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Social Science & Medicine

1979 - 2025

Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian

From Elsevier
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1989, volume 28, articles 12

Population differences in susceptibility to AIDS: An evolutionary analysis pp. 1211-1220 Downloads
J.Philippe Rushton and Anthony F. Bogaert
Gender differences in the perception and utilization of social support: Theoretical perspectives and an empirical test pp. 1221-1228 Downloads
Joseph Flaherty and Judith Richman
Mind, body, and culture: Somatization among Hispanics pp. 1229-1238 Downloads
Ronald Angel and Peter J. Guarnaccia
Emotional expression in cancer onset and progression pp. 1239-1248 Downloads
James Gross
Knowledge, attitudes and practices among rural communities in Zimbabwe in relation to Phytolacca dodecandra--a plant molluscicide pp. 1249-1253 Downloads
J. Ndamba, S.K. Chandiwana and N. Makaza
La lutte communautaire contre une endémie tropicale: Croyances surnaturelles et pièges à tsétsé au Congo pp. 1255-1267 Downloads
Michel Leygues and Jean-Paul Gouteux
Health lifestyles and self-direction in employment among American men: A test of the spillover effect pp. 1269-1274 Downloads
Thomas Abel, William C. Cockerham, Guenther Lueschen and Gerhard Kunz
Social support: Diverse theoretical perspectives pp. 1275-1282 Downloads
Miriam J. Stewart
Piecework, repetitive work and medicine use in the clothing industry pp. 1283-1288 Downloads
Alain Vinet, Michel Vézina, Chantal Brisson and Paul-Marie Bernard
Three bodies of practice in a traditional south Indian martial art pp. 1289-1309 Downloads
Phillip B. Zarrilli
The relevance of the health belief model to Australian smokers pp. 1311-1314 Downloads
Rosemary A. Knight and David A. Hay
Autonomy, job satisfaction and professional self-image among nurses in the context of a physicians' strike pp. 1315-1320 Downloads
Ilana Shoham-Yakubovich, Sara Carmel, Lea Zwanger and Tsila Zaltcman
Perceived stress in medical school: Resistors, persistors, adaptors and maladaptors pp. 1321-1329 Downloads
Peter P. Vitaliano, Roland D. Maiuro, Ellen Mitchell and Joan Russo
Choosing who shall not be treated in the NHS pp. 1331-1338 Downloads
M.C. Charny, P.A. Lewis and S.C. Farrow
Censorship and medical sociology in the Netherlands pp. 1339-1341 Downloads
Sjaak Van Der Geest
Medical anthropology in Mexico pp. 1343-1349 Downloads
Luis Alberto Vargas and Leticia E. Casillas

1989, volume 28, articles 11

Introduction: Marxist perspectives in social medicine pp. 1099-1101 Downloads
Howard Waitzkin
The American dominative medical system as a reflection of social relations in the larger society pp. 1103-1112 Downloads
Hans A. Baer
Medicine in the industrial battle: Early workers' compensation pp. 1113-1120 Downloads
Anthony Bale
Epidemiologia y contrahegemonia pp. 1121-1127 Downloads
Jaime Breilh and Edmundo Granda
Mental health monopoly: Corporate trends in mental health services pp. 1129-1138 Downloads
Phil Brown and Elizabeth Cooksey
The commodification of American health care pp. 1139-1148 Downloads
Ronald L. Caplan
Technological innovation and the labour process in health care pp. 1149-1157 Downloads
Jeanne Daly and Evan Willis
State and health pp. 1159-1164 Downloads
Hans-Ulrich Deppe
The reluctant imperialism of the medical profession pp. 1165-1170 Downloads
Abram de Swaan
The political economy of workers' health and safety pp. 1171-1182 Downloads
Ray H. Elling
Social analysis of collective health in Latin America pp. 1183-1191 Downloads
Asa Cristina Laurell
The coming of age of critical medical anthropology pp. 1193-1203 Downloads
Merrill Singer
Ideology in medical science: Class in the clinic pp. 1205-1209 Downloads
Steffie Woolhandler and David U. Himmelstein

