Social Science & Medicine
1979 - 2025
Current editor(s): Ichiro (I.) Kawachi and S.V. (S.V.) Subramanian From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2014, volume 100, articles C
- The effect of children on depression in old age pp. 1-11

- Kai Eberhard Kruk and Steffen Reinhold
- Subjective financial well-being, income and health inequalities in mid and later life in Britain pp. 12-20

- Sara Arber, Kirsty Fenn and Robert Meadows
- Physicians' perceptions of autonomy across practice types: Is autonomy in solo practice a myth? pp. 21-29

- Katherine Y. Lin
- Child passenger safety laws in the United States, 1978–2010: Policy diffusion in the absence of strong federal intervention pp. 30-37

- Jin Yung Bae, Evan Anderson, Diana Silver and James Macinko
- Labor migration, externalities and ethics: Theorizing the meso-level determinants of HIV vulnerability pp. 38-45

- Jennifer S. Hirsch
- Political contexts and maternal health policy: Insights from a comparison of south Indian states pp. 46-53

- Stephanie L. Smith
- A fundamental cause approach to the study of disparities in lung cancer and pancreatic cancer mortality in the United States pp. 54-61

- Marcie S. Rubin, Sean Clouston and Bruce G. Link
- The risk of unintended pregnancy among young women with mental health symptoms pp. 62-71

- Kelli Stidham Hall, Yasamin Kusunoki, Heather Gatny and Jennifer Barber
- Health sector demand-side financial incentives in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review on demand- and supply-side effects pp. 72-83

- Saji Gopalan, Ronald Mutasa, Jed Friedman and Ashis Das
- Household income and health problems during a period of labour-market change and widening income inequalities – A study among the Finnish population between 1987 and 2007 pp. 84-92

- Akseli Aittomäki, Pekka Martikainen, Ossi Rahkonen and Eero Lahelma
- Exploring personal interests of physicians in hospitals and specialty clinics pp. 93-98

- Wout T. Koelewijn, Michel L. Ehrenhard, Aard J. Groen and Wim H. van Harten
- Exploring the migration decisions of health workers and trainees from Africa: A meta-ethnographic synthesis pp. 99-106

- C. Blacklock, A.M. Ward, C. Heneghan and M. Thompson
- The effect of asset-based wealth inequality on problem drinking among rural Thai elders: A prospective population-based cohort study pp. 107-114

- Tawanchai Jirapramukpitak, Melanie Abas, Kanchana Tangchonlatip and Sureeporn Punpuing
- The effect of unpaid caregiving intensity on labour force participation: Results from a multinomial endogenous treatment model pp. 115-122

- Ha Nguyen and Luke Connelly
- Process evaluation of a problem solving intervention to prevent recurrent sickness absence in workers with common mental disorders pp. 123-132

- Iris Arends, Ute Bültmann, Karina Nielsen, Willem van Rhenen, Michiel R. de Boer and Jac J.L. van der Klink
- Cannabis careers revisited: Applying Howard S. Becker's theory to present-day cannabis use pp. 133-140

- Margaretha Järvinen and Signe Ravn
- Cognitive social capital and mental illness during economic crisis: A nationwide population-based study in Greece pp. 141-147

- Marina Economou, Michael Madianos, Lily Evangelia Peppou, Kyriakos Souliotis, Athanasios Patelakis and Costas Stefanis
- Modernization is associated with intensive breastfeeding patterns in the Bolivian Amazon pp. 148-158

- Amanda Veile, Melanie Martin, Lisa McAllister and Michael Gurven
- Medicalizing to demedicalize: Lactation consultants and the (de)medicalization of breastfeeding pp. 159-166

- Jennifer M.C. Torres
- Social relationships and healthful dietary behaviour: Evidence from over-50s in the EPIC cohort, UK pp. 167-175

- Annalijn I. Conklin, Nita G. Forouhi, Paul Surtees, Kay-Tee Khaw, Nicholas J. Wareham and Pablo Monsivais
2013, volume 99, articles C
- Neighbourhood amenities and health: Examining the significance of a local park pp. 1-8

