Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2022, volume 295, articles C
- Gendered syndemic of intimate partner violence, alcohol misuse, and HIV risk among peri-urban, heterosexual men in South Africa

- Abigail M. Hatcher, Andrew Gibbs, Ruari-Santiago McBride, Dumisani Rebombo, Mzwakhe Khumalo and Nicola J. Christofides
- Internet gaming, embodied distress, and psychosocial well-being: A syndemic-syndaimonic continuum

- Jeffrey G. Snodgrass, Michael G. Lacy and Steven W. Cole
- Applying an intersectional framework to understand syndemic conditions among young Black gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men

- Katherine G. Quinn
- The impact of a syndemic theory-based intervention on HIV transmission risk behaviour among men who have sex with men in India: Pretest-posttest non-equivalent comparison group trial

- Venkatesan Chakrapani, Manmeet Kaur, Alexander C. Tsai, Peter A. Newman and Rajesh Kumar
- Assessing a syndemic: Gibraltar in the time of cholera

- Larry A. Sawchuk, Lianne Tripp and Mahinda Samakaroon
- Localizing syndemics: A comparative study of hunger, stigma, suffering, and crime exposure in three Haitian communities

- Alexandra Brewis, Amber Wutich, Michael Galvin and James Lachaud
- Ecosyndemics: The potential synergistic health impacts of highways and dams in the Amazon

- Paula Skye Tallman, Amy R. Riley-Powell, Lara Schwarz, Gabriela Salmón-Mulanovich, Todd Southgate, Cynthia Pace, Armando Valdés-Velásquez, Stella M. Hartinger, Valerie A. Paz-Soldán and Gwenyth O. Lee
- The syndemic effects of food insecurity, water insecurity, and HIV on depressive symptomatology among Kenyan women

- Godfred O. Boateng, Cassandra L. Workman, Joshua D. Miller, Maricianah Onono, Torsten B. Neilands and Sera L. Young
- Exploring syndemic vulnerability across generations: A case study of a former fishing village in the Netherlands

- M. Nienke Slagboom, Mathilde R. Crone and Ria Reis
- Using syndemic theory to understand food insecurity and diet-related chronic diseases

- David Himmelgreen, Nancy Romero-Daza, Jacquelyn Heuer, William Lucas, Abraham A. Salinas-Miranda and Theresa Stoddard
- Syndemic statuses: Intersectionality and mobilizing for LGBTQ+ Latinx health equity after the Pulse shooting

- Nolan Kline
- Syndemics theory must take local context seriously: An example of measures for poverty, mental health, and food insecurity

- Lesley Jo Weaver and Bonnie N. Kaiser
- Spatial epidemiology: An empirical framework for syndemics research

- Shikhar Shrestha, Cici X.C. Bauer, Brian Hendricks and Thomas J. Stopka
- Syndemic effects in complex humanitarian emergencies: A framework for understanding political violence and improving multi-morbidity health outcomes

- Brandon A. Kohrt and Lauren Carruth
- Testing the waters: Syndemic gastrointestinal distress in Lambaréné, Gabon, 1926–1932

- Dylan Atchley Proctor
- Syndemic thinking in large-scale studies: Case studies of disability, hypertension, and diabetes across income groups in India and China

- Akshar Saxena and Emily Mendenhall
- Syndemic anemia in British Malaya: An early global health encounter with hookworm and malaria co-infections in plantation workers

- James L.A. Webb
- Malnutrition, illness, poverty, and infant growth: A test of a syndemic hypothesis in Nuñoa, Peru

- Morgan K. Hoke and Kimberly A. McCabe
- The multidimensional clustering of health and its ecological risk factors

- Noli Brazil
- Intersectionality and syndemics: A commentary

- Thurka Sangaramoorthy and Adia Benton
- Intersectionality and Syndemics: A Reply to Sangaramoorthy and Benton

- Nolan Kline
2022, volume 294, articles C
- Declining violence and improving birth outcomes in the US: Evidence from birth certificate data

- Nicholas D.E. Mark and Gerard Torrats-Espinosa
- Confident futures: Community-based organizations as first responders and agents of change in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic

