Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2006, volume 62, articles 12
- Physical violence by husbands: Magnitude, disclosure and help-seeking behavior of women in Bangladesh pp. 2917-2929

- Ruchira Tabassum Naved, Safia Azim, Abbas Bhuiya and Lars Åke Persson
- Challenges to the reproductive-health needs of African women: On religion and maternal health utilization in Ghana pp. 2930-2944

- Stephen Gyimah, Baffour K. Takyi and Isaac Addai
- "I thought it was only ordinary fever!" cultural knowledge and the micropolitics of therapy seeking for childhood febrile illness in Tanzania pp. 2945-2959

- Vinay R. Kamat
- Beyond paradigm: Making transcultural connections in a scientific translation of acupuncture pp. 2960-2972

- Jongyoung Kim
- Variations in provider conceptions of integrative medicine pp. 2973-2987

- An-Fu Hsiao, Gery W. Ryan, Ronald D. Hays, Ian D. Coulter, Ronald M. Andersen and Neil S. Wenger
- Racializing narratives: Obesity, diabetes and the "Aboriginal" thrifty genotype pp. 2988-2997

- Margery Fee
- The role of education in the uptake of preventative health care: The case of cervical screening in Britain pp. 2998-3010

- Ricardo Sabates and Leon Feinstein
- 'It's only a blood test': What people know and think about venepuncture and blood pp. 3011-3023

- Naomi Pfeffer and Sophie Laws
- Age perceptions and physical activity among middle-aged men in three occupational groups pp. 3024-3034

- Margareta Wandel and Gun Roos
- Putting at risk what we know: Reflecting on the drug-using subject in harm reduction and its political implications pp. 3035-3047

- David Moore and Suzanne Fraser
- Time in the United States, social support and health behaviors during pregnancy among women of Mexican descent pp. 3048-3061

- Kim Harley and Brenda Eskenazi
- Alcohol outlets, gonorrhea, and the Los Angeles civil unrest: A longitudinal analysis pp. 3062-3071

- Deborah A. Cohen, Bonnie Ghosh-Dastidar, Richard Scribner, Angela Miu, Molly Scott, Paul Robinson, Thomas A. Farley, Ricky N. Bluthenthal and Didra Brown-Taylor
- Perceptions of social capital and the built environment and mental health pp. 3072-3083

- Ricardo Araya, Frank Dunstan, Rebecca Playle, Hollie Thomas, Stephen Palmer and Glyn Lewis
- Public and private domains of religiosity and adolescent smoking transitions pp. 3084-3095

- James Nonnemaker, Clea A McNeely and Robert Wm Blum
- Men's constructions of smoking in the context of women's tobacco reduction during pregnancy and postpartum pp. 3096-3108

- Joan L. Bottorff, John Oliffe, Cecilia Kalaw, Joanne Carey and Lawrence Mroz
- Physical activity and depressive symptoms in cardiac rehabilitation: Long-term effects of a self-management intervention pp. 3109-3120

- Urte Scholz, Nina Knoll, Falko F. Sniehotta and Ralf Schwarzer
- Before and after the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake: Traumatic events and depressive symptoms in an older population pp. 3121-3132

- Christopher L. Seplaki, Noreen Goldman, Maxine Weinstein and Yu-Hsuan Lin
- Meaning-making intervention during breast or colorectal cancer treatment improves self-esteem, optimism, and self-efficacy pp. 3133-3145

- Virginia Lee, S. Robin Cohen, Linda Edgar, Andrea M. Laizner and Anita J. Gagnon
- Predicting physical activity intention and behaviour among children in a longitudinal sample pp. 3146-3156

- Ryan E. Rhodes, Heather M. Macdonald and Heather A. McKay
- Where does the waiting list begin? A short review of the dynamics and organization of modern waiting lists pp. 3157-3160

- Dalia L. Rotstein and David A. Alter
- Exposure to indoor air pollution from household energy use in rural China: The interactions of technology, behavior, and knowledge in health risk management pp. 3161-3176

- Yinlong Jin, Xiao Ma, Xining Chen, Yibin Cheng, Enis Baris and Majid Ezzati
- Social health insurance in a developing country: The case of the Philippines pp. 3177-3185

- Konrad Obermann, Matthew R. Jowett, Maria Ofelia O. Alcantara, Eduardo P. Banzon and Claude Bodart
- The geography of self-injury: Spatial patterns in attempted and completed suicide pp. 3186-3196

- Katherine Hempstead
2006, volume 62, articles 11
- Introduction: Gift horse or Trojan horse? Social science perspectives on evidence-based health care pp. 2613-2620

- Helen Lambert, Elisa J. Gordon and Elizabeth A. Bogdan-Lovis
- On evidence and evidence-based medicine: Lessons from the philosophy of science pp. 2621-2632

- Maya J. Goldenberg
- Accounting for EBM: Notions of evidence in medicine pp. 2633-2645

- Helen Lambert
- The role of evidence in alternative medicine: Contrasting biomedical and anthropological approaches pp. 2646-2657

- Christine Ann Barry
- Of spineless babies and folic acid: Evidence and efficacy in biomedicine and ayurvedic medicine pp. 2658-2669

- Harish Naraindas
- What evidence, whose evidence?: Physical therapy in New York State's clinical practice guideline and in the lives of mothers of disabled children pp. 2670-2680

- Gail H. Landsman
- The contextual influence of professional culture: Certified nurse-midwives' knowledge of and reliance on evidence-based practice pp. 2681-2693

- Elizabeth A. Bogdan-Lovis and Aron Sousa
- The social and cultural shaping of medical evidence: Case studies from pharmaceutical research and obstetric science pp. 2694-2706

- Raymond De Vries and Trudo Lemmens
- The political contexts of evidence-based medicine: Policymaking for daily hemodialysis pp. 2707-2719

- Elisa Jill Gordon
- Making the invisible body visible. Bone scans, osteoporosis and women's bodily experiences pp. 2720-2731

- Susanne Dalsgaard Reventlow, Lotte Hvas and Kirsti Malterud
- The stratification of social capital and its consequences for self-rated health in Taganrog, Russia pp. 2732-2741

- Yerko Rojas and Per Carlson
- Why do women consent to surgery, even when they do not want to? An interactionist and Bourdieusian analysis pp. 2742-2753