- Jocelyn Plane and Fran Klodawsky
- Political, cultural and economic foundations of primary care in Europe pp. 9-17

- Dionne S. Kringos, Wienke G.W. Boerma, Jouke van der Zee and Peter P. Groenewegen
- Perceptions of susceptibility to pregnancy among U.S. women obtaining abortions pp. 18-26

- Lori Frohwirth, Ann M. Moore and Renata Maniaci
- Subjective well-being and the measurement of quality in healthcare pp. 27-34

- Henry Lee, Ivo Vlaev, Dominic King, Erik Mayer, Ara Darzi and Paul Dolan
- Stakeholder perceptions of thoracic rapid tissue donation: An exploratory study pp. 35-41

- Jessica McIntyre, Christie Pratt, Rebecca D. Pentz, Eric B. Haura and Gwendolyn P. Quinn
- Prospective study on the reciprocal relationship between intimate partner violence and depression among women in Korea pp. 42-48

- Jinseok Kim and Joohee Lee
- “I was pretty sure I had the 'flu”: Qualitative description of confirmed-influenza symptoms pp. 49-55

- Annemarie Jutel and Elizabeth Banister
- Neighborhood Hispanic composition and depressive symptoms among Mexican-descent residents of Texas City, Texas pp. 56-63

- Alyssa Marie Shell, M. Kristen Peek and Karl Eschbach
- Making families: Organizational boundary work in US egg and sperm donation pp. 64-71

- Katherine M. Johnson
- A matter of perception: Exploring the role of income satisfaction in the income–mortality relationship in German survey data 1995–2010 pp. 72-79

- Alexander Miething
- Between surveillance and subjectification: Professionals and the governance of quality and patient safety in English hospitals pp. 80-88

- Graham P. Martin, Myles Leslie, Joel Minion, Janet Willars and Mary Dixon-Woods
- “I'm thrilled that you see that”: Guiding parents to see success in interactions with children with deafness and autistic spectrum disorder pp. 89-101

- Alison Pilnick and Deborah James
- Dealing with moral dilemma raised by adaptive preferences in health technology assessment: The example of growth hormones and bilateral cochlear implants pp. 102-109

- Clémence Thébaut
- Online and in-person health-seeking for infertility pp. 110-115

- Kathleen S. Slauson-Blevins, Julia McQuillan and Arthur L. Greil
- A case for critical ethnography pp. 119-126

- Didier Fassin
- On sitting and doing: Ethnography as action in global health pp. 127-134

- Stacy Leigh Pigg
- India's “tryst” with universal health coverage: Reflections on ethnography in Indian health policymaking pp. 135-142

- Devaki Nambiar
- Revolution as a care plan: Ethnography, nursing and somatic solidarity in Honduras pp. 143-152

- Adrienne Pine
- “Is it worth risking your life?”: Ethnography, risk and death on the U.S.–Mexico border pp. 153-161

- Seth M. Holmes
- The pill hustle: Risky pain management for a gunshot victim pp. 162-168

- Jooyoung Lee
- Health discourse and within-group stigma in professional BDSM pp. 169-175

- Danielle J. Lindemann
- The good-enough science-and-politics of anthropological collaboration with evidence-based clinical research: Four ethnographic case studies pp. 176-186

- Luke Messac, Dan Ciccarone, Jeffrey Draine and Philippe Bourgois
- Entangled ethnography: Imagining a future for young adults with learning disabilities pp. 187-193

- Faye Ginsburg and Rayna Rapp
- Weighing the evidence: Risks and benefits of participatory documentary in corporatized clinics pp. 194-200

- Helena Hansen
- The murky middle ground – When ethnographers engage public health pp. 201-204

- Kim Hopper
2013, volume 98, articles C
- Concurrent trajectories of BMI and mental health patterns in emerging adulthood pp. 1-7

- Elizabeth A. Mumford, Weiwei Liu, Elizabeth C. Hair and Tzy-Chyi Yu
- Immigrant health, place effect and regional disparities in Canada pp. 8-17