- Nastasja Ilonka Roels, Amarilys Estrella, Melissa Maldonado-Salcedo, Rayna Rapp, Helena Hansen and Anita Hardon
- ‘Is this something I should be worried about?’: A study of nurses' recontextualisation work when making clinical decisions based on patient reported outcome data

- Rikke Torenholt and Tine Tjørnhøj-Thomsen
- Trajectories and individual determinants of regular cancer screening use over a long period based on data from the French E3N cohort

- Clara Dugord and Carine Franc
- The social life of biomedical data: Capturing, obscuring, and envisioning care in the digital safety-net

- Taylor Marion Cruz
- Life course linkages between enriching early-life activities and later life cognition: Evidence from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study

- Emily A. Greenfield, Addam Reynolds and Sara M. Moorman
- The impact of mental health support for the chronically ill on hospital utilisation: Evidence from the UK

- Jonathan Gruber, Grace Lordan, Stephen Pilling, Carol Propper and Rob Saunders
- Differences by sex and gender in the association between minority stress and alcohol use among sexual and gender minority youth: A daily diary study

- W.J. Kiekens, L. Baams and R. Veenstra
- Longitudinal effects of physical and social neighbourhood change on suicide mortality: A full population cohort study among movers and non-movers in the Netherlands

- Paulien Hagedoorn and Marco Helbich
- Supportive environments during the substance use disorder epidemic in the rural United States: Provider support for interventions and expectations of interactions with providers

- Thomas C. O'Brien, Judith Feinberg, Robert Gross and Dolores Albarracín
- Multi-dimensional factors related to participation in a population-wide mass COVID-19 testing program among Hong Kong adults: A population-based randomized survey

- Meiqi Xin, Joseph Tak-fai Lau and Mason M.C. Lau
- Association between community average body mass index and perception of overweight

- Xiaoqi Feng and Andrew Wilson
- Bodies-in-waiting as infrastructure: Assembling the Philippine Government's disciplinary quarantine response to COVID-19

- Nico A. Canoy, Augil Marie Q. Robles and Gilana Kim T. Roxas
- Health outcomes in redlined versus non-redlined neighborhoods: A systematic review and meta-analysis

- Eun Kyung Lee, Gwendolyn Donley, Timothy H. Ciesielski, India Gill, Owusua Yamoah, Abigail Roche, Roberto Martinez and Darcy A. Freedman
- The short- and long-term effects of the Great Recession on late-life depression in Europe: The role of area deprivation

- Benjamin Aretz
- Women, men and COVID-19

- Yeva Aleksanyan and Jason P. Weinman
- Jab my arm, not my morality: Perceived moral reproach as a barrier to COVID-19 vaccine uptake

- Daniel L. Rosenfeld and A. Janet Tomiyama
- “Land is everything, land is us”: Exploring the connections between climate change, land, and health in Fort William First Nation

- Lindsay P. Galway, Elizabeth Esquega and Kelsey Jones-Casey
- Psychosocial trajectories before and after spousal loss: Does gender matter?

- Heesoo Yoon, Gum-Ryeong Park and Jinho Kim
- Changes in the health and broader well-being of U.S. veterans in the first three years after leaving military service: Overall trends and group differences

- Dawne Vogt, Shelby C. Borowski, Lauren R. Godier-McBard, Matt J. Fossey, Laurel A. Copeland, Daniel F. Perkins and Erin P. Finley
- Engagement in leisure activities and depression in older adults in the United States: Longitudinal evidence from the Health and Retirement Study

- Jessica K. Bone, Feifei Bu, Meg E. Fluharty, Elise Paul, Jill K. Sonke and Daisy Fancourt
- The impact of climate change on children's nutritional status in coastal Bangladesh

- S.M. Manzoor Ahmed Hanifi, Nidhiya Menon and Agnes Quisumbing
- Does perceived social mobility affect health? Evidence from a fixed effects approach

- Alexi Gugushvili, Olga Zelinska, Patrick Präg and Grzegorz Bulczak
- How do embodied experiences of asthma influence caregiver conceptual models?