- Mary Dixon-Woods, Simon J. Williams, Clare J. Jackson, Andrea Akkad, Sara Kenyon and Marwan Habiba
- The work to make telemedicine work: A social and articulative view pp. 2754-2767

- Davide Nicolini
- Legal and ethico-legal issues in e-healthcare research projects in the UK pp. 2768-2773

- Caroline N. McCubbin
- Healing traditions and men's sexual health in Mumbai, India: The realities of practiced medicine in urban poor communities pp. 2774-2785

- Stephen L. Schensul, Abdelwahed Mekki-Berrada, Bonnie Nastasi, Niranjan Saggurti and Ravi K. Verma
- Systems of medicine and nationalist discourse in India: Towards "new horizons" in medical anthropology and history pp. 2786-2797

- Shamshad Khan
- Barriers to and attitudes towards promoting husbands' involvement in maternal health in Katmandu, Nepal pp. 2798-2809

- Britta C. Mullany
- Culturally compelling strategies for behaviour change: A social ecology model and case study in malaria prevention pp. 2810-2825

- Catherine Panter-Brick, Sian E. Clarke, Heather Lomas, Margaret Pinder and Steve W. Lindsay
- The timing of marriage and childbearing among rural families in Bangladesh: Choosing between competing risks pp. 2826-2837

- Sidney Ruth Schuler, Lisa M. Bates, Farzana Islam and Md. Khairul Islam
- An international study of irritable bowel syndrome: Family relationships and mind-body attributions pp. 2838-2847

- Mary-Joan Gerson, Charles D. Gerson, Richard A. Awad, Christine Dancey, Pierre Poitras, Piero Porcelli and Ami D. Sperber
- Gender differences in religious practices, spiritual experiences and health: Results from the US General Social Survey pp. 2848-2860

- Joanna Maselko and Laura D. Kubzansky
- Sharing decisions in consultations involving anti-psychotic medication: A qualitative study of psychiatrists' experiences pp. 2861-2873

- Clive Seale, Robert Chaplin, Paul Lelliott and Alan Quirk
- The relationship between media reporting of suicide and actual suicide in Australia pp. 2874-2886

- Jane E. Pirkis, Philip M. Burgess, Catherine Francis, R. Warwick Blood and Damien J. Jolley
- Recent life events and suicide: A case-control study in Tallinn and Frankfurt pp. 2887-2896

- Kairi Kõlves, Airi Värnik, Barbara Schneider, Jürgen Fritze and Jüri Allik
- Health disparities between racial groups in South Africa: A decomposition analysis pp. 2897-2914

- Cécile Charasse-Pouélé and Martin Fournier
2006, volume 62, articles 10
- (Re)constructing embryos in stem cell research: Exploring the meaning of embryos for people involved in fertility treatments pp. 2349-2359

- Sarah Parry
- On being at higher risk: A qualitative study of prenatal screening for chromosomal anomalies pp. 2360-2372

- Bob Heyman, Gillian Hundt, Jane Sandall, Kevin Spencer, Clare Williams, Rachel Grellier and Laura Pitson
- Understanding the new human genetics: A review of scientific editorials pp. 2373-2385

- Fiona Alice Miller, Catherine Ahern, Christopher A. Smith and Erin A. Harvey
- The search for social validation and the sexual behavior of people living with HIV in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Understanding the role of treatment optimism in context pp. 2386-2396

- Deanna Kerrigan, Francisco I. Bastos, Monica Malta, Claudia Carneiro-da-Cunha, J.H. Pilotto and Steffanie A. Strathdee
- Psychosocial problems of bereaved families of HIV-infected hemophiliacs in Japan pp. 2397-2410

- Yuri Mizota, Megumi Ozawa, Yoshihiko Yamazaki and Yoji Inoue
- Men's involvement in the South African family: Engendering change in the AIDS era pp. 2411-2419

- Catherine M. Montgomery, Victoria Hosegood, Joanna Busza and Ian M. Timæus
- Vulnerability, unsafe sex and non-adherence to HAART: Evidence from a large sample of French HIV/AIDS outpatients pp. 2420-2433

- Patrick Peretti-Watel, B. Spire, M.A. Schiltz, A.D. Bouhnik, I. Heard, F. Lert and Y. Obadia
- Female sex workers as health educators with men who buy sex: Utilising narratives of rationalisations pp. 2434-2444

- Teela Sanders
- Internet marketing of bariatric surgery: Contemporary trends in the medicalization of obesity pp. 2445-2457

- Talya Salant and Heena P. Santry
- Obesity, weight loss, and physician's advice pp. 2458-2468

- Maria Loureiro and Rodolfo Nayga
- The burden of disease associated with being African-American in the United States and the contribution of socio-economic status pp. 2469-2478

- Peter Franks, Peter Muennig, Erica Lubetkin and Haomiao Jia
- Race, socioeconomic status, and the perceived importance of positive self-presentation in health care pp. 2479-2488

- Jennifer R. Malat, Michelle van Ryn and David Purcell
- Does socio-economic advantage lead to a longer, healthier old age? pp. 2489-2499

- Ruth J. Matthews, Carol Jagger and Ruth M. Hancock
- Death, depression and 'defensive expansion': Closing down smoking as an issue for discussion in GP consultations pp. 2500-2512

- Alison Pilnick and Tim Coleman
- Could the peer group explain school differences in pupil smoking rates? An exploratory study pp. 2513-2525

- Katrina Turner, Patrick West, Jacki Gordon, Robert Young and Helen Sweeting
- Teenage children of teenage mothers: Psychological, behavioural and health outcomes from an Australian prospective longitudinal study pp. 2526-2539

- Mary Shaw, Debbie A. Lawlor and Jake M. Najman
- Recasting research into children's experiences of parental mental illness: Beyond risk and resilience pp. 2540-2550

- Brenda McConnell Gladstone, Katherine M. Boydell and Patricia McKeever
- Non-attendance and effective equity of access at four public specialist outpatient centers in Hong Kong pp. 2551-2564

- Janice M. Johnston, Gabriel Leung, Hnin Saing, Kin-On Kwok, Lai-Ming Ho, Irene O.L. Wong and Keith Y.K. Tin
- What do cancer support groups provide which other supportive relationships do not? The experience of peer support groups for people with cancer pp. 2565-2576