1989, volume 28, articles 10

Community-based health care 10 years post alma ata pp. 1005-1006 Downloads
F. M. Mburu and J. Ties Boerma
Hospital outreach community-based health care: The case of chogoria, Kenya pp. 1007-1017 Downloads
Cornelis N. DeBoer and Malcolm McNeil
Primary health care in Northwestern Somalia: A case study pp. 1019-1030 Downloads
Chris Bentley
A people-centred approach to primary health care implementation in Mvumi, Tanzania pp. 1031-1037 Downloads
M. K. S. Matomora
Community-based health care in Kibwezi, Kenya: 10 years in retrospect pp. 1039-1051 Downloads
Karin E. Johnson, Wilson K. Kisubi, J. Karanja Mbugua, Douglas Lackey, Paget Stanfield and Ben Osuga
A tale of two clinics--primary health care in refugee settings: Lessons from Sudan and Somalia pp. 1053-1058 Downloads
Raymond Downing
A case study of the Tenwek hospital community health programme in Kenya pp. 1059-1062 Downloads
Mark L. Jacobson, Miriam H. Labbok, Robert L. Parker, David L. Stevens and Susan A. Carter
An integrated rural health project in Saradidi, Kenya pp. 1063-1071 Downloads
Dan C. Owino Kaseje and Esther K. N. Sempebwa
Whither community-based health care? pp. 1073-1079 Downloads
F. M. Mburu
Mass produced village health workers and the promise of primary health care pp. 1081-1084 Downloads
M. K. S. Matomora
The dilemma of essential drugs in primary health care pp. 1085-1090 Downloads
F. J. Bennett
Simplifying the evaluation of primary health care programmes pp. 1091-1097 Downloads
Bert Van Norren, J. Ties Boerma and Esther K. N. Sempebwa

1989, volume 28, articles 9

Why some countries have national health insurance, others have national health services, and the U.S. has neither pp. 887-898 Downloads
Vicente Navarro
Sadness, depression and social reciprocity in highland Ecuador pp. 899-904 Downloads
Michel Tousignant and Mario Maldonado
In the shadow of biomedicine: Self medication in two Ecuadorian pharmacies pp. 905-915 Downloads
Laurie J. Price
The assessment of diviners and their knowledge by civil servants in Southwestern Nigeria pp. 917-924 Downloads
Tola Olu Pearce
Cosmopolitical obstetrics: Some insights from the training of traditional midwives pp. 925-937 Downloads
Brigitte Jordan
Comments pp. 937-938 Downloads
C. H. Browner
The empty kit: Modalities of learning and the politics of cross-cultural miscommunication pp. 938-939 Downloads
Robert A. Hahn
The empty kit: Modalities of learning and the politics of cross-cultural miscommunication pp. 939-939 Downloads
R. Jeffery and P. M. Jeffery
Upgrading apprenticeship pp. 939-941 Downloads
Jean Lave
Status and the training of traditional midwives pp. 941-943 Downloads
Carol P. MacCormack
Status and the training of traditional midwives pp. 943-944 Downloads
Lorna Amarasingham Rhodes
Views of what's wrong: Diagnosis and patients' concepts of illness pp. 945-956 Downloads
Linda M. Hunt, Brigitte Jordan and Susan Irwin
Knowledge about AIDS and self-reported behaviour among Zimbabwean secondary school pupils pp. 957-961 Downloads
David Wilson, Ruth Greenspan and Christopher Wilson
Ayurveda: A multilectic interpretation pp. 963-970 Downloads
Carolyn R. Nordstrom
End stage renal disease and the marital dyad: An empirical investigation pp. 971-983 Downloads
Gregory D. Chowanec and Y. M. Binik
Food taboos in maternal and child health: The views of traditional healers in Ile-Ife, Nigeria pp. 985-996 Downloads
A. I. Odebiyi