- Julie Spray, Jean Hunleth, Sienna Ruiz, Julia Maki, David A. Fedele, Sreekala Prabhakaran, Hannah Fechtel, James A. Shepperd, Deborah J. Bowen and Erika A. Waters
- Accountable care organizations and physician antibiotic prescribing behavior

- Svetlana Beilfuss, Sebastian Linde and Brandon Norton
- Government of Ethiopia's public works and complementary programmes: A mixed-methods study on pathways to reduce intimate partner violence

- Meghna Ranganathan, Marjorie Pichon, Melissa Hidrobo, Heleene Tambet, Wastina Sintayehu, Seifu Tadesse and Ana Maria Buller
- Understanding the role of scars in adults' narratives of childhood liver transplantation: A sociological perspective

- Karen Lowton and Paul Higgs
- Patient participation in priority setting: Co-existing participant roles

- Mette B. Steffensen, Christina L. Matzen and Sarah Wadmann
- Not ‘putting a name to it’: Managing uncertainty in the diagnosis of childhood obesity

- Iliya Gutin
- The passivists: Managing risk through institutionalized ignorance in genomic medicine

- Kellie Owens
- Sex disparities in COVID-19 outcomes in the United States: Quantifying and contextualizing variation

- Ann Caroline Danielsen, Katharine MN Lee, Marion Boulicault, Tamara Rushovich, Annika Gompers, Amelia Tarrant, Meredith Reiches, Heather Shattuck-Heidorn, Luke W. Miratrix and Sarah S. Richardson
- The body politics of successful ageing in the nexus of health, well-being and energy consumption practices

- Ross Gordon, Theresa Harada and Fiona Spotswood
- Heroes, victims, and villains in news media narratives about COVID-19. Analysing moralising discourse in Swedish newspaper reporting during the spring of 2020

- Frida Skog and Ragnar Lundström
- Interaction order and the labeling of disorder: How parents mobilize personal knowledge in the clinic to resist medicalization of their children's behavior

- Jason Turowetz
- Ethnic/racial and gender differences in disordered eating behavior prevalence trajectories among women and men from adolescence into adulthood

- Melissa Simone, Susan Telke, Lisa M. Anderson, Marla Eisenberg and Dianne Neumark-Sztainer
- Comparison of three indices of relative income deprivation in predicting health status

- Krisztina Gero, Aki Yazawa, Naoki Kondo, Masamichi Hanazato, Katsunori Kondo and Ichiro Kawachi
- Outpatient mental health service use following contact with primary health care among migrants in Norway: A national register study

- Melanie L. Straiton, Aart C. Liefbroer, Anna-Clara Hollander and Lars Johan Hauge
- Embracing and rejecting the medicalization of autism in Italy

- Alice Scavarda and M. Ariel Cascio
- Private provider incentives in health care: The case of caesarean births

- Serena Yu, Denzil Fiebig, Rosalie Viney, Vanessa Scarf and Caroline Homer
- Do patients and other stakeholders value health service quality equally? A prospect theory based choice experiment in cataract care