- Jane Ussher, Laura Kirsten, Phyllis Butow and Mirjana Sandoval
- Gender, cancer experience and internet use: A comparative keyword analysis of interviews and online cancer support groups pp. 2577-2590

- Clive Seale, Sue Ziebland and Jonathan Charteris-Black
- Cancer in the mass print media: Fear, uncertainty and the medical model pp. 2591-2600

- Juanne N. Clarke and Michelle M. Everest
- Negotiation over self-control and activity: An analysis of balancing in the repertoires of Finnish healthy lifestyles pp. 2601-2611

- Pia M. Pajari, Piia Jallinoja and Pilvikki Absetz
2006, volume 62, articles 9
- Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs): The silence of the lambda pp. 2091-2100

- Amiram Gafni and Stephen Birch
- Price elasticity of demand for malt liquor beer: Findings from a US pilot study pp. 2101-2111

- Michael Thomas French, Didra BrownTaylor and Ricky Neville Bluthenthal
- Does chain affiliation make a difference in efficiency of dialysis providers in the USA pp. 2112-2124

- Hacer Ozgen
- Being around and knowing the players: Networks of influence in health policy pp. 2125-2136

- Jenny M. Lewis
- The effects of economic instability on infant, neonatal, and postneonatal mortality rates: Evidence from Taiwan pp. 2137-2150

- Shin-Jong Lin
- Social class assignment and mortality in Sweden pp. 2151-2160

- Robert Erikson
- Socioeconomic status and health: Do gradients differ within childhood and adolescence? pp. 2161-2170

- Edith Chen, Andrew D. Martin and Karen A. Matthews
- The wealthy get healthy, the poor get poorly? Lay perceptions of health inequalities pp. 2171-2182

- Rosemary Davidson, Jenny Kitzinger and Kate Hunt
- Sickness absence and sickness attendance--What people with neck or back pain think pp. 2183-2195

- Margareta Hansson, Carina Boström and Karin Harms-Ringdahl
- Challenges for the adoption of evidence-based maternity care in Turkey pp. 2196-2204

- Janet Molzan Turan, Aysen Bulut, Hacer Nalbant, Nuriye OrtaylI and Tugrul Erbaydar
- Maternity referral systems in developing countries: Current knowledge and future research needs pp. 2205-2215

- Susan F. Murray and Stephen C. Pearson
- Quality of care and its impact on population health: A cross-sectional study from Macedonia pp. 2216-2224

- John W. Peabody, Robert J. Nordyke, Fimka Tozija, Jeff Luck, Jorge A. Muñoz, Anne Sunderland, Karen DeSalvo, Ninez Ponce and Charles McCulloch
- The performance of health workers in Ethiopia: Results from qualitative research pp. 2225-2235

- Magnus Lindelow and Pieter Serneels
- Quest, chaos and restitution: Living with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis pp. 2236-2245

- Lisa Claire Whitehead
- Men's accounts of depression: Reconstructing or resisting hegemonic masculinity? pp. 2246-2257

- Carol Emslie, Damien Ridge, Sue Ziebland and Kate Hunt
- Conversational silence, coercion, equality: The role of language in influencing who gets identified as abused pp. 2258-2266

- Amy E. Bonomi, David G. Allen and Victoria L. Holt
- Doctor-patient interaction in a randomised controlled trial of decision-support tools pp. 2267-2278

- Tim Rapley, Carl May, Ben Heaven, Madeline Murtagh, Ruth Graham, Eileen F.S. Kaner and Richard Thomson
- "It was a snap decision": Parental and professional perspectives on the speed of decisions about participation in perinatal randomised controlled trials pp. 2279-2290

- Claire Snowdon, Diana Elbourne and Jo Garcia
- The nature and correlates of unmet health care needs in Ontario, Canada pp. 2291-2300

- Connie Holmes Nelson and Jungwee Park
- Living in the shadow of terrorism: Psychological distress and alcohol use among religious and non-religious adolescents in Jerusalem pp. 2301-2312

- Miriam Schiff
- Husbands' and wives' reports of women's decision-making power in Western Guatemala and their effects on preventive health behaviors pp. 2313-2326

- Stan Becker, Fannie Fonseca-Becker and Catherine Schenck-Yglesias
- Health, wealth and fairness based on gender: The support for ethical principles pp. 2327-2335

- Anna Månsdotter, Lars Lindholm and Michael Lundberg
- Physiotherapy and the shadow of prostitution: The Society of Trained Masseuses and the massage scandals of 1894 pp. 2336-2348

- David A. Nicholls and Julianne Cheek
2006, volume 62, articles 8
- Associations of childhood circumstances with physical and mental functioning in adulthood pp. 1831-1839

- Tomi Mäkinen, Mikko Laaksonen, Eero Lahelma and Ossi Rahkonen
- Team leadership and patient outcomes in US psychiatric treatment settings pp. 1840-1852

- Rebecca Wells, Kimberly Jinnett, Jeffrey Alexander, Richard Lichtenstein, Dawei Liu and James L. Zazzali
- Mental and social health in disasters: Relating qualitative social science research and the Sphere standard pp. 1853-1864

- Rajaie Batniji, Mark Van Ommeren and Benedetto Saraceno
- Variation in children's cognitive and behavioural adjustment between different types of place in the British National Child Development Study pp. 1865-1879

- Andrew McCulloch
- Genetic susceptibility testing from a stress and coping perspective pp. 1880-1890

- Holly C. Gooding, Kurt Organista, Jeffrey Burack and Barbara Bowles Biesecker
- Developing attributes for a generic quality of life measure for older people: Preferences or capabilities? pp. 1891-1901

- Ini Grewal, Jane Lewis, Terry Flynn, Jackie Brown, John Bond and Joanna Coast
- "Does it mean I'm gonna die?": On meaning assessment in the delivery of diagnostic news pp. 1902-1916

- Douglas W. Maynard
- Responsive complementary feeding in rural Bangladesh pp. 1917-1930

- Anna C Moore, Sadika Akhter and Frances E Aboud
- Our health and theirs: Forced migration, othering, and public health pp. 1931-1942

- Natalie J. Grove and Anthony B. Zwi
- Do individual and program factors matter in the utilization of maternal care services in rural India? A theoretical approach pp. 1943-1957