1989, volume 28, articles 8

Medical technologies in developing countries: Issues of technology development, transfer, diffusion and use pp. 769-781 Downloads
Ann Bonair, Patricia Rosenfield and Karin Tengvald
Shame among unemployed men pp. 783-789 Downloads
M.J. Eales
Chronic respiratory illness and disability: A critical review of the psychosocial literature pp. 791-803 Downloads
Simon Johnson Williams
Suicide and increased availability of handguns in the United States pp. 805-809 Downloads
Ronald V. Clarke and Peter R. Jones
A new approach to community health pp. 811-818 Downloads
Maj-Lis Follér
Personal control and health promotion pp. 819-828 Downloads
Christopher Peterson and Albert J. Stunkard
Patient involvement in decision-making in surgical and orthopaedic practice: The project perioperative risk pp. 829-835 Downloads
Ullabeth Sätterlund Larsson, Kurt Svärdsudd, Hans Wedel and Roger Säljö
Predictors of foetal and neonatal mortality in Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles. A multivariate analysis pp. 837-842 Downloads
H.I.J. Wildschut, V. Wiedijk, J. Oosting, W. Voorn, J. Huber and P.E. Treffers
The politics of immunization in public health pp. 843-849 Downloads
S.C. McCombie
Punctuality, pain and time-orientation among Sicilian-Canadians pp. 851-859 Downloads
Sam Migliore
The impact of prospectively set hospital budgets on psychiatric admissions pp. 861-867 Downloads
Richard G. Frank and Catherine A. Jackson
Intolerance of ambiguity in students entering medical school pp. 869-874 Downloads
Bruce R. DeForge and Jeffery Sobal
The practice of traditional Korean medicine in Washington, D.C pp. 875-884 Downloads
Keum Young Pang
The Nottingham health profile pp. 885-885 Downloads
Roy A. Carr-Hill and Paul Kind

1989, volume 28, articles 7

Introduction pp. 631-632 Downloads
Antonio Ugalde and Anthony Zwi
Towards an epidemiology of political violence in the third world pp. 633-642 Downloads
Anthony Zwi and Antonio Ugalde
Perceptions from epidemiologic research in an endemic war pp. 643-647 Downloads
Haroutune K. Armenian
Violence, conflict and health in Africa pp. 649-657 Downloads
Dennis A. Ityavyar and Leo O. Ogba
Children in political violence pp. 659-667 Downloads
Kerry Gibson
War-related changes in health and health services in Nicaragua pp. 669-676 Downloads
Richard M. Garfield
Political violence and Eritrean health care pp. 677-684 Downloads
Lois E. Sabo and Joachim S. Kibirige
Life experiences, response styles and mental health among mothers and children in Beirut, Lebanon pp. 685-695 Downloads
Jennifer W. Bryce, Neff Walker, Francoise Ghorayeb and Mayada Kanj
'There is no sea, only fish': Effects of United States policy on the health of the displaced in El Salvador pp. 697-706 Downloads
Rebecka Inga Lundgren and Robert Lang
Health needs of older adults displaced to Sudan by war and famine: Questioning current targeting practices in health relief pp. 707-713 Downloads
Nancy Godfrey and Alexandre Kalache
A programme of mental health for political refugees: Dealing with the invisible pain of political exile pp. 715-727 Downloads
Jorge Barudy
Baseline health care for refugees in the Netherlands pp. 729-733 Downloads
Adger J. K. Hondius and Loes H. M. van Willigen
The effects of torture and political repression in a sample of Chilean families pp. 735-740 Downloads
Political repression and children in South Africa: The social construction of damaging effects pp. 741-750 Downloads
Leslie Swartz and Ann Levett
Psychoanalysis confronts the politics of repression: The case of Argentina pp. 751-758 Downloads
Nancy Caro Hollander

1989, volume 28, articles 6

The fruits of empire rot on the vine: United States health policy in the austerity era pp. 531-538 Downloads
Thomas S. Bodenheimer
La politique economique du gouvernement socialiste en matiere de sante: Bilan de cinq annees de pouvoir en France, 1981-1986 pp. 539-550 Downloads
Pierre Aiach and Jean Yves Delanoe
What happens in hospices: A review of research evidence pp. 551-559 Downloads
Clive F. Seale
Factors distinguishing homosexual males practicing risky and safer sex pp. 561-569 Downloads
Karolynn Siegel, Frances Palamara Mesagno, Jin-Yi Chen and Grace Christ
Sociocultural determinants of infant and child mortality in Turkey pp. 571-576 Downloads
Belma Aksit and Bahattin Aksit
Physician motivations for nonscientific drug prescribing pp. 577-582 Downloads
Rebecca K. Schwartz, Stephen B. Soumerai and Jerry Avorn
An evaluation of the psychological and social effects of malocclusion: Some implications for dental policy making pp. 583-591 Downloads
Pamela Kenealy, Neil Frude and William Shaw
Diarrhoeal diseases: Perceptions and practices in Nepal pp. 593-604 Downloads
Maire Casey Stapleton
Healers in transition pp. 605-612 Downloads
Amma C. K. Oppong
Social inequalities in low birth weight: Timing of effects and selective mobility pp. 613-619 Downloads
Michael Joffe
Coping with political violence in Northern Ireland pp. 621-624 Downloads
Ed Cairns and Ronnie Wilson