- Lu Wang and Wei Hu
- Finding the right interactional temperature: Do colder patients need more warmth in physician communication style? pp. 18-23

- Gaëtan Cousin, Marianne Schmid Mast and Nicole Jaunin-Stalder
- Cross-national differences in the gender gap in subjective health in Europe: Does country-level gender equality matter? pp. 24-28

- Johanna Dahlin and Juho Härkönen
- Elective surgical patients' narratives of hospitalization: The co-construction of safety pp. 29-36

- Carole Doherty and Mark N.K. Saunders
- Metropolitan residential segregation and very preterm birth among African American and Mexican-origin women pp. 37-45

- Marcus L. Britton and Heeju Shin
- Does corruption undermine trust in health care? Results from public opinion polls in Croatia pp. 46-53

- Dagmar Radin
- Effects of education on cognition at older ages: Evidence from China's Great Famine pp. 54-62

- Wei Huang and Yi Zhou
- Spousal influence on mammography screening: A life course perspective pp. 63-70

- Sarah Missinne, Elien Colman and Piet Bracke
- Village characteristics and health of rural Chinese older adults: Examining the CHARLS Pilot Study of a rich and poor province pp. 71-78

- Dale E. Yeatts, Xiaomei Pei, Cynthia M. Cready, Yuying Shen, Hao Luo and Junxin Tan
- An exploratory study of knowledge brokering in hospital settings: Facilitating knowledge sharing and learning for patient safety? pp. 79-86

- Justin Waring, Graeme Currie, Amanda Crompton and Simon Bishop
- Service provision for autism in mainland China: Preliminary mapping of service pathways pp. 87-94

- Xiang Sun, Carrie Allison, Bonnie Auyeung, Fiona E. Matthews, Simon Baron-Cohen and Carol Brayne
- Technology identity: The role of sociotechnical representations in the adoption of medical devices pp. 95-105

- S. Ulucanlar, A. Faulkner, S. Peirce and G. Elwyn
- A mixed-method study of expert psychological evidence submitted for a cohort of asylum seekers undergoing refugee status determination in Australia pp. 106-115

- Kuowei Tay, Naomi Frommer, Jill Hunter, Derrick Silove, Linda Pearson, Mehera San Roque, Ronnit Redman, Richard A. Bryant, Vijaya Manicavasagar and Zachary Steel
- Does loneliness mediate the relation between social support and cognitive functioning in later life? pp. 116-124

- Lea Ellwardt, Marja Aartsen, Dorly Deeg and Nardi Steverink
- Social norms and attitudes linked to waterpipe use in the Eastern Mediterranean Region pp. 125-134

- Rima Afifi, Joanna Khalil, Fouad Fouad, Fadi Hammal, Yara Jarallah, Hala Abu Farhat, Maha Ayad and Rima Nakkash
- Caregiving appraisal in schizophrenia: A study from India pp. 135-140

- Natasha Kate, Sandeep Grover, Parmanand Kulhara and Ritu Nehra
- Moral mediation in interpreted health care consultations pp. 141-148

- Clive Seale, Carol Rivas, Hela Al-Sarraj, Sarah Webb and Moira Kelly
- An assessment of economic measures used in menorrhagia: A systematic review pp. 149-153

- Sabina Sanghera, Emma Frew, Joe Kai, Janesh Gupta and Tracy Elizabeth Roberts
- Inequalities in Croatian pupils' risk behaviors associated to socioeconomic environment at school and area level: A multilevel approach pp. 154-161

- Ivana Pavic Simetin, Josipa Kern, Marina Kuzman and Timo-Kolja Pförtner
- Using programme budgeting and marginal analysis (PBMA) to set priorities: Reflections from a qualitative assessment in an English Primary Care Trust pp. 162-168

- Elizabeth Goodwin and Emma Frew
- Brain drain: Do economic conditions “push” doctors out of developing countries? pp. 169-178

- Edward N. Okeke
- Social group memberships protect against future depression, alleviate depression symptoms and prevent depression relapse pp. 179-186