- T.S. Sunil, S. Rajaram and Lisa K. Zottarelli
- Kaqchikel midwives, home births, and emergency obstetric referrals in Guatemala: Contextualizing the choice to stay at home pp. 1958-1969

- Nicole S. Berry
- The male heart and the female mind: A study in the gendering of antidepressants and cardiovascular drugs in advertisements in Irish medical publication pp. 1970-1977

- Phillip Curry and Marita O'Brien
- "...it's all the same no matter how much fruit or vegetables or fresh air we get": Traveller women's perceptions of illness causation and health inequalities pp. 1978-1990

- Margaret Hodgins, Michelle Millar and Margaret M Barry
- Never-married childless women in Australia: Health and social circumstances in older age pp. 1991-2001

- Julie Cwikel, Helen Gramotnev and Christina Lee
- Violence against women and suicide risk: The neglected impact of same-sex sexual behaviour pp. 2002-2013

- Brigitte Lhomond and Marie-Josèphe Saurel-Cubizolles
- Effects of husbands' and wives' education on each other's mortality pp. 2014-2023

- Dena H. Jaffe, Zvi Eisenbach, Yehuda D. Neumark and Orly Manor
- Shifting dollars, saving lives: What might happen to mortality rates, and socio-economic inequalities in mortality rates, if income was redistributed? pp. 2024-2034

- Tony Blakely and Nick Wilson
- Socioeconomic inequalities in premature mortality in France: Have they widened in recent decades? pp. 2035-2045

- Annette Leclerc, Jean-François Chastang, Gwenn Menvielle and Danièle Luce
- A comparative appraisal of the relationship of education, income and housing tenure with less than good health among the elderly in Europe pp. 2046-2060

- J.A.A. Dalstra, A.E. Kunst and J.P. Mackenbach
- Neighborhood violent crime and unemployment increase the risk of coronary heart disease: A multilevel study in an urban setting pp. 2061-2071

- Kristina Sundquist, Holger Theobald, Min Yang, Xinjun Li, Sven-Erik Johansson and Jan Sundquist
- Why do case studies on national health research systems matter? Identifying common challenges in low- and middle-income countries pp. 2072-2078

- Carol D'Souza and Ritu Sadana
- Health care practices, professions and perspectives: A case study in intensive care pp. 2079-2090

- Simon Carmel
2006, volume 62, articles 7
- New drug prescribing by hospital doctors: The nature and meaning of knowledge pp. 1565-1578

- Helen Prosser and Tom Walley
- Dilemmas in decision-making about resuscitation--a focus group study of older people pp. 1579-1593

- Tushna Vandrevala, Sarah E. Hampson, Tom Daly, Sara Arber and Hilary Thomas
- Exploring limits to market-based reform: Managed competition and rehabilitation home care services in Ontario pp. 1594-1604

- Glen E. Randall and A. Paul Williams
- Turning the medical gaze in upon itself: Root cause analysis and the investigation of clinical error pp. 1605-1615

- Roderick Aren Michael Iedema, Christine Jorm, Debbi Long, Jeffrey Braithwaite, Jo Travaglia and Mary Westbrook
- At home in hospital? Interaction and stigma in people affected by cancer pp. 1616-1627

- Kate Wilson and Karen A Luker
- Supportive social relationships and adolescent health risk behavior among secondary school students in El Salvador pp. 1628-1640

- Andrew Springer, Guy Parcel, Elizabeth Baumler and Michael Ross
- Associations of poverty, substance use, and HIV transmission risk behaviors in three South African communities pp. 1641-1649

- Seth C. Kalichman, Leickness C. Simbayi, Ashraf Kagee, Yoesrie Toefy, Sean Jooste, Demetria Cain and Chauncey Cherry
- Behavioral science at the crossroads in public health: Extending horizons, envisioning the future pp. 1650-1671

- Thomas A. Glass and Matthew J. McAtee
- Gender and HIV risk behavior among intravenous drug users in Sichuan Province, China pp. 1672-1684

- Susanne Y.P. Choi, Yuet Wah Cheung and Kanglin Chen
- Stigmatizing experience and structural discrimination associated with the treatment of schizophrenia in Hong Kong pp. 1685-1696

- Sing Lee, Marcus Y.L. Chiu, Adley Tsang, Helena Chui and Arthur Kleinman
- Mental health, employment and gender. Cross-sectional evidence in a sample of refugees from Bosnia-Herzegovina living in two Swedish regions pp. 1697-1709

- Karin Johansson Blight, Solvig Ekblad, Jan-Olov Persson and Jan Ekberg
- Reaching for the bottle of pesticide--A cry for help. Self-inflicted poisonings in Sri Lanka pp. 1710-1719

- Flemming Konradsen, Wim van der Hoek and Pushpalatha Peiris
- Preservation of self in people with dementia living in residential care: A socio-biographical approach pp. 1720-1730

- Claire Alice Surr
- The role of mediating factors in the association between social deprivation and low birth weight in Germany pp. 1731-1744

- Birgit Reime, Pamela A. Ratner, Sandra N. Tomaselli-Reime, Ann Kelly, Beate A. Schuecking and Paul Wenzlaff
- Couples' experiences of postnatal depression: A framing analysis of cultural identity, gender and communication pp. 1745-1756

- Christine Rosemary Everingham, Gaynor Heading and Linda Connor
- Unfulfilled expectations: How circumstances impinge on women's reproductive choices pp. 1757-1767

- Maureen Porter, Siladitya Bhattacharya and Edwin van Teijlingen
- Income inequality and population health: A review and explanation of the evidence pp. 1768-1784

- Richard G Wilkinson and Kate E. Pickett
- Socioeconomic differences in the progression of carotid atherosclerosis in middle-aged men and women with subclinical atherosclerosis in Sweden pp. 1785-1798

- Maria Rosvall, Per-Olof Östergren, Bo Hedblad, Sven-Olof Isacsson, Lars Janzon and Göran Berglund
- Health lifestyles and political ideology in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine pp. 1799-1809

- William C. Cockerham, Brian P. Hinote, Geoffrey B. Cockerham and Pamela Abbott
- Normative processes and adolescents' smoking behaviour in Norway: A multilevel analysis pp. 1810-1818

- Nora Wiium, Torbjørn Torsheim and Bente Wold
- The role of public policies in reducing smoking and deaths caused by smoking in Vietnam: Results from the Vietnam tobacco policy simulation model pp. 1819-1830

