
2016, volume 150
2016, volume 149
2016, volume 148
2015, volume 147
2015, volume 146
2015, volume 145
2015, volume 144
2015, volume 143
2015, volume 142
2015, volume 141
2015, volume 140
2015, volume 139
2015, volume 138
2015, volume 136-137
2015, volume 135
2015, volume 134
2015, volume 133
2015, volume 132
2015, volume 131
2015, volume 130
2015, volume 129
2015, volume 128
2015, volume 127
2015, volume 126
2015, volume 125
2015, volume 124
2014, volume 123
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2014, volume 121
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2014, volume 119
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2014, volume 116
2014, volume 114
2014, volume 113
2014, volume 112
2014, volume 111
2014, volume 110
2014, volume 109
2014, volume 108
2014, volume 107
2014, volume 106
2014, volume 105
2014, volume 104
2014, volume 103
2014, volume 102
2014, volume 101
2014, volume 100
2013, volume 99
2013, volume 98
2013, volume 97
2013, volume 96
2013, volume 95
2013, volume 94
2013, volume 93
2013, volume 92
2013, volume 91
2013, volume 90
2013, volume 89
2013, volume 88
2013, volume 87
2013, volume 86
2013, volume 85
2013, volume 84
2013, volume 83
2013, volume 82
2013, volume 81
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2013, volume 79
2013, volume 78
2013, volume 77
2013, volume 76
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2012, volume 74
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2011, volume 72
2010, volume 71
2010, volume 70
2009, volume 69
2009, volume 68
2008, volume 67
2008, volume 66
2007, volume 65
2007, volume 64
2006, volume 63
2006, volume 62
2005, volume 61
2005, volume 60
2004, volume 59
2004, volume 58
2003, volume 57
2003, volume 56
2002, volume 54
2001, volume 53
2001, volume 52
2000, volume 51
2000, volume 50
1999, volume 49
1999, volume 48
1998, volume 47
1998, volume 46
1997, volume 45
1997, volume 44
1996, volume 43
1996, volume 42
1995, volume 41
1995, volume 40
1994, volume 39
1994, volume 38
1993, volume 37
1993, volume 36
1992, volume 35
1992, volume 34
1991, volume 33
1991, volume 32
1990, volume 31
1990, volume 30
1989, volume 29
1989, volume 28
1988, volume 27
1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46