- Aline C. Stolk-Vos, Arthur Attema, Michele Manzulli and Joris J. van de Klundert
On this page- 2022, volume 295
Articles C
- 2022, volume 294
Articles C
Other years2025, volume 371
2025, volume 370
2025, volume 369
2025, volume 368
2025, volume 367
2025, volume 366
2025, volume 365
2024, volume 363
2024, volume 362
2024, volume 361
2024, volume 360
2024, volume 359
2024, volume 358
2024, volume 357
2024, volume 356
2024, volume 355
2024, volume 354
2024, volume 353
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2021, volume 286
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2021, volume 281
2021, volume 280
2021, volume 279
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2021, volume 277
2021, volume 276
2021, volume 275
2021, volume 274
2021, volume 273
2021, volume 272
2021, volume 271
2021, volume 270
2021, volume 269
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2020, volume 267
2020, volume 266
2020, volume 265
2020, volume 264
2020, volume 263
2020, volume 262
2020, volume 261
2020, volume 260
2020, volume 259
2020, volume 258
2020, volume 257
2020, volume 256
2020, volume 255
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2020, volume 253
2020, volume 252
2020, volume 251
2020, volume 250
2020, volume 249
2020, volume 248
2020, volume 247
2020, volume 246
2020, volume 245
2020, volume 244
2019, volume 243
2019, volume 242
2019, volume 241
2019, volume 240
2019, volume 239
2019, volume 238
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2019, volume 235
2019, volume 234
2019, volume 233
2019, volume 232
2019, volume 231
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2019, volume 229
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2019, volume 225
2019, volume 224
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2019, volume 222
2019, volume 221
2019, volume 220
2018, volume 219
2018, volume 218
2018, volume 217
2018, volume 216
2018, volume 215
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2018, volume 211
2018, volume 210
2018, volume 209
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2018, volume 204
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2017, volume 195
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2017, volume 189
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2017, volume 180
2017, volume 179
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2017, volume 175
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2017, volume 172
2016, volume 171
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2016, volume 162
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2016, volume 156
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2016, volume 154
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2016, volume 152
2016, volume 151
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2015, volume 147
2015, volume 146
2015, volume 145
2015, volume 144
2015, volume 143
2015, volume 142
2015, volume 141
2015, volume 140
2015, volume 139
2015, volume 138
2015, volume 136-137
2015, volume 135
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2015, volume 133
2015, volume 132
2015, volume 131
2015, volume 130
2015, volume 129
2015, volume 128
2015, volume 127
2015, volume 126
2015, volume 125
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2014, volume 123
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2014, volume 121
2014, volume 120
2014, volume 119
2014, volume 118
2014, volume 117
2014, volume 116
2014, volume 114
2014, volume 113
2014, volume 112
2014, volume 111
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2014, volume 104
2014, volume 103
2014, volume 102
2014, volume 101
2014, volume 100
2013, volume 99
2013, volume 98
2013, volume 97
2013, volume 96
2013, volume 95
2013, volume 94
2013, volume 93
2013, volume 92
2013, volume 91
2013, volume 90
2013, volume 89
2013, volume 88
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2013, volume 86
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2013, volume 84
2013, volume 83
2013, volume 82
2013, volume 81
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2013, volume 79
2013, volume 78
2013, volume 77
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2012, volume 75
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2011, volume 72
2010, volume 71
2010, volume 70
2009, volume 69
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2008, volume 67
2008, volume 66
2007, volume 65
2007, volume 64
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2006, volume 62
2005, volume 61
2005, volume 60
2004, volume 59
2004, volume 58
2003, volume 57
2003, volume 56
2002, volume 55
2002, volume 54
2001, volume 53
2001, volume 52
2000, volume 51
2000, volume 50
1999, volume 49
1999, volume 48
1998, volume 47
1998, volume 46
1997, volume 45
1997, volume 44
1996, volume 43
1996, volume 42
1995, volume 41
1995, volume 40
1994, volume 39
1994, volume 38
1993, volume 37
1993, volume 36
1992, volume 35
1992, volume 34
1991, volume 33
1991, volume 32
1990, volume 31
1990, volume 30
1989, volume 29
1989, volume 28
1988, volume 27
1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46
On this page- 2022, volume 295
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- 2022, volume 294
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Other years2025, volume 371
2025, volume 370
2025, volume 369
2025, volume 368
2025, volume 367
2025, volume 366
2025, volume 365
2024, volume 363
2024, volume 362
2024, volume 361
2024, volume 360
2024, volume 359
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2024, volume 356
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2023, volume 339
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2023, volume 335
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2023, volume 333
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2020, volume 267
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2013, volume 99
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2012, volume 74
2011, volume 73
2011, volume 72
2010, volume 71
2010, volume 70
2009, volume 69
2009, volume 68
2008, volume 67
2008, volume 66
2007, volume 65
2007, volume 64
2006, volume 63
2006, volume 62
2005, volume 61
2005, volume 60
2004, volume 59
2004, volume 58
2003, volume 57
2003, volume 56
2002, volume 55
2002, volume 54
2001, volume 53
2001, volume 52
2000, volume 51
2000, volume 50
1999, volume 49
1999, volume 48
1998, volume 47
1998, volume 46
1997, volume 45
1997, volume 44
1996, volume 43
1996, volume 42
1995, volume 41
1995, volume 40
1994, volume 39
1994, volume 38
1993, volume 37
1993, volume 36
1992, volume 35
1992, volume 34
1991, volume 33
1991, volume 32
1990, volume 31
1990, volume 30
1989, volume 29
1989, volume 28
1988, volume 27
1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46