- David T. Levy, Sarah Bales, Nguyen T. Lam and Leonid Nikolayev
2006, volume 62, articles 6
- Supporting choice and control? Communication and interaction between midwives and women at the antenatal booking visit pp. 1307-1318

- Christine McCourt
- Parents' experiences of sharing neonatal information and decisions: Consent, cost and risk pp. 1319-1329

- Priscilla Alderson, Joanna Hawthorne and Margaret Killen
- Subverting the assembly-line: Childbirth in a free-standing birth centre pp. 1330-1340

- Denis Walsh
- Correlations of siblings' and mothers' utilisation of primary and hospital health care: A record linkage study in Western Australia pp. 1341-1348

- Alison M. Ward, Nick de Klerk, Douglas Pritchard, Martin Firth and C. D'Arcy J. Holman
- 'Just a bystander'? Men's place in the process of fetal screening and diagnosis pp. 1349-1359

- Louise Locock and Jo Alexander
- Self-regulation and the behavioural response to DNA risk information: A theoretical analysis and framework for future research pp. 1360-1368

- Theresa M. Marteau and John Weinman
- Understanding health behavior change among couples: An interdependence and communal coping approach pp. 1369-1380

- Megan A. Lewis, Colleen M. McBride, Kathryn I. Pollak, Elaine Puleo, Rita M. Butterfield and Karen M. Emmons
- Experience of health changes and reasons for delay in seeking care: A UK study of the months prior to the diagnosis of lung cancer pp. 1381-1391

- Jessica Corner, Jane Hopkinson and Liz Roffe
- Social network in long-term diseases: A comparative study in relatives of persons with schizophrenia and physical illnesses versus a sample from the general population pp. 1392-1402

- Lorenza Magliano, Andrea Fiorillo, Claudio Malangone, Corrado De Rosa and Mario Maj
- Ventilator dependence and expressions of need: A study of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Japan pp. 1403-1413

- Yuko Mandai Hirano, Yoshihiko Yamazaki, Junichi Shimizu, Taisuke Togari and Thomas James Bryce
- The impact of tobacco expenditure on household consumption patterns in rural China pp. 1414-1426

- Hong Wang, Jody L. Sindelar and Susan H. Busch
- Marital life course events and smoking behaviour in Sweden 1980-2000 pp. 1427-1442

- Paul Nystedt
- Impact of definition on the study of avoidable mortality: Geographical trends in British deaths 1981-1998 using Charlton and Holland's definitions pp. 1443-1456

- Katherine Meriel French and Kelvyn Jones
- A comparison of health inequalities in urban and rural Scotland pp. 1457-1464

- Kate A. Levin and Alastair H. Leyland
- Psychosocial and neo-material dimensions of SES and health revisited: Predictors of self-rated health in a Canadian national survey pp. 1465-1473

- James R. Dunn, Gerry Veenstra and Nancy Ross
- NZiDep: A New Zealand index of socioeconomic deprivation for individuals pp. 1474-1485

- Clare Salmond, Peter Crampton, Peter King and Charles Waldegrave
- "We are not completely Westernised": Dual medical systems and pathways to health care among Chinese migrant women in England pp. 1498-1509

- Gill Green, Hannah Bradby, Anita Chan and Maggie Lee
- Empirical uncertainty and moral contest: A qualitative analysis of the relationship between medical specialists and the pharmaceutical industry in Australia pp. 1510-1519

- E. Doran, I. Kerridge, P. McNeill and David Henry
- "To enrol or not to enrol?": A qualitative investigation of demand for health insurance in rural West Africa pp. 1520-1527

- Manuela De Allegri, Mamadou Sanon and Rainer Sauerborn
- Attitudes towards patient gender among psychiatric hospital staff: Results of a case study with focus groups pp. 1528-1540

- Silvia Krumm, Reinhold Kilian and Thomas Becker
- Governance in operating room nursing: Nurses' knowledge of individual surgeons pp. 1541-1551

- Robin Glenda Riley and Elizabeth Manias
- Frequency and determinants of advance directives concerning end-of-life care in The Netherlands pp. 1552-1563

- Mette L. Rurup, Bregje D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen, Agnes van der Heide, Gerrit van der Wal and Dorly J.H. Deeg
2006, volume 62, articles 5
- Gender inequalities in US adult health: The interplay of race and ethnicity pp. 1045-1065

- Jen'nan Ghazal Read and Bridget K. Gorman
- Gender differences in job strain, effort-reward imbalance, and health functioning among Chinese physicians pp. 1066-1077

- Jian Li, Wenjie Yang and Sung-il Cho
- Health professionals, their medical interventions and uncertainty: A study focusing on women at midlife pp. 1078-1090

- F. Griffiths, E. Green and G. Bendelow
- Men and women managing coronary artery disease risk: Urban-rural contrasts pp. 1091-1102

- Kathryn M. King, Elizabeth Thomlinson, Julianne Sanguins and Pamela LeBlanc
- Access to rural health services: Research as community action and policy critique pp. 1103-1114

- Ruth Panelli, Lou Gallagher and Robin Kearns
- Negotiating mothering against the odds: Gastrostomy tube feeding, stigma, governmentality and disabled children pp. 1115-1125

- Gillian M. Craig and Graham Scambler
- Trends and racial differences in infant mortality in South Africa pp. 1126-1137

- Sarah A. Burgard and Donald J. Treiman
- An investigation of district spatial variations of childhood diarrhoea and fever morbidity in Malawi pp. 1138-1152

- Ngianga-Bakwin Kandala, Monica Akinyi Magadi and Nyovani Janet Madise
- Understanding the process of adjustment to illness pp. 1153-1166

- Louise Sharpe and Leah Curran
- 'I just want permission to be ill': Towards a sociology of medically unexplained symptoms pp. 1167-1178

- Sarah Nettleton
- Retirement and mental health: Analysis of the Australian national survey of mental health and well-being pp. 1179-1191

- Peter Butterworth, Sarah C. Gill, Bryan Rodgers, Kaarin J. Anstey, Elena Villamil and David Melzer
- Beyond rankings: Using cognitive mapping to understand what health care journals represent pp. 1192-1204