1989, volume 28, articles 5

Introduction pp. 405-414 Downloads
Randall M. Packard, Ben Wisner and Thomas Bossert
Nutrition and the commoditation of food systems in Latin America and the Caribbean pp. 415-424 Downloads
Kathryn G. Dewey
Nutrition and the commoditization of food in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 425-440 Downloads
Deborah Fahy Bryceson
Commodity relations and nutrition under apartheid: A note on South Africa pp. 441-446 Downloads
Ben Wisner
Women's health in East Africa pp. 447-459 Downloads
Alanagh Raikes
Women, household and health in Latin America pp. 461-473 Downloads
C. H. Browner
Industrial production, health and disease in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 475-496 Downloads
Randall M. Packard
Estado, clases sociales y salud pp. 497-514 Downloads
Susana Belmartino and Carlos Bloch
The state, class and the allocation of health resources in Southern Africa pp. 515-530 Downloads
Neil Andersson and Shula Marks

1989, volume 28, articles 4

The use of QALYs in health care decision making pp. 299-308 Downloads
Graham Loomes and Lynda McKenzie
Family-oriented prevention of cardiovascular disease: A social epidemiological approach pp. 309-314 Downloads
Maurine H. Venters
Introduction of information during the initial medical visit: Consequences for patient follow-through with physician recommendations for medication pp. 315-321 Downloads
Kathryn Rost, William Carter and Thomas Inui
Treatment patterns for schizophrenia in psychiatric hospitals pp. 323-331 Downloads
Nancy Wolff, Paul R. Henderson, Robin L. MacAskill, Marilyn J. Rosenstein, Laura J. Milazzo-Sayre, David Larson and Ronald Manderscheid
A social history of psychotropic drug advertisements pp. 333-338 Downloads
John R. Neill
Communication in the hospital setting: A survey of medical and everyday language use amongst patients, nurses and doctors pp. 339-346 Downloads
Richard Y. Bourhis, Sharon Roth and Glenda MacQueen
Geographic differences in the use of veterans administration hospitals pp. 347-354 Downloads
Lois Friss, Bernard Friedman and John Demakis
Breast-feeding and health professionals: A study in hospitals in Indonesia pp. 355-364 Downloads
Valerie J. Hull, Shyam Thapa and Gulardi Wiknjosastro
Sensitization to illness and the risk of death: An explanation for Sri Lanka's approach to good health for all pp. 365-379 Downloads
John Caldwell, Indra Gajanayake, Pat Caldwell and Indrani Peiris
FIJAc: Fright and illness in highland Yemen pp. 381-388 Downloads
Charles F. Swagman
Longitudinal study of appraisal at Three Mile Island: Implications for life event research pp. 389-398 Downloads
Raymond Goldsteen, John K. Schorr and Karen S. Goldsteen
The effects of mental dysfunction on nursing home care pp. 399-403 Downloads
James E. Rohrer, Kathleen Buckwalter and Daniel Russell

1989, volume 28, articles 3

Catastrophic stress and factors affecting its consequences among Southeast Asian refugees pp. 183-195 Downloads
Morton Beiser, R.Jay Turner and Soma Ganesan
International employment and children: Geographical mobility and mental health among children of professionals pp. 197-205 Downloads
Mary Haour-Knipe
Information-based rehabilitation for third world disability pp. 207-210 Downloads
M. Miles
The economics of mild hypertension programmes pp. 211-222 Downloads
Mark A. Edgar and Harold Schnieden
The limits of medicine: Women's perception of medical technology pp. 223-231 Downloads
Jonathan Gabe and Michael Calnan
Survival of female breast cancer patients in Finland and in Estonia: Stage at diagnosis important determinant of the difference between countries pp. 233-238 Downloads
Sakari Karjalainen, Tiiu Aareleid, Timo Hakulinen, Eero Pukkala, Mati Rahu and Mare Tekkel
Psychosocial adjustment following a stroke pp. 239-247 Downloads
Suzanne C. Thompson, Alexandria Sobolew-Shubin, Melody A. Graham and Aris S. Janigian
Role of support networks in maintenance of improved cardiovascular health status pp. 249-260 Downloads
Patrick O'Reilly and H. Emerson Thomas
Employment of individuals with haemophilia in the Netherlands pp. 261-270 Downloads
I. Varekamp, C. Smit, F.R. Rosendaal, A. Bröcker-Vriends, E. Briët, H. van Dijck and T.P.B.M. Suurmeijer
Breastfeeding trends in Singapore pp. 271-274 Downloads
S. Chua, O.A.C. Viegas, J.J. Counsilman and S.S. Ratnam
Differential alcohol-related mortality among American Indian tribes in Oklahoma, 1968-1978 pp. 275-284 Downloads
Charles M. Christian, Mary Dufour and Darryl Bertolucci
Determinants of fertility in a rural society: Some evidence from Sierra Leone pp. 285-292 Downloads
Mohamed Balley
Paternalism and finnish anti-smoking policy pp. 293-297 Downloads
Heta Häyry, Matti Häyry and Sakari Karjalainen