- Tegan Cruwys, Genevieve A. Dingle, Catherine Haslam, S. Alexander Haslam, Jolanda Jetten and Thomas A. Morton
- Operationalising the capability approach for outcome measurement in mental health research pp. 187-196

- Judit Simon, Paul Anand, Alastair Gray, Jorun Rugkåsa, Ksenija Yeeles and Tom Burns
- The impacts of marriage, cohabitation and dating relationships on weekly self-reported physical activity in Germany: A 19-year longitudinal study pp. 197-203

- Ingmar Rapp and Björn Schneider
- Potential effectiveness of anti-smoking advertisement types in ten low and middle income countries: Do demographics, smoking characteristics and cultural differences matter? pp. 204-213

- Sarah Durkin, Megan Bayly, Trish Cotter, Sandra Mullin and Melanie Wakefield
- The effects of information, social and financial incentives on voluntary undirected blood donations: Evidence from a field experiment in Argentina pp. 214-223

- Victor Iajya, Nicola Lacetera, Mario Macis and Robert Slonim
- Ethics is for human subjects too: Participant perspectives on responsibility in health research pp. 224-231

- Susan M. Cox and Michael McDonald
- “Differently normal” and “normally different”: Negotiations of female embodiment in women's accounts of ‘atypical’ sex development pp. 232-238

- Lisa Guntram
- The relationship between three stages of job change and long-term sickness absence pp. 239-246

- Vilde Hoff Bernstrøm
- Do bonding and bridging social capital affect self-rated health, depressive mood and cognitive decline in older Japanese? A prospective cohort study pp. 247-252

- Hiroshi Murayama, Mariko Nishi, Eri Matsuo, Yu Nofuji, Yumiko Shimizu, Yu Taniguchi, Yoshinori Fujiwara and Shoji Shinkai
- Tobacco Road Finland – How did an accepted pleasure turn into an avoidable risk behaviour? pp. 253-259

- Pekka Hakkarainen
- From bioethics to a sociology of bio-knowledge pp. 264-270

- Alan Petersen
- Bioethics and religious bodies: Refusal of blood transfusions in Germany pp. 271-277

- Małgorzata Rajtar
- Ethics and images of suffering bodies in humanitarian medicine pp. 278-285

- Philippe Calain
- Bioethical ambition, political opportunity and the European governance of patenting: The case of human embryonic stem cell science pp. 286-292

- Brian Salter and Charlotte Salter
- From global bioethics to ethical governance of biomedical research collaborations pp. 293-300

- Ayo Wahlberg, Christoph Rehmann-Sutter, Margaret Sleeboom-Faulkner, Guangxiu Lu, Ole Döring, Yali Cong, Alicja Laska-Formejster, Jing He, Haidan Chen, Herbert Gottweis and Nikolas Rose
- Resisting the seduction of “ethics creep”: Using Foucault to surface complexity and contradiction in research ethics review pp. 301-310

- Adrian Guta, Stephanie A. Nixon and Michael G. Wilson
- Ethical review: Standardizing procedures and local shaping of ethical review practices pp. 311-318

- Patricia Jaspers, Rob Houtepen and Klasien Horstman
- How organizational context affects bioethical decision-making: Pharmacists' management of gatekeeping processes in retail and hospital settings pp. 319-329

- Elizabeth Chiarello
- Bioethics in practice: Addressing ethically sensitive requests in a Dutch fertility clinic pp. 330-339

- Trudie Gerrits, Ria Reis, Braat, Didi, D.M., Kremer, Jan, A.M. and Hardon, Anita, P.
- Bioethics and power: Informed consent procedures in post-socialist Latvia pp. 340-344

- Aivita Putniņa
- Human embryonic stem cell science and policy: The case of Iran pp. 345-350

- Mansooreh Saniei
- ‘Give us the full story’: Overcoming the challenges to achieving informed choice about fetal anomaly screening in Australian Aboriginal communities pp. 351-360