- Richard M. Shewchuk, Stephen J. O'Connor, Eric S. Williams and Grant T. Savage
- Anxiolytic-hypnotic drug use associated with trust, social participation, and the miniaturization of community: A multilevel analysis pp. 1205-1214

- Kristina Johnell, Martin Lindström, Arne Melander, Jan Sundquist, Charli Eriksson and Juan Merlo
- Multi-level modelling in health research: A caution and rejoinder on temporally mismatched data pp. 1215-1218

- Michael Buzzelli and Jason Su
- Experiences of stigma and access to HAART in children and adolescents living with HIV/AIDS in Brazil pp. 1219-1228

- César Ernesto Abadía-Barrero and Arachu Castro
- Healthcare in the New Vietnam: Comparing patients' satisfaction with outpatient care in a traditional neighborhood clinic and a new, western-style clinic in Ho Chi Minh City pp. 1229-1236

- Sonny Tat and Donald Barr
- Views of general practitioners and benzodiazepine users on benzodiazepines: A qualitative analysis pp. 1237-1249

- Jannette M. Parr, David J. Kavanagh, Ross McD. Young and Kelly McCafferty
- Explaining the social gradient in smoking in pregnancy: Early life course accumulation and cross-sectional clustering of social risk exposures in the 1958 British national cohort pp. 1250-1259

- Nick Spencer
- Domestic violence against women in Egypt--wife beating and health outcomes pp. 1260-1277

- Nafissatou Diop-Sidibé, Jacquelyn C. Campbell and Stan Becker
- Hyped biomedical science or uncritical reporting? Press coverage of genomics (1992-2001) in Québec pp. 1278-1290

- Eric Racine, Isabelle Gareau, Hubert Doucet, Danielle Laudy, Guy Jobin and Pamela Schraedley-Desmond
- Neighborhood effects on primary care access in Los Angeles pp. 1291-1303

- Julia C. Prentice
2006, volume 62, articles 4
- Disciplining the feminine: The reproduction of gender contradictions in the mental health care of women with eating disorders pp. 793-804

- Nicole Moulding
- Pathways to suicidal behaviour among adolescent girls in Nicaragua pp. 805-814

- A. Herrera, K. Dahlblom, L. Dahlgren and G. Kullgren
- Cross-national variation of gender differences in adolescent subjective health in Europe and North America pp. 815-827

- Torbjørn Torsheim, Ulrike Ravens-Sieberer, Jorn Hetland, Raili Välimaa, Mia Danielson and Mary Overpeck
- Depression and mental health visits to physicians--a prospective records-based study pp. 828-834

- Anne Rhodes, R. Liisa Jaakkimainen, Susan Bondy and Kinwah Fung
- Economic valuation of informal care: Lessons from the application of the opportunity costs and proxy good methods pp. 835-845

- Bernard van den Berg, Werner Brouwer, Job van Exel, Marc Koopmanschap, Geertrudis A.M. van den Bos and Frans Rutten
- A conceptually based approach to understanding chronically ill patients' responses to medication cost pressures pp. 846-857

- John D. Piette, Michele Heisler, Robert Horne and G Alexander
- What are the economic consequences for households of illness and of paying for health care in low- and middle-income country contexts? pp. 858-865

- Diane McIntyre, Michael Thiede, Göran Dahlgren and Margaret Whitehead
- Understanding the impact of eliminating user fees: Utilization and catastrophic health expenditures in Uganda pp. 866-876

- Ke Xu, David B. Evans, Patrick Kadama, Juliet Nabyonga, Peter Ogwang Ogwal, Pamela Nabukhonzo and Ana Mylena Aguilar
- Informal payments in government health facilities in Albania: Results of a qualitative study pp. 877-887

- Taryn Vian, Kristina Grybosk, Zamira Sinoimeri and Rachel Hall
- Evaluations of care by adults following a denial of an advertisement-related prescription drug request: The role of expectations, symptom severity, and physician communication style pp. 888-899

- Mansi B. Shah, John P. Bentley and David J. McCaffrey
- An implementation intentions intervention, the use of a planning strategy, and physical activity after myocardial infarction pp. 900-908

- Aleksandra Luszczynska
- Explaining US racial/ethnic disparities in health declines and mortality in late middle age: The roles of socioeconomic status, health behaviors, and health insurance pp. 909-922

- Joseph J. Sudano and David W. Baker
- A socially neutral disease? Individual social class, household wealth and mortality from Spanish influenza in two socially contrasting parishes in Kristiania 1918-19 pp. 923-940

- Svenn-Erik Mamelund
- Psychometric and cognitive validation of a social capital measurement tool in Peru and Vietnam pp. 941-953

- Mary J De Silva, Trudy Harpham, Tran Tuan, Rosario Bartolini, Mary E Penny and Sharon R Huttly
- Low linking social capital as a predictor of coronary heart disease in Sweden: A cohort study of 2.8 million people pp. 954-963

- Jan Sundquist, Sven-Erik Johansson, Min Yang and Kristina Sundquist
- What factors induce health care decision-makers to use clinical guidelines? Evidence from provincial health ministries, regional health authorities and hospitals in Canada pp. 964-976

- Mathieu Ouimet, Réjean Landry, Nabil Amara and Omar Belkhodja
- Long-run consequences of parental paid work hours for child overweight status in Canada pp. 977-986

- Shelley Phipps, Lynn Lethbridge and Peter Burton
- Contradictory sexual norms and expectations for young people in rural Northern Tanzania pp. 987-997

- Daniel Wight, Mary L. Plummer, Gerry Mshana, Joyce Wamoyi, Zachayo S. Shigongo and David A. Ross
- Volunteer human subjects' understandings of their participation in a biomedical research experiment pp. 998-1008

- Norma Morris and Brian Bàlmer
- Lies, damned lies and statistics? Reliability and personal accounts of smoking among young people pp. 1009-1021

- Michael Mair, Alexandra Barlow, Susan E. Woods, Ciara Kierans, Beth Milton and Lorna Porcellato
- Technogovernance: Evidence, subjectivity, and the clinical encounter in primary care medicine pp. 1022-1030

- Carl May, Tim Rapley, Tiago Moreira, Tracy Finch and Ben Heaven
- Infertility: Testing a helpseeking model pp. 1031-1041