1989, volume 28, articles 2

Professional uncertainty and physician medical decision-making in a multiple treatment framework pp. 99-107 Downloads
Nancy Wolff
Using administrative data from Manitoba, Canada to study treatment outcomes: Developing control groups and adjusting for case severity pp. 109-113 Downloads
Noralou P. Roos
Coronary arteriography rates in Switzerland--How do they vary? pp. 115-120 Downloads
Brigitte Santos-Eggimann, Fred Paccaud and Felix Gutzwiller
Regional dispersion of independent professionals in primary health care in the Netherlands pp. 121-129 Downloads
L. Hingstman and H. Boon
An investigation of the effect of regional variation in the treatment of hypertension pp. 131-139 Downloads
Terkel Christiansen, Kjeld Møller Pedersen, Bent Harvald, Knud Rasmussen, Jørgen Jørgensen and Christian Svarer
A cartographic study of hospital utilization in the county of Uppsala pp. 141-146 Downloads
Bengt Haglund
A quasi-experimental design based on regional variations: Discussion of a method for evaluating outcomes of medical practice pp. 147-154 Downloads
Anne Loft, Tavs Folmer Andersen and Mette Madsen
"A built bed is a filled bed?" An empirical re-examination pp. 155-164 Downloads
Eddy Van Doorslaer and R.C.J.A. van Vliet
Variations in resource utilization--The role of medical practice and its economic impact pp. 165-173 Downloads
Ingemar Eckerlund and Stefan Håkansson
Assessing data quality: A computerized approach pp. 175-182 Downloads
Leslie L. Roos, Sandra M. Sharp and Andre Wajda

1989, volume 28, articles 1

AIDS in Africa: Emerging trends pp. 1-8 Downloads
A. Ona Pela and Jerome J. Platt
Health information imperatives for Third World countries pp. 9-12 Downloads
Stephen A. Osiobe
The measurement of hospital efficiency: A comment pp. 13-15 Downloads
Adam Wagstaff
The measurement of hospital efficiency: A reply pp. 15-17 Downloads
Alistair McGuire
Effects of breast cancer and mastectomy on emotional support and adjustment pp. 19-27 Downloads
Robert Zemore and Lawrence F. Shepel
Dimensions of negative affectivity, self-reported somatic symptoms, and health-related behaviors pp. 29-36 Downloads
Olav Vassend
Defensive work in nursing homes: Accountability gone amok pp. 37-44 Downloads
Carolyn L. Wiener and Jeanie Kayser-Jones
Differences between Kallawaya-Andean and Greek-European humoral theory pp. 45-51 Downloads
Joseph W. Bastien
Measuring satisfaction with health care: A comparison of single with paired rating strategies pp. 53-58 Downloads
H. J. Sutherland, G. A. Lockwood, S. Minkin, D. L. Tritchler, J. E. Till and H. A. Llewellyn-Thomas
As children survive: Dilemmas of aging in the developing world pp. 59-67 Downloads
William J. Bicknell and Cindy Lou Parks
Perceptual correlates of physician referral to physical therapists: Implications for role expansion pp. 69-80 Downloads
Ferris J. Ritchey, Dorothy Pinkston, Joanne E. Goldbaum and Margret E. Heerten
A prospective study to identify the fall-prone patient pp. 81-86 Downloads
Janice M. Morse, Colleen Black, Kathleen Oberle and Patricia Donahue
It's how you say it: Physicians' vocal behavior pp. 87-92 Downloads
Jinni A. Harrigan, James F. Gramata, Karen S. Lucic and Charles Margolis
Three conflicts as a result of causal attributions pp. 93-97 Downloads
Herman Ten Kroode, Mieke Oosterwijk and Nardi Steverink
Page updated 2025-03-25