- Kayli Wild, Elaine Lawurrpa Maypilama, Sue Kildea, Jacqueline Boyle, Lesley Barclay and Alice Rumbold
- Experiencing everyday ethics in context: Frontline data collectors perspectives and practices of bioethics pp. 361-370

- Patricia Kingori
- ‘Wicked’ ethics: Compliance work and the practice of ethics in HIV research pp. 371-378

- Carol A. Heimer
On this page- 2014, volume 100
Articles C
- 2013, volume 99
Articles C
- 2013, volume 98
Articles C
Other years2025, volume 371
2025, volume 370
2025, volume 369
2025, volume 368
2025, volume 367
2025, volume 366
2025, volume 365
2024, volume 363
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2024, volume 361
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2014, volume 123
2014, volume 122
2014, volume 121
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2014, volume 119
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2014, volume 116
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2014, volume 111
2014, volume 110
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2014, volume 107
2014, volume 106
2014, volume 105
2014, volume 104
2014, volume 103
2014, volume 102
2014, volume 101
2013, volume 97
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2013, volume 91
2013, volume 90
2013, volume 89
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2012, volume 75
2012, volume 74
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2011, volume 72
2010, volume 71
2010, volume 70
2009, volume 69
2009, volume 68
2008, volume 67
2008, volume 66
2007, volume 65
2007, volume 64
2006, volume 63
2006, volume 62
2005, volume 61
2005, volume 60
2004, volume 59
2004, volume 58
2003, volume 57
2003, volume 56
2002, volume 55
2002, volume 54
2001, volume 53
2001, volume 52
2000, volume 51
2000, volume 50
1999, volume 49
1999, volume 48
1998, volume 47
1998, volume 46
1997, volume 45
1997, volume 44
1996, volume 43
1996, volume 42
1995, volume 41
1995, volume 40
1994, volume 39
1994, volume 38
1993, volume 37
1993, volume 36
1992, volume 35
1992, volume 34
1991, volume 33
1991, volume 32
1990, volume 31
1990, volume 30
1989, volume 29
1989, volume 28
1988, volume 27
1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46
On this page- 2014, volume 100
Articles C
- 2013, volume 99
Articles C
- 2013, volume 98
Articles C
Other years2025, volume 371
2025, volume 370
2025, volume 369
2025, volume 368
2025, volume 367
2025, volume 366
2025, volume 365
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2024, volume 362
2024, volume 361
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2014, volume 103
2014, volume 102
2014, volume 101
2013, volume 97
2013, volume 96
2013, volume 95
2013, volume 94
2013, volume 93
2013, volume 92
2013, volume 91
2013, volume 90
2013, volume 89
2013, volume 88
2013, volume 87
2013, volume 86
2013, volume 85
2013, volume 84
2013, volume 83
2013, volume 82
2013, volume 81
2013, volume 80
2013, volume 79
2013, volume 78
2013, volume 77
2013, volume 76
2012, volume 75
2012, volume 74
2011, volume 73
2011, volume 72
2010, volume 71
2010, volume 70
2009, volume 69
2009, volume 68
2008, volume 67
2008, volume 66
2007, volume 65
2007, volume 64
2006, volume 63
2006, volume 62
2005, volume 61
2005, volume 60
2004, volume 59
2004, volume 58
2003, volume 57
2003, volume 56
2002, volume 55
2002, volume 54
2001, volume 53
2001, volume 52
2000, volume 51
2000, volume 50
1999, volume 49
1999, volume 48
1998, volume 47
1998, volume 46
1997, volume 45
1997, volume 44
1996, volume 43
1996, volume 42
1995, volume 41
1995, volume 40
1994, volume 39
1994, volume 38
1993, volume 37
1993, volume 36
1992, volume 35
1992, volume 34
1991, volume 33
1991, volume 32
1990, volume 31
1990, volume 30
1989, volume 29
1989, volume 28
1988, volume 27
1988, volume 26
1987, volume 25
1987, volume 24
1986, volume 23
1986, volume 22
1985, volume 21
1985, volume 20
1984, volume 19
1984, volume 18
1983, volume 17
1982, volume 16
1981, volume 15
1979, volume 12
volume 46