- Lynn White, Julia McQuillan, Arthur L. Greil and David R. Johnson
2006, volume 62, articles 3
- Introduction: Patient organization movements and new metamorphoses in patienthood pp. 529-537

- Kyra Landzelius
- How to build an "active" patient? The work of AIDS associations in France pp. 538-551

- Janine Barbot
- The field of psychiatric contention in the UK, 1960-2000 pp. 552-563

- Nick Crossley
- From representation to mediation: The shaping of collective mobilization on muscular dystrophy in France pp. 564-576

- Vololona Rabeharisoa
- Illnesses you have to fight to get: Facts as forces in uncertain, emergent illnesses pp. 577-590

- Joseph Dumit
- "To me, it's my life": Medical communication, trust, and activism in cyberspace pp. 591-601

- Patricia Radin
- Pregnancy and infant loss support: A new, feminist, American, patient movement? pp. 602-613

- Linda L. Layne
- Contesting contraceptive innovation--Reinventing the script pp. 614-627

- Anita Hardon
- Anti-vaccination movements and their interpretations pp. 628-642

- Stuart Blume
- Anti-aging medicine: A patient/practitioner movement to redefine aging pp. 643-653

- Courtney Everts Mykytyn
- Heroic frames: discursive constructions around the requested death movement in Australia in the late-1990s pp. 654-667

- Fran McInerney
- The incubation of a social movement? Preterm babies, parent activists, and neonatal productions in the US context pp. 668-682

- Kyra Landzelius
- Viagra's rise above women's health issues: An analysis of the social and political influences on drug approvals in the United States and Japan pp. 683-693

- Ilyssa Hollander
- Immunization in india 1993-1999: Wealth, gender, and regional inequalities revisited pp. 694-706

- Sylvestre Gaudin and Abdo S. Yazbeck
- Making health insurance work for the poor: Learning from the Self-Employed Women's Association's (SEWA) community-based health insurance scheme in India pp. 707-720

- M. Kent Ranson, Tara Sinha, Mirai Chatterjee, Akash Acharya, Ami Bhavsar, Saul S. Morris and Anne J. Mills
- Conflicts in how interpreters manage their roles in provider-patient interactions pp. 721-730

- Elaine Hsieh
- Uncharted ground: Patterns of professional interaction among complementary/alternative and biomedical practitioners in integrative health care settings pp. 731-744

- Daniel Hollenberg
- Salience of self-identity roles in persons with dementia: Differences in perceptions among elderly persons, family members and caregivers pp. 745-757

- Jiska Cohen-Mansfield, Aleksandra Parpura-Gill and Hava Golander
- Nutrition-related health promotion through an after-school project: The responses of children and their families pp. 758-768

- Rob Hyland, Rosie Stacy, Ashley Adamson and Paula Moynihan
- Collective efficacy and obesity: The potential influence of social factors on health pp. 769-778

- Deborah A. Cohen, Brian K. Finch, Aimee Bower and Narayan Sastry
- Further examination of the cross-country association between income inequality and population health pp. 779-791

- Rati Ram
2006, volume 62, articles 2
- The voices of older women in a disadvantaged community: Issues of health and social capital pp. 269-279

- Margaret Anne Boneham and Judith A Sixsmith
- Psychosocial work conditions, social participation and social capital: A causal pathway investigated in a longitudinal study pp. 280-291

- Martin Lindström
- Social capital: An individual or collective resource for health? pp. 292-302

- Wouter Poortinga
- Racial, ethnic, and gender differences in smoking cessation associated with employment and joblessness through young adulthood in the US pp. 303-316

- Margaret Weden, Nan M Astone and David Bishai
- What accounts for the relationship between social class and smoking cessation? Results of a path analysis pp. 317-328

- Kaori Honjo, Akizumi Tsutsumi, Ichiro Kawachi and Norito Kawakami
- Life-course influences on mortality at older ages: Evidence from the Oslo Mortality Study pp. 329-336

- Øyvind Næss, Frank H. Hernes and David Blane
- Regional and racial disparities in breast cancer-specific mortality pp. 337-347

- Victor Grann, Andrea B. Troxel, Naseem Zojwalla, Dawn Hershman, Sherry A. Glied and Judith S. Jacobson
- US-based indices of area-level deprivation: Results from HealthCare for Communities pp. 348-359

- Christine Eibner and Roland Sturm
- Gender imbalance in infant mortality: A cross-national study of social structure and female infanticide pp. 360-374

- Kana Fuse and Edward M. Crenshaw
- Determinants of child morbidity in Latin America: A pooled analysis of interactions between parental education and economic status pp. 375-386

- Laurel E. Hatt and Hugh R. Waters
- Barriers to healthy eating amongst men: A qualitative analysis pp. 387-395

- Brendan Gough and Mark T. Conner
- Young teenagers' perceptions of their own and others' bodies: A qualitative study of obese, overweight and 'normal' weight young people in Scotland pp. 396-406

- Wendy Wills, Kathryn Backett-Milburn, Susan Gregory and Julia Lawton
- Weighing in primary-care nurse-patient interactions pp. 407-421

- Danielle Pillet-Shore
- Studying physician effects on patient outcomes: Physician interactional style and performance on quality of care indicators pp. 422-432

- Peter Franks, Anthony F Jerant, Kevin Fiscella, Cleveland G Shields, Daniel J Tancredi and Ronald M Epstein
- 'Between the demands of truth and government': Health practitioners, trust and immunisation work pp. 433-443

- Julie Brownlie and Alexandra Howson
- Perceived HIV stigma in AIDS caregiving dyads pp. 444-456

- Richard G. Wight, Carol S. Aneshensel, Debra A. Murphy, Dana Miller-Martinez and Kristin P. Beals
- Representations of mad cow disease pp. 457-466

- Peter Washer
- Explaining educational-related inequalities in health: Mediation and moderator models pp. 467-478

- Christer Thrane
- Cross-cultural perspectives on research participation and informed consent pp. 479-490

- Paula C. Barata, Enza Gucciardi, Farah Ahmad and Donna E. Stewart
- The healthy migrant theory: Variations in pregnancy outcomes among US-born migrants pp. 491-498

- Martha S Wingate and Greg R Alexander
- Which surgical decisions should patients participate in and how? Reflections on women's recollections of discussions about variants of hysterectomy pp. 499-509

- Vikki Entwistle, Brian Williams, Zoe Skea, Graeme MacLennan and Siladitya Bhattacharya
- Psychosocial stress and social support as mediators of relationships between income, length of residence and depressive symptoms among African American women on Detroit's eastside pp. 510-522

- Amy J. Schulz, Barbara A. Israel, Shannon N. Zenk, Edith A. Parker, Richard Lichtenstein, Sheryl Shellman-Weir and Laura Klem A.B.
2006, volume 62, articles 1
- Pathways to youth homelessness pp. 1-12

- Claudine Martijn and Louise Sharpe
- The effect of lifetime victimization on the mental health of children and adolescents pp. 13-27

- Heather A. Turner, David Finkelhor and Richard Ormrod
- Patients, consumers and survivors: A case study of mental health service user discourses pp. 28-38

- Ewen Speed
- Social support modifies perceived stigmatization in the first years of mental illness: A longitudinal approach pp. 39-49

- Brigitte Mueller, Carlos Nordt, Christoph Lauber, Peter Rueesch, Peter C. Meyer and Wulf Roessler
- Social determinants of diagnostic labels in depression pp. 50-58

- Susan McPherson and David Armstrong
- Mothers on the margins: Implications for eradicating perinatal HIV pp. 59-69

- Stacy Tessler Lindau, Jessica Jerome, Kate Miller, Elizabeth Monk, Patricia Garcia and Mardge Cohen
- Trustful bonds: A key to "becoming a mother" and to reciprocal breastfeeding. Stories of mothers of very preterm infants at a neonatal unit pp. 70-80

- Renée Flacking, Uwe Ewald, Kerstin Hedberg Nyqvist and Bengt Starrin
- 'She would help me from the heart': An ethnography of Egyptian women in labour pp. 81-92

- Amina El-Nemer, Soo Downe and Neil Small
- Perceived change in quality of life during the menopause pp. 93-102

- Gita Mishra and Diana Kuh
- Patient characteristics and inequalities in doctors' diagnostic and management strategies relating to CHD: A video-simulation experiment pp. 103-115

- Sara Arber, John McKinlay, Ann Adams, Lisa Marceau, Carol Link and Amy O'Donnell
- Patient-doctor decision-making about treatment within the consultation--A critical analysis of models pp. 116-124

- Veronika Wirtz, Alan Cribb and Nick Barber
- Patients' and healthcare providers' understandings of life-sustaining treatment: Are perceptions of goals shared or divergent? pp. 125-133

- Keri L. Rodriguez and Amanda J. Young
- Narrativizing errors of care: Critical incident reporting in clinical practice pp. 134-144

- Rick Iedema, Arthas Flabouris, Susan Grant and Christine Jorm
- Cross-district utilization of general hospital care in Nova Scotia: Policy and service delivery implications for rural districts pp. 145-156

- Neil Hanlon and Chris Skedgel
- Religion and survival in a secular region. A twenty year follow-up of 734 Danish adults born in 1914 pp. 157-164

- Peter la Cour, Kirsten Avlund and Kirsten Schultz-Larsen
- Toward a neighborhood resource-based theory of social capital for health: Can Bourdieu and sociology help? pp. 165-175

- Richard M. Carpiano
- Social and psychological resources and health outcomes after the World Trade Center disaster pp. 176-188

- Richard E. Adams, Joseph A. Boscarino and Sandro Galea
- Aging and eating in the rural, southern United States: Beliefs about salt and its effect on health pp. 189-198

- Shannon L. Smith, Sara A. Quandt, Thomas A. Arcury, Lindsay K. Wetmore, Ronny A. Bell and Mara Z. Vitolins
- The palliative care in assisted living (PCAL) pilot study: Successes, shortfalls, and methodological implications pp. 199-207

- Anthony F. Jerant, Rahman S. Azari, Thomas S. Nesbitt, Adrienne Edwards-Goodbee and Frederick J. Meyers
- Coping strategies as predictors of psychosocial adaptation in a sample of elderly veterans with acquired lower limb amputations pp. 208-216

- Deirdre M. Desmond and Malcolm MacLachlan
- Alcohol use and sexual behaviour among risky drinkers and bar and shebeen patrons in Gauteng province, South Africa pp. 217-227

- Neo K. Morojele, Millicent A. Kachieng'a, Evodia Mokoko, Matsobane A. Nkoko, Charles D.H. Parry, Annette M. Nkowane, Kgaogelo M. Moshia and Shekhar Saxena
- Health world views of post-soviet citizens pp. 228-238

- Pamela A Abbott, Sergei Turmov and Claire Wallace
- Therapeutic misconception in early phase gene transfer trials pp. 239-253

- Gail E. Henderson, Michele M. Easter, Catherine Zimmer, Nancy M.P. King, Arlene M. Davis, Barbra Bluestone Rothschild, Larry R. Churchill, Benjamin S. Wilfond and Daniel K. Nelson
- Estimating clandestine abortion with the confidants method--results from Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso pp. 254-266

- Clémentine Rossier, George Guiella, Abdoulaye Ouédraogo and Blandine Thiéba
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2017, volume 179
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2016, volume 171
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2015, volume 147
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2015, volume 138
2015, volume 136-137
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2014, volume 102
2014, volume 101
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2013, volume 99
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2013, volume 96
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2013, volume 94
2013, volume 93
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2013, volume 89
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2012, volume 75
2012, volume 74
2011, volume 73
2011, volume 72
2010, volume 71
2010, volume 70
2009, volume 69
2009, volume 68
2008, volume 67
2008, volume 66
2007, volume 65
2007, volume 64
2006, volume 63
2005, volume 61
2005, volume 60
2004, volume 59
2004, volume 58
2003, volume 57
2003, volume 56
2002, volume 55
2002, volume 54
2001, volume 53
2001, volume 52
2000, volume 51
2000, volume 50
1999, volume 49
1999, volume 48
1998, volume 47
1998, volume 46
1997, volume 45
1997, volume 44
1996, volume 43
1996, volume 42
1995, volume 41
1995, volume 40
1994, volume 39
1994, volume 38
1993, volume 37
1993, volume 36
1992, volume 35
1992, volume 34
1991, volume 33
1991, volume 32
1990, volume 31
1990, volume 30
1989, volume 29
1989, volume 28
1988, volume 27